No, it wasn't. At least not on Holodeck with any frequency (I can't speak to Tribble, so maybe it was there). I kept checking to see what the end date was supposed to be to figure out how many transporters I could get, and it was still not on the calendar as of 2 days before it ended.
Forums are where it's worst, definitely, but I still see negative posts and jerks in zone chat, fleet chat sometimes, and of course in-mission STF teams.
No one is really reporting any major game breaking issues with being Lvl 1 to start the game.
Well, if you're on a Mac it sounds like there are game breaking bugs right now, but I can't verify that.
Ultimately remember that bugs (and I'm being very liberal in my definition of "bug" here) don't have to be game breaking to drive players away - or at least make them uncomfortable spending money.
No need for a full lecture on conversion theory, but suffice to say that every point of friction or anxiety reduces the likelihood of a conversion. In this case, a new player sticking around and paying real currency is conversion. Friction is anything that makes it harder to do the conversion, anxiety is anything that makes you doubt that it's worth it.
This is hardly scientific proof, but in my own experience starting out I encountered:
1. Numerous typos and bad grammar in core in-game mission screens.
2. 2 out of 3 Nimbus daily dilithium runs (one of the best ways for me as a new player to get dilithium) had constant issues preventing them from working. This has since been fixed, but backtracking looks like it was a known problem for several years.
3. Login/Server disconnect issues - these seem to have calmed down at least for me, though still happen more than I would think they should.
4. Interaction points (like particle scans and some mission objectives) spawning under/within terrain and making them virtually inaccessible.
5. Lag spikes slowing/stopping characters to a crawl
6. Persistent delays in system recognizing tray/bridge officer ability clicks, often requiring 2 or 3 clicks to activate (still happens)
7. Power tray/Equipped duty officers disappearing/unequipping - this has still happened to me at least once since the latest "fix"
8. Numerous rendering issues where characters seem to either have missing body parts or blurry definition
9. Basic load screen (where you select which of your characters to play) either doesn't load bridge crew, loads the wrong ones, or loads the wrong outfits (still happening)
10. NPCs/Attackers spanning or getting stuck in terrain objects - saw it a lot on Colony Invasion STF and several Borg missions (still happening in the caves of Undine Infiltration)
11. Extremely blurry/laggy motion in cut scenes (replay the Voth rep ones if you have them and see what I'm talking about)
Those are the first ones that come to mind. None of them are truly game breaking, some are just stupid annoyances, but they all speak to the quality of the product and the professionalism of the company.
For a product that's been around for years, I would expect those kind of amateur issues to have been long resolved, and it certainly didn't leave me feeling comfortable enough to give up large amounts of cash.
Sure I dont like the new game mechanics and the nerfs... but for someone brand new... there is no nerf cause this is how it has always been.
Well, in fairness my thinking is that this really is not a new player friendly game - somewhat exacerbated by DR, but more the game mechanics itself. Some of the recent changes I believe have hurt newer players more than long-term, though:
1. Decrease in value of "vendor trash" loot, by up to 70% in some cases
2. Decrease in loot drops in foundry missions at least - reported by a newer friend of mine who used to do the farming mission, I haven't really bothered with those
3. Numerous reports that earlier episodes are giving less EXP as a reward now. I never tracked those in the past, and haven't bothered now, but if true certainly impacts newer players (although I will be the first to say that I thought going from 1-50 was much too fast).
4. Decrease in dilithium rewards for "easier" STF difficulties
5. I can't imagine a new player actually going into PvP now at all - this was always bad, but the gulf has gotten extremely wider
Add into that the learning curve of reps, fleet leveling up, C-Store ships vs. Fleet ships, understanding bridge officer abilities to use, STF tactics, duty officers to equip, duty officer missions/chains to complete, skill point investments, consoles, crafting, upgrades, battle zones, bridge officer traits, character/captain traits, gold pressed latinum vs. energy credits vs. dilithium vs. zen...
Honestly, if I didn't have a friend who was helping me through that process, I probably would have just quit and moved on. For me, it was the social aspect that kept me in-game, not the game itself, which I'd say is kind of a bad thing.
Also even if folks here dont like the chanages... they still pay $ when they offer them something they want like the new re-bagged intrepid.
I don't, and I know at least a few others who don't. My best friend wants the Intrepid bundle just because he loves Voyager, but the price they're asking and how little he's enjoying the game now he refuses to pay. One person does not a pattern make, but at least not everyone is buying into the scheme.
I have been playing the pve ques over the last couple of weeks to help me level up and fill my ship mastery and although they are not exactly heaving I have still been able to play most of the content there on both normal and even on the advanced mode.
sure you might have to wait a few minutes for the que to fill enough but not excessively long, I just look down the que for a game that has 2 or 3 players waiting, join that que and wait a few minutes, quite often I have been able to get a game almost instantly but I have never had to wait very long.
I might also add that in most games we also ended up in a win situation and although I did experience some fails I still got planty of wins even in stf`s.
I suppose that if players find they loose it can be slightly off-putting but then I also found when I had a win it felt more rewarding, I not talking in game rewards I mean when I used to go "mmm win again" now I go "yaaaar we won".
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
i dunno if its a great idea to dismiss the value of the veterans to new people. veterans are the ones that teach ppl how to improve a build, now to run stfs, invite them to holdings, hand-hold through crafting, teach them how to doff/farm dil, join channels, troubleshoot, etc.
imo cryptic is cutting its own throat (and i am kind of happy about that).
I am very disappointed in these new advanced STFs.
Every one I try FAILs miserably! :mad:
I guess I won't be waiting in anymore queues. I was really looking forward to completing my Borg rep sets. Now it is just impossible.
They need to bring back the old elite version.
They were never asked to remove them in the first place. Oh man and what a wonderful, pug-able normal mode those old elite would make these days. Not to easy, not to hard and giving a decent reward for everybody to queue up for next.
STO was such a nice game and still could be.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
So I am trying to finish the reputation on my science character. Other than Bug Hunt advanced, CCA or Azure Nebula, everything is dead.
Even than, it's hard to queue for anything other than CCA.
The queue situation is still very desolate compared to the pre DR time.
Only some elite queues seem to pay out in a reasonable reward/time/risk/effort ratio.
From my observation a lot is still dead and unused.
Nevertheless give Rhi Station and Nukara Transdimetional Tactics Elite a shot if you are or when u hit 60.
Besides your mentioned Bug Hunt those mission pretty much seem to be the only ones left giving me enough of an incentive to run regularly but that even in pugs or with minimal in game friends/fleet support.
Both of em are heavily time gated but to the players advantage for a change meaning they are VERY short (~6 mins) so any fails are not as hard to live with.
When Im in a position to run them with 1-2 other players of my skill in a predefined strategy we get a success rate of 90%+. In pure pugs more like 70%.
After a few month into DR I still fail to understand why cryptic has such a hard time filing the queues.
If any hints are still needed/wanted cryptic:
- How about skill point reward in a quantity you could actually see. Argala does that even if I sit my Teddy bear on spacebar. Why does a PVE endgame you claim to be challenging pays out so much less?
- Since you have show a general lack of understanding whats difficult and whats not how about you look at least at the plain durations in your time gated mission and see to a more equal reward. Plain fun is not kicking in for Undine Assault. If you want peeps to run it enhance the reward or make it competitive to missions 5 times shorter which pay out the same.
- Perhaps you should still gather more metrics on one time fail criteria. Vicious Cycle has a cool former optional where you have to scan an anomaly. Team up the programmers of that map and have them run it. Much fun I can assure you but hardly an incentive to run it ever again.
- Connor
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
i dunno if its a great idea to dismiss the value of the veterans to new people. veterans are the ones that teach ppl how to improve a build, now to run stfs, invite them to holdings, hand-hold through crafting, teach them how to doff/farm dil, join channels, troubleshoot, etc.
imo cryptic is cutting its own throat (and i am kind of happy about that).
Completely agree. It's the same for every game and what do you do when you tick off the people who helped start the title? Seriously, when you've done so much to destroy the games charm that even the true veterans who have been there since day one who paid for the game in preorders and who helped it when it was subscription only leave? What then?
I won't return until two things happen. 1: they restore the rewards to their former glory for STFs and repeatable zones and that means all of them. 2: their current management is replaced after offering the playerbase a lengthy heart felt apology for accusing them of exploiting when DR was released when we were given an enormous grind. Until then they can kiss my money goodbye permanently. And the reason I'm posting this here is because unlike other games out there, this one doesn't have a "why are you leaving" comment box.
The offical statement, as described, and indeed quoted, in other threads is that DR has been a huge success.
Although I will say, this early into the new expansion, I wouldn't expect the see the queues being overly busy anyway. Judging by the number of players I've seen in the DQ (in-game), the majority of players are playing the new content/story.
Very unlikely to admit anything?! How's about flat-out denial? In the latest podcast (around 26:45), Captain Smirk said he tested the queues himself, unannounced, and EVERYTHING WAS AWESOME! In his own words:
"I hopped in the game, and tested out ALL the queues myself, and they popped very quickly for me. So, we have reports saying it would be an hour before certain queues would pop, and I got in and they popped in less than 30 seconds. And this was on my personal account, not on my Dev account, not on my magic account."
"I hopped in the game, and tested out ALL the queues myself, and they popped very quickly for me. So, we have reports saying it would be an hour before certain queues would pop, and I got in and they popped in less than 30 seconds. And this was on my personal account, not on my Dev account, not on my magic account."
I honestly don't know what to say to that.
I dunno what he is referring to exactly, but wasn't there some Livestream where he was testing Queues, with basically everyone who listened to it ? I seriously doubt he tried it on his own ...
But nvm ... way to go ... making yet again fun of Forum Feedback (he asked for btw) ... Taco just told us to provide more constructive Feedback instead of "Sig-Pics", and then Smirk hops in proving they couldn't care less about it ... congrats ... isn't this guy supposed to be "Community Manager" ?
PS : Seriously, though ... ALL Queues including "Mine Trap" etc ? Good One ... that's hilarious ...
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
PS : Seriously, though ... ALL Queues including "Mine Trap" etc ? Good One ... that's hilarious ...
Well, I linked to the podcast above; so, around 26:45 mins he starts talking about him having tested the queues himself. Don't just take my word for it (saves me on transcribing too, LOL).
"I hopped in the game, and tested out ALL the queues myself, and they popped very quickly for me. So, we have reports saying it would be an hour before certain queues would pop, and I got in and they popped in less than 30 seconds. And this was on my personal account, not on my Dev account, not on my magic account."
I honestly don't know what to say to that.
He really said that? Wow...just wow. I was still doing a little gaming around 2am, so 9pm EST and therefore well into primetime or even just past it.
The queues were taking a ridiculous amount of time to pop. The only one that popped quickly was CCA. Even ISA took about 10mins to pop.
I don't know what to say to that either, but it's just iffy, something doesn't feel right.
If you've come to the forums to complain about the AFK system, it's known to be bugged at the moment.
Well, I linked to the podcast above; so, around 26:45 mins he starts talking about him having tested the queues himself. Don't just take my word for it (saves me on transcribing too, LOL).
Not sure my mind can handle another "WTF-Podcast", it's like watching a really messed up Episode of "Twilight Zone" these days ...
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
Okay, the list is too long for a screenshot and i don´t want to post a whole gallery here but right now (i play from Germany) we have 5 Borg disconnected easy, 5 cure Space Adv., 5 Fleet alerts, 10 Infected conduit Advanced, 10 Khitomer vortex Adv. and 30 CC Advanced. Thats not much. all other queues are empty and don´t even have a timer how long you have to wait.
But i am a bit surprised. For some queues, Like Khitomer there are 0 People waiting but then suddenly it jumps from 15 Games in progress to 30 Games in progress. How and why?
Very unlikely to admit anything?! How's about flat-out denial? In the latest podcast (around 26:45), Captain Smirk said he tested the queues himself, unannounced, and EVERYTHING WAS AWESOME! In his own words:
"I hopped in the game, and tested out ALL the queues myself, and they popped very quickly for me. So, we have reports saying it would be an hour before certain queues would pop, and I got in and they popped in less than 30 seconds. And this was on my personal account, not on my Dev account, not on my magic account."
I honestly don't know what to say to that.
He tested ISA and CE at prime time, and concluded it was fine for the rest of the game
Or perhaps he tried with 5 friends. Oh look the queues start as soon as we queue !
As I said to Taco, that's hard to stay constructive when people like Geko (mostly) or Smirk are answering by smug ignorance (at best), or by trolling us (usually Geko).
"We have an issue with this"(players) "no, you are an idiot/entitled whiner" (geko) "everything is fine, and we are making a lot of money, I don't understand why you are complaining" (smirk).
Okay, the list is too long for a screenshot and i don´t want to post a whole gallery here but right now (i play from Germany) we have 5 Borg disconnected easy, 5 cure Space Adv., 5 Fleet alerts, 10 Infected conduit Advanced, 10 Khitomer vortex Adv. and 30 CC Advanced. That s not mcuh. all other queues are emty and don´t even have a timer how long you have to wati.
But i am a bit surpised. For some queues, Like Khitomer there are 0 People waiting but then suddenly it jumps from 15 Games in progress to 30 Games in progress. How and why?
Very unlikely to admit anything?! How's about flat-out denial? In the latest podcast (around 26:45), Captain Smirk said he tested the queues himself, unannounced, and EVERYTHING WAS AWESOME! In his own words:
"I hopped in the game, and tested out ALL the queues myself, and they popped very quickly for me. So, we have reports saying it would be an hour before certain queues would pop, and I got in and they popped in less than 30 seconds. And this was on my personal account, not on my Dev account, not on my magic account."
I honestly don't know what to say to that.
Let the dead queues be dead and let the living queues live.
Its not like the only queues are public queues. Did you even go in the same time as smirk did? go to one the private queues and you can have it in 30 seconds.
All in all this is Propaganda thread to change the game in your favor so that you forced devs to change the game to your playstyle. Change the game so you can compete not adjust to your game.
Much like other games I have been to. Those who have been outcompeted, outclassed are the first ones to whine and complain about the state of the game.
Adapt to the in-game community who has been successful, spend more time in game rather in the forums.
Let the dead queues be dead and let the living queues live.
Its not like the only queues are public queues. Did you even go in the same time as smirk did? go to one the private queues and you can have it in 30 seconds.
All in all this is Propaganda thread to change the game in your favor so that you forced devs to change the game to your playstyle. Change the game so you can compete not adjust to your game.
Much like other games I have been to. Those who have been outcompeted, outclassed are the first ones to whine and complain about the state of the game.
Adapt to the in-game community who has been successful, spend more time in game rather in the forums.
I really want you to do a livestream of you (alone) doing mine trap, or stuff like that. You can even use PESTF (no fleet chan/friendlist). I fully expect that will be the longest livestream ever, unless some fleet decide to queue for it to, and are missing a single guy.
But yeah, otherwise ISA and CE are pretty much alive. Not even close to their past selves, but they are still breathing.
Let the dead queues be dead and let the living queues live.
Its not like the only queues are public queues. Did you even go in the same time as smirk did? go to one the private queues and you can have it in 30 seconds.
All in all this is Propaganda thread to change the game in your favor so that you forced devs to change the game to your playstyle. Change the game so you can compete not adjust to your game.
Much like other games I have been to. Those who have been outcompeted, outclassed are the first ones to whine and complain about the state of the game.
Adapt to the in-game community who has been successful, spend more time in game rather in the forums.
Oooh boy. You really don't know what you just did, do you?
The people here who are expressing their valid concern about the activity in the queues are frustrated because of some comments made by a small group of developers and community managers. They feel that these comments do not resemble the ingame situation. And they are completely right.
A Propaganda thread? What are we telling them to do? FIX THE BLOODY QUEUES? Would not be bad, I think. Even though I am fairly successful with the teams I take into queues, those teams are premade. I can no longer play an Undine Infiltration (one of my favourite, I really love it) without having to resort to even public channels on occasion. This is a valid concern.
Honestly, what you are doing here, is ensuring that half of the forums (if not more) will develop hostile feelings to you. You insulted dozens of players, and told them to suck up their valid concerns. That is not the respectful way to treat others in a forum...
Let the dead queues be dead and let the living queues live.
Its not like the only queues are public queues. Did you even go in the same time as smirk did? go to one the private queues and you can have it in 30 seconds.
All in all this is Propaganda thread to change the game in your favor so that you forced devs to change the game to your playstyle. Change the game so you can compete not adjust to your game.
Much like other games I have been to. Those who have been outcompeted, outclassed are the first ones to whine and complain about the state of the game.
Adapt to the in-game community who has been successful, spend more time in game rather in the forums.
So what? Become an elitist (i just love that word) because the countless players who don´t play anymore don´t count? Only the few on top are those who count?
Are you kidding? Pre-DR we had queoes with 150+ games im progress nuw we have a third at most. pre-DR i could log in at any time and date, select a mission and it started in 1-2 minutes. Now i have only 3-4 that are actually starting at all within an hour.
Some Missions are Easy line Undine Infiltration upt o elite but others like the borg STfs with their Timers or the Undine Space missions with the fluidic bubbles are very very annoying, take very long and have a high chance of filing therefore no one has any interest in playing them anymore.
I don´t know what game you are playing but if you can´t see that something is wrong here, well then, sorry.
I've recently been doing all the elite grounds at night in pugs with my friend. Having a lot of fun. I would say we've gotten the best 5 of them to all pop within 2 minutes each time for the past week.
There's a similar number in space that can be pugged within 2 minutes - advanced or elite.
However they are killing a couple of these with some new changes coming soon. Apparently people were able to complete bug hunt so they are fixing that!!
I think bug hunt is the perfect example of the complete lack of touch with how the game actually plays. The best (and for many groups only) way to complete bug hunt is to kill the spawnmother before she starts eating her young. By the time she starts regenerating 2 or 3 times all the players are dying. For most groups it has to be done before she regenerates or maybe after 1 regeneration or it's not going to be done.
So by doubling or tripling her HP it means the only mission that gives delta doohickies will soon be eliminated. So get em now if you want em.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
That would be my guess as well. Perhaps Smirk could clarify that answer a bit. I'm finding it extremely difficult to believe he tried pugging every single normal and advanced queue there is and they all popped within 30 seconds. ISA, BDA and CCA? Absolutely I can believe it. Hive Space Elite, Mine Trap and Breaking the Planet? Nope, not buying it.
Considering he first asked for Feedback, then closed down the Thread after a few hours, when it was mostly negative & basically everyone saying the same thing ... to come back several weeks later with the response "Nah I just tried it myself" ...
-> I wouldn't expect an honest answer ...
PS : Seriously why ask for Feedback in the first place, if you can just try it yourself (obviously) & dismissing everyone else anyway ...
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
How did you know if I may ask?
Was it on the event calendar on Tribble ?
I'm asking because it was clear to me that the Mirror event had not been tuned to DR/Mk 14 requirements .
yes was on the calender.
No, it wasn't. At least not on Holodeck with any frequency (I can't speak to Tribble, so maybe it was there). I kept checking to see what the end date was supposed to be to figure out how many transporters I could get, and it was still not on the calendar as of 2 days before it ended.
Forums are where it's worst, definitely, but I still see negative posts and jerks in zone chat, fleet chat sometimes, and of course in-mission STF teams.
Well, if you're on a Mac it sounds like there are game breaking bugs right now, but I can't verify that.
Ultimately remember that bugs (and I'm being very liberal in my definition of "bug" here) don't have to be game breaking to drive players away - or at least make them uncomfortable spending money.
No need for a full lecture on conversion theory, but suffice to say that every point of friction or anxiety reduces the likelihood of a conversion. In this case, a new player sticking around and paying real currency is conversion. Friction is anything that makes it harder to do the conversion, anxiety is anything that makes you doubt that it's worth it.
This is hardly scientific proof, but in my own experience starting out I encountered:
1. Numerous typos and bad grammar in core in-game mission screens.
2. 2 out of 3 Nimbus daily dilithium runs (one of the best ways for me as a new player to get dilithium) had constant issues preventing them from working. This has since been fixed, but backtracking looks like it was a known problem for several years.
3. Login/Server disconnect issues - these seem to have calmed down at least for me, though still happen more than I would think they should.
4. Interaction points (like particle scans and some mission objectives) spawning under/within terrain and making them virtually inaccessible.
5. Lag spikes slowing/stopping characters to a crawl
6. Persistent delays in system recognizing tray/bridge officer ability clicks, often requiring 2 or 3 clicks to activate (still happens)
7. Power tray/Equipped duty officers disappearing/unequipping - this has still happened to me at least once since the latest "fix"
8. Numerous rendering issues where characters seem to either have missing body parts or blurry definition
9. Basic load screen (where you select which of your characters to play) either doesn't load bridge crew, loads the wrong ones, or loads the wrong outfits (still happening)
10. NPCs/Attackers spanning or getting stuck in terrain objects - saw it a lot on Colony Invasion STF and several Borg missions (still happening in the caves of Undine Infiltration)
11. Extremely blurry/laggy motion in cut scenes (replay the Voth rep ones if you have them and see what I'm talking about)
Those are the first ones that come to mind. None of them are truly game breaking, some are just stupid annoyances, but they all speak to the quality of the product and the professionalism of the company.
For a product that's been around for years, I would expect those kind of amateur issues to have been long resolved, and it certainly didn't leave me feeling comfortable enough to give up large amounts of cash.
Well, in fairness my thinking is that this really is not a new player friendly game - somewhat exacerbated by DR, but more the game mechanics itself. Some of the recent changes I believe have hurt newer players more than long-term, though:
1. Decrease in value of "vendor trash" loot, by up to 70% in some cases
2. Decrease in loot drops in foundry missions at least - reported by a newer friend of mine who used to do the farming mission, I haven't really bothered with those
3. Numerous reports that earlier episodes are giving less EXP as a reward now. I never tracked those in the past, and haven't bothered now, but if true certainly impacts newer players (although I will be the first to say that I thought going from 1-50 was much too fast).
4. Decrease in dilithium rewards for "easier" STF difficulties
5. I can't imagine a new player actually going into PvP now at all - this was always bad, but the gulf has gotten extremely wider
Add into that the learning curve of reps, fleet leveling up, C-Store ships vs. Fleet ships, understanding bridge officer abilities to use, STF tactics, duty officers to equip, duty officer missions/chains to complete, skill point investments, consoles, crafting, upgrades, battle zones, bridge officer traits, character/captain traits, gold pressed latinum vs. energy credits vs. dilithium vs. zen...
Honestly, if I didn't have a friend who was helping me through that process, I probably would have just quit and moved on. For me, it was the social aspect that kept me in-game, not the game itself, which I'd say is kind of a bad thing.
I don't, and I know at least a few others who don't. My best friend wants the Intrepid bundle just because he loves Voyager, but the price they're asking and how little he's enjoying the game now he refuses to pay. One person does not a pattern make, but at least not everyone is buying into the scheme.
sure you might have to wait a few minutes for the que to fill enough but not excessively long, I just look down the que for a game that has 2 or 3 players waiting, join that que and wait a few minutes, quite often I have been able to get a game almost instantly but I have never had to wait very long.
I might also add that in most games we also ended up in a win situation and although I did experience some fails I still got planty of wins even in stf`s.
I suppose that if players find they loose it can be slightly off-putting but then I also found when I had a win it felt more rewarding, I not talking in game rewards I mean when I used to go "mmm win again" now I go "yaaaar we won".
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
imo cryptic is cutting its own throat (and i am kind of happy about that).
free jkname
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Every one I try FAILs miserably! :mad:
I guess I won't be waiting in anymore queues. I was really looking forward to completing my Borg rep sets. Now it is just impossible.
They need to bring back the old elite version.
They were never asked to remove them in the first place. Oh man and what a wonderful, pug-able normal mode those old elite would make these days. Not to easy, not to hard and giving a decent reward for everybody to queue up for next.
STO was such a nice game and still could be.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Even than, it's hard to queue for anything other than CCA.
The queue situation is still very desolate compared to the pre DR time.
Only some elite queues seem to pay out in a reasonable reward/time/risk/effort ratio.
From my observation a lot is still dead and unused.
Nevertheless give Rhi Station and Nukara Transdimetional Tactics Elite a shot if you are or when u hit 60.
Besides your mentioned Bug Hunt those mission pretty much seem to be the only ones left giving me enough of an incentive to run regularly but that even in pugs or with minimal in game friends/fleet support.
Both of em are heavily time gated but to the players advantage for a change meaning they are VERY short (~6 mins) so any fails are not as hard to live with.
When Im in a position to run them with 1-2 other players of my skill in a predefined strategy we get a success rate of 90%+. In pure pugs more like 70%.
After a few month into DR I still fail to understand why cryptic has such a hard time filing the queues.
If any hints are still needed/wanted cryptic:
- How about skill point reward in a quantity you could actually see. Argala does that even if I sit my Teddy bear on spacebar. Why does a PVE endgame you claim to be challenging pays out so much less?
- Since you have show a general lack of understanding whats difficult and whats not how about you look at least at the plain durations in your time gated mission and see to a more equal reward. Plain fun is not kicking in for Undine Assault. If you want peeps to run it enhance the reward or make it competitive to missions 5 times shorter which pay out the same.
- Perhaps you should still gather more metrics on one time fail criteria. Vicious Cycle has a cool former optional where you have to scan an anomaly. Team up the programmers of that map and have them run it. Much fun I can assure you but hardly an incentive to run it ever again.
- Connor
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Completely agree. It's the same for every game and what do you do when you tick off the people who helped start the title? Seriously, when you've done so much to destroy the games charm that even the true veterans who have been there since day one who paid for the game in preorders and who helped it when it was subscription only leave? What then?
I won't return until two things happen. 1: they restore the rewards to their former glory for STFs and repeatable zones and that means all of them. 2: their current management is replaced after offering the playerbase a lengthy heart felt apology for accusing them of exploiting when DR was released when we were given an enormous grind. Until then they can kiss my money goodbye permanently. And the reason I'm posting this here is because unlike other games out there, this one doesn't have a "why are you leaving" comment box.
Very unlikely to admit anything?! How's about flat-out denial? In the latest podcast (around 26:45), Captain Smirk said he tested the queues himself, unannounced, and EVERYTHING WAS AWESOME! In his own words:
"I hopped in the game, and tested out ALL the queues myself, and they popped very quickly for me. So, we have reports saying it would be an hour before certain queues would pop, and I got in and they popped in less than 30 seconds. And this was on my personal account, not on my Dev account, not on my magic account."
I honestly don't know what to say to that.
I dunno what he is referring to exactly, but wasn't there some Livestream where he was testing Queues, with basically everyone who listened to it ? I seriously doubt he tried it on his own ...
But nvm ... way to go ... making yet again fun of Forum Feedback (he asked for btw) ... Taco just told us to provide more constructive Feedback instead of "Sig-Pics", and then Smirk hops in proving they couldn't care less about it ... congrats ... isn't this guy supposed to be "Community Manager" ?
PS : Seriously, though ... ALL Queues including "Mine Trap" etc ? Good One ... that's hilarious ...
Why, I was trying to be polite here. :P
And, in all seriousness, I genuinely don't know what to say to that. So, I figured I just let those words stand on their own.
Well, I linked to the podcast above; so, around 26:45 mins he starts talking about him having tested the queues himself. Don't just take my word for it (saves me on transcribing too, LOL).
He really said that? Wow...just wow. I was still doing a little gaming around 2am, so 9pm EST and therefore well into primetime or even just past it.
The queues were taking a ridiculous amount of time to pop. The only one that popped quickly was CCA. Even ISA took about 10mins to pop.
I don't know what to say to that either, but it's just iffy, something doesn't feel right.
Not sure my mind can handle another "WTF-Podcast", it's like watching a really messed up Episode of "Twilight Zone" these days ...
But i am a bit surprised. For some queues, Like Khitomer there are 0 People waiting but then suddenly it jumps from 15 Games in progress to 30 Games in progress. How and why?
Or perhaps he tried with 5 friends. Oh look the queues start as soon as we queue !
As I said to Taco, that's hard to stay constructive when people like Geko (mostly) or Smirk are answering by smug ignorance (at best), or by trolling us (usually Geko).
"We have an issue with this"(players) "no, you are an idiot/entitled whiner" (geko) "everything is fine, and we are making a lot of money, I don't understand why you are complaining" (smirk).
Private queues ? Just a guess.
Let the dead queues be dead and let the living queues live.
Its not like the only queues are public queues. Did you even go in the same time as smirk did? go to one the private queues and you can have it in 30 seconds.
All in all this is Propaganda thread to change the game in your favor so that you forced devs to change the game to your playstyle. Change the game so you can compete not adjust to your game.
Much like other games I have been to. Those who have been outcompeted, outclassed are the first ones to whine and complain about the state of the game.
Adapt to the in-game community who has been successful, spend more time in game rather in the forums.
But yeah, otherwise ISA and CE are pretty much alive. Not even close to their past selves, but they are still breathing.
Oooh boy. You really don't know what you just did, do you?
The people here who are expressing their valid concern about the activity in the queues are frustrated because of some comments made by a small group of developers and community managers. They feel that these comments do not resemble the ingame situation. And they are completely right.
A Propaganda thread? What are we telling them to do? FIX THE BLOODY QUEUES? Would not be bad, I think. Even though I am fairly successful with the teams I take into queues, those teams are premade. I can no longer play an Undine Infiltration (one of my favourite, I really love it) without having to resort to even public channels on occasion. This is a valid concern.
Honestly, what you are doing here, is ensuring that half of the forums (if not more) will develop hostile feelings to you. You insulted dozens of players, and told them to suck up their valid concerns. That is not the respectful way to treat others in a forum...
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So what? Become an elitist (i just love that word) because the countless players who don´t play anymore don´t count? Only the few on top are those who count?
Are you kidding? Pre-DR we had queoes with 150+ games im progress nuw we have a third at most. pre-DR i could log in at any time and date, select a mission and it started in 1-2 minutes. Now i have only 3-4 that are actually starting at all within an hour.
Some Missions are Easy line Undine Infiltration upt o elite but others like the borg STfs with their Timers or the Undine Space missions with the fluidic bubbles are very very annoying, take very long and have a high chance of filing therefore no one has any interest in playing them anymore.
I don´t know what game you are playing but if you can´t see that something is wrong here, well then, sorry.
There's a similar number in space that can be pugged within 2 minutes - advanced or elite.
However they are killing a couple of these with some new changes coming soon. Apparently people were able to complete bug hunt so they are fixing that!!
I think bug hunt is the perfect example of the complete lack of touch with how the game actually plays. The best (and for many groups only) way to complete bug hunt is to kill the spawnmother before she starts eating her young. By the time she starts regenerating 2 or 3 times all the players are dying. For most groups it has to be done before she regenerates or maybe after 1 regeneration or it's not going to be done.
So by doubling or tripling her HP it means the only mission that gives delta doohickies will soon be eliminated. So get em now if you want em.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Considering he first asked for Feedback, then closed down the Thread after a few hours, when it was mostly negative & basically everyone saying the same thing ... to come back several weeks later with the response "Nah I just tried it myself" ...
-> I wouldn't expect an honest answer ...
PS : Seriously why ask for Feedback in the first place, if you can just try it yourself (obviously) & dismissing everyone else anyway ...