The past two incarnations of this thread have been extremely effective at eventually resolving Ground PvP concerns. Many of the issues brought up in the previous version of this thread have been resolved with Season 9 and we are now under a significantly new kit system. As such, I felt a new thread would be warranted.
This is an overview of Ground PvP issues, please start a new thread if you wish to discuss a specific issue in detail.- List color legend:
- Dev fixed issues that are resolved and colored Green.
- Dev dismissed issues are resolved and colored Blue.
- Dev commented issues are currently unresolved and colored Orange.
- Issues currently without a dev comment are colored Yellow.
Posting format:
Ground ability / Item / Trait / Race / Other
Perceived issue summary
List begins here:
01. Kit ability: Suppressing Fire Issue: Suppressing Fire is a Tactical kit ability that has a 100% uptime. Prior to Season 9, this ability could be cleared for 15 seconds with Battle Strategies, but the Battle Strategies cleanse is now a one off and does not protect from Suppressing Fire. As a result, this ability does not have a downtime or viable counters.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic02. Kit ability: Lunge Issue: Lunge is an extremely powerful knockback ability that also provides 80% shield bypass. However, Lunge may be buffed with other tactical abilities to the point where every hit will one hit kill a player. It is currently possible to deal approximately 5,500 damage (before resistances) to a single player target with lunge. This far exceeds the highest possible Pulsewave Assault or Sniper Rifle shot damage potential.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic03. Kit ability combination: Rally Cry + Ambush Issue: A Tactical officer using Rally Cry + Ambush at the same time has a very high chance of exposing multiple targets while also providing a massive damage buff to a single attack, increased Critical chance, and increased Critical Severity which makes it extremely easy to follow up with an expose attack to one hit kill a player target.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic04. Kit abilities: Exothermic Induction Field/Hyperonic RadiationIssue: A Science officer may rack up multiple instances of Hyperonic Radiation and Exothermic Induction Field on a single target because neither ability has a minimum cooldown. Geologists significantly reduce the cooldown on both abilities and can potentially even instantly eliminate the cooldown on both abilities. This issue greatly increases when the Science officer is under a Tactical officer's Tactical initiative. A 15 second minimum cooldown (length of a single activation) would resolve the issue.
Status: "Sounds like category cooldowns might be in order on these - you shouldn't be able to have >1 actively affecting a target at any time, even with cooldown doffs." - borticuscryptic05. Kit ability: Stasis FieldIssue: Stasis Field suffers from the obsolete "half duration vs players" penalty that was introduced before the Willpower skill stat. As a result, the duration is cut in half before applying to the player. It is then cut in half again by a player with a decent Willpower skill spec.
Status: "There is a larger investigative process being undertaken as a side project that deals with player Control Resist on Ground, and proper resistances/immunities triggering on expiration. This particular issue is part of that larger process, and already under review." -borticuscryptic06. Kit ability: Nanite Health Monitor Issue: Nanite Health Monitor is burning charges while attempting to clear Tactical debuffs such as Fire on my Mark. The healing charges are all burned up, but the debuff is not removed.
Status: "If accurate, a pretty obvious and easily reproducable bug. Should be a relatively simple fix, I think." -borticuscryptic07. Weapon proc: Bio-Molecular IncubationIssue: The new Species 8472 weapon proc, Bio-Molecular Incubation, receives damage increases from anything that improves all damage. However, the fact that this proc deals radiation damage means that players will not be capable of resisting the damage proc. Additionally, the proc alone is capable of one hit killing a player when using a moderate amount of damage buffs.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic08. Weapon: Relativity Stasis Pistol Issue: The Relativity Stasis Pistols does not have any viable counters, cannot be cleansed (outside of a trait with a 4 minute cooldown), and cannot be resisted by Willpower. Additionally, players may pile on negative effects and debuffs upon a player affected by Stasis Pistol, yet they are powerless to react.
Status: To be advised by Cryptic09. Trait: CreativeIssue: The Creative ground trait is not correctly applying bonus damage and healing to everything within it's designated category. The most obvious example of this is the Engineer's healing ability, Reroute Power to Shields. This issue applies to both the optional version and the Bajoran required trait version.
Status: "A full list would be helpful. The nature of this Trait makes it easy to miss a few abilities on a case-by-case basis." -borticuscryptic10. Innate ability: Run Issue: Players may hold down the run key while remaining stationary, yet they maintain the dodge bonus provided by running. The ability to hold run while stationary makes it convenient to hold down run while toggling in between weapon shots for a very high uptime on run's dodge bonus.
Status: We've been investigating this one, and are considering making the Dodge bonus from Sprint only kick in if your movement speed is >0." -borticuscryptic11. Set bonus passive: Blood of the Warrior Issue: The Klingon Honor Guard/Adapted MACO Blood of the Warrior three piece set bonus currently does not work correctly. The bonus critical chance and critical severity is not applied to the player's stats.
Status:"But it is working. Tested this yesterday. The stats apply directly to your weapons, not as global stat buffs. So they don't show on your character sheet because they are situational. This is something we'd like to improve on in the future - improving our ability to display both global stat changes, and temporary situational enhancements. But it's a much larger UI project." -borticuscryptic12. Set bonus ability: Omega Distortion FieldIssue A: The Mk XII and Mk XI versions of the Omega Force distortion field are currently using the damage resistance and stealth ratings from the Mk X set. As a result, the two piece bonus is only granting +60 energy damage resistance instead of the previous +100 energy damage resistance and the Stealth bonus is significantly lower.
Status:"Again, if accurate, should be an easy fix." -borticuscryptic Issue B: The fact that performing any action breaks the stealth bonus has completely removed the ability to use the set ability to shed long range aggro in PvE or PvP.
Status: "The intent behind this is that, in order for this set bonus to benefit you, you must stop acting. Yes, that makes it very situational, but Set Bonuses aren't really supposed to be huge game-changing effects." -borticuscryptic13. Duty officer: Security Officer, +100% damage with Ambush, dealt as a DoT version Issue: The duty officer interacts incorrectly with plasma grenade fire patches. When a plasma grenade is thrown while using this duty officer, the plasma grenade fire retains the ambush buff. This results in the plasma fire patch continuously applying DoT on ambush stacks to anything affected by the plasma fire.
Status: "Can confirm this is a bug, if accurate. We'll investigate how to fix it up." -borticuscryptic 14. Reputation trait: Enhanced Personal Shield (Tier I New Romulus) Issue: The Enhanced Personal Shield Tier I New Romulus trait is disabling the player's personal shield generator after death.
Status: Fix incoming per CrypticFrost URL=""]LINK[/URL15. Kit ability: Chroniton Mine Barrier/Active Immunity Mine Field Issue: Chroniton Mine Barrier and Active Immunity Mine Field both have very short cooldowns (20 seconds/2 second deployment) while also dealing very high damage. The minefields are each capable of one hit killing a player after stepping on just 2-3 mines. Additionally, the two types of minefields do not have a shared cooldown. This allows players to stack Chroniton Mine Barrier and Active Immunity Mine Field on top of each other.
Status:"These two Modules should share an Equip Limit category. Same with the Biotech Turret and other turret fabrications. However, adding that in now that players have it equipped may cause some technical issues, so we're investigating whether or not it can be changed." -borticuscryptic 16. Mechanic: Weapon Malfunction ImmunityIssue: Weapon Malfunction Immunity is failing to apply for the intended 30 seconds after a Malfunction debuff is cleansed or expires.
Status: "I believe this one is already fixed internally." -borticuscryptic
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
When I get into the game, might look into some stuff, see what else might be really borked.
is it actually not working or a tooltip problem?
Reduction in damage of Transphasic Bomb and Chroniton Mine Barrier
Damage of turrets in new fleet kits too low
The decreased turret damage seems like a bug. The reduction in damage of Transphasic Bomb and Chroniton Mine Barrier may be a bug or may be intended. I don't wish to turn this into a debate about mines. I simply want Cryptic to acknowledge reported bugs and to have complete patch notes.
Listening to the interview with PriorityOne Podcast with CaptainGeko; he did talk about some tuning in the backend with kit abilities. It is extremely likely the changes to Transphasic Bomb and Chroniton Mine Barrier were intentional. The mines are still deadly, but stepping on one doesn't oneshot players every time they Critically hit. The mines are still very powerful, but they are not overwhelmingly strong to the point where they kill anyone anytime.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Balance changes should still be included in the patch notes. These changes were not mentioned in the patch notes, nor has any dev posted a comment about them. That's why I wouldn't be too quick to assume that the changes are intended. People have made such assumptions in the past and later turned out to be wrong.
A buffed Lounge is now a oneshot ability and un like mines, where you have to step them, lounge can be used from nearly half a map.
I am sorry, but we are back again when cloacked caitians domitaed the G-PVP, and that were not fun times..
Division Hispana
Caitians won't be dominating when you have Klingons now capable of joining in the fights. No other race is more powerful in terms of tactical viability. Cats are so Season 5, they have lost most of their superiority over the last four seasons.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Could it be weapon specific? tami was using one of the Plasma weapons introduced with Legacy of Romulus from the look of that first screenshot. Several of the Legacy of Romulus weapons have a proc to knock shields offline. During the LoR closed beta, this proc was bugged and the shields wouldn't come back online after the proc expired. This could be a serious issue if this is a recurrence of that specific bug.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Good, then the game is going to be all about Caitians and Kling tact captain fighting each other, like it was a few months ago but just with Caitians.
And I know engis can still have a lucky shot and kill some one, but cloakers tacts can do it at will, and with just a few sec of cooldown. And now even with motion, is not even easy to see them coming.
Division Hispana
Engineering hard counter to stealthed tacticals: Equipment Diagnostics, Shield Recharge, Forcefield Dome, Mine Barrier, Weapon Malfunction. It won't fix Lunge and the insane amount of damage it is putting out right now, but that combination will keep cloakers in check.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
I don't think so as it happened in the regular que as well when someone used a omega carbine and then that time unequipping and reequipping didn't fix it
What are you taling about? Tacs can kill you even before you even know you are their target!
Is the same excuse that Romulan Vapers put in space! Hell, shield in ground are useless againts Lounge so Shield Recharge is a joke in the new G-PVP!
Division Hispana
Cover Shield and/or a wall protecting your immediate flank, mine barrier at a diagonal on your left and right flanks approximately 3.5 meters away from you, and forcefield dome around you. Cycle Shield Recharge, Equipment Diagnostics, and Reroute Power to Shields. The stealthed player will be unable to do a lunge without dying on the mines and your shield resistances will be high enough to avoid 5 meter pulsewave shots.
I fully agree that lunge is over the top right now, but that is the best soft counter we have to work with at the moment as an engineer. Science is the same way; Hypospray Dylovene + Medical Tricorder/Vascular Regenerator duty officer procs + Triage right before the lunge in order to trigger Medical Vanguard (immunity to bleedthrough) once more.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
You know you're going to die when you have Fire on my Mark on you. Then, bring out Forcefield Dome (it repels) and then the mines. Or run like crazy, break LOS, make their buffs expire before they get to you.
But I wonder now with the obscene buffs to Lunge if FOMM is even needed anymore these days.
STO Screenshot Archive
Hoo, you can make them more difficult, yes.. you can also hunt Romulan Vapers in space.. but dedicat a hole class of player to make the life of a stealthed player dificult is just wrong.
Mines a re joke now, and shields are a joke: again, you get to dead now with 100% shields up now. And Equipment Diagnostics is just going to be effective you are not debuffed like hell..
So, we all have to play just to survive the Lounge..
Forcefield Dome does not help againts Lounge, belive me, I just was one shoted inside one. And beside, is slow to put in place, it has a 2 sec lag.
Sorry for bad english.
Division Hispana
The average engineer can take 1,928 damage while at full health and defensively buffed. Prior to Season 9, a fleet pulsewave assault weapon will critically hit between 1,500 and 2,400 damage when using every buff possible. If you stacked food and everything, you could probably milk out a 2,700 hit. Also, keep in mind that Pulsewaves lose 75% of their damage past 5 meters. Lunge? heh, there are so many easily obtained +Physical damage buffs in the game that you can hit for 5,500. Not even rolling a dodge will save you if someone were to strike you with a maximum damage lunge.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
This really need to be fix it asap, is no way to play ground with this bug.
Division Hispana
my 2 cents
Vanilla Ground PvP information
Some things it seems were considered. Mines are reduced, turret dmv is reduced. Other things were buffed that didn't really need it. Exothermic induction field is a lot stronger for example. Fuse armor lasts quite a bit longer on the new module vs. the old kit power. If I ever get time to play it'll be neat to check out.
On a side note, it's nice to see the old art back from the physicist kit even if it's on that undine thing. Exothermic shoulda stayed with that art though, it's much prettier.
Vanilla Ground PvP information
We need to bump that post so some day, maybe, they decide to fix it.
Division Hispana
Then turn on the sound, you hear them if they buff for an attack on you! Like others stated before, you may run a bit out of range so that at least pulsewave looses its power.
You can not counter lunge, but for example Weapons Malfunction works pretty well on someone who is decloaking for a weapon attack.
I had no issues with tacts before S9, I know how to deal conventional tacts, but Lounge is over the top.
And with out shields, is even harder.
Division Hispana
You could One Hit Lunge last summer as well.
Yes, but much like vaping in space even a year ago, it's gotten a LOT easier to do, and requires much less skill to make it work.
Let's do a 1 on 1 and I won't use lunge or cloak
And to zerat yes lunge 3 with melee doff's that have been out for years now are all of the sudden worse then before? Tacts can rarely pulsewave or sniper one shot other good players anymore. Yet sci can fire crit one shot. So are tacts no longer allowed to have any viable one shot potential? Something wrong with elite poly armor with a well timed roll for dodge? Something wrong with hunker down all the sudden?
Division Hispana