"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
I suppose last week's New Romulus/Voth Battlezone Zone chat guy (who I can't name here) qualifies. He tried to throw insults at me, but his spelling was so terrible it made everyone laugh at him.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
When ESD was the most dangerous area of the game. Those were the days. :rolleyes:
It was great. Everyone got in the biggest ships they owned and turned ESD space into the best fireworks display since the Breen attack during the Dominion War.
Cheers from Antonio Valerio Cortez III, Half-Celestial Archduke of the Free Marches Confederacy.
It was great. Everyone got in the biggest ships they owned and turned ESD space into the best fireworks display since the Breen attack during the Dominion War.
And the crying on the forums was loud.... but once it was taken away everyone looked back on it with fondness.... Sounds familiar doesn't it?
I still say, April 1 should be a special day where a whole bunch of bugs are re-enabled for pranking use.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
I hope this isn't an attempt to troll, or whatever you call it. I'm not really familiar with this topic, so I'm not exactly sure, but this doesn't seem like a very serious response.
I lol'd
You want to go careful though, with your tongue so firmly embedded in your cheek if the wind changes direction you'll never get it out...
Some days ago I went to Ker'rat as a rom-fed in a partigen Tulwar. I asked in OPVP for someone with a B'Rel to load Scramble Sensors and follow me cloaked. When I've seen some slow feds together I buffed myself and engaged thalaron pulse. Before firing the B'rel scrambled me and thalaron oneshotted them
Some other KDF looking at what I was doing tried grouping and disable them to let me get a nice shot. Had a great time, best thing of all they didn't realize what was going on :cool:
Only because I chose Federation, I don't elevate them to "best faction! KDF is bad!". Sometimes you need just some imagination...
Anyone around that remembers when you could use ramming speed Troi Style? That is to say ram anyone at any time. It was great in PvP back in the day when you could wreck a small ship just by ramming it.
It wasn't really trolling but people got really salty about it to the point of ramming speed getting nerfed.
I don't really PvP, since I don't like the player types who are attacted to that, but Ramming speed DID need a nerf...
I could destroy the CE from 100% HP, using ramming speed... My Patrol Escort back then had around 30K hull... The CE had 1.2 mil... Go figure.
Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
Not sure if this qualifies as "trolling" per se, but there is a guy who seems to spend a lot of time in New Romulus Command, and whenever their is a female toon with a skirt, he uses some 'lie down' emote right behind the toon, to "look up the skirt" ...
I saw the Fed version of this once on ESD. Someone created a butchy female character, and went running around to random female toons. "She" would crouch closely behind them, & type "Sniff sniff, lick lick" in the chat. Then dart off to the next toon. It was funny for all of 3 seconds, and then it got real old, real fast.
I don't really PvP, since I don't like the player types who are attacted to that, but Ramming speed DID need a nerf...
I could destroy the CE from 100% HP, using ramming speed... My Patrol Escort back then had around 30K hull... The CE had 1.2 mil... Go figure.
Yeah I know but its applications in PVP were even more amusing, get a big ship like a Negh'var or Vorquv and just ram your opponent. Worked great on little ships.
Plus it was pretty cool if your opponent had like 1% of health left and they hit RSP (which at the time was godmode) just hit attack pattern Troi and problem solved.
Yeah I know but its applications in PVP were even more amusing, get a big ship like a Negh'var or Vorquv and just ram your opponent. Worked great on little ships.
Plus it was pretty cool if your opponent had like 1% of health left and they hit RSP (which at the time was godmode) just hit attack pattern Troi and problem solved.
Attack pattern Troi. lol
It's not myfault ifyoufeel trolledbymyDisco ball...Sorry'boutit.
Yeah I know but its applications in PVP were even more amusing, get a big ship like a Negh'var or Vorquv and just ram your opponent. Worked great on little ships.
Plus it was pretty cool if your opponent had like 1% of health left and they hit RSP (which at the time was godmode) just hit attack pattern Troi and problem solved.
Ah... back when my odyssey was still useful. Those were the days.
I don't really PvP, since I don't like the player types who are attacted to that, but Ramming speed DID need a nerf...
I could destroy the CE from 100% HP, using ramming speed... My Patrol Escort back then had around 30K hull... The CE had 1.2 mil... Go figure.
I remember doing that. In a shuttle. Brace for Impact and then impulse speed as fast as you could towards the CE before using Attack Pattern Troi as we seem to be calling it. It got so bad you were basically racing other people who were doing the same thing. But that 1st place trophy sure is nice.
I just wish you could display trophies in a way other people would see them more often. Like as decal you could throw on your ship.
PS. I will confess to the OP that me and a friend did do what was linked in the OP once.
Cheers from Antonio Valerio Cortez III, Half-Celestial Archduke of the Free Marches Confederacy.
Nice catch, we think alike. I was just about to post that here.
Same here. I had to double check it isn't April 1st because it feels like a bad joke to me.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
I troll from time to time. Not with random players, only with fleet mates and friends.
I just love for example to fight Infected if I can get the aggro. I know that they can 2 man Infected with optional, so trolling is possible. I move all power away from my shields, let my Excelsior drop to 50, and the go Rahming Speed.
This once actually was useful. Donnatra decloaked before my evasive had reset. Realizing I was doomed anyway I shoved my ship down her throat. She never could Thalaron anything, the impact killed her. So much laugher in the chat. And yes, that was a PUG one. People just loved it.
As for random trolls? Don't really encounter them, but first I have a high tolerance level, and secondly I try to avoid PUGs and the like. But I do think back of that match a few days ago in which there were 3 level 7 and one level 45, all in a Miranda, in a fleet alert. And I was not in my highest DPS ship at that time.......... things got bad.
These bunch of trolls, they created this Undine Lockbox, and put Undine Bioships in it, and made up some story about the Ferengi "modifying" them (those Ferengi's are froicken geniuses hey?)
Then they Slapped a UFP, KDF or RR sticker on the side and voila? And they expect us to believe it? Yeah right Pfft, no-one's that silly are they?
These bunch of trolls, they created this Undine Lockbox, and put Undine Bioships in it, and made up some story about the Ferengi "modifying" them (those Ferengi's are froicken geniuses hey?)
Pretty sure no one's gonna beat that one until S10, that's for sure.
Consider yourself lucky. Very lucky.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Yeah, that was awesome! You could take out 2-3 Mirandas at one time.
I suppose last week's New Romulus/Voth Battlezone Zone chat guy (who I can't name here) qualifies. He tried to throw insults at me, but his spelling was so terrible it made everyone laugh at him.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
When ESD was the most dangerous area of the game. Those were the days. :rolleyes:
It was great. Everyone got in the biggest ships they owned and turned ESD space into the best fireworks display since the Breen attack during the Dominion War.
And the crying on the forums was loud.... but once it was taken away everyone looked back on it with fondness.... Sounds familiar doesn't it?
Well... except that disco balls don't kill you.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
Like the stretchy borg cubes.
Come on! Hurt me like you mean it! Then give me some ships so I can use them with my Gorn captain.
I lol'd
You want to go careful though, with your tongue so firmly embedded in your cheek if the wind changes direction you'll never get it out...
Some other KDF looking at what I was doing tried grouping and disable them to let me get a nice shot. Had a great time, best thing of all they didn't realize what was going on :cool:
Only because I chose Federation, I don't elevate them to "best faction! KDF is bad!". Sometimes you need just some imagination...
I don't really PvP, since I don't like the player types who are attacted to that, but Ramming speed DID need a nerf...
I could destroy the CE from 100% HP, using ramming speed... My Patrol Escort back then had around 30K hull... The CE had 1.2 mil... Go figure.
I saw the Fed version of this once on ESD. Someone created a butchy female character, and went running around to random female toons. "She" would crouch closely behind them, & type "Sniff sniff, lick lick" in the chat. Then dart off to the next toon. It was funny for all of 3 seconds, and then it got real old, real fast.
Yeah I know but its applications in PVP were even more amusing, get a big ship like a Negh'var or Vorquv and just ram your opponent. Worked great on little ships.
Plus it was pretty cool if your opponent had like 1% of health left and they hit RSP (which at the time was godmode) just hit attack pattern Troi and problem solved.
Attack pattern Troi. lol
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
Ah... back when my odyssey was still useful. Those were the days.
I remember doing that. In a shuttle. Brace for Impact and then impulse speed as fast as you could towards the CE before using Attack Pattern Troi as we seem to be calling it. It got so bad you were basically racing other people who were doing the same thing. But that 1st place trophy sure is nice.
I just wish you could display trophies in a way other people would see them more often. Like as decal you could throw on your ship.
PS. I will confess to the OP that me and a friend did do what was linked in the OP once.
someone give them a medal :eek:
Start Tribble Bombs in Zone chat.
In Season 5 I often took my NX class into ISE, this was quite fun. Equipped with Borg set, 2 photon torps, Torp spread, Torp Doffs and 1 cannon.
However I have been known to give away a few masterkeys, for free. so I think ive made up for it.
I admit that too... I have a Cardassian Lockbox - Gold... Link that in chat, and everyone is suddenly your freind xD
Nice catch, we think alike. I was just about to post that here.
Same here. I had to double check it isn't April 1st because it feels like a bad joke to me.
Hey! I stole that line legitimately. Go work your own side of the promenade.
I support the Star Trek Battles channel.
Now as for the party balloons... I trolled mysef. I filled my Vesta's turbolift with balloons
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
I just love for example to fight Infected if I can get the aggro. I know that they can 2 man Infected with optional, so trolling is possible. I move all power away from my shields, let my Excelsior drop to 50, and the go Rahming Speed.
This once actually was useful. Donnatra decloaked before my evasive had reset. Realizing I was doomed anyway I shoved my ship down her throat. She never could Thalaron anything, the impact killed her. So much laugher in the chat. And yes, that was a PUG one. People just loved it.
As for random trolls? Don't really encounter them, but first I have a high tolerance level, and secondly I try to avoid PUGs and the like. But I do think back of that match a few days ago in which there were 3 level 7 and one level 45, all in a Miranda, in a fleet alert. And I was not in my highest DPS ship at that time.......... things got bad.
Join the Deltas today!
These bunch of trolls, they created this Undine Lockbox, and put Undine Bioships in it, and made up some story about the Ferengi "modifying" them (those Ferengi's are froicken geniuses hey?)
Then they Slapped a UFP, KDF or RR sticker on the side and voila? And they expect us to believe it? Yeah right Pfft, no-one's that silly are they?
How's THAT for the ultimate "troll' in STO?