My advice, Don't listen to forumite doom sayers, Get on tribble, decide for yourself
I've lost count of the number of posts containing misinformation on the revamp
This is SOOOOOOOOOO True... I was happy to hear the news about the crafting being revamped, but I did not had the chance to test it out myself until... today... so for the past few days I've been looking and reading all info possible... and it seems that people are being misguided by misinformation, like you mentioned...
To the point, people are whining about a system that has already been confirmed to be in alpha per the devs say, and that all numbers where just thrown in to make the system work, in order to test it...
Like many times I've said, don't go for what others say, test it out yourself 1st then decide, you will be surprise how many stuff is false or exaggerated... But the odds of someone actually doing that...
they have the DPS of turrets, the last thing id describe an 8 omni beam boat as is over the top.
The tooltips on Tribble seem to indicate that omni-directional beam arrays do the same damage as regular beam arrays. Of course, I wouldn't completely trust the tooltips, since they showed no difference in damage between the very rare and ultra rare versions.
The tooltips on Tribble seem to indicate that omni-directional beam arrays do the same damage as regular beam arrays. Of course, I wouldn't completely trust the tooltips, since they showed no difference in damage between the very rare and ultra rare versions.
Comparing the OD AP Array to my Fluidic AP Arrays - they're basically doing the same damage, give or take the [Dmg] mod. It's simply a case that they're an Array that's trading a mod for the [Arc] mod. So it's a case of giving up either [Acc], [CrtD], [CrtH], or [Dmg] for [Arc]. The damage should be the same otherwise/in general. That's on Holo. But yeah, if the Tribble tooltip's not showing that 2.5% strength increase for UR over VR...hrmm...
It was one of the things mentioned in the podcast for crafting. There are going to be special procs only available on crafting items. One that was mentioned was a proc that would make a beam hit into a BO beam hit. There were no details about it - it was just mentioned ever so briefly as an example.
It came up in one thread where we speculated madly about it, though - lol. Tidbits of info like that can be dangerous! :P
Hopefully we see the stuff and can test it while it is on Tribble, eh?
Nnnnnngggnggg.... WUT?1?
Then what's the point of Beam Overload, esp. if it's in conjunction with BFAW that procs a BO?
But yeah, if the Tribble tooltip's not showing that 2.5% strength increase for UR over VR...hrmm...
Both tooltips say "Omni-Directional Disruptor Beam Array [Acc] [Dmg] [Arc] Mk XII [Dmg]". (Those are the "Potential outcome" tooltips, by the way. My rank isn't high enough to craft them.) There are actually several things strange about the tooltips.
1. Why do the very rare and ultra rare versions have the same number of modifiers?
2. Why are three of the modifiers listed before the mark instead of after like in all other weapons?
So from what I've gathered is that you can craft weapons with 4 modifiers but its at random wich modifiers you get? Are there hybrids? Because a romi omni beam would be nice.
Both tooltips say "Omni-Directional Disruptor Beam Array [Acc] [Dmg] [Arc] Mk XII [Dmg]". (Those are the "Potential outcome" tooltips, by the way. My rank isn't high enough to craft them.) There are actually several things strange about the tooltips.
1. Why do the very rare and ultra rare versions have the same number of modifiers?
2. Why are three of the modifiers listed before the mark instead of after like in all other weapons?
They're probably WIP tooltips. Though the VR having that many mods points to "special" items, which sometimes "violate" the proc/mod "rules" so to speak.
Given that 1 Proc ~= 1 Mod (evidenced by multiple items in the game), we generally see the following (where AP's proc is a mod):
Common 1 Proc
Uncommon 1 Proc & 1 Mod
Rare 1 Proc & 2 Mods
Very Rare 1 Proc & 3 Mods
Ultra Rare 1 Proc & 4 Mods
There are dual proc VR weapons that give up a mod for the second proc. There are the Nanites with their two half procs for a "single" proc and thus still having three mods.
But then we have things like the Spiral Wave Disruptors. [Disruptor][Phaser][Acc]x2[Dmg]x2 for a total of 6x proc/mods on an VR item where one would expect 4x proc/mods.
Looking at one of my guys right now...and "special" items:
Elachi Torp is a Rare with 3x mods and a proc. It's +1 the expected.
Heavy Crescent Cannon is a rare with 3x mods and a proc. It's +1 the expected.
Disruptor Quad Cannon is a VR with 4x mods and a proc. Again, it's +1 the expected.
Course, there's the KCB with it's 3x mods and no proc...suggesting it's -1 the expected. One could say that it has an unlisted [Arc] for the 360, but it's also -8 power instead of -10 power. Have to wonder if the -8 instead of -10 "counts" as the +1 the expected and it's just a case the [Arc] is unlisted.
So, is the +1 the expected a result of the item being "special" - being a unique item? Still wouldn't explain the SWDs with 6x. Heh, the Dil cost might
With those new weapons in the crafting though, like you said (keeping in mind the mods listed may not match what other folks see):
Very Rare Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo Launcher [CrtD][CrtH] Mk VI [Dmg]
Ultra Rare Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo Launcher [CrtD][CrtH] Mk VI [CrtH][Dmg]
Obviously the Mk VI is wrong, lol. But those torps trade their Plasma DoT proc for a Plasma Cloud (no chance listed, so not a proc - just an effect?). So these follow the expected numbers even though as a "special" item it suggests they should be +1 the expected. The VR has 3x mods + "proc" and the UR has 4x mods + "proc". Is the Plasma Cloud not being chance based mean that it's counting as two procs, and that's where the +1 the expected is?
But if we look at a Beam, say the following...
Very Rare Omni-Directional Tetryon Beam Array [Acc][Dmg][Arc] Mk XII [Dmg]
Ultra Rare Omni-Directional Tetryon Beam Array [Acc][Dmg][Arc] Mk XII [Dmg]
...we've got a VR version that's doing the +1 the expected (as becomes potentially expected for a "special" item) with a UR version that's not doing the +1 the expected. It's got the same number as the VR.
Is Cryptic establishing the +1 the expected for single items/"special" items - in which case the VR version is correct and the UR is missing either a proc or a the VR version wrong (which would conflict with what they suggest occurs with "special" items). Shouldn't the UR version either have an additional mod or proc...or something along those lines, a better proc - reduced power cost - etc, etc, etc to distinguish it from the VR version?
The same thing happens while looking at Wide Arc DHCs. There's nothing distinguishing the VR and UR versions.
Sure, they'll likely get their +2.5% base damage bump somewhere for being UR instead of VR...but what's going to happen regarding the procs/mods?
Basically, yeah - it's all massively WIP - but I'm a wee bit OCD on the consistency angle...and it would be nifty to know where their train of thought is on the UR stuff there.
it and the doff system are in alpha right now, i wouldn't be surprised if the RNG all but disappears after all the feedback they will get for the next wile from people that care about this stuff.
No, the RNG is there to stay. I suspect it'll be similar to the upgrade gems system they use in Champions Online. See, they sell catalysts that make the RNG failure chance lower, as well as saving your mats should it all fail.
Hey Hawk, will the TR-116B's alternate sniper attack be similar to the old TR-116A's? By that I mean, will it not require Line of Sight to hit enemies? And it will be immune against Borg, correct?
It does require line of sight. That's the tradeoff for the updated high-damage dealing, shield-penetrating, kinetic damage. It's generally pretty exploitative gameplay to shoot things through walls, and the original probably never should have been able to do that.
Edit: Yes, because it's kinetic, Borg do not adapt to it. We may add Kinetic to their adaptation though, that seems like a kind of thing they'd be able to do.
Jeff "Adjudicator Hawk" Hamilton
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
3 things,
1: There is a new TR-116 coming? How did I miss that?
2: Kinetic adaptation for the Borg would be very bad. It wouldd make melee weapons very much poorer.
3:Is it not the middle of the night Cryptic-Summer-time? How are yuo responding at this time?
Edit: Yes, because it's kinetic, Borg do not adapt to it. We may add Kinetic to their adaptation though, that seems like a kind of thing they'd be able to do.
It's SOP to carry a melee weapon against the Borg for the exact reason that they DON'T adapt to it. That's also why the [Borg] mod on the ground works. If they could adapt to kinetic damage, I'm pretty sure they'd have done it, rendering Wor's mek'leth in ST:FC useless because Picard already put bullets into them (projectiles effectively being small, high-powered piercing objects - same as arrows and swords but a lot faster).
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
It's SOP to carry a melee weapon against the Borg for the exact reason that they DON'T adapt to it. That's also why the [Borg] mod on the ground works. If they could adapt to kinetic damage, I'm pretty sure they'd have done it, rendering Wor's mek'leth in ST:FC useless because Picard already put bullets into them (projectiles effectively being small, high-powered piercing objects - same as arrows and swords but a lot faster).
No, the Borg CANNOT adapt to Kinetic damage.
melee weapons deal kinetic damage? i don't ground much, i thought they just dealt typeless damage of some kind, or physical. i could see a slug thrower dealing knetic, but a grenade shockwave is gonna hurt you difference then getting stabbed.
melee weapons deal kinetic damage? i don't ground much, i thought they just dealt typeless damage of some kind, or physical. i could see a slug thrower dealing knetic, but a grenade shockwave is gonna hurt you difference then getting stabbed.
You're right, it would. Which means, if the TR is doing kinetic damage, physics says that the weapon is doing it wrong. In reality, yes - bullets do the same general form of damage as being stabbed (entering your body and damaging things inside), while a grenade deals damage differently. So, the TR *does* need to be doing the same damage as a sword.
It does require line of sight. That's the tradeoff for the updated high-damage dealing, shield-penetrating, kinetic damage. It's generally pretty exploitative gameplay to shoot things through walls, and the original probably never should have been able to do that.
Edit: Yes, because it's kinetic, Borg do not adapt to it. We may add Kinetic to their adaptation though, that seems like a kind of thing they'd be able to do.
It seems more like inability to adapt to kinetic is what we saw in the shows and movies though. For canon reasons then I'd rather see Borg be unable to adapt, though I'd be unopposed to giving them kinetic resistance for balance reasons so that kinetic weapons did not have a complete advantage over energy weapons. I also am biased in that I'd be interested in getting a weapon immune from adaptation as it is, even if said weapon had lower overall dps than weapons which do require periodic adjustment.
It seems more like inability to adapt to kinetic is what we saw in the shows and movies though. For canon reasons then I'd rather see Borg be unable to adapt, though I'd be unopposed to giving them kinetic resistance for balance reasons so that kinetic weapons did not have a complete advantage over energy weapons. I also am biased in that I'd be interested in getting a weapon immune from adaptation as it is, even if said weapon had lower overall dps than weapons which do require periodic adjustment.
It's a neverending discussion, so just me let quickly represent the counter-point:
The only time we saw for example bullets used against them, they were from the Holodeck. That may be that they were actually energy attacks (holographic), or they may have been replicated (the background lore states that holodecks use holographics, tractor beams and replicators, but that has never been confirmed on screen) and thus as real as you can get on the Holodeck, but in either case - he killed only a very small number of Borg there. No more than were killed with phasers (in fact, less) over the course of that episode. It may just point out that the Borg always need some time to adapt.
The physical weapons used against them could also present a different case - the energy of these weapons is too low to be of serious concern normally, and if the borg shields would protect against such energy, they would also have trouble interacting with their environment or performing their melee-assimilation-trick. So it may just be a trade-off the Borg are willing to accept. (Especially if you consider Lancaster's law for melee and for ranged combat. Ranged combat weapons make superior numbers have a much stronger effect than melee weapons, so the Borg protect themselves against ranged weapons, and count on their numbers and their assimilation ability to deal with melee combat losses.)
But one can of course interpret both possibilities from First Contact et al.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
It does require line of sight. That's the tradeoff for the updated high-damage dealing, shield-penetrating, kinetic damage. It's generally pretty exploitative gameplay to shoot things through walls, and the original probably never should have been able to do that.
Edit: Yes, because it's kinetic, Borg do not adapt to it. We may add Kinetic to their adaptation though, that seems like a kind of thing they'd be able to do.
Umm blame the DS9 writers, but exploitative??? its what the god damn thing does on the show.
That's the tradeoff for the updated high-damage dealing, shield-penetrating, kinetic damage.
I didnt test that gun, but plz dont kill Ground PVP like Space PVP got killeded..
Plz dont turn Ground PVP in to more Tacts online with a gun that by pass shields and deal high-damage..
We are at your mercy.. plz.. dont give ground PVP another oneshot gun..
Umm blame the DS9 writers, but exploitative??? its what the god damn thing does on the show.
Actually the one on the show was a custom built model. I could see Starfleet (especially Starfleet) classifying what Chulak did to the gun. The basic model lacked the see through walls scouter and lacked the mini-transporter. And yes, it was exploitative *in universe*. So us getting a basic version that lacks that functionality makes total sense to me. And I'm ok with it because even without that power, this gun is gonna be top tier.
Also it gives the guys who got the A as a preorder still have a niche and something special.
I've got the pre-order one that can shoot through walls, but is around Mk II in damage. I'm fine with the tradeoff for a high-power version. The base version of the weapon didn't have the micro-transporter, anyway.
However, it should retain the lack of Borg adaptation. Or it should be changed to physical damage as has been said.
Edit: Yes, because it's kinetic, Borg do not adapt to it. We may add Kinetic to their adaptation though, that seems like a kind of thing they'd be able to do.
This change would negatively affect grenades and demolitions. If you do this, will we be able to remodulate our kit abilities? Will Omega Graviton Pulse Module slow down the Borg's adaptation to our kit abilities? Maybe, you should just give the TR-116's a new damage type; call it "ballistic" or something. Of course, you would need to make sure that shields and armor have resistances against this new damage type.
I didnt test that gun, but plz dont kill Ground PVP like Space PVP got killeded..
Plz dont turn Ground PVP in to more Tacts online with a gun that by pass shields and deal high-damage..
We are at your mercy.. plz.. dont give ground PVP another oneshot gun..
I beg you.. plz.. dont kill ground PVP!
Wouldn't that depend on the amount of shield penetration? The wiki page for the TR-116A says that the shield penetration is 20%. I'm not sure if that's out of date. I also haven't check the shield penetration on the new gun. If the shield penetration is too high, maybe they can scale it back a bit or make it affect only the Borg.
All they have to do is keep people broad side... hardly a hard thing to do.
To be honest the arch shutting off junk is totally exploitable (not that kind of exploit) by escorts anyway. Throw arrays on back instead of silly turrets... DBB in front and when you rock the arc plain all your weapon power comes back instantly and you can use it to time overloads ect.
IMO the change doesn't really hurt the silly beaming faw cruisers... and makes escorts with beams far more deadly as power return instantly and a weapon ready to go by doing a quick wiggle is OP.
until Beams get a
Beam rapid fire
Beam volley Fire
the only thing we got that works
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Oh and by the way, For all the people getting annoyed by the Gamble
Theres a few special Items that will only exist in Purple or Ultra Violet quality, ( Level O in the school and it has 100 Percent Purple) so those might actually be worth your time
These are the Voyages on the STO forum, the final frontier. Our continuing mission: to explore Pretentious Posts, to seek out new Overreactions and Misinformation , to boldly experience Cynicism like no man has before.......
Just a quick thought on Borg not being able to adapt to kinetic damage.... they really should be able to, these are not backwater Kazon....
How about this Dev's, if they adapt to the kinetic damage, how about they give up some of their resistance to energy damage as a penalty????
I can see this adding to gameplay... they beef up their kinetic... we switch to energy... so on... kinda like the remodulation we have to do now.
Wadda ya think?
If they add kinetic adaptation, this is exactly the way it has to be done. Adapted to Energy? Ok, switch to Kinetics and they're not adapting to it. Kinetics are adapted to? Fine, all Energy Adaptations are removed and Phasers are more effective at taking down the Borg.
After all they're two different styles of shielding - Kinetic Shielding means you have to slow the bullet to a non-lethal level, Energy Shielding means you have to disappate the energy.
That would even things out. Plus you could start to introduce Kinetic PSGs for players.
Hey Hawk, will the TR-116B's alternate sniper attack be similar to the old TR-116A's? By that I mean, will it not require Line of Sight to hit enemies? And it will be immune against Borg, correct?
To keep in-line with the shows the Borg shouldn't adapt to physical/kinetic damage, however they should have high resistance to it. Data and Worf were some of the few characters we saw go toe-to-toe with a drone and survive, the average human not so much, and this would be in-keeping with that.
To the point, people are whining about a system that has already been confirmed to be in alpha per the devs say, and that all numbers where just thrown in to make the system work, in order to test it...
Like many times I've said, don't go for what others say, test it out yourself 1st then decide, you will be surprise how many stuff is false or exaggerated... But the odds of someone actually doing that...
0 to nothing...
The tooltips on Tribble seem to indicate that omni-directional beam arrays do the same damage as regular beam arrays. Of course, I wouldn't completely trust the tooltips, since they showed no difference in damage between the very rare and ultra rare versions.
Comparing the OD AP Array to my Fluidic AP Arrays - they're basically doing the same damage, give or take the [Dmg] mod. It's simply a case that they're an Array that's trading a mod for the [Arc] mod. So it's a case of giving up either [Acc], [CrtD], [CrtH], or [Dmg] for [Arc]. The damage should be the same otherwise/in general. That's on Holo. But yeah, if the Tribble tooltip's not showing that 2.5% strength increase for UR over VR...hrmm...
Nnnnnngggnggg.... WUT?1?
Then what's the point of Beam Overload, esp. if it's in conjunction with BFAW that procs a BO?
Both tooltips say "Omni-Directional Disruptor Beam Array [Acc] [Dmg] [Arc] Mk XII [Dmg]". (Those are the "Potential outcome" tooltips, by the way. My rank isn't high enough to craft them.) There are actually several things strange about the tooltips.
1. Why do the very rare and ultra rare versions have the same number of modifiers?
2. Why are three of the modifiers listed before the mark instead of after like in all other weapons?
They're probably WIP tooltips. Though the VR having that many mods points to "special" items, which sometimes "violate" the proc/mod "rules" so to speak.
Given that 1 Proc ~= 1 Mod (evidenced by multiple items in the game), we generally see the following (where AP's proc is a mod):
Common 1 Proc
Uncommon 1 Proc & 1 Mod
Rare 1 Proc & 2 Mods
Very Rare 1 Proc & 3 Mods
Ultra Rare 1 Proc & 4 Mods
There are dual proc VR weapons that give up a mod for the second proc. There are the Nanites with their two half procs for a "single" proc and thus still having three mods.
But then we have things like the Spiral Wave Disruptors. [Disruptor][Phaser][Acc]x2[Dmg]x2 for a total of 6x proc/mods on an VR item where one would expect 4x proc/mods.
Looking at one of my guys right now...and "special" items:
Elachi Torp is a Rare with 3x mods and a proc. It's +1 the expected.
Heavy Crescent Cannon is a rare with 3x mods and a proc. It's +1 the expected.
Disruptor Quad Cannon is a VR with 4x mods and a proc. Again, it's +1 the expected.
Course, there's the KCB with it's 3x mods and no proc...suggesting it's -1 the expected. One could say that it has an unlisted [Arc] for the 360, but it's also -8 power instead of -10 power. Have to wonder if the -8 instead of -10 "counts" as the +1 the expected and it's just a case the [Arc] is unlisted.
So, is the +1 the expected a result of the item being "special" - being a unique item? Still wouldn't explain the SWDs with 6x. Heh, the Dil cost might
With those new weapons in the crafting though, like you said (keeping in mind the mods listed may not match what other folks see):
Very Rare Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo Launcher [CrtD][CrtH] Mk VI [Dmg]
Ultra Rare Particle Emission Plasma Torpedo Launcher [CrtD][CrtH] Mk VI [CrtH][Dmg]
Obviously the Mk VI is wrong, lol. But those torps trade their Plasma DoT proc for a Plasma Cloud (no chance listed, so not a proc - just an effect?). So these follow the expected numbers even though as a "special" item it suggests they should be +1 the expected. The VR has 3x mods + "proc" and the UR has 4x mods + "proc". Is the Plasma Cloud not being chance based mean that it's counting as two procs, and that's where the +1 the expected is?
But if we look at a Beam, say the following...
Very Rare Omni-Directional Tetryon Beam Array [Acc][Dmg][Arc] Mk XII [Dmg]
Ultra Rare Omni-Directional Tetryon Beam Array [Acc][Dmg][Arc] Mk XII [Dmg]
...we've got a VR version that's doing the +1 the expected (as becomes potentially expected for a "special" item) with a UR version that's not doing the +1 the expected. It's got the same number as the VR.
Is Cryptic establishing the +1 the expected for single items/"special" items - in which case the VR version is correct and the UR is missing either a proc or a the VR version wrong (which would conflict with what they suggest occurs with "special" items). Shouldn't the UR version either have an additional mod or proc...or something along those lines, a better proc - reduced power cost - etc, etc, etc to distinguish it from the VR version?
The same thing happens while looking at Wide Arc DHCs. There's nothing distinguishing the VR and UR versions.
Sure, they'll likely get their +2.5% base damage bump somewhere for being UR instead of VR...but what's going to happen regarding the procs/mods?
Basically, yeah - it's all massively WIP - but I'm a wee bit OCD on the consistency angle...and it would be nifty to know where their train of thought is on the UR stuff there.
No, the RNG is there to stay. I suspect it'll be similar to the upgrade gems system they use in Champions Online. See, they sell catalysts that make the RNG failure chance lower, as well as saving your mats should it all fail.
Only if Redshirt is not up as well...and Redshirt is up.
It does require line of sight. That's the tradeoff for the updated high-damage dealing, shield-penetrating, kinetic damage. It's generally pretty exploitative gameplay to shoot things through walls, and the original probably never should have been able to do that.
Edit: Yes, because it's kinetic, Borg do not adapt to it. We may add Kinetic to their adaptation though, that seems like a kind of thing they'd be able to do.
Systems Designer - Cryptic Studios
Twitter: @JeffAHamilton
1: There is a new TR-116 coming? How did I miss that?
2: Kinetic adaptation for the Borg would be very bad. It wouldd make melee weapons very much poorer.
3:Is it not the middle of the night Cryptic-Summer-time? How are yuo responding at this time?
I actually like Delta Rising.
It's SOP to carry a melee weapon against the Borg for the exact reason that they DON'T adapt to it. That's also why the [Borg] mod on the ground works. If they could adapt to kinetic damage, I'm pretty sure they'd have done it, rendering Wor's mek'leth in ST:FC useless because Picard already put bullets into them (projectiles effectively being small, high-powered piercing objects - same as arrows and swords but a lot faster).
No, the Borg CANNOT adapt to Kinetic damage.
Hypothetically then, they could adapt to melee weapons? Or do those do Physical as opposed to Kinetic? I don't recall at the moment.
Joined January 2009
melee weapons deal kinetic damage? i don't ground much, i thought they just dealt typeless damage of some kind, or physical. i could see a slug thrower dealing knetic, but a grenade shockwave is gonna hurt you difference then getting stabbed.
You're right, it would. Which means, if the TR is doing kinetic damage, physics says that the weapon is doing it wrong. In reality, yes - bullets do the same general form of damage as being stabbed (entering your body and damaging things inside), while a grenade deals damage differently. So, the TR *does* need to be doing the same damage as a sword.
It seems more like inability to adapt to kinetic is what we saw in the shows and movies though. For canon reasons then I'd rather see Borg be unable to adapt, though I'd be unopposed to giving them kinetic resistance for balance reasons so that kinetic weapons did not have a complete advantage over energy weapons. I also am biased in that I'd be interested in getting a weapon immune from adaptation as it is, even if said weapon had lower overall dps than weapons which do require periodic adjustment.
It's a neverending discussion, so just me let quickly represent the counter-point:
The only time we saw for example bullets used against them, they were from the Holodeck. That may be that they were actually energy attacks (holographic), or they may have been replicated (the background lore states that holodecks use holographics, tractor beams and replicators, but that has never been confirmed on screen) and thus as real as you can get on the Holodeck, but in either case - he killed only a very small number of Borg there. No more than were killed with phasers (in fact, less) over the course of that episode. It may just point out that the Borg always need some time to adapt.
The physical weapons used against them could also present a different case - the energy of these weapons is too low to be of serious concern normally, and if the borg shields would protect against such energy, they would also have trouble interacting with their environment or performing their melee-assimilation-trick. So it may just be a trade-off the Borg are willing to accept. (Especially if you consider Lancaster's law for melee and for ranged combat. Ranged combat weapons make superior numbers have a much stronger effect than melee weapons, so the Borg protect themselves against ranged weapons, and count on their numbers and their assimilation ability to deal with melee combat losses.)
But one can of course interpret both possibilities from First Contact et al.
Umm blame the DS9 writers, but exploitative??? its what the god damn thing does on the show.
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
I didnt test that gun, but plz dont kill Ground PVP like Space PVP got killeded..
Plz dont turn Ground PVP in to more Tacts online with a gun that by pass shields and deal high-damage..
We are at your mercy.. plz.. dont give ground PVP another oneshot gun..
I beg you.. plz.. dont kill ground PVP!
Division Hispana
Actually the one on the show was a custom built model. I could see Starfleet (especially Starfleet) classifying what Chulak did to the gun. The basic model lacked the see through walls scouter and lacked the mini-transporter. And yes, it was exploitative *in universe*. So us getting a basic version that lacks that functionality makes total sense to me. And I'm ok with it because even without that power, this gun is gonna be top tier.
Also it gives the guys who got the A as a preorder still have a niche and something special.
TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
However, it should retain the lack of Borg adaptation. Or it should be changed to physical damage as has been said.
How about this Dev's, if they adapt to the kinetic damage, how about they give up some of their resistance to energy damage as a penalty????
I can see this adding to gameplay... they beef up their kinetic... we switch to energy... so on... kinda like the remodulation we have to do now.
Wadda ya think?
This change would negatively affect grenades and demolitions. If you do this, will we be able to remodulate our kit abilities? Will Omega Graviton Pulse Module slow down the Borg's adaptation to our kit abilities? Maybe, you should just give the TR-116's a new damage type; call it "ballistic" or something. Of course, you would need to make sure that shields and armor have resistances against this new damage type.
Wouldn't that depend on the amount of shield penetration? The wiki page for the TR-116A says that the shield penetration is 20%. I'm not sure if that's out of date. I also haven't check the shield penetration on the new gun. If the shield penetration is too high, maybe they can scale it back a bit or make it affect only the Borg.
until Beams get a
Beam rapid fire
Beam volley Fire
the only thing we got that works
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Theres a few special Items that will only exist in Purple or Ultra Violet quality, ( Level O in the school and it has 100 Percent Purple) so those might actually be worth your time
If they add kinetic adaptation, this is exactly the way it has to be done. Adapted to Energy? Ok, switch to Kinetics and they're not adapting to it. Kinetics are adapted to? Fine, all Energy Adaptations are removed and Phasers are more effective at taking down the Borg.
After all they're two different styles of shielding - Kinetic Shielding means you have to slow the bullet to a non-lethal level, Energy Shielding means you have to disappate the energy.
That would even things out. Plus you could start to introduce Kinetic PSGs for players.
TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
Wait. What?! There's a new version?
Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"