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RE: Duty Officer UI



  • gagocashgagocash Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    trelane87 wrote: »
    the fact that the new UI is complete junk:


    This is a side by side I made, can you say with a straight face that is is any kind of improvement? The new buttons are RIDICULOUSLY ENORMOUS!!!just a blocky cluster of buttons, meaningless pictures, 4-5 visible assignments without having to scroll, and fail!

    I think i need a much, much bigger scrollwheel on my mouse with the new so called "improved" UI, lol. And why is the UI so huge? We dont have bad eyes and we are not disabled.

    P.S. Seems to me, i have to tweak my mousewheel to make 6 lines per click and not 3 like before on the old UI.

    but if it doesn't get it right picking the ones you want is really tedious if you have a large roster.
    I'm screwed, i have over 400 purple doffs, just to start one new assignment, i will need probably the half day. Is this some new kind of "time sink"?
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Why was this changed? It worked fine. Now its like I have my great-grandmother's screen magnifier on. What was the perceived benefit of doing this?
  • pongo73pongo73 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    this ui is terrible,
    if you are picky like me and want to choose your doff, this new system keeps the doff on the list even if it is slotted. so I end up re-slotting it in a mission and removing it from another slot. terribly frustrating as I have duplicate doffs and no way to know which one is already slotted.

    also the old system would show the number of commodities you had in relation to the mission's needs, now it doesn't. so you got to guess what you have in your bank or risk replicating more than you need, or using more than you wanted.
  • lljkgsglljkgsg Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The new interface is terrible and makes it a bigger pain to plan out doff assignments. I rarely use the recommended doffs for job so the auto-placement is a pain to undo.
  • rankin0bassrankin0bass Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Not being able to filter duty officers also makes exchanging them at the academy almost impossible if you're trying to get rid of duty officers with specific traits.
  • vi3rs33vi3rs33 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Only been playing for a short while and the Duty Officers has been the most enjoyable part of the game to me.I really enjoy reading the little 'stories' my crew is taking part in and having to select an optimal team to do them.
    It's sad to see it has been replaced by a dull UI, which is both boring and confusing. There's no fun in simply clicking a button to get x reward after x time. I really liked the previous one, which was 'story driven' and nearly perfect. Only the symbols were hard to differentiate, (which can easily be resolved by changing it's colors) and hope to see it's,or a very similar one, return.
  • sheppardussheppardus Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    We've asked for this before this went live, obviously they don't give a damn what we think or want
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'm afraid I must concur with my friend above. This new Doff Interface isn't as easy to navigate as the old one is/was. I propose a revamp, or a reversal.
  • peetapipmacpeetapipmac Member Posts: 2,131 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I have to say, I'm not a fan of the auto-placement myself.
    It's not my fault if you feel trolled by my Disco ball... Sorry'boutit.

    R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
  • yehoshuaharyehyehoshuaharyeh Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Agreed, add my voice to the dissatisfied above.
  • eurialoeurialo Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    What a terrible UI...

    1) You can't have an easy overral view on what missions are avaible, the previous UI was much more condensed.

    2) you can't filter doffs while assignig them and assigning doffs and starting mission is much more complicated

    3) you can't see what mission give you a buff on critical success

    4) R&D doffs on my romulna kdf-aligned have the same descriptrion (fabbrication engineer)

    5) 1000 dil to recruit new R&D doffs? as the general recruitment mission, it is too much!

    my vote: 0

    I hate these changes

    Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
  • cidevantcidevant Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Everything needs to be scaled down by half at least. These new changes seems to be driven toward a "Fisher-Price" style of BIG, homogenization, with no thought towards color blindness. :confused:
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Okay this seems to be the right thread, here is my feedback.

    I know changes are said to be being made, so can you please do the following.

    A) Base your doff picking algorithm on BOTH success and crit. So for instance, Lets say success is miner, and crit is honorable and logical. The best choice would be the highest ranking doff that has all three, then highest doff with the success trait, then just crit. Success cancels out failure, crit does not. I'd rather get the base reward than risk not getting anything over crit.

    B) Sort the list for doff picking. I really can't tell what you are doing to sort it now, seems completely random. So how about sort it off the success trait, then the crit trait. So, using the above example, it would list all my purple boffs with miner, then the blues, then the greens, then the whites, and then would more on to traits.

    C) Remove used doffs from the list. I have multiple doffs with the same name and I can't tell which ones I've already slotted. That one, nope that was the one I had there. Its kinda frustrating.

    Other than that, well, its not the old one, but I'll make it work.


    Oh yeah, one more thing, At the very very least, green the type of doff if it matches the success type. So if a mission calls for a miner, when you are scrolling down your list, al the miners should have that highlighted in green.

    Also, your emergency R&D doffs that I shouldn't be able to use on missions. Just used two of them.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • rankin0bassrankin0bass Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    In Progress missions don't appear to be sorted in any sort of order. They used to be sorted by time till completion, now it appears to be random order.

    And why are Department Heads listed under Roster and Assignments tab with identical function under both tabs?
  • embrosilembrosil Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    We told them long time ago. But what you expect from them? To actually improve the game? Do not be naive... They are the only company I have ever met that is so successful in fixing something that is not broken therefore breaking it.
  • longasclongasc Member Posts: 490
    edited July 2014
    Yes, please.

    This new UI is killing me. Forget about me spending cash on STO anymore.
  • darthwoodarthwoo Member Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Aside from everything else that is wrong with the new DOFF UI, why did you also remove the request DOFF tab? Whenever I bought a giant pile of common DOFF boxes from my starbase (which could use a slider btw) I would use the button in that menu to open them, as it required but a single click, whereas the boxes themselves required a double click. Everything about these changes is just completely backward.

    Edit: Ah, I see now that you've hidden it inside another tab. I suppose that's at least one good thing, but the points about everything else being backwards still remain.
  • thedoctorblueboxthedoctorbluebox Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I vote for the old UI back as well

    But if they are going to keep this, and I believe they will, PLEASE reduce the font size and size of projects they are HUGE and hard to see

    The old UI was faster for slotting projects btw, another reason I want it back
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Cryptic - the masters of making an upgarde that is worse than the basic version.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I really wish that people would read the Dev Tracker more often.
    We've heard you guys and we do have our UI artist and programmer working on adding filtering and sorting options back in to the new UI at the soonest possible patch. We've also drastically improved the recommendation sorting algorithm - it will always give you the best chance for a critical success that your available Duty Officers can provide. While this is not enough for those who wish to send specific sets of Duty Officers on specific missions, it does mean that many missions can now be "fire and forget", rather than requiring any additional clicks at all to select officers.
  • policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited July 2014

    I really dont know what is on cryptic's mind, but they keep trying to destroy the game season after season. This new doff ui is just terrible.

    The big problem is, you cant see your actual roster when you are in the assingments screen. When you select a candidate, it turns out that the ones you have already assigned are still in the candidates list, a very ridiculous "mistake". Not to mention, on assignments like "consigh prisoners to batallion", its a pain in the axx when you need to search every prisoner and make sure its not the same as the one you already have assigned.

    And, maybe the new recommendation system is great, but i will never trust the default candidates it put for me in the assignment. So, everytime i need to "check" if they are the best ones (sometimes i dont want criticals, sometimes i just want the most high success rate) i waste a lot of time doing it.

    And , you waste huge ammounts of time trying to pick assignments and the right doffs. Its ridiculous.

    Not to mention, now you need 18 extra slots to accomodate the new R&D officers, so cryptic is already forcing you to buy an extension of your duty officers roster. Nice strategy to gain a little more $$:D, of course for now i am not planning in doing any R&D, so i will discard almost all of em.

    This new system is a huge mistake and i hope they revert it to the way it was before, that to be fair was a thousand times better and more practical than the new one. Sadly, i dont expect cryptic listen to us, so the only thing we can expect is that everybody is upset with the new system. If only a few are ok, we will never see this reverted to its original state.
  • ourmasterourmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Season 9.5 = +10GB SSD space :)
  • kurgis1kurgis1 Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    eurialo wrote: »
    What a terrible UI...

    1) You can't have an easy overral view on what missions are avaible, the previous UI was much more condensed.

    2) you can't filter doffs while assignig them and assigning doffs and starting mission is much more complicated

    3) you can't see what mission give you a buff on critical success

    4) R&D doffs on my romulna kdf-aligned have the same descriptrion (fabbrication engineer)

    5) 1000 dil to recruit new R&D doffs? as the general recruitment mission, it is too much!

    my vote: 0

    I hate these changes
    What this guy says - this is truly an awful and woeful update.

    For the love of all thats holy - give us an option to have the old doff ui please.

    I honestly thought with the changes to the Risa event (getting a ship for 40 pearls after one toon has run the event) just about got you on track after the debacle of grinding for a 9 console ship in S9 (which if you didn't ****ed you on a 10k zen purchase) - I was wrong.

    Why do you seem to leap two steps backwards, after taking one step forward?

    For your sanity, to my fellow players - dont go and try an exchange mission around BU like I just did....
  • thomasp94232thomasp94232 Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Cryptic and the Devs don't give a TRIBBLE about us (the customer) as proven by this horrible broken DOFF UI. Myself and many, many others pointed out that it was garbage while it was still on Tribble. They basically took a system that was working perfect and everybody seemed fine with and they broke it, and for what reason?.. Who knows, they are ignoring our complaints and suggestions with the exception of a single post that really doens't tell us anything other than we will try and fix it... maybe... sometime. IT WASN'T BROKEN TO BEGIN WITH!!!!




    I've been here since beta
  • hatax2hatax2 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Doffing has always been a fun side task for me in STO, recently I picked it up a bit more as I knew it was going to be hard to get support (colonization chain) missions.

    Having tested it early when it was first brought to tribble, I thought for sure some things would be implemented before release to the masses. Looks like I was wrong and for the most part things are exactly as they were when first offered up on tribble, save for some appearance fixes.

    Seriously took me 3 minutes of digging through 200 doffs to find my single green borg officer I keep around for turning in contraband. It sugguested I use my purple El-Aurian astrometrics scientist to perform the task, and picking something else was done by a non-filtering, non-sorted (unless I'm missing something, they're all just mashed in there in a mess), list window that can display no more than 5.5 doffs on a given 'page'. The window can't be resized, so what you see is what you get...

    I'm a software programmer, so I get that hurdles come up here and there code-wise from time to time. What I don't get however is how a complete regression of functionality from a previous version is acceptable. IE; users could filter doffs by many factors & variables when planning and starting a mission, now we have zero filtering or sorting option.

    So yeah, this new UI is way too much fluff with little to no substance in my opinion. Fast cars are nice to look at yes, but who will buy the new 2015 (insert name of favorite fast/expensive car here) model when it doesn't have wipers, or an air conditioner, or door locks, etc. Keeping in mind of course that the previous model year has all these offerings... It's a dorky anology, but I'm sure you get my point here. I know if I removed functionality that users had become accustom to over 2-3 years, I'd expect an uprising if I had nothing in place to facilitate those users.

    What's everyone else think? Cryptic, some feedback on upcoming improvements to the new UI would be greatly appreciated. Many feel like this was at the 50% stage when launched and if there's additional functionality coming you might assuage a large portion of people by letting them know what's in the pipe.
  • sheppardussheppardus Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    is there any possibility that Cryptic can implement a selection box so that players can choose between the old Doff UI and the new bulky cumbersome UI??

    The new UI is not suited to purpose, requirements don't fit into the small box and usually means having to expand the UI to the whole screen to see everything, choosing doffs is a chore and it isn't as clear when you cannot start an assignment.

    Giving the player base a choice between the 2 UIs would be a great compromise and lessen a lot of the hate
  • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Personally I prefer the old interface. It worked fine and suited its purpose. And there was no need to change it.
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

  • smazazelsmazazel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I just logged in to do the only thing left I had bothered to do with this game the doffing system and bam I get this piece. some messy ugly UI that is forcing me to use purple doffs where I don't need them nearly impossible to find the doff I want. and there is no reason for alot of missions needing all purple doffs when there is a max limit to crit at like 24% so please bring back the old UI or alteast fix this garbage back to something like the old one
  • pongo73pongo73 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    it's a god awful piece of garbage
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