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Updated Uniforms for others not us

bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
edited August 2014 in Romulan Discussion
While I applaud Cryptic in finally giving the Klingons so very much needed costume department love with not 2 but 3 sets of the Bortasqu

I would like to know why our beloved (at least it is to me and others in my fleet) Nemesis Uniform is still a no show even as a cstore unlock

It was classy, form fitting, and stylish as opposed to the current KISS look Romulans are sporting....

So can we not make a demand but a very nice polite nudge to our Dev art team to get us our Nemesis Uniforms for Romulans and also give our Reman friends the proper version from the movie as well with the cloak and all???

Just because were not a full faction doesn't mean we cant get some uniform standardization as well.....

Post edited by bunansa on


  • dhiemmdhiemm Member Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I would love to see the Nemesis Uniform for the Romulans !!! ;)

    Join date July 08
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Yep ... I do like the new uniform options to be sure ... but ...

    It's a slap in the face and a kick in the ... nacelles ... that there is no Romulan or Reman version of any of them ... Not even a new Veteran Long Coat for us ...
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    New uniforms wouldn't make sense at this point. The whole Republic Fleet got new uniforms (that is, our first uniforms at all) just last year, a few months ago in game terms.

    Over a year now, and also that not the point!

    I'm not referring to the now standardized Oddy and Bort Uniforms as Romulans have had relatively standard uniforms since the launch of LoR.

    The point is, that the new additions are there for Fleet members to purchase, and as veteran rewards.
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • hartzillahartzilla Member Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    bendalek wrote: »
    Over a year now, and also that not the point!

    I'm not referring to the now standardized Oddy and Bort Uniforms as Romulans have had relatively standard uniforms since the launch of LoR.

    The point is, that the new additions are there for Fleet members to purchase, and as veteran rewards.

    But Romulans already have a dress uniform, and the tactical version is just a slightly different version of the standard Odyssey, much like how the Romulan Republic uniforms have two versions, plus Reams have their own uniform and there are faction specific Romulan uniforms.
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Ours are better.

    (Actually this is really subjective and I think the Republic uniforms could be so much better than they are...but they're leaps and bounds above the old pre-Odyssey Cryptic Starfleet designs.)
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    hartzilla wrote: »
    But Romulans already have a dress uniform, and the tactical version is just a slightly different version of the standard Odyssey, much like how the Romulan Republic uniforms have two versions, plus Reams have their own uniform and there are faction specific Romulan uniforms.

    Honestly that doesn't matter,

    the simple fact is if we don't remind them at every chance that there is a Romulan "faction" we will continue to be left with nothing....

    how many weeks did it take for our own surf boards?
    we still cant place trophies we earn on our ships
    we still don't have a proper ROMULAN flagship (scimitar is reman in design, and is not available at all through a fleet store version such as the oddy and bort)
    Nemesis uniform is missing for romulan characters and incomplete for reman characters
    tal shiar uniform is missing tons of stuff
    still clipping issues with the TOS uniform
    still no OMEGA rep versions of armor for our faction
    still no carrier and another science vessel (most likely it will be a tactical science vessel....:rolleyes:)
    you cant simply make us and a year down the road say oh well we got another faction (fraction) in the works so you guys get nothing

    So if we don't ask for even the simple things as a uniform than we go unnoticed and last time I looked....theres more IRW ships in sector space than KDF, which suggests we might (might) have a slightly larger player base than even the KDF....so why ignore a % of the player base?

    I am not asking for much...just the Nemesis Uniform ....I can live without a lot of the other stuff for the time being, a simple explanation of why Romulans didn't get to take advantage of the uniform update would be accepted too.

  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'm perfectly content with what I currently have, but I won't say 'no' to more uniform options.
  • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
    edited July 2014
    More uniforms for Romulans!!!!

    I'm planning on dropping a question about this issue into the Livestream thread every week, until it gets read by Smirk. :D

    That may not do much good, mind you... but, they DID correct the gross oversight of the powerboard (yes, late, but still corrected). Hope springs eternal. :P
  • peetapipmacpeetapipmac Member Posts: 2,131 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I do think that this would have been a great time to add a romulan fleet uniform to the starbase tailor.
    It's not my fault if you feel trolled by my Disco ball... Sorry'boutit.

    R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
  • dhiemmdhiemm Member Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I agree and the Nemesis Uniform would be the nice one to have,

    Join date July 08
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Romulan Nemesis uniform has been asked for since Day 1 of LOR's release.

    As someone who's primarily played KDF... well, I'm used to the lack of attention.
  • neversetdrumneversetdrum Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'll agree to this since my Fleetie told me too :). Also, the Nemesis outfit would be awesome. Also supporting more options for the Tal Shiar uniform. PLEASE LET ME WEAR THE CHEST PIECE ON MY FEMALE AND A COOL CAPE!!!
  • jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Asset-wise Rom uniforms are already up to par with the upcoming Oddy/Bort updates.

    You're just sad because the other kids are getting new toys and you aren't.

    I don't disagree with needing the Nemesis uniforms and using this event as a launch platform, though. It just irks me that some folks are creating a false equivalence with fleet uniforms and needing something new for Roms.

    I'd really rather they hold off on flagship-style uniforms for the much-needed creation and release of a proper Republic Flagship to replace the Scimitar Lleiset.
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    jexsamx wrote: »
    Asset-wise Rom uniforms are already up to par with the upcoming Oddy/Bort updates.

    You're just sad because the other kids are getting new toys and you aren't.

    I don't disagree with needing the Nemesis uniforms and using this event as a launch platform, though. It just irks me that some folks are creating a false equivalence with fleet uniforms and needing something new for Roms.

    I'd really rather they hold off on flagship-style uniforms for the much-needed creation and release of a proper Republic Flagship to replace the Scimitar Lleiset.

    Up to par how?
    We have been alive for a year and have 1 cstore costume the TOS that still has minor clipping issues, we get the tal shiar uniform for doing the one mission but its not complete...
    the remans got half a nemesis uniform

    Im sad because we didn't even get an honorable mention in the posting, MEANING THEY COULDNT EVEN BOTHER WITH US with an explanation as to why we weren't seeing anything.

    This is a FLEET UNIFORM UPGRADE.....so why not put the Nemesis Uniform as the fleet version for us?
    You can be irked all you want because we feel the need to remind the developers they did make us playable, something my fleet spent years waiting for.

    And while some of our costumes are pretty decent I still feel it to be a dishonorable thing to not even say Hey we didn't forget you we just didn't bother, hell id accept that over not even being mentioned, they did provide some kinda back story lore for the KDF switching to that as their standard....

    So were right back where we started, the Romulans did become the new KDF.

  • dhiemmdhiemm Member Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I will not stop asking for the Romulan Nemesis Uniform until we get it. ;)

    Join date July 08
  • tiezine1tiezine1 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I know they might have alot on their plate at the moment. However I have to agree with this thread. Those were definitely some excellent uniforms, the best I'd seen yet in the ST universe. Reman, Starfleet, and Romulan. Not to mention the way the Romulan material just kind of had that bronze hint to it, or maybe it was lighting..
    Either way, that would go great on the bridge crews of those brand new ships they keep introducing. Not to mention or Romulan crews could start to look the part.

    After this long you'd figure what's left of the Empire should be starting to get to its feet again, and it should certainly have it's own look to it. KISS uniforms... yeah I couldn't agree more with that observation.
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    hartzilla wrote: »
    But Romulans already have a dress uniform, and the tactical version is just a slightly different version of the standard Odyssey, much like how the Romulan Republic uniforms have two versions, plus Reams have their own uniform and there are faction specific Romulan uniforms.

    Please ... Go and look at the Blog post again, I beg you! ...

    All of these additions are for every race except Romulan and Reman ... THAT is the issue, not who's uniforms are better (Romulan obviously) or who's got the newest.

    It's about that simple fact! This add-on gives NOTHING to our Fraction! WHY are these two races ONLY, out of all the playable races in STO, being excluded? Even Gorn and Liberated Borg FFS, can wear them, so it isn't a "graphical" issue.

    And FWIW, I felt the same level of "betrayal" and bemusement, when I learnt that s Romulan or Reman captain couldn't wear the Original Oddy and Bort Fleet uniforms or the "Warriors Skirt" from the Lobi Store ...

    WHY then?!?!?!?
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    So you're complaining that Romulans & Remans can't wear Starfleet & Klingon Empire uniforms? And that's a great "betrayal" to you?

  • alyciatalalyciatal Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I agree with the majority of my Romulan companions here: for me it's a problem of equity, totally separated from game issues, but related insted to the narrative aspect: the Odyssey and the Bortasqu' are the established classes of the flagships in the Federation and the Klingon Empire, so it's only natural to follow the "tradition" begun back from making the badge shape of the original TOS Enterprise the standard on all Starfleet.

    Well, the news that the Scimitar would be reconnected back in STO, taking back the place as the new generation of Romulan Warbirds and implying that it was an original Romulan design stolen by the Reman faction (as written in a Shatner book, I know, but it make so much sense, given the great technological upgrades it had), was taken by me really well, expecially when I saw that its commander was the daughter of the never forgotten Alidar Jarok, one of my canon favourite Romulan character of all time: it simply all fit together so well, in this idea of a Romulan Republic that I still have to totally accept.

    So why we Romulans can't make the further step and go beyond our recent past of difficulties and disgregation, beautifully represented in the excellent work made for designing our Republic Uniforms?
    We have probably the most powerful flagship of all three factions (and of course I'm talking out of the ship characteristics in game), a new homeworld and the last, great episodes established once more that the Romulans can make the difference in the Alpha and Beta Quadrant.

    For me it's jut natural that, along with the rebuilding of our Empire, even in a form of a Republic, there is going to be an update of the uniform... but not the old ones, seen in movies or episodes, I wish for some new design.
    I want the ones that the better of us, the ones who fly in our flagship, use.:)
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,684 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    i wish roms could use the old/new fleet outfits as my female rom/kdf could do with another skirt ive unlocked the Tos rom outfit so that means she has 2. the game won't let me buy the lobi warrior skirt it does not show in the lobi store. ive tryed getting it off the exchange for it to say wrong faction when i try n open it yes i did get a kdf one.
  • jeffel82jeffel82 Member Posts: 2,075 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    To me, the issue isn't the lack of a "standard" uniform - as noted, the Romulans have had that from the beginning.

    But I think it's absurd that Romulan Captains can't wear the fleet uniforms set by their fleet, whatever they may be.
    You're right. The work here is very important.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    ...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
  • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
    edited July 2014
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    In-game, it is still January 2410. "Riov Playek" (our version of the Federation's Captain Player, the guy who actually lives through all those episodes) left Virinat a year ago, but the Republic Fleet as such wasn't formed before the establishment off Mol'Rihan, several months later. So in-game, updating our uniforms would be very, very weird, because we have just been getting used to the "old" ones.

    Compare that, though, to Starfleet.

    If you go by the uniform wallpaper that the devs posted, the "Sierra" uniform was introduced in 2409. We know that the "All Good Things" uniform was worn until 2404, thanks to Voyager's finale. Now, a uniform change over the course of four years is not crazy... but, in addition to the "Sierra" uniform (plus three variants), the FEDs get the "Antaries" (with 5 variants), the "Jupiter" (with 5 variants), and now, the "Odyssey" (with 2-3 variants, now).

    All in the course of 2409-2410. I know new ESD looks like a shopping mall, but Quinn needs to put the credit card down!!!

    Besides, your characters go from cadet/civilian to admiral in the course of a year... so, going by in-game calendar never works for me. ;)
  • jeffel82jeffel82 Member Posts: 2,075 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    mhall85 wrote: »
    If you go by the uniform wallpaper that the devs posted, the "Sierra" uniform was introduced in 2409. We know that the "All Good Things" uniform was worn until 2404, thanks to Voyager's finale. Now, a uniform change over the course of four years is not crazy... but, in addition to the "Sierra" uniform (plus three variants), the FEDs get the "Antaries" (with 5 variants), the "Jupiter" (with 5 variants), and now, the "Odyssey" (with 2-3 variants, now).

    All in the course of 2409-2410. I know new ESD looks like a shopping mall, but Quinn needs to put the credit card down!!!

    It appears the Sierra, Antares, Jupiter, etc. uniforms were all introduced in 2409, at the same time that Starfleet completely destandardized the uniform to "everyone wears whatever they want."
    You're right. The work here is very important.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    ...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
  • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
    edited July 2014
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Keep in mind we had a wardrobe change in TNG and many modifications, just Flag Officers had FIVE variations and Dress uniforms, four.

    Same with DS9 that also had a change.

    You could simply assume those were "trial" uniforms in 2409 before deciding to go with the Odyssey uniforms, technically they are all acceptable but Starfleet in general decided to adapt the Odyssey uniform as standart, some ships and installations might still use older uniforms or variants.

    Good points.

    But, back to the Romulans... WHY do we have to wear uniforms that look like they were bought at Goodwill? :P I mean, I guess it makes sense in the storyline... Romulans are refugees, so it would stand to reason that the uniforms would look more rustic.

    But, I wanna bring "sexy" back to Mol'Rihan. :D If the FEDs and KDF get to do it, the Tal Shiar and/or Nemesis uniforms are a good place to start for the Rommys.

    PS: Your sig is funny. :)
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    My beef over this is the fact we weren't even mentioned in the blog,

    From a general standpoint you have to think that in all honesty with everything that happened since the coup by Shinzon and the events leading to the destruction of the homeworld to being scatted and now more in house fighting....uniform change was hardly considered...

    Meaning the vast majority of Romulans should infact have the Nemesis Uniform in storage at the very least

    It wouldn't make much sense for the Republic to be sporting the Tal Shiar uniform as the standard uniform since the more Republic is more akin to what Donatra was aiming for, and we would be in those while Sela's group would adopt the Tal Shiar uniform as the standard

    I dunno, in the end all I do know is that its been over a year and we still haven't received on any level the most obvious uniform for Romulans to own.

    (also since it was shown in Enterprise toward the end of the series it stands to reason that the Nemesis Uniform is the defacto uniform that they keep falling back to after they decide the other ones weren't working)

  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    True in some points, but the KDF do finally have fingerless gloves, that only took 4 years

    My biggest gripe is that this was most aimed at fleet stuff, but we cant wear those fleet uniforms, romulans are forced to be in kdf or fed fleet with said respective holdings (meaning we don't get elite fleet plasma weaponry just saying)

    so we put forth effort to increase said fleet holdings, fleet does all sorts of stuff, but we cant even wear the fleet uniforms.

    Im all for throwback looks

    The Nemesis Uniform is bout as throwback as you can get since it was even featured in Enterprise (which mind you would have been amazing if they got to season 5 because it most likely would have guaranteed another 2 seasons easily)

    It is an obvious uniform that isn't even mentioned by the development team as something they would like to get for us at any point in time.

    So, are we Romulans part of this game or not?

  • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
    edited July 2014
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    I dont see a outcry over the Romulan longcoat uniform type...

    No, not necessarily... but, give the Romulans more options, and I bet a lot fewer people would wear the standard republic uniform.

    All I know is, I have a lib Borg toon, and he's getting both Tal Shiar ships once he's leveled to that point... it would be wonderful to have a full Tal Shiar wardrobe with the new ships. :)
  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    mhall85 wrote: »
    Good points.

    But, back to the Romulans... WHY do we have to wear uniforms that look like they were bought at Goodwill? :P

    ...they don't? The Republic jacket has obvious ties to the Nemesis uniform, to the point it almost looks like a relaxed variant of it in lighter color. The Republic 1 jacket's one of the nicest original designs in the game. I don't care for the uniform as a whole, but no one says you have to equip every single accessory.
  • mhall85mhall85 Member Posts: 2,852 Arc User1
    edited July 2014
    ...they don't? The Republic jacket has obvious ties to the Nemesis uniform, to the point it almost looks like a relaxed variant of it in lighter color. The Republic 1 jacket's one of the nicest original designs in the game. I don't care for the uniform as a whole, but no one says you have to equip every single accessory.

    Then, maybe I can tweak the colors a bit, and drop a few items... perhaps that will change my opinion.

    My only real point is, I guess... when I think of the Romulans, the Tal Shiar uniform says "Romulan" more to me than the standard Republic uniform.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,865 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    dhiemm wrote: »
    I would love to see the Nemesis Uniform for the Romulans !!! ;)

    Yeah...I definitely would love the Nemesis uniform!
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
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