anyways, whine or not, there is enough of the player base reconsidering their position with the game, what effect it will have on the short term (say a few months at most) will determine what the real impact was from these changes when the details come out. but for all intents and purposes i thought season 8 was a disaster site, this made that addition look like nothing. this expansion has got to be one of the worst on record.
Again because of your expectations. Keep'em low, and you will never be disappointed.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
I really used to think that World of Tanks, or Battlestar Galacitca Online had the most Toxic vile forums around.
When everything is said and done, the world of Star Trek: Online will come out fine. Don't worry. While you may not agree with the opinion of others, the reality is that 'everyone' has a right to be heard.
I really used to think that World of Tanks, or Battlestar Galacitca Online had the most Toxic vile forums around.
Now, I think that torch got passed to STO. My god I have never SEEN the amount entitled whining after DR has been launched.
Missions are TOO difficult. Takes to long to do anything. WHINE WHINE WHINE. And the amount of rage at the devs. Good god people. They are the grunt labor. Want to direct anger, do it at the editors and directors. They make the final decisions.
Seriously like I've posted in a few forums, but this gaming community is a ******n Catch 22.
If they made all of this stuff done in a day, people would whine there wasn't enough. Make it longer, and too many people cry it's a time gate.
Sorry at this point PWE isn't responsible for the happy medium. Time for the players to figure out you want a happy medium, gotta find it for yourselves.
Don't forget that if you think you like STO, it's only because you're suffering from "battered wife syndrome."
The idiots in this forum are only good for a laugh. It's like a zoo. Come in, watch, leave when bored.
Wow... Talon's boot licking has gone to Plaid! Such a trolling post full of rage and inciting negative responses!
If the forums are a cess pit, it's because of people like Talon.
There is, naturally, a vocal minority that is upset at any dev team on any game. You know which games have the "worst community" by your meter? The worst games out there, with the worst dev teams. When 100% of the forum is outraged about what the devs are doing, and the devs simply don't want to hear any negative responses? That's a bad dev team.
This has been the case with cryptic before. They use BS math to justify what they want. Essentially they pull numerology out of their buttocks, and they have been called out on it before. Once thoroughly proven inaccurate in how they claimed to base their responses on math, they simply stopped even reading the forums. They would ignore 100 posts well thought out and well written with logic, calm, and fairness... and personally take the time to reply to the ONE person that gushed/glowed and aplologized fro Cryptic at every turn but was based in no logic or thought.
In short, they want yes-men for players. They want mindless whales to milk. They just don't CARE about players anymore.
And guess what?
That pisses players off. And they will react on the forums.
So calling these forums toxic? You don't even know the meaning of the word. Toxic is a description referring to a behavior that spreads infectiously from member to member with no real basis. The nasty nature of the forums breeds more nasty, when they are toxic. That is not what we have here. The utter hatred of the playerbase by the devs is what is breeding negative reactions (and not even NASTY-- almost all of them are well justified, logical, calm, collected, and reasoned).
In short, you blaming the players and the forums? It's a cheap-TRIBBLE cop-out and it's also the line the devs have taken. Blame the players. For everything. It doesn't hold any water, it is proven to be a false premise or a lie in almost all cases, and it serves only to kill the game more and more every time you do it.
So... ."toxic"? You're spitting out things you've read but don't understand. You're making excuses for bad devs (mostly D'Angelo's doing) and insulting everybody in a massive blanket insult in the process. You are NOT a dev. Stop acting like them, and stop sucking up to them.
Boy guess I peed in your cheerio's because I don't toe your line instantly. I am not boot licking. Far from it. You accuse me of not understanding words. This post right here just proved me right.
All I am saying is keep those expectations low. You are all bringing this rage upon yourselves. It's not the exact perfect thing you want and you have a temper tantrum.
Instead of trying (and failing I might add) you can do 2 things.
1. lower those expectations. It helps, trust me. Like you I used to rage and scream about PWE not adding stuff. Then I got tired of the rage, lowered expectations, and now I just slide along.
2. uninstall and just save yourself the agony. I am not trying to be mean on this one, but seriously with the amount of rage you have, this maybe the better option for you.
Again all this rage and frustration, you are doing to yourself. I am not boot licking anybody, I am just speaking from past experience. Lose the rage buddy. Not doing yourself a damn bit of difference and if you really think anybody on high at PW or PWE or Cryptic is listening, you are simply deluding yourself.
Take the game for what it is. bugs yeah report them, I still do. But raging over decisions PWE does, that's a losing battle, one I choose no longer to fight.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
i dont hold expectations, but i watch to see if there is a specific trend, that is all i do.
Then you shouldn't of been shocked at this expansion. Hell I was surprised at decent voice work and some of the new ships, actually are not half bad. Phantom was pretty good, the Romulan ships are outstanding and a battlecrusier and raptor with battle cloak. Thought I'd died and gone to heaven in that regard.
Leveling, yeah bit annoyed, but nothing new. Again if they made it too short, I'd of shook my head and laughed how absurdly simply it is. Too long and rage about this is BS(which many are doing).
I am simply kicking back and relaxing.
And yes this community is Toxic because this game isn't EXACTLY what was shown on the TV shows which is flatly never going to happen. I accepted that minute I started playing this game.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Again you throw out loaded terms inappropriately. I honestly think you're parroting things you've read elsewhere with no true understanding of their meanings or implications. I'm sorry, you have done nothing but appear to backpedal from your OP and try to save face. You still are putting forth patently false notions and implied insults to the entire community.
The fact you cannot or refuse to see this only proves are are a dev toady.
Again all this rage and frustration, you are doing to yourself.
This is the single most truthful sentence in this thread.
See, for normal adults, a video game fills a minor part of their life. Major things - family, work, friends - are more important. When something bad happens to family or work, you get justifiably angry or stressed in real life. If something goes bad in a video game, or other minor area, you get annoyed, shrug your shoulders, and move on.
But the toxic whiners in this forum aren't like this. To them, STO IS a major part of their life. They base their entire lives around a video game. Instead of something they do an hour or two in the evening for fun, they spend 5-8 hours on it obsessively. (That's why they get mad when there's not enough content - they expect a video game to live up to their insanely high standards). As a result, when something goes bad in STO it derails their entire life because this video game IS one of the major parts of their life.
They blame Cryptic for their anger and stress when it's really their own failings as rational adults that's to blame. If you expect a video game to be your crux in life, and entertain you for 8 hours a day, you're gonna have a bad time.
Funny thing is people aren't expecting what's in the show to recur in the game. They are literally just expecting to play the game and enjoy it. Some people have very low standards and high levels of tolerance, others who have a bit more in depth knowledge on things like ship stats, builds, hell even basic game balance theory can see through post's like D'Angelo's.
The forums aren't toxic by the way. Go to the Battlefield or Call of Duty forums, they are toxic. Here it's just a bunch of very annoyed people with very real complaints about a situation that didn't have to exist.
Then there's people like matthian1701, people who continually fail to see the points behind reasoned discussion, or even angry discussion.
I don't blame Cryptic for anger or stress. Frustration maybe, hell I don't even play 8hrs a day, most of the time I log on to collect Doff missions or finish R&D queues, I'd prefer to spend more time playing the game and enjoying myself in it, but thing is there's such a thing as good game design. Something STO is not winning any awards for anytime soon.
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
Again you throw out loaded terms inappropriately. I honestly think you're parroting things you've read elsewhere with no true understanding of their meanings or implications. I'm sorry, you have done nothing but appear to backpedal from your OP and try to save face. You still are putting forth patently false notions and implied insults to the entire community.
The fact you cannot or refuse to see this only proves are are a dev toady.
You say it's not toxic but you keep calling me a boot licker and continue to attack me in some of the worst possible ways. What's next death threats?
you are a HYPOCRITE. If it's not toxic, why keep calling me a boot licker? Or you're simply trolling in whcih hat's off to ya, I bit.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Err there's no malice or insult in that post you linked. You are however backpedaling and getting very defensive now.
So who's contributing to the forums being toxic? The guy pointing out reasonable points, or the dude yelling Hypocrite and creating strawman arguments to counter?
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
WORSE that WoT? I have been playing STO for years now and I have never received death threats because of which ship I fly.
In terms of "anit-establishment" whining STO might be worse but for direct player against player antagonism and downright hatred not a chance.
wait until the Fleet T6 JJprise comes out
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Wow... Talon's boot licking has gone to Plaid! Such a trolling post full of rage and inciting negative responses!
If the forums are a cess pit, it's because of people like Talon.
There is, naturally, a vocal minority that is upset at any dev team on any game. You know which games have the "worst community" by your meter? The worst games out there, with the worst dev teams. When 100% of the forum is outraged about what the devs are doing, and the devs simply don't want to hear any negative responses? That's a bad dev team.
This has been the case with cryptic before. They use BS math to justify what they want. Essentially they pull numerology out of their buttocks, and they have been called out on it before. Once thoroughly proven inaccurate in how they claimed to base their responses on math, they simply stopped even reading the forums. They would ignore 100 posts well thought out and well written with logic, calm, and fairness... and personally take the time to reply to the ONE person that gushed/glowed and aplologized fro Cryptic at every turn but was based in no logic or thought.
In short, they want yes-men for players. They want mindless whales to milk. They just don't CARE about players anymore.
And guess what?
That pisses players off. And they will react on the forums.
So calling these forums toxic? You don't even know the meaning of the word. Toxic is a description referring to a behavior that spreads infectiously from member to member with no real basis. The nasty nature of the forums breeds more nasty, when they are toxic. That is not what we have here. The utter hatred of the playerbase by the devs is what is breeding negative reactions (and not even NASTY-- almost all of them are well justified, logical, calm, collected, and reasoned).
In short, you blaming the players and the forums? It's a cheap-TRIBBLE cop-out and it's also the line the devs have taken. Blame the players. For everything. It doesn't hold any water, it is proven to be a false premise or a lie in almost all cases, and it serves only to kill the game more and more every time you do it.
So... ."toxic"? You're spitting out things you've read but don't understand. You're making excuses for bad devs (mostly D'Angelo's doing) and insulting everybody in a massive blanket insult in the process. You are NOT a dev. Stop acting like them, and stop sucking up to them.
Well as I am not outraged at cryptic......its not 100 % hehehe
Err there's no malice or insult in that post you linked. You are however backpedaling and getting very defensive now.
So who's contributing to the forums being toxic? The guy pointing out reasonable points, or the dude yelling Hypocrite and creating strawman arguments to counter?
How about every single time someone says "I like STO" (a truly RADICAL thing on a STO forum!), they get called 1) a white knight 2) a bootlicker 3) a shill 4) an apologist, etc.
This forum is toxic because of the voices of maybe 20 people who shout down anyone who doesn't toe their irrational line. It's a zoo for us to laugh at people who can't seem to act like adults.
How about every single time someone says "I like STO" (a truly RADICAL thing on a STO forum!), they get called 1) a white knight 2) a bootlicker 3) a shill 4) an apologist, etc.
This forum is toxic because of the voices of maybe 20 people who shout down anyone who doesn't toe their irrational line. It's a zoo for us to laugh at people who can't seem to act like adults.
OH OH here we go.....I LIKE STO, and support what the devs do. and I am ok with spending money.
OH OH here we go.....I LIKE STO, and support what the devs do. and I am ok with spending money.
I don't like or dislike the devs anymore. There is no point and it just leads to hatred and rage. Rather just kick back and try to enjoy what I can and just let go of the rest.
It's seriously not worth it anymore.
Again just proving how toxic the forums really are getting. Yeah WoT isn't even this bad and I've seem some garbage there.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
This forum is toxic because of the voices of maybe 20 people who shout down anyone who doesn't toe their irrational line. It's a zoo for us to laugh at people who can't seem to act like adults.
that can also be said for anyone not giving the Dev good work job well done love you calling players cheats good job or love all the XP gap good job love the nerf of all rewards good job love the HP boost gave to the enemies and called it more difficult good job :rolleyes:
Isn't it funny how of those minority that say "I like STO" 99% of them have no basis in logic, reality, calm reasoned tones and the like? 99% of them are mindless patriotic drivel akin to post-911-knee-jerk reactions we had in the USA.
To these people, the names you listed can be aptly applied. Again, 99% of the time.
I don't like or dislike the devs anymore. There is no point and it just leads to hatred and rage. Rather just kick back and try to enjoy what I can and just let go of the rest.
It's seriously not worth it anymore.
Again just proving how toxic the forums really are getting. Yeah WoT isn't even this bad and I've seem some garbage there.
Let's get real here. You called every kind of criticism "entitlement". Why does it have to be one of two extremes all the time ? I like the story missions, I don't like the leveling process anymore. That's saying something nice and giving some criticism too. It can be done ! :cool:
How about every single time someone says "I like STO" (a truly RADICAL thing on a STO forum!), they get called 1) a white knight 2) a bootlicker 3) a shill 4) an apologist, etc.
This forum is toxic because of the voices of maybe 20 people who shout down anyone who doesn't toe their irrational line. It's a zoo for us to laugh at people who can't seem to act like adults.
Did I call you any of the above? Did you even say "I like STO"? I don't think so, sorry to say it but 0/10 for the strawman argument effort there.
As for the irrational line comment, I don't really think that it's irrational to expect people who make a game to have some respect when dealing with contentious issues such as roll backs on characters that people have put time into. There's not a lot of ways to get a point across to Dev's who gate themselves behind a wall of ignorance. Being vocal yet clear on their own forums is however a way to challenge them. They may ignore it most of the time, but sometimes it only takes a few to enact a good change for the many who sit by idle or singing the praises of a chicken.
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
Let's get real here. You called every kind of criticism "entitlement". Why does it have to be one of two extremes all the time ? I like the story missions, I don't like the leveling process anymore. That's saying something nice and giving some criticism too. It can be done ! :cool:
There's a difference between constructive criticism and just flat out whining. If you give a case by case point, and do so rationally that's constructive critcism.
If you merely say "THIS NEW LEVELING SUCKS! MAKE IT BETTER!" That's just incessant whining. Most is the latter, not the former.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Again because of your expectations. Keep'em low, and you will never be disappointed.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
People are upset with Cryptic.
Cryptic's problems are not yours.
Don't own another person's problems.
Everything will be fine.
In terms of "anit-establishment" whining STO might be worse but for direct player against player antagonism and downright hatred not a chance.
Don't forget that if you think you like STO, it's only because you're suffering from "battered wife syndrome."
The idiots in this forum are only good for a laugh. It's like a zoo. Come in, watch, leave when bored.
i dont hold expectations, but i watch to see if there is a specific trend, that is all i do.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
Boy guess I peed in your cheerio's because I don't toe your line instantly. I am not boot licking. Far from it. You accuse me of not understanding words. This post right here just proved me right.
All I am saying is keep those expectations low. You are all bringing this rage upon yourselves. It's not the exact perfect thing you want and you have a temper tantrum.
Instead of trying (and failing I might add) you can do 2 things.
1. lower those expectations. It helps, trust me. Like you I used to rage and scream about PWE not adding stuff. Then I got tired of the rage, lowered expectations, and now I just slide along.
2. uninstall and just save yourself the agony. I am not trying to be mean on this one, but seriously with the amount of rage you have, this maybe the better option for you.
Again all this rage and frustration, you are doing to yourself. I am not boot licking anybody, I am just speaking from past experience. Lose the rage buddy. Not doing yourself a damn bit of difference and if you really think anybody on high at PW or PWE or Cryptic is listening, you are simply deluding yourself.
Take the game for what it is. bugs yeah report them, I still do. But raging over decisions PWE does, that's a losing battle, one I choose no longer to fight.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
yeah I saw that one too.
Must be nice living in a world where STO is the worst thing. Wish I could go there.
Then you shouldn't of been shocked at this expansion. Hell I was surprised at decent voice work and some of the new ships, actually are not half bad. Phantom was pretty good, the Romulan ships are outstanding and a battlecrusier and raptor with battle cloak. Thought I'd died and gone to heaven in that regard.
Leveling, yeah bit annoyed, but nothing new. Again if they made it too short, I'd of shook my head and laughed how absurdly simply it is. Too long and rage about this is BS(which many are doing).
I am simply kicking back and relaxing.
And yes this community is Toxic because this game isn't EXACTLY what was shown on the TV shows which is flatly never going to happen. I accepted that minute I started playing this game.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
The fact you cannot or refuse to see this only proves are are a dev toady.
This is the single most truthful sentence in this thread.
See, for normal adults, a video game fills a minor part of their life. Major things - family, work, friends - are more important. When something bad happens to family or work, you get justifiably angry or stressed in real life. If something goes bad in a video game, or other minor area, you get annoyed, shrug your shoulders, and move on.
But the toxic whiners in this forum aren't like this. To them, STO IS a major part of their life. They base their entire lives around a video game. Instead of something they do an hour or two in the evening for fun, they spend 5-8 hours on it obsessively. (That's why they get mad when there's not enough content - they expect a video game to live up to their insanely high standards). As a result, when something goes bad in STO it derails their entire life because this video game IS one of the major parts of their life.
They blame Cryptic for their anger and stress when it's really their own failings as rational adults that's to blame. If you expect a video game to be your crux in life, and entertain you for 8 hours a day, you're gonna have a bad time.
The forums aren't toxic by the way. Go to the Battlefield or Call of Duty forums, they are toxic. Here it's just a bunch of very annoyed people with very real complaints about a situation that didn't have to exist.
Then there's people like matthian1701, people who continually fail to see the points behind reasoned discussion, or even angry discussion.
I don't blame Cryptic for anger or stress. Frustration maybe, hell I don't even play 8hrs a day, most of the time I log on to collect Doff missions or finish R&D queues, I'd prefer to spend more time playing the game and enjoying myself in it, but thing is there's such a thing as good game design. Something STO is not winning any awards for anytime soon.
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
You say it's not toxic but you keep calling me a boot licker and continue to attack me in some of the worst possible ways. What's next death threats?
you are a HYPOCRITE. If it's not toxic, why keep calling me a boot licker? Or you're simply trolling in whcih hat's off to ya, I bit.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
So who's contributing to the forums being toxic? The guy pointing out reasonable points, or the dude yelling Hypocrite and creating strawman arguments to counter?
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
wait until the Fleet T6 JJprise comes out
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Well as I am not outraged at cryptic......its not 100 % hehehe
How about every single time someone says "I like STO" (a truly RADICAL thing on a STO forum!), they get called 1) a white knight 2) a bootlicker 3) a shill 4) an apologist, etc.
This forum is toxic because of the voices of maybe 20 people who shout down anyone who doesn't toe their irrational line. It's a zoo for us to laugh at people who can't seem to act like adults.
OH OH here we go.....I LIKE STO, and support what the devs do. and I am ok with spending money.
I don't like or dislike the devs anymore. There is no point and it just leads to hatred and rage. Rather just kick back and try to enjoy what I can and just let go of the rest.
It's seriously not worth it anymore.
Again just proving how toxic the forums really are getting. Yeah WoT isn't even this bad and I've seem some garbage there.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
that can also be said for anyone not giving the Dev good work job well done love you calling players cheats good job or love all the XP gap good job love the nerf of all rewards good job love the HP boost gave to the enemies and called it more difficult good job :rolleyes:
system Lord Baal is dead
To these people, the names you listed can be aptly applied. Again, 99% of the time.
Let's get real here. You called every kind of criticism "entitlement". Why does it have to be one of two extremes all the time ? I like the story missions, I don't like the leveling process anymore. That's saying something nice and giving some criticism too. It can be done ! :cool:
Did I call you any of the above? Did you even say "I like STO"? I don't think so, sorry to say it but 0/10 for the strawman argument effort there.
As for the irrational line comment, I don't really think that it's irrational to expect people who make a game to have some respect when dealing with contentious issues such as roll backs on characters that people have put time into. There's not a lot of ways to get a point across to Dev's who gate themselves behind a wall of ignorance. Being vocal yet clear on their own forums is however a way to challenge them. They may ignore it most of the time, but sometimes it only takes a few to enact a good change for the many who sit by idle or singing the praises of a chicken.
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
There's a difference between constructive criticism and just flat out whining. If you give a case by case point, and do so rationally that's constructive critcism.
If you merely say "THIS NEW LEVELING SUCKS! MAKE IT BETTER!" That's just incessant whining. Most is the latter, not the former.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!