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According to Taco, It's now the time to talk about the next Summer Event



  • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    cbob312 wrote: »
    How about instead of new ships we get ship variants, everyone's T6 ships look the same and that's boring. Add some variety to the designs of the T6 and 5 ships.
    Sooo more Corvette and Luxury Cruiser skins? Or do you mean summer-themed skins for other ships?
  • tucana66tucana66 Member Posts: 710 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Enough of the Winter and Summer event nonsense.

    Yes, I'll play the Winter event to get the frozen boots, help my fleets to get decorations, etc.

    But "Star Trek Online" continues to feel less and less like Star Trek with these seasonal events.

    As a player and customer, I'd like to ask Cryptic to RELAUNCH Deep Space Nine next summer with an internal map makeover. I realize that's a huge undertaking, particularly since that also impacts the existing DS9 missions. We've had redesigns of Drozana and ESD; other destinations need a facelift and more usability/playability.

    We've lost Exploration.
    We don't have a Foundry system that is user-friendly.
    We have a game full of numerous in-game glitches/bugs.
    We don't need more swimsuits, sand castle building craziness. We need more STAR TREK.

    How about:
    • Monetize by selling T6 (Intel powers/BOff slots) upgrades to all T5-U / Fleet T5-U ships.
    • Monetize by reopening Memory Alpha as a new destination for (fill-in-the-blank).
    • Monetize by bringing more ground blade weaponry (C-Store, lockbox drops, Lobi store, crafting) into the game; re-work Andoria as a ground arena battlezone with the potential of earning marks, etc. Just like it was originally intended to be! (You can use the SAME dev work to open a Tsunkatse arena in the Delta Quadrant, too. And re-do the Klingon Academy battle areas, Qo'noS arenas, etc.)

    THAT is what I personally want from a seasonal event, starting next summer.

    Importantly, listen to the community's ideas about mini-missions. God knows, some of us have tried to pitch ideas, including some with a C-Store angle. Looking for profit? Some of us have ideas which we hope PWE/Cryptic would consider.

    Thank you.
  • alpharaider47#7707 alpharaider47 Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I would like to see a snorkeling minigame/activity where we can collect pearls and explore the water- give us more use for those swimsuits!

    Aside from that, bridges or interiors for the Risian ships (specifically an interior for the cruise ship, perhaps one where we can wear swimsuits and explore the windowed section) would be very cool to see.

    I liked the boarding and exploration that was added last summer and would like to see them continue in that direction.
    STO Beta Test and Launch Veteran
  • shuraivanovnashuraivanovna Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'll bite.

    I've seen a lot of good ideas, such as beach parties, water balloon fights, and underwater exploration. I'm thinking in more general terms... we need more group activities besides the racing. Maybe even some cooperative and not competitive ones. We got a pve que for the winter event, why not one for the summer event?

    Any new rewards need to not be limited to Risa. The summer event last year became a drag because the swimwear cost so much and you could only wear it on Risa. Make something you can wear anywhere. If I can take formal wear into a pve, I don't see limiting the other things. At least, if you are going to make more things like the swimwear, allow it on places like the starbase and ESD, like the new outfit is.

    I think it's time for a science vessel, too. There aren't enough of them.
  • rossclansforce1rossclansforce1 Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    When we watched the twitter DR ship info release I tossed in the idea of diving. They seemed to like the idea. They even commented back and said it would be a lot of work but they like that sort of thing. :D

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  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'll bite.

    I've seen a lot of good ideas, such as beach parties, water balloon fights, and underwater exploration. I'm thinking in more general terms... we need more group activities besides the racing. Maybe even some cooperative and not competitive ones. We got a pve que for the winter event, why not one for the summer event?

    Any new rewards need to not be limited to Risa. The summer event last year became a drag because the swimwear cost so much and you could only wear it on Risa. Make something you can wear anywhere. If I can take formal wear into a pve, I don't see limiting the other things. At least, if you are going to make more things like the swimwear, allow it on places like the starbase and ESD, like the new outfit is.

    I think it's time for a science vessel, too. There aren't enough of them.

    Group Activity: Organize a Party? Maybe you need to pump up the balloons, serve the tables, organize the waiters, or whatever ;)
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    tucana66 wrote: »
    Enough of the Winter and Summer event nonsense.

    Yes, I'll play the Winter event to get the frozen boots, help my fleets to get decorations, etc.

    But "Star Trek Online" continues to feel less and less like Star Trek with these seasonal events.

    As a player and customer, I'd like to ask Cryptic to RELAUNCH Deep Space Nine next summer with an internal map makeover. I realize that's a huge undertaking, particularly since that also impacts the existing DS9 missions. We've had redesigns of Drozana and ESD; other destinations need a facelift and more usability/playability.

    We've lost Exploration.
    We don't have a Foundry system that is user-friendly.
    We have a game full of numerous in-game glitches/bugs.
    We don't need more swimsuits, sand castle building craziness. We need more STAR TREK.

    How about:
    • Monetize by selling T6 (Intel powers/BOff slots) upgrades to all T5-U / Fleet T5-U ships.
    • Monetize by reopening Memory Alpha as a new destination for (fill-in-the-blank).
    • Monetize by bringing more ground blade weaponry (C-Store, lockbox drops, Lobi store, crafting) into the game; re-work Andoria as a ground arena battlezone with the potential of earning marks, etc. Just like it was originally intended to be! (You can use the SAME dev work to open a Tsunkatse arena in the Delta Quadrant, too. And re-do the Klingon Academy battle areas, Qo'noS arenas, etc.)

    THAT is what I personally want from a seasonal event, starting next summer.

    Importantly, listen to the community's ideas about mini-missions. God knows, some of us have tried to pitch ideas, including some with a C-Store angle. Looking for profit? Some of us have ideas which we hope PWE/Cryptic would consider.

    Thank you.

    I simultaneously agree and disagree.

    I agree with basically all of your suggestions.

    I disagree with your feeling that it should be at the expense of the summer event (or the Winter Event).

    Here's the thing. Risa is NOT anti-canon. It is NOT anti-Star Trek feel. The Grind is, but not the activity itself. That's gameplay and story segregation. We know starship crews go on leave. We even know that they have crazy adventures on leave. The same can be said of the Winter Event. Q HAS kidnapped crews to play in his playground on his terms. It's one of his father's favorite hobbies that he has inherited. We're basically taking leave on Risa where unlike; Picard and Vash and the Tox Uthat, Riker and the game, and Jadzia, Worf, and the fun hating stupid terrorists; nothing big goes wrong.

    And perhaps that's what Risa needs.

    An ongoing storyline throughout the vacation would be great. Similar to the reputation missions on New Romulus, but less serious. Like the old feature episode series they unlock say every three days with a new segment instead of every week. You can play them when they come out, or all in one shot. Win Lobi or Lohlunats or something even pearls. The finale would be commandeering one of the Risian ships, and having a race or a space battle or something in that vein.
    • Ferengi corporate espionage trying to steal away Risian employees or entertainment technology, or a Lohlunat Pearl heist.
    • An Orion slaver raid.
    • Investigate mysterious sabotage to the weather control grid.
    • Something more serious would be a Blue Gill infestation on Risa. Or perhaps an Iconian Gateway. We saw that a geothermal powered gateway misalignment can destroy the habilability of Dewa III, maybe Risa's tectonic chaos is a result of a similar event there.
    • Or simply something that let's us investigate the history of the Risan people.
    • Bite off of Enterprise and have a mysterious alien want to recruit you for something based on your reputation.
    • Perhaps an ancient alien vessel lies at the bottom of Risa's ocean and you have to raise it or retrieve something from it.

    The possibilities are endless.

    As far as minigames I wouldn't mind using the new Intel skills to do some cave spelunking into that deactivated volcano in the center of the Risa map.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • lordkasulordkasu Member Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I would either like to see a risian space aircraft carrier, or a space version of this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-400-class_submarine
  • admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I agree with Captaind3. Every time I've been to Risa, I have always felt it was missing something, but couldn't figure out what. Captaind3 has put into words what I have been looking for. It is missing the unexpected. The being kidnapped and held hostage by muggers, the peace loving terrorists that want to blow up the weather control station, the sense of unknown adventure.

    Risa is.......boring. There are the races, but unlike the winter event, there is nothing to harm you. No sense of Please we need your help because the --insert name here-- are attacking.

    This is what we need, a sense of danger, an edge to it. maybe something like randomly the Weather control goes off line and has to be repaired, then you find out that it was sabotaged, then you need to find out who did it, capture them (Possibly involving a space race).

    Or maybe something simpler, during the time between the last time and now, an earthquake has hit and the volcano crater floor has cracked. Maybe Lava starts to ooze out, and we have to find a way to stop it. maybe using the winter weapons to solidify the lava? or something comes out and attacks the resort.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
  • gwassalorgwassalor Member Posts: 164
    edited December 2014
    I like the OP's post where he proposed "Deep Sea Science Vessel". It could be designed to withstand very high pressures, so perhaps some spherical design?

    Otherwise, as the OOP said, the Star Trek seems to be less and less about Star Trek. I feel the same way. I was watching the gameplay video of Elite Dangerous the other day and it looked more Star Trek then STO. Guy jumped to unknown system, performed scan to detect objects in it, deployed scoop and refilled his fuel from nearby star corona...
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    gwassalor wrote: »
    Otherwise, as the OOP said, the Star Trek seems to be less and less about Star Trek. I feel the same way. I was watching the gameplay video of Elite Dangerous the other day and it looked more Star Trek then STO. Guy jumped to unknown system, performed scan to detect objects in it, deployed scoop and refilled his fuel from nearby star corona...
    But that isn't actually Star Trek, IMO. That is the "background" of Star Trek, maybe, but the show has always been a lot about moral conflicts and dilemmas. Alien Gods that think they can do with you whatever they want. Computers that determine who dies in the simulated attack and send the appropriate pepole to their death chambers, and you are technically not allowed to intervene but want to. What is acceptable to get a new ally in a desperate war for survival? Do and if how do you take responsibility for illegal actions you took on orders? How do you deal with a future super weapon that time travlers try to recover?

    The latter obviously being a Risa story. I think it would be neat to have a few of these stories. Maybe they don't need to be so complex or "high-minded". But a bit more than just leisure activity on Risa could be a good thing to bring some more Trek into it.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,276 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Something underwater. Deep sea diving, exploring a ship wreck i dunno?

    And... A PvPvE surfboard STF race thingy... reward can be fleet/favors.
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • drkfrontiersdrkfrontiers Member Posts: 2,477 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Give me a pi
  • terlokiterloki Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I'm in complete agreement with Captaind3's points, except...
    captaind3 wrote: »
    We're basically taking leave on Risa where unlike; Picard and Vash and the Tox Uthat, Riker and the game, and Jadzia, Worf, and the fun hating stupid terrorists; nothing big goes wrong.

    Actually I saw the fun police last year. They didn't do anything, just stood there glaring at all the people on the dance floor for a few hours, as if they could will us to stop having fun using nothing more than their minds and pure concentrated disapproval.
    Admiral Katrina Tokareva - U.S.S. Cosmos, Yorktown-class Star Cruiser
    Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird
    General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    terloki wrote: »
    I'm in complete agreement with Captaind3's points, except...

    Actually I saw the fun police last year. They didn't do anything, just stood there glaring at all the people on the dance floor for a few hours, as if they could will us to stop having fun using nothing more than their minds and pure concentrated disapproval.
    *Wave hand* This is not the fun you are looking for.... Oh well, wrong license.

    I suppose diving is coming, since they added water volume in the Foundry, and spoke about it last year. Which is cool.
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I agree with Captaind3. Every time I've been to Risa, I have always felt it was missing something, but couldn't figure out what. Captaind3 has put into words what I have been looking for. It is missing the unexpected. The being kidnapped and held hostage by muggers, the peace loving terrorists that want to blow up the weather control station, the sense of unknown adventure.

    Risa is.......boring. There are the races, but unlike the winter event, there is nothing to harm you. No sense of Please we need your help because the --insert name here-- are attacking.

    This is what we need, a sense of danger, an edge to it. maybe something like randomly the Weather control goes off line and has to be repaired, then you find out that it was sabotaged, then you need to find out who did it, capture them (Possibly involving a space race).
    You know...I don't know if it's danger or intrigue that we're missing, but I have to admit the Snorg invasion is a delight.

    I don't think we need danger to engage us...but as it is in Star Trek, there needs to be a...sense that things are not proceeding according to plan.

    Let's look at this way. It's a vacation right? When is a vacation where the person has the itinerary and you stick to it perfectly and spend 3 minutes looking at the geyser, eat in 15 minutes, then spend 20 minutes surfing, and are able to make it with 5 minutes to spare for the big show production- EVER FUN?

    There's a difference between things not going wrong and the unexpected happening. A sense of things being a bit free flowing y'know?

    Maybe a search and rescue, someone's kid fell into a cave and you have to go in after them. Especially poignant if it occurs across faction lines.

    Another thing is consequence. For us playing is generally relaxing. Risa is a nice diversion for our characters. But our captain getting a massage from a Nuvian Masseuse while it may be a visually nice thing and look super relaxing, it will only amount to a cut scene with a sexy alien and endless happy ending jokes in the ever more inane zone chat. Giving a bonus of some sort, like extra turn on surf boards would be great...except that people would always be getting massages before races.

    The summer event also needs some Doff missions. If I recall correctly Risa still didn't have the awesome DOFF Assignments like the wonderland does. I had an interesting idea that I thought up in zone chat. I think I'm gonna make a thread about it. I'll edit this post when I do.

    Or maybe something simpler, during the time between the last time and now, an earthquake has hit and the volcano crater floor has cracked. Maybe Lava starts to ooze out, and we have to find a way to stop it. maybe using the winter weapons to solidify the lava? or something comes out and attacks the resort.
    That in itself implies sabotage. Risa is a fully climate and tectonically controlled environment. If there was ever an earthquake it's because something important stopped working. Without those systems Risa is a 24/7 natural disaster. All earthquakes, volcanoes, and hurricanes all the time.

    Unless....take the kid from above and make him the local Wesley Crusher who accidentally pierced a lava tube and then boom, your vacation is in danger.

    That said using the winter weapons to stop a lava flow is brilliant. I actually think we should be able to target the ice walls in the Snorg Invasion with the freezing weapons to heal them.

    The issue of course is that not everyone would actually keep their weapons from event to event, and there would be no way to buy them. Well you could but it would put a run on the winter commodities market in the middle of summer.
    thay8472 wrote: »
    Something underwater. Deep sea diving, exploring a ship wreck i dunno?

    And... A PvPvE surfboard STF race thingy... reward can be fleet/favors.

    I wouldn't think that we would get any kind of underwater action unless they invented the tech for another mission or something, a feature episode for instance. Then again, vice versa isn't impossible. They take these events seriously, and the flight tech they invented for Risa year one two and a half years later has only been used once again, with the EV suit portion of a Step Between Stars.
    terloki wrote: »
    I'm in complete agreement with Captaind3's points, except...

    Actually I saw the fun police last year. They didn't do anything, just stood there glaring at all the people on the dance floor for a few hours, as if they could will us to stop having fun using nothing more than their minds and pure concentrated disapproval.

    Freaking Right to Censor :mad:
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    In terms of events what I'd like to see is rock climbing (a la the ENT episode, preferably without the shoddy Risian medical system). We have rappelling mechanics now after all and they weren't put to much use in DR. It would be nice if it was also used as an alternative to the daily jet pack races (one or the other once a day, same payout).

    In terms of stuff, a Risan science ship would be the obvious choice but I'd rather see something a bit less predictable (such as a Risan mirror universe battlecruiser/dreadnaught) with accompanying uniforms as the new clothing unlocks. Parrot combat pet? There's a lot of potential there.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • kristaswiftkristaswift Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    thay8472 wrote: »
    Something underwater. Deep sea diving, exploring a ship wreck i dunno?

    And... A PvPvE surfboard STF race thingy... reward can be fleet/favors.

    Titanic...really DOUBT it if servers will be open for business...very doubtful and just be grateful you played this MMO on 2014.
  • horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I'd like to see a going away party for all the forumites who can't reconcile their hate/love issues. If they could find a new MMO to dysfunctionally relate to and move on to it that would be cause for celebration.

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