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Mirror Invasion Event duration is too short

whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
I don't understand why Cryptic makes these events available for only 21 days (3 weeks) when it essentially takes 14 days (2 weeks) to accomplish it. I know someone will pipe up with the 20 hour cool down, but it is pretty much once a day. I am sure that I am not the only one who plays this game that because they have real life commitments (work, familiy, etc.) can't be on two out of three days in a row. Why can't it be extended to a month (4 weeks = 28 days) to allow the "everyman" to get a chance to get these done?
Post edited by whamhammer1 on


  • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't understand why Cryptic makes these events available for only 21 days (3 weeks) when it essentially takes 14 days (2 weeks) to accomplish it. I know someone will pipe up with the 20 hour cool down, but it is pretty much once a day. I am sure that I am not the only one who plays this game that because they have real life commitments (work, familiy, etc.) can't be on two out of three days in a row. Why can't it be extended to a month (4 weeks = 28 days) to allow the "everyman" to get a chance to get these done?

    I was about to insult you because I thought you were asking for an increase to the duration of the mission (which takes too long already) :P

    I agree, and I've said it before in other events, they could make it longer, indeed.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If they are going to stick with these short windows, and for scheduling purposes i can see the point, then it would be a lot more user and alt friendly if they made the rewards.....qmendations, whatever.....account bound.
  • ujam1ujam1 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Very good idea! :)
    FED: Special Circumstances, Raumpatroullie Elysion, Naeramarth
    KDF: Special Circumstances KDF
  • mrugglesmruggles Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Account bound would be ridiculous...someone with 14 toons would complete it in 1 day....not much of an "event" wouldnt you agree?
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Im on a evening course at the moment so im going to find it very hard to fit this event in i need a other week.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rinkster wrote: »
    If they are going to stick with these short windows, and for scheduling purposes i can see the point, then it would be a lot more user and alt friendly if they made the rewards.....qmendations, whatever.....account bound.

    If they wanted to use this short of a window for the events, a ten time requirement would make more sense than fourteen. But the account bound might be nice too.
  • mrugglesmruggles Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I certainly agree that the duration is much too short..14 items should equal 2 months for the event to give people with lives (which im not one of..lol) time to complete it. account bound items would be way too easy for some folks to take advantage of, and would kill the spirit of having an "event".
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    mruggles wrote: »
    Account bound would be ridiculous...someone with 14 toons would complete it in 1 day....not much of an "event" wouldnt you agree?

    er...think that through a bit.

    Yes, if they were account bound the fourteenth run gets you the prize.

    On one of those many, many toons. just one.

    you want the prize on another toon? Another 14 runs please.

    And do remember, that players with multiple toons tend to pay cryptic more money than most.

    we buy toon slots, fleet modules, all manner of things.

    we're good customers, so why not throw us a fricking bone now and then?
  • mrugglesmruggles Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    i would assume that their reasoning is to limit the amount of "rewards" that people can get, making the reward more rare thereby worth more..if everyone can get the rewards on all of their toons easily, why have an event at all, just make it an account-wide giveaway?

    My brand new fancy red bike isnt too special if every kid on the block got one too.
  • ishtarscorpioishtarscorpio Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I was about to insult you because I thought you were asking for an increase to the duration of the mission (which takes too long already) :P

    I agree, and I've said it before in other events, they could make it longer, indeed.


    Me too. I also support longer time frame.

    In two events yesterday I had a four minute wait and a five and a half minute wait for phase two. Either keep the rifts coming or move the event along.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    mruggles wrote: »
    i would assume that their reasoning is to limit the amount of "rewards" that people can get, making the reward more rare thereby worth more..if everyone can get the rewards on all of their toons easily, why have an event at all, just make it an account-wide giveaway?

    er.......you still seem to misunderstand.

    The prize is won after 14 runs, whatever it is.

    The runs are time gated, 20 hours apart, and there are only 21 days to do it.

    At present, someone with multiple toons has to run, daily, as many times as he has toons that want the prize.

    If the marks were made account bound, the number of runs per prize is utterly unaffected.

    You'd see the prize turn up in smaller amounts earlier, but players could run their instances at a time more to their convenience.

    and, for every one of the prizes in the game, the amount of time invested by a given player wouldnt change one bit.
  • riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    you were about to be thunderstruck by me as I thought you were going to ask to make the queue itself longer :
    Yes I totally agree, another week would be fine for people who can't get in every day. On my side I have the luck to be able to log in frequently, currently 9 out of 9 days done since event started, but I'm for giving a fair chance to all players out there.
  • ishtarscorpioishtarscorpio Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    On another note....don't expect them to add a day for the server being down either, which will further shorten the time frame.
  • mrugglesmruggles Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rinkster, 14 runs is 14 runs, whats the difference when,at the end, all of your toons end up with the reward? i dont see the advantage of account bound items (except for: "I got it before you did because i have 14 toons.")
  • drasymdrasym Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't understand why Cryptic makes these events available for only 21 days (3 weeks) when it essentially takes 14 days (2 weeks) to accomplish it. I know someone will pipe up with the 20 hour cool down, but it is pretty much once a day. I am sure that I am not the only one who plays this game that because they have real life commitments (work, familiy, etc.) can't be on two out of three days in a row. Why can't it be extended to a month (4 weeks = 28 days) to allow the "everyman" to get a chance to get these done?

    Just to be sure I am clear on what you are asking:

    You want cryptic to adjust the game to suit the needs of those that don't play regularly?

    Apologies If I am misrepresenting your argument, and restate it if I have.

    Assuming I have understood your stance:
    Why not follow your reasoning to its logical conclusion.. In order not to exclude anyone lets give EVERYONE that logs in once the award.. no wait.. everyone with an account to 'allow "everyman" to get a chance'

    I always thought the special events were DESIGNED to encourage players to log in everyday by offering a special reward to those that do.
  • mrugglesmruggles Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    OMG drasym, there ARE intelligent beings on these forums, i was beginning to lose hope!
  • bmcd73bmcd73 Member Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Keep in mind that MMOs aren't designed and paid for by the hard core gamers out there. The majority of gamers are a bit more casual. I have 11 toons and I like to play all of them. All at 50. It takes me 3 hours a day to complete this event on all my toons. It feels more like a job. Spreading out the time would lighten that up a bit and give the majority of others some flexibility to complete on their time. Also keep in mind it wouldn't be much of a game if it were only made up of the hard core gamers. Also note that just because you don't log on every day doesn't mean you don't play regularly.
  • mrugglesmruggles Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Look at it this way:
    a company is having a 2 day special sale, do you call them and ask them to extend the days because you are unable to make it there in those 2 days? no..

    this is no different, its a "special event"..if they wanted everyone to get the rewards on every toon they had,it would be a "special giveaway".
  • saihung423saihung423 Member Posts: 548 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    It only takes a few minutes to do it and get the mat for the event. I work ungodly hours, albeit I can post while I am here watching our business..and, now that the work pc went kaput, I have had to bring my gaming computer to work. So..I get about the same amount of gaming really.

    But anyway, 14 needed, 15 minutes give or take, and 7 extra days to get it. Sure I wish I had time to do it on all 6 or 7 characters I have, but I am busy most days. But as it is, I decided perhaps too late to commit to doing it on even a second character lmao.

    But, really..it's not difficult to find that 14 instances of enough time to do this in the span of 21 days.
  • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Unless you get a patch that prevents you from loading the game at all and only gets fixed two weeks after. But that doesn't happen... Oh wait...I still have the crystalline event slotted with 2 shards to go because of a patch mess...
  • edwardianededwardianed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I am sure that I am not the only one who plays this game that because they have real life commitments can't be on two out of three days in a row.

    If your real life commitments don't allow you fifteen minutes a day to call your own, you have much bigger problems in life than missing out on a video game promotion.
  • drasymdrasym Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    bmcd73 wrote: »
    Keep in mind that MMOs aren't designed and paid for by the hard core gamers out there. The majority of gamers are a bit more casual. I have 11 toons and I like to play all of them. All at 50. It takes me 3 hours a day to complete this event on all my toons. It feels more like a job. Spreading out the time would lighten that up a bit and give the majority of others some flexibility to complete on their time. Also keep in mind it wouldn't be much of a game if it were only made up of the hard core gamers. Also note that just because you don't log on every day doesn't mean you don't play regularly.

    A few comments.

    First sorry about the upcoming "wall of text" I really thought "Special events are DESIGNED to ENCOURAGE players to log in EVERY DAY" covered the whole reason for the event without further explanation.

    Keep in mind we are talking about a special event. Entirely optional. Extra rewards IN ADDITION to the standard awards that you get for doing a STF. Special event is not required to play the game.

    "The majority of gamers are a bit more casual" Um... what? More casual than what? IF 3 hours per day online 11 toons is casual... I don't want to think about hardcore gamer would look like.
    Sarcasm aside. One persons definition of hard core vs casual gamer is unlikely to match anothers. Not to mention its beside the point. Special events are DESIGNED to ENCOURAGE players to log in EVERY DAY. "spreading out the time" would decrease the urgency and make it unlikely to motivate players to log in ever day.

    "it wouldn't be much of a game if it were only made up of the hard core gamers" Nor would be much of a game if every player only logged in once per month. Again. NOT the point. Nor is who pays or doesn't pay for the game. Its a special event. Special rewards for those that want them enough to earn them. IF you don't have time to earn them (or just don't want to) you are not required to do so. Seems like you are trying to say if anyone plays the game they should be allowed to get the reward. Following that logic: What about players with busy schedules that can only play 1-2 days per month? 1x per month is still regular. Right? To be fair lets say if you do the event once, per month you STILL get the reward. (Extends event to 14 months now).. But wait.. what about vacations, military personnel... 1x per year is regular... hmm.. lets extend it to 14 years to be sure. Ridiculous? Totally.
    BTW - I never said anything about someone playing regular. I said "special events were DESIGNED to encourage players to log in everyday by offering a special reward to those that do" Extending the time for whatever reason by any amount reduces the urgency and thus the odds that someone logs in everyday. Lets be honest. Cryptic does not care whether you get the award or not. Cryptic wants what every business wants. Customers to visit. That is why the special event is limited time and why arguments of "casual vs hardcore and/or regular player" are completely irrelevant.

    " I have 11 toons and I like to play all of them. All at 50. It takes me 3 hours a day to complete this event on all my toons." SO? Sounds like cryptic has motivated you to log in everyday. Event working as planned as far as cryptic is concerned. That part of your argument actually supports NOT changing the times. (at least as far as Cryptic is concerned)

    "It feels more like a job." IF a game feels like a job you are doing it wrong.
  • andyvh501andyvh501 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yeah 14 runs per toon in three weeks is really tough for those of us with a lot of toons, IM only getting 13-15 of my 23 toons through a day and can do such because I have no life. add a full missed day like today and that makes it even harder. Hope they extend this some due to time missed.
  • drasymdrasym Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If your real life commitments don't allow you fifteen minutes a day to call your own, you have much bigger problems in life than missing out on a video game promotion.

    One could also argue if your real life commitments don't allow you fifteen minutes a day to call your own you don't have time to use the rewards from the special event anyway.
  • sc0rpi0besc0rpi0be Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    well their days you can play & days you can login to trow up some doff mission but in the end we all want the good stuff lets just hope whit this server down time they extend the event a few days so that for those of use that have limited gaming time but still enjoy the game have a chance to get too project completion.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    drasym wrote: »
    Just to be sure I am clear on what you are asking:

    You want cryptic to adjust the game to suit the needs of those that don't play regularly?

    Apologies If I am misrepresenting your argument, and restate it if I have.

    Assuming I have understood your stance:
    Why not follow your reasoning to its logical conclusion.. In order not to exclude anyone lets give EVERYONE that logs in once the award.. no wait.. everyone with an account to 'allow "everyman" to get a chance'

    I always thought the special events were DESIGNED to encourage players to log in everyday by offering a special reward to those that do.

    Seriously??? you are defninitely a worker from cryptic.

    We not talking about having multiple toons, that is an option. The event is designed for 1 - 2 toons, not more, the "need" of adquiring the reward for other alts is just optional, but that is not the important matter of the issue.

    Lets get this straight, you think that everybody should play forced almost 4 days in a week to do the event? is that your thinking??? you think STO is some kind of job that need to be done or you are not paid?? dont you realize this is a game?? that you cant enjoy it if you are forced to play whenever c ryptic wants???

    The problem here is it seems you are new to the game. This is the way cryptic works, just a really tiny window to complete the event, only focused on players that spent so much time in front of the computer, that it will be hard to think they are not LFTs , monthly subscribers or people that literally pay thousands of dollars in zen every month.

    A person who has a normal life, who works 8 hours a day, and he only have about 2 free hour time every day, its almost impossible to even play 30 minutes every day, that assuming that person can even log in in the day. Tell me how that is fair???? really??

    There is no excuse of letting people only 25 days or so to complete the event. Cryptic as always, never cared about customers, only to gather $$$ at all costs.
  • centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Also if the server is going to keep going down like this, or I keep getting disconnected. :mad:
  • edwardianededwardianed Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    the "need" of acquiring the reward for other alts is just optional

    The "need" of acquiring anything in the game is optional, because it's a game.
    you think that everybody should play forced almost 4 days in a week to do the event

    Nobody is forced to do anything, you're free to turn off the game and do something else.
    A person who has a normal life, who works 8 hours a day, and he only have about 2 free hour time every day, its almost impossible to even play 30 minutes every day, that assuming that person can even log in in the day.

    If you have two hours of free time, that means you have two hours to play, not thirty minutes; further, the fifteen minutes a day the event takes leaves you a surplus of fifteen minutes based on your thirty minute schedule; further still, if you cannot log in every day, you have one third longer the amount of days than is necessary in order to complete the event.
    only to gather $$$ at all costs.

    The generally accepted word for an organisation founded with the intent to generate profit for it's founders, is a "business". Might I also point out that this event, and the entire game that surrounds it is completely free for you to play.
  • wraithmeisterwraithmeister Member Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I just started the mirror event yesterday thinking I'd have just enough time to finish it, but with the long outage today I may come up a day short now.

    Is there any way to finish it after the official last day, similar to how you could purchase Qmendations to finish that event?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I just started the mirror event yesterday thinking I'd have just enough time to finish it, but with the long outage today I may come up a day short now.

    Is there any way to finish it after the official last day, similar to how you could purchase Qmendations to finish that event?
    I'm not sure if there's time but you could try to do a 20hr cycle.
    My character Tsin'xing
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