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Got a warning for purchasing master keys ...



  • jkersjkers Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I also got this message when I bought zen and some keys...I have a LTS...have a consistent purchase record ..and to the best of my knowledge have never sold anything I've purchased, other than some lock box ships on the exchange. I don't use the exchange to convert anything!! The only thing I can think of is I use a steam account to make my c-store purchases..no credit cards(except) when I purchased my LTS and the delta pack so.....I am at a loss for why.
  • nyxadrillnyxadrill Member Posts: 1,242 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    jkers wrote: »
    The only thing I can think of is I use a steam account to make my c-store purchases..no credit cards(except) when I purchased my LTS and the delta pack so.....I am at a loss for why.

    I think this is a recurring theme, purchases through Steam seem to be being held in "probation".

    Honestly PWE/Cryptic, why do you keep shooting yourselves in the foot like this? You've already got some players (me included) withholding zen purchase because of game issues, now you add another obstacle to your cash flow?

    I've been thinking that communications with the players is bad but I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't a problem with communications WITHIN Cryptic/PWE? :rolleyes:
  • stumpy2101stumpy2101 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    nyxadrill wrote: »
    I think this is a recurring theme, purchases through Steam seem to be being held in "probation".

    Nope. I paid for my Lifetime Subscription by credit card... Steam not involved whatsoever.
  • nyxadrillnyxadrill Member Posts: 1,242 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    stumpy2101 wrote: »
    Nope. I paid for my Lifetime Subscription by credit card... Steam not involved whatsoever.

    I stand corrected :D
  • oniralasoniralas Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    +1 for experiencing this issue after purchasing zen/LTS with credit card.

    Customer support is not answering tickets on the issue.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This may explain what's going on:

    Fraud Prevention System (Probation)
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • stumpy2101stumpy2101 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    OK.. so FYI:
    On the 30th October I paid my Lifetime Subscription via credit card (NOT Steam), was on probation and now, 7 days later, am happy to say that my probation has ended and am able to purchase via the C-Store freely.
    Glad thats over now.
  • pwecaptainsmirkpwecaptainsmirk Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

    Please include the following info:

    In-game Account @Handle:
    Steam Users: (Yes or No)
    When You Received This Notification:
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket)

    Thanks for your patience everyone!

  • hyefatherhyefather Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    lystent wrote: »
    All key, sold on exchange or not, are bought from Cryptic. So its always money in their wallets.
    Also, all zen that makes it into the game have been bought by a player with money.
    All zen and zen products ingame are backed by real money. It can be someone else's money, but it is all money in Cryptic's wallet.
    There is no way they will remove the dilithium exchange. Why? Because how else will they charge real money for everything that costs dilithium. The exchange has been the heart of this whole cash grab.
    As for preventing players from selling zen products on exchange: why? Cryptic generates a large sum of income from players who buy their stuff only for converting it into ECs.

    OMG!!!!!! cold chills....You said " There is no way they will...." You know Cryptics track record. In all honesty when I read this post I kinda dismissed it. They more I read, the more the plot thickened and the sicker I got. We all know it might be a possiblity and thats what makes it chilling. For me anyways.
  • djspleendjspleen Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    In-game Account @Handle:
    Steam Users: (Yes or No)
    When You Received This Notification:
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket)


    This should be interesting, seeing as how half my posts have been deleted due to Cryptic's censorship(most likely to cover up their thievery), but I will at least try...

    @handle: @dj_spleen
    Date of issues: 11/2/14
    Ticket # [Incident: 141102-001092]
  • misthollowmisthollow Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Have bought zen and an Lts with no trouble, do not go through steam but arc and used pay pal
  • oniralasoniralas Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

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    Thanks for your patience everyone!


    @Handle: @verkhonna
    Steam No
    Notification: 11/2/2014
    Ticket #: 141103-000961
  • alastorforthrighalastorforthrigh Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

    Please include the following info:

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    When You Received This Notification:
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket)

    Thanks for your patience everyone!


    in-game Account @Handle: @Alastor_Forthright
    Steam User: Yes
    When you received this notification: 10/30/2014 around 11:50 AM
    Ticket #s: #141030-000869 and #141107-001457 and yes I am very angry in them and have every right to be.
  • rowgarowga Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    n-game Account @Handle: @tannlore
    Steam Users: (Yes or No): Yes
    When You Received This Notification: 11/21/14 @ around 4:00 pm EST
    Ticket #: 2,912,457
  • helladioshelladios Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

    Please include the following info:

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    When You Received This Notification:
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket)

    Thanks for your patience everyone!


    In-game Account @laomedia
    Steam Users: Yes
    When You Received This Notification:22/11/2014
    Ticket #: #141122-001125
  • richs68richs68 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Posted this on another question, but I've had the same red text when buying keys and what worked for me was before I tried to purchase the keys, I logged out and back in and that has cleared the warning. Then I was able to purchase the keys without the lockout. Hope it helps! (Can't hurt to try it..lol)
    It won't help if you've already bought the locked out keys but should help for future purchases hopefully.
  • zenjudgementzenjudgement Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I also encountered this issue. I misinterpreted the warning and thought the bound status was temporary.


    After reading this, there is zero chance that I will ever purchase zen again. However, I will happily continue playing the game until the developers step away from building it's coffin or finish burying it.

    The contagious nature of the master keys was a nice finishing slap in the face. Thanks for that.

    In-game Account @zenjudgement
    Steam Users: Yes
    When You Received This Notification: Approximately 2 to 3 days ago
    Ticket #: 141122-001937
  • jinx686jinx686 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    @ Handle: @Jinxsey
    Steam: Yes
    Notification: 11/28/2014
    Ticket #: 141128-000336
    Commander Nymas, R.R.W. Syrinx (@Jinxsey)
    26th Fleet, Task Force Theirr [RP]
    Star Trek: Praetorian Official Website
    "Ruthlessness is the mercy of the wise."
  • jjmilezjjmilez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    So, Richs68's suggestion above worked, bizarrely enough. Not sure if that makes me feel better or worse about the whole situation. I certainly won't be buying any more ZEN.

    Original message below:

    @ Handle: @jjmilez
    Steam: Yes
    Notification: 11/28/2014

    VERY convenient that this happens during a holiday sale + extra zen promo, and I get no notice of my probation status until AFTER I spend $20. I'm sorry if the reaction seems extreme, but this might honestly be the last straw that makes me uninstall the game and never come back.
  • yomfanyomfan Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

    Please include the following info:

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    When You Received This Notification:
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket)

    Thanks for your patience everyone!

    Account handle: @yomfan
    Steam User: Yes
    Received notification 11/28/2014
    Ticket #: 141128-001093
  • ruralroarruralroar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

    Please include the following info:

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    When You Received This Notification:
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket)

    Thanks for your patience everyone!


    In-game Account @Handle: @ruralroar
    Steam Users: Yes
    When You Received This Notification: 11/29/2014
    Ticket #: 141129-001195
  • itspyrositspyros Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    In-game Account @Handle: @itspyros
    Steam Users: Yes
    When You Received This Notification: 11/29/2014
    Ticket #: It flashed by so fast I couldn't write it down and it's not appearing in the list.
  • robertdamonrobertdamon Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

    Please include the following info:

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    When You Received This Notification:
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket)

    Thanks for your patience everyone!


    In-game account @Handle: @R.Damon
    Steam Users: Yes
    When You Received This Notification: 30th November 2014
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket) #2930627 (submitted via 'Report a bug'? apologies if this is not the correct way - couldn't see another way.

    However it looks like this might have already cleared as I didn't get the red message a second time. Thought I'd report it here though to add to your body of data in case it is a Steam-related issue as suggested.

  • sukriresukrire Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

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    Thanks for your patience everyone!


    In-game Account @Handle:@sukrire
    Steam Users: (Yes or No) yes
    When You Received This Notification: first time was a week or two ago but i just got it again when I went to try and buy a retrain token, so 07.12.14
  • minmacdougalminmacdougal Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

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    Thanks for your patience everyone!


    Handle: @Minevera
    Steam: Yes
    Notice Received: About a week ago and today from this date (December 7, 2014)
    Ticket #: NA

    I also noticed that any unboxed Lobi I collected entered a separate stack as well as any Dilithium Mining Claims. This is just plain dumb.
  • kriskringle3kriskringle3 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    AM I mistaken, or is every case "Steam = Yes" ?????

    Maybe it's buyng STO product from Steam rather than direct from perfect-World that's doing this. Just a thought.
  • mistert1968mistert1968 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

    Please include the following info:

    In-game Account @Handle:
    Steam Users: (Yes or No)
    When You Received This Notification:
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket)

    Thanks for your patience everyone!


    In-game Account @Handle: @mistert1968
    Steam Users: Yes -> but buying through Paypal
    When You Received This Notification:

    1st time after spending 10 GBP and then 42 GBP for ZEN packages beginning of November as well as subscribing for a monthly fee (first time purchaser on STO, before played only for free)
    2nd time after spending 2x 42 GBP for 5k Zen-Packages

    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket) --- none yet

    I guess it is purely a fine for not sharing your credit/debit card details with Arc Games. I pay Steam via paypal. So there is no Credit or Debit Card directly seen from any side (neither Steam nor Arc Games).

    Best regards,

  • mistert1968mistert1968 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    AM I mistaken, or is every case "Steam = Yes" ?????

    Maybe it's buyng STO product from Steam rather than direct from perfect-World that's doing this. Just a thought.

    It might appear this way, but there are hundreds of reports from non-Steam users in the WWW as well.
  • mrlailmrlail Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I've got that message too I've bought maybe 10 keys in the last 2 month
    It's funny tho via my money got taken just fine when I bought the lifetime sub
  • sorairodayzsorairodayz Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Thanks for the reports on this.

    I have forwarded on the info to the appropriate teams to check into what is happening and to see if we can get this cleared up.

    Please respond back to this thread if you're experiencing this problem.

    Please include the following info:

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    Steam Users: (Yes or No)
    When You Received This Notification:
    Ticket #: (if you have already submitted a support ticket)

    Thanks for your patience everyone!


    In-game Account @Handle: @Sorairodayz
    Steam Users: (Yes or No) Yes
    When You Received This Notification: Within the last twenty days, just noticed it today 12/10/2014
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