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Dead Queues



  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    Yeah apparently you have taken the term "bleeding heart liberal" to the extreme. That or you are a supporter of communism.

    Both! :):):)
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If I could I would do STFs. They sound like lots of fun.

    However I don't do them due to various reasons.

    1 - No time I hate to get into one then have to get out. Leaving the party a man down due to I had to log off. Since I don't have much time to play to do those. I have to be ready to log off at a moment's notice.

    2 - Attitude I been in groups before. Some was good, some was just horrible. Over time, I found out its better not to get involved in those group missions. Unless I get to know the other players better. And they have a good attitude.

    3 - Computer Its getting old and group missions will give it a fit and cause lag issues. I found out with some visits to various missions and space stations. My graphics just can't take it like it used to.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • tyrannyfighter22tyrannyfighter22 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Both! :):):)

    Well I appreciate you admitting that... Puts both your comments into context for us all although it is odd, usually communists in America keep their beliefs on the downlow and instead talk about the poor and the so called war on women. Boy do I wish more would be truthful like you have been:)

    That or you are just trolling me lol
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Well I appreciate you admitting that... Puts both your comments into context for us all although it is odd, usually communists in America keep their beliefs on the downlow and instead talk about the poor and the so called war on women. Boy do I wish more would be truthful like you have been:)

    That or you are just trolling me lol

    I've vowed off political discussions here so as not to derail threads. And frankly I think they are a complete waste of time anymore anyway. Suffice to say atrocities are not limited based on choice of economic system. Monarchies, democracies, theocracies, communisms, dictatorships - all have committed them. And some famous democracies quite recently!

    I believe in the future of the United Federation of Planets. Keep working on that warp drive guys. I also recommend some research into micro singularities. Must get the Vulcan's attention.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • tyrannyfighter22tyrannyfighter22 Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    No. Society in Star Trek works because it is make believe.

    Thats a good point. But if we were trying to create what is shown in Star Trek in real life obviously we would have to get rid of totalitarian governments. That was my point.
  • carlosbflycarlosbfly Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    vandyfox wrote: »
    I cannot recall ever in all my playing time any event killing off any of the popular queues. Even 24/7 you could count on at least 1 instance of the 20 person starbase defense going on. That was my fav one since lots of people could play together and it kept me around for months just to login and run it. PLEASE fix the queues, they mean so much to players like me and what is happening now is awful!

    I truly feel this is the worst state the game has been in since ive played.

    Same. The queues have never been impacted by an event like Mirror Invasion before. And yes, I have never seen the game like this in two whole years. The queues were more busy before DR.
  • zookeeperstevezookeepersteve Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Reading through all these posts makes me really wonder if re-subbing a couple days ago was such a good idea :\
  • carlosbflycarlosbfly Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Reading through all these posts makes me really wonder if re-subbing a couple days ago was such a good idea :\

    Don't worry too much. They'll fix this. Eventually. The queues are dead and people are leaving in droves. They either fix it fast or the game is done.
  • banatinebanatine Member Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I'm also confident that they'll revert the changes again soon. but when they do it, they won't tell anyone, because that would be an admission of failure :)

    Honestly, i AM surprised it's taken them this long to do anything (their first round of 'fixes' don't count, they were so small as to be pretty much irrelevant)
    Real Temporal Operative: Purchased the Special Temporal Agent pack before it was even officially announced!
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    banatine wrote: »
    I'm also confident that they'll revert the changes again soon. but when they do it, they won't tell anyone, because that would be an admission of failure :)

    Like people wouldn't notice. :)

    Seriously, it's that same condescending attitude, from Cryptic, that makes them think no one's gonna notice the doff XP steath-nerf, for instance. Granted, LOL, I didn't; but Trekkies tend to be pretty nerdy. :) (In the most positive sense) As a group they notice *everything*.
  • janus1975janus1975 Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    ... As a group they notice *everything*.

    There was a thread (pre-DR) about what we appreciate about STO, and it's worth revisiting that. In my case, it was all the little attention to detail everywhere. I started playing STO with already having seen all of VOY and TNG, all the TOS-movie era, and even then some things still impressed when I started watching DS9 and TOS in their entirety. All these little details from the look of Bajor's city (DS9 archaeological dig), to the name and sound of our contact on Nimbus III (Jones who sold tribbles in TOS), the details are there, like innumerable little Easter Eggs all the way through.

    Thing is, Cryptic can use our attention to all the little details to impress us like the above if they want to, and we'll show them love for it. Ball's in their court.
  • tmassxtmassx Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Easy solution for Cryptic:
    One dev have to watch the queues for duration one hour. He sees that some queues are empty. Than in the empty missions he reduces numbers of critters or increase a reward.

    For example i was today in Undine Assault advanced. I waited for start maybe 15 min , than we shooted about 45 minutes on mobs, planet killer destroyed at least five times each of us (realy I can not stand one shot 110k damage) and after we finally subdued the boss , we received 10! marks because mission is bugged, in addition, the game threatened me to get an stf leaver penalty.
    After this experience I do not want to send any money.

    Btw Viscous cycle is bugged too , so there is no chance to get argonite.

    For the elitist: Yes , I am not 60 lvl and i have not 20k dps and no mk14 gear ( I have 59 lvl and 14k dps - but better resist , only mk13 gear)
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The 'Easy Solution' is to just put the Ques back like they were.

    There as no reason to change Normal or the old Elite (outside of the rename) to begin with.

    Honestly, this is becoming a real concern because it's getting worse every day. I do enjoy this game, I like logging in and playing and it used to be a lot more fun. I really don't want to lose that.

    The Ques are getting more and more empty on a daily basis, I logged in today around 'peak time' (5PM PST) and ICA had 0 players and 2 in que. That's insanity. That que used to have 40-50 playing and 100+ qued and now it's a graveyard.

    I'm honestly afraid that right now the only thing keeping the game going is the Mirror Event and people still finishing the DR Story content. Neither of these will last much longer.

    The players don't want the game to fail, Crypitc doesn't want the game to fail.. we want the same thing, I don't get why Cryptic won't fix it.

    At this rate, there will be nothing left to discuss in a couple months at most. :confused:
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Public queues are dead, DR has killed them as you can no longer go into an Elite (now advanced) and support a fellow player who isn't ready to make that step up to that difficulty level.

    The hull and shield increase NPC's got, makes it so you need a decent team of either DPS or a strong mixture of DPS and crowd control. otherwise it makes the game a tedious snorefest if you cannot shoot NPC's down in reason time

    The Borg for example aren't batting any harder, they are just sucking up you're shots more easily.

    Donatra in KSA, The Carrier in CSA the Mirror Dreadnought in MI all seem to end up dying via bleed through than actually having shields knocked offline

    I have 13 toons on my account i have the 700 day vet skill bonus and since DR's launch and the Skill point nerf 10 of them are being neglected as playing missions doesn't reward enough skill points to advance a toon anywhere. I think i was getting 83 skill points a kill per Advanced Borg Sphere in ISA.

    Each one of those 13 was fully geared and specced pre-DR to handle all Elite content in this game. All had equal amount of time and Real Life money invested in them. Now with the huge gaps between levels i can't be bothered to log into these toons other than to refine my 8k dil and maybe reset a round of doffs

    By setting the goal posts so far apart and playing content upon content and not seeing my toons advance to the next level, its putting me off playing.

    I've got 2 toons to level 60 and then there's the Specialization tree to grind. Thanks Cryptic but no thanks it was Epic enough to get to 60x2.
    I've no interest in trying to unlock this new content you have added to the game anytime soon. The journey to get there is just too long and unrewarding for me to take.

    I'm getting to the point of player fatigue with the game as it stands now. And may need to consider a break from it.
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited November 2014
    We've been saying it for days, whining and raging about the changes. The fact remains that cryptic does make changes for the benefit of it's players.

    You guys forget the nerd rage over the LoR launch? Removing dil from the STFs? I think lasted 3 days. Reducing the time it took to complete the reps? They shortened it by half within 2 weeks.

    The STF queues are effectively dead.
    We should have 300-500 players actively playing right now, regardless of the launch of new content. Even during LoR the queues were active. Mirror Incursion at this time of this time of the day should be in the hundreds, it's less than 60.

    Players are leaving, and are being very vocal about it.
    I've been through 4 launches now, and it's never been this bad. Seven friends, 4 paying have cancelled their accounts. An eighth returned today, but that was to find out where the fleet is meeting in RIFTS tomorrow.

    The bugs prevent us from playing.
    I have got one 60th level toon read with enough gear to play. The problem is the loadouts are completely fractured for this toon. I could try to play, but every map I'm forced to rebuild my HUD. It's frustrating.

    Can't Use Stuff I've PAID FOR.
    Remens can't use Ship Mastery. I can't access the Intel costumes paid for. Zen sales are being blocked on the exchange. Romulans are stuck at the academy and have to pay ec to get out.

    Anything you've earn and collected over 3 years is now no longer 'ELITE'.
    Lets be brutally honest. It's too expensive to update more than one toon UNLESS you invest. I have 50+ ships across 7 alts. I liked playing my alts,now I can't afford it. And I just dropped $250 on this game.

    Upgrades? How about you spend 100K dil and 10 million ec for something that's worse than what you started with?
    Seriously - don't upgrade anything until you've seen it tested elsewhere. Even then you risk something YOU PAID FOR.

    And communication from the company. You're all Exploiters (then you're not). Trust what we post. XP will be higher. You will get Delta marks in the new Mirror Incursion.
    Stealth XP nerfs. First In patrols, then in doffing. And Delta Marks in Mirror Incursion? No where to be seen. Who do you believe?

    Angry? Voicing your opinion?
    Lets add a 5 minute cool-down on the forum. Lets ban words like ****** and ******* <--- negative words used to describe something that's broken.

    The game needs something and quick.

    If I had launched something as clearly dysfunctional and detrimental to paying customers, I'd lose my job. Someone made the decision to approve this TRIBBLE. Someone said launch.

    They need to account for that.

    Oh and to the people who say - if you don't like it, why don't you go away? Simple answer. If there was another Star Trek MMO, hell yeah. But As II'm a frustrated angry paying customer, you bet I'm gonna voice my opinion here and every website that will let me post.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Public queues are dead, DR has killed them as you can no longer go into an Elite (now advanced) and support a fellow player who isn't ready to make that step up to that difficulty level.

    That's the first BIG Problem right there. They made it so you need to be fully geared to handle 'Advanced,' but the Normal Ques don't give Neural Processors or whatever component you need to get the Rep Gear. Therefore, you have players that need Ques to get Mk XII but these Ques are intended for players running Mk XIII or better. God help you if you're a 'fresh 50,' you literally have nowhere to go. Used to be that us more experienced or better geared players could help these guys along, now being grouped with them causes everyone to fail. It's frustrating for us, and not fair to them.

    Oh and to the people who say - if you don't like it, why don't you go away? Simple answer. If there was another Star Trek MMO, hell yeah. But As II'm a frustrated angry paying customer, you bet I'm gonna voice my opinion here and every website that will let me post.

    For these people, I would say that the reason we 'complain' is because we care. If I didn't care, if I didn't enjoy the game or want it to succeed, I would simply quit playing and be done with it. If we didn't care, we wouldn't post.. we wouldn't take part in discussion, we would simply quit.

    I hope Cryptic understand that the 'complainers' on this issue are really just players who care and are seeing a very disturbing trend that we feel is killing the game we love. We speak up hoping for change, we don't enjoy being malcontents.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    We've been saying it for days, whining and raging about the changes. The fact remains that cryptic does make changes for the benefit of it's players.

    You guys forget the nerd rage over the LoR launch? Removing dil from the STFs? I think lasted 3 days. Reducing the time it took to complete the reps? They shortened it by half within 2 weeks.

    The STF queues are effectively dead.
    We should have 300-500 players actively playing right now, regardless of the launch of new content. Even during LoR the queues were active. Mirror Incursion at this time of this time of the day should be in the hundreds, it's less than 60.

    Players are leaving, and are being very vocal about it.
    I've been through 4 launches now, and it's never been this bad. Seven friends, 4 paying have cancelled their accounts. An eighth returned today, but that was to find out where the fleet is meeting in RIFTS tomorrow.

    The bugs prevent us from playing.
    I have got one 60th level toon read with enough gear to play. The problem is the loadouts are completely fractured for this toon. I could try to play, but every map I'm forced to rebuild my HUD. It's frustrating.

    Can't Use Stuff I've PAID FOR.
    Remens can't use Ship Mastery. I can't access the Intel costumes paid for. Zen sales are being blocked on the exchange. Romulans are stuck at the academy and have to pay ec to get out.

    Anything you've earn and collected over 3 years is now no longer 'ELITE'.
    Lets be brutally honest. It's too expensive to update more than one toon UNLESS you invest. I have 50+ ships across 7 alts. I liked playing my alts,now I can't afford it. And I just dropped $250 on this game.

    Upgrades? How about you spend 100K dil and 10 million ec for something that's worse than what you started with?
    Seriously - don't upgrade anything until you've seen it tested elsewhere. Even then you risk something YOU PAID FOR.

    And communication from the company. You're all Exploiters (then you're not). Trust what we post. XP will be higher. You will get Delta marks in the new Mirror Incursion.
    Stealth XP nerfs. First In patrols, then in doffing. And Delta Marks in Mirror Incursion? No where to be seen. Who do you believe?

    Angry? Voicing your opinion?
    Lets add a 5 minute cool-down on the forum. Lets ban words like ****** and ******* <--- negative words used to describe something that's broken.

    The game needs something and quick.

    If I had launched something as clearly dysfunctional and detrimental to paying customers, I'd lose my job. Someone made the decision to approve this TRIBBLE. Someone said launch.

    They need to account for that.

    Oh and to the people who say - if you don't like it, why don't you go away? Simple answer. If there was another Star Trek MMO, hell yeah. But As II'm a frustrated angry paying customer, you bet I'm gonna voice my opinion here and every website that will let me post.

    ^^ Epic post! Deserves to be quoted for truth.
  • sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Where do you see that massive drop-off in those charts?

    The only thing I see isthat since LOR, the player numbers over all have dropped after a good increase, and now there is another spike around the time of Delta Rising.

    The player numbers are now still better than the preceding weeks.

    LOR had 2,656.1 players on average in its month on release, DR has 2,499.8 (but DR has not yet had a full month.)

    It is not about the number of players in game, but about the number in specific types of queues. The new Advance does not interest players like the old elite. Too much was lost with the new rules (and over the top hull/shield boost to enemy NPCs). if DR is good then the overall interest will stay high, but the queues for end-game is what makes players become long-term players (and investors). :rolleyes:
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    We've been saying it for days, whining and raging about the changes. The fact remains that cryptic does make changes for the benefit of it's players.

    You guys forget the nerd rage over the LoR launch? Removing dil from the STFs? I think lasted 3 days. Reducing the time it took to complete the reps? They shortened it by half within 2 weeks.

    The STF queues are effectively dead.
    We should have 300-500 players actively playing right now, regardless of the launch of new content. Even during LoR the queues were active. Mirror Incursion at this time of this time of the day should be in the hundreds, it's less than 60.

    Players are leaving, and are being very vocal about it.
    I've been through 4 launches now, and it's never been this bad. Seven friends, 4 paying have cancelled their accounts. An eighth returned today, but that was to find out where the fleet is meeting in RIFTS tomorrow.

    The bugs prevent us from playing.
    I have got one 60th level toon read with enough gear to play. The problem is the loadouts are completely fractured for this toon. I could try to play, but every map I'm forced to rebuild my HUD. It's frustrating.

    Can't Use Stuff I've PAID FOR.
    Remens can't use Ship Mastery. I can't access the Intel costumes paid for. Zen sales are being blocked on the exchange. Romulans are stuck at the academy and have to pay ec to get out.

    Anything you've earn and collected over 3 years is now no longer 'ELITE'.
    Lets be brutally honest. It's too expensive to update more than one toon UNLESS you invest. I have 50+ ships across 7 alts. I liked playing my alts,now I can't afford it. And I just dropped $250 on this game.

    Upgrades? How about you spend 100K dil and 10 million ec for something that's worse than what you started with?
    Seriously - don't upgrade anything until you've seen it tested elsewhere. Even then you risk something YOU PAID FOR.

    And communication from the company. You're all Exploiters (then you're not). Trust what we post. XP will be higher. You will get Delta marks in the new Mirror Incursion.
    Stealth XP nerfs. First In patrols, then in doffing. And Delta Marks in Mirror Incursion? No where to be seen. Who do you believe?

    Angry? Voicing your opinion?
    Lets add a 5 minute cool-down on the forum. Lets ban words like ****** and ******* <--- negative words used to describe something that's broken.

    The game needs something and quick.

    If I had launched something as clearly dysfunctional and detrimental to paying customers, I'd lose my job. Someone made the decision to approve this TRIBBLE. Someone said launch.

    They need to account for that.

    Oh and to the people who say - if you don't like it, why don't you go away? Simple answer. If there was another Star Trek MMO, hell yeah. But As II'm a frustrated angry paying customer, you bet I'm gonna voice my opinion here and every website that will let me post.

    Well done. Your post and two others from different threads should be merged and published on various gaming media sites in my opinion.
    If you are looking for an excellent PvE fleet consider: Omega Combat Division today.
    Former member of the Cryptic Family & Friends Testing Team. Sadly, one day, it simply vanished - without a word or trace...
    Obscurea Chaotica Fleet (KDF), Commander
    ingame: @.Spartan
    Former Alpha & Beta Tester
    Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
    The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
  • carlosbflycarlosbfly Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    We've been saying it for days, whining and raging about the changes. The fact remains that cryptic does make changes for the benefit of it's players.

    You guys forget the nerd rage over the LoR launch? Removing dil from the STFs? I think lasted 3 days. Reducing the time it took to complete the reps? They shortened it by half within 2 weeks.

    The STF queues are effectively dead.
    We should have 300-500 players actively playing right now, regardless of the launch of new content. Even during LoR the queues were active. Mirror Incursion at this time of this time of the day should be in the hundreds, it's less than 60.

    Players are leaving, and are being very vocal about it.
    I've been through 4 launches now, and it's never been this bad. Seven friends, 4 paying have cancelled their accounts. An eighth returned today, but that was to find out where the fleet is meeting in RIFTS tomorrow.

    The bugs prevent us from playing.
    I have got one 60th level toon read with enough gear to play. The problem is the loadouts are completely fractured for this toon. I could try to play, but every map I'm forced to rebuild my HUD. It's frustrating.

    Can't Use Stuff I've PAID FOR.
    Remens can't use Ship Mastery. I can't access the Intel costumes paid for. Zen sales are being blocked on the exchange. Romulans are stuck at the academy and have to pay ec to get out.

    Anything you've earn and collected over 3 years is now no longer 'ELITE'.
    Lets be brutally honest. It's too expensive to update more than one toon UNLESS you invest. I have 50+ ships across 7 alts. I liked playing my alts,now I can't afford it. And I just dropped $250 on this game.

    Upgrades? How about you spend 100K dil and 10 million ec for something that's worse than what you started with?
    Seriously - don't upgrade anything until you've seen it tested elsewhere. Even then you risk something YOU PAID FOR.

    And communication from the company. You're all Exploiters (then you're not). Trust what we post. XP will be higher. You will get Delta marks in the new Mirror Incursion.
    Stealth XP nerfs. First In patrols, then in doffing. And Delta Marks in Mirror Incursion? No where to be seen. Who do you believe?

    Angry? Voicing your opinion?
    Lets add a 5 minute cool-down on the forum. Lets ban words like ****** and ******* <--- negative words used to describe something that's broken.

    The game needs something and quick.

    If I had launched something as clearly dysfunctional and detrimental to paying customers, I'd lose my job. Someone made the decision to approve this TRIBBLE. Someone said launch.

    They need to account for that.

    Oh and to the people who say - if you don't like it, why don't you go away? Simple answer. If there was another Star Trek MMO, hell yeah. But As II'm a frustrated angry paying customer, you bet I'm gonna voice my opinion here and every website that will let me post.

    Great post. Very well said.
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    they should do something for defend khi'rho station advanced; the timer is too short; and if you want to play this stf, be ready to wait 30 minutes
  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    they should do something for defend khi'rho station advanced; the timer is too short; and if you want to play this stf, be ready to wait 30 minutes

    Yes this one is dead. Except for the 10 supastars who like to say it's easy bro. Crylon is out of the game again. I haven't tried Viscous cycle recently. Last I heard it was doa as well.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • xapocalypseponyxxapocalypseponyx Member Posts: 577 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I think it would be helpful for our Cryptic friends to better understand STO's playerbase. There are 2 crucial facts that Cryptic should take into account when making decisions involving multiple player content.

    1) In my experience, the average STO player does not come off as overly intelligent. This is either because they are indeed dolts, they are apathetic, or they are blocked by a language barrier. Or any combination of these conditions.

    2) The average STO player is not a social creature. I'm not talking in a ESD political raging/gorn joking/ERP kind of way. I'm talking about teaming. About planning missions. About working as a team to achieve a goal. It's because of this that most players PUG.

    Even before DR came in like a wrecking ball, the more complex and difficult the queue event, the less play it received. Because of the changes, we are seeing that to even greater effect. The reason Elite missions were still popular is because the risk was manageable. How many times have you, all on your own saved the day for the whole team?

    What is needed is obvious and is what most of us envisioned when we first learned about the changes in difficulty.

    Normal: What it is, what it was, what it will be.

    Advanced: THE SAME AS the old Elite. PLAYS the same. There are some missions in which mandatory optionals are not going to work in a PUG. REWARDS the same. Minimal risk PUGing, since one knowledgeable player can still save the day. A place where our old discarded T5 ships and Mk XII gear can still play, without having the feeling of trolling. A place where I imagine most players will be.

    Elite: Just what it is. A place for when players want to get together for some teamwork and challenge. For fun and for a HIGHER reward.
    Well written post

  • inkrunnerinkrunner Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    We've been saying it for days, whining and raging about the changes. The fact remains that cryptic does make changes for the benefit of it's players.

    You guys forget the nerd rage over the LoR launch? Removing dil from the STFs? I think lasted 3 days. Reducing the time it took to complete the reps? They shortened it by half within 2 weeks.

    The STF queues are effectively dead.
    We should have 300-500 players actively playing right now, regardless of the launch of new content. Even during LoR the queues were active. Mirror Incursion at this time of this time of the day should be in the hundreds, it's less than 60.

    Players are leaving, and are being very vocal about it.
    I've been through 4 launches now, and it's never been this bad. Seven friends, 4 paying have cancelled their accounts. An eighth returned today, but that was to find out where the fleet is meeting in RIFTS tomorrow.

    The bugs prevent us from playing.
    I have got one 60th level toon read with enough gear to play. The problem is the loadouts are completely fractured for this toon. I could try to play, but every map I'm forced to rebuild my HUD. It's frustrating.

    Can't Use Stuff I've PAID FOR.
    Remens can't use Ship Mastery. I can't access the Intel costumes paid for. Zen sales are being blocked on the exchange. Romulans are stuck at the academy and have to pay ec to get out.

    Anything you've earn and collected over 3 years is now no longer 'ELITE'.
    Lets be brutally honest. It's too expensive to update more than one toon UNLESS you invest. I have 50+ ships across 7 alts. I liked playing my alts,now I can't afford it. And I just dropped $250 on this game.

    Upgrades? How about you spend 100K dil and 10 million ec for something that's worse than what you started with?
    Seriously - don't upgrade anything until you've seen it tested elsewhere. Even then you risk something YOU PAID FOR.

    And communication from the company. You're all Exploiters (then you're not). Trust what we post. XP will be higher. You will get Delta marks in the new Mirror Incursion.
    Stealth XP nerfs. First In patrols, then in doffing. And Delta Marks in Mirror Incursion? No where to be seen. Who do you believe?

    Angry? Voicing your opinion?
    Lets add a 5 minute cool-down on the forum. Lets ban words like ****** and ******* <--- negative words used to describe something that's broken.

    The game needs something and quick.

    If I had launched something as clearly dysfunctional and detrimental to paying customers, I'd lose my job. Someone made the decision to approve this TRIBBLE. Someone said launch.

    They need to account for that.

    Oh and to the people who say - if you don't like it, why don't you go away? Simple answer. If there was another Star Trek MMO, hell yeah. But As II'm a frustrated angry paying customer, you bet I'm gonna voice my opinion here and every website that will let me post.

    This. Those 'banned words' (you can get around it by putting spaces or hyphens in between the letters, btw) aren't swear words, are they?

    I know you doubted the accuracy/usefulness of the Steam Charts figures I posted earlier (which was completely reasonable of you to do), but the declining numbers correlate with what you are saying.

    Their non-apology is simply not good enough when there are loads of other problems that they've created, worsened, and as of yet have completely failed to even acknowledge.
    For these people, I would say that the reason we 'complain' is because we care. If I didn't care, if I didn't enjoy the game or want it to succeed, I would simply quit playing and be done with it. If we didn't care, we wouldn't post.. we wouldn't take part in discussion, we would simply quit.

    I hope Cryptic understand that the 'complainers' on this issue are really just players who care and are seeing a very disturbing trend that we feel is killing the game we love. We speak up hoping for change, we don't enjoy being malcontents.

    This cannot be restated enough.
  • tinead51tinead51 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Reading through all these posts makes me really wonder if re-subbing a couple days ago was such a good idea :\

    It wasn't, and I didn't. ;)
  • coolheadalcoolheadal Member Posts: 1,253 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    With everything happening, sounds like upper management or home head quarters want things to change. So here you go folks.

    Mirror Invasion (normal is changing almost like the advanced) I did say I wasn't going to do the advanced but I did get into it. Most of the other players fell out and left me to deal with the massive attacks. I only have one ship there is no way I can defeat all those extremely spawning terrain ships. Funny when they left the system had drop down the award selection so I had chosen Task force one. But I couldn't leave even though I was the only one left. The mission kept on going. So I exit out of STO. Then had signed back in and found that my ship had warped into MIRROR INVASION, I was able to warp out back into sector space.

    Right now I am only doing the following daily:

    Borg Disconnect (Normal) :)
    Mirror Event (Normal) :)
    Bug Hunt (Normal) this one depends on if anyone is queued up for it though. :(

    Time will only tell!
  • risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Advanced is too hard and it's creating a gap between older and newer players. Before DR, you could get a group of four or even three people together who had good gear and they would be able to compensate if the other one or two people did not have the right gear, traits and skills. This made it possible for newer players to do advanced missions and get BNP's and such items to start collecting gear.

    Now it's almost impossible for newer players to start collecting better stuff since you need some of the players with the highest DPS if you want to compensate for two newer/ less well geared players.


    So, either the missions are changed back the way they were, that is, they can be done again by three above average players and two newer players who are still collecting and building their ship, or they should change the rewards: give one BNP (and related items for all the other rep systems) for normal missions, and more BNP's for advanced and elite. This might of course result in a much greater supply of dilithium, but then again, there's still a huge sink for that.

    Either one of these things is done, or we'll have to get used to newer players ruining missions because at a certain point they have to build their ships and characters and they have no other way to do it, at least not without endangering the rewards for the real advanced/elite players.

    If Cryptic wants to avoid masses of players walking away and if they don't want to kill their own game or large parts of it (the PUGging for example) then they'd better start making these changes soon.
  • trekkietravistrekkietravis Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    risian4 wrote: »
    Advanced is too hard and it's creating a gap between older and newer players. Before DR, you could get a group of four or even three people together who had good gear and they would be able to compensate if the other one or two people did not have the right gear, traits and skills. This made it possible for newer players to do advanced missions and get BNP's and such items to start collecting gear.

    Now it's almost impossible for newer players to start collecting better stuff since you need some of the players with the highest DPS if you want to compensate for two newer/ less well geared players.


    So, either the missions are changed back the way they were, that is, they can be done again by three above average players and two newer players who are still collecting and building their ship, or they should change the rewards: give one BNP (and related items for all the other rep systems) for normal missions, and more BNP's for advanced and elite. This might of course result in a much greater supply of dilithium, but then again, there's still a huge sink for that.

    Either one of these things is done, or we'll have to get used to newer players ruining missions because at a certain point they have to build their ships and characters and they have no other way to do it, at least not without endangering the rewards for the real advanced/elite players.

    If Cryptic wants to avoid masses of players walking away and if they don't want to kill their own game or large parts of it (the PUGging for example) then they'd better start making these changes soon.

    Summed up well. They need to fix this or STO has no future...

    It's really sad, but for the first time in four years I feel like I am on a sinking ship...
  • equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,301 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I feel these changes are akin to taking my car into the garage, and the mechanic removes 3 gears - charges me for the privilege of making it harder to drive.... and then informing me I can drive effectively again by giving him even more money over a period of time.

    So they made enemies harder by giving them more HP. It's not interesting or challenging. Its just boring.

    Heres how to make STF's interesting and more difficult without resulting to beefing HP.

    Penalty box: if a player blows a node before all 4 are down to a certain level of HP - they get placed in a penalty box (with a few npc for them to fight in order to get out) (with a pop - up explaining why). Not only does it make things a bit more difficult, but ensures players learn from the experience (as opposed to people screaming 'noooooob!!!!' at them).

    The Kang moves... (slowly) away from enemies. A note flashes up informing the Kang needs defending. Or perhaps place a regenerating shield array nearby that gives an xp boost to those who activate it when the kang is damaged (meaning those defending the kang are not just sitting around)

    Instead of constant re spawning when fighting the Borg queen/diamond and ridiculous amounts of cubes to fight some kind of side mission ground infiltration that one or two away teams undertake to disable or disrupt their barrage/collective consciousness.

    The above are probably naff ideas, but I'm sure an intelligent Dev team can come up with something better than just buffing HP.
  • thatcursedwolfthatcursedwolf Member Posts: 1,617 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    2) The average STO player is not a social creature. I'm not talking in a ESD political raging/gorn joking/ERP kind of way. I'm talking about teaming. About planning missions. About working as a team to achieve a goal. It's because of this that most players PUG.

    If I wanted my progression to be determined by a clique I'd still be raiding in WoW.

    /300 seconds
    This is my Risian Corvette. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
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