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New Difficulty



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    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    geekguy79 wrote: »
    So, if the argument is its mean for lv 60, what lv 60 build and gear is supposed to survive that ?

    I fear Crypric dont actually play the game (recent failboat dev example) so its little wonder they got things so very wrong.
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    nikki191nikki191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    my humble suggestion to fix the issues and complaints from both sides is to have easy and normal stf's that are equivalent to the previous normal and advanced, but also keep the current advanced and elite stf's with corresponding reward increases for those who want harder.

    until something like that happens casual and average players are simply going to give up on stf's, i know ive given up on them personally
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    venkouvenkou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If I were to guess, I would expect basic to get some minor tuning, Advanced to get a little easier and Elite to get a lot harder - and rewards, like dilithium rewards, could potentially go up across queues once we are sure we are hitting the right mark. But this is just my guess at this time.
    I think the Advanced ground missions are way too hard.

    I might avoid the stfs entirely.
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    frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Here's my experience. I played with a level-51 character in a Chimera Heavy Destroyer (non-fleet, T5).

    Infected Space Advanced (ISA)

    I queued ISA twice in a PUG. Both times, we failed at the first transformer.

    1st time: The first failure was admittedly my fault, as I accidentally blew a generator early. After that, we were unable to destroy the transformer before the nanite spheres arrived. The generators seemed much more fragile than everything else. Was the HP of the generators intentionally not increased?

    2nd time: In this instance, we executed the 10% rule perfectly, but could not deal enough damage to destroy the transfomer in time. I believe we got it down to 68% before the nanite spheres arrived.

    Federation Fleet Alert (FFA)

    I queued FFA twice in a PUG. In both instances, we ran out of time. This mission is labeled as Normal, yet the HP of the enemies is quite high. Here are some examples.

    Vishap Frigate: 110,839 hull
    Tuatara Cruiser: 288,183 hull
    Zilant Battleship: 360,229 hull

    FFA is available to levels 5 through 60, but the enemies are scaled to level 60. Players are scaled to level 60 as well, but their ships and equipment are not scaled. I'm not sure who this new difficulty is designed for. In my opinion, new level-50 characters, who may not have the best equipment, should be able to complete FFA so that they can earn fleet marks to get better equipment.

    It is possible that Normal difficulty is bugged right now. Here's what the patch notes say:

    Standard Difficulty is unchanged
    • Players level 51 – 60 will be scaled down to level 50 for this difficulty.

    Here's what the dev blog says:

    Not many changes have been made to the Normal modes for the queues. These remain as you have always enjoyed them, only now the endgame events have a minimum level requirement of 50. All Captains and critters in Normal mode will be fighting at level 50, and those who enter the queues above that level will have their efficacy lowered to that of level 50. Don’t fret! You’ll still have all your powers and Bridge Officer seats, but the numbers you produce will be scaled appropriately to the level of the event.

    The statements above do not match what I saw in FFA: both players and enemies were scaled to level 60.
    Waiting for a programmer ...
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    gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    venkou wrote: »
    I think the Advanced ground missions are way too hard.

    I might avoid the stfs entirely.

    With the exception of mine trap, colony defense, and undine infiltration all the ground queues have been harder than space with less reward per time taken to complete them. The Borg are the worst offenders here, but its true of them all save the three I mentioned. The dilithium ones (big dig, etc) are pretty equal to their space counterparts. Or at least, were, I haven't tried them lately as after three hours of waiting with no queue popup I get tired of waiting and stop trying.
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    rygelx16rygelx16 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    equinox976 wrote: »
    I fear Crypric dont actually play the game (recent failboat dev example) so its little wonder they got things so very wrong.


    I don't even think they test things like this. They might run through stuff to see if there are bugs, but no one ran these difficulties with any regard to how they should or would be played out. You mean to tell me they had positive results with a wide verity of group make ups to be confident that pushing them to live was a good idea? No way is that even remotely possible.
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    rickpaaarickpaaa Member Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    You have Elite for the uber DPSers. Please let the rest of us have Normal and Advanced, and especially please make non rated PvE queue content achievable for level 50s again.
    Member since December 2009

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    thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Dear Cryptic, please do what you have always done and nerf things back down. Make the new Advanced equivalent to the old Elite - only keep the Optionals as mandatory and keep the Dilithium reward at its current half-value. If you do that we get actually get on to talking about Delta Rising rather then Advanced queues.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
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    arilouskiffarilouskiff Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rygelx16 wrote: »

    I don't even think they test things like this. They might run through stuff to see if there are bugs, but no one ran these difficulties with any regard to how they should or would be played out. You mean to tell me they had positive results with a wide verity of group make ups to be confident that pushing them to live was a good idea? No way is that even remotely possible.

    I think it's obvious they ran through the actual new stuff (Borg Disconnected, battle of Korfez, Bug Hunt, etc.) but not the "upscaled" old stuff.
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    khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,640 Bug Hunter
    edited October 2014
    I've commented in several threads about the difficulty changes but since this is now the official feedback, I'll add my two cents here.

    Basic difficulty (normal) in story driven content seems to be pretty much fine, there are a few 'normal' queued missions though which seem to have had the NPC ships HP increased to stupid levels. Gorn Minefield for instance, the cruisers each have in excess of 250K HP and the frigates were swimming around with 79K HP. Personally, I don't mind that too much but if you're aiming for this to be the difficulty for 'casual' players, then it may need a slight reduction. I know several of my friends who play far less than I do used to struggle with normal content as it was which was why I rarely played with them haha.

    Advanced Difficulty queued missions are nuts. I can't emphasise that quite enough in words. I took part in what used to be ISE, now ISA, with a Dauntless, two scimitars, an Undine Dreadnaught, and a Scryer and we got pasted. I'm not one of these 20K DPS people and I don't think I should really have to be when I've been playing Elites just fine doing my 'measly' 8K DPS for the last several years. Also, the one advanced run I did complete so far was so not worth the rewards.

    Elite Difficulty, I can't really comment on because I don't have any characters at level 60 yet. That said, I'm all for having Elite as one that most of us wont be able to play. Leave it tough for the afore mentioned 20K DPS folks. They're the ones who have been making the Elite runs look 'easy' for the last year or two and have been complaining about needing harder content so by all means let them have it. Just don't take away the content that us middle of the road guys liked doing.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
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    voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It's not difficulty. It's just piling on more health and damage, making already tedious DPS-race missions longer.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
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    gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Adding this because it came up elsewhere: hpmscaling is breaking older missions for new players. If you level past 50 on your first character you hit enemies with delta quad levels of hp, but are still running your level 30 or 40 ship with white, green and a few blue items, most mark 10 or lower.

    The specific thread mentioned the shariens swords mission with enemies having 168k HP.

    This is flat out impossible for a new player. When we hit the delta quad it's one thing, but to inflict it on people still working through the story the first time is really worse then the pre-nerf elachi finale.

    And imagine how bad it will be on double exp weekends when you get to 50 with half as much loot and mission completion drops?
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    tigrovaya13akulatigrovaya13akula Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'm sure it will be interesting to see the player data over the next week. Overall I'm loving the content, but the difficulty has left a sour taste in my mouth. It's overwhelmingly soured the impressions of our fleet and STF channel players.

    The general consensus of the players I regularly game with: Too hard, too long, for little or no value. Add that to that astronomical shift in costs within the game, and suddenly the queues are not worth playing.

    For the past year, the queues are the only reason to continue playing. There's not much else to do. You've killed exploration, and content (while really nice) is sadly 'not enough'.

    I'll try to stay focused on the difficulty alone.


    1.) The Borg are wildly inconsistent in HP. That makes for an odd story telling device.

    ISA spheres - tough to beat. Borg Disconnected - spheres explode when you TRIBBLE in their general direction. In Severed Ties - Damaged Borg Spheres can take more damage than those in ISA. Not sure why, they have the same hit points. Another mechanic at work.

    2.) The rewards were slashed. No need to go into detail here.

    3.) Completing the event within the timeframe has become extremely difficult.

    Summary: Harder to complete, longer, for less than half the original reward. Not puggable. Not fun. New players need not apply.

    Not all of us are flying 50K dps ships. Not all of us want to play like that. While the audience for this type of gameplay is vocal, I have watched groups of generally decent players (15K+ dps ea) fail the optional. I won't even try to describe the pug environment.

    Given, over the next week new strategies will emerge. But it's clear, we're not doing it for fun anymore.


    I liked it. It was just challenging enough to make me want to do it again. Then I saw the reward. Meh.


    Great content - long boring battles. The ground stuff against the Vaardwar is immensely engaging, but the space battles drag on for so long I actually find myself thinking of other games to play.

    I'm sure my impression will change as I make it to 60. The new ship mastery abilities, specializations etc - potentially very cool. But I'm finding the new content easier in T5-U ships than in the T6 ships. It's making me question the purchase of the Operations pack and $100 worth of zen for dilithium.

    My suggestion:

    Roll back the HP by 50%. We're not all 50K players here.

    Restore and enhance the rewards. You're cheap. No one likes a cheap-skate. Seriously. If you want me to drop $250 on the next expansion, give me a reason to want to play.

    Update the AI. Add random elements. Come up with a system that engages the 50K monster without squashing the 10K average joe. You know... programming.

    I 100%, absolutely, unequivocally, and whole-heartedly agree with this.

    You Sir, have earned The "Citizen Kane" Applause Award. Well done. I salute you.

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    venkouvenkou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    With the exception of mine trap, colony defense, and undine infiltration all the ground queues have been harder than space with less reward per time taken to complete them. The Borg are the worst offenders here, but its true of them all save the three I mentioned. The dilithium ones (big dig, etc) are pretty equal to their space counterparts. Or at least, were, I haven't tried them lately as after three hours of waiting with no queue popup I get tired of waiting and stop trying.
    Infected Ground Advanced is being blotched too quickly.

    Players are barely making it past the first few rooms.

    Why bother playing something in which you cannot at least complete?
    The general consensus of the players I regularly game with: Too hard, too long, for little or no value. Add that to that astronomical shift in costs within the game, and suddenly the queues are not worth playing.
    I think that is an additional problem.
    voporak wrote: »
    It's not difficulty. It's just piling on more health and damage, making already tedious DPS-race missions longer.
    ...and, then auto failing when the timer runs out.


    Players are pushing like crazy, so they can watch the timer hit zero.

    ...and, then only be rewarded in scraps.

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    rygelx16rygelx16 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think it's obvious they ran through the actual new stuff (Borg Disconnected, battle of Korfez, Bug Hunt, etc.) but not the "upscaled" old stuff.

    Like I said, they yest for bugs and make sure things work, but not for balance. And that is the real issue here I think, balance.

    They want to make everything a dps race, fine, but give all classes the potential to do somewhat equal DPS. Sure it will never be perfect but right now it's not even remotely close. And no that doesn't mean making every class the same, each can have the same potential with different play styles, other games do it all the time. Is every tank in WOW the same? No they all play differently but each can fill the same role. And it wouldn't take much either, there are only 5 powers that define each class (in space), just rework them so each has an offensive, defensive, maybe a debuff and some sort of utility. They can serve the same purpose but play differently. It's either that or you build for the trinity, which I doubt most want. You can even have the trinity if you want to use it, in Rift each class can tank, heal, support or dps, but they each do so in their own way. Anyway, either build the content for you classes, or balance your classes for the content. Right now it's just a mess IMO.
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    alfamegaalfamega Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    "difficulty", that if under this therm can be named, hp bloated up by factor 5 or 10. i feel myself like fresh 50 sitting in old T4 with white MK IX weapons. that given the fact i got full fleet grade ships along with fleet items and reputation sets.
    its kind of like by now a player need T10 ship with 12 weapon slots along MK XX weapons.


    mostly broken. defera is more entertaining then kobali home world. kobali just clueless chaotic wandering around. there are games that like 10 years ahead. "tabula rasa" playgrounds were better 5 years ago.


    "running up the wall", nothing else. it remembers me the days where a player had to do countless cluster patrols to complete the level for progression.
    and who ever came to the "brilliant" idea to cut xp gain that much should be fired. seriously, an stf get 1/10 of level. a patrol mission in delta quadrant get more xp then a stf.

    new skills

    under "intelligence" i would call something quite different. they are just gimmick procs. some doffs can give more advantage then those skills.


    ok, f2p player now can officially call himself as self-employment businessman. 240 dili per 15-20 minutes. that 1k dili per hour, 8 hours for 8k dili. too bad no one can buy food or pay the rent bill with dili.
    advance or elite grade are failures outright, waste of time.


    very disappointing experience. and i am a lifetimer and have played sto since release.
    as for me i will play thru the new episodes with a single of my characters just for the sake of curiousness. then i am out, its no fun anymore.
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    fairlightcmifairlightcmi Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    My suggestion would be to at least include the Neural Processors in the Omega boxes, or something to make them more readily available. The current situation is absurd.
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    supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Cryptic totally screwed up the game especially the Borg Space missions.
    I like the extra ships they added, means more aggro if you wade in with faw and more difficulty in having to clear them.

    However if they wanted to make these so mixed teams of damage dealers, tanks and healers can accomplish these missions, they royally screwed up. With the new shield and hull hit points the Borg have in advanced, taking a Tank or Sci healer into these matches without the ability to deal high dps to the Borg, well its a straight up FAIL.

    With the changes to Advanced they also made certain ships completely obsolete as they don't have the damage potential to kill anything and thats the nature of the missions to kill things.

    The following ships are all but useless
    Galaxy Class
    Nebula Class
    Starcruiser or whatever its called these days
    Intrepid Class
    Well pretty much anything with 2/3 tact consoles and only a Lt. boff station

    What they needed to do to make the roles they wanted viable was to give the Borg maybe a 10% hull and shield increase. But make them hit harder, not to be hit and hit and hit and hit and hit and tedious boredom later still be hit.

    So decrease the hull and shield hit points increase firepower and make the role of tank/healer viable in a group.

    I'm happy with the extra npc's to shoot at me, but the currently these missions are undoable outside a pre-made team all capable of high dps.
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    gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    My suggestion would be to at least include the Neural Processors in the Omega boxes, or something to make them more readily available. The current situation is absurd.

    They are and always have been in the daily/hourly boxes. Rate is too low, but they are in there.
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    olivia211olivia211 Member Posts: 675 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Copy / pasting from another thread of similar topic.
    opo98 wrote: »
    I have to bring up a quote from a dev blog for this one:

    "What you used to refer to as Elite in our queued events and STFs is now known as Advanced. In the new Advanced versions of the queues you will see a similar level of challenge in the enemies that you are used to when the queues were labeled Elite."

    This right here is why I am a bit upset over the "new" normal. With this quote, they set the tone for what we thought we were getting. I was just fine with sticking to the new advanced queues (old elites). This, however, is nothing like what we got.

    To have them lead us to believe this was what we were getting has caused a massive player shock. Even the normal queues are buffed to incredibly high levels when it comes to enemy hit points. I know the normal queues are supposed to be for people still gearing up and getting used to certain runs. There is just no way someone just getting started with a new ship and possible some new gear can make their way through the "new" normal runs. I previously stated that I was in a normal Fed fleet alert and we didn't even make it past wave 2. That's...bad. I have always flown support ships so I survived just fine, but I could not say the same for the rest of the team. Each one died at least twice with one dying 4 times in that new t6 escort.

    I know there will be a couple of people saying "I got through a normal just fine with green gear, etc etc." one or even a few people being able to do this does not make it the average. I thought they did a good job of hyping the expansion and bringing in new players. I doubt many of these newer players can handle the difficulty level though. Those are the people I am speaking for.
    No, I am not who you think I am. I am someone different. I am instead a banana.
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    rangervegasrangervegas Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    We expect Advanced to be more impossible for skilled players and those who have invested in the game (ships and gear). And we expect Elite to be for the best of the best. We don't expect most players to succeed on elite difficulty.

    If I were to guess, I would expect basic to get some minor tuning, Advanced to get a LOT easier and Elite to get a lot harder - and rewards, like dilithium rewards, could potentially go up across queues once we are sure we are hitting the right mark. But this is just my guess at this time.

    There....fixed that for ya. I already posted a long explanation of this in another thread. Suffice it to say Advanced is WAY too difficult for a lvl 50 with a new T5-U ship, and it seems pointless for a max lvl 60 capt with a max level T5-U ship to be having to do this only to get Mk XII gear. The Rep Gear sets were supposed to be a gateway to harder missions in that rep, although there is no better reward which seems kind of pointless, and a gateway to the next harder rep STF's from what I was told back in the past. Apparently that's all been tossed out the window. Either the extra items like neural processors needed for the rep set gear needs to drop in normal mode STF's, or the requirement for them needs to be removed. Also a Mk XIII or Mk XIV rep set needs to be added to make it worth running these STF's on elite mode. Or even grinding up to the better sets on Advanced mode to have better gear to be able to even run Elite mode.
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    leutianleutian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Yeah difficulty spike and rewards being borked is NOT a good thing, Not ALL of us are "hardcore" players the Majority of us are "casual" simply because RL does NOT allow us the time to be "hardcore"

    So, Kindly retcon advanced STF's (the old pre DR ones anyway) back to how they were difficulty wise and Reward wise OR at the VERY least remove the "optional is now a required" objective part because THAT is where most of the problems lie aside from the insane buffing of shields and HP the mobs have gotten.
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    tgo533tgo533 Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If your prepared its a nice challenge, but normal should not be a challenge.

    I now spend most of my time in stf's saving other unprepared players. I watched someone BFAW for a very long time on 3 probes. All he was doing was pissing them off. I had to come in and finish for him and that happens every stf now on NORMAL. I wont dare play elite right now because I will not be able to help anyone and die myself without decent support. I run a defiant, and the only reason i can kill things fast enough is because i can tear down 1 shield facing and kill it. They are not smart and use tac team. They just have a lot to work through and Cruisers unless set up for spikes take forever to kill anything.

    The new STF splits 5 players into 3 teams... ... ... Can we get a 9-10 man for this? Or any of them really.
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    pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    For the first time, STO feels like a game, its too bad people want their light-show theme park back, or their dps race.

    Scis have a purpose now

    Engineers have a purpose now

    It is no longer the best idea or even a viable idea to go full on damage.

    Yea, sto finally feels like an mmo.

    Maybe they should get their easy runs back, but dont give them any rewards for them .

    You wonder why ther are all these new RMT spammers in the game, the content is so easy it can be mastered by an automation.
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    sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pulserazor wrote: »
    For the first time, STO feels like a game, its too bad people want their light-show theme park back, or their dps race.

    Scis have a purpose now

    Engineers have a purpose now

    What purpose do they have? I can tank endlessly with 2 of my ships. This does not help the team beat the clock in any mission I have seen.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

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    bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pulserazor wrote: »

    It is no longer the best idea or even a viable idea to go full on damage.

    Except it is still the best idea. Or atleast without having a stupid amount of damage none of the other stuff matters.


    They haven't changed anything significant. NPC damage output is still pretty weak, they have no real tricks, anything worth using heavy CC on is still immune anything not immune can be handled by those using CC as a secondary build aspect (TBR 1/GW 1 are plenty good enough) and the top debuff in the game is still...attack pattern beta.

    If anything full on damage becomes more important when everything has 5 to 10 times the amount of health.
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    leutianleutian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pulserazor wrote: »
    For the first time, STO feels like a game, its too bad people want their light-show theme park back, or their dps race.

    Scis have a purpose now

    Engineers have a purpose now

    It is no longer the best idea or even a viable idea to go full on damage.

    Yea, sto finally feels like an mmo.

    Maybe they should get their easy runs back, but dont give them any rewards for them .

    You wonder why ther are all these new RMT spammers in the game, the content is so easy it can be mastered by an automation.
    i'd like to ask the same question too what purpose? an STF full of tanks/support just to survive still doesn't do enough damage quickly enough to " beat the clock " in ANY advanced stf.

    The difficulty spike simply put just catered to a VERY SMALL portion of the playerbase who happened to whine long enough to get what they wanted , in turn messing over EVERY casual player who doesn't have a bank full of $$$$$ to spend or time to grind said gear out.

    I seriously FAIL to see where making things harder from the onset ie normal or advanced mode does anyone ANY good whatsoever. Now if the AI were more intelligent THEN it might be acceptable that things were a bit harder, but simply adding mobs, buffing shields HP and dmg output by npc's is NOT the way to " give us a challenge". SO, all the "elitist" crowd that think " if you can't do 30k DPS you arent worth my time" need to pull their proverbial heads out of the exhaust manifold and realise over 3/4 of our player base just play to have fun, if we cease to have fun, we leave. so if you want ghost servers with only a handful of players keep acting/feelling that way.
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    macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited October 2014
    Not sure where the challenge is actually? Unless you mean the challenge of staying awake doing the same old STFs which now take 3-5 times as long ... even in a 13K DPS ship at 1/2 the rewards.

    For those that are happy with DR ... I just don't know what to say to you. Clearly, you're looking for a different kind of game than me. That is ... something other than fun.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
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    xraiderv1xraiderv1 Member Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Syllabification: slight·ly
    Pronunciation: /ˈslītlē

    1To a small degree; not considerably: he lowered his voice slightly [as submodifier]: they are all slightly different
    More example sentencesSynonyms
    2(With reference to a person’s build) in a slender way: a slightly built girl

    we were told the difficulties would be ramped up slightly.

    my primary complaint? did someone swap the stat sheets for the borg cubes and spheres or something?

    conduit elite..or what used to be elite..
    requiring all 5 ships of a given group, most of which are running top flight ships and equipment, to dogpile on just one sphere...ONE sphere...is utterly rediculous. the borg cube that we initially faced went without complaint. the two spheres...yeah...all 5 of us on the one sphere, while the other was free to oneshot at its leisure.

    this is not slightly. not in the remotest sense of the definition.

    we are headed in the general direction of starwars galaxies here.
    Murphy's laws:
    1- Murphy’s Law tells us that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
    2- And anything that does go wrong will get progressively worse.
    3- And if you survive the first two laws it’s time to panic.
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Hey Geko. Just wanted you to be aware of my new thread, which addresses difficulty level, and more importantly, the nature of it.
This discussion has been closed.