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Another patch...Another NERF...this time Dyson Battlezone?



  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    gizmox64 wrote: »
    Are they even going to nerf the dil on Dyson?

    I don't understand why Cryptic even bothers with how much dil ORE we get really, it's not like it's a usable currency, I can't do jack sh** with it.
    We all could have a backlog of dil ore in the tens or hundreds of thousands, and it still just trickles threw our convertor at 8k per day, 500 more if you go out of your way, and an extra 1k if you're a gold.

    In the end I can only convert 8,500 to a USABLE currency anyway.
    Could just treat it as a daily stipend for players who log on daily.

    It's like they are limiting what's already limited, it just doesn't make any sense to me.

    In order to understand why you have to take on the mindset of one of the devs. Why would a dev not want you to have a huge stockpile of unrefined dil? for the sake of this argument the reason isnt "because you can only refine 8k a dil anyways". As a player you only care about having fun...but as a dev what kinds of things do you have to consider? retention maybe? take a person with 1-2 hours of playtime. Now think about how a huge stockpile and how only earning 8k dil a day might affect their gaming habits. I dont think i'm the only one here that has had to log onto STO because i needed to refine 8k of dil that day to help buy the gear that i wanted. How would a huge stockpile of unrefined dil affect my gameplay? might i be more likely to simple log on, hit refine, and then log off?
  • kristaswiftkristaswift Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    NERFING everything has become the policy for Cryptic's management. It has always been there like an elephant in the room for a long while.

    Those who have been for a while might recognize the Nerfing of SCIENCE skills in lieu of escorts/tacts back when the game used to be SUB only. Post F2P the biggest wave of nerfing was cutting back on so called "exploits"...foundry missions that used to give out FREE EC by the millions...then DILITHIUM and fleet marks critically reduced or just deleted from foundries altogether. I mean dont blame the players for errors committed by the game design.

    The existing DOOOM thread was brought about the nerfing of rewards from the "Tour of the galaxy" which you could make literally Millions of EC within 1hr. Again an error that could be perceived as "exploit"...just left bad taste on those who played STO. Their QA is non existent and due to that they infuriate the playerbase everytime they fix a so called "exploit".
    This game was full of holes since inception and now they were just trying to rectify.

    With DR...they just brought everything to an extreme level. Capping anything that would be fun could be considered as an exploit...to an extend even calling playerbase "idiots" for being smarter than some of the devs and finding more holes in this game than swiss cheese. This was always the case since the very first days of STO.
    Nowadays, this has gone to an extreme level that NERFING everything is a policy. The critical brokenness of the game "bugs" remained unfixed...classical example PvPs or something closer like DEFERA. This note where their priorities are...NERFING and Infuriating the playerbase is NOT a good business policy and never was for the entire history of this game.
  • raeatraeat Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies. ~Askray
  • raeatraeat Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The business of the game should not be breaking the players.

    You have a seriously sick monster at your helm.
  • obainobain Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Greetings from the German Comunity !

    Resolved an issue in the Dyson Sphere Battlezone where players who were teamed were not getting enough credit to earn rewards.

    Hi guys,

    i cant beleve it - wy do you guys only fix the Problem for Team-Players, wy dont you fix the Problem for the single-Players that not can or want to Play in a Team?

    wy do you Guys not understand that the Problems are working on every Playern, not only by the Players that Plays in a Team!!!!

    Do we Users and Costumers realy must fight against you to make a difference to the Situation we have at the Moment???

    If you Guys really forces us to fight you, we will be fight you.

  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    so its still not working and in the end despite the developers having said that they didnt nerf anything the dyson ground zone has clearly been nerfed

    5400 was the end reward if you got all 3 dinos and also captured zones....
    now you only get a little more than 3000 dil IF you manage to kill all 3 dinos (which in 90% of all cases wont be possible anymore)

    so another time the players were lied to by the developers.
  • cypheroscypheros Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    actually i have not read everything on the meanwhile total of 26 pages, but i read the core elements of what is being said.

    well with That said, here is my opinion:
    I've been here more or less since F2P start, more or less means I started back then and got really active 2 years ago.
    What I experienced right from the start was. if you want cool Items to be superior to other Players or even NPCs you will have to grind the same missions over and over and over and over and over again to acchieve that ( i am speaking of the old Rep System in which it was not enough to just put marks and EC into)

    So i accepted that, and hell was I happy as i got my Borg Set back in the days after countless hours of doing Vortex and Conduit. So Far, so good.

    The main problem with it is though that this kind of System is the red Thread of end game. And as almost all of you know, grinding is a daily activity if you want to get advanced gear after reaching max level ( talking 50 not 60, more on that a bit later).
    So you grind to get gear to do what exactly? yeah, grind more and faster. Well Still not a problem at least i get a cool reward for doing so!

    With "The Sphere" they changed Rep, and they changed Item prices. So a hole lot of DIL was required to get the Items, and a lot of marks. Gee was I happy to still have countless Omega marks but....were do i get those sick amount of Dyson marks? Yep the BZ, and oh hey, it also gives me enough Dil to actually get the cool new items!

    Weeks pass and as everyone noticed tagging the Dinos is the best and sometimes the only way to go, because i experienced Situations in which i capped Zones and I haven't even been able to get ONE Rex, because of campers who killed them ( dont get me wrong).
    So i started to stick around Rex Spawns, only taking bordering zones and it worked...then i started Tagging, not leeching...tagging.
    Tagging: I run from one Rex to another, kill the Medics and stay with the last one until hes dead and will do so round robin backwards if needed.
    Leeching: i tag all the Dinos and wait in Command to finish.

    And what happened? right: i got all the DIL i needed, in fact i got enough to support my Fleet, not only myself. That was awesome, and from that day on no problems with the 8k per day have existed anymore.
    So i grinded daily to get cool new stuff ( like the Voth Ground set) to grind faster...good old known circle of useless gridning with the cool rewards eh?

    I was actually anticipating the Release of DR because the max level got set to 60, and DQ and stuff and awesoooome ( as a Voyager fan) but then....
    Grinding grinding grinding grinding...its not even fun anymore. The ideas they brought into the game are indeed nice, but how they are put into the game is just plain Bullsh**.

    I was looking forward to DQ storyline...oh its Patrol missions *yeeey -.-*...
    I was looking forward to Level 60 .... oh its doing the Patrol missions? ...uuughh
    I was looking forward to.... so much more....

    Nevertheless i always could return to my Dilithium farming and getting better gear with it and had fun with that while i visited DQ maybe 3 times then never cared about it no more.

    And now, Cryptic or PWE think that its a good idea to NERF the Dil income from the Dyson BZ? after their release of DR? Where i need dil for EVERY F-KIN THING?!
    R&D - can spend dil
    R&D Items- DIL
    super epic weapon upgrade lottery that makes fleet gear more or less useless- DIL
    DIL DIL DIL, i cant even grind the amount i need...

    I "was" able to get enough dilithium pre nerf, but now, I feel forced to buy zen and change them into dil to still make progress and thats just simply destroying my fun with this game !

    Even if we consider the Release of the Warlords of Draenor expansion for World of ******** which lead to a new Peak in subscribers for Blizzard and therefore to less players in other games, as for example STO and the fear of Cryptic and or PWE that they get less money now, this Nerf is in my eyes unacceptable!
    I can't and will not support this anymore if not any changes are made! ( and I am EXCLUDING the "team fix" as i never play in a team, because ...well we are tend to be antisocial on the interwebs :P)

    I was able to accept the grinding and the other nerfs they did. I still had hope, but to be totally Honest, if THAT is the course STO is taking, i will be leaving the sinking ship soon ( yes yes the rats leave the ship :P) There are other Games to play and I am sure that the ones i pick after that won't involve a massive grindfest!

    So at least make the Grindfest be fun, and do a rollback to Pre Nerf
  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    swatop wrote: »
    so its still not working and in the end despite the developers having said that they didnt nerf anything the dyson ground zone has clearly been nerfed

    5400 was the end reward if you got all 3 dinos and also captured zones....
    now you only get a little more than 3000 dil IF you manage to kill all 3 dinos (which in 90% of all cases wont be possible anymore)

    so another time the players were lied to by the developers.

    So they did nerf the reward and never told us. The partial reward is like 2500 dil.

    The original rewards were a little over 3000 dil for full and a little over 1600 for partial.

    So why would they nerf the full reward and leave the partial alone? It's even more incentive to not cap zones. You can either instance hop now and go tagging for 2500 dil each time, or stick around and cap zones for a little over 3200 dil. One of those is a lot more rewarding and efficient than the other.

    I really don't understand their decision-making the past few months.
  • nesomumi2nesomumi2 Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    So they did nerf the reward and never told us. The partial reward is like 2500 dil.

    The original rewards were a little over 3000 dil for full and a little over 1600 for partial.

    So why would they nerf the full reward and leave the partial alone? It's even more incentive to not cap zones. You can either instance hop now and go tagging for 2500 dil each time, or stick around and cap zones for a little over 3200 dil. One of those is a lot more rewarding and efficient than the other.

    I really don't understand their decision-making the past few months.

    it is not enough just to tag the dineo., you realy have to make some damage to get dili. so in essence, people that played dyson zone, will not be affected, as they have buffed the mission's reward for 50%. but tagers, they are focked, as they cant make (or very, very hard) more then 1k dill per dino run. so this is a good think, as point is to team up, make missions, and kill dino. 15 min. of game play for 8k + dili.

    very sane and good move on cryptic part.
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    It's pretty simple really.

    Someone within the development team considers Dilithium to be cash that players are stealing from the company. That's why they REALLY closed down the Tau Dewa Sector Block's patrols when people were leveling quickly there - the 50,000 dil payout you got when you maxed out your skill tree. Oh, that 50,000 dil payout no longer exists. It's also why they shut down the mirror invasion event - someone came on the forums and said "hey, I just got 7,000 dil for Mirror Invasion Advance" and it was shut down within half an hour.

    Newsflash, Cryptic: players are NOT taking money out of your pockets when we earn unrefined dilithium. We aren't stealing from you personally and we aren't stealing from the game's operating budget.
    Free Tibet!
  • chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,606 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    prierin wrote: »
    It's carrot/stick leadership there...

    Even the traditional version of that wouldn't be so bad, but Cryptic's idea of "the carrot and the stick" is to ram the carrot up your jacksie and use the (nerf)stick to tamp it in with...
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    nesomumi2 wrote: »
    it is not enough just to tag the dineo., you realy have to make some damage to get dili.

    Ehm no !?

    + If you "really" do some damage, you'll most likely just get only 1 Dino ... so it's even less Dil ...

    + capturing Pre-Dino Points rewards next to nothing now ... 5 Dil yippie ...

    not sure which Dyson Zone you're playing ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    nesomumi2 wrote: »
    it is not enough just to tag the dineo., you realy have to make some damage to get dili. so in essence, people that played dyson zone, will not be affected, as they have buffed the mission's reward for 50%. but tagers, they are focked, as they cant make (or very, very hard) more then 1k dill per dino run. so this is a good think, as point is to team up, make missions, and kill dino. 15 min. of game play for 8k + dili.

    very sane and good move on cryptic part.

    I can tag all three just fine, it just takes more than a second now. Tag 3 dinos = 2500 dil or so.

    The problem is there's no incentive to play the zone anymore. There's no incentive to spend time capturing zones when you could be spending time instance hopping and tagging dinos for much larger rewards. It was a problem before the change yes but but the full reward was incentive for me to cap. Not anymore.

    I never once teamed up on that map. I do everything solo. It's more efficient. I never shied away from helping others or having them help me but I do now - "get the hell away from my zone or I might not get credit for it" is unfortunately what I was thinking after I realized that other people could TRIBBLE up your credit for capping.

    And by the way, the patch notes only mention a fix for people in a team. I've had this problem solo so the patch notes do nothing for me.
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Tag 3 dinos = 2500 dil or so.

    That's quite a substantial dil nerf. I just wanted to point it out in case people haven't noticed. We were told there wouldn't be a dilithium nerf and right there, there it is.
    Free Tibet!
  • aoax10aoax10 Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    js26568 wrote: »
    That's quite a substantial dil nerf. I just wanted to point it out in case people haven't noticed. We were told there wouldn't be a dilithium nerf and right there, there it is.

    To be fair, I run 5 toons on Dyson everyday and the most I can tag is two dinos for roughly 3400 DIL per toon. Sometimes when I even tag the third Dino, I don't get enough credit for it even though I blast the darn T-rex to death.
  • ummaxummax Member Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I can tag all three just fine, it just takes more than a second now. Tag 3 dinos = 2500 dil or so.

    The problem is there's no incentive to play the zone anymore. There's no incentive to spend time capturing zones when you could be spending time instance hopping and tagging dinos for much larger rewards. It was a problem before the change yes but but the full reward was incentive for me to cap. Not anymore.

    I never once teamed up on that map. I do everything solo. It's more efficient. I never shied away from helping others or having them help me but I do now - "get the hell away from my zone or I might not get credit for it" is unfortunately what I was thinking after I realized that other people could TRIBBLE up your credit for capping.

    And by the way, the patch notes only mention a fix for people in a team. I've had this problem solo so the patch notes do nothing for me.

    firstly you can't have dino's without capturing the zone so the incentive is there still :)

    secondly - the notes mentioned teams only it seems this also affected solo people but we need to see if this fix also fixed solo before saying anything. It probably does as the only time I could cause this issue was when I was capturing a point that had way too many people to capture it. I tried it after the dev posted the info. Try it first before saying anything as the initial dev posted about it seemed to understand the issue. The team calculation could very likely have been what was causing the issue for everyone.
  • commanderandercommanderander Member Posts: 78 Cryptic Developer
    edited December 2014
    Hi everyone,

    As people have pointed out, the fix that I mentioned on Monday has gone live today.

    While the patch notes mention that it fixed an issue with teams, overall the issue should be fixed for everyone. If you were seeing issues solo, then these issues should be gone; it's mainly that people on teams (or who were at a point with multiple people) were being hit the most with this.

    The only issue that we could not get into this week's patch was that some of the interacts on the generator points are not granting credit towards overall reward score. This will hopefully make it in to our patch next week.

    If you guys are still seeing issues where you're not being rewarded properly, please let me know either in a PM or by posting here on the forums and I'll investigate what's going on.
    Sean "Commander Ander" McCann - Content Designer
  • jelly0jelly0 Member Posts: 560 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    They just don't want you in old Zones. Remember the Cryptic STO Dev mantra of "Delta Rising is the BEST EXPANSION EVER and the players LOVE IT!" <--- That can't be true if no one's in the Delta Quadrant zones and it's why they doubled all skill point rewards for Delta Quadrant patrols in this same patch.

    In other words - time to join all the other STO lemmings in doing the Argala system patrol. :eek::D;)

    Then they need to reduce the ******* cost of the reputation stuff.

    I am annoyed enough as it is that they kept the stuff the same cost but didnt upgrade it to XIV.
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hi everyone,

    As people have pointed out, the fix that I mentioned on Monday has gone live today.

    While the patch notes mention that it fixed an issue with teams, overall the issue should be fixed for everyone. If you were seeing issues solo, then these issues should be gone; it's mainly that people on teams (or who were at a point with multiple people) were being hit the most with this.

    The only issue that we could not get into this week's patch was that some of the interacts on the generator points are not granting credit towards overall reward score. This will hopefully make it in to our patch next week.

    If you guys are still seeing issues where you're not being rewarded properly, please let me know either in a PM or by posting here on the forums and I'll investigate what's going on.

    Great news!!! thanks!!!
  • js26568js26568 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hi everyone,

    As people have pointed out, the fix that I mentioned on Monday has gone live today.

    While the patch notes mention that it fixed an issue with teams, overall the issue should be fixed for everyone. If you were seeing issues solo, then these issues should be gone; it's mainly that people on teams (or who were at a point with multiple people) were being hit the most with this.

    The only issue that we could not get into this week's patch was that some of the interacts on the generator points are not granting credit towards overall reward score. This will hopefully make it in to our patch next week.

    If you guys are still seeing issues where you're not being rewarded properly, please let me know either in a PM or by posting here on the forums and I'll investigate what's going on.

    Thanks, keep us updated.

    Now, let's talk Dilithium....
    Free Tibet!
  • gulberatgulberat Member Posts: 5,505 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hi everyone,

    As people have pointed out, the fix that I mentioned on Monday has gone live today.

    While the patch notes mention that it fixed an issue with teams, overall the issue should be fixed for everyone. If you were seeing issues solo, then these issues should be gone; it's mainly that people on teams (or who were at a point with multiple people) were being hit the most with this.

    The only issue that we could not get into this week's patch was that some of the interacts on the generator points are not granting credit towards overall reward score. This will hopefully make it in to our patch next week.

    If you guys are still seeing issues where you're not being rewarded properly, please let me know either in a PM or by posting here on the forums and I'll investigate what's going on.

    Sweet...and nicely explained especially on what parts got in and what's to come. :)

    Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
    Proudly F2P.  Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    It is interesting to see a dev to take notice of problems and respond to it... thats something new here and of course very welcome.

    Thank you.

    While you are here.... what are the chances to get the full reward on that battlezone?
    In my eyes the introduced changes minimize these chances dramatically. Killing all 3 dinos clearly wont happen often anymore since you cant coordinate 20 random players and therefore the overall reward will be reduced for all players, no matter how hard they work for it.

    Also what will you do for the hard working cappers which spend half an hour to capture all the zones but then can not reach the dino before its killed by the AFKers (because these cappers have to cross the entire map)?

    These are clearly 2 serious problems with the new mechanics at the battlezone where the hard working players for some reason get less rewards than 2 weeks ago.
  • raeatraeat Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    swatop wrote: »
    It is interesting to see a dev to take notice of problems and respond to it... thats something new here and of course very welcome.

    Thank you.

    While you are here.... what are the chances to get the full reward on that battlezone?
    In my eyes the introduced changes minimize these chances dramatically. Killing all 3 dinos clearly wont happen often anymore since you cant coordinate 20 random players and therefore the overall reward will be reduced for all players, no matter how hard they work for it.

    Also what will you do for the hard working cappers which spend half an hour to capture all the zones but then can not reach the dino before its killed by the AFKers (because these cappers have to cross the entire map)?

    These are clearly 2 serious problems with the new mechanics at the battlezone where the hard working players for some reason get less rewards than 2 weeks ago.

    Can I call it or what? :D

    You deserve what you got, whiner, for whining about the campers who actually did the dino killing for you and got you your end rewards. The only thing you work hard at is whining, and now you are reaping what you have sown. No pity for you. None whatsoever.

    Oh, wait. Does any of this constitute a death thread? Who can tell with these worthless moderators about?
  • raeatraeat Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    For those of you who are congratulating the hired script kiddy. Nothing has gone live yet...

    There must be a death threat in there somewhere. We worthless moderators need an excuse to shut him up.
  • swatopswatop Member Posts: 566 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    raeat wrote: »
    Can I call it or what? :D

    You deserve what you got, whiner, for whining about the campers who actually did the dino killing for you and got you your end rewards. The only thing you work hard at is whining, and now you are reaping what you have sown. No pity for you. None whatsoever.

    Oh, wait. Does any of this constitute a death thread? Who can tell with these worthless moderators about?

    Whats your problem?
    I just wanted to point out a few problems of the new mechanics on the battlezone you come up with such a bullsh**?
    I did not whine about the campers... I actually dont even care about them. And they clearly didnt do any dino killing for me.
    The only thing I care about is being able to get the full rewards again.
  • crusader2007crusader2007 Member Posts: 1,882 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Hi everyone,

    As people have pointed out, the fix that I mentioned on Monday has gone live today.

    While the patch notes mention that it fixed an issue with teams, overall the issue should be fixed for everyone. If you were seeing issues solo, then these issues should be gone; it's mainly that people on teams (or who were at a point with multiple people) were being hit the most with this.

    The only issue that we could not get into this week's patch was that some of the interacts on the generator points are not granting credit towards overall reward score. This will hopefully make it in to our patch next week.

    If you guys are still seeing issues where you're not being rewarded properly, please let me know either in a PM or by posting here on the forums and I'll investigate what's going on.

    Not that I dont trust this posting...would anyone who is doing Dyson battleground test this in game with former DILITHIUM rewards and see what the difference is? Not want to be ungrateful but not naive either :D

  • plaztikman64plaztikman64 Member Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    just joined at about 30% global into a zone, spent about half an hour in the park, took or supported most of the spots there and stayed with the T-Rex until he went down. The other two went down before i could beam over and this is what i've got:

    [6:50] [System] [ItemReceived] Items acquired: Voth Cybernetic Implant x 5

    [6:50] [System] [NumericReceived] You received 1,080 Dilithium Ore

    [6:50] [System] [NumericReceived] You received 35 Dyson Sphere Marks

    The time/effort graph was looking much better some time ago though...
  • raeatraeat Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    The devs and bean counters think that we are incapable of noticing net losses. They thought they were being clever and that it would slip past us.

    "Well, uh, three dino kills are still worth dil with no significant loss. It is therefore not a nerf. Don't worry about the fact that actually getting credit for three dinos is now effectively impossible on a consistent basis. That doesn't qualify as a nerf according to our super secret, but only legitimate definition of what a nerf is. Players do not get to decide what is or is not a nerf."

    Was there a death threat is there, Askray, you moron?
  • kristaswiftkristaswift Member Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    just joined at about 30% global into a zone, spent about half an hour in the park, took or supported most of the spots there and stayed with the T-Rex until he went down. The other two went down before i could beam over and this is what i've got:

    [6:50] [System] [ItemReceived] Items acquired: Voth Cybernetic Implant x 5

    [6:50] [System] [NumericReceived] You received 1,080 Dilithium Ore

    [6:50] [System] [NumericReceived] You received 35 Dyson Sphere Marks

    The time/effort graph was looking much better some time ago though...

    Im assuming tagging the other 2 Dino's is NOT allowed anymore?
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Im assuming tagging the other 2 Dino's is NOT allowed anymore?

    It takes a lot more damage to get credit for a tag then it did before the update. No more one shot tagging. While I do make less dilithium then I did before, I still get a whole bunch and can max out my daily limit in no time. I pretty much count on getting credit for 2 rex's. Though I have gotten credit for 3 twice since they changed things.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
This discussion has been closed.