Release Notes: December 11th, 2014
By LaughingTrendy Wed 10 Dec 2014 03:46:05 PM PST
Increased the damage of all Mark 13 and 14 space weapons.
Resolved an issue where earning the specialization ability "Improved Predictive Algorithms" would not overwrite "Predictive Algorithms" if it was slotted.
This issue would cause Predictive Algorithms to be stuck in a slotted state.
"Improved Predictive Algorithms" is meant to replace "Predictive Algorithms". Resolved an issue with the loadout system which would occasionally un-slot Power Icons, Bridge Officer and/or Assigned Duty Officers when transitioning to a new map.
As soon as i logged on after the the delayed patch, i switch map and loadout bugged instantly
Release Notes: December 11th, 2014
By LaughingTrendy Wed 10 Dec 2014 03:46:05 PM PST
Increased the damage of all Mark 13 and 14 space weapons.
Resolved an issue where earning the specialization ability "Improved Predictive Algorithms" would not overwrite "Predictive Algorithms" if it was slotted.
This issue would cause Predictive Algorithms to be stuck in a slotted state.
"Improved Predictive Algorithms" is meant to replace "Predictive Algorithms". Resolved an issue with the loadout system which would occasionally un-slot Power Icons, Bridge Officer and/or Assigned Duty Officers when transitioning to a new map.
As soon as i logged on after the the delayed patch, i switch map and loadout bugged instantly
Did you start on a Ground map and move to a Space map to find that your previously setup trays, boff, doffs, etc, were not working from how you had them previously setup?
The reason I ask is that the fix we made was to change how your current loadout data is saved. Basically whenever you move from a Space map to a new map, the state of your current loadout, at that time, should be saved, and things should be correct after that.
Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
No i was on a space map, going to another sector before started the elachi alert.
after i switched to the new sector, i see the game clearing my BOFFs, adding them all back and adding all the boff skills to the tray. (ive added every one that i didnt wanted on tray 4+ to have them out of sight)
No i was on a space map, going to another sector before started the elachi alert.
after i switched to the new sector, i see the game clearing my BOFFs, adding them all back and adding all the boff skills to the tray. (ive added every one that i didnt wanted on tray 4+ to have them out of sight)
Is it just Bridge Officers? Are Duty Officers, Items, or Tray Abilities (other than your Boff abilities of course) changing?
I'm just trying to isolate the issue here. This could be a Bridge Officer specific problem unrelated to Loadouts if my guess is correct.
Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
Most of the times it's the boff abilities being added to empty tray spaces.
Sometimes the game removes all boffs and places them back at the ship stations with also putting biff skills at tray (could be same thing as first problem but better visible due to server being slow. But not sure about it)
I also got regularly that the skill level of the boffs has gone back from 9 to 1 again.
If that happens than I set all the affected skill levels to 9 on the boff and click accept.
Than after waiting a few seconds I click another boff , and click the former boff again to see if the game server had accepted the changes, if It didn't than I rinse and repeat until it stays at 9.
This happens to me at least twice a week.
Also sometimes the game clears out my traits and I need to set them again.
Is there anyone who has this too? Specifically the boff skill level reset?
Just a suggestion: I had the same issue, so I reset everything and then re-saved my loadout. See if that solves it. It did for me.
Yes I did that several times, clear all 10 trays/boffs/traits and than put everything back before saving it all again, it just doesn't seem to stay put
Most of the times it's the boff abilities being added to empty tray spaces.
Sometimes the game removes all boffs and places them back at the ship stations with also putting biff skills at tray (could be same thing as first problem but better visible due to server being slow. But not sure about it)
I also got regularly that the skill level of the boffs has gone back from 9 to 1 again.
If that happens than I set all the affected skill levels to 9 on the boff and click accept.
Than after waiting a few seconds I click another boff , and click the former boff again to see if the game server had accepted the changes, if It didn't than I rinse and repeat until it stays at 9.
This happens to me at least twice a week.
Also sometimes the game clears out my traits and I need to set them again.
Is there anyone who has this too? Specifically the boff skill level reset?
Ok, that is definitely not Loadout related. Losing ranks in Bridge Officer abilities is pretty alarming to me, something would have to be very wrong for that to happen. Go ahead and PM me the name of your character name@handle, and I'll take a closer look.
Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
I sent you a Private Message. At the top of the thread, look for some text that says "Welcome, dakaan750". The second line under that should say "Private Messages: ...". Just click on that, click on the message I sent you, and reply to it.
Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
I'm still investigating, but so far I can't seem to reproduce the bridge officers becoming unset issue.
That said, as for Bridge Officer abilities being leveled to rank 9 and then being unset, that's actually a UI issue, if you're seeing the same thing I was seeing. It's possible to try and make changes to your abilities faster than the server is ready, and the Skills Window does not behave appropriately when that happens.
The easiest way to notice that this is happening is when you make changes and click the Accept button, the Left Arrow for the ability you're trying to increase the rank of does not turn grey, but instead stays lit up. Simply select a different Bridge Officer, and then go back to the one you want to level, and make the change again and it will stick.
Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
I'm still investigating, but so far I can't seem to reproduce the bridge officers becoming unset issue.
My character; Temo@ctcc42 is about 90% reliable at reproducing the bridge officer seating bug. A copy of the character should work just the same as I have copied him to Tribble to try and find workarounds for it many times and the issue always goes with him.
(just create a load out, save it, recall it to find it works fine, then zone. Doesn't seam to matter if you go to a space ground or sector zone, once you change instances the recall of bridge officers fails on 9 out of 10 attempts)
Now in other news something is defiantly still wrong with loadouts and the ground space transition. Hear are some screenshots:
Note the position of equipped items. They changed going from space to ground and from ground to space. I did not make any manual changes between taking the shots. Its all the games work.
I have also had my power tray clear itself entirely since todays patch. That happened after saving a loadout in sector space, then transitioning to system space. Afraid I don't have screenshots of that.
I'm still investigating, but so far I can't seem to reproduce the bridge officers becoming unset issue.
That said, as for Bridge Officer abilities being leveled to rank 9 and then being unset, that's actually a UI issue, if you're seeing the same thing I was seeing. It's possible to try and make changes to your abilities faster than the server is ready, and the Skills Window does not behave appropriately when that happens.
The easiest way to notice that this is happening is when you make changes and click the Accept button, the Left Arrow for the ability you're trying to increase the rank of does not turn grey, but instead stays lit up. Simply select a different Bridge Officer, and then go back to the one you want to level, and make the change again and it will stick.
This is all true for leveling your boffs up: I usually switch a couple of times between selected boff, to see if the change took. Boffs should not lose levels after a weeks, of course, which I believe is what was reported. The latter, indeed, would be real bad.
This isn't good. This isn't something that happens every once in a while like the bridge officer seating being lost when you beam up, (which has happened a few times a month ever since the patch that allowed us to keep an active shuttle and an active starship at the same time and which I presume is linked to why loadouts fail to recall bridge officer seating correctly).
This is something that is now happening every time. Please for the love of small fury creatures from alpha centari fix it O.O
Sounds like there's more problems that need to be addressed then. I'll work on it as much as I have to get it working correctly.
From what I am hearing, there are two separate issues:
1. Bridge Officer seating is not stable and has not been stable since we made Shuttles active simultaneously with regular Starships.
2. Items are moving weirdly and incorrectly when changing maps.
I will say that the Bridge Officer seating not being stable is most likely not loadout related, although the two systems do interact. I will work on trying to address both.
Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
What has almost always worked for me through the last few "load-out bugs" was saving the load out in SECTOR space.
I recently switched weapon damage type on my main character, all the weapons, damage consoles, and I had to add some things to my power tray. Once everything was equipped, i went to a ground map, came back and it was all messed up.. Honestly all I did to fix this was warp out to sector space, set everything how I like it, then save it. I haven't had a problem since.
Did you start on a Ground map and move to a Space map to find that your previously setup trays, boff, doffs, etc, were not working from how you had them previously setup?
The reason I ask is that the fix we made was to change how your current loadout data is saved. Basically whenever you move from a Space map to a new map, the state of your current loadout, at that time, should be saved, and things should be correct after that.
Unfortunately, it didn't work. Or, rather, more accurately, it worked for a few days, then broke again. First 2 days was good, 3rd day I started losing my tactical boff abilities, and after that everything dropped again.
Only place I notice this bug is when I'm switching instances/maps with my main science character in an upgraded T5-U b'rel where it removes all the skills off skill tray except for batteries and capt only skills and when I look at the boff stations the Cmdr, LC, and 1st Lt the boffs are at station but the last station there is no boff and then all space doffs are removed from the active space roster but ground is untouched.
Hopefully soon we see a fix to this as well as reducing the failure rate of adv and elite stfs lol. Which for most part it seems the space are too hard for the novice or casual players but ground is pretty balanced(a good player can pretty much help a team overcome any inexperience in ground). Just thought I'd add this because of the fact some people don't know about this bug and running around not using any powers and no doffs to back up their powers too.
I'm still investigating, but so far I can't seem to reproduce the bridge officers becoming unset issue.
That said, as for Bridge Officer abilities being leveled to rank 9 and then being unset, that's actually a UI issue, if you're seeing the same thing I was seeing. It's possible to try and make changes to your abilities faster than the server is ready, and the Skills Window does not behave appropriately when that happens.
The easiest way to notice that this is happening is when you make changes and click the Accept button, the Left Arrow for the ability you're trying to increase the rank of does not turn grey, but instead stays lit up. Simply select a different Bridge Officer, and then go back to the one you want to level, and make the change again and it will stick.
Yes that's how's it's behaving and what I've been doing, but it randomly resets the skills back to 1. At that point I have to repeat the whole thing until it's get reset again
Sounds like there's more problems that need to be addressed then. I'll work on it as much as I have to get it working correctly.
From what I am hearing, there are two separate issues:
1. Bridge Officer seating is not stable and has not been stable since we made Shuttles active simultaneously with regular Starships.
2. Items are moving weirdly and incorrectly when changing maps.
I will say that the Bridge Officer seating not being stable is most likely not loadout related, although the two systems do interact. I will work on trying to address both.
It pleases me greatly to hear you say this. I know Cryptic has said these things before, but somehow I feel Cryptic is really taking these matters serious this time.
I will say that the Bridge Officer seating not being stable is most likely not loadout related, although the two systems do interact. I will work on trying to address both.
I am pretty sure it is related to this bug. That bug is caused by some sort of data damage in several (most? all?) old accounts, so it cannot be reproduced in an account that is not affected by it. You might want to ask Crypticfrost as he managed to repro it with an in-house account. I can tell you by personal experience that it will cause unslotting of boffs on map changes or falied loadouts if the boffs are in a bugged status.
Also a new, but similar bug was introduced by the patch previous to the expansion. The notes said something about a fix to boffs but all it did, in my case, was to permabug several of my boffs so they don't load properly after a map change unless you click on them in the character window.
Sounds like there's more problems that need to be addressed then. I'll work on it as much as I have to get it working correctly.
From what I am hearing, there are two separate issues:
1. Bridge Officer seating is not stable and has not been stable since we made Shuttles active simultaneously with regular Starships.
2. Items are moving weirdly and incorrectly when changing maps.
I will say that the Bridge Officer seating not being stable is most likely not loadout related, although the two systems do interact. I will work on trying to address both.
While you're working on boffs, you wanna fix the boff training not confirming the first time you do it bug? (whenever you train any boff, the first time you drag a selection to max it doesn't 'save' and the game hiccups and unselects the selection. To repeat: Train a boff in a skill. Go to that boff's skill page and raise the skill to max. Whenever you try to confirm or even just after a few seconds, the game will hiccup and unselect the selection. It'll only do it once per skill though).
Sounds like there's more problems that need to be addressed then. I'll work on it as much as I have to get it working correctly.
This is quite the promise and one that makes a lot of us very happy to hear. But please be carful.
If you see any one walking towards you with a clip board or any one who looks even the slightest bit managerial heading in your direction go and hide in the toilets or somewhere until they are gone.
We cant risk them reallocating you to other tasks
PS. If you have any theories or if you can share any high level basics about how our character data is handled there are those of us who would be happy to devote a few hours to testing and note taking with our characters if it may lead to fixes.
This is quite the promise and one that makes a lot of us very happy to hear. But please be carful.
If you see any one walking towards you with a clip board or any one who looks even the slightest bit managerial heading in your direction go and hide in the toilets or somewhere until they are gone.
We cant risk them reallocating you to other tasks
PS. If you have any theories or if you can share any high level basics about how our character data is handled there are those of us who would be happy to devote a few hours to testing and note taking with our characters if it may lead to fixes.
At this point, telling you how this data is handled actually wouldn't be helpful due to the steps I'm currently taking to resolve some of these issues. However I am more than happy to satisfy some curiosity.
The Loadouts System can be thought of having two different "types" of Loadouts. The first Loadout type is the one you see in your Loadouts list, where you can select a Loadout to load or manually save gear, trays, and bridge officers to a Loadout. Those Loadouts are pretty much stable and work as we expect them to for the most part.
The second kind of Loadout is a sort of "last known state of the ship". The intention of this Loadout is to store all the information about your ship since the last time you flew it (Or made adjustments to it). The idea is that if you're flying a ship, and you configure it a certain way, we want you to be able to go to a ground map, change ships, fly that ship around for a while, and then at some future date come back to your original ship and have it be exactly as you left it.
Unfortunately this "last known state" loadout is the one that is causing a lot of the problems, and it's by far the trickier of the two loadouts to make work, simply because it has to tie into map moving, ship swapping, and moving between ground and space.
As I said, I'm making some pretty drastic changes right now to hopefully make the "last known state" much more stable. As a note, though, bridge officers are not included in this "last known state" loadout, which is why the Bridge Officer bug is almost certainly a separate issue.
Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
This is what worked for me. It didn't stop the bug entirely, but it made it easier to manage.
1) set up EVERYTHING the way you want it (equipment, bridge officers, devices, etc)
2) go to the loadouts tab and click on "save to..."
3) select "new loadout slot" and give it any name (let's say you name it "A")
4) go to your stations tab and change one bridge officer
5) go back to loadout tab and click on "save to..." again.
6) this time select "new loadout slot" and give it a different name (let's call it "B" for this example)
7) from here you can either change the bridge officer back to what you wanted manually or you can click on "A" and it will go back for you
8) make sure the "lock tray" box is selected. May even help to un-check it and re-check it again.
So at this point the tray will stick mostly. But sometimes it does go whacky. But after doing these steps, all you need to do is go back and click on A one more time. Changes right back.
REMEMBER, if you make ANY changes to the ship (like swapping out a weapon), you MUST immediately save your changes to A. I even do it when I re-supply my dwindling devices just to be sure.
It's a hassle to do this with every ship...but it's WAY better than the alternative frustration if you don' least until they finally fix this damn bug (not holding my breath at this point).
"As with all living things, each according to his gifts."
At this point, telling you how this data is handled actually wouldn't be helpful due to the steps I'm currently taking to resolve some of these issues. However I am more than happy to satisfy some curiosity.
The Loadouts System can be thought of having two different "types" of Loadouts. The first Loadout type is the one you see in your Loadouts list, where you can select a Loadout to load or manually save gear, trays, and bridge officers to a Loadout. Those Loadouts are pretty much stable and work as we expect them to for the most part.
The second kind of Loadout is a sort of "last known state of the ship". The intention of this Loadout is to store all the information about your ship since the last time you flew it (Or made adjustments to it). The idea is that if you're flying a ship, and you configure it a certain way, we want you to be able to go to a ground map, change ships, fly that ship around for a while, and then at some future date come back to your original ship and have it be exactly as you left it.
Unfortunately this "last known state" loadout is the one that is causing a lot of the problems, and it's by far the trickier of the two loadouts to make work, simply because it has to tie into map moving, ship swapping, and moving between ground and space.
As I said, I'm making some pretty drastic changes right now to hopefully make the "last known state" much more stable. As a note, though, bridge officers are not included in this "last known state" loadout, which is why the Bridge Officer bug is almost certainly a separate issue.
The second original loadout state is simply interfering with with the newer loadout ability to manually save and causing the jumble in the save states on the server.
Adding the ability to delete all loadout information on the players end would fix the problem but you would not be able to monetize the broken from launch system as you are now.
Lovely example of basic game play functions that should not have been changed in the name of feeding the green eyed monster.
As a note, though, bridge officers are not included in this "last known state" loadout, which is why the Bridge Officer bug is almost certainly a separate issue.
Just to reinforce this, the issue with bridge officers unseating themselves has been around since before loadouts were even introduced. My boffs can unseat themselves without affecting my tray, or my tray can revert to an earlier state without unseating my boffs (though it hasn't since the fix yesterday). Separate issues.
I can't say with 100% certainty, but boffs unseating may have been around for as long as I've been playing the game (a little over a year now). I definitely encountered it before we had loadouts, in fact it seemed to be a lot more frequent back then.
Unfortunately this "last known state" loadout is the one that is causing a lot of the problems, and it's by far the trickier of the two loadouts to make work, simply because it has to tie into map moving, ship swapping, and moving between ground and space.
Yeah look at what happens when you buy a new ship and all your other ships lose their last-known setup. That whole thing is a wreck and probably the source of most of your problems.
Did you start on a Ground map and move to a Space map to find that your previously setup trays, boff, doffs, etc, were not working from how you had them previously setup?
The reason I ask is that the fix we made was to change how your current loadout data is saved. Basically whenever you move from a Space map to a new map, the state of your current loadout, at that time, should be saved, and things should be correct after that.
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
after i switched to the new sector, i see the game clearing my BOFFs, adding them all back and adding all the boff skills to the tray. (ive added every one that i didnt wanted on tray 4+ to have them out of sight)
Is it just Bridge Officers? Are Duty Officers, Items, or Tray Abilities (other than your Boff abilities of course) changing?
I'm just trying to isolate the issue here. This could be a Bridge Officer specific problem unrelated to Loadouts if my guess is correct.
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
Sometimes the game removes all boffs and places them back at the ship stations with also putting biff skills at tray (could be same thing as first problem but better visible due to server being slow. But not sure about it)
I also got regularly that the skill level of the boffs has gone back from 9 to 1 again.
If that happens than I set all the affected skill levels to 9 on the boff and click accept.
Than after waiting a few seconds I click another boff , and click the former boff again to see if the game server had accepted the changes, if It didn't than I rinse and repeat until it stays at 9.
This happens to me at least twice a week.
Also sometimes the game clears out my traits and I need to set them again.
Is there anyone who has this too? Specifically the boff skill level reset?
Yes I did that several times, clear all 10 trays/boffs/traits and than put everything back before saving it all again, it just doesn't seem to stay put
Ok, that is definitely not Loadout related. Losing ranks in Bridge Officer abilities is pretty alarming to me, something would have to be very wrong for that to happen. Go ahead and PM me the name of your character name@handle, and I'll take a closer look.
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
I sent you a Private Message. At the top of the thread, look for some text that says "Welcome, dakaan750". The second line under that should say "Private Messages: ...". Just click on that, click on the message I sent you, and reply to it.
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
That said, as for Bridge Officer abilities being leveled to rank 9 and then being unset, that's actually a UI issue, if you're seeing the same thing I was seeing. It's possible to try and make changes to your abilities faster than the server is ready, and the Skills Window does not behave appropriately when that happens.
The easiest way to notice that this is happening is when you make changes and click the Accept button, the Left Arrow for the ability you're trying to increase the rank of does not turn grey, but instead stays lit up. Simply select a different Bridge Officer, and then go back to the one you want to level, and make the change again and it will stick.
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
My character; Temo@ctcc42 is about 90% reliable at reproducing the bridge officer seating bug. A copy of the character should work just the same as I have copied him to Tribble to try and find workarounds for it many times and the issue always goes with him.
(just create a load out, save it, recall it to find it works fine, then zone. Doesn't seam to matter if you go to a space ground or sector zone, once you change instances the recall of bridge officers fails on 9 out of 10 attempts)
Now in other news something is defiantly still wrong with loadouts and the ground space transition. Hear are some screenshots:
Before Beaming down to ESD
After Beaming down to ESD
After Beaming back up from ESD.
Note the position of equipped items. They changed going from space to ground and from ground to space. I did not make any manual changes between taking the shots. Its all the games work.
I have also had my power tray clear itself entirely since todays patch. That happened after saving a loadout in sector space, then transitioning to system space. Afraid I don't have screenshots of that.
This is all true for leveling your boffs up: I usually switch a couple of times between selected boff, to see if the change took. Boffs should not lose levels after a weeks, of course, which I believe is what was reported. The latter, indeed, would be real bad.
Broke again.
This isn't good. This isn't something that happens every once in a while like the bridge officer seating being lost when you beam up, (which has happened a few times a month ever since the patch that allowed us to keep an active shuttle and an active starship at the same time and which I presume is linked to why loadouts fail to recall bridge officer seating correctly).
This is something that is now happening every time. Please for the love of small fury creatures from alpha centari fix it O.O
The issues that happen to me most, in order of frequency:
1) Batteries unslotting/reslotting at random open positions;
2) Space doffs being emptied;
3) Tact stations not switching on loadout change (or just be empty).
From what I am hearing, there are two separate issues:
1. Bridge Officer seating is not stable and has not been stable since we made Shuttles active simultaneously with regular Starships.
2. Items are moving weirdly and incorrectly when changing maps.
I will say that the Bridge Officer seating not being stable is most likely not loadout related, although the two systems do interact. I will work on trying to address both.
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
I recently switched weapon damage type on my main character, all the weapons, damage consoles, and I had to add some things to my power tray. Once everything was equipped, i went to a ground map, came back and it was all messed up.. Honestly all I did to fix this was warp out to sector space, set everything how I like it, then save it. I haven't had a problem since.
Unfortunately, it didn't work. Or, rather, more accurately, it worked for a few days, then broke again. First 2 days was good, 3rd day I started losing my tactical boff abilities, and after that everything dropped again.
Hopefully soon we see a fix to this as well as reducing the failure rate of adv and elite stfs lol. Which for most part it seems the space are too hard for the novice or casual players but ground is pretty balanced(a good player can pretty much help a team overcome any inexperience in ground). Just thought I'd add this because of the fact some people don't know about this bug and running around not using any powers and no doffs to back up their powers too.
Yes that's how's it's behaving and what I've been doing, but it randomly resets the skills back to 1. At that point I have to repeat the whole thing until it's get reset again
It pleases me greatly to hear you say this. I know Cryptic has said these things before, but somehow I feel Cryptic is really taking these matters serious this time.
I am pretty sure it is related to this bug. That bug is caused by some sort of data damage in several (most? all?) old accounts, so it cannot be reproduced in an account that is not affected by it. You might want to ask Crypticfrost as he managed to repro it with an in-house account. I can tell you by personal experience that it will cause unslotting of boffs on map changes or falied loadouts if the boffs are in a bugged status.
Also a new, but similar bug was introduced by the patch previous to the expansion. The notes said something about a fix to boffs but all it did, in my case, was to permabug several of my boffs so they don't load properly after a map change unless you click on them in the character window.
While you're working on boffs, you wanna fix the boff training not confirming the first time you do it bug? (whenever you train any boff, the first time you drag a selection to max it doesn't 'save' and the game hiccups and unselects the selection. To repeat: Train a boff in a skill. Go to that boff's skill page and raise the skill to max. Whenever you try to confirm or even just after a few seconds, the game will hiccup and unselect the selection. It'll only do it once per skill though).
This is quite the promise and one that makes a lot of us very happy to hear. But please be carful.
If you see any one walking towards you with a clip board or any one who looks even the slightest bit managerial heading in your direction go and hide in the toilets or somewhere until they are gone.
We cant risk them reallocating you to other tasks
PS. If you have any theories or if you can share any high level basics about how our character data is handled there are those of us who would be happy to devote a few hours to testing and note taking with our characters if it may lead to fixes.
At this point, telling you how this data is handled actually wouldn't be helpful due to the steps I'm currently taking to resolve some of these issues. However I am more than happy to satisfy some curiosity.
The Loadouts System can be thought of having two different "types" of Loadouts. The first Loadout type is the one you see in your Loadouts list, where you can select a Loadout to load or manually save gear, trays, and bridge officers to a Loadout. Those Loadouts are pretty much stable and work as we expect them to for the most part.
The second kind of Loadout is a sort of "last known state of the ship". The intention of this Loadout is to store all the information about your ship since the last time you flew it (Or made adjustments to it). The idea is that if you're flying a ship, and you configure it a certain way, we want you to be able to go to a ground map, change ships, fly that ship around for a while, and then at some future date come back to your original ship and have it be exactly as you left it.
Unfortunately this "last known state" loadout is the one that is causing a lot of the problems, and it's by far the trickier of the two loadouts to make work, simply because it has to tie into map moving, ship swapping, and moving between ground and space.
As I said, I'm making some pretty drastic changes right now to hopefully make the "last known state" much more stable. As a note, though, bridge officers are not included in this "last known state" loadout, which is why the Bridge Officer bug is almost certainly a separate issue.
Star Trek Online Lead Programmer
1) set up EVERYTHING the way you want it (equipment, bridge officers, devices, etc)
2) go to the loadouts tab and click on "save to..."
3) select "new loadout slot" and give it any name (let's say you name it "A")
4) go to your stations tab and change one bridge officer
5) go back to loadout tab and click on "save to..." again.
6) this time select "new loadout slot" and give it a different name (let's call it "B" for this example)
7) from here you can either change the bridge officer back to what you wanted manually or you can click on "A" and it will go back for you
8) make sure the "lock tray" box is selected. May even help to un-check it and re-check it again.
So at this point the tray will stick mostly. But sometimes it does go whacky. But after doing these steps, all you need to do is go back and click on A one more time. Changes right back.
REMEMBER, if you make ANY changes to the ship (like swapping out a weapon), you MUST immediately save your changes to A. I even do it when I re-supply my dwindling devices just to be sure.
It's a hassle to do this with every ship...but it's WAY better than the alternative frustration if you don' least until they finally fix this damn bug (not holding my breath at this point).
"As with all living things, each according to his gifts."
The second original loadout state is simply interfering with with the newer loadout ability to manually save and causing the jumble in the save states on the server.
Adding the ability to delete all loadout information on the players end would fix the problem but you would not be able to monetize the broken from launch system as you are now.
Lovely example of basic game play functions that should not have been changed in the name of feeding the green eyed monster.
Just to reinforce this, the issue with bridge officers unseating themselves has been around since before loadouts were even introduced. My boffs can unseat themselves without affecting my tray, or my tray can revert to an earlier state without unseating my boffs (though it hasn't since the fix yesterday). Separate issues.
I can't say with 100% certainty, but boffs unseating may have been around for as long as I've been playing the game (a little over a year now). I definitely encountered it before we had loadouts, in fact it seemed to be a lot more frequent back then.