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Season 9 Dev Blog #29 - Exploration Cluster Removal



  • blgoldenforceblgoldenforce Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Like vengefuldjinn was talking about, most of the fun in any game has nothing to do with linear missions or PvE content. It's having a sandbox to do stupid stuff with your friends. For example, exploring planetary cluster maps for things to try to climb on, or funny ways to consistently test new gear against cookie-cutter baddies where there is no need to perform well in a high pressure team-based context, as in a PvE mission. Now, we have a few persistent adventure zones, but that's no replacement for the feeling of randomized exploration.

    I have characters on both the Fed and Klingon sides. It is the the Feds who are more dependent on exploration missions since the Klingons at least have those nebulas in their home sector in which to fight the various races for dilthium. By taking the exploration missions out, Cryptic may as well be telling me to go Klingon.
  • alphaomega1500alphaomega1500 Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Wll then dontdrunkmshoot they should drop the foundry. It hasn't worked worth the hard drive space it takes up.

    STO has just become a nearly 2nd rate EVE clone.

    I think those of use who like exploring should check out SWTOR and see what the drop in numbers in STO would do in bring back.

    Both Ground and Space Exploration to STO where it belongs
  • fireseeedfireseeed Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Wll then dontdrunkmshoot they should drop the foundry. It hasn't worked worth the hard drive space it takes up.

    STO has just become a nearly 2nd rate EVE clone

    Eve probably has more exploration in it than STO has.
  • cyckathcyckath Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Very disheartening. No confirmed end-date yet? Currently my STO time is divided between Risa Pearl and exploration accolades just in case they accolade goalposts change like the Diplomatic ones did...
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    While I won't shed any tears over the removal of the current exploration system, I think it should have been held back until the new system was ready to go.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ^ Reasons 1-5 are terrible. Bugs? Fix them! Everything you described is minor. Like Risian4 said, if the rationale is to remove bugged content, STO would have to shut down.

    if your really going to defend genesis, you shouldn't be so ignorant of how it works. also, i shudder at your baby attrition, post throwing out of bath water.

    genesis missions aren't fixable like others hand crafted missions are, they are generated by scripts. if a mission is incompleatable, there's nothing they can do without overhauling all the code that generates the mission. might have been worth the effort YEARS ago, now of course not, because they are garbage on a fundamental level.

    So, you're in favor of them removing broken and underused content WITHOUT first providing a replacement then?

    I guess that means STO PvP is next; and could be 100% removed with your blessing then, right? And while we're at it, why not just remove that worthless Cruiser with the mega-thread detailing WHY many players consider it useless (aka the Galaxy Class cruiser) because again, why keep something that takes up hard drive storage space that nobody really uses.;)

    For me the issues are:

    - STO is and has been content light since it Launched.

    - With Cryptic "On-Demand" patch system (enabled by default) - the "It reduces the amount of download required for a new user to play..." is honestly BS.

    - While you (and I) didn't make mush use of it -- the ARE players who do; and again given my first point above, removing content WITHOUT providing replacement content doesn't make a lot of sense; UNLESS it's just being done in an attempt to bulk up usage numbers that the STO Upper Dev management see is also underused; BUT they want to continue to push the making of that PvE Queue mark grind content above ANYTHING else.

    they need a replacement? how many under used battlezones and qued pve and story missions do you need!? seriously, there is now to much pve, a ton of stuff is unplayed and empty as it is. are you people from the past or something? is it 2010 were your all from?

    are you all just mad because this was an easy way to grind dil? be honest if that's all this is.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Wll then dontdrunkmshoot they should drop the foundry. It hasn't worked worth the hard drive space it takes up.

    STO has just become a nearly 2nd rate EVE clone.

    I think those of use who like exploring should check out SWTOR and see what the drop in numbers in STO would do in bring back.

    Both Ground and Space Exploration to STO where it belongs

    foundry missions are HAND CRAFTED. not script generated trash. they have potential, genesis never will
  • alphaomega1500alphaomega1500 Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    How about this.

    A one month store & key boycot. To have them return exploration back to STO.

    They say money talks. If so a month store & key boycot could get their attention
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    STO has just become a nearly 2nd rate EVE clone.

    lol :D STO is like a galaxy away from even being a 2-nd rate EVE clone.
    fireseeed wrote: »
    Eve probably has more exploration in it than STO has.

    Probably? :confused:
    Heck, Super Mario Bros. has more exploration than STO since as it stands - STO has none.
    are you all just mad because this was an easy way to grind dil? be honest if that's all this is.

    Yes, because we all know that Star Trek is only about pew-pew and nothing else. :rolleyes:
  • badvaiobadvaio Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Instead of deciding what the player base wants, ask us.
  • stomperx99stomperx99 Member Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Oh.... MUST.... HOLD.... IT IN... MUST.....




    I'm, sorry, I tired! I really did. :(

    I'm sorry to people who I, in the past, insulted, annoyed, etc.
  • giannicampanellagiannicampanella Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    if your really going to defend genesis, you shouldn't be so ignorant of how it works. also, i shudder at your baby attrition, post throwing out of bath water.

    genesis missions aren't fixable like others hand crafted missions are, they are generated by scripts. if a mission is incompleatable, there's nothing they can do without overhauling all the code that generates the mission. might have been worth the effort YEARS ago, now of course not, because they are garbage on a fundamental level.

    they need a replacement? how many under used battlezones and qued pve and story missions do you need!? seriously, there is now to much pve, a ton of stuff is unplayed and empty as it is. are you people from the past or something? is it 2010 were your all from?

    are you all just mad because this was an easy way to grind dil? be honest if that's all this is.

    This post is total nonsense, through and through. Where do I begin? A scripting error requires a complete overhaul? You obviously think you're talking to morons. Because battlezones are underutilized, the devs ought to remove other content that many enjoy to force them to play the new content? Sheer lunacy. We've all explained very clearly numerous times why we loved exploration zones, you hopeless robot. If you don't care about atmosphere and the co-op Star Trek experience, we couldn't care less. The only question that remains is why you are so furious that other people enjoyed this feature.
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Well let's hope that this so called 'exploration' will be replaced by some real exploration in the near future. To be honest it's a crying shame that a modern Star Trek game never managed to implement THE central pillar of the ST universe. To explore new worlds.

    It would have been so easy. Just ask players to create content for exploration missions. Take the 50 best ones, add a random generator and vol
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    saedeith wrote: »
    I just don't see how removing the cluster mat farm and daily improves the quality if the game when there is no replacement.
    Meh, it's easy enough to farm mats in the story missions. It's farming the blue and better that is challenging.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I will be sad to see the Exploration Missions go. It's true, they were substandard and peculiar (Borg's 3rd Dynasty, anyone? LOL), but they weren't all bad.

    When I was tired of the same ol' grindy-repeat-til-numb queue missions, I would run an Explore, or two. It was potpourri, to be sure. A box of chocolates from which you didn't know what you'd get. Sometimes it was tasty (an agreeable blow-up a half-dozen spawn-groups or aid the planet), most times it was mediocre (run around a map or down a too-long section of caves to scan objects), and rarely it was some nasty candy-coated antacid (a bugged mission).

    Whatever it was, it was random. Unexpected. Even the "waste of time" bug missions could be RP'd as a "false exploration lead".

    And unlike repeating leveling story missions/episodes, Exploration actually paid a much needed end-game currency (Dilithium). So it was constructive time spent.

    There are all sorts of ways Cryptic could keep Exploration around without losing players: You could make it end game content only (ie not for noobs), long-time player content (vet rewards for Silvers and Golds), make it some kind of add-on mod downloadable only as needed, etc.

    But really the way to keep the Clusters/Exploration: Use the Foundry Spotlight missions.

    Instead of 1,000s of Genesis-created random substandard missions, you use the dozens of already-Cryptic-approved Foundry missions. Players click on an unknown system, like they have always done, and get loaded into a random Spotlight UGC. That pool is constantly growing. It seems an ideal, no-brainer, solution to me.

    BTW, you keep the existing Foundry search interface and missions, for those that want to play specific UGC. The above's just a way to press Shuffle on the Foundry iPod.


    Anyway... Thanks for working on a way to complete Explore Accolades without the clusters. I hope the comment about adding Dil to single-player content means you guys go back to the scores of replayable missions and add a Dilithium to each of them.

    I really hope (but, sadly, doubt) that E2 will include an Exploration Revamp and the return of Trek to this Star game.


    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This post is total nonsense, through and through. Where do I begin? A scripting error requires a complete overhaul? You obviously think you're talking to morons. Because battlezones are underutilized, the devs ought to remove other content that many enjoy to force them to play the new content? Sheer lunacy. We've all explained very clearly numerous times why we loved exploration zones, you hopeless robot. If you don't care about atmosphere and the co-op Star Trek experience, we couldn't care less. The only question that remains is why you are so furious that other people enjoyed this feature.
    also... contrary to popular belief, the maps used for sector exploration are not generated on the fly. the Genesis engine was used to create them, but it's not actually a part of STO, it was a Dev tool.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • makutateridax200#3540 makutateridax200 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    lutherfry wrote: »
    As it was said before, exploration was the original sole of the TOS from which all other treks can trace their birth from! removing the exploration areas and missions just turns the game into a pathetic shooting game for mouth breathers.

    So....Star Trek Voyager meets JJ Abrams?
  • makutateridax200#3540 makutateridax200 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    also i just checked....Memory Alpha is still here..... on my end anyways
  • giannicampanellagiannicampanella Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Also, I'm not arguing that the exploration missions were good. I'm arguing that we need open space where players can feel like they are exploring and fighting in a quasi-RP sort of way, like how kids play with toys. They don't even need the repetitive missions. Just allow players to find planets in clusters, and beam down, explore, and fight random aliens for dil. Whatever. It's no reason to scrap randomly generated environments in clusters or in sector space star systems. It can easily be implemented either way. There are so few environments, the random planets were some of the most interesting visuals in-game.

    Game design is the art of illusion, not perfect simulation. You don't cut out anything that doesn't work as well as you'd like, when it can serve an aesthetic purpose that cultivates just the feeling of openness and free exploration, as if the game world were as alive as Trek fans imagine their universe.

    Instead, I see minds like the robot above who look at everything in terms of specific goals, tasks, and minimal simulation thereof. That's not an RPG. I don't like this mechanical mentality devoid of imagination.
  • dragnridrdragnridr Member Posts: 671 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    How about this.

    A one month store & key boycot. To have them return exploration back to STO.

    They say money talks. If so a month store & key boycot could get their attention

    I have been boycotting keys and store stuff ever since the BS change to the Rep system. And I agree with you. If people stop throwing money at perfect world for one month, they will grow hair on their balls and start listening to the people who play the game.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    its literally a cancer on an otherwise good game that has been surgically removed

    They took out PvP?
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    lutherfry wrote: »
    As it was said before, exploration was the original sole of the TOS from which all other treks can trace their birth from! removing the exploration areas and missions just turns the game into a pathetic shooting game for mouth breathers.

    Yeah, I remember that TOS episode , where nothing happened, and all they did was scan stuff, and nothing tried to kill them :rolleyes:
  • dessniperdessniper Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    if your really going to defend genesis, you shouldn't be so ignorant of how it works. also, i shudder at your baby attrition, post throwing out of bath water.

    genesis missions aren't fixable like others hand crafted missions are, they are generated by scripts. if a mission is incompleatable, there's nothing they can do without overhauling all the code that generates the mission. might have been worth the effort YEARS ago, now of course not, because they are garbage on a fundamental level.

    they need a replacement? how many under used battlezones and qued pve and story missions do you need!? seriously, there is now to much pve, a ton of stuff is unplayed and empty as it is. are you people from the past or something? is it 2010 were your all from?

    are you all just mad because this was an easy way to grind dil? be honest if that's all this is.

    Why so mad?
  • venkouvenkou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    "Space... The final frontier...
    These are the voyages of "Star Trek: Online".
    Its continuing mission:
    To grind repetitive reputation systems...
    To seek out more dilithium; new rep marks...
    To boldly go where every Ferengi has gone before!"

    Just a joke.

  • giannicampanellagiannicampanella Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ^^ Some people can't stand the happiness of others, and bitterly exploit their misfortune. I know because I'm one of them, but not this time.
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I am against removing exploration zones from the game. I'm not fretting that much though. I'm just biding my time until "No Man's Sky" comes out.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • giannicampanellagiannicampanella Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Oooh, looks incredible. Starbound appeals to me too.

    No Man's Sky might finally replace NOCTIS.
  • sch3ff3lsch3ff3l Member Posts: 118 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2014
    first of all, i play this game for 3 and half years (pretty much almost since F2P launch)
    and i dont see the reason of the rage-fest going on here... yes star clusters do give a lot o Dil... yes star clusters do give a large scale of Doffs...
    yes the missions in there are very poor...
    and YES they get boring VERY fast...

    as i said before i play this game for 3 and half years, and about the fourth month playing i decided NOT to play those missions anymore,and until today i cant complete any of the first contact missions cause its bugged HARD and the rest was just a waste of EC (diplomatic investigations) and a waste of time (doing a ground starcluster mission without high end equipment is very frustating)

    that all said... yes removing starclusters IS an improvment...
    and its only logicall that it will be revamped with a not as boring mechanic and not as frustating bugged mission (first contacts mission should be the greatest part of a "trek" game at leats for a Federation player but since its bugged and cannot be completed its just a waste of HDD space)
    besides that maybe removing this major part of data and server traffic maybe others areas of the game get improved like the lag-fest called "undine battlezone"
    and about dillithium... the battlezones DO give dillithium VERY FAST and theres the asteroid mining, only 15 minutes and some coordination you can get almost all of the dillithium you can refine per day...

    and by my opinion i can guess they are working on from ground zero on a new exploration system with a new mechanic (wich will be called as a grind-fest by some folks around here)
    9gagger, starfleet captain, bug hunter...

    spocked thumb face...
  • qziqzaqziqza Member Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'm not arguing that the exploration missions were good. I'm arguing that we need open space where players can feel like they are exploring and fighting in a quasi-RP sort of way, like how kids play with toys.....

    Game design is the art of illusion, not perfect simulation. You don't cut out anything that doesn't work as well as you'd like, when it can serve an aesthetic purpose that cultivates just the feeling of openness and free exploration, as if the game world were as alive as Trek fans imagine their universe.

    Instead, I see minds like the robot above who look at everything in terms of specific goals, tasks, and minimal simulation thereof. That's not an RPG. I don't like this mechanical mentality devoid of imagination.

    Agree strongly with everything being said here. Adding to that, making some old, early level, content shiny is great, but it is hardly an edition to the expansion of the game, nor is the single feature, fly by wire, episode that arrives with each new .5 season. We are being given some great new tools to play with, but nowhere new and engaging to play with them.

    you guys are the developers, yet you expect the player base to create the extra, or replace the old, content for you
    TOS style icons used with the kind permission of irvinis.deviantart.com ©2013-2015
  • makutateridax200#3540 makutateridax200 Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    sch3ff3l wrote: »
    first of all, i play this game for 3 and half years (pretty much almost since F2P launch)
    and i dont see the reason of the rage-fest going on here... yes star clusters do give a lot o Dil... yes star clusters do give a large scale of Doffs...
    yes the missions in there are very poor...
    and YES they get boring VERY fast...

    as i said before i play this game for 3 and half years, and about the fourth month playing i decided NOT to play those missions anymore,and until today i cant complete any of the first contact missions cause its bugged HARD and the rest was just a waste of EC (diplomatic investigations) and a waste of time (doing a ground starcluster mission without high end equipment is very frustating)

    that all said... yes removing starclusters IS an improvment...
    and its only logicall that it will be revamped with a not as boring mechanic and not as frustating bugged mission (first contacts mission should be the greatest part of a "trek" game at leats for a Federation player but since its bugged and cannot be completed its just a waste of HDD space)
    besides that maybe removing this major part of data and server traffic maybe others areas of the game get improved like the lag-fest called "undine battlezone"
    and about dillithium... the battlezones DO give dillithium VERY FAST and theres the asteroid mining, only 15 minutes and some coordination you can get almost all of the dillithium you can refine per day...

    and by my opinion i can guess they are working on from ground zero on a new exploration system with a new mechanic (wich will be called as a grind-fest by some folks around here)

    i have been here just as long as you have sonny and i must respectfully disagree....*given how expensive Dilithium Items are the extra Dilithium is kinda necessary*
This discussion has been closed.