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Cryptic bans accounts impersonating Devs for 24 hours



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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jockey1979 wrote: »
    Oh these forums got off to a really bad start.

    Klingon players who had to play a fed to level 6 because there was no tutorial for them, then only PvP or about 5 PvE missions to play. (My first Klingon went from 6 - 46 just in PvP).

    So that group was miserable on here right from the get go. (I was too busy to care, got my B'rel I was happy).

    Then those who were expecting features from Perpetual as they'd seen the concept art (and of course, no game exists from then) - so that group was ticked off.

    Then people found Cryptic and Atari stepped in last minute and rushed this out so fast breaking all most every release promise.

    So yeah, not a good start for the game forums and it never got better really. But at least people would help you with some information, now all you get is "use the search tool" (which can be lackluster at times).

    Most people in q'nos zone chat will help you with questions you might have about sto. Other than that, try asking in one of the service chat channels. I will gladly help you with any in-game questions you might have though I don't know much about the new crating system or the specialization tree. Best advice I can give you is to never ask for advice in the discussion section of this forum and never ask for it in ESD zone chat.
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    jockey1979jockey1979 Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    they always defend cryptics decisions no matter what they are...until of course one of those decisions adversely effects them. then they tend to just leave...lose to much face to suddenly turn around and complain after spending months or years standing up for a company.

    Credit where credit is due, some of the bitter old vets around here, some of the most hateful and spiteful posters are the old "White Knights". They did stick around.

    But like a little gold ring, this game can warp and twist a person away from good intent and brave defender, to something dark and sinister, something cold and cruel - a forum troll ! :eek:

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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jockey1979 wrote: »
    Credit where credit is due, some of the bitter old vets around here, some of the most hateful and spiteful posters are the old "White Knights". They did stick around.

    But like a little gold ring, this game can warp and twist a person away from good intent and brave defender, to something dark and sinister, something cold and cruel - a forum troll ! :eek:


    Rofl! My preciousssss!!!
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    jockey1979jockey1979 Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    Most people in q'nos zone chat will help you with questions you might have about sto. Other than that, try asking in one of the service chat channels. I will gladly help you with any in-game questions you might have though I don't know much about the new crating system or the specialization tree. Best advice I can give you is to never ask for advice in the discussion section of this forum.

    Oh I don't need help, but thanks. A spark of hope around here.

    No, I've been an LTS since 3 weeks before release. Took the last 3 months off as I'd not had a break since launch and came back for DR.

    I was just pointing out things I've seen in my time as an active poster on here and my time as a depressed lurker.

    Now I'm back, I've not picked a side yet. Seen some great big blunders by Cryptic, but also seen some massive (wrong) assumptions by players as well.

    Again, thanks though. Nice to know some decent people are still here.
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    notrealednanotrealedna Member Posts: 1,028
    edited October 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    Being a jerk and naming yourself Geko in blatant defiance of the ToS is not one of these things. Regardless of how trivial it appears.

    The only jerk here is you not my friends
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    deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    varekraith wrote: »
    Ah, that's cool.
    Cause that would've been grounds for fisticuffs!

    fisticuffs? :O you geezer :p (though what does that make me since i know the word >.<)
    jockey1979 wrote: »
    Credit where credit is due, some of the bitter old vets around here, some of the most hateful and spiteful posters are the old "White Knights". They did stick around.

    But like a little gold ring, this game can warp and twist a person away from good intent and brave defender, to something dark and sinister, something cold and cruel - a forum troll ! :eek:


    yeah...i've seen that in other long running mmo's with horrid management. bad decision after bad decision and the player base turns. they can't take it out on the devs/publishers...so they take it out on other players. the psychology behind gamers is incredibly interesting...especially mmo gamers.

    one of the most fluid and changing dynamics i've seen. most gamers now aren't the same gamers they were a year ago, wish cryptiic/pwe would realize that. they still seem to base things off of what could fly a few years ago rather than what they can actually get by with today.

    if they didn't have that star trek brand...which is telling in a way, their one non branded game is pretty much dead...and they have 2 name brands running...this and neverwinter. one more well known than the other but both have recognition value.
    Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
    Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
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    starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jockey1979 wrote: »
    This is why, when I come to the STO forums now - I make the assumption every thread is morons and troll bait.

    I've long since stopped coming here for help / advice / guidance.

    This is the last place Cryptic will look for any real feedback on the game now, as these muppets drove listening ears away a long time ago.

    Most of this seems to be confined to the STO General Discussion section of the forums. I don't this type of thread happening in the Academy or Duty Officers & Research sections of the forum.
    If the toon creator allows it then there is no way you deserve a ban.

    The fact that STO will allow you to use anything you like including actual offensive names is a joke.

    Really how many hours of GM time have been wasted the last 4 years bad naming people with actual offensive names....

    All because someone isn't smart enough to notice that EVERY other quality Online game made the last 15 years or so simply block such things from ever being added to a Toon name from the start.

    This is the ONLY major mmo I have ever played where you can sit in a social zone and count the number of "BadName" toons that run by in an hour. When someone named Badname84321334 runs buy you have to know its shoddy coding at work.

    Honestly how has one of there GMs not at some point said "HEY can you please add a proper bad string check to the stupid name creator already" I guess none of them have ever worked anywhere as a GM prior to Cryptic... must get them right out of high school.

    This happened a lot in City of Heroes, but it was more to do with legality issues like creating a Claws/Regeneration Scrapper in a yellow and blue outfit named Wolverine. A lot of the badnames were due to some nosy player that complained to the GMs about the name.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The only jerk here is you not my friends

    Really? iconians is usually a bit too much in the 'defending Cryptic' camp for my taste; but he was spot-on right this time!
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    rswfiredotcomrswfiredotcom Member Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    Being a jerk and naming yourself Geko in blatant defiance of the ToS is not one of these things. Regardless of how trivial it appears.

    If anything, it gives Cryptic more reason to roll their eyes at what can only be described as a large demographic of infantile players.

    This is a supremely deft point of view. It is not against the TOS to name your character Geko. You can't possibly expect every player to know the names of every dev that works on this game. If they don't want people using that name, they can easily block it in the character creator. No different than you cannot put "GM" at the start of your name -- the system will not allow it. In my opinion, the infantile aspect of this is that a dev thinks he should have exclusive rights to a name. Unless the person was insinuating he was a dev, he did not violate the TOS in any way, shape, or form.
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    abfabfleetabfabfleet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Everyone rename your toons now.

    Also Im going to report this to Valve so they kick STO from their store and to some game reviewers on youtube ...Im sure they will love to have something to make vids about.

    Also all my friends /fleet will have toons named Geko .

    EDIT: http://1drv.ms/1DZaumk

    Are you serious? You really need to be shoved out an airlock. You deserve to be banned for longer for even raging here and permabanned from the forums. :rolleyes:
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    v1ctor1stv1ctor1st Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I don't see what the fuss is about, Geko himself has been pretending to be an actual Dev for cryptic for a long time now.
    • "You know when that shark bites, with its teeth dear... scarlet billows start to spread..."
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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    jockey1979 wrote: »
    Oh I don't need help, but thanks. A spark of hope around here.

    No, I've been an LTS since 3 weeks before release. Took the last 3 months off as I'd not had a break since launch and came back for DR.

    I was just pointing out things I've seen in my time as an active poster on here and my time as a depressed lurker.

    Now I'm back, I've not picked a side yet. Seen some great big blunders by Cryptic, but also seen some massive (wrong) assumptions by players as well.

    Again, thanks though. Nice to know some decent people are still here.

    No problem. Sadly, the communication between the devs and players has gotten a lot worse since bran flakes left. The devs still do podcasts but we don't have the regular forum chitchats that we used to have. Hopefully STO will continue to improve and grow but honestly, I don't feel delta was enough to keep people coming back. Only time will tell as to whether or not the devzies have another trick up their sleeve.
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    notrealednanotrealedna Member Posts: 1,028
    edited October 2014
    abfabfleet wrote: »
    Are you serious? You really need to be shoved out an airlock. You deserve to be banned for longer for even raging here and permabanned from the forums. :rolleyes:

    yea just because you 12 year olds say so.
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    sle1989sle1989 Member Posts: 552 Arc User
    edited October 2014
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    josan369josan369 Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    23 pages of this. And yet it still isn't locked. Someone pass the popcorn please!:D
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    vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,877 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Everyone rename your toons now.

    Also Im going to report this to Valve so they kick STO from their store and to some game reviewers on youtube ...Im sure they will love to have something to make vids about.

    Also all my friends /fleet will have toons named Geko .

    EDIT: http://1drv.ms/1DZaumk

    so you get off being a troll. maybe they will just permaban you
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    jockey1979jockey1979 Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    No problem. Sadly, the communication between the devs and players has gotten a lot worse since bran flakes left. The devs still do podcasts but we don't have the regular forum chitchats that we used to have. Hopefully STO will continue to improve and grow but honestly, I don't feel delta was enough to keep people coming back. Only time will tell as to whether or not the devzies have another trick up their sleeve.

    Funny, I play the game Branflakes went over to. He and the rest of the team are really active on the forums. Even seen them give the players stick on the forums when it got too rowdy.

    Seems weird having devs who stick up for themselves on the forums. Shame this lot lack the spines to do it.

    Though I've seen askray and bluegeek take a firm (yet polite) stance. Close as we will get I suppose lol
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    notrealednanotrealedna Member Posts: 1,028
    edited October 2014
    so you get off being a troll. maybe they will just permaban you

    maybe they will permaban you for asking for bans.The game is 12+ you clearly dont have the age to be here.
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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    josan369 wrote: »
    23 pages of this. And yet it still isn't locked. Someone pass the popcorn please!:D

    This thread is as stale as the popcorn I was eating when I first came into it. I guess I could make some more kettle corn for you but ONLy for you.
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    gfreeman98gfreeman98 Member Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited October 2014
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    josan369josan369 Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    This thread is as stale as the popcorn I was eating when I first came into it. I guess I could make some more kettle corn for you but ONLy for you.

    I'll trade you some Taco's for the Kettle Corn!
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    There is enough things wrong with the game you can take Cryptic to task for. Legitimate, signifigant things that affect every player in meaningful ways. Flaws and errors that span the entire length and breadth of the game. Flaws that have not been commented on. Flaws that have no signs of being altered to provide a better gameplay experience.

    There have been plenty of bad decisions made at Cryptic, as they are all human. Like any company, they are capable of doing the wrong thing, and should most definitely be given feedback (typically in a constructive format) as what specific facets of the game require addressment.

    Facets of the game which have had developer support and attention, and some facets which do not. The desire to call attention to those facets and insisting on action being taken by Cryptic and being taken seriously by the company is extremely important and affects all of us. From the casual, to the die-hard, from the roleplayers to the DPS enthusiasts.

    Being a jerk and naming yourself Geko in blatant defiance of the ToS is not one of these things. Regardless of how trivial it appears.

    If anything, it gives Cryptic more reason to roll their eyes at what can only be described as a large demographic of infantile players.

    Agreed. Cyberbullying a dev in a particularly juvenille way is counterproductive.

    If you can articulate a complaint in an adult way, go for it.

    If you just want to get yourself banned, there are probably better and more productive ways to do that.
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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    gfreeman98 wrote: »

    But what does it mean Spock!? I want a scientific explanation!!! Captain, this thread does not function according to any known physical laws. It exists and yet it doesn't. Damn it Spock, I need answers, not more riddles!!
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    starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    No problem. Sadly, the communication between the devs and players has gotten a lot worse since bran flakes left. The devs still do podcasts but we don't have the regular forum chitchats that we used to have. Hopefully STO will continue to improve and grow but honestly, I don't feel delta was enough to keep people coming back. Only time will tell as to whether or not the devzies have another trick up their sleeve.

    The Mods are going through a bunch of problems. Here some of them were removed from their positions since you can't fire a volunteer and another has family problems. So threads like these which would have been locked hours ago last longer than they should.
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    antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    starkaos wrote: »
    This happened a lot in City of Heroes, but it was more to do with legality issues like creating a Claws/Regeneration Scrapper in a yellow and blue outfit named Wolverine. A lot of the badnames were due to some nosy player that complained to the GMs about the name.

    Well that is another Cryptic example there. ;)

    You don't see "badname" toons in games like WOW/TOR/GW/Archage/Rift/Defiance/MH/POE/LOTRO/EQ Ect Ect Ect

    Cause you know those games have a simple piece of code added to there name creation tools that simply comapres the name your trying to submit to a list of Unacceptable Strings of letters. Seriously creating a simple array that searches a string of letters for a string of letters and returns a True or False is like something everyone that has ever learned to program has learned as a basic example of how to create an array since the late 1960s. ;)

    This is the ONLY online game I can think off of the top of my head that will let you create a toon say named "HailHitl..." or "Na*iTropper"... never mind using a Devs Fairly common Handle (seriously its perfectly plausible that a new player who doesn't know much about this game would select Geko as there toons name.. or use soemthing like Gordon Geko (not knowing that it should have 2 ks) ... is that a banning offense ? I guess so.

    I think its high time we demand Cryptic adds a simple "common" bad name checker to there naming and toon creation tools. There should only be the very rare case where they need to badname someone who has gotten creative.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    josan369 wrote: »
    I'll trade you some Taco's for the Kettle Corn!

    I guess I can but I'd have to get taco fang's permission first. Trading taco's on the interstellar black market is illegal. ;p
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    therealmttherealmt Member Posts: 428 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    This is extremely weak of Cryptic.

    Geko ???? really.

    I hate to break it to the dev team but half the kids playing this game don't know who Geko is. Seeing as its a pretty common nick you will find in online games in general.... its not shocking that people would name there toons Geko.

    If Cryptic thinks there Developers "Handles" deserve protection (Not like anyone named there toon "Stephen Dangelo" or something)... then they need to create an actual reserved name mechanic to there game. If they don't want toons with the name "geko" or any of there other wonderful handles... then they should simply have a mechanic that doesn't allow you to do it in the first place.

    ... have they banned anyone with any of the following in there names (not +anything vulgar) Tumer, or Inferno, or Bort, or Stahl, or flakes... or bran, or Wish... or Stone. Cause if they haven't done any of that then they owe this person an apology... and to make the policy clear. Easiest thing would be to add the name blocking from the toon creator / rename feature. Really it shouldn't be so hard to add a quick if "text input" = "Array of bad letter combos" then DISABLE Name accept button.

    Really wouldn't that simple piece of code not be able to keep 99% of all the Badnames from happening. Cryptic must hate there GMs... making them process all those player name reports... when one Stupid piece of code that should take 10min to knock out and debugg... could and should easily keep almost all of them from ever becoming toon names to start with.

    I have a surprise for you, they already have said technology in game ;)
    They just need more keywords in their database.
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    josan369josan369 Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    knuhteb5 wrote: »
    I guess I can but I'd have to get taco fang's permission first. Trading taco's on the interstellar black market is illegal. ;p

    Ooooooooohhh..... I forgot about that little rule. Yeah, better ask first. I don't wanna have to make a "I was Banned for Trading Taco's!!" thread. :D
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    semalda226semalda226 Member Posts: 1,994 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    300 right now ...i want to see how many they can ban.

    Please show me whats the difference between impersionate and HAVING A TOON NAMED WITH A NAME?

    OK quite literally you are a complete and total D#%k if you are gonna stab your fleet in that back like that.

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    knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    josan369 wrote: »
    Ooooooooohhh..... I forgot about that little rule. Yeah, better ask first. I don't wanna have to make a "I was Banned for Trading Taco's!!" thread. :D

    Rofl. Please, not another one of those threads!!!
This discussion has been closed.