Ya know, if I were not a nice person, I'd seriously tell you were to stick your "laziness" krap.
Whoop-dee-do, you've got the Luck Of Job and love coming to the forums and rubbing it in, to show how stupendous your prodigious play-style is.
What part of "Slightly-More-Than-A-Casual-Player" don't you understand. You even quoted me on it. (I'm not even going to get into the fact that I've been playing this game since day one)
I NEVER used the words 'Broken' or 'Unfair'... I simply expressed that IMO, the reward system for Purple Crafting materials is ridiculously low and not worth the bother...
At least to those of us who don't spend an inordinate amount of our daily lives, devoted to a pixilated form of entertainment.
BTW: You really need to learn to express yourself with a lot less animosity toward folks who apparently don't live up to your inane qualifications.
It evokes the pretentiousness of a twelve year olds mentality.
No, you just have the all too common attitude where by you want everything served upto you on a silver platter - instant gratification with minimal effort applied... You've done 9 ESTF's in 3 weeks and (in your previous post) are suggesting that every ESTF should reward at least 1 purple material completely devaluing them...
At no point have I spouted anything about my 'prodigious play style', beyond perhaps insinuating that doing bugger all to obtain materials is not the best method and yes, I have made clear I firmly believe that effort should be rewarded...
The current R&D system does not require significant investment of time and is easily workable as a 'casual' player...
Other than bumping the first couple of projects with dilithium to unlock additional crafting slots, I have done nothing but undertake the 20 hour research projects and am level 12-13 generally in each category I've been working on... It does not take a lot of materials, only patience...
If you want to mass produce high-level items right away, then yes, you had better be prepared to invest a lot of resources... If you want to save yourself tens of millions of EC, or moderate amounts of zen, but make some of the more unique items, without a large material investment, it's gonna take time... You've made clear you want all the rewards, without any investment or effort - completely devaluing the effort and/or investment of others who are working, or have worked through the current R&D system...
9 ESTF's in 3 weeks - and a refusing to sacrifice a single Doff slot - can hardly be considered alot of 'effort' or 'investment'...
I have to wonder if you even fully understand the meaning of pretentious and inane, given your remark that I'm all of about 12 years old, in order to affirm your superiority, without anything to support such an ironically childish swipe (aside from an pointless throw-away 'I've played since launch' comment)... Hypocrisy also comes to mind...
As a counterpoint, your statement is much like asking for "casual" players to be allowed to complete the CE event rep project with only 4 shards.....
And no I don't see imruined's statement as being mean. Your animosity towards the system is based on your perception of your personal experiences, and my experiences tell me that yours are atypical. I've made millions selling purple mats, they're not as hard to come by as you claim.
Cheers for that... Nice to see I'm not the only one around here who thinks along such lines...
I know that the devs are still dev'ing, but I really do wish they would issue some sort of FAQ about all of these questions everyone have about Delta Rising and what it means to everyone's hard-earned inventory of items. People have a legitimate right to be very concerned about trying to keep their favorite gear relevant and it's only fair that they should at least have an inkling as to how such an upgrade will be performed.
So far, all we've got is a hint that Crafting is going to be revamped and all of our mats will have to be converted over to some new form of mats. And something about Research in order to upgrade our gear that sounds suspiciously like Crafting. I really, really, reallyreallyreallyreally do not want to have a Disruptor pressed against my head to grind Crafting. I hope that there will be an alternative way to get MK XIV stuff. I.do.not.like.crafting.
You'd think that Cryptic would prefer to have forum messages like "Oh man! I can't wait till Delta Rising is here!", but because of the mystery and lack of hard info, it's more like "Oh man! Cryptic is gonna shove it up our backsides!".
Sorry about the rambling, but it's after 2AM here and what little trickle of data that I can seem to get out of what's in store for us seems to be butt-ugly bad news about a good game being turned into a complete train wreck.
I'm still wondering why in the world Lifers would have to pay 125.00 for a pack that they shouldn't have to pay for, that's why they're lifers! They paid for the whole game! Yes, I'm a lifer. (Yeah, I saw the photo below this post.)
BTW, is this posted somewhere, because if it is, I missed it!
I'm still wondering why in the world Lifers would have to pay 125.00 for a pack that they shouldn't have to pay for, that's why they're lifers! They paid for the whole game! Yes, I'm a lifer. (Yeah, I saw the photo below this post.)
BTW, is this posted somewhere, because if it is, I missed it!
The Expansion Pack is free. The Operations Pack is nothing more then a Bundle discount on a bunch of ships - it is 8 C-Store ships Bundled together as a discount over buying them individually.
You do not need to purchase these ships to play the Expansion Pack. You can play all of the Content in the Expansion Pack with your existing T5 ships.
The C-Store bundles is not the Content. Just like in LoR where the ship Bundle was not the Content.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I'm still wondering why in the world Lifers would have to pay 125.00 for a pack that they shouldn't have to pay for, that's why they're lifers! They paid for the whole game! Yes, I'm a lifer. (Yeah, I saw the photo below this post.)
BTW, is this posted somewhere, because if it is, I missed it!
Because the LTS gives you permanent subscription-level access, with all the trimmings that go with it such as the 500 zen monthly stipend, increased Bridge Officer roster, increased bank and account bank storage etc...
You also get instant access to all Veteran Rewards and the ability to choose a playable Liberated Borg...
That's what you paid for in your LTS... No where does it stipulate we receive any new C-Store content free - the Delta Operations pack is a C-Store promotion, nothing more...
I'm still wondering why in the world Lifers would have to pay 125.00 for a pack that they shouldn't have to pay for, that's why they're lifers! They paid for the whole game! Yes, I'm a lifer. (Yeah, I saw the photo below this post.)
BTW, is this posted somewhere, because if it is, I missed it!
The 125 pack is some paid for items that will be availavel in the c-store at a drastically reduced price (you're getting 7-8 t6 ships plus other stuff for $125.00.... with those ships selling for somewhere around $30 a pop that's like more than 1/2 off).
It's not for content, the expansion itself is free to everyone.
I'm still wondering why in the world Lifers would have to pay 125.00 for a pack that they shouldn't have to pay for, that's why they're lifers! They paid for the whole game! Yes, I'm a lifer. (Yeah, I saw the photo below this post.)
BTW, is this posted somewhere, because if it is, I missed it!
You, and I for that matter, got exactly what we paid for.
All the things they advertised at the time as being vet rewards.
At no point did they ever say, 'and everything else we intend to monetarise until the end of time'.
Your entitlement is showing, best zip it up before your mum sees it.
my new forum name is stf65 because it took my 65 tries to get all the borg pieces i needed pre omega rep system. grinding raids over and over to get all the parts you need isn't a new concept. it's how most mmos work.
Clever name then.
Grinding is understandable, it's an MMO I get it, but that's not what I was talking about. It was in reference to 'random drops'.
Some get everything they want on the first try, while others are still looking for that one piece after well over a 100? Doesn't make any sense.
Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
As a counterpoint, your statement is much like asking for "casual" players to be allowed to complete the CE event rep project with only 4 shards.....
And no I don't see imruined's statement as being mean. Your animosity towards the system is based on your perception of your personal experiences, and my experiences tell me that yours are atypical. I've made millions selling purple mats, they're not as hard to come by as you claim.
That's not a 'Counterpoint'. That's a ridiculous comparison..., as in "Apples to Oranges".
I'm not asking that it be made easier for anybody, I'm simply saying that the "Reward Odds" on purple crafting materials is substantially lower than it should be, for the effort put in by ALL players.
Being rewarded for playing the Elite part of the game, should not be comparable to playing Non-Elite...
Players should not be getting low level rewards when doing so..
But unfortunately, it happens all too often, to all too many players in this game.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
That's not a 'Counterpoint'. That's a ridiculous comparison..., as in "Apples to Oranges".
I'm not asking that it be made easier for anybody, I'm simply saying that the "Reward Odds" on purple crafting materials is substantially lower than it should be, for the effort put in by ALL players.
Being rewarded for playing the Elite part of the game, should not be comparable to playing Non-Elite...
Players should not be getting low level rewards when doing so..
But unfortunately, it happens all too often, to all too many players in this game.
No, it is indeed an accurate counter point to your statement... By reducing the effort required to obtain the Crystalline Entity special reward from 14 to 4 days, the reward has been devalued...
The same goes for purple materials being rewarded every time as this then makes them far from a rare and valuable commodity...
Your statement that the 'drop rate' for rare materials being too low, is purely your opinion, which you are entitled to have and share, but do not presume that everyone is going to agree with your view...
However, you contradict yourself by first saying you do not want purple materials to be more easily obtained, yet in the same sentence you state the drop rate is too low, meaning you do want them to drop more readily and thus, be easier to obtain... You can't have it both ways in order to squirm out of a logical counter-argument...
Unless I am mistaken, you seem to be inferring that because you have not yet received any purple quality materials, from your 9 ESTF's over 3 weeks, that this system is indeed unfair because you have missed out... Is that correct?
If so, I would counter this by stating it would be unfair on those players who have put in significantly more effort, to obtain the purple quality materials that they so far have, were the drop rate increased - which reflects the Crystalline Entity analogy of 4 days down from 14...
Cryptic is the perfect name for this company. They don't tell you Chit. Brilliant minds cannot even decipher the damage bonus formula in this game.
BaseDamage = X; X depends on the weapon - it is the TRIBBLE/Mk 0 version's damage
WeaponPowerBoost = Y; Y = (CurrentWeaponPower - 50) * 0.02; for Projectiles treat Y as 0
WeaponAbilityBoost = Z; Z varies BO, FAW, CRF, CSV, HY, TS
SumAllStrengthBoosts = S; where the +A% is converted to a decimal
SumAllBonusBoosts = B; where the +A% is converted to a decimal
Damage = X * (1 + Y) * (1 + Z) * (1 + S) * (1 +
Bunch of folks came together to piece that together with the help of the devs...
Excuse me? I'm not trolling anything. I'm annoyed at the way that Cryptic is keeping us in the dark. I know that they're still working on code, but they could at least give us some sort of hint as
Why do you really need to know anything about this before it is actually available? If it sucks, you can still leave then.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
You do realise the 'common players' are rarely heard on the forums?
Secondly, Cryptic are not a charity... They're in this to make money like any other business... Just because you're upset that other people are willing to spend money for added convenience, or (as in my case) are happy to pay for services because of the time and effort that Cryptic put into a game they enjoy, that's not anyone's issue but your own...
Additionally, if you don't understand why STO went F2P, go do some research on the pros and cons of the F2P model and why so many MMO's end up F2P...
Even Star Wars : The Old Republic - the biggest budget MMO to date - went F2P and it's subscription levels, and inevitably profits, sky rocketed...
No, the elitists in every MMO demand this... You don't have to be the best to fully enjoy an MMO... However a certain level of ability is definitely somewhat advantageous...
SW: TOR went FTP because they lost 400k+ subscribers in the first quarter after it was released and by the time FTP went live it was around the 700k mark, almost half of what the game opened with. Profits didn't sky rocket, they just got their profit margin back by going FtP and laying off a butt load of developers.
The main reason MMOs go FTP now is because they all try to copy WoW and fail. When they fail, they go FTP to salvage the game. Plus when you have IPs like Star Wars and Star Trek, there is a higher expectation because these games attract fans of the IP not necessarily fans of MMOs. STO actually has/had an excellent FTP model, but the crafting update and what is so far planned for DR, they've gone extreme.
Now granted, the information flow hasn't been great even though they are releasing information on DR. The order in which they are releasing the information is bad. The fact that they haven't released how the Gear upgrade process is going to work is bothersome for a lot of people who have dumped tons of resources into their current ships. Just because they haven't implemented it on Tribble doesn't mean they can't release the process on how it works so people can plan and prepare. Too me, that just screams money grab coming.
My plan for bonus xp is to level KDF alts to 11 so I can start running Marauding missions for Dil. Just because I don't know what I don't know other than everything revolves around Dil. So I increase my capacity to get dil. When the appropriate info is released and IMO too much of a money grab, fine, I have other games I can play and pay money towards.
Now granted, the information flow hasn't been great even though they are releasing information on DR. The order in which they are releasing the information is bad. The fact that they haven't released how the upgrade process is going to work is bothersome for a lot of people who have dumped tons of resources into their current ships. Just because they haven't implemented it on Tribble doesn't mean they can't release the process on how it works so people can plan and prepare. Too me, that just screams money grab coming.
What exactly about the T5U Upgrade process are you unaware of? If you have specific questions some of us might be able to answer them based on Podcasts, Dev posts, and Tribble testing.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
Being rewarded for playing the Elite part of the game, should not be comparable to playing Non-Elite...
Players should not be getting low level rewards when doing so..
But unfortunately, it happens all too often, to all too many players in this game.
Actually the rewards in Elite are far greater vs Normal, even the Crafting boxes. I guess the Marks & DIL don't interest you? Please find a realistic argument for 100% drop of VR mats.
What exactly about the T5U Upgrade process are you unaware of? If you have specific questions some of us might be able to answer them based on Podcasts, Dev posts, and Tribble testing.
Not so much the ships but everything else (Reputation sets, fleet gear etc). Not to mention how Lobi Gear will remain competitive even though it will be locked at MK XII or if it will affect consoles, weapons, warp cores in Lobi/Lock Box ships. Edited my prior post to clarify too.
What exactly about the T5U Upgrade process are you unaware of? If you have specific questions some of us might be able to answer them based on Podcasts, Dev posts, and Tribble testing.
I think they are referring to the Mark XII to Mark XIII/XIV conversion methods, as that's completely been left in the dark (beyond knowing that it will have something to do with the crafting system).
Not so much the ships but everything else (Reputation sets, fleet gear etc). Not to mention how Lobi Gear will remain competitive even though it will be locked at MK XII or if it will affect consoles, weapons, warp cores in Lobi/Lock Box ships. Edited my prior post to clarify too.
Well, I can understand wanting to know all of that but the Expansion Launch is still a month away and there is plenty of time for Dev Blogs to come out with that information. It is quite possible that a lot of that information is not finalized yet.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
People would have been a hell of a lot more pissed if Delta Rising had launched with no warning. People who just bought T5 Cstore ships would have gone ballistic.
The OP expressed dismay over 4 more weeks, partly of preparing to be able to craft worthwhile gear. This seems rather optimistic, unless he is throwing dilithium at every round of research to accelerate the process. I have been pretty regular (though not every 20 hours), running the R&D projects for the last 2 months, and I'm only arriving at lvl 8 this week, even after upgrading my RLS's weekly. At my current pace (which is probably more typical of the average player), it will be at least another 2 months to reach lvl 15, and even then, we have no idea really if the system will actually perform as advertised.
Thankfully, at least the basic R&D projects don't require many resources, or the whole effort would have already broken down for me. I will be insulted, though, if the best I can count on at lvl 15 is a 35% chance of getting some uncommon item I could pick up on the exchange or a mission drop...
Expendables Fleet: Andrew - Bajoran Fed Engineer Ken'taura - Rom/Fed Scientist Gwyllim - Human Fed Delta Tac Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013
No, you just have the all too common attitude where by you want everything served upto you on a silver platter - instant gratification with minimal effort applied... You've done 9 ESTF's in 3 weeks and (in your previous post) are suggesting that every ESTF should reward at least 1 purple material completely devaluing them...
At no point have I spouted anything about my 'prodigious play style', beyond perhaps insinuating that doing bugger all to obtain materials is not the best method and yes, I have made clear I firmly believe that effort should be rewarded...
The current R&D system does not require significant investment of time and is easily workable as a 'casual' player...
Other than bumping the first couple of projects with dilithium to unlock additional crafting slots, I have done nothing but undertake the 20 hour research projects and am level 12-13 generally in each category I've been working on... It does not take a lot of materials, only patience...
If you want to mass produce high-level items right away, then yes, you had better be prepared to invest a lot of resources... If you want to save yourself tens of millions of EC, or moderate amounts of zen, but make some of the more unique items, without a large material investment, it's gonna take time... You've made clear you want all the rewards, without any investment or effort - completely devaluing the effort and/or investment of others who are working, or have worked through the current R&D system...
9 ESTF's in 3 weeks - and a refusing to sacrifice a single Doff slot - can hardly be considered alot of 'effort' or 'investment'...
I have to wonder if you even fully understand the meaning of pretentious and inane, given your remark that I'm all of about 12 years old, in order to affirm your superiority, without anything to support such an ironically childish swipe (aside from an pointless throw-away 'I've played since launch' comment)... Hypocrisy also comes to mind...
Cheers for that... Nice to see I'm not the only one around here who thinks along such lines...
I'm still wondering why in the world Lifers would have to pay 125.00 for a pack that they shouldn't have to pay for, that's why they're lifers! They paid for the whole game! Yes, I'm a lifer. (Yeah, I saw the photo below this post.)
BTW, is this posted somewhere, because if it is, I missed it!
You do not need to purchase these ships to play the Expansion Pack. You can play all of the Content in the Expansion Pack with your existing T5 ships.
The C-Store bundles is not the Content. Just like in LoR where the ship Bundle was not the Content.
Because the LTS gives you permanent subscription-level access, with all the trimmings that go with it such as the 500 zen monthly stipend, increased Bridge Officer roster, increased bank and account bank storage etc...
You also get instant access to all Veteran Rewards and the ability to choose a playable Liberated Borg...
That's what you paid for in your LTS... No where does it stipulate we receive any new C-Store content free - the Delta Operations pack is a C-Store promotion, nothing more...
The 125 pack is some paid for items that will be availavel in the c-store at a drastically reduced price (you're getting 7-8 t6 ships plus other stuff for $125.00.... with those ships selling for somewhere around $30 a pop that's like more than 1/2 off).
It's not for content, the expansion itself is free to everyone.
You, and I for that matter, got exactly what we paid for.
All the things they advertised at the time as being vet rewards.
At no point did they ever say, 'and everything else we intend to monetarise until the end of time'.
Your entitlement is showing, best zip it up before your mum sees it.
Clever name then.
Grinding is understandable, it's an MMO I get it, but that's not what I was talking about. It was in reference to 'random drops'.
Some get everything they want on the first try, while others are still looking for that one piece after well over a 100? Doesn't make any sense.
That's not a 'Counterpoint'. That's a ridiculous comparison..., as in "Apples to Oranges".
I'm not asking that it be made easier for anybody, I'm simply saying that the "Reward Odds" on purple crafting materials is substantially lower than it should be, for the effort put in by ALL players.
Being rewarded for playing the Elite part of the game, should not be comparable to playing Non-Elite...
Players should not be getting low level rewards when doing so..
But unfortunately, it happens all too often, to all too many players in this game.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
No, it is indeed an accurate counter point to your statement... By reducing the effort required to obtain the Crystalline Entity special reward from 14 to 4 days, the reward has been devalued...
The same goes for purple materials being rewarded every time as this then makes them far from a rare and valuable commodity...
Your statement that the 'drop rate' for rare materials being too low, is purely your opinion, which you are entitled to have and share, but do not presume that everyone is going to agree with your view...
However, you contradict yourself by first saying you do not want purple materials to be more easily obtained, yet in the same sentence you state the drop rate is too low, meaning you do want them to drop more readily and thus, be easier to obtain... You can't have it both ways in order to squirm out of a logical counter-argument...
Unless I am mistaken, you seem to be inferring that because you have not yet received any purple quality materials, from your 9 ESTF's over 3 weeks, that this system is indeed unfair because you have missed out... Is that correct?
If so, I would counter this by stating it would be unfair on those players who have put in significantly more effort, to obtain the purple quality materials that they so far have, were the drop rate increased - which reflects the Crystalline Entity analogy of 4 days down from 14...
BaseDamage = X; X depends on the weapon - it is the TRIBBLE/Mk 0 version's damage
WeaponPowerBoost = Y; Y = (CurrentWeaponPower - 50) * 0.02; for Projectiles treat Y as 0
WeaponAbilityBoost = Z; Z varies BO, FAW, CRF, CSV, HY, TS
SumAllStrengthBoosts = S; where the +A% is converted to a decimal
SumAllBonusBoosts = B; where the +A% is converted to a decimal
Damage = X * (1 + Y) * (1 + Z) * (1 + S) * (1 +
Bunch of folks came together to piece that together with the help of the devs...
Why do you really need to know anything about this before it is actually available? If it sucks, you can still leave then.
SW: TOR went FTP because they lost 400k+ subscribers in the first quarter after it was released and by the time FTP went live it was around the 700k mark, almost half of what the game opened with. Profits didn't sky rocket, they just got their profit margin back by going FtP and laying off a butt load of developers.
The main reason MMOs go FTP now is because they all try to copy WoW and fail. When they fail, they go FTP to salvage the game. Plus when you have IPs like Star Wars and Star Trek, there is a higher expectation because these games attract fans of the IP not necessarily fans of MMOs. STO actually has/had an excellent FTP model, but the crafting update and what is so far planned for DR, they've gone extreme.
Now granted, the information flow hasn't been great even though they are releasing information on DR. The order in which they are releasing the information is bad. The fact that they haven't released how the Gear upgrade process is going to work is bothersome for a lot of people who have dumped tons of resources into their current ships. Just because they haven't implemented it on Tribble doesn't mean they can't release the process on how it works so people can plan and prepare. Too me, that just screams money grab coming.
My plan for bonus xp is to level KDF alts to 11 so I can start running Marauding missions for Dil. Just because I don't know what I don't know other than everything revolves around Dil. So I increase my capacity to get dil. When the appropriate info is released and IMO too much of a money grab, fine, I have other games I can play and pay money towards.
Actually the rewards in Elite are far greater vs Normal, even the Crafting boxes. I guess the Marks & DIL don't interest you? Please find a realistic argument for 100% drop of VR mats.
Not so much the ships but everything else (Reputation sets, fleet gear etc). Not to mention how Lobi Gear will remain competitive even though it will be locked at MK XII or if it will affect consoles, weapons, warp cores in Lobi/Lock Box ships. Edited my prior post to clarify too.
I think they are referring to the Mark XII to Mark XIII/XIV conversion methods, as that's completely been left in the dark (beyond knowing that it will have something to do with the crafting system).
The OP expressed dismay over 4 more weeks, partly of preparing to be able to craft worthwhile gear. This seems rather optimistic, unless he is throwing dilithium at every round of research to accelerate the process. I have been pretty regular (though not every 20 hours), running the R&D projects for the last 2 months, and I'm only arriving at lvl 8 this week, even after upgrading my RLS's weekly. At my current pace (which is probably more typical of the average player), it will be at least another 2 months to reach lvl 15, and even then, we have no idea really if the system will actually perform as advertised.
Thankfully, at least the basic R&D projects don't require many resources, or the whole effort would have already broken down for me. I will be insulted, though, if the best I can count on at lvl 15 is a 35% chance of getting some uncommon item I could pick up on the exchange or a mission drop...
Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013