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  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    A bit more feedback.

    My main is now nearly 53 and I've upgraded my Odyssey. It does a bit more damage and is even tankier. Story missions are easy.

    As I said a few pages back, I'm not going to do any queues (except borg disconnected) as long as the difficulty stays as it is. But even in this normal STF things aren't well. I see people blowing up a lot. It's a normal STF! Can no one understand this? Someone being destroyed in a normal STF should be rare, yet I'm seeing it regularly.

    That's your bottom of the barrel player's there.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    That's your bottom of the barrel player's there.

    I don't share that view. No one is going to convince me that all of the sudden all we get are bad players.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I don't share that view. No one is going to convince me that all of the sudden all we get are bad players.

    There has always been bad player's, it's just now, they are showing up more frequently because advance/elite is, way overboard for them.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • darkdog13darkdog13 Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I don't share that view. No one is going to convince me that all of the sudden all we get are bad players.

    If anyone is having trouble with normal mode something is wrong with them.

    From the couple normals i have done the worst has been just under 20k total dps for the team (10k for me then 5k,3k,1k,1k) and we still finished in under 7 minutes. This was with a new romulan in the free tier 5 tact warbird without full SRO boffs and only 2 mk 11 romplas weapons i got from a box opening and the rest being 2 mk 11 blue dhc and 3 mk xi green turrets, no fleet gear and only piece of purchased rep gear is the Assimilated Module.

    The only problem with normals is lack of rewards mostly the lack of implant drops.

    Advanced stf's on the other hand is needing every player to pull 15-20k dps.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    azniadeet wrote: »
    Put the old elites back in the game. Make it four levels of difficulty if you have to. Figure it out, because this is game breaking.

    'Cause you just killed the casual-elite player. Those who were good enough to easily opt the old STFs, but not nearly good enough to complete the new ones. Normal STFs were too easy for us before... now they're even easier. Advanced queues are too hard for us by a wide berth.

    AT LEAST give us our old elites back.

    And give us our rewards back. Not only did you take our fun mission away, you lowered the rewards for the harder ones. It's like a slap in the face, followed by a knife in the back.

    And another totally unexpected turn of events Geko eh?

    Long term endgame veterans and STO enthusiasts who can easily team up to challange the new contend care more about 90% of your customers than you do?

    -> give old elites back with same rewards as b4 in order to keep the endgame playable for new or occasional players or for us veterans when we feel it nessesary to play with them
    -> give us an optional harder setting (like u did) but preferably with a “reward” (you may call it reason) which makes the challenge as well as the brought upon us in game options for advancement worthwhile!

    I’ve played the game a few hours since DR already and under the current investment/reward ratio in all DR difficulties endgame is hardly worth doing at all. Deserted Queue lists represent that. Feel free to look em up and try to play your game.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    That's your bottom of the barrel player's there.

    No the problem is, there are no damn tanks in this damn game anymore, because they all went dps. So anyone who gets top DPS, pulls all the agro and no one stops it. I'm a damn sci ship, I can do alot, but when I get focused fired and the damn cruiser is in -threat gear and barely doing any DPS, there's an issue.

    I can do a lot, but hull tank isn't one of them, but I shouldn't have to. That's the damn cruisers job, but when I out DPS the cruiser and even with -threat gear pull all the agro off a cruiser, there's an issue.

    That and the damn cruiser drivers are always running the dps comm system, and never caring that if they're not tanking, someone else is, and maybe they could use a bit of damage mitigation comm stuff, it's what it's there for.
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    darkdog13 wrote: »
    The only problem with normals is lack of rewards mostly the lack of implant drops.

    Advanced stf's on the other hand is needing every player to pull 15-20k dps.

    That's the problem right there. I can tell a person how to do an STF, but if they don't have the gear, I can't help them. Problem is to get the gear, you need to do Advanced STFs.

    And really there's no more carrying someone anymore. Used to be a fleet could get together, pull four strong ships and 1 weaker one, and run some old style elites and get them the marks and BNPs that they needed. Now they pull down the huge DPS numbers you need, and they're on their own, which means they're never get the gear they need to get better.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    daveyny wrote: »
    Welp..., tried a PUG Infected Advanced with an Eclipse Intel Cruiser and the best gear I have (mostly XII purples from reps).
    All stuff I used on my ODDY, and up till D.R. hit on Monday, I could be fairly useful to the team.

    Now..., Failed miserably with a group of mostly T-6 ships.

    Looks like STO will become a mainly DOff game for me once I finish the new storyline. :(

    I certainly won't be spending any more money on this game.

    Kinda-sorta sorry I bought the D.R. Pack


    I think that is overreacting. They just said they will look to balance it once they have seen how people go in them, and there are a ton of bonuses that we get as we level up. More HP, ship mastery, ship traits, specialisation and the better gear at 13 and 14 is massivly superior.

    What you see now, is not what you are going to see in a few weeks and that will be different to what you see months down the line. I highly suspect in a years time people will be complaining advanved is too easy. Don't panic. if it's a problem in a months time then you can make a more informed choice or lesve accurate feedback.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    That's the problem right there. I can tell a person how to do an STF, but if they don't have the gear, I can't help them. Problem is to get the gear, you need to do Advanced STFs.

    And really there's no more carrying someone anymore. Used to be a fleet could get together, pull four strong ships and 1 weaker one, and run some old style elites and get them the marks and BNPs that they needed. Now they pull down the huge DPS numbers you need, and they're on their own, which means they're never get the gear they need to get better.

    Rep gear is important but there is an abundance of ways to get excellent gear from the exchange, lockboxes, fleets, r&d, new level 13 drops, the upgrade system, the rep stores.

    Romulan and Tholian ones don't need elite items as they have none. Voth and undine have their battlezones so it's only the borg ones that people might struggle to get early on.
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think that is overreacting. They just said they will look to balance it once they have seen how people go in them, and there are a ton of bonuses that we get as we level up. More HP, ship mastery, ship traits, specialisation and the better gear at 13 and 14 is massivly superior.

    What you see now, is not what you are going to see in a few weeks and that will be different to what you see months down the line. I highly suspect in a years time people will be complaining advanved is too easy. Don't panic. if it's a problem in a months time then you can make a more informed choice or lesve accurate feedback.

    Until those "months" are up it makes getting BNPs impossible unless you're in a pre-made. So now I have to wait over a month to get Delta Rep up, and then continue to wait while Cryptic "fixes" something that if you look on tribble forums we were complaining about anyway and they ignored.
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Rep gear is important but there is an abundance of ways to get excellent gear from the exchange, lockboxes, fleets, r&d, new level 13 drops, the upgrade system, the rep stores.

    Romulan and Tholian ones don't need elite items as they have none. Voth and undine have their battlezones so it's only the borg ones that people might struggle to get early on.

    So what you're saying is that Rep gear should now be gated to only the top 25% of the player base?

    Lets see... exchange you need dilithium, generally most people don't have the millions of credits that people are charging for top end gear. Lobi/lockbox requires cash... so you're saying pay2win gotcha. Fleet gear only if you're in a big enough fleet. Small fleets, well you're screwed and anyway if you're in a big enough fleet for fleet gear, you don't necessarily need to PUG. R&D requires mats from... you guessed it Advanced STFs or pay2win R&D boxes. Level 13 drops are a joke, upgrade system... yep pay2win, and rep stores probably, but not enough dps for advanced really.

    So it's either Pay2win or be average enough to basically get mid-line gear capped, making the rep system pretty much worthless.
  • zombiedeadheadedzombiedeadheaded Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The only STF that is 'too hard' (and only because it's stupidly tedious now), is CCA, everything else is fine, if your having problems with things like ISA, then you are the problem.
  • tigerariestigeraries Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Rep required items should drop from Normal STF... like during events. Limit 1 per day per STF for normal level.

    No way can a new player get Rep gear if you need High End 20k+ DPS to win in Advance STF.

    Do foks really want a L50 with a T4 or T5 ship without even Rep Gear? They would basically be trolling folks who do STFs at these new difficulty levels.

    That way it would encourage new players to do as many different STFs at normal as they can in a day. To Prevent farming, make it only drop if you have not completed the Rep yet. So if you have T5 rep already, no drop for that player.
  • w4lt3rw4lt3r Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Well, with the release of this expansion and seeing that STFs / Advanced / Elite queues are all about DPS now, I feel that my science captain has effectively become obsolete. Science ships in general seem to be a waste of a player slow now in the queues.

    Cryptic absolutely dropped the ball with the most ridiculous HP / resistance scaling on advanced mode.. I don't even want to see what Elite holds in. My ship being there already might signal that the instance is going to fail.

    Can we have a 1000 zen captain class change token or something?
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The only STF that is 'too hard' (and only because it's stupidly tedious now), is CCA, everything else is fine, if your having problems with things like ISA, then you are the problem.

    After yesterday’s kithomer ground advanced run we ended up again with 6 minutes to spare on the optional… I know the feeling there.

    Going in with elite teams is an option for some but not for everybody. Make a new toon and pug a few without the support of your friends to get a better feeling how this game must feel now for new or casual players b4 pointing out any problems.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    w4lt3r wrote: »
    Well, with the release of this expansion and seeing that STFs / Advanced / Elite queues are all about DPS now, I feel that my science captain has effectively become obsolete. Science ships in general seem to be a waste of a player slow now in the queues.

    Cryptic absolutely dropped the ball with the most ridiculous HP / resistance scaling on advanced mode.. I don't even want to see what Elite holds in. My ship being there already might signal that the instance is going to fail.

    Can we have a 1000 zen captain class change token or something?

    I totally disagree with this comment. First I generally rank top 1 to 3 in any given slot with a science ship. That aside, I actually see more uses now for science ships, not less. With Science being queen of CC and debuffs, I find them so much more useful now. Dropping shields, lessing enemy dps, CCing mobs in order to more easily accomplish optionals.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think that is overreacting. They just said they will look to balance it once they have seen how people go in them, and there are a ton of bonuses that we get as we level up. More HP, ship mastery, ship traits, specialisation and the better gear at 13 and 14 is massivly superior.

    What you see now, is not what you are going to see in a few weeks and that will be different to what you see months down the line. I highly suspect in a years time people will be complaining advanved is too easy. Don't panic. if it's a problem in a months time then you can make a more informed choice or lesve accurate feedback.

    That sounds reasonable... I'm still doing the Story content and going to try the Kobali Playground when I find it.

    I'm just kinda frustrated though, I am still trying to get several older Reps to level 5 and these changes have seriously added a lot more time to that goal.

    I'm liking the Eclipse Cruiser, it is an interesting ship to fly.
    The Intelligence BOffs are still a bit confusing, but I'm slowly figuring out their talents.
    (to be honest, the SCI one isn't very useful on the Eclipse because I still need to have Polarize Hull and Hazard Emitters which eliminates using the Intel-SCI in that ship)

    I'm not saying I'm going to stop playing, I'm just not going to be as eager to put anymore money into the game at this point.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    That's the problem right there. I can tell a person how to do an STF, but if they don't have the gear, I can't help them. Problem is to get the gear, you need to do Advanced STFs.

    This is a great point.

    You need the gear to beat the missions, you need to beat the missions to get the gear.

    Chicken and the egg... call up Q, cause this is the paradox.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The only STF that is 'too hard' (and only because it's stupidly tedious now), is CCA, everything else is fine, if your having problems with things like ISA, then you are the problem.

    Well, thanks a lot "Mr. I'm So Great I Can Insult All The Players Who Are Beneath Me".

    It seems that there are at least several dozen folks who feel the way I do, going by the comments.

    I hope you've got lot of money, cause your going to have to support the game when all those people give up in frustration trying to play a game that they use to have fun playing.

    I'd try to explain to you how comments like yours are actually part of the problem, but it would go right over your Elitist Head and I don't have the patience for it tonight.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • dessniperdessniper Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Spending 15-20 minutes in an STF for almost no gain and then having a troll or an idiot blow the whole mission sucked all the fun out of this game.
  • rickpaaarickpaaa Member Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Get to at least level 52 first, then have a challenge. There is nothing worse than having a new shiny level 60 ship, and not being able to accomplish what you have done for the last 3 years with ease.

    Winning: fun
    Winning with a tough challenge: fun
    Losing with a challenge that makes you want to have another crack at it, because you know that it can be done: fun
    losing because there's no possibility of winning: That's called Day One of Delta Rising PvE at level 50, and it is unfun to the extreme after a couple of hours

    So stay the hell away from the queues and level up on new mission content, Tau Dewa patrols (Japori is great for XP!), and the two borg STFs on normal... also good for XP. When you're 52, try a fleet alert. It will be a challenge, but you can actually win again.
    Member since December 2009

  • zombiedeadheadedzombiedeadheaded Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    deokkent wrote: »
    Basically I have a sandwich so you can't be starving.

    I think you're the problem zombiedeadheaded, where's your brain at?

    The point is, if I'm hungry, i know how to make a sandwich, instead of crying to Mama to take the horrible hunger away. You have just as much 'bread' as I do, go make a sandwich.
  • darthraiderxxxdarthraiderxxx Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    After yesterday’s kithomer ground advanced run we ended up again with 6 minutes to spare on the optional… I know the feeling there.

    Ground difficulty also wasn't increased as much as space was. The difficulty changes to ground maps seem rather reasonable to me (more challenging now, but still doable) while space is just an even bigger DPS race (i don't consider a stupid amount of hull points on even the smallest enemy ships challenging, it is just plain boring).
  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The point is, if I'm hungry, i know how to make a sandwich, instead of crying to Mama to take the horrible hunger away. You have just as much 'bread' as I do, go make a sandwich.

    Hmmm. I rather think that you're missing the very subjective nature of the argument here.

    This is a *game*, not a survival exercise. You can argue that players should just raise their game but if that's not "fun" for the majority - which is where the feedback is pointing at the moment - then something is very wrong.

    Otherwise; casual players (read: those with a life outside STO) walk, game dies, elites cry.
  • zombiedeadheadedzombiedeadheaded Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    staq16 wrote: »
    Hmmm. I rather think that you're missing the very subjective nature of the argument here.

    This is a *game*, not a survival exercise. You can argue that players should just raise their game but if that's not "fun" for the majority - which is where the feedback is pointing at the moment - then something is very wrong.

    Otherwise; casual players (read: those with a life outside STO) walk, game dies, elites cry.

    This game is incredibly easy, it's the definition of casual, if your finding things difficult in STO, don't leave the house, it's dangerous out there.
    And any game that'lowers its game' to increase 'fun', is is not dying, it's dead.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    Until those "months" are up it makes getting BNPs impossible unless you're in a pre-made. So now I have to wait over a month to get Delta Rep up, and then continue to wait while Cryptic "fixes" something that if you look on tribble forums we were complaining about anyway and they ignored.

    No, you dont have to wait a month to get the rep up. go play the normal queues or the patrol missions and get your delta marks that way. you may not be able to get their equivalent BNP for the moment, but you can still stockpile the marks and resources for when you can.
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    So what you're saying is that Rep gear should now be gated to only the top 25% of the player base?

    No, i did not. dont put words in my mouth. The rep gear should to a degree take some skill to own by the vast majority of people should be able to get it. it will just take people time to get to 60 first and have some better gear and new powers. there has been a fundamental change to the queues. its like asking someone to play the old elites in level 40 ships with mk10 blues. and this is till on top of the fact they said they are still looking to rebalance. what is the point of making it easier again right now, only to find in two months everyone is geared up and finding them too easy again. have some patience.
    Lets see... exchange you need dilithium, generally most people don't have the millions of credits that people are charging for top end gear. Lobi/lockbox requires cash... so you're saying pay2win gotcha. Fleet gear only if you're in a big enough fleet. Small fleets, well you're screwed and anyway if you're in a big enough fleet for fleet gear, you don't necessarily need to PUG. R&D requires mats from... you guessed it Advanced STFs or pay2win R&D boxes. Level 13 drops are a joke, upgrade system... yep pay2win, and rep stores probably, but not enough dps for advanced really.

    So it's either Pay2win or be average enough to basically get mid-line gear capped, making the rep system pretty much worthless.

    I'm sorry you dont want to do any of the game then. everything can be earned in game for free though a little work and effort. if you are not prepared to spend any money, or join any fleets, or accumulate any dilithium or EC then i dont really care if you don't have the equipment.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I was reluctant to suggest this before as I dont like blocking off content that we had access to before but it might be worth changing advanced to unlock at 55 from now on.

    it might make more logical sense, especially to new players and it would press upon people that these are no longer easy level 50 missions that you can attempt straight away.

    you hit 50, and you play normal queues just fine.

    you hit 55, and then you can start trying advanced with the knowledge you will get better and more powerful over time. players at this time would already have multiple specialization points, ship mastery, maybe even ship traits and hopefully gear would be moving onto mk 13 so the shock wont be quite as great.

    elites at 60 remain for best of the best.

    I have no doubt many would dislike that but it might be a better option for the bigger pitcure, and especially new players moving forward.
  • ladymyajhaladymyajha Member Posts: 1,428 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'm sorry you dont want to do any of the game then. everything can be earned in game for free though a little work and effort. if you are not prepared to spend any money, or join any fleets, or accumulate any dilithium or EC then i dont really care if you don't have the equipment.

    Way to put words in my mouth. First off, I have the gear and the fleet, I can probably out dps you right now, and if I can't your one of the rare people out there. That's not the point in the greater scheme of things.

    I get it you don't care about anything but how you want the game to be played, and you like the idea of grind, grind, grind, more grind, and more grind obviously, or you prefer to just open your wallet and pay2win. Neither option is particularly viable to casuals, who outnumber us.

    No your solution is more time gates and pay2win. The reputation system already has enough time gates and grind associated with it, and hell half of Delta Rising is grinding just to get a level and grind to get your specializations and grind to get your ship traits and grind to get your R&D. We really dont' need anymore grind.

    And that's what's happening. What your suggesting is that people need to grind marks and EC and Dilithium in order to get mediocre gear to grind some more to get BNPs and still be time gated behind reptuation time gates and dilithium refining time gates and R&D time gates.

    Now all they're done is make it a "difficulty" time gate, and the majority of the player base will never be able to complete it regardless of your belief. They won't get the gear without a huge grind, and they'll leave, and when the average player starts to leave, the game will shut down.

    I'd prefer to avoid that. Leave the difficulty levels as they are, that's fine, leave the R&D boxes as they are, that fine and using your belief they can grind the dilithium to buy zen for that. But add 1 BNP to every bonus mark box would open up the higher tier reputation system gear, allowing a greater way of the average player getting the gear, and then we can show them how to play without them getting frustrated with the game.

    That's all I'm suggesting. Until then the average player will still keep coming into Advanced PUGs and they'll still cause those STFs to fail as they stand now because they won't have the dps to manage it.
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I was reluctant to suggest this before as I dont like blocking off content that we had access to before but it might be worth changing advanced to unlock at 55 from now on.

    it might make more logical sense, especially to new players and it would press upon people that these are no longer easy level 50 missions that you can attempt straight away.

    you hit 50, and you play normal queues just fine.

    you hit 55, and then you can start trying advanced with the knowledge you will get better and more powerful over time. players at this time would already have multiple specialization points, ship mastery, maybe even ship traits and hopefully gear would be moving onto mk 13 so the shock wont be quite as great.

    elites at 60 remain for best of the best.

    I have no doubt many would dislike that but it might be a better option for the bigger pitcure, and especially new players moving forward.

    elitism. this is not a good thing.
    new players learn with experience and with the help of the old players
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The only STF that is 'too hard' (and only because it's stupidly tedious now), is CCA, everything else is fine, if your having problems with things like ISA, then you are the problem.

    No, elitist dps wankers is the problem, not the regular player base.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

This discussion has been closed.