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Steps Between Stars - all black rooms for some players *Resolved*



  • furcoffurcof Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    After fiddling some more with settings turning each one off till I finally got back to the black textures and unable to see. I've found that if you turn Underwater view settings on the mission works fine, turning Underwater view off however its back to black textures
  • eagledracoeagledraco Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Fooled around for hours and hours in the dark.... Could not complete mission.

    Messed around with video settings and DirectX Finally got mine to work under WinXP / DX9! Steps:

    1) Beamed up to sector space, left STO running, and went to Win XP.

    2) Ran DXDIAG (Start Button, Click Run, type "dxdiag" and click OK). Disabled and Re-Enabled DirectX Features. Did the DirectX Tests (all passed). Then set STO's Video settings to maximum and clicked OK.

    3) Continued the mission from sector space. Had to redo the ground fights but once I got to the space walk it worked!

    It's too late for me to figure out what exact video setting fixed it. Tomorrow I will troubleshoot more and post results if I find out anything.
  • stogungravestogungrave Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    This new mission "A Step Between Stars" seemed like it would be good, and it was until I had to fly around in pitch darkness, who in there right mind thought this would be fun. After blindly flying around running into things I somehow got to the point where you have to override locks to open the door, I spent 30 mins blindly trying to find those locks, before I gave up. In the hope that maybe it was just my settings I tried every video option you have, windowed, fullscreen, windowed maximised, moved to speed, moved to quality, tried each of the advanced video settings, but no change. This mission is unplayable.



    Edit: Just noticed my typo in the title, and no option to edit that.
  • ufpterrellufpterrell Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Troll? There is a cut scene just before you have to do the locks section showing you where they are. If the screen is too dark (was fine for me) just go into your options menu and increase the brightness or gamma settings.

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  • stogungravestogungrave Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    ufpterrell wrote: »
    Troll? There is a cut scene just before you have to do the locks section showing you where they are. If the screen is too dark (was fine for me) just go into your options menu and increase the brightness or gamma settings.

    I tried that it didn't work. And if there was a cut sceen i couldnt see it.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    its a bug and not how its meant to be.

    "Some players are experience very dark environments in A Step Between Starts.
    A temporary workaround that has worked for some includes changing DX9/11 settings while increasing graphics settings to max before entering these environments."
  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,711 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    definitely a bug. first time through my ship was not there.. it was, because you could sorta see the shields but it wasn't. the server crashed and when i picked it back up, it was fine.. the video for the FE is... problamatic on both run throughs i have done, using a geforce 560 Ti
    We Want Vic Fontaine
  • humblesheephumblesheep Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Waisted an hour in the dark, flying in circles, someone send me an e-mail if they ever fix it.

  • psymempsymem Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    furcof wrote: »
    After fiddling some more with settings turning each one off till I finally got back to the black textures and unable to see. I've found that if you turn Underwater view settings on the mission works fine, turning Underwater view off however its back to black textures
    Thank you so much, tried to figure it out myself but missed that option. After 5 blind runs I finally finished it without having to feel my way through
  • kantazo1kantazo1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    It is a bug and it was reported yesterday as well.
    Seek and ye shall find. Yeshua
  • humblesheephumblesheep Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    After 1 hour I gave up.
  • otowiotowi Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I will have to try the underwater settings.

    Cryptic, any news regarding this except turning on DX11?

    Not everyone has the ability to turn DX11 on due to haveing older graphics cards, so that is really not a solution for some.

    Anyways, hope you guys can fix this, as I and others affected can't complete the mission and get the 400 qmendations or other parts of the set pieces.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Underwater view eh? Will have to try that. My card is too old and doesn't support DX11 so I can't use that option.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • butler513butler513 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Complete blackout blown up debris through sheer luck, now can't scan the door because I can't find it or I have but the scanning option is bugged as we'll :mad:
    Please fix soon
  • tmassxtmassx Member Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rrincy wrote: »
    running at bare minimum settings if that's got anything to with it, http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y160/yzak_gatx_102/blackout_zps558b3a93.png

    Yes , i have the exactly same trouble.
  • eskevareskevar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I dont know if someone have find some solution in the meantime but I've RESOLVED for me in the meantime.
    My configuration:
    Intel Q6600 4GB ATI 4870 512MB 1680x1050 Windows XP DirectX 9 (last one).
    Automatic LOW settings for video.

    I've "black texture" bug in the EV Suit fly like others.

    My solution:
    1)Start mission 4th aniversary until you use the EV Suit (so you see the external)
    2)Set resolution to 1024x768 pixel full screen and APPLY
    Nothing seems changed.
    I close game (ALT+F4) and rejoin mission in the same place.
    4)Et voila', texture are came back.
    5)Set resolution back to whatever you have before. (for me 1680x1050)

    Hope this will work for anyone else.
    I dont know if there's some shortcut to evade the restart of the game.


    Celestial Being Italian [CBI] and Confederazione [CSI] (Federation)
    Bastardi Senza Gloria [BSG] (Klingon)
  • dlichtdlicht Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Same issue here, after an over 200 meg patch this morning i thought maybe the issue was resolved, but nope.... still cant see anything
  • comtedeloach2comtedeloach2 Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    This new mission "A Step Between Stars" seemed like it would be good, and it was until I had to fly around in pitch darkness, who in there right mind thought this would be fun. After blindly flying around running into things I somehow got to the point where you have to override locks to open the door, I spent 30 mins blindly trying to find those locks, before I gave up. In the hope that maybe it was just my settings I tried every video option you have, windowed, fullscreen, windowed maximised, moved to speed, moved to quality, tried each of the advanced video settings, but no change. This mission is unplayable.



    Edit: Just noticed my typo in the title, and no option to edit that.

    Whats your video card? Driver version?
  • liorb77liorb77 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Easy solution for me.

    Everything was black on the station, all i did was to click on "charackter change" and then i choosed the same again in the menue. When i came back the lights went on.

    Worked for me.
  • sthraxpwesthraxpwe Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I'm having this issue too. It is impossible to get through that section of the FE with virtually pitch black to navigate through. I Forest Gumped my way through releasing the locks, but I can't see anything enough to thread the needle to get to Tuvok and the Dr.

    Between the server issues and this, it has just been a FANTASTIC 4th Anniversary.
  • varabondvarabond Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    The DX11 trick worked for me. Only problem now is that the EV suit doesn't apply properly graphically. The only parts of it that show on my character are the helmet, boots, and jetpack. Also, my legs are invisible. I imagine this may be the result of another botched phase/cloak experiment, ala TNG's "The Next Phase..."
  • edited January 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • otowiotowi Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    furcof wrote: »
    After fiddling some more with settings turning each one off till I finally got back to the black textures and unable to see. I've found that if you turn Underwater view settings on the mission works fine, turning Underwater view off however its back to black textures

    Fix confirmed. Turning underwater view to "on" worked for me.

    Makes one wonder though, are we infact in a "water" environment, but with space replacing the "under water" effects?

    I have seen that in some SP games, where, if you went close to the edges of a map, you would see and hear water effects, and sometimes even get the effect of the character being dripping wet, except that there's no water in the level at all...
  • culdyculdy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Nothing posted so far has helped me. still black. cannot complete mission.
    guess some people just wont be getting the new anniversary ships this year.
    what is the point in having a test server if broken stuff still gets released?

    i refuse to believe this was not spotted before release, like the buggy load out system it does not work right and was released anyway so schedules could be met. fail cryptic.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    It is just, the graphic designers at cryptic, are not skillez enough, and they must be focused all the efforts working in the DX11 plattform, so any graphic card that is working on DX9 is not tested and they dont have any idea if glithes are going to appear.

    Again, this is another lack of profesionality from cryptic's team, because, this is not the first time something like this happens. But the most incredible and annoying thing is, they dont even say anything about the issue. By now, any other company its probably that they will solved this issue already, but cryptic.. we all know how they work, unfortunately.

    From the day 1 i started playing i keep wondering my self how it is possible that STO is alive after 4 years.. :eek:
  • bigman290684bigman290684 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I'm also getting the same problem when donning the EV suit and stepping out into the debris field; ie., I can see a little bit if the sun and the solar flares (sometimes) while everything else around me is completely black. Because of this I cannot complete this part of the mission.

    And, just so you guys know when attempting to fix the problem, I'm a Mac user and am running the game via your Mac Beta Client (no fancy Bootcamp here). So, Direct X is not an option for me!

    Hopefully this gets fixed soon. :)

    *Update: I fixed my problem*

    Yay, I fixed it! And, this is what I did:

    1) Start the game and on the character selection screen go in to your advanced video options.
    2) Under the advanced video options, select "Underwater View" (make sure there's a check mark in the box).
    3) Restart the game and the issue should be fixed.

    Also note, I'm not running anything fancy with regards to video options. I have my details set to "recommended", and the "Underwater View" is the only ting that I changed manually in the advanced options.

    A big thank you to the many players that posted this fix! :)
  • dashrendar1138dashrendar1138 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Had the same issue. got it to work by turning on 'underwater view' in the video options. That setting says it takes effect immediately, but I had to close the game and come back in for it to work. Still running DX9, and I have an older laptop so I'm running with relatively low quality settings (no AA, low lighting detail, etc).
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  • ultijuiceultijuice Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I can confirm that -atleast in MY case- turning on the underwater view settings helped and now I can see just fine.
  • galiesgalies Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    So, has any new information been released concerning outfits not displaying correctly? I cant stand wearing maco MK XI armor and only white pants showing on my character. BTW, I'm pretty sure its an issue related to female character models, as the armor won't display correctly on my main or any of my female Boff's, but display's perfectly on my one male Boff.
  • captainsulu4captainsulu4 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I have had this same problem i've tried everything in the video options and thanks to that i screwed myself even more. I must of done something wrong i logged out and back in and now my screen is all black at the character select screen ive tried everything to fix that even reinstall no luck. Hope they can fix this and my new problem cause i cant play now and im pissed.:mad:
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