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Hardcap on DPS -- for or against ?

aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
I think that both players and Devs can agree that DPS is out of control in this game , and in more then one way it hurts the players and the game .

It breaks up the cohesievnes of the playerbase , and it makes it very hard to the Devs to program an "effective" foe , when one players DPS is close to the floor and anothers is through the roof .

And speaking of a roof , I think that that is what is needed , with a few caveats , the most important one being that every 1-2 years , the devs would up the roof , and create content for that new level (unlike raising the whole level of the game as they tried and failed to do with DR) .

I'm not sure what the Cap should be ... .
Some would be happy with 20K , others with 30K minimum -- while others still would hate this idea as a whole .
In the end , I think that the cap should be x1.5 or x2 of the average DPS in game that is displayed by the majority of the playerbase as a whole .

This could also put more emphasis on how you create damage and not just on how much damage you create .
Plus , better balanced fos would lead to better balanced equipment and the fear of the constant nerfs would hopefully go away for the most part .

It would also "force" the Devs to create more interesting powers (or visualizations) like we got in DR (which were overshadowed by the rage , the HP scandal and all the other bad things that happened .

It could also give the chance to add some of the new powers to the Borg as they ... you know ... assimilate stuffs ...
(now that's a "can I haz ur stuffs" that could work ... :D)

... anyho , just an idea ... , prolly never gonna happen ... -- Cryptic has to sell you the latest overpowered or broken gimmick that has not been tested on how it interacts with other broken or overpowered gimmicks ... , so we'll just keep on rolling on this Spanish Train ... :(
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  • warpetwarpet Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    why would they need to this when they can just nerf scimitar and problems solved ,and only way for other builds can play elite is if they remove timers as fail objective
  • battykoda0battykoda0 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Sorry, but a hardcap on DPS would be them capping it 1k short of what is needed to beat a timer. :-P
    Wow. There is a new KDF Science ship. I'll be!
  • heresincebetaheresincebeta Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The OP should spend more time improving his ship and less time posting terrible ideas.
  • grayfoxjamesgrayfoxjames Member Posts: 1,516 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Well there is a cap on resistance of 75%, meaning that with all your skills, buffs, etc. you can never have more than 75% resist to everything, so why not a DPS cap as well?

    If it's handled right, it would give some fresh air to cruisers and science ships as all that matters now is just DPS, DPS, DPS...oh yeah and massive burst damage too.
    Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox
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    U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class

    Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
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  • robdmcrobdmc Member Posts: 1,619 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The problem with limiting dps is that this entire game seems to be built around it. As soon as an objective is to kill within a certain time limit it leaves out any other play.

    The only problem with the other classes is that you don't need a tank these days if you have a valdor console and sci captain abilities do not not line up with theirs ships as well as the other races. The Big Sci ability is Subnuc. If all your targets keep getting more health and hull and never get more abilities who cares about it.

    DPS is so ingrained into people now it will be almost impossible to correct.
  • tcostiktcostik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    OP, no. This is a terrible idea. Cryptic built the system so that DPS is the only metric that matters. Take a look at the new STF's. So you really think a company that thinks 7m HP bosses are okay would also then put in a DPS limiter?
  • v1ctor1stv1ctor1st Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Think about this logically for a minute...

    Lets say they cap the DPS to something like 20k

    Lets say my fleet excelsior has hit the 20k dps mark, and i still have not upgraded all my ship stuff. I will think to myself "well.. no point spending more dil to upgrade all that, i can save money now!"

    Yeah... there will never be a DPS limit in this game...it will cost Cryptic in the long run.
    • "You know when that shark bites, with its teeth dear... scarlet billows start to spread..."
  • latiasracerlatiasracer Member Posts: 680 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This is just daft, if somebody works hard and makes an uber dps machine why should they be punished?

    I'm for new powers and all, but limiting those who want to put mega-hard work into the game is a bad idea, and if they want to make all-destroying battleships of doom let them.
    warp plasma can't melt neutronium beams
  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Blaming the players for something the devs can't handle is wrong.
  • torsten1009torsten1009 Member Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    I'm not sure what the Cap should be ... .
    Some would be happy with 20K , others with 30K minimum -- while others still would hate this idea as a whole .
    In the end , I think that the cap should be x1.5 or x2 of the average DPS in game that is displayed by the majority of the playerbase as a whole .

    Well, if you don't know what you are talking about, then you don't need to have an opinion.
    - What is the average players' DPS? Is the average player a 2k DPS "person"?!?
    - There are people that wouldn't be happy with a cap of 100k DPS.
    - If you think about shield-damage as damage, too, then you can deal less damage (with higher shield-penetration) and still finish stuff faster.

    Did I forget anything?
    If Star Trek Online was an Open-Source (GPL) Game, we would have a low-grind fork.
  • wrenfuwrenfu Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    how about we prevent players who have under 5k dps from entering an STF until they get better?
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Against. That would be a bad move...
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The only thing you can look forward to in this game, is to improve something. If you can't improve anything by default, you kill the primary incentive to log in. That is as they say, not very healthy.
  • heresincebetaheresincebeta Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    wrenfu wrote: »
    how about we prevent players who have under 5k dps from entering an STF until they get better?

    Agree. If there's a problem with DPS, it's not too much, it's too little.

    You don't have a right RP / be terrible if you join an group Q.
  • blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    CAP IT

    Then also make it achievable on all ships this way even science abilities could become effective.
  • fenr00kfenr00k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Oh look, another thread consisting basically of "Other players need to be forced to stop enjoying the game their way, and be forced to play how I want them to!".... Because this forum is so in need of another.

    Wake up and realise that what is needed is NOT nerfs and caps, but rather more focus on rewarding ALL of the ways of playing, rather than overly focussing on DPS races. OP/balance doesn't actually matter in the slightest in PvE, it's a myth that it does. What does matter is that those playing healing/crowd control/debuff etc rolls actually feel equally as useful as those playing the DPS role. That way, when you arrive in a queue and find a very high DPS Scimitar, you will be pleased, as it allows you to focus on how YOU want to play the game, rather than having to carry the DPS burden yourself.
  • supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    There's the thing right there. A lot of missions have to be completed within a time limit. So the more DPS you can muster the better the chance of success. Could you imagine a DPS cap when DR launched of 5000 dps no matter what ship you flew and flying into advanced against that wall of hit points.

    Sorry i disagree with capping DPS, maybe Cryptic should introduce a better AI into PVE to make the game more dynamic and tactical than a wall of hit points to shoot down in 15 mins

    OP have you ever flown a Galaxy Class into a Advanced or Elite STF then changed to a Excelsior or Regent. Flying the Galaxy compared to those 2 as an example, is like flying a tier 3 cruiser as you level, Its Very very painful and boring and drags out fights and takes the fun out of missions. (For me anyway, do i really want to park and spend 3 times longer killing something that another ship does with ease)

    Capping dps when its the AI that needs addressing is not the answer.
  • mrgrocer56mrgrocer56 Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Against. But I do like the idea of implementing something like TSW's Gatekeeper for advanced and elite modes.
  • jadenmiajadenmia Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    A grand suggestion for cryptic to do that is sure to have the same effect as the recent patrol map shut down and nerf as well as the carrier hanger pet, separation pet issues has resulted in, MASS ANGRY PLAYER BASE!

    This is an excellent idea! PLEASE! NERF damage with a HARD CAP! It will be a wonderful way to anger the player base again! It will work! It is a great idea! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! LETS MAKE THE GOAL HAPPEN! LET US ANGER THE PLAYER BASE A THIRD TIME IN 1 MONTH! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!!!
  • rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    erei1 wrote: »
    Blaming the players for something the devs can't handle is wrong.

    Quoted for so much truth.

    Sadly, it's Cryptic's SOP to do just that.
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    hardcaps on dps are for loosers who cant balance their games and for sissys who cant fly their ship so no, no cap on dps or any other idea of similar stupidity
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Well there is a cap on resistance of 75%, meaning that with all your skills, buffs, etc. you can never have more than 75% resist to everything, so why not a DPS cap as well?

    Actually that is only a problem for approximation, one ship -not the intrepid- can have 99,x% dmgres for some time. I would guess when using multiple healers on one ship, similar effects can be applied, but need more effort.

    As for the idea of capping dps, thats just plain stupid. Stupid thought, stupid (or rather lazy) programming. But it would make this game very cheap, as 15k are reachable with little investment. So cryptic would shoot themselves in the knee.
  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I've always preferred the 'diminishing returns' route myself. Like for example a single tac console grants the full effect, but the next you slot of the same type would only be 75% of the former value. Then 50%, 25% and so on as a rough idea.

    You could do this with modifiers, base stats, traits...pretty much anything really. Merely adding diminishing returns on crit severity alone would be enough to shake things up in the DPS department.

    It would lead to the same end as a hard DPS cap if you attempted to over-specialise, so such a change would encourage variations in builds.
  • ddesjardinsddesjardins Member Posts: 3,056 Media Corps
    edited November 2014
    I propose something different.

    The concept of proportional response.

    Theres nothing wrong with min/max designs in a game, but on the battlefield there could be unintended consequences (just like code updates in STO).

    I propose the following:

    1.) If a weapon exceeds it's design threshold, there's a chance it goes offline for 60 seconds.
    Starfleet never intended that weapon to do what you're attempting. All the engineering prowess and sheer luck can't keep that weapon operating at it's new peak efficiency without something going wrong. This would allow for new consoles which would lower the % chance for failure. Zen store only of course.

    Gun barrels overheat. The Marines carry extra to swap them out. Basic analogy here, but why not for overused weapons operating well beyond their design models?

    2.) If the total damage output exceeds a maximum tolerance for the ship, power systems drop to 20% for 60 seconds.
    It's one thing to keep a single specialized weapon online in the midst of a battle - but eight and shields, and warp drive etc. etc. Given that your crew is so focused, theres a chance that a system-wide failure could catch you off guard.

    3.) If an NPC faces a combined damage output in excess of 'X', 100% feedback impulse for 30 seconds.
    The Borg are known to adapt. This failsafe move severely damages the borg, but gives it time to call in reinforcements of the new class Assault Sphere to deal with you.

    My intention here isn't to penalize the smart players. Want extreme DPS - have at it. The goal is to provide a realistic environment so that they temper their abilities to deal with a variety of incoming threats.

    My Two Bits
    Admiral Thrax
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Well , let me put it this way ... :

    Do we agree that most of the players want a balanced game ?

    If not a hardcap from the top then by what other means would you see Cryptic achieve this ?

    Tinker with this ship and that ship and tune this power and that power until the end of time while being totally ineffective as a whole ?

    ... that has worked out great so far ... , and perhaps distracted them from fixing other things that are wrong with the game ... , like you know ... the hundreds of bugs for a start ...
  • sinn74sinn74 Member Posts: 1,149 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    How would they keep adding power creep (read: sell lockboxes) if they do this?
  • riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Can you hardcap an Omega particle?


    So why are you suggesting crappy ideas?
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Much as I think the DPS munchkining really needs deflating, a cap isn't the solution. They'd just cap then throw the rest of their stuff into a different category, and all you'd end up with is a different flavor of munchkin. Hitting various forms of stacking might work better, as the people with the high numbers are all about maxed-out stacks, while at the newbie end they aren't doing it at all (hence their difficulties), go for the root of the problem rather than the results. I just don't think a hard cap would be truly successful.
  • covenantercovenanter Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This has been a huge problem sometime

    A fairly well set up tac escort can throw out 8 x the effective DPS of well set up Sci in a Sci ship.

    A well set up escort is also very very tanky with the huge defense they've got.

    No matter what class you are tac , engineer or sci you PvE is massively easier and hugely quicker in an Escort class ship. There are some exceptions for raw dps like some Scimitar builds , but they lack the movement control immunity of escorts (2 x Omega etc) and the escorts sheer speed across a PvE map.

    Basically DPS is everything for PvE.

    Engineer Cruisers and Sci Sci ships need a huge DPS boost rather than a cap, give thier Captain abilities a big damage boost.
    Fed Random-Sci Monte-Eng Monte Banks-Tac
    Klingon Warfarin-Sci Gamble-Tac
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited November 2014

    It renders as good as every good Console useless overnight (hey, major d
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