I mentioned this somewhere else, but i'm dropping it here in case someone can help - just patched up my game, went to start up after the server came back online. Got to the Cryptic screen where it sat for five minutes before throwing up the error message;
"Fatal Error: Unable to initialize on-demand patching and connect to Patch server. The connection was idle for too long."Here's a screengrab.
Given that I just patched up with no issues and i've had on-demand turned off since before LoR came along, not sure why i'm getting this issue. As of now, i've attempted several start ups and had that message every time.
Could really use some help on this one.
Have the same problem
i gave it time and it is now working for me, it did go non responding but it started working after i gave it time to recover.
Thanks for that.
I will give it another try.
EDIT: Yes, it worked. Thank you very much.
Yes, i've verified about seven times now, and no, I don't use On-Demand and i've had it turned off since LoR came out.
It always crashes at the end of the cryptic load screen. Also safe mode doesn't help.
The Evil Queen - Tac - Hobo
John May Lives - Sci - Hobo
te4-4.ccr01.bos06.atlas.cogentco.com seems to be the issue. Anything over 180ms is supposed to be an issue, but then it manages to connect fine afterwards. So I don't quite follow what's going wrong.
but now when ever I login to the launcher I get this error:
Fatal Error: JavaScript exception '"Uncaught ReferenceError:selectShardButton is not defined
Technical Details:
LauncherAPI.showShards({"selectIndex":0,"shards":[{"shardIndex":0,"name":"Holodeck",nameInternal":"H olodeck","category":Live","productDisplay":"Star Trek Online"","prouctInternal":"Startrek","cluster":"ex pectedDown":0},":[{"shardIndex":1,"name":"Tribble",nameInternal":"Tr ibble","category":Playtest","productDisplay":"Star Trek Online"","productInternal":"Startrek","cluster":"expectedDown":0}]})
any suggestions? this is occurring after using link to get fresh copy of the launcher file. before launcher would just say loading, but not ever get to login screen
My new sig till Cryptic fixes it....