none at all. outside of stfs which reward better crafting materials and 2 bnps instead of one there's absolutely no reason to use elite, or even advanced anymore.
best to stick to normal and forget the other two even exist.
even the challenge part is meaningless, people do challenging content for appropriately increased rewards, not for some empty feeling of accomplishment.
Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the crap out of me.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
Just for some clarification for those who are asking about the XP changes when it comes to XP earned when fighting Elite NPCs.
The patchnotes for Holodeck mentions the values were incorrect and this refers to the values that changed with the Delta Rising launch itself. To break it down:
Prior to the release of Delta Rising: Players earned 1.75 times the XP value for Elite NPCs when compared to Normal NPCs.
With the launch of Delta Rising: Players earned 5 times the XP value for Elite NPCs when compared to Normal NPCs.
This was the incorrect value the release notes mention and is the reason for the change made on 10/23.
With the update to Holodeck on 10/23: Players now earn 2 times the XP value for Elite NPCs when compared to Normal NPCs.
Currently, Tribble will have the incorrect value of 5 times the XP value for Elite NPCs when compared to Normal NPCs which will be updated on the next path to Tribble.
So why are the patch notes lying ?
Why aren't they "we reduced the 5.0 times XP to the 2.0 times XP they were suppeosed to be" ? If they weren't at 1.75 you can't state you raised them to 2.0, because you really lowered them from 5.0.
They find it insulting for criticizing them for apparently releasing something that isn't quite ready for primetime and just take the quick way out by locking and forgetting about it? Really? It's already bad enough that other Bridge officers are either heavily restricted or uncustomizable. Romulans have it especially hard; they can't all wear the outfits of the faction they joined, and even the outfits exclusive to them are limited. The Tal Shiar sets is notably incomplete for one. KDF doesn't have much better.
Well, allow me to civilly vent what I find insulting as well.
I find it rather insulting that Reputation system is unlocked at 50, yet with the balance changes skewed to 60 and reward nerfs making their associated queues a waste of time, they haven't gotten the idea to also just move things like Borg Neural Processors or Voth Cybernetic Implants to Normal, and just make it drop 2x in Advanced and 3x in Elite and throw the casuals a bone? Come on. The Borg set especially is a solid set for fresh 50s to work on. Moreso now that DR rising is especially unfriendly to casuals who've up until now gotten by with vanilla Mk X-XI equipment. The Borg Rep set is still locked at Very Rare Mk XII status, so it still encourages work on other Rep gear and upgrades.
I find it insulting that they just upped Resistances and HP and didn't accordingly scale the EXP to match the time spent either. Advanced and Elite (not just Queues) are supposed to give the determined and masochistic players a greater reward. Dilithium is obviously out of the question and Cryptic refuses to give guaranteed random Superior Tech upgrades or Major Accelerators, so the only reward left is EXP.
I find it insulting that Cryptic didn't want to make things a pointless DPS-fest, yet here they are turning everything into DPS fest. Torpedoes are almost useless, Sci skills have been weakened considerably, and Engineers are still nearly as useless as they were before, thanks to the ridiculously scaled HP/Resistance/DPS of enemies. It's blatantly more DPS-centric; over who can kill the other faster. Doesn't help either that we're still expected to fight groups of such buffed NPCs on our own most of the time.
What I do find humorous however, is that for all their money lusting, Cryptic still hasn't gotten the idea to expand on things available in the C-Store besides ships. Don't want to give us the full Tal Shiar clothing set? Fine; just C-Store it. Don't want us to equip cross-faction attire normally? Fine; just C-store it. Don't want to release new Mirror Ships? Fine; just release skins and Registry options in the C-store. Don't want to release a new race to play for free? Fine; just release them on C-Store. There's plenty of people who'd pay for those; I myself will admit to happily buying full access to Mirror skins and registration tags for my characters. My Guardian, Aelahtl, Vesta, Scimitar, and Odyssey would look great in Mirror skins.
Come on Cryptic, I know you can do better than playing the self-defense card. You can actually take the time to improve and expand on other things.
Why aren't they "we reduced the 5.0 times XP to the 2.0 times XP they were suppeosed to be" ? If they weren't at 1.75 you can't state you raised them to 2.0, because you really lowered them from 5.0.
haha, that was a nice trick. they knew ppl would rage if they would write "reduced the normal to elite xp multiplier from x5 to x2". so as it was 1,75 before DR, they made it look like its an increse from 1,75 to 2, move cryptic
...the x5 modifier was a bug wich came with DR. a x1,75 or x2 would be totally okay, if they wouldnt increase the NPCs HP so drastically. now that elite NPCs have like 6 times more HP compared to normal, the x2 modifier makes no sense anymore. THATS THE POINT.
So, no fix for half the Delta Quadrant partols having crippling performance issues in the frame rate and responsiveness department? No fix for Mindscape's ground section not letting you choose your away team? Not even a recognition that they exist?
New stuff is nice, but could you please fix the BIG bugs?
Currently sitting in US Prime time the queues are low in number with barely anyone queuing. CCA is at average of 30 and that is the highest number most queues have 0 queuing and 0 waiting. First sign of failure at the new system. In my opinion it was a waste of development resources for a low segment of the playerbase. The old system would have been fine with a moderate bump in difficulty.
Delta Command is only at 2 instances. Since expansion launch this place has been busy. 12 total instances of the Delta Quadrant Sector spaces most of which are below 1/3 capacity. 4 are full at best. So if your intention was to lose players then your XP change was a great idea, congratulations its working as intended. In one fell swoop the Advanced and Elite gameplay modes for patrols and stories has become invalidated. (The Tau Dewa fix needed to happen but the word overkill seems appropriate.)
If I were still reviewing MMOs I would give this expansion a 4/10. The monetization was very obvious and off putting with the upgrade and R&D system. The game has taken a severe nosedive in being casual friendly. The timegates and mindless grind have become intolerable. The only positive I have is how great the art and environments are. If I were still reviewing. I quit this because in order to get an interview or Q&A's answered I was forced to engage in sycophantic butt snorkeling which lowered the integrity of my review.
The handling of this launch through continued silence and lack of communication is also very telling. Delta Rising is not performing up to expectations.
Quite frankly I think consumer confidence in this game is pretty badly shaken and all the lobi and dilithium weekends in the world won't earn that back anytime soon. Unfortunately through poorly implemented design and a chain reaction of mismanagement and untimely events the playerbase has a right to be dissatisfied with the state of this product.
Episodes which no longer exist will now automatically be dropped from the players In Progress list.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! My antique collectable missions! My life will be incomplete without "State of Q" in my In Progress list!!! =(
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
it's kinda sad that despite those few superfluous changes to the potato, he's still unusable for klingons and kdf aligned romulans. can't be trained etc.
notice all the starfleet insignias and mentions. this is on a kdf character.
i just hope he'll be usable by the kdf/rom players who already commissioned him once the patch that fixes him completely goes live. otherwise they'll be permanently locked out from a decent intel boff, since he's not reclaimable unlike the featured episode boffs like the reman or breen, or others like jem hadar or nelen exil from the rep shop.
Now clowns, that's another story. They scare the crap out of me.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
I do not post here often, if at all, but I am done sitting back and being quiet about this issue. While I am glad you guys are fixing some things, I am very upset you are not fixing the things that are very important to fix. I will be honest, I did not want to sit at 50 for long, and I wanted my specialization points, so I bought EXP boosters (the 10k ones). I am not one of those people who used the so-called "exploit", but yet in the mean time, I have lost all my specialization points but the 10 from leveling from 51 to 60, and I am not very happy about that. I did not use my EXP boosters till I was level 60, to start getting more specialization points (yes I know in some eyes its a waste, but I really wanted my specialization points).
So you need to do one of two things in this situation, COMMUNICATE to us that it was either intentional or that it is a bug and you will fix it.
Replace my damn EXP booster cards, or my Zen for those cards.
I have reported this to support, and everything, and they claimed it was a game play bug. But after that conversation I have realized that support does not know what the Devs are doing, and I will have to go directly to you guys. So please EXPLAIN this and tell us what is going on, or I am going to do what someone else has suggested and report you to CBS and get them to pressure you into doing things the right way, like you use to do before Arc Games (aka PWE) took over the game.
Before the patch that "fixed" the XP I could make a Specialization point a day or every other day. Just depended on what I was doing. With a total of 60 Specialization points would probably take me around 4 to 5 months to finish them. Would have been done a little before or after what would be your next update. So now I am looking at like a year and a half to finish the current Specialization Trees. :eek:
I can almost swallow this ..... almost but the XP for grouping has been cut by 1/3rd as well. So the most optimum way to gain XP is to play alone in an MMO. . . .
Please rethink this as it is completely counter to the way a game like this is normally played.
Bad. Really bad. I'll rush the BOFF with all my characters, and hope the customization will hold for after the patch.
And I thought you were going in the right direction, well I was wrong. BOFFs needs to be customizable. All of them, even if it's limited. Just being able to change the uniform for example, or minor face/body change, so they don't look like exactly the same.
Bad. Really bad. I'll rush the BOFF with all my characters, and hope the customization will hold for after the patch.
And I thought you were going in the right direction, well I was wrong. BOFFs needs to be customizable. All of them, even if it's limited. Just being able to change the uniform for example, or minor face/body change, so they don't look like exactly the same.
Agreed here. Nobody likes clones. Even with limited editing of the boff, it made him slightly more acceptable, than for when he is another 'clone officer' people will get.
[10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh." "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness."~Day[9] "Your fun isn't wrong."~LaughingTrendy
Bad. Really bad. I'll rush the BOFF with all my characters, and hope the customization will hold for after the patch.
And I thought you were going in the right direction, well I was wrong. BOFFs needs to be customizable. All of them, even if it's limited. Just being able to change the uniform for example, or minor face/body change, so they don't look like exactly the same.
My only regret is that he doesn't support face attach tech. Otherwise, I'd give him the Dyson outfit glasses and go full Matrix with him.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
Just a suggestion for a compromise between non-customizable and customizable special alien Boffs.
How about you make alternate preset costumes for them we can earn/purchase and then use.
so we won't be able to pull every slider on them but could put them into alternate uniforms and use different facial features at least.
Currently sitting in US Prime time the queues are low in number with barely anyone queuing. CCA is at average of 30 and that is the highest number most queues have 0 queuing and 0 waiting. First sign of failure at the new system. In my opinion it was a waste of development resources for a low segment of the playerbase. The old system would have been fine with a moderate bump in difficulty.
Delta Command is only at 2 instances. Since expansion launch this place has been busy. 12 total instances of the Delta Quadrant Sector spaces most of which are below 1/3 capacity. 4 are full at best. So if your intention was to lose players then your XP change was a great idea, congratulations its working as intended. In one fell swoop the Advanced and Elite gameplay modes for patrols and stories has become invalidated. (The Tau Dewa fix needed to happen but the word overkill seems appropriate.)
If I were still reviewing MMOs I would give this expansion a 4/10. The monetization was very obvious and off putting with the upgrade and R&D system. The game has taken a severe nosedive in being casual friendly. The timegates and mindless grind have become intolerable. The only positive I have is how great the art and environments are. If I were still reviewing. I quit this because in order to get an interview or Q&A's answered I was forced to engage in sycophantic butt snorkeling which lowered the integrity of my review.
The handling of this launch through continued silence and lack of communication is also very telling. Delta Rising is not performing up to expectations.
Quite frankly I think consumer confidence in this game is pretty badly shaken and all the lobi and dilithium weekends in the world won't earn that back anytime soon. Unfortunately through poorly implemented design and a chain reaction of mismanagement and untimely events the playerbase has a right to be dissatisfied with the state of this product.
You pretty much nailed it there.
The art team has done well, and the voice acting is good, but that's about it.
The grind is horrible, the crafting system is too slow and expensive, same for upgrade system, the levelup process is extremely slow, enemies are giant health sponges, STFs have been made harder with nerfed rewards.
What kind of developer makes things harder but gives less reward for it? Harder content usually equals MORE rewards.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
Currently sitting in US Prime time the queues are low in number with barely anyone queuing. CCA is at average of 30 and that is the highest number most queues have 0 queuing and 0 waiting. First sign of failure at the new system. In my opinion it was a waste of development resources for a low segment of the playerbase. The old system would have been fine with a moderate bump in difficulty.
Delta Command is only at 2 instances. Since expansion launch this place has been busy. 12 total instances of the Delta Quadrant Sector spaces most of which are below 1/3 capacity. 4 are full at best. So if your intention was to lose players then your XP change was a great idea, congratulations its working as intended. In one fell swoop the Advanced and Elite gameplay modes for patrols and stories has become invalidated. (The Tau Dewa fix needed to happen but the word overkill seems appropriate.)
If I were still reviewing MMOs I would give this expansion a 4/10. The monetization was very obvious and off putting with the upgrade and R&D system. The game has taken a severe nosedive in being casual friendly. The timegates and mindless grind have become intolerable. The only positive I have is how great the art and environments are. If I were still reviewing. I quit this because in order to get an interview or Q&A's answered I was forced to engage in sycophantic butt snorkeling which lowered the integrity of my review.
The handling of this launch through continued silence and lack of communication is also very telling. Delta Rising is not performing up to expectations.
Quite frankly I think consumer confidence in this game is pretty badly shaken and all the lobi and dilithium weekends in the world won't earn that back anytime soon. Unfortunately through poorly implemented design and a chain reaction of mismanagement and untimely events the playerbase has a right to be dissatisfied with the state of this product.
Agreed 100%. I hope Cryptic takes a change of heart on the XP thing because STO has DEVOLVED into a general Asian grindfest game, something that in most EU/US playerbases isn't a welcome feature. Give it grind but don't make it a bloody 2nd job!
Currently sitting in US Prime time the queues are low in number with barely anyone queuing. CCA is at average of 30 and that is the highest number most queues have 0 queuing and 0 waiting. First sign of failure at the new system. In my opinion it was a waste of development resources for a low segment of the playerbase. The old system would have been fine with a moderate bump in difficulty.
Delta Command is only at 2 instances. Since expansion launch this place has been busy. 12 total instances of the Delta Quadrant Sector spaces most of which are below 1/3 capacity. 4 are full at best. So if your intention was to lose players then your XP change was a great idea, congratulations its working as intended. In one fell swoop the Advanced and Elite gameplay modes for patrols and stories has become invalidated. (The Tau Dewa fix needed to happen but the word overkill seems appropriate.)
If I were still reviewing MMOs I would give this expansion a 4/10. The monetization was very obvious and off putting with the upgrade and R&D system. The game has taken a severe nosedive in being casual friendly. The timegates and mindless grind have become intolerable. The only positive I have is how great the art and environments are. If I were still reviewing. I quit this because in order to get an interview or Q&A's answered I was forced to engage in sycophantic butt snorkeling which lowered the integrity of my review.
The handling of this launch through continued silence and lack of communication is also very telling. Delta Rising is not performing up to expectations.
Quite frankly I think consumer confidence in this game is pretty badly shaken and all the lobi and dilithium weekends in the world won't earn that back anytime soon. Unfortunately through poorly implemented design and a chain reaction of mismanagement and untimely events the playerbase has a right to be dissatisfied with the state of this product.
Well said and I agree 100%, Cryptic needs to get their act together quickly, own up their mistakes, and make up for them and beyond.
Ok, some good ship fixes (Seriously? Now we get faction hull materials for Dyson destroyers? Guess I finally may get them back on my shopping list, except they're one Tier behind now...).
Some probably useful and needed fixes (glowing hair, Ke'rrat,...).
Some very bad news as well, though. The current Holodeck xp for defeating elite NPCs (that's apparently gonna get to Tribble as well and stay on both servers) is ridiculous, given the difficulty spike. Also I foresee the automatic dropping of no longer existing missions could A) TRIBBLE up players; get buggy and TRIBBLE up the game.
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Are we ever going to get our Fleet Admiral and Dahar Master ranks for uniforms?
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Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
Still nothing about : Failing to save display settings and keep them as set. Freaking annoying to check in each map if the settings are still full screen. 9 out the 10 times, display setting reverts to windowed mode and causing lag.
OK, if I have to stay here for a while, your cieling ... looks idious.:D
best to stick to normal and forget the other two even exist.
even the challenge part is meaningless, people do challenging content for appropriately increased rewards, not for some empty feeling of accomplishment.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
So why are the patch notes lying ?
Why aren't they "we reduced the 5.0 times XP to the 2.0 times XP they were suppeosed to be" ? If they weren't at 1.75 you can't state you raised them to 2.0, because you really lowered them from 5.0.
Agree with this 100%
haha, that was a nice trick. they knew ppl would rage if they would write "reduced the normal to elite xp multiplier from x5 to x2". so as it was 1,75 before DR, they made it look like its an increse from 1,75 to 2, move cryptic
...the x5 modifier was a bug wich came with DR. a x1,75 or x2 would be totally okay, if they wouldnt increase the NPCs HP so drastically. now that elite NPCs have like 6 times more HP compared to normal, the x2 modifier makes no sense anymore. THATS THE POINT.
I read his book. It's gonna be a bestseller
New stuff is nice, but could you please fix the BIG bugs?
If ever you needed a reason to find a new game, Delta Grinding is it.
XP TRIBBLE up then confirmation this was intentional & workin as intended, mean this is no longer a game. It Work!
I already have a Job, big difference is I Get Paid Real Money for that one.
Please keep the QQ to a minimum.
>>>Positive Feedback from a PvE HERO<<<
Currently sitting in US Prime time the queues are low in number with barely anyone queuing. CCA is at average of 30 and that is the highest number most queues have 0 queuing and 0 waiting. First sign of failure at the new system. In my opinion it was a waste of development resources for a low segment of the playerbase. The old system would have been fine with a moderate bump in difficulty.
Delta Command is only at 2 instances. Since expansion launch this place has been busy. 12 total instances of the Delta Quadrant Sector spaces most of which are below 1/3 capacity. 4 are full at best. So if your intention was to lose players then your XP change was a great idea, congratulations its working as intended. In one fell swoop the Advanced and Elite gameplay modes for patrols and stories has become invalidated. (The Tau Dewa fix needed to happen but the word overkill seems appropriate.)
If I were still reviewing MMOs I would give this expansion a 4/10. The monetization was very obvious and off putting with the upgrade and R&D system. The game has taken a severe nosedive in being casual friendly. The timegates and mindless grind have become intolerable. The only positive I have is how great the art and environments are. If I were still reviewing. I quit this because in order to get an interview or Q&A's answered I was forced to engage in sycophantic butt snorkeling which lowered the integrity of my review.
The handling of this launch through continued silence and lack of communication is also very telling. Delta Rising is not performing up to expectations.
Quite frankly I think consumer confidence in this game is pretty badly shaken and all the lobi and dilithium weekends in the world won't earn that back anytime soon. Unfortunately through poorly implemented design and a chain reaction of mismanagement and untimely events the playerbase has a right to be dissatisfied with the state of this product.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! My antique collectable missions! My life will be incomplete without "State of Q" in my In Progress list!!! =(
Joined January 2009
Is this better?
notice all the starfleet insignias and mentions. this is on a kdf character.
i just hope he'll be usable by the kdf/rom players who already commissioned him once the patch that fixes him completely goes live. otherwise they'll be permanently locked out from a decent intel boff, since he's not reclaimable unlike the featured episode boffs like the reman or breen, or others like jem hadar or nelen exil from the rep shop.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
I do not post here often, if at all, but I am done sitting back and being quiet about this issue. While I am glad you guys are fixing some things, I am very upset you are not fixing the things that are very important to fix. I will be honest, I did not want to sit at 50 for long, and I wanted my specialization points, so I bought EXP boosters (the 10k ones). I am not one of those people who used the so-called "exploit", but yet in the mean time, I have lost all my specialization points but the 10 from leveling from 51 to 60, and I am not very happy about that. I did not use my EXP boosters till I was level 60, to start getting more specialization points (yes I know in some eyes its a waste, but I really wanted my specialization points).
So you need to do one of two things in this situation, COMMUNICATE to us that it was either intentional or that it is a bug and you will fix it.
Replace my damn EXP booster cards, or my Zen for those cards.
I have reported this to support, and everything, and they claimed it was a game play bug. But after that conversation I have realized that support does not know what the Devs are doing, and I will have to go directly to you guys. So please EXPLAIN this and tell us what is going on, or I am going to do what someone else has suggested and report you to CBS and get them to pressure you into doing things the right way, like you use to do before Arc Games (aka PWE) took over the game.
Thank you for your time,
I can almost swallow this ..... almost but the XP for grouping has been cut by 1/3rd as well. So the most optimum way to gain XP is to play alone in an MMO. . . .
Please rethink this as it is completely counter to the way a game like this is normally played.
And I thought you were going in the right direction, well I was wrong. BOFFs needs to be customizable. All of them, even if it's limited. Just being able to change the uniform for example, or minor face/body change, so they don't look like exactly the same.
I entered a bug report and was asked for my character name. No follow up from the Dev since, I'd like this matter resolved please.
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
"bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
"Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9]
"Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy
Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider
My only regret is that he doesn't support face attach tech. Otherwise, I'd give him the Dyson outfit glasses and go full Matrix with him.
Joined January 2009
Gonna test this out to find any errors. I've heard of a combat error but checking.
I wanna see!!!
Seriously I will not have a chance to be near my computer for a few days. Does anyone have screenies of the new dyson faction materials?
How about you make alternate preset costumes for them we can earn/purchase and then use.
so we won't be able to pull every slider on them but could put them into alternate uniforms and use different facial features at least.
You pretty much nailed it there.
The art team has done well, and the voice acting is good, but that's about it.
The grind is horrible, the crafting system is too slow and expensive, same for upgrade system, the levelup process is extremely slow, enemies are giant health sponges, STFs have been made harder with nerfed rewards.
What kind of developer makes things harder but gives less reward for it? Harder content usually equals MORE rewards.
Agreed 100%. I hope Cryptic takes a change of heart on the XP thing because STO has DEVOLVED into a general Asian grindfest game, something that in most EU/US playerbases isn't a welcome feature. Give it grind but don't make it a bloody 2nd job!
Well said and I agree 100%, Cryptic needs to get their act together quickly, own up their mistakes, and make up for them and beyond.
Some probably useful and needed fixes (glowing hair, Ke'rrat,...).
Some very bad news as well, though. The current Holodeck xp for defeating elite NPCs (that's apparently gonna get to Tribble as well and stay on both servers) is ridiculous, given the difficulty spike. Also I foresee the automatic dropping of no longer existing missions could A) TRIBBLE up players;
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
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