I just don't see how removing the cluster mat farm and daily improves the quality if the game when there is no replacement.
New player comes into game, goes through the tutorial, and sees two choices:
- New Story Mission
- Do an Exploration Mission.
SO he's got a 50 % chance to enter a sector map that contains only scan points, and if he happens to find the right one, gets into a simple mission that may be short but okay with no follow-up storyline to make it mean something, but possibly a mission where he can't see the next enemy to attack on his sensors anywhere, or with something utterly dumb like Borg looking for artifacts of their 3rd Dynasty, or something utterly bugged like bridge officers falling through the floor and you fighting so.
Basically, he can have a decent story mission, or he may end up scanning a few anomalies and then getting a weak mission, a bugged mission, or a mission containing a Star Trek Fan Insulting story.
So yes, removing it is better, because new players will not be easily turned off by going the wrong direction.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
While we are removing part of the game, we hope that this improves the overall quality of STO. In the end we aim to make Star Trek Online something youre excited to be playing every week.
How about no? Less content is never a good thing.
This is tremendously disappointing. After so many requests that Exploration be looked and revamped, and you instead decide to remove exploration altogether rather than improve it. I sincerely hope there is more to it than a simple removal, and a full revamp of Exploration is in the works. Otherwise, don't be surprised on people calling you out for not revamping it because you can't find a way to monetise it.
I was just getting excited for Season 9.5. Now i'm not anymore.
You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
I can understand the WHY, but would rather you guys leave the exploration clusters on live until you can replace it with new content.
All you would have to do is change the code so that the exploration clusters have new missions to randomly select, new enemies, ships and locations. We could all wait until you have this done, rather than have it removed.
I say this because MANY of us enjoy these areas because they are random, yet created by professionals. I DO NOT play any Foundry missions, and I will continue to refuse to do so. Why? Because I want to play the best content possible created with ALL the equipment/software/settings you at Cryptic us, NOT play missions created by players who use the Foundry - a system that is great, but does not give players access to everything devs have. EVen then I wouldn't because its amateur. I pay to play STO.
I would rather 5 missions created by STO devs instead of 100 missions created on the Foundry. That's just me. And many many other players feel the same.
So please, RETHINK adding doors/connections to the Foundry "in place" of the Exploration Clusters. If you do, you will never replace them. And we need NEW exploration clusters. Revamp it like I know you can!
STO is and will always be my favorite mmorpg! Keep up the great work!
P.S. - never remove content to "make the game better". If you doubt yourselves, send a petition/questionnaire to ALL ACCOUNT holders - rather than take the feedback from forums and think it represents a majority. IT DOES NOT. Forum = vocal minority. Majority = actually playing the game! lol
If you want to entice the type of people who do crafting in MMOs then you are going to need to add more active non-combat methods to farm materials. Herding people into the PvE queues is not going to cut it. Yes we have the DOFF missions, but the costs to crew your ship full of good DOFFs is extremely expensive in terms of Zen (for packs), ec, DOFF grinders (dilithium costs in those are way too high), fleet marks etc..
Something has to give and it is all way too random as it is.
We should just have a DOFF store where we can buy the DOFFs we want that come in game. Zen packs perhaps not but definitely for the free stuff. We should also have parallel stores for each track as we do for diplomacy. Heck, you do not even have to create new DOFFs, just allocate some of the uncommons, rares, and very rares already in the system. You should be able to flesh out all the final tier rewards easy. Have us do chain missions to unlock the stores for the Leethean, Andorian, Vulcan, etc... contacts. Divorce these from costing dilithium and make dismissing them give you "requisitions" which are then the currency for the DOFF system. We seem to be adding so many new currencies anyhow.
Star trek online: Boldly going into battle! (Yet again)
Foundry hook ups aren't exploration missions its more of the same that is as good as YOU cryptic ALLOW them to be; so they won't compete with YOUR missions cause their more STAR TREK than anything you have produced in FOUR years and with far less resources at their disposal.
And of course you lie to us saying we will get the neverwinter foundry but now you come out and say we're doing nothing more to the foundry!
If you want the community to do your job for you, give us a pay check!
And the DOFF system its not sending crew out to do missions its the game training us like you would a dog ex: Doff mission activated time to complete 4 hours, what happens in four hours we log back in to collect the rewards and launch another 4 hour mission Rinse and repeat.
And I know its hard to satisfy all people but if YOU want some loving treat us with some respect.
Us long term members had MASSIVE respect for you before free to play then when it came along, you dropped us all in the gutter for an extra buck!
Respect is earned NOT bested.
CVN-65 U.S.S. Enterprise - A ship so badass it survived John McCain.
Cool, so the new Exploration Nebulas will be Foundry Doors!
I guess I really need to go back to working on some Foundry stuff.
New player comes into game, goes through the tutorial, and sees two choices:
- New Story Mission
- Do an Exploration Mission.
SO he's got a 50 % chance to enter a sector map that contains only scan points, and if he happens to find the right one, gets into a simple mission that may be short but okay with no follow-up storyline to make it mean something, but possibly a mission where he can't see the next enemy to attack on his sensors anywhere, or with something utterly dumb like Borg looking for artifacts of their 3rd Dynasty, or something utterly bugged like bridge officers falling through the floor and you fighting so.
Basically, he can have a decent story mission, or he may end up scanning a few anomalies and then getting a weak mission, a bugged mission, or a mission containing a Star Trek Fan Insulting story.
So yes, removing it is better, because new players will not be easily turned off by going the wrong direction.
or they could have spent their time improving the exploration content, tidying up the levels, adapting the stories to make more sense, adding depth with new missions that link together with you having to visit multiple planers, something I think most players would want rather than spending their time adding a new crafting system, no one wanted and no one was demanding and almost everyone hates already.
"While we are removing part of the game, we hope that this improves the overall quality of STO. In the end we aim to make Star Trek Online something youre excited to be playing every week."
Sorry, and this is not adressed at you Charles - but rather at Cryptic as an entity, but this in no way improves the overall quality of STO for me. Also with moves like these, you're not making me excited to be playing every week, if anything you're making me reluctant and feel sad and worried about the future of this game.
I'm so dissapointed, such a boneheaded move. If you were so worried about the quality, why didn't you implement another adequate exploration system before you took these down?
And with all due respect to foundry authors and their maginifcent efforts, but hiding for cover behind the Foundry now - portraying it as something that should provide gameplay that the game studio should have provided is just pathetic in my eyes.
Don't aim to be mean, just my honest 2c. on what I just read.
Also with moves like these, you're not making me excited to be playing every week, if anything you're making me reluctant and feel sad and worried about the future of this game.
Couldn't agree more.
You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
Also, can you give us the release date wayyyy in advance for 9.5, that way I can spend a week or two doing ONLY exploration clusters before they are removed and replaced with more Foundry amateur garbage.
The Foundry is cool, but REAL CONTENT is preferred. I wish it didn't exist so you can use your time more wisely on the actual game, instead of amateur play tools aka Foundry.
You could add a door in ships to "holodeck" where there are a series of random generated missions you can access. Call it " holo training" or whatever. And with this system, you can allow players access to ALL the missions from the exploration clusters.
You can also allow access to the clusters just for anomalies, but have it so there is an hour cooldown for each cluster, and only allow us 2mins inside.
So many possibilities, just please don't remove content unless its being replaced by professional content - even if its rabndomly generated.
Removing completely optional content will never improve the game experience unless there is at least a 1:1 replacement. No excuses you can give will justify this.
I will miss them. I usually was in those areas for the Dil. As it gave a different mission so I wasn't trying to kill something all the time. They made up from the lack of those type missions. Only thing I didn't like was how buggy some of them was. Where I was getting stuck, somethings vanished so I couldn't complete, or etc.
I sure hope in the future they make up this missing gap. I'm not too happy to see this coming.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
The exploration clusters have always served as a wonderful tool for those that enjoy roleplaying or getting into the 'Trek mindset, as they allow us to explore new systems not knowing precisely what we will be facing. I have very fond memories of doing this, and still consider them to be a draw and one way I can occasionally introduce others back into the game.
I consider the removal of these missions to be a major detriment to the game, something I've not suggested before even when faced with clear changes in the focus of the game's development. It would seem that the desire springs from both a need to remove easy access to crafting materials along with a desire to have one focal point for end-game content (the foundry). However, it is entirely possible to leave in the procedurally generated systems that already exist while removing the resource gathering opportunity. Additionally, while I appreciate that the Foundry exists I have yet to play a Foundry mission that I considered to be particularly fun and I have run many of the "spotlight" missions.
Exploration has always been more like a novel to me, a scenario that I interpret in my mind as I play and realize enjoyment based on how I individually, or with a small group of friends, interpret the events. This is a very different, and much needed, experience from the rest of the game.
Finally, the game lacks content for single player and small group endeavors. Daily queues to five man teams, which done individually, results in forced group play with others. Where is the content for me and a single friend to play together? What about going slow, experiencing the universe, or just TRIBBLE around with a new ship? The Foundry, though often lauded as the solution to all content gaps, simply doesn't provide me with the experiences I desire as an end game player. While the Exploration missions are far from perfect, it is extremely disheartening to see their removal with no other system to take their place.
What remains of Star Trek Online is a wargames simulator, with violence and murder being the only content left for players to actively engage. The most Star Trek element of the entire game - boldly going to visit new worlds - is now gone.
Yes, I think this is a great idea... because the cluster missions were exactly substandard content. I might've played through the cluster missions in Delta Vorlanis maybe... twice? They were LAME and BORING... and, they are just as much of a grind-fest as endgame STFs. Their stories added NOTHING to this game... good riddance. The Foundry additions & the adjustment to the Tuffi and Cell Ship are nice touches. Most of all, there was no mention in the blog about new players getting "lost" in the clusters. Although I'm not sure who or what that was referencing, it was silly. Call a spade, a spade... the clusters are gone because they are LAME.
It also baffles me why people are so enraged over a point release update, especially with a major expansion on the very near horizon. So many are acting like season 9.5 is the final release of Star Trek Online, and is some sort of referendum on the franchise and how this game has handled it. But, the story isn't over!!! And I'm not just talking about the main plot of the game. The next 12 months or so, judging at what I can read and hear in interviews, will see 9.5 + X2 + s10 come to this game. This entire conversation could be moot by then.
Everything is certainly not roses in this game, I'm not that naive. It'd be nice if the Mac client had stereo sound, for starters... but, the knee-jerk cynicism on this forum is more exhausting than any STF grind.
Just my opinion... I think this game is fun, and I will leave it at that.
Exploration has always been a huge part of the Star Trek experience. Being around since the launch of STO back in Feb. 2010, I totally agree that the mission generator was too simple, and after playing it for a few months, I have not player it for several years now. So, for myself, I will not miss the actual clusters as they currently stand in STO, however, the endless exploration concept behind it I will.
That said, here is a suggestion I would leave with you. Why not Bring back endless exploration with allowing a sector for captains to flying, that plays random generator Foundry missions? These missions would be compiled by Cryptic, from submissions of players, who generator missions, content, and alien species that fits the Star Trek exploration of strange new worlds concept. As an incentive for players to spend quality and quantity of time make said missions, cryptic could give a reward to players, who's mission makes the cut into the repeatable random foundry mission list. Such a reward might be between 500-1000 Zen, or dilithium.
Okay so let me see if I got this right... your removing the major portion of this game which is the essence of star trek which is essentially going to make the game less star trek and more world of borecraft like, simply because "it doesn't live up to our standards"...
I pray that this is only a temporary solution and that a total rework of the exploration clusters is added cause that has to be one of if not the most dumbest idiotic reasons I have ever heard a company use to justify removing something, let alone the dumbest things to ever be done since the forced ARC attempt on steam users and the S2P business model.
However I am honestly not surprised seeing as how like I said countless times before PWE does with STO like they do with their other games which is the "cash grab bs" routine, and remove and update content based on how much cash grab it can generate. Worst business model in the history of MMO's to use second to that of Sub 2 Play due to the fact that it drives off new players, generates more short term burst revenue and less long term extended revenue due to driving off older more long term players as well. FB games are renowned for the "power creep" and "cash grab" business model and seldom do any FB MMO games that use this business model last more then a year or 2 when crossing the threshold of combining both these models which is the direction PWE is taking with STO currently.
exploration Has Always Been A Huge Part Of The Star Trek Experience. Being Around Since The Launch Of Sto Back In Feb. 2010, I Totally Agree That The Mission Generator Was Too Simple, And After Playing It For A Few Months, I Have Not Player It For Several Years Now. So, For Myself, I Will Not Miss The Actual Clusters As They Currently Stand In Sto, However, The Endless Exploration Concept Behind It I Will.
That Said, Here Is A Suggestion I Would Leave With You. why Not Bring Back Endless Exploration With Allowing A Sector For Captains To Flying, That Plays Random Generator Foundry Missions? These Missions Would Be Compiled By Cryptic, From Submissions Of Players, Who Generator Missions, Content, And Alien Species That Fits The Star Trek Exploration Of Strange New Worlds Concept. As An Incentive For Players To Spend Quality And Quantity Of Time Make Said Missions, Cryptic Could Give A Reward To Players, Who's Mission Makes The Cut Into The Repeatable Random Foundry Mission List. Such A Reward Might Be Between 500-1000 Zen, Or Dilithium.
In order to replace these sources of Dilithium, we are looking at ways to add more Dilithium to rewards throughout the game, with a focus on adding it to rewards for single player content.
Will the changes increase the price to buy dilithium items?
Hm, I hope they're going to do more than just "add Foundry doors".
We need campaigns similar to what NW's got and bare minimum something similar to NW's Harper mechanic where a local contact serves as an interface to provide content options specific to that area.
Please, please, please let Foundry enhancements like that be part of Expansion 2 or Season 10.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Dear Mr. Lead Content Designer,
nobody believes that removing content makes a game better. Personally I don't believe just one of the reasons you gave us in your post. Usually I'd like to ask for the real reasons but to be honest, a game that acts so stupid is not worth the effort. IMHO it's a good time to look for another game to play - of course nothing from PWE.:mad:
So you're a native speaker and I'm not. So what?:P
Grrrr.... this is annoying, Why am I being forced to earn my crafting mats by having to Queue into TRIBBLE that takes forever to get a full team or have the Que crash. Exploration clusters could have remained, if nothing else than for those of us who actually make use of them! If I want crafting mats I don't want other ppl distracting me! You know sometimes playing solo is the best part of the damned game, this just makes the game less fun and to be honest you could have improved this. So who cares if its not up to "standards" when your standards are already so messed up. Considered this a short rant :mad: compared to the one I had planed a few seconds ago... lol :P
I hope Cryptic is working on a proper exploration content replacement.
This "DO IT YOURSELF" idea is self-deception:
The limitless nature of the potential missions that can be created using the Foundry as well as the high quality of content that Foundry authors continue to deliver are both exactly in line with the original goals of Exploration Clusters.
-> But who is really playing Foundry missions regularly instead of STFs, Doffing or doing whatever else? The STO Foundry is also not up to the Neverwinter Foundry standards and searching for the better missions is way worse.
No, the Foundry isn't a replacement.
But I don't want to cry DOOOM only: The clusters won't be missed much for their random missions. Nevertheless the simple random missions like shoot X groups of mobs or patrol around a planet were quite nice now and then. Maybe they can be brought back as part of some new content. Because just removing stuff isn't making the game better either. A lot of old STFs got removed and were not yet revamped and some new ideas like the Elachi Alert were not of higher quality either.
So yeah, the so far not so great crafting revamp isn't doing it. Cryptic, you were never content juggernauts, removing without adding something new and better is disappointing.
Yes, I think this is a great idea... because the cluster missions were exactly substandard content. I might've played through the cluster missions in Delta Vorlanis maybe... twice? They were LAME and BORING... and, they are just as much of a grind-fest as endgame STFs. Their stories added NOTHING to this game... good riddance. The Foundry additions & the adjustment to the Tuffi and Cell Ship are nice touches. Most of all, there was no mention in the blog about new players getting "lost" in the clusters. Although I'm not sure who or what that was referencing, it was silly. Call a spade, a spade... the clusters are gone because they are LAME.
It also baffles me why people are so enraged over a point release update, especially with a major expansion on the very near horizon. So many are acting like season 9.5 is the final release of Star Trek Online, and is some sort of referendum on the franchise and how this game has handled it. But, the story isn't over!!! And I'm not just talking about the main plot of the game. The next 12 months or so, judging at what I can read and hear in interviews, will see 9.5 + X2 + s10 come to this game. This entire conversation could be moot by then.
Everything is certainly not roses in this game, I'm not that naive. It'd be nice if the Mac client had stereo sound, for starters... but, the knee-jerk cynicism on this forum is more exhausting than any STF grind.
Just my opinion... I think this game is fun, and I will leave it at that.
No-one here is arguing that Exploration Clusters were the cream of the content. In fact, that's part of why people are angry - they have asked and asked and asked for exploration to be revamped, and this is what happens. Maybe it will come with X2, but until they say so, this is exactly the sort of response that this kind of news deserves.
As noted, this isn't simply about the clusters being removed. It's more about them not being replaced with something else. Similarly, this also takes away easy sources of Crafting Materials and some Dilithium - ahead of 9.5's crafting upgrade - without some definitive plan to solve the problems they've created by removing clusters seems like another instance of Cryptic jipping the players.
You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
I guess I really need to go back to working on some Foundry stuff.
New player comes into game, goes through the tutorial, and sees two choices:
- New Story Mission
- Do an Exploration Mission.
SO he's got a 50 % chance to enter a sector map that contains only scan points, and if he happens to find the right one, gets into a simple mission that may be short but okay with no follow-up storyline to make it mean something, but possibly a mission where he can't see the next enemy to attack on his sensors anywhere, or with something utterly dumb like Borg looking for artifacts of their 3rd Dynasty, or something utterly bugged like bridge officers falling through the floor and you fighting so.
Basically, he can have a decent story mission, or he may end up scanning a few anomalies and then getting a weak mission, a bugged mission, or a mission containing a Star Trek Fan Insulting story.
So yes, removing it is better, because new players will not be easily turned off by going the wrong direction.
Soooo ... who's fault is that ? ...
Sorry, gonna need more than just 2 Words ... because that's all it is right now ...
How about no? Less content is never a good thing.
This is tremendously disappointing. After so many requests that Exploration be looked and revamped, and you instead decide to remove exploration altogether rather than improve it. I sincerely hope there is more to it than a simple removal, and a full revamp of Exploration is in the works. Otherwise, don't be surprised on people calling you out for not revamping it because you can't find a way to monetise it.
I was just getting excited for Season 9.5. Now i'm not anymore.
All you would have to do is change the code so that the exploration clusters have new missions to randomly select, new enemies, ships and locations. We could all wait until you have this done, rather than have it removed.
I say this because MANY of us enjoy these areas because they are random, yet created by professionals. I DO NOT play any Foundry missions, and I will continue to refuse to do so. Why? Because I want to play the best content possible created with ALL the equipment/software/settings you at Cryptic us, NOT play missions created by players who use the Foundry - a system that is great, but does not give players access to everything devs have. EVen then I wouldn't because its amateur. I pay to play STO.
I would rather 5 missions created by STO devs instead of 100 missions created on the Foundry. That's just me. And many many other players feel the same.
So please, RETHINK adding doors/connections to the Foundry "in place" of the Exploration Clusters. If you do, you will never replace them. And we need NEW exploration clusters. Revamp it like I know you can!
STO is and will always be my favorite mmorpg! Keep up the great work!
P.S. - never remove content to "make the game better". If you doubt yourselves, send a petition/questionnaire to ALL ACCOUNT holders - rather than take the feedback from forums and think it represents a majority. IT DOES NOT. Forum = vocal minority. Majority = actually playing the game! lol
Something has to give and it is all way too random as it is.
We should just have a DOFF store where we can buy the DOFFs we want that come in game. Zen packs perhaps not but definitely for the free stuff. We should also have parallel stores for each track as we do for diplomacy. Heck, you do not even have to create new DOFFs, just allocate some of the uncommons, rares, and very rares already in the system. You should be able to flesh out all the final tier rewards easy. Have us do chain missions to unlock the stores for the Leethean, Andorian, Vulcan, etc... contacts. Divorce these from costing dilithium and make dismissing them give you "requisitions" which are then the currency for the DOFF system. We seem to be adding so many new currencies anyhow.
Foundry hook ups aren't exploration missions its more of the same that is as good as YOU cryptic ALLOW them to be; so they won't compete with YOUR missions cause their more STAR TREK than anything you have produced in FOUR years and with far less resources at their disposal.
And of course you lie to us saying we will get the neverwinter foundry but now you come out and say we're doing nothing more to the foundry!
If you want the community to do your job for you, give us a pay check!
And the DOFF system its not sending crew out to do missions its the game training us like you would a dog ex: Doff mission activated time to complete 4 hours, what happens in four hours we log back in to collect the rewards and launch another 4 hour mission Rinse and repeat.
And I know its hard to satisfy all people but if YOU want some loving treat us with some respect.
Us long term members had MASSIVE respect for you before free to play then when it came along, you dropped us all in the gutter for an extra buck!
Respect is earned NOT bested.
Sorry, and this is not adressed at you Charles - but rather at Cryptic as an entity, but this in no way improves the overall quality of STO for me. Also with moves like these, you're not making me excited to be playing every week, if anything you're making me reluctant and feel sad and worried about the future of this game.
I'm so dissapointed, such a boneheaded move.
And with all due respect to foundry authors and their maginifcent efforts, but hiding for cover behind the Foundry now - portraying it as something that should provide gameplay that the game studio should have provided is just pathetic in my eyes.
Don't aim to be mean, just my honest 2c. on what I just read.
Given that there's be no information about it, that's a hell of an assumption.
Couldn't agree more.
The Foundry is cool, but REAL CONTENT is preferred. I wish it didn't exist so you can use your time more wisely on the actual game, instead of amateur play tools aka Foundry.
You could add a door in ships to "holodeck" where there are a series of random generated missions you can access. Call it " holo training" or whatever. And with this system, you can allow players access to ALL the missions from the exploration clusters.
You can also allow access to the clusters just for anomalies, but have it so there is an hour cooldown for each cluster, and only allow us 2mins inside.
So many possibilities, just please don't remove content unless its being replaced by professional content - even if its rabndomly generated.
I sure hope in the future they make up this missing gap. I'm not too happy to see this coming.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I consider the removal of these missions to be a major detriment to the game, something I've not suggested before even when faced with clear changes in the focus of the game's development. It would seem that the desire springs from both a need to remove easy access to crafting materials along with a desire to have one focal point for end-game content (the foundry). However, it is entirely possible to leave in the procedurally generated systems that already exist while removing the resource gathering opportunity. Additionally, while I appreciate that the Foundry exists I have yet to play a Foundry mission that I considered to be particularly fun and I have run many of the "spotlight" missions.
Exploration has always been more like a novel to me, a scenario that I interpret in my mind as I play and realize enjoyment based on how I individually, or with a small group of friends, interpret the events. This is a very different, and much needed, experience from the rest of the game.
Finally, the game lacks content for single player and small group endeavors. Daily queues to five man teams, which done individually, results in forced group play with others. Where is the content for me and a single friend to play together? What about going slow, experiencing the universe, or just TRIBBLE around with a new ship? The Foundry, though often lauded as the solution to all content gaps, simply doesn't provide me with the experiences I desire as an end game player. While the Exploration missions are far from perfect, it is extremely disheartening to see their removal with no other system to take their place.
What remains of Star Trek Online is a wargames simulator, with violence and murder being the only content left for players to actively engage. The most Star Trek element of the entire game - boldly going to visit new worlds - is now gone.
Yes, I think this is a great idea... because the cluster missions were exactly substandard content. I might've played through the cluster missions in Delta Vorlanis maybe... twice? They were LAME and BORING... and, they are just as much of a grind-fest as endgame STFs. Their stories added NOTHING to this game... good riddance. The Foundry additions & the adjustment to the Tuffi and Cell Ship are nice touches. Most of all, there was no mention in the blog about new players getting "lost" in the clusters. Although I'm not sure who or what that was referencing, it was silly. Call a spade, a spade... the clusters are gone because they are LAME.
It also baffles me why people are so enraged over a point release update, especially with a major expansion on the very near horizon. So many are acting like season 9.5 is the final release of Star Trek Online, and is some sort of referendum on the franchise and how this game has handled it. But, the story isn't over!!! And I'm not just talking about the main plot of the game. The next 12 months or so, judging at what I can read and hear in interviews, will see 9.5 + X2 + s10 come to this game. This entire conversation could be moot by then.
Everything is certainly not roses in this game, I'm not that naive. It'd be nice if the Mac client had stereo sound, for starters... but, the knee-jerk cynicism on this forum is more exhausting than any STF grind.
Just my opinion... I think this game is fun, and I will leave it at that.
Exploration has always been a huge part of the Star Trek experience. Being around since the launch of STO back in Feb. 2010, I totally agree that the mission generator was too simple, and after playing it for a few months, I have not player it for several years now. So, for myself, I will not miss the actual clusters as they currently stand in STO, however, the endless exploration concept behind it I will.
That said, here is a suggestion I would leave with you. Why not Bring back endless exploration with allowing a sector for captains to flying, that plays random generator Foundry missions? These missions would be compiled by Cryptic, from submissions of players, who generator missions, content, and alien species that fits the Star Trek exploration of strange new worlds concept. As an incentive for players to spend quality and quantity of time make said missions, cryptic could give a reward to players, who's mission makes the cut into the repeatable random foundry mission list. Such a reward might be between 500-1000 Zen, or dilithium.
The vague "we're looking into" promises are just vaporware at this point as the follow-through record of Cryptic's isn't too good.
Is it so hard to just "do it right" and think it all through and deliver a complete solution?
As it stands 9.5 is already a major fail in my opinion.
I pray that this is only a temporary solution and that a total rework of the exploration clusters is added cause that has to be one of if not the most dumbest idiotic reasons I have ever heard a company use to justify removing something, let alone the dumbest things to ever be done since the forced ARC attempt on steam users and the S2P business model.
However I am honestly not surprised seeing as how like I said countless times before PWE does with STO like they do with their other games which is the "cash grab bs" routine, and remove and update content based on how much cash grab it can generate. Worst business model in the history of MMO's to use second to that of Sub 2 Play due to the fact that it drives off new players, generates more short term burst revenue and less long term extended revenue due to driving off older more long term players as well. FB games are renowned for the "power creep" and "cash grab" business model and seldom do any FB MMO games that use this business model last more then a year or 2 when crossing the threshold of combining both these models which is the direction PWE is taking with STO currently.
Very Much This.
.... "Fire!"
No more money for PWE and Cryptic from me. I know no Onlinegame that deactivated Content. Only the stupid PWE Money maker and Community-hater mashine.
Cryptic was better when it wasn't F2P
sry guys, I'm really frustrated about this change.:mad:
No, D'Angelo has a few more things to nuke before that happens.
We need campaigns similar to what NW's got and bare minimum something similar to NW's Harper mechanic where a local contact serves as an interface to provide content options specific to that area.
Please, please, please let Foundry enhancements like that be part of Expansion 2 or Season 10.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
nobody believes that removing content makes a game better. Personally I don't believe just one of the reasons you gave us in your post. Usually I'd like to ask for the real reasons but to be honest, a game that acts so stupid is not worth the effort. IMHO it's a good time to look for another game to play - of course nothing from PWE.:mad:
maybe now we can get a sector block to the left of earth, in the actual alpha quadrant lol
This "DO IT YOURSELF" idea is self-deception:
The limitless nature of the potential missions that can be created using the Foundry as well as the high quality of content that Foundry authors continue to deliver are both exactly in line with the original goals of Exploration Clusters.
-> But who is really playing Foundry missions regularly instead of STFs, Doffing or doing whatever else? The STO Foundry is also not up to the Neverwinter Foundry standards and searching for the better missions is way worse.
No, the Foundry isn't a replacement.
But I don't want to cry DOOOM only: The clusters won't be missed much for their random missions. Nevertheless the simple random missions like shoot X groups of mobs or patrol around a planet were quite nice now and then. Maybe they can be brought back as part of some new content. Because just removing stuff isn't making the game better either. A lot of old STFs got removed and were not yet revamped and some new ideas like the Elachi Alert were not of higher quality either.
So yeah, the so far not so great crafting revamp isn't doing it. Cryptic, you were never content juggernauts, removing without adding something new and better is disappointing.
No-one here is arguing that Exploration Clusters were the cream of the content. In fact, that's part of why people are angry - they have asked and asked and asked for exploration to be revamped, and this is what happens. Maybe it will come with X2, but until they say so, this is exactly the sort of response that this kind of news deserves.
As noted, this isn't simply about the clusters being removed. It's more about them not being replaced with something else. Similarly, this also takes away easy sources of Crafting Materials and some Dilithium - ahead of 9.5's crafting upgrade - without some definitive plan to solve the problems they've created by removing clusters seems like another instance of Cryptic jipping the players.