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A Guide to Torpedo Boats



  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    As noted, the 4th with VR PWOs is going to be...well...might want to drop in the Experimental Proton Weapon (even if you don't fire it) for the 3pc set bonus of +10% CrtD and another +10% CrtH for Photons.

    Also, those were all just Bio...no single E-Bio slotted?

    As far as a parser goes...well: http://ufpstarfleet.guildlaunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10242965 :is the one I've been using, it's the one the DPS folks use - and - it gets along with my antivirus better than ACT does.

    Thanks! I'll check out the parser. I've considered putting the experimental proton weapon on, but haven't decided yet. About the E-Bio, I just haven't got it yet. I remembered it this morning after I had already slotted the disruptor rifle. I'll get it eventually. Thanks for the tip!
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    There may be an updated link for it, one of them might be able to help you out with that - sarcasmdetector, porchsong, et al...
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    madviola wrote: »
    Back to the Photon builds that were previously theorized about, I finally got some of the good stuff last night after discovering Elite STFs (both Borg and 8472).

    Here is the build I'm currently running:

    There are relevant traits and a close likeness to my skill tree. I'm using three purple PWOs (firing at the global cd pretty much all the time, well global cd + activation time...), a Hazard (Don't remember the full name, but the one that improves Hazard Emitters) Officer, and a Fabrication Engineer (for RSP). I attempted to put the traits on the bio torps, but they may not be 100% accurate.

    Now to the effectiveness, I haven't parsed it, but I'd hazard that it's doing close to 15k dps without including the crits, which are relatively often and are in the 20k+ damage range. I used this build in Elite Conduit last night and I'm pretty sure I dominated in damage output because of the 25-45k crits. I still need the MACO 2-piece and the Fleet Tactical Consoles. This is by far my favorite ship!

    ps, can anyone recommend a good parser? I'd like to see exactly what my dps is. Thanks!

    Have you thought about using the Counter-Command Multi-Conduit Energy Relay that boosts radiation damage from the bio molecular torpedoes?
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Ok, so I parsed the dps from the s'golth build from earlier. I did 15.99k dps in Elite Conduit tonight.

    Gerwalk, I have considered that, but the I'm aiming for the fleet consoles that boost crits instead. Thanks for the suggestion.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,234 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    madviola wrote: »
    Thanks! I'll check out the parser. I've considered putting the experimental proton weapon on, but haven't decided yet. About the E-Bio, I just haven't got it yet. I remembered it this morning after I had already slotted the disruptor rifle. I'll get it eventually. Thanks for the tip!
    Little tip the experimental proton weapon fits in rear slots, in case you don't know. As 3 rear torps never get chance to fire its often worth fitting it in the rear to boost all other torps. 1 or 2 torps should be more then enough in the rear as you only need a few seconds of firing before you swing around to get the main front weapons in arc.

    1 mine, 1 experimental proton weapon, 1 rear torp works great I find for the rear slots.
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    Little tip the experimental proton weapon fits in rear slots, in case you don't know. As 3 rear torps never get chance to fire its often worth fitting it in the rear to boost all other torps. 1 or 2 torps should be more then enough in the rear as you only need a few seconds of firing before you swing around to get the main front weapons in arc.

    1 mine, 1 experimental proton weapon, 1 rear torp works great I find for the rear slots.

    Thanks, I did end up putting a mine in the back. Working on the Experimental Proton Weapon now. Will update once I have tested with it.
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    So I just saw a potentially brilliant idea....

    What if the rear mine was the free tractor mine from the one Romulan mission and then coupled it with the doff that turns tractor beams into shield drains? If it works, it might be worth switch back to DPB3.

    I ran across this idea in another thread, though not un the context of torpedo boats.

    Ps, I'm also thinking about pairing this with the experimental proton weapon too. :)
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,234 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    madviola wrote: »
    So I just saw a potentially brilliant idea....

    What if the rear mine was the free tractor mine from the one Romulan mission and then coupled it with the doff that turns tractor beams into shield drains? I ran across this idea in another thread, though not un the context of torpedo boats.
    When I tried that years ago it did not work. There have been a lot of changes since then so who knows now, it’s worth looking into. If you want to drain shields you might be better off with Concetrated Tachyone mines and if tractor mines work both mines together to drain shields would be deadly. Concetrated Tachyone mines with DPB 3 and flow boosting consoles used to be deadly.
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I don't know. The jury is still out on this one. Trying to decide if it's worth a respec or not, I'm leaning towards not right now.

    So I got the EPW last night. Not sure how much it helped since I had a really good team in that game. Forgot to run the combat logs until the fighting had already started. I'll get a reading here soon.
  • cepholapoidcepholapoid Member Posts: 284 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The tractor beam mines do not get the bonus from the TB doff that drains shields, sadly.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,234 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I have just been playing around with a high shield pen torpedo boat. Testing was simple no attack patterns, no beam overload shield pen doffs, single shots damage averaged out. Advanced Fleet weapons used with 15% shield pen from Kinetic Precision and 6% shield pen from Intense Focus.

    Fleet Transphasic torpedoes did around about 2800 hull damage per shot with shields up.
    Fleet Quantum torpedoes did around about 1900 hull damage per shot with shields up.

    Crits for both are well over 5k per shot hull. Damage wise Transphasic had a 2.5% higher damage boost then Quantum otherwise everything was equal.
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    First off, I want to apologize for giving incorrect information. Earlier in the thread, I stated that my Photon S'golth Escort did 15k dps parsed. That was incorrect. I read the parser wrong. I've parsed it several times since I've figured out the correct way to use the parser and I've consistently gotten 9200 dps (which still isn't bad in my book). Crits are between 20k and 45k.

    Second, I was amazed at how much not having three purple PWOs hurt the dps. I was switching back to my torp boat from a cannon build and forgot to change my doffs. That alone cut my dps by 2/3rds. Incredible.
  • chovockchovock Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    First of all just want to say this thread has made me seriously consider Torpedo boats for the first time.

    I just got a couple friends into the game after they had been avoiding it for a few years, and have been leveling a Sci Captain along with their characters. Happening upon this thread while researching builds I decided to give Plasma-Torp boat leveling a whirl, and so far I haven't been dissapointed.

    I eventually noticed that the first post is rather old, and that there has been a lot of discussion of newer and newer torpedoes and tactics. The promise of an update was made several pages back but hasn't happened yet *crosses fingers* so would someone be so kind as to sum up what new information is important at least from the perspective of leveling Torpedoes?
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    chovock wrote: »
    First of all just want to say this thread has made me seriously consider Torpedo boats for the first time.

    I just got a couple friends into the game after they had been avoiding it for a few years, and have been leveling a Sci Captain along with their characters. Happening upon this thread while researching builds I decided to give Plasma-Torp boat leveling a whirl, and so far I haven't been dissapointed.

    I eventually noticed that the first post is rather old, and that there has been a lot of discussion of newer and newer torpedoes and tactics. The promise of an update was made several pages back but hasn't happened yet *crosses fingers* so would someone be so kind as to sum up what new information is important at least from the perspective of leveling Torpedoes?

    Icepiraka posted an update in post 115 on page 12.

    Torp boats are all I'll fly right now. Below is my current build (traits included).


    I've only used a plasma boat once. It was reasonably effective. I've found transphasic to be effective too. I tried Quantum once and it sort of worked... If you have questions or issues with your torp boat, this is the place to ask/post them! :)

    Happy Hunting!

    ~ Madviola
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    So I recently switched my S'golth over to a transphasic build (mostly advanced fleet with a rapid reload, a mine in the back, and a Breen cluster torp in the fourth slot up front). After a few runs I switched it back to my photon build as the transphasic build did about half the damage as my photon build. Don't get me wrong. It was still doing about 4500 dps, but I am more effective with my photon build.

    On another note, I finally got the E Bio torp last night. Haven't had a chance to fly it yet, but will post the updated build and the dps after I run it tonight.
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Wow, can't believe I forgot to update this thread.

    The E-Bio torp doesn't really seem to add to the DPS. It's been pretty consistent at 9200 DPS.

    Recently, I created a KDF took and have been running plasma torps coupled with a tetryon beam array fore and aft in a raptor. It works decently as the tetryon beams cut down the shields a little faster than my previous builds. Haven't bothered to check the DPS as he is only a lvl 43 right now.
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Hey madviola question about your build that had the grav-bio-bio photons. Now i know that the default CD timers on those is 7-6-6. I also know that with zero torp doffs i can run 3 even 4 photons launchers on autofire and they will maintain their firing sequence with no interruptions to one anothers cycles. I dont think i saw a mention of whether your are running any PWO doffs or not. I'm guessing that you dont have PWO doffs because based on all of your launchers which are photons i dont see a reason to run pwo doffs. And adding even 1 pwo and even a low quality one would throw the timing off on the firing cycle. Maybe not on the 2 rear launchers, but def for the 3 front.

    Is that correct guess? that you arent running any pwo with your 3 photons so that it doesnt TRIBBLE with the timing?

    My ship is a stealth Tvaro and up front i have grav-breen-enh bio-hargh and in back i have hyper plas-turret-nukara. The turret in back will be replaced with the experimental proton when i get it. Trying to see about putting in a 3rd photon up front, but since i'm using 3 VR pwo doffs to reduce my CD on breen and also hyper, my timing ends up getting jacked up. I've thought about swapping out breen and hargh and going with 4 photons up front and ditching the pwo entirely. But i like being able to AOE with the breen and hargh. I tested out 3 photons but i wasnt happy with the damage output. Maybe i will try again, but this time with 4 photons and see how my AOE compares.
  • pdaworldpdaworld Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Photon torp builds works well. My last parser was at 14.6k
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    madviola wrote: »
    Recently, I created a KDF took and have been running plasma torps coupled with a tetryon beam array fore and aft in a raptor.

    Ohh and also in regards to this...are you also running beam overload? or just tetryons for the proc? On my kar'fi which is also a torp boat, since it isnt as manueverable as my Tvaro i just go with 4 launchers up front a KCB in back and two tetryon turrets in the back for the shield reduction proc. The tetryon shield reduction proc reduces the same amount whether it is turrets, beam arrays, or cannons. I dont know about the firing rate and chance per proc though cause that's more in depth then i want to get.

    For your raptor maybe thats something you want to look into for your build too? tetryon turrets in the back and an extra launcher up front. Unless of course you are also running BO to help strip shields and the proc is just an added bonus.
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Stonewbie, on the photon build, I'm running three VR PWOs, an RSP officer, and one for HE. The three PWOs don't seem to mess up the firing sequence. I do know this, one time when I was switching builds, I forgot to put the PWOs back on active and I noticed a fairly significant drop on DPS. As to what the optimum number is, I don't know.

    As to your second question, I'm running a BO to help take out the shields in addition to the shield proc. I switched to quantums last night and like it better. I'll post the build shortly.
  • darinjaneczkodarinjaneczko Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    madviola wrote: »
    I switched to quantums last night and like it better. I'll post the build shortly.

    I'm looking forward to checking out the build!:)
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    madviola wrote: »
    Stonewbie, on the photon build, I'm running three VR PWOs, an RSP officer, and one for HE. The three PWOs don't seem to mess up the firing sequence. I do know this, one time when I was switching builds, I forgot to put the PWOs back on active and I noticed a fairly significant drop on DPS. As to what the optimum number is, I don't know.

    If you are running the 3 photons and 3 vr pwos still, is there any way you can double check the firing sequence by shooting up a system patrol or a enemy contact? On my setup it kept cycling back and forth between launcher 1 and launcher 2, and the 3rd and 4th launchers ones barely got a chance to fire. They would get locked out of their firing sequence for like 3-5 seconds sometimes longer depending on how often my pwo procs were.

    But i dont think it matters too much at this point anyways, so it may not even be needed for you to double check and test it. The way i figure is if my setup of 1 grav and 3 bio photons is able to maintain its full cycle with no pwo, why change it? it can continously go 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 with no breaks or interruptions. And the only thing that pwo will reduce on my new setup are other photons which isnt needed if i can maintain a clean cycle and my destab which is situational. Before on my old setup i was using pwo to lower the CD of destab AND breen/hargh. Breen and Hargh were part of my normal rotation, but since i've dropped those two launchers there isnt a need for me to have those pwo doffs anymore. It even frees up some doff slots for me to use. Right now i have the doffs for GW aftershock, damp+resist and with three slots freed up i'm gonna pick up the +aux while stealthed and two others i havent decided on yet.
  • madviolamadviola Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    darinjaneczko, here's the build. :) Enjoy! My boffs are three Nausicans (a.k.a. pirates), a Jem'Hadar, and an Orion. The pirates give a little damage boost. Keep in mind that this character is only a level 47 right now and therefore has no rep anything. Something of note is that the Uncommon Mk X Quantums boosted by the Uncommon Mk X Quantum tac consoles is doing about 2300 more kinetic damage per torpedo than the VR Mk XII Photon torpedoes from the build below.


    stonewbie, here is the link to my photon build. I found that the 4th slot didn't fire much so I put the Experimental Proton Weapon to get the full 3-piece bonus for the Protonic Arsenal. Slots 1, 2, and 3 seem to fire fine. Sounds like a fun build you have.

  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited September 2014

    Yah it's pretty fun, only thing i have left is the proton weapon and that will be replacing my rear turret and it will mostly just be a stat stick kind of thing. Ohh any my 4th launcher up front is only actually a disrupting XI rare same with the back, but i'm replacing those with VR xii bio launchers once i unlock them. I might also drop the Nukara mines since before i had hyperplasma in the back and with 3 pwo i could drop a nukara on a target and fly away and as i was flying away i would stream a bunch of hyperplasma behind me.

    EDIT: my next build i want to try a tac torp boat since all my previous torp boats end up being sci toons (or rather all my sci toons end up being in torp boats hehe). Not sure if i want to do Fed where i have access to zen defiant, avenger, hec, voyager, caitian or a fed rom which has access to Scim pack, Tvaro and Mogai. Karfi would make an excellent platform since i have a sci torp karfi, but i dont really like the KDF as a faction.

    A2B tac torp avenger would be kinda sweet, but i wont be able to slot APB3 or APO3. But i def could do an A2B Scim, but it would be sooooo slow.
  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Something I forgot (or possibly never knew at all): How do you determine autofire firing priority? The OP makes mention of it in a few places but I don't know how to.
  • darinjaneczkodarinjaneczko Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Something I forgot (or possibly never knew at all): How do you determine autofire firing priority? The OP makes mention of it in a few places but I don't know how to.

    IIRC, the autofire is set in the order you click the weapons to fire. So, if you have four slots up front:

    1 2 3 4

    and you click them to autofire selecting:

    4 2 1 3

    They will fire in that order. I used to think it was a straight left to right proposition, but I believe this method is correct. I'm sorry I can't cite the post from which I took this explanation.

    If this is incorrect and someone has the correct methodology, please let me know. If it's okay as is, verification would also be appreciated.
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    yah thats correct

    You can have launchers 1 2 3 4 but if you right click on 3 2 4 1 in that order then 3 2 4 1 is the firing order they will go with.
  • darinjaneczkodarinjaneczko Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Thanks, Stonewbie.

    For the sake of convenience, I set my weapons up in a 1234 pattern and set autofire the same way so it's easy to figure out firing order. I place my Ferengi Missile Launcher last in the sequence since it has a two second recharge with the hope that it procs my PWO Doffs.
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Intresting.. never knew the order of setting autofire actually afftected the fire order in game...

    ..explains why my torps can fire so off-timedly in combat
  • stonewbiestonewbie Member Posts: 1,454 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    wewt finally finished my Torp Tvaro


    +28.1% photon torp damage (tac console)
    +28.1% photon torp damage (tac console)
    +26.2% photon torp damage (Counter Command tac console)
    +22.9% photon projectile damage (Dyson weaponry 2pc set bonus)
    +25% projectile damage (Adapted KHG 2pc set bonus)
    +10% projectile damage (tvaro pack 2pc set bonus)
    +10% crit with photon projectile (Dyson weaponry 3pc set bonus)
    +10% severity (Dyson weaponry 3pc set bonus)
    +3% crit (Dyson weaponry 2pc set bonus)
    +17 starship projectile weapon training (Counter Command Deflector)

    my other stats are:

    140% defense at combat speed while cloaked 155% if i pop my subspace field modulator
    32% all resist
    55% all resist (PH1 + damp)
    58% all resist (PH2 + damp)
    61% all resist (PH2 + damp + HE1)

    36.2% accuracy
    21.9% crit
    113.9% severity

    boffs: 5 SRO
    doff: time reduc ET and buff
    doff: time reduc ST and buff
    doff: additional aux power while cloaked
    doff: energy resistance when using aux damp
    doff: grav well aftershock

    The damage and dps on my primary launchers are:
    Grav Torp = 8305dmg 977dps
    Enh Bio = 8305dmg (non-undine) 9966dmg (undine)
    Reg Bio = 8260dmg (non undine) 9913dmg (undine)
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