I've been mulling this over for a few weeks now and finally got around to trying it and it's brilliant.
Started a brand new Federation character using the following ground rules :-
No episode missions
No using The Exchange
Can only keep one loot item (not including consumables) that drops during each mission all other items must be sold to a trader
Can only use Federation technology
First thing I did was a Strange new worlds mission to quickly get a bit of ore and then on returning to ESD immediately sacked my entire bridge crew and started afresh with cadets from the bridge crew trader.
With the self-imposed limit on the amount of loot drop items you can keep from each mission and ban on using The Exchange suddenly Memory Alpha and the various traders become really valuable

Still early days yet but I'm finding it really interesting picking which single item to keep from the loot drops and what to craft at Memory Alpha and also the restriction of only using Federation technology means a lot of the stuff I pick up can't be used anyway lol
Once my character reaches level 50 I think I'll do Klingon and Romulan toons too using the same rules.
He/she stated he/she doesn't want to use the exchange.
He/she is imposing him/herself limits to things available in game for a different role play experience.
This is especially so if you're being particularly strict with this rule. There are a lot of weapons (e.g. the ones sold by the Ferengi vendors, at least in white grade form) that don't seem particularly Federation-like, even if they are phasers.
Found a vendor on ESD who was selling tier II phasers for Dilithium so my crew is all stocked up with those
This brings up a point that's been troubling me, Phaser, Disrupter and Plasma technology is Fed/Klingon/Romulan respectively but I'm not so sure about things like Chroniton torpedo's.
I'm pretty sure that Quantum Torpedo's are Federation but is there a list anywhere that details which technology/weapons in the game belongs to which factions?
Common quality, odd level phasers are available all over the game from vendors.
here you go.
Feds use Phasers, Photon torps, and Quantum torps. Some VERY few ships (I think the Enterprise might be the only one) also have TriCobalts. In the show, Transphasics were used solely by the U.S.S. Voyager in the final episode, as well as in the books by the U.S.S Enterprise-E, but are never shown being used by an fed ships in game.
I would say good luck, but i honestly cannot see how this would even be fun after a week or so.
Quantums debuted in First Contact, IIRC. The Enterprise fired them.
Transphasics, IIRC, were Voyager.
Polaron weapons were Jem'Hadar weapons.
The others I think you can just look up on Memory Alpha to see when and where they were used onscreen.
Thanks a lot guys that's perfect
Too many people in this game have a "There's only one right way to do this and it's X!" approach which is quite frankly, tiresome and bothersome. It's refreshing to read someone else approaching this game with a different attitude and setting their own rules around how they do things.
While I haven't gone down this particular road (yet... I may do so for a Rommie alt
If other people have their own approach along a "not mainsteam" road I'd love to hear it!
Romulan was disruptors
I never got why they stuck rommys with plasma in STO
because Disruptors are being used by the KDF, so they did not want them to share a main damage type.
Also, it is only the Romulan republic who use plasma, Tal shiar/imperial ships stil use disruptors. IT might be that vulcans used to use Plasma (at least in Crypticverse) as the D'Kyr has plasma weapons when first gotten and so it might be the Republic going back to then.
phew! For a second there I thought you were gonna do nothin' but ground missions!
The NCC-1701-D also carried antimatter mines as part of it's tactical loadout. So, using photon or quantum mines shouldn't be too far out for what you are trying to do.
They were also used in DS9 by the Defiant during the Dominion War.
Romulans probably got plasma as they used plasma torps and it is one of the low tech weapons on the show, e.g. the farmer in 'Broken Bow' used a plasma rifle
by that token you could use plasma wepons in a pinch
for spoiler text use #1b1c1f
Borg uses plasma as well, since the beginnings of times, as well. But the plasma used by the borg, we could say its different than the romulans. Borg uses , lets say a more refined plasma treatment than the romulans (or whatsoever lol).
But the problem is, in STO, magically any race can use any type of energy loool, so, all of this never was important.
All my characters, i try to give em the weapons they are supossed to have, and not the ones Cryptic "invented" for em, if i have a Fed, i use phasers, and quantum torpedoes, for example. If i have a klingon, i use disruptors and photon torpedoes. If i have a romi, i use plasma. In my breen i use transphasic build. So, i will never use any type of energy that is really non usable (in the shows, for example) by a specific faction or ship. It really rest interest to the "trekkie" aspect of the game.
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My character Tsin'xing
wait? seriously? what episode is this mentioned in? I always assumed that was an invention of Cryptic.
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VOX had tricobalts too... first episode of first season.. "Mr.Tuvok, destroy that array, tricot alt torpedoes.
Honestly? That's what I call "Kirking It"! There should be a commendation for taking a lower-tier ship against the D'D! Better yet, earn extra point toward ranking-up.
I wouldn't believe you if I didn't already take the Tier-II Connie into Tau Dawa and survive most of the time.
Regarding OP, I think I remember in the original Star Trek movies with Kirk, he referred to a Tricobalt torpedo. But I cannot find a reference.
SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
Fed Toon
- Phaser Weapons only - currently using phaser beam arrays Mk XI
- No slotted duty officers
KDF Toon
- Plasma-disruptor hybrid weapons only
- No slotted duty officers
- Tier 4 starship only
Also Defer a hard mission can drop a nice assortment of rare quality phased weapons,armor,shields appropriate to your level just ran a lvl 9 engineer thru the barer using the type 1 and a hand me down batleth although the lob I store sword works better for that.
It's all about how much XP you earn during the missions, I want to rank up as slowly as possible so I get time to really learn my ships inside out and the episode missions give out huge amounts of XP which is why I'm not going to do any of them.
Patrol missions give out very little XP so they are perfect for my roleplay, I've not done any Foundry missions yet even on my main character, do they give out a lot of XP on completion? if not then yes it's in the rules for my toon to do them
I'm also trying to only use cannon ships as well.
My captain currently has the original Enterprise (500 gold) along with the original phasers and internal deck/bridge plans from TOS bundle pack.
Next ship will be 1701-A
Then USS Excelsior which I already purchased from the C-store for my main toon
Tier 4 will be the Galaxy from the Enterprise bundle that was just released.
and my tier 5 ship will be the Galaxy Retrofit (not the Dreadnought which is being used by my main toon at the moment)
As you can see I've thought things out pretty well
The Defiant was using Quantum torps before first contact happened FYI.
I have simillar personal rules myself, so I have the reman set on my scimi, the jem set on my jem dread, for my fed ships I've chosen fleet and maco as those seem the most fitting. This is why I'd love an upgrade to the breen set for my breen ships. I also use faction specific ship weapons, so only phaser for fed, polaron for jem, disruptor for klink etc. Can't wait to get an intrepid with the borg set and some of the visuals off to look just like the shows
What I will say though is the pvp system coupled with the new loadout system is kind of forcing /tempting me to consider breaking those rules for one loadout to try and compete in pvp.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
part of his rules is no exchange