Of all the ships you own, which would you say is your one absolute favourite to fly and why? It doesn't necessarily have to be the one with the strongest hull, or the one you can make deal the highest amount of DPS, just the one that if you had to fly around in one ship and one ship only for the rest of time, you'd choose.
For me, it's a bit of an odd one. I have an Oddy, a Fleet Gal-X, a Regent, a Mobius, a DSD, an Excelsior Retrofit...all ships which are probably better on paper than what I'm choosing, yet I still keep coming back to my Mirror Heavy Cruiser Retrofit, which of course was the runner-up prize in the Hirogen Lockbox and cost me 100k EC if memory serves.
I have no idea what it is about this one that keeps drawing me back to using it, but somehow it seems to just fit my play style and preferences. I guess it's like Picard said about the Stargazer in "Relics".
It was an overworked, underpowered vessel, always on the verge of flying apart at the seams. In every measurable sense, my Enterprise is far superior. But there are times when I would give almost anything... to command the Stargazer again.
To start, cruisers... always been my iconic favorite ship class. Have flown about every ship this game has made, including a lucky catch of a Wells Temporal. However cruisers... yeah, the angles, the way they turn, crossing the T to broadside the daylights out of anything...
...Excalibur... Constellation... Galaxy... Sovereign... tried the Celestial class... stuck with the Sovy for a long time, then the first gal-X appeared, then the initial Odyssey, back to the Sovy, a lot of the Sovy (with the imperial skin added,) then the Excelsior, the Regent Sovy, then the Tac Odyssey, over to the Fleet Excel, back and forth with Excel and Ody, then the Fleet Sovy reached a dream build, with A2B assist. Then the Ambassador and Fleet Amb after, then back and forth again with the Tac Ody and Fleet Sovy, and then currently the Fleet Gal-X arrives.
Having a HARD time getting out of the USS Destiny Universe now, as the addition of fighters to the Gal-X got another decent want out of my system, (after seeing Armatige Tac Class with fighters, and then playing around with the Atrox and Obelisk carriers, mainly on my Sci toon,) and then grinding my eyes dead and dry, getting a full suite of Elite fighters for my Gal-X...
...I think you can guess my favorite tub, at this point. :P
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Fed: For day-to-day I use a Fleet Avenger. For Foundry reviews, my T4 Galaxy.
KDF: Mirror Negh'Var. The thing's a beast.
I'm still leveling the Rom.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
I have 2 that I cannot really pick between, and the reasons are similar.
My recluse, sci rom. It can serve as a supersized science ship, or a super dyson, and those fighters really bring a lot to a fight. It packs in the dps and durability. And it is very active; steering it requires skill, and set up with forward weapons (dual banks) fighting is more than just mashing faw and dinking at things; I have to face the targets and interact.
And my engineer borg kdf in a norgh BOP. Here again flexibility in builds is amazing and combat is an interesting dance of keeping the ship alive while melting things. The turn rate is amazing and its small crew can repair the hull very quickly to handle any bleedthru damage. I can literally have any set of officer skills imaginable.
Most of the rest really pale compared to those. My rom tac DD gets a good honorable mention. I am a fan of the vet destroyer (any faction) as a flexible, well rounded ship, but its not awesome so much as "pretty good". So I guess what I like are ships that support a bunch of builds and allow excessive tinkering, and I dislike the ships with (cmdr, ltcmdr) of the same type that are shoved into one or two viable builds.
To start, cruisers... always been my iconic favorite ship class. Have flown about every ship this game has made, including a lucky catch of a Wells Temporal. However cruisers... yeah, the angles, the way they turn, crossing the T to broadside the daylights out of anything...
...Excalibur... Constellation... Galaxy... Sovereign... tried the Celestial class... stuck with the Sovy for a long time, then the first gal-X appeared, then the initial Odyssey, back to the Sovy, a lot of the Sovy (with the imperial skin added,) then the Excelsior, the Regent Sovy, then the Tac Odyssey, over to the Fleet Excel, back and forth with Excel and Ody, then the Fleet Sovy reached a dream build, with A2B assist. Then the Ambassador and Fleet Amb after, then back and forth again with the Tac Ody and Fleet Sovy, and then currently the Fleet Gal-X arrives.
Having a HARD time getting out of the USS Destiny Universe now, as the addition of fighters to the Gal-X got another decent want out of my system, (after seeing Armatige Tac Class with fighters, and then playing around with the Atrox and Obelisk carriers, mainly on my Sci toon,) and then grinding my eyes dead and dry, getting a full suite of Elite fighters for my Gal-X...
...I think you can guess my favorite tub, at this point. :P
Do you have your Fleet Dreadnought build on STO Academy? Curious to see your build and rep powers for that Aux2Batt build.
Oh and the Vesta Class for me: my Fed eng/sci/tac all fly again the tactical version.
i have two favorites that make me come back to every time: the Fleet Defiant/ Defiant R has been a staple for me and reliable for my time in STO she is beautiful. my second tied in fun to drive would have to be my Wells she just feels sooo good to fly about in and can drop science on foes like no tomorrow. both these since i acquired both have been my most commonly used ships to help my chars improve
A the moment it would be either the Ambassador or the Mirror Cheyenne. The Nebula would also be a contender, but I've kinda gone off science ships lately.
Now if there were an Ambassador kitbash variant of the Heavy Cruiser, I'd have my perfect ship. :cool:
Personally, I prefer my Fleet issue Akira Class Escort Carrier.
I started using the Dyson Destroyer (not the C-Store variants) as a ship of choice against the Voth, but my Akira class has gotten me through Elite STFs and missions against the Voth, Tholians, and now the Undine, with little to no difficulty. The USS All Under Heaven will always be my ship of choice for general combat and exploration (partly because it cost my 2000 ZEN...).
I equip her with dual cannons, turrets, two photon torpedo launchers, and a kinetic cutting beam. The MACO set works rather well for an escort class that always wants to stay alive more than a minute under direct fire. Having a squadron of Peregrine fighters is always nice as well.
Oh geez, I'm a cruiser sailor at heart. I get the most joy out of TWoK style ships (Miranda, Refit Constitution, and the upcoming Constellation). However, my favorite go-to ship is the Odyssey followed by the Sovereign as a close second. For my Klingons it's between the Bortasqu and the Refit B'Rel. My Romulan flies the D'Deridex but I may get her the Mogai.
Member since November 2009... I think. (UFP) Ragnar
Recently I've been flying the Breen Chel Gret and Mobius Temporal Destroyer.
Having gotten my Nicor bio-ship last night, it is now my current favorite. Although the planet-killer beam got nerfed to make it player-viable, its firing animation makes for some serious eye candy.
I compared it to many C-Store ships and I have a very hard time trying to justify spending 2500 Zen for another ship. Sure there are ships that have sturdier hulls, more consoles, gimmicky saucer separations... but is it worth spending 2500 Zen for? No... not at this time.
Since I have only recently finished Temporal Ambassador, I have not played around with my somewhat newly received T3 Ambassador support cruiser. Maybe I will load it up with some gear and take it for a spin in an elite STF mission.
It's hard to choose but I guess my two favorite in looks Is probably the Imperial Class And the Nicor Bio-Warship (I don't really own the Nicor but I will soon, hopefully). In power my Bulwark all the way.
I'm sorry to people who I, in the past, insulted, annoyed, etc.
tac KDF: B'rel retro set up as sci heavy. i dead you with cloaked science!!!!!
Sci Rom: D'D retro
Eng Fed: Tac Odyssey with chevron and aquarius
i do like the oddy i feel it is a worthy and true successor to the galaxy. never found the sov as a replacement or successor to the galaxy wile it was a good ship it just not comparable. the galaxy was a multi role exploration ship/front line fleet command ship. the sov is a nimble heavy cruiser mainly built for combat with the same fire power as a galaxy but with out the role flexibility
my favourite ship is my promethus class escort(warship) as i am able to blow up enemies fast and hard while me myself is perfectly safe (ok a little damage is expected)
Hard question for someone like me, played since launch, have collected 2 separate lock box set, Oddys, vestas, scimis, avenger, mohg, etc etc etc, play the Oddy most (tactical version on an Eng with bfaw perfected build) BUT I lean towards my wells, aeon pait job, black on lack.. so much fun, so versatile, and yes abusive when I pvp for sure, Ive been rotating out a lot of wierd gear for fun, less cheese for serious runs... So yea once completed the Wells sci vessel is awesome. One of my sure fire favorites after all this time.
Fed, I always come back to my Odyssey. It just fits me, my playstyle and personality. Ambassador is a close second, and on paper its probably a better choice, but its missing some intangible.
Romulan, the get that same sensation when I'm in my D'deridex. Other ships might be mechanically superior, but the DD is always my first pick when feeling green.
Klingon, I've got a number of ships I enjoy and I'd probably lean towards the Tor'kaht (though bops and heavy carriers are so much fun to fly), but I've never found anything that I can really call mine. Tried a dozen different endgame ships, but never found one where I know 'this is where I belong.' Can't put my finger on it.
Cross faction, strangely I end up with the Plesh Brek. I'm not normally one for cross faction stuff (Feds should fly Starfleet ships, Klingons should fly KDF, etc), but when I popped this thing open to make a NWS-specific build, it just fit like a glove. Where I've stuggled with Ning'taos and Armitages and Corvettes, this odd little guy just zips around doing everything I ask and never breaking a sweat. It just works.
If I had to choose one ship from the entire game that I have most fun with that would probably be the Excelsior. I have many ships I love and enjoy, but the Excel just fits like a glove to me.
For the way I play and what my goals in game are, the Excelsior is pure awesomness and ton of fun to fly.
I love my Fleet Excelsior, it's a very forgiving and somewhat agile cruiser. I might change my mind when my fleet gets a T4 shipyard and I can try the fleet Avenger.
Well I love escorts. Fast, powerful, versatile. And one of the iconic escorts everybody should love (if you don't I'll beam aboard your ship and fly it into the sun) is the Akira class. It has 1 of the most unique designs out of a lot of starships. Again, versatile and very deadly. And since I'm a torpedo guy, she's even more beautiful to me. Ah, LOVE that ship!
Joined trill - science - Full dysan fed destroyer
Human borg - engineer Full D'kora (inc 2 conconsole sets)
But my most favourite has got to be
Human - borg - Engineer Fleet Galaxy X Dreadnaught with Danube Shuttles and Saucer Separation. Sorry guys I have every cruiser in the game and this just looks and feels like it should. Sure the turn rate is kinda knaff but I compensate by flying slower or loose the saucer.
if I have to pick ONE, it the Jemnaught, but dang if I don't like rolling in the Recluse.
for Rom, I love the T'varo just can't seem to get the submarine thing down well enough
KDF, they are both rocking the Carp
...Excalibur... Constellation... Galaxy... Sovereign... tried the Celestial class... stuck with the Sovy for a long time, then the first gal-X appeared, then the initial Odyssey, back to the Sovy, a lot of the Sovy (with the imperial skin added,) then the Excelsior, the Regent Sovy, then the Tac Odyssey, over to the Fleet Excel, back and forth with Excel and Ody, then the Fleet Sovy reached a dream build, with A2B assist. Then the Ambassador and Fleet Amb after, then back and forth again with the Tac Ody and Fleet Sovy, and then currently the Fleet Gal-X arrives.
Having a HARD time getting out of the USS Destiny Universe now, as the addition of fighters to the Gal-X got another decent want out of my system, (after seeing Armatige Tac Class with fighters, and then playing around with the Atrox and Obelisk carriers, mainly on my Sci toon,) and then grinding my eyes dead and dry, getting a full suite of Elite fighters for my Gal-X...
...I think you can guess my favorite tub, at this point. :P
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Followed closely by the new Nicor and Dromias ships.
I'd love to kitbash them together. Oh yeah!
Which Oberth?
KDF: Mirror Negh'Var. The thing's a beast.
I'm still leveling the Rom.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
My recluse, sci rom. It can serve as a supersized science ship, or a super dyson, and those fighters really bring a lot to a fight. It packs in the dps and durability. And it is very active; steering it requires skill, and set up with forward weapons (dual banks) fighting is more than just mashing faw and dinking at things; I have to face the targets and interact.
And my engineer borg kdf in a norgh BOP. Here again flexibility in builds is amazing and combat is an interesting dance of keeping the ship alive while melting things. The turn rate is amazing and its small crew can repair the hull very quickly to handle any bleedthru damage. I can literally have any set of officer skills imaginable.
Most of the rest really pale compared to those. My rom tac DD gets a good honorable mention. I am a fan of the vet destroyer (any faction) as a flexible, well rounded ship, but its not awesome so much as "pretty good". So I guess what I like are ships that support a bunch of builds and allow excessive tinkering, and I dislike the ships with (cmdr, ltcmdr) of the same type that are shoved into one or two viable builds.
Do you have your Fleet Dreadnought build on STO Academy? Curious to see your build and rep powers for that Aux2Batt build.
Oh and the Vesta Class for me: my Fed eng/sci/tac all fly again the tactical version.
Now if there were an Ambassador kitbash variant of the Heavy Cruiser, I'd have my perfect ship. :cool:
I started using the Dyson Destroyer (not the C-Store variants) as a ship of choice against the Voth, but my Akira class has gotten me through Elite STFs and missions against the Voth, Tholians, and now the Undine, with little to no difficulty. The USS All Under Heaven will always be my ship of choice for general combat and exploration (partly because it cost my 2000 ZEN...).
I equip her with dual cannons, turrets, two photon torpedo launchers, and a kinetic cutting beam. The MACO set works rather well for an escort class that always wants to stay alive more than a minute under direct fire. Having a squadron of Peregrine fighters is always nice as well.
JHDC - play 95% of the time now.
JHAS - for tac.
Rom- Fleet D'Deridex
KDF- B'Rel
(UFP) Ragnar
Having gotten my Nicor bio-ship last night, it is now my current favorite. Although the planet-killer beam got nerfed to make it player-viable, its firing animation makes for some serious eye candy.
I compared it to many C-Store ships and I have a very hard time trying to justify spending 2500 Zen for another ship. Sure there are ships that have sturdier hulls, more consoles, gimmicky saucer separations... but is it worth spending 2500 Zen for? No... not at this time.
Since I have only recently finished Temporal Ambassador, I have not played around with my somewhat newly received T3 Ambassador support cruiser. Maybe I will load it up with some gear and take it for a spin in an elite STF mission.
I'm sorry to people who I, in the past, insulted, annoyed, etc.
Sci Rom: D'D retro
Eng Fed: Tac Odyssey with chevron and aquarius
i do like the oddy i feel it is a worthy and true successor to the galaxy. never found the sov as a replacement or successor to the galaxy wile it was a good ship it just not comparable. the galaxy was a multi role exploration ship/front line fleet command ship. the sov is a nimble heavy cruiser mainly built for combat with the same fire power as a galaxy but with out the role flexibility
KDF - Fleet K't'inga
Rom - Mogai Retro
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The USS Grissom was a righteous little ship!
Romulan, the get that same sensation when I'm in my D'deridex. Other ships might be mechanically superior, but the DD is always my first pick when feeling green.
Klingon, I've got a number of ships I enjoy and I'd probably lean towards the Tor'kaht (though bops and heavy carriers are so much fun to fly), but I've never found anything that I can really call mine. Tried a dozen different endgame ships, but never found one where I know 'this is where I belong.' Can't put my finger on it.
Cross faction, strangely I end up with the Plesh Brek. I'm not normally one for cross faction stuff (Feds should fly Starfleet ships, Klingons should fly KDF, etc), but when I popped this thing open to make a NWS-specific build, it just fit like a glove. Where I've stuggled with Ning'taos and Armitages and Corvettes, this odd little guy just zips around doing everything I ask and never breaking a sweat. It just works.
For the way I play and what my goals in game are, the Excelsior is pure awesomness and ton of fun to fly.
My favorite ship by looks? The DSSV's Nimbus class. With or without the bottom pod, it looks pretty cool.
Joined trill - science - Full dysan fed destroyer
Human borg - engineer Full D'kora (inc 2 conconsole sets)
But my most favourite has got to be
Human - borg - Engineer Fleet Galaxy X Dreadnaught with Danube Shuttles and Saucer Separation. Sorry guys I have every cruiser in the game and this just looks and feels like it should. Sure the turn rate is kinda knaff but I compensate by flying slower or loose the saucer.
Thanks for reading
Playing STO since Beta
Leader of S-P-Q-R
if I have to pick ONE, it the Jemnaught, but dang if I don't like rolling in the Recluse.
for Rom, I love the T'varo just can't seem to get the submarine thing down well enough
KDF, they are both rocking the Carp