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Things wrong with the game



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    adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    My main issue... has to be the lack of difficulty, I mean, why do we get 12 boff skills plus the captain's skills plus any consoles but the NPCs get 3 or 4 skills total... what the hell?

    The above leads to dps being the main focus of almost all non-pvp builds, 'efficiency' in that leads to single button builds, which leads to people not wanting to actually play the game. I know a dev said that for some players it may be their first game, that's no excuse though for making everything so easy it can be done on a single button with no thought required, ultimately that is letting the new guys down!
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    wrenfuwrenfu Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Bridges aren't being utilized for anything useful, other than the cell ship and freighter. We need some sort of content for them, like navigating the sector map. which brings me to an other thing I hate: the sector map. It felt like a rushjob on release and its even worse today. loading zones and messed up proportions and overall 'meh' looking space that just makes me want to get out of it as soon as possible.
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    chaosgod777chaosgod777 Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Many points here are deffinitely worthy of attention. being an owner of a scimitar myself I love the ship however I can't aggree with its thalaron weapon, just kills cannon for me. I mean theres a section of space up in iota pavonis dedicated to the fist scimitar's distruction...The great bloom. That aside is not the most important thing to me.

    Sector Space! we all fly through it. we all pick where we want to go in it. some of us race through it. and it's system is blocky andnot all that fun to fly through. Sure you can disable astrometrics so make it look a little better, but it just hides the overlaying problem. with the advent of slipstream drive sector blocks became shorter and didnt take nearly as long to cross. the skills revamp brought about the drivers coil skill which made travel much faster. we then gained access to advanced slipstream which allowed us to travell slightly faster and for longer periods of time. then came chroniton integrated slipstream. using CIS it is possible to go from one side of a sector block to another without finishing your slipstream (I know, I do it all the time). I think its time to do away with the old sector block system and make one overall space. Large, open, really open it up and give the feel of traveling faster then light through space. maybe make the transwarp condouits have a stream captains can fly through to increase travel speed, make it part of a network so captins can travel around much faster. I think transwarps should remain as they are. Perhaps even have random systems like in the clusters in open space you can randomly visit if you want. I think this would make the game far more trek like and also far more fun overall.
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    stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Well thats true. But who would have guessed it would sell that well?
    I don't see any other 5000 zen ship fly around that often, not even the Odysee that had a free variant at some point....
    And as someone who blocks the sector space with his oversized Scimitar himself I have to say.... its incredible fun to fly it.
    No doubt it is incredibly fun to fly. In part, that's why the Scimitar is so maddening. if it was a lemon then nobody would buy it.
    About the things that are wrong:
    Admrials only as away team leader.
    I think its stupid and untrekkie...
    We should in some way be able switch the "active ground character" like we can switch the "active space character"=ship.
    Yeah I don't get why they made Admirals a serious rank in this game. We should have stayed at Captain and simply be given different tiers. Or bring back the TOS ranks of Fleet Captain and Commodore.

    Admirals should always and forever be the NPCs who boss us around. It's incredibly bizarre to run around as an Admiral and be told by Lieutenant Somebody to go explore Delta Volanis or Captain Kurland on DS9 tells us off about the Jem'hadar.
    baudl wrote: »
    1) too many tac console to make build viable. making every console unique would fix that, and make 2 tac console ships more viable.
    2) energy weapons too powerfull (kind of a result of point nr. 1, in part), which makes using torps questionable. reduce damage of energy weapons on hull by 50%, probably fixes that, and gives torpedos a better position in the game.
    3) ground combat feels laggy at times
    4) how the skillsystem favours only 1 type of ship, if you switch to a different kind of ship you may want to respecc, just to have an optimized build. That is certainly dumb, if buying different ships is the main income model of this game company.
    They should introduce diminishing returns on the tac consoles, but I don't know if that would actually fix the problem. But it's kinda nutty to have diminishing returns on the armour consoles because you don't want a scenario where ships are flat-out immune to damage, but at the same time no diminishing returns on the tac consoles means your damage never plateaus like it IMO should. There should be some penalty involved in stacking flat damage consoles because at the moment you're basically encouraged to stack them and while I wouldn't go so far as to say choosing not to hampers you, it does make your build suboptimal.
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    bareelbareel Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Complete lack of in game reward consistency. Most games give out rewards based upon difficulty, and/or time involved. This leads to the player having several viable options for getting the rewards they want. In STO it is frightening how much longer it would take to gain romulan marks via Azure Nebula compared to Epohh tagging as a quick example.
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    carasucia83carasucia83 Member Posts: 568 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hmm.... My number one thing wrong with the game?


    Fighting against a healoranyotherboat captained by the OP in Arena :P (props, you are fun)


    Um.... god.... erm....

    General level of difficulty of end-game content has to get my vote I guess. That and how when something is too hard for players who aren't interested in playing as a team on maps designed to be played as a team, it gets made easy. Crystalline Cataclysm anyone? I would be 'happy' to grind out a whole rep system devoted to harder content if it meant it would be super difficult without all my fleet, rep and lock box shinies to help me.
    "So my fun is wrong?"

    No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
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    chaosgod777chaosgod777 Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hmm.... My number one thing wrong with the game?


    Fighting against a healoranyotherboat captained by the OP in Arena :P (props, you are fun)


    Um.... god.... erm....

    General level of difficulty of end-game content has to get my vote I guess. That and how when something is too hard for players who aren't interested in playing as a team on maps designed to be played as a team, it gets made easy. Crystalline Cataclysm anyone? I would be 'happy' to grind out a whole rep system devoted to harder content if it meant it would be super difficult without all my fleet, rep and lock box shinies to help me.

    I have to whole heartedly agree with this. I miss the "Difficulty of the stf's" ya know, before they became "walk in, shoot borg, walk out, claim lots of loot for little effort". My fleet ran all 3, 3 times a week because everything else was too easy. and half the time we 3 man'd them. hell, anything less then elite alone is too simple and just for a speed run even if im the only captain on the map. the new ep, went in no support first time and cake walked it. and then i was sad.
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    stofsk wrote: »
    Why would the Romulan Republic have so many Scimitars in their flotilla? How does the Republic have the resources to mass produce said ships without any shipyard? (this goes to all the other ships they have btw) Why would they use thalaron weapons if their two major potential allies and the dominant superpowers in the region have both outlawed their use?

    Hell we went to Nimbus to uncover Thalaron triggers that Hassan the Undying had, because this was a Big Deal, but then later on you can buy your own Scimitar and equip all the set bonuses to get your own Thalaron weapon, and not a single person gives a damn. It is, simply put, dissonant with the narrative.

    replicators? Beam tech? The roms lost their home, but not modern technology. They can certainly set up a ship builder somewhere. Remember too, the player character is a hero of the story, and while we see each other in space, from the *story* standpoint, there really is only ONE hero / player character. Unless you think that "law" has been rescued 100000000000000000000000000 times or that worf helped 100000000000000000000000000 players fly an ob carrier? All us players in all our ships *represent* one hero to the NPC and story reality. Or at the most, one group of such in the case of team content storyline (what little there is of it).

    I agree about the thal weapons.... but maybe 1 scim in 100 has that. I have seen it used exactly once, when some guy in a scim took out like 20 ships or something.
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    captaindecker12captaindecker12 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    That there are no major endgame missions anymore. The original STFs were buggy, frustrating and nearly unplayable, but dammit, they were a challenge and it felt good to complete them. Now, there are story missions, hell, even patrol missions that take longer then the Endgame "raids."

    The old STFs don't have to return, but there should be something to take their place, as massive, team-based, space and ground combined missions.

    Also, where's the Children of Khan STF/FE? We were promised the 4 years ago and nothing. I wanna go to the Mutara Nebula, god **** it!
    Actual Join Date: Dec 2009 (Yes, that's pre-launch)
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    bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    misterde3 wrote: »
    And you have read all the posts from all the players who complain to know they have never ever praised the game in other threads? Phew now that's a colossal investment of time.

    it was just an assumption based on 99% of the threads i have read are complaint based and within the threads most reply posts tent to agree with the complaints and if anyone does disagree they are often told they dont know what they are talking about and nobodys interested in their opinion anyway.
    but im probably wrong anyway, and im sure there are loads of threads and posts within this forum that are full of praise for the game, this one included.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

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    jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited February 2014
    Alright, lets play a sort of game.

    You may only post ONE particular thing you find wrong with the game.

    So basically, post the number one thing on your list of things wrong with STO.

    I will start, of course.

    The Season 8 graphics texture glitch http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=913941

    My biggest complaint about sto is

    There is NO end game content after level 50

    just pointless grinds that give us more power and no place to have fun with it
    We are so overpowered now the elite STfs are but a grind/Joke
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
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    johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The uniform/off-duty/armor split in the Tailor. Should be one uniform tab with access to all unlocked costumes. Same for Boffs.
    Also, where's the Children of Khan STF/FE? We were promised the 4 years ago and nothing. I wanna go to the Mutara Nebula, god **** it!

    You know, i'd been speculating that the revamped Mirror Event was the upcoming CE-type event that D'Angelo mentioned.

    But, with Cryptic releasing the Khan uniforms recently, and the Facility4028 Fugutive twitter posts (assuming they're not a hoax) could point to something different.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
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    vivenneanthonyvivenneanthony Member Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    stofsk wrote: »
    Why would the Romulan Republic have so many Scimitars in their flotilla? How does the Republic have the resources to mass produce said ships without any shipyard? (this goes to all the other ships they have btw) Why would they use thalaron weapons if their two major potential allies and the dominant superpowers in the region have both outlawed their use?

    The Scimitar is canon. So, every Romulan have the right to play that ship no matter what. As for as Romulans, they did not play by the rules.

    Check out this link:

    Romulan ribosomes apparently do not match those of humans or, surprisingly, Vulcans — but can match those of Klingons. The race still believes in discarding genetically or physically inferior infants, and that it will conquer the galaxy.
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    tanuustanuus Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Without just reiterating the basic stuff that many have already posted (grind, bugs, lack of end game, etc.), I'll throw something pretty simple in here.

    I'm sick of zoning into an STF and having my bridge officers back in the mess hall stuffing there faces. Sneak away, reassign all the slots, get back in combat. Doesn't seem a big deal, but it's freaking annoying. Seems to be getting worse as well.
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    My biggest issue with STO is simple:

    Grind without a point.

    You grind whatever thing they release, so you can kill time until the next grind. It's not like you are working on trying to beat some new super-boss that is supremely difficult unless you grind, nope, just grinding so you can wait until whatever new thing they release for you to grind.

    I'm tired of it at this point. Hell, I ain't logged on in a week (for various real life reasons mostly). Probably will today though.

    Doesn't change much. I'll play the new episode, probably get the set on at least one toon just for the sake of having it, then...you guessed it, start grinding for the ship on the toons I want it on.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    One thing?

    Lack of any meaningful engagement with the player base from the developers.

    Seems like they've framed the player base as a potentially hostile entity, whose words must be forcefully ignored in favour of waiting for the metrics to come in.

    It's a good thing to thank people for kind words of praise, however, the flip side of that coin is making sure that those who criticise you are at least properly acknowledged.
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