Hailing all Captains,
We will be bringing down Star Trek Online tomorrow, Thursday, April 3rd, at 7AM PDT (click
here to view in your timezone) for our weekly scheduled maintenance and to apply a new patch.
Patch notes can be found here, and we expect this maintenance to last for 2.5 hours. The test server, launcher and access to manage your account may also be unavailable during some portions of the maintenance.
Thanks for your patience and understanding,
- The Star Trek Online Team
I am curious about this junior officer weekend though.
Ah well.
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
Thursday mornings will be a fun thing for me to look forward to.
I'm sorry to people who I, in the past, insulted, annoyed, etc.
Atmospheric Assault is near impossible to do. You're supposed to shoot down Elachi shuttles AND these humongous robots, but the robots are so frackin' powerful and the shuttles too many that trying to fight them is worthless.
Oh, there will be bacon!
Does the removal of the Shuttle Weekend mean that there will be no Shuttle Weekend(s) at all, or simply that it is being postponed until a later time? I am slightly intrigued by the part in the event text where it was saying that there would be Shuttle versions of some of the existing 5-player queued missions, such as the Fleet Alert, and thought that it would be a neat way of "spicing up" Shuttle battles.
Buuut, will there be Muffins and Coffee goodness too?
well,, this is.. ahmm.. well.. Junior Officer are.. ahmm.. and the weekend.. uhhmm..
Excellent ^_^
But hey what gives with the "species respect trait" tokens being gone, are we going to get a change on that trait system as well? I havent seen any details on that on tribble or anything O_o
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
you really dont understand this game if you cant do these missions
I've been waiting for this to come back, my Romulan needs their Exocomp!
Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad
I was looking forward to a shuttle nws.
Here you go
I just wanted to say the same thing. Really, but I dropped on the floor.
I swear, by the moon and the stars and the sky
Is that what it is? Ooh, sweet!
As a matter of fact yes. Species traits will be like rep traits not requiring use of a token to change them and we can change them any time we want like we will for the reputation traits.
http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=16109801#post16109801 Dev post in the official tribble feedback thread on revamped trait and reputation powers.
I understand that I can't do these events because nobody queues up for them and I have no fleet members to even attempt them due to only a few being on at a time and nobody ever chatting. And maybe the reason why nobody queues up for them is because they suck and are too difficult to complete.
For atmospheric assault, the closest I ever came to joining it was, well, clicking the join button when enough players were found. But then time ran out due to not enough joining and a couple had left the queue. So I can only go by what I've seen posted on the forums about it. I have never to this day ever been able to get into that event. It died about a week or so after LoR launched.
The vault shuttle event was a pain in the TRIBBLE. Obisek could have his task completed but the door won't open because every single thing that can be killed/destroyed in the room had to be eliminated, including the tractor beam things. Often times it turns out a scorpion fighter or 2 are still cloaked and by the time they show up it's too late and we run out of time. We'd fly all over the damned room and it/they just wouldn't spawn. Scorpion fighters have a habit of cloaking once their health gets low and they take a good 30 seconds or so to decloak. This always happened to me in the first room. I'd be lucky to make it past that.
Is it being rescheduled?
Ship pet.
Not the actual ship, just something that follows you around in space
It is a non-combat space pet, so it has no use at all in the game. Romulans will get a nanov non-combat ground pet and KDF will get a bat'leth ground weapon.
I'd like nothing better than for them to remove Atmosphere Assault. That or remodel it into a much more enjoyable mission.
Could you imagine how fun that nasty mission would be with full scale ships. It makes a great deal of sense as far as the story is concerned. Starships were frequently shown entering atmospheres throughout the series. The Federation and Klingon Empire most certainly wouldn't send fighters to counter other fighters. Players would love the "revamped" mission.
It would be quite refreshing to AoE Gravity Well/Beam Fire at Will/Cannon Scatter Volley/Torpedo Spread the entire map as a punishment for their disgusting Elachi ways. I mean honestly, Cryptic made the Elachi out as the race that uses other sentient beings as incubators for their young. That process is just morbid if you think about it and the gruesome details. If I had my way, the Federation and Klingon Empire would be on a joint operation to exterminate every last Elachi in the entire universe.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Thanks for the info, I must have missed the previous runs of this event, hence the confusion of the Junior Officer Appreciation Week
Vault Shuttle is actually pretty easy if you know what you are doing. Most people just show up and shoot. Like any STF, Vault Shuttle requires people to know their jobs and do them correctly. Torpedo Spread 1 is enough to get you through the mission on a runabout.
I would like to see more shuttle PvE missions in the game. It's sad that there are not enough for to have a shuttle weekend event.
Also, I do think Atmosphere needs to be re-worked so that the walkers come down easier or we have less spawns of the attacking shuttles. It's a fun run, but way over powered for 5 shuttles.