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Petition to Revoke FTP



  • meathook2099meathook2099 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    HAH, The whole point of FTP not being P2W is that ALL CONTENT is free, and as for players guiding the direction of a game, the only game where that works is Planetside 2

    Then enjoy 10 new ships to grind that rep.
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Then enjoy 10 new ships to grind that rep.

    ?, i have been playing for 2 years, i know how to efficiently get my dil on my 6 toons, dilthium os very little of a problem for me, and i can get 300 zen per day with that dil. means a ship every 9 days if i want.
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    No leave the first 50 levels F2P and release new mission packs and content at 3 month intervals that have to be purchased. If they suck nobody will buy them.
    That way the players are in control of the future direction of the game.

    .... how bout it stays the same as is cryptic releases new content when it's ready and we keep ftp, ftp.

    and players will never control the direction of the game. because that what the devs get payed to do.

    I'm not even going to ask why you think that mission packs would somehow turn players into devs.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • fourxgamerfourxgamer Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This thread inspired me to go get aides. Everyone should have them. Worked for Jared.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    nciss wrote: »
    There have been a series of continuing problems that the company refuses to address and we are currently looking at the FTP as the main source of the problem. Star Trek Online only has one server that we are aware of, but we are looking to the community to begin a petition against STO to remand the Free to Play. This FTP has brought every kind of child from World of ******** and beyond to our world where many of us are Betas' & pre-launch Lifetime Subscribers.

    Many of us have put a lot of work & effort into this game including all of the people that have built the Foundry to what it is today. Many of the folks in the community, myself & my staff included don't believe this is fair to us. We all have so much invested that FTP should have NEVER been an option to begin with. Please take time to check the Forums and leave feedback. Also keep an eye out for the Petition to revoke FTP and sign it.

    my my! entitled arent you? but like any other entitlement claim it will be ignored, forgotten and quietly swept under the rug. complain all you like, play the game or leave the game and they are your options.

    since you failed to realize a petition is not allowed, if you plan on leaving the game out of nerdrage or whatever, dont create a thread about it either as that not allowed as well.

    fyi i didnt come from WoW, i came from sim racing and fps shooters. it took a very short time to adapt to the game and this was back at the end of 2010. further i bought an lts last year, i got no need to be entitled to anything, i can make a complaint as much as the next person but thats as far as it goes and i just play the game, take time out when needed and such.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • meathook2099meathook2099 Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    nightken wrote: »
    .... how bout it stays the same as is cryptic releases new content when it's ready and we keep ftp, ftp.

    and players will never control the direction of the game. because that what the devs get payed to do.

    I'm not even going to ask why you think that mission packs would somehow turn players into devs.

    The same way that Coca Cola knows if a new flavour is a hit or not.
    Because if it sucks it bombs and you do something else next time like
    ask your players what they would like to see.
    It happens all the time with countless products all over the world.
    I play this game because I've been a trekkie for 30 years and it's the only game in town.
    That doesn't make me a glassy eyed zombie drinking the kool aid though.:D
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Yeah, I always thought there were to many people playing STO. So get rid of F2P. Maybe I can finally win one of those surfboard races then.

    Mustrum "Single Player Games FTW" Ridcully

    Because if it sucks it bombs and you do something else next time like
    ask your players what they would like to see.
    It happens all the time with countless products all over the world.
    I think that is also the method Cryptic is using. They don't give you polls to do so, but they can look at their numbers and data and see what is going on. But you (or me) personally may still not always like the results. Lockboxes seem to work well for Cryptic, but I hate the very idea of them. But the keys sell.
    Exploration content is removed because new players were found to give up on STO after playing them and being stuck in them (due to bugs, poor missino design, whatever).
    The thing is - This is a business. Not player wishes and desires drive businesses - what makes their money makes the business. Ideally, these are the same, but that is not always the case.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Member Posts: 1,606 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    fourxgamer wrote: »
    This thread inspired me to go get aides. Everyone should have them. Worked for Jared.

    It inspired me to go by my Ascendant Sign, Cancer. ;)
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    They can never get rid of FTP, because that FTP player is... YOU! Or, rather, it *was* you. That is how it works. People don't all start out as lifetimers: they get sucked in because of FTP; then, one day, they just gotta have that shiny lockbox ship, and they start pulling their wallet (and will continue to do so from that moment on). That's the marketing model, at least.
  • agentexeideragentexeider Member Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    While I am usually against the F2P model, I do acknowledge that there is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it.

    Cryptic is doing it the wrong way, and by the wrong way, i mean in terms of the way in which they monetize just about everything.

    They strain the definition of MICRO in Micro-Transaction, the content given the majority of the development time is the pay for content.

    alas, the "free" content is not given alot of priority.

    bugs and exploits abound in the game, some being years old.

    this is because the focus to keep the game running is MONETIZATION. the upcoming crafting update is a further attempt to do this.

    Grinding is in the game to keep people from being able to go through the "free" content too quickly, because in reality there really isn't much of it.

    these are the realities of the F2P model, and the mediocrity that exists in the game stands next to other things that are steller, the overall experience is lop sided.

    And for the record, the reason for the game's issues pre F2P was not because of the P2P model, it was because of Atari's gross mismanagement of their house which included Cryptic, it had nothing to do with the subscription based model whatsoever.

    This is proven by the fact that the amount of money PWE paid for Cryptic was actually more then they were worth, PWE paid not only for Cryptic but even to pay off Atari's debts, which Atari basically made out in the deal.

    So the fault of why we are in the situation that we are in is Atari's fault NOT Cryptic's.

    That being said, Cryptic being owned by PWE means they MUST institute the policies of their corporate masters. meaning the grind-y nature of Asian style MMOS are to be expected here.

    Because of the F2P transition, the only content that will get a fair development is anything that makes money period, anything that does not is essentially ignored, henced why buggy content is released, it's not properly QAed, and why it's constantly rushed out the door, expansions getting only a month on the test server, and the feedback, some of which is well constructed is rarely if ever listened to. and the test server is nothing more then a debut stage of what's next in the comedic procession of what is peddled for content coming from that studio.

    Do you not think Cryptic staff has realized how horrible crafting revamp is? They are reasonably intelligent people, they have come to the same conclusion but realize their hands are collectively tied, since they are essentially beholden to their Korean masters.

    short of going from person to person in that office and figuring out who is "in on it" and complicit with PWE's policies and those who have to go along with it, we will never know how much Cryptic is culpable.

    but in the end, here we are, stuck with the worst version of F2P that could of been, this was foreseen by many during the initial transition for those folks to only be silenced and banned because of it.

    it is what it is and there isn't anything WE the consumers can do about it, we are powerless and ultimately nothing more then cash cows, milked for our hard earned dollars for our Korean overlords.

    You have two choices, accept it and deal with it or leave. and I'm not saying that to be mean, it may be time to consider your losses and just cut and run and find another game to play.

    I at least have the benefit of being able to leave for a time and come back just to check on the game to see if it's improved.....i'm still waiting.

    keep in mind that this shouldn't be your only game, the reason you feel a sense of ownership or of being trapped is that this may be your only game, and therefore feel you have no where else to go.

    find other games that entertain you, and who knows you may find a game that is more fair to you then inhabit that world.

    it's sad to say but it is what it is.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    nciss wrote: »
    We all have so much invested that FTP should have NEVER been an option to begin with.

    While I think that there are those of us who look back at the Atari era with some sense of nostalgia for many reasons (the content was more enjoyable , the rate of new content was better , the dev interaction was better , the community was ... dare I say better ... or at least in a better shape) -- putting that aside , I'm afraid that I don't see what you want to petition happening .

    Now unlike many in this thread , I'm not saying this to be mean .

    I just hope that you understand (even if you don't like it like, just like I don't like it) , that things have fundamentally changed .
    Many things .
    The Lockboxes seemingly have began to generate great revenue .
    Greater then we've had during the $15 Sub era .
    And games are treated like a business ... -- they go were the money is .

    Now unlike you , I for example make a distinction between F2P and where we are in respect to the game .

    F2P is a money thing .
    However the "content" thing is , can and could be different .
    THAT is Cryptic's fault to a certain point , but it's also PWE's fault ... depending on how much pressure they bring to bear on Cryptic .

    This game could be F2P and it could be awesome 60%-70% of the year .
    Instead it's awesome about twice a year , and does the "TV reruns" for the rest of the year .
  • notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    nciss wrote: »
    There have been a series of continuing problems that the company refuses to address and we are currently looking at the FTP as the main source of the problem. Star Trek Online only has one server that we are aware of, but we are looking to the community to begin a petition against STO to remand the Free to Play. This FTP has brought every kind of child from World of ******** and beyond to our world where many of us are Betas' & pre-launch Lifetime Subscribers.

    Many of us have put a lot of work & effort into this game including all of the people that have built the Foundry to what it is today. Many of the folks in the community, myself & my staff included don't believe this is fair to us. We all have so much invested that FTP should have NEVER been an option to begin with. Please take time to check the Forums and leave feedback. Also keep an eye out for the Petition to revoke FTP and sign it.

    Petition declined.
    Send this PetaQ to Rura Penthe in nothing more than a thong.
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
    Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

  • tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I'd like to point out the fact that F2P cannot be revoked.....

    Unless another company buys cryptic from PWE.

    All of PWE's games are F2P, they will NEVER force someone to pay a subscription to their games.

    Good luck convincing someone to buy cryptic from PWE at PWE's most likely over-inflated price since Cryptic games are becoming quiet popular for PWE's wallet.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I would also just like to add my lol's here.

  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    While I am usually against the F2P model, I do acknowledge that there is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it.

    Cryptic is doing it the wrong way, and by the wrong way, i mean in terms of the way in which they monetize just about everything.

    They strain the definition of MICRO in Micro-Transaction, the content given the majority of the development time is the pay for content.

    alas, the "free" content is not given alot of priority.

    bugs and exploits abound in the game, some being years old.

    this is because the focus to keep the game running is MONETIZATION. the upcoming crafting update is a further attempt to do this.

    Grinding is in the game to keep people from being able to go through the "free" content too quickly, because in reality there really isn't much of it.

    these are the realities of the F2P model, and the mediocrity that exists in the game stands next to other things that are steller, the overall experience is lop sided.

    And for the record, the reason for the game's issues pre F2P was not because of the P2P model, it was because of Atari's gross mismanagement of their house which included Cryptic, it had nothing to do with the subscription based model whatsoever.

    This is proven by the fact that the amount of money PWE paid for Cryptic was actually more then they were worth, PWE paid not only for Cryptic but even to pay off Atari's debts, which Atari basically made out in the deal.

    So the fault of why we are in the situation that we are in is Atari's fault NOT Cryptic's.


    the devs went f2p and there is no right or wrong way about it. in order to fit the free to 2 play status is has to be essentially free content at the core to play. by the strictest use of the words and unfortunately for you and myself and others, its fit exactly to the T and as far as free content goes, we recently got a lot of 8472 TRIBBLE, dinosaurs with lasers on their heads and an esd revamp with more later, it seems to be a priority.

    bug and exploits are a part of any mmo, why single out sto? and the devs have been known to sort out issues in the past, at least the serious ones, the less serious ones can be ignored due to a strict schedule from the looks of it and thats the same for any other mmo otherwise the community will end up in a riot.

    there were numerous issues going off at the time then any one issue, and at the time cryptic were apart of atari and if you can blame atari then cryptic is just as responsible for it as atari were. anyways, the f2p at the time was coming so its not like the p2p was ever a point to be made.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Who are the "We" you refer to?

    And STO was close to death before it went F2P, you should thank your lucky stars that you still have a game to play.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Who are the "We" you refer to?

    And STO was close to death before it went F2P, you should thank your lucky stars that you still have a game to play.

    you care to point out whom you are referring to?
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,684 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    F2P has brought a lot of new income in to the game im a f2p person but i have payed for a lot of stuff 12 fed ships 7 kdf 4 rom 12 costumes, costume slots + a lot of respec tokens, fleet modules, c-store tribbles, bank slots, account bank, n ive opened lockboxs n got 2 lockbox ships. saying F2P should be revoked is silly this game has done nothing but grow under F2P were before it went F2P its growth was not even half of its growth rate, that it is now.

    was there a single expansion when the game was P2P no this year the 2nd one is on its way why do u think that is its because a lot of people wont to try before they buy u no like getting a new car now there can n do i would not of started playing if this game was not F2P
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    you care to point out whom you are referring to?

    The original poster.
  • phantomeightphantomeight Member Posts: 567 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2014
    Well done OP, well done. It's an excellent post for inciting many reactionary posts. /thread for many reasons
    join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
  • kaeajakaeaja Member Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    nciss wrote: »
    There have been a series of continuing problems that the company refuses to address and we are currently looking at the FTP as the main source of the problem. Star Trek Online only has one server that we are aware of, but we are looking to the community to begin a petition against STO to remand the Free to Play. This FTP has brought every kind of child from World of ******** and beyond to our world where many of us are Betas' & pre-launch Lifetime Subscribers.

    Many of us have put a lot of work & effort into this game including all of the people that have built the Foundry to what it is today. Many of the folks in the community, myself & my staff included don't believe this is fair to us. We all have so much invested that FTP should have NEVER been an option to begin with. Please take time to check the Forums and leave feedback. Also keep an eye out for the Petition to revoke FTP and sign it.

    Dude....really? I'll have you know that I have put ALOT of time and effort into this game even though I haven't paid to play, wait not that's not true I HAVE PAID TO PLAY, I have spent so much money on this game buying points to get ships and what not that the amount ive spent was likely enough to get a Lifetime Sub TWICE! So get your thumbs out of your butt and stop pointing the finger at us FTPers
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Seems this person don't really care about the game.

    F2P has made the game better, and brought in many new customers. I joined up shortly after it became F2P. Why? Cause I just quit WoW and their stupid Subscription. Where I can't justify to pay anymore. At 15$ per month, or $180 per year. And after 2 years its $360. So it adds up. And guess what they charge you for store purchases as well on top of that. It got to the point where I couldn't justify paying for what time I log on to play. My life, work, family all changed since those days. So now I'm doing good logging in 4 hours per week. To me this drawn me to the game was F2P.

    And don't think I'm being cheap and didn't want to help the game. I bought lots of Zen since then for stuff I want. And items that came from lockboxes, where someone bought zen just to open them. And put it up on the exchange.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Cryptic is doing it the wrong way, and by the wrong way, i mean in terms of the way in which they monetize just about everything.

    They strain the definition of MICRO in Micro-Transaction, the content given the majority of the development time is the pay for content.

    alas, the "free" content is not given alot of priority.

    bugs and exploits abound in the game, some being years old.

    this is because the focus to keep the game running is MONETIZATION. the upcoming crafting update is a further attempt to do this.

    Monetization is not, or should not be, a dirty word when you're talking about computer games. STO tried a subscriber / narrative content based solution, which was fun and a lot more good-natured than the game is now; however, it nearly crashed in the process - perhaps that's more down to Atari than the game itself.

    The thing is... all you can really say is "I don't like this". What Cryptic will (rightly) be looking at is how much money the game is making and what's selling, as well as (I hope) some general market research.

    All I can observe is that in the current in-game economy, I haven't had to spend any real money in two years. I am conscious that other people are spending their money to buy the dilithium I sell, but they've clearly got more disposable income than I do so more power to them.

    Yes, new content needs to generate enough money to justify the development effort. That's called having a business plan.
  • jockey1979jockey1979 Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Wow, the OP is one hack of a Troll, even SFD jumped on the band wagon to beat him(or her) back !!!!

    Didn't anyone stop to ask, why, by page 3 had the OP not posted again ??, then by page 10 even Stevie Wonder could clearly see how bad the trolling session was with this thread.

    Best part is, ain't the first time that OP has done this. And so, so many of you reacted - again :confused:

    There are mice in a Lab out there, just finishing their little maze, currently feeling smarter than you lot :P

    @ OP Well done, I'd not have thought you'd get away with that style of trolling twice. Bravo.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Anyone who played STO on day 1 , or just started playing yesterday, is a Beta tester
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    and there's not a single thing in this game that you can point to as an example of how things should be done in other MMO's.

    The Dil/Zen economy is one.
  • hravikhravik Member Posts: 1,203 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Am I too late to set up the popcorn stand?
  • scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,383 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    hravik wrote: »
    Am I too late to set up the popcorn stand?

    *Opens popcorn stand*

    You are now. :P We could still use some drinks though.
  • torlacitorlaci Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I for one am tired of playing spaceships with the freeloading hoi polloi. I wholeheartedly endorse the opey's petition and will have my staff sign it. I can't believe some of you ftp scum don't have a staff. Disgusting.
  • gavshawgavshaw Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Let me think about this for a moment....

    How about, NO.

    Now I'm part of the big s***storm that is this thread. Do I get something shiny?

    Yes, I fly a Dreadnought cruiser. Deal with it.
This discussion has been closed.