could have been a good one, but so far for me at least:
* black screen in 'into the void' (fixable messing around with graphics settings)
* Missing Tuvok when you need to speak to him... he's gone Jim. (usually when respawning)
* Voth commanders stuck behind the door in the security room (fixable with a bit of messing around).
I've restarted it about 5 times so far with my main toon - maybe this time...
... now the server's timed out getting to the final space bit.
tried normal and safe, but then had to Ctrl-Alt-Del out.
and no response from the login server at all now.
... oh here we go, 10th try lucky. back again. ...try the mission again?
- or give up and read a book. -- much better idea.
I got to the room with the failing window shields and the first time I died, it wouldn't allow me to respawn. The option appeared, but when I pressed it nothing happened. Not going to bother trying again. What a waste of time.
I had no problems with this mission until the EV suit part.. I went out and everything was black except on the corners where I could see the orange of the star. I tried to manouver myself looking at the map into the green circle but no success. I couldn't abort the mission, I had to exit the whole game. Now I need to do it all over
I choose the option to proceed without using any defences, in the next room the wave of Special Ops all but one of the soldiers got through the door. This didn't stop progress, I used rifle butt a few times at door and this seemed to force him through.
However, during this problem, Tuvok disappeared! I think he was trying to get the Voth behind the door and was never seen again!
This halted mission progress 100% I beamed back to ship and choose to continue mission, but even during the cutscene, Tuvok could be heard but he wasn't there.
Had to restart in end which of course, fixed the issue.
the mission isn't given to me. i finished it just when the servers went down, collected my reward afterward and now don't get the mission again from the conatact .
On my first run through as you approach the blocked door in your ev suit I was stuck in the lower flooring and could not get out. Had to restart that part of the mission.
Second bug was the voth commanders appearing behind the door. After enough time they finally appeared through the door.
Bug three, The worst one. After completing the mission I contribute my 400 qmendations and I receive no credit. They are gone. Ticket number 2,281,431
Update: After running 2 more characters through the same mission it finally awarded me the 400 rep points.
well just redid the FE for first time this time in space combat in first part i was not in the dyson i was in my atrox carrier which was fun weird seeing glow from elite scorpion fighters i guess they were burning up
A very entertaining mission. Only completed once with primary character. I've tried over a dozen times to make it with my third character and every time the server dumps me mid-mission. I log back in, go back to the mission; but now Tuvok and the doctor are gone, even though their speeches execute as they have before. I've tried failing the first puzzle, no swarmers appear. I've let my character die in the room with the Voth, respawn did not correct anything. I've dropped the mission, left the sector, changed instances, returned to the sector, and took up the mission again and there was no change.
I would enjoy completing this mission with my three characters, but I don't see that happening this week. If, because of these bugs, I cannot complete the mission during the anniversary period, will the mission still be available, without the special rewards, after the anniversary?
Bugs encountered so far:
- 3rd group of Voth getting stuck outside the door, mentioned by some others. This has only happened once though, in about 20 run-throughs of the mission.
- Triolic patter enhancer; inside the pattern everything goes black. Once you step outside the field, visuals are restorted, until you move back into the field when everything goes black again.
- EVA suit not rendering properly on a klingon toon. Helmet and thruster pack show, upper torso is unsuited (normal clothing), no legs at all, and a pair of white shoes floating 3 feet below the body
I was able to complete this mission on 2 characters with no issues the first day. I have tried on all my others but as soon as I beam to ship after getting my orders it crashes. I have tried to repeat it on the 2 that completed it and the same thing happens. I listen to the audio of Tuvok's request for assistance, get the information on my ship getting changes that will assist temporarily and when I click the beam up the zone starts to load then crashes to desktop. I was hoping that this patch would fix it but it hasn't. I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice to no avail. I even tried running it through "shudders" ARC and the same thing happens.
Edit: The first time I reinstalled was from the original collectors edition disks from 4 years ago, then I reinstalled by downloading. Doubt any of that helps but thought I would mention it.
once only once had a small bug but I got unstuck in my ev suit in the scrap outside the 2nd station just have to know how to mess around to get unstuck as I have since /stuck does not always work nor does /killme
overall I enjoyed it all still need to run first mission on 2 characters but did try it twice on my kdf tac chick & liked it.
My two cent's take em or leave em......
Officer of Fed side - Borg Syndicate: Isulaya (FED Sci) & Isu'laya (ROM Eng) . Admin/Head Officer of KDF side - Blood Empire: A'Nari (KDF Tac). Both have 400+ (usually 500) active fleet members in each of the fleets = I is one busy woman.
I was able to complete this mission on 2 characters with no issues the first day. I have tried on all my others but as soon as I beam to ship after getting my orders it crashes. I have tried to repeat it on the 2 that completed it and the same thing happens. I listen to the audio of Tuvok's request for assistance, get the information on my ship getting changes that will assist temporarily and when I click the beam up the zone starts to load then crashes to desktop. I was hoping that this patch would fix it but it hasn't. I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice to no avail. I even tried running it through "shudders" ARC and the same thing happens.
Edit: The first time I reinstalled was from the original collectors edition disks from 4 years ago, then I reinstalled by downloading. Doubt any of that helps but thought I would mention it.
When the crash occurs, are you getting the Cryptic Error Tracker? If so, under the box where it asks you to enter what was going on at the time of the crash, there should be a number. If you can get me the Error Tracker number, I can at least make sure the software team knows about the crash.
Bugs encountered so far:
- 3rd group of Voth getting stuck outside the door, mentioned by some others. This has only happened once though, in about 20 run-throughs of the mission.
- Triolic patter enhancer; inside the pattern everything goes black. Once you step outside the field, visuals are restorted, until you move back into the field when everything goes black again.
- EVA suit not rendering properly on a klingon toon. Helmet and thruster pack show, upper torso is unsuited (normal clothing), no legs at all, and a pair of white shoes floating 3 feet below the body
Thanks for the report. On the Klingon and EV suit issue, was this an actual Klingon or one of the other KDF races? Also, was the character wearing any purchased costume pieces?
Thanks for the report. On the Klingon and EV suit issue, was this an actual Klingon or one of the other KDF races? Also, was the character wearing any purchased costume pieces?
I had issues on a Klingon Female that was wearing the Veteran Shoulders (with fur). The head was the EV Suit Helmet, The chest/torso was what she was wearing, and the legs were strangely missing. Boots were her costume boots. I think the actual costume piece for the chest is the Cut Out Armor. Switched to a uniform without the vet shoulders and everything worked. Can't confirm/Deny other species. The next KDF char I run through I'll do some more testing.
* Edit: Did some checking in the tailor, seems to be keyed on the Spine Armor. Put spine armor on, and you get the weirdness described. Take the spine armor off the costume and it all works. Tested on a Liberated Borg Klingon Female, Orion Female, and Klingon Female.
I had issues on a Klingon Female that was wearing the Veteran Shoulders (with fur). The head was the EV Suit Helmet, The chest/torso was what she was wearing, and the legs were strangely missing. Boots were her costume boots. I think the actual costume piece for the chest is the Cut Out Armor. Switched to a uniform without the vet shoulders and everything worked. Can't confirm/Deny other species. The next KDF char I run through I'll do some more testing.
* Edit: Did some checking in the tailor, seems to be keyed on the Spine Armor. Put spine armor on, and you get the weirdness described. Take the spine armor off the costume and it all works. Tested on a Liberated Borg Klingon Female, Orion Female, and Klingon Female.
I can confirm that my Orion Female had a similar issue and a bug report was filed. However, after the latest patch, the EV suit visuals seemed to be okay. I haven't done any extensive testing.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Duno if its been reported but one or two of the later cutscenes does somit with your costumes and also made my body i.e arms and chest 2x as large it. Generally it showed me as normal with my jem hdar robes on but near the last few cutscenes of tuvok and me it showed me in my alternative but messed up only in cutscene with huge arms, twok uniform. Only happened in cutscenes i was ok out of them.
Love the mission; finished and gathered all the gear on my Fed 50.
But, I've tried to complete the FE twice across 2 days and today's patch on an alt. No joy.
I'm running the mission on a level 10 rommie sci. I finish the final fight, with only the romulan schimitar as back up (no KDF back-up as on my Fed 50). After the fight, the sub-mission info says "Hail Allies." Well, I can only talk to Commander Jurok and she says' yadda, attaboy..." next screen "command will be in touch..." and then there is no clicky to advance the tree and finish the mission. It's as if the button is missing. I have to X out of the dialog window, but it doesn't advance the mission. I can't hail new rom to clear mission. I can't do anything except warp out... which resets progress up to that point and doesn't complete the mission.
I'd really like to get that Rommie Dyson ship, so I hope someone see this and gets a fix in time for the end of the FE special rewards run! I submitted a ticket, but my experience with support in the past has made me pessimistic that it will get resolved through them.
When the crash occurs, are you getting the Cryptic Error Tracker? If so, under the box where it asks you to enter what was going on at the time of the crash, there should be a number. If you can get me the Error Tracker number, I can at least make sure the software team knows about the crash.
Sorry for the delay I have been sick with a nasty flu and had not checked the forums. I just tried again after patching from today and the error report number is 26836771 that I just filed. Crashed at the same point. "Click Beam To Ship...Starts loading then desktop appears.
The last stage of the mission seems not to recognize Romulans: You are assisted by the Scimitar and the ship of the opposite faction, instead of the Bortasqu and the Enterprise, and get to utter the lines belonging to your allied faction instead of Romulan lines.
When i get to around the area of using the EV suit to cross the exploded section of station, the game goes black and locks my computer up causing me having to reboot and restart the mission.
I have tried on my other computer, same result. At best, i have to re-do the mission 2 or 3 times before actually completing the mission once. And trying to get the space set for 12 toons is a tad annoying. I was thinking of getting the space set for all my toons across multiple accounts, but, my patience is wearing thin having to do a full restart of the mission.
Also, trying to get to the room where you have to protect Cooper from swarmers and help with consoles, seems to be nearly impossible to get to. Ive tried all options, but seems to be random thing where the game chooses which room you go to. I think this should be in one of the options.
Furthermore, With that room, trying to get the accolade " Efficient Swarmer Exterminator ", seems to be bugged. I have gotten it a few times, but other toons seem to not get it even tho i have gotten under the 1 minute mark.
My other picks about the mission, no respawn points if you get dc'd or game freezes or what ever.
Sound seems to be crackly or distorted
And cant skip all cut scenes. Can most but not all. Not important but would be nice to have the option there to skip all, specially playing across many toons
On a lighter note, im not having a dig at the devs or anything, just giving my reports on some issues i have experienced. Also, it is a great mission. Keep up the good work devs
My system for my main gaming rig, (not sure if this helps any, but just in case )
Asus Maximus V Extreme
Intel I7 3770K
32GB G-Skills Ram @2133MHz
2 X EVGA GTX 760 FTW 4GB in SLi
Sound is through HDMI
Also, i use Arc.
I believe God created the universe, because he knew we wanted to explore. So, he made us a playground...
Originally Posted by jolton View Post
I was able to complete this mission on 2 characters with no issues the first day. I have tried on all my others but as soon as I beam to ship after getting my orders it crashes. I have tried to repeat it on the 2 that completed it and the same thing happens. I listen to the audio of Tuvok's request for assistance, get the information on my ship getting changes that will assist temporarily and when I click the beam up the zone starts to load then crashes to desktop. I was hoping that this patch would fix it but it hasn't. I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice to no avail. I even tried running it through "shudders" ARC and the same thing happens.
Edit: The first time I reinstalled was from the original collectors edition disks from 4 years ago, then I reinstalled by downloading. Doubt any of that helps but thought I would mention it.
When the crash occurs, are you getting the Cryptic Error Tracker? If so, under the box where it asks you to enter what was going on at the time of the crash, there should be a number. If you can get me the Error Tracker number, I can at least make sure the software team knows about the crash.
Sorry for the delay I have been sick with a nasty flu and had not checked the forums. I just tried again after patching from today and the error report number is 26836771 that I just filed. Crashed at the same point. "Click Beam To Ship...Starts loading then desktop appears.
To Crypticfrost :
I posted all previous here to it would be easier for you to follow the chain. I was playing around with things today and I am not sure why because I have never had to do it before but it seems to have worked. I have been using Windows 7 X64 Pro since the beginning and never had any issues. I set the game to run in compatibility mode for XP SP3 and I was able to complete the mission on 2 characters that I was previously unable to. I hope this little workaround will help others before the mission is over as it is a fun mission to complete. The story is awesome and worth a play through even if you do not want/ need the ship.
Love the mission; finished and gathered all the gear on my Fed 50.
But, I've tried to complete the FE twice across 2 days and today's patch on an alt. No joy.
I'm running the mission on a level 10 rommie sci. I finish the final fight, with only the romulan schimitar as back up (no KDF back-up as on my Fed 50). After the fight, the sub-mission info says "Hail Allies." Well, I can only talk to Commander Jurok and she says' yadda, attaboy..." next screen "command will be in touch..." and then there is no clicky to advance the tree and finish the mission. It's as if the button is missing. I have to X out of the dialog window, but it doesn't advance the mission. I can't hail new rom to clear mission. I can't do anything except warp out... which resets progress up to that point and doesn't complete the mission.
I'd really like to get that Rommie Dyson ship, so I hope someone see this and gets a fix in time for the end of the FE special rewards run! I submitted a ticket, but my experience with support in the past has made me pessimistic that it will get resolved through them.
Can anyone confirm that the accolade "Efficient Swarmer Exterminator" is working as of the last patch? This is the one you get for defeating the swarmers in under a minute while Dr. Cooper messes with a console. It's the right path from the swarmer room (the left path being the sun room).
I've gotten the accolade on two character fairly early in the event, but since the last patch I've literally done it over a dozen times on half a dozen characters and can't seem to get the accolade. It's very difficult to tell how long you're taking while doing this, but considering I've gotten it before without having to try too hard I find it difficult to believe that out of all these runs I haven't done at least one in under a minute.
An accolade shouldn't be this difficult to obtain. If you get the baby swarmers it's not too bad cause they die quickly, but the big ones with shields take far too long to kill, and since they are in the air a lot of your ground skills are ineffective.
In the room that flashes WARNING! WARNING!
i died in it and will not let me press respawn at all
now i turned off the EV suit just at the moment of entering the room i died of course and i respawned.
but this caused Tuvok to stand there forever and not help me beyond that room.
That Tuvok is grouping up behind you like a bridge officer would when you're supposed to try talk to him.
*Runs around in circles chasing Tuvok...*
could have been a good one, but so far for me at least:
* black screen in 'into the void' (fixable messing around with graphics settings)
* Missing Tuvok when you need to speak to him... he's gone Jim. (usually when respawning)
* Voth commanders stuck behind the door in the security room (fixable with a bit of messing around).
I've restarted it about 5 times so far with my main toon - maybe this time...
... now the server's timed out getting to the final space bit.
tried normal and safe, but then had to Ctrl-Alt-Del out.
and no response from the login server at all now.
... oh here we go, 10th try lucky. back again. ...try the mission again?
- or give up and read a book. -- much better idea.
I choose the option to proceed without using any defences, in the next room the wave of Special Ops all but one of the soldiers got through the door. This didn't stop progress, I used rifle butt a few times at door and this seemed to force him through.
However, during this problem, Tuvok disappeared! I think he was trying to get the Voth behind the door and was never seen again!
This halted mission progress 100% I beamed back to ship and choose to continue mission, but even during the cutscene, Tuvok could be heard but he wasn't there.
Had to restart in end which of course, fixed the issue.
Second bug was the voth commanders appearing behind the door. After enough time they finally appeared through the door.
Bug three, The worst one. After completing the mission I contribute my 400 qmendations and I receive no credit. They are gone. Ticket number 2,281,431
Update: After running 2 more characters through the same mission it finally awarded me the 400 rep points.
I would enjoy completing this mission with my three characters, but I don't see that happening this week. If, because of these bugs, I cannot complete the mission during the anniversary period, will the mission still be available, without the special rewards, after the anniversary?
- 3rd group of Voth getting stuck outside the door, mentioned by some others. This has only happened once though, in about 20 run-throughs of the mission.
- Triolic patter enhancer; inside the pattern everything goes black. Once you step outside the field, visuals are restorted, until you move back into the field when everything goes black again.
- EVA suit not rendering properly on a klingon toon. Helmet and thruster pack show, upper torso is unsuited (normal clothing), no legs at all, and a pair of white shoes floating 3 feet below the body
Edit: The first time I reinstalled was from the original collectors edition disks from 4 years ago, then I reinstalled by downloading. Doubt any of that helps but thought I would mention it.
overall I enjoyed it all still need to run first mission on 2 characters but did try it twice on my kdf tac chick & liked it.
Officer of Fed side - Borg Syndicate: Isulaya (FED Sci) & Isu'laya (ROM Eng) . Admin/Head Officer of KDF side - Blood Empire: A'Nari (KDF Tac). Both have 400+ (usually 500) active fleet members in each of the fleets = I is one busy woman.
When the crash occurs, are you getting the Cryptic Error Tracker? If so, under the box where it asks you to enter what was going on at the time of the crash, there should be a number. If you can get me the Error Tracker number, I can at least make sure the software team knows about the crash.
Thanks for the report. On the Klingon and EV suit issue, was this an actual Klingon or one of the other KDF races? Also, was the character wearing any purchased costume pieces?
I had issues on a Klingon Female that was wearing the Veteran Shoulders (with fur). The head was the EV Suit Helmet, The chest/torso was what she was wearing, and the legs were strangely missing. Boots were her costume boots. I think the actual costume piece for the chest is the Cut Out Armor. Switched to a uniform without the vet shoulders and everything worked. Can't confirm/Deny other species. The next KDF char I run through I'll do some more testing.
* Edit: Did some checking in the tailor, seems to be keyed on the Spine Armor. Put spine armor on, and you get the weirdness described. Take the spine armor off the costume and it all works. Tested on a Liberated Borg Klingon Female, Orion Female, and Klingon Female.
I can confirm that my Orion Female had a similar issue and a bug report was filed. However, after the latest patch, the EV suit visuals seemed to be okay. I haven't done any extensive testing.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
But, I've tried to complete the FE twice across 2 days and today's patch on an alt. No joy.
I'm running the mission on a level 10 rommie sci. I finish the final fight, with only the romulan schimitar as back up (no KDF back-up as on my Fed 50). After the fight, the sub-mission info says "Hail Allies." Well, I can only talk to Commander Jurok and she says' yadda, attaboy..." next screen "command will be in touch..." and then there is no clicky to advance the tree and finish the mission. It's as if the button is missing. I have to X out of the dialog window, but it doesn't advance the mission. I can't hail new rom to clear mission. I can't do anything except warp out... which resets progress up to that point and doesn't complete the mission.
I'd really like to get that Rommie Dyson ship, so I hope someone see this and gets a fix in time for the end of the FE special rewards run! I submitted a ticket, but my experience with support in the past has made me pessimistic that it will get resolved through them.
Thanks for reading.
Sorry for the delay I have been sick with a nasty flu and had not checked the forums. I just tried again after patching from today and the error report number is 26836771 that I just filed. Crashed at the same point. "Click Beam To Ship...Starts loading then desktop appears.
Don't need to do that. Just make sure you have under water view on in your video settings. This may require a restart though.
I have tried on my other computer, same result. At best, i have to re-do the mission 2 or 3 times before actually completing the mission once. And trying to get the space set for 12 toons is a tad annoying. I was thinking of getting the space set for all my toons across multiple accounts, but, my patience is wearing thin having to do a full restart of the mission.
Also, trying to get to the room where you have to protect Cooper from swarmers and help with consoles, seems to be nearly impossible to get to. Ive tried all options, but seems to be random thing where the game chooses which room you go to. I think this should be in one of the options.
Furthermore, With that room, trying to get the accolade " Efficient Swarmer Exterminator ", seems to be bugged. I have gotten it a few times, but other toons seem to not get it even tho i have gotten under the 1 minute mark.
My other picks about the mission, no respawn points if you get dc'd or game freezes or what ever.
Sound seems to be crackly or distorted
And cant skip all cut scenes. Can most but not all. Not important but would be nice to have the option there to skip all, specially playing across many toons
On a lighter note, im not having a dig at the devs or anything, just giving my reports on some issues i have experienced. Also, it is a great mission. Keep up the good work devs
My system for my main gaming rig, (not sure if this helps any, but just in case
Asus Maximus V Extreme
Intel I7 3770K
32GB G-Skills Ram @2133MHz
2 X EVGA GTX 760 FTW 4GB in SLi
Sound is through HDMI
Also, i use Arc.
To Crypticfrost :
I posted all previous here to it would be easier for you to follow the chain. I was playing around with things today and I am not sure why because I have never had to do it before but it seems to have worked. I have been using Windows 7 X64 Pro since the beginning and never had any issues. I set the game to run in compatibility mode for XP SP3 and I was able to complete the mission on 2 characters that I was previously unable to. I hope this little workaround will help others before the mission is over as it is a fun mission to complete. The story is awesome and worth a play through even if you do not want/ need the ship.
Having the same issue....
I've gotten the accolade on two character fairly early in the event, but since the last patch I've literally done it over a dozen times on half a dozen characters and can't seem to get the accolade. It's very difficult to tell how long you're taking while doing this, but considering I've gotten it before without having to try too hard I find it difficult to believe that out of all these runs I haven't done at least one in under a minute.
An accolade shouldn't be this difficult to obtain. If you get the baby swarmers it's not too bad cause they die quickly, but the big ones with shields take far too long to kill, and since they are in the air a lot of your ground skills are ineffective.