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Tribble Maintenance and Release Notes - October 24, 2014



  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    I just can't believe they would intentionally cripple the game like this in the last couple of patches, it's got to be bugs.

    Would like to believe you are right but:

    - Reducing the rewards throughout the bank in endgame while increasing the demands was an intention not a bug.
    - Enhancing Hull Hit points of pve targets in end game queues was an intention not a bug.
    (result is that only players with 10k+ builds can participate under current timers or strong players have to make up for weak ones)
    - Inserting formally optionals as must haves has been intentional and a bug.
    (Result is that only experienced players can team up for advanced stuff and new ones are forced to run contend which is insultingly easy and doesn’t reward anything for a reasonable progression)

    Cryptic has introduced some discrete game mechanics which aren’t bugs but still lead to queue lists for general PvE endgame which are more deserted than ever.

    They speak for themselves and should be addressed with top priority instead of correcting storyline stuff players laugh at anyway after realizing the skill point reward for it.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    They find it insulting for criticizing them for apparently releasing something that isn't quite ready for primetime and just take the quick way out by locking and forgetting about it? Really? It's already bad enough that other Bridge officers are either heavily restricted or uncustomizable. Romulans have it especially hard; they can't all wear the outfits of the faction they joined, and even the outfits exclusive to them are limited. The Tal Shiar sets is notably incomplete for one. KDF doesn't have much better.

    Well, allow me to civilly vent what I find insulting as well.

    I find it rather insulting that Reputation system is unlocked at 50, yet with the balance changes skewed to 60 and reward nerfs making their associated queues a waste of time, they haven't gotten the idea to also just move things like Borg Neural Processors or Voth Cybernetic Implants to Normal, and just make it drop 2x in Advanced and 3x in Elite and throw the casuals a bone? Come on. The Borg set especially is a solid set for fresh 50s to work on. Moreso now that DR rising is especially unfriendly to casuals who've up until now gotten by with vanilla Mk X-XI equipment. The Borg Rep set is still locked at Very Rare Mk XII status, so it still encourages work on other Rep gear and upgrades.

    I find it insulting that they just upped Resistances and HP and didn't accordingly scale the EXP to match the time spent either. Advanced and Elite (not just Queues) are supposed to give the determined and masochistic players a greater reward. Dilithium is obviously out of the question and Cryptic refuses to give guaranteed random Superior Tech upgrades or Major Accelerators, so the only reward left is EXP.

    I find it insulting that Cryptic didn't want to make things a pointless DPS-fest, yet here they are turning everything into DPS fest. Torpedoes are almost useless, Sci skills have been weakened considerably, and Engineers are still nearly as useless as they were before, thanks to the ridiculously scaled HP/Resistance/DPS of enemies. It's blatantly more DPS-centric; over who can kill the other faster. Doesn't help either that we're still expected to fight groups of such buffed NPCs on our own most of the time.

    What I do find humorous however, is that for all their money lusting, Cryptic still hasn't gotten the idea to expand on things available in the C-Store besides ships. Don't want to give us the full Tal Shiar clothing set? Fine; just C-Store it. Don't want us to equip cross-faction attire normally? Fine; just C-store it. Don't want to release new Mirror Ships? Fine; just release skins and Registry options in the C-store. Don't want to release a new race to play for free? Fine; just release them on C-Store. There's plenty of people who'd pay for those; I myself will admit to happily buying full access to Mirror skins and registration tags for my characters. My Guardian, Aelahtl, Vesta, Scimitar, and Odyssey would look great in Mirror skins.

    Come on Cryptic, I know you can do better than playing the self-defense card. You can actually take the time to improve and expand on other things.
    Let's recap shall we for holodeck.

    Currently sitting in US Prime time the queues are low in number with barely anyone queuing. CCA is at average of 30 and that is the highest number most queues have 0 queuing and 0 waiting. First sign of failure at the new system. In my opinion it was a waste of development resources for a low segment of the playerbase. The old system would have been fine with a moderate bump in difficulty.

    Delta Command is only at 2 instances. Since expansion launch this place has been busy. 12 total instances of the Delta Quadrant Sector spaces most of which are below 1/3 capacity. 4 are full at best. So if your intention was to lose players then your XP change was a great idea, congratulations its working as intended. In one fell swoop the Advanced and Elite gameplay modes for patrols and stories has become invalidated. (The Tau Dewa fix needed to happen but the word overkill seems appropriate.)

    If I were still reviewing MMOs I would give this expansion a 4/10. The monetization was very obvious and off putting with the upgrade and R&D system. The game has taken a severe nosedive in being casual friendly. The timegates and mindless grind have become intolerable. The only positive I have is how great the art and environments are. If I were still reviewing. I quit this because in order to get an interview or Q&A's answered I was forced to engage in sycophantic butt snorkeling which lowered the integrity of my review.

    The handling of this launch through continued silence and lack of communication is also very telling. Delta Rising is not performing up to expectations.

    Quite frankly I think consumer confidence in this game is pretty badly shaken and all the lobi and dilithium weekends in the world won't earn that back anytime soon. Unfortunately through poorly implemented design and a chain reaction of mismanagement and untimely events the playerbase has a right to be dissatisfied with the state of this product.

    Those two posts, while different in tone, deserve to be showcased here.
    TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
    Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
    Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

    Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Bound items can no longer be stacked with unbound items.
    When split, bound items will always create bound stacks.
    way to go. fix things that dont need to be fixed while ignoring age old bugs and skipping on every opportunity for qol passes.
    so now instead of mailing doff boxes to myself i need to open them all all and either mail them 5 at a time or use an alt account to facilitate a tedious trade. 450 doffs a day every day? get stuffed.
    its almost as if you want to make sto as miserable as possible.
    Episodes which no longer exist will now automatically be dropped from the player’s In Progress list.
    there goes the collection.
    its getting easier and easier to just accept this growing disengagement i am experiencing and walk away, seeing as it feels like i have pretty much lost everything in the past year.
  • jivedutchjivedutch Member Posts: 358 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Seriously ... Delta Rising .... aweomse concept & enemies ... compellign storyline .. really took my time abit to play thru it and not rush it. Noteworthy expansion with alot of new missions and different stuff.

    BUT ......

    Elite difficulty vs Elite rewards = way off .... u can do over 4 to 6x the content in less time than it takes to run a single patrol run at elite like the Argala farm job now.
    Seriously skewed there.

    Hardcore Crafting ... in its current form .. really only for the hardcore players enjoying a clickfest.

    Hardcore Upgrading ... in its current form, even with all the "bonus" stuff ... i like the stuff .. but i am definatly not going to do it very much in the forseeable future on ANY of my 19 toons.
    Too expensive, time consming and a gamble-fest.

    EVERY slider is empty, and needs to be dragged ... and yet we still need 14k commodities of type X to fill upgrade Y..... thats over 140 click and slide rotations ....
    Either upgrade the slider to always start full instead of empty, or upgrade the input box to allow for 1000 on commodities.

    The post-t5 starbase tactical project is broken ... it is the only project left that requires a specific doff-type, instead of ANY tactical, like almost all the other holdings projects.

    Donating & grinding duty officers for holdings projects, is still a major clickfest .... please give us a "select all" like clickbox at the top.

    Customizing Bridge Officers ..... some artwork not done yet .... fine .. consider that a bug ... no worries ... but seriously .... Worf wore TNG pants while serving on the enterprise ...
    Some new boffs not being fully fledged in skinning can happen ... but why are my embassy romulan officers not customizable, while every romulan boff i get as a reward anywhere else is, i even have one that doesnt have a face (floating eyeballs) i cant fix.

    The free uncustomizable reman ... its a playable character ... EVERYTHING IS THERE .....

    The Breen/Jem/Potatoman ... fine ... they are special ... restrict what u can do with them.
    Breen needs a enviro suit ... fine ...
    Jem Hadar are all cloned ... u cant change the face much fine ...
    Potatoman ... he will stay fat, and have a potato face u can only put glasses on ... but surely those Oddysee pants stretch out for his corpulent physique ....

    Now my personal biggest gripe ....

    I am probably giving this point now the biggest bulsseye for the Nerfgun in the game ....
    Doff Job delay of 5sec at logon .... seriously ... i dont need all the completion messages scrolling my my view ... but 2 minutes to "auto complete" all my doff-jobs per toon ... NOT FUN.
    unfortunatly ... doffing seems the easiest way to gain XP currently on 19 toons ... since the foundry rewards are TRIBBLE , elite or norm exp is somewhat of a joke, Qs are mostly empty or wrong lvl ... (try a lvl 60 fleet alert with yer lvl 51 captain against tholians or the borg ...)

    The past week i have spent my time ingame, of several hours per day/evening .. and i have done about 12 to 15 matches or Q's .... the rest of the time i spent watching Netflix on my tablet waiting for the doffjobs to load on my game pc.

    Please ... if the devs are insulted that the players complain about skewed leveling and incomplete bridge officers .... try to see it from our point .... we THE PLAYERS feel insulted by the devs by incomplete bridge officers and un-fun grind & clickfests.
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