There is no reason why we need this in STO...especially Boffs running around in bikinis.
People like going on about how it's "canon", well maybe it was canon for random women Kirk ran into on his journey but did you see Uhura report for duty in clothing like that? Did nurse Chapel show up to sick bay in a bathing suit?
I must of missed the episode where Kes was assisting the Doctor in a bikini and the episode where 7 of 9 was on the bridge and only thing covering her was the inoperable Borg implants she had left over.
We're Starfleet Officers/Klingon Warriors/Romulan Operatives(?) not scantily clad girl number 3 from random planet 74.
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
Fan Dancing Attire and Betazoid Wedding Gowns! Coming to a Z-store near you...
And for the KDF, for a limited time only, the Emperor's New Armor. 5000 Zen. Only the truly honorable can recognize its awesome greatnessitude.
I mock cause there isn't a snowball's chance on Vulcan. And if, by any chance, they were to consider this, I'd be insisting they rig up the entire game to differentiate between (true) social maps and, well, call them professional maps (any place with missions or hostiles) where you can't wear any Off-duty costumes, and where you are automatically forced into one of your uniforms (or the standard Antares one if you thought you were clever and deleted all your uniform presets) on beaming down. So no speedos on ESD. If you want to go streaking, Andoria's about six lightyears that way.
The same is true of "the Emperor's New Armor". It's a reference to an old story about a king who got duped into going out in public naked by a guy who claimed to make a suit of clothes that could only be seen by smart people.
There is no reason why we need this in STO...especially Boffs running around in bikinis.
People like going on about how it's "canon", well maybe it was canon for random women Kirk ran into on his journey but did you see Uhura report for duty in clothing like that? Did nurse Chapel show up to sick bay in a bathing suit?
I must of missed the episode where Kes was assisting the Doctor in a bikini and the episode where 7 of 9 was on the bridge and only thing covering her was the inoperable Borg implants she had left over.
We're Starfleet Officers/Klingon Warriors/Romulan Operatives(?) not scantily clad girl number 3 from random planet 74.
Actually flower belt CAN be used by boffs aswell.
R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
This is funny because Betazoids marry naked
The same is true of "the Emperor's New Armor". It's a reference to an old story about a king who got duped into going out in public naked by a guy who claimed to make a suit of clothes that could only be seen by smart people.
My character Tsin'xing