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Why did no one tell me the KDF was so cool?



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    thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,540 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    One of the things which does not get mentioned enough about playing KDF.

    tlhInganpu' will usually help a Battle Brother or Sister. With advice and suggestions and by watching over them during a mission or an STF. Someone rode Honor Guard for me when I first started. So where I can and when I can, I will do the same for the next warrior. Whether they are Fleet mates or not.

    When I was just starting out in the KDF, I was flying a k't'Inga in a Normal STF and not doing a very good job of it. One of the other KDF players sent me an email ingame detailing the things he/she thought I could do better and some suggestions of gear for my ship. I was indeed impressed and took the advice to heart. The next time I flew same Normal STF, I performed much better and the game was a lot more enjoyable.

    I'm not saying there are no Feds at all who do the same thing. I am saying it seems to be a lot more prevalent in the KDF.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I would like to see MORE KDF race options, Arin-Sen, Kriosians, and Female Gorn/Letheans would be nice.

    At this point of the game, I'd like to see more options for the races that exist in the KDF.

    More Gorn, Orion, Nausicaan, and of course, Klingon uniform options. Uniforms as a whole in the KDF are thinblooded selection compared to Fed-side.

    The non-Klingon races need more race ships, alot of which are already ingame as NPC ships. STO's KDF is not like the Federation's Starfleet. Starfleet is very uniform in attire and ships. The KDF however has 3 non-Klingon groups who have joined (or in the Gorn's case, subjugated), and they have kept their separate racial identities.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    That'd be nice too I suppose.
    My character Tsin'xing
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    peter1z9peter1z9 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I actually play a MALE Orion. :P

    I've seen a wide variety of female Orion outfits, though the skimpy ones seem more common.

    Wow, another one. We are very few.

    Here's my toon and crew: http://i.imgur.com/DtOlV71.jpg
    "Our Bugs are working as intended" - Cryptic
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    kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited December 2013
    I actually play a MALE Orion. :P

    I've seen a wide variety of female Orion outfits, though the skimpy ones seem more common.

    I would like to see MORE KDF race options, Arin-Sen, Kriosians, and Female Gorn/Letheans would be nice.

    The Few, the Proud, the male Orions :D , don't forget to add female Nausicaans to the wish list. I knew KDF was the way to go for me when the game went f2p since they had bops, just love those little beasts.

    Good Hunting
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    starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    patrickngo wrote: »
    aw, you've never seen the trope about "Chain Mail Bikini" before?

    As a troper, I can say yes to that. Doesn't mean I don't think it's ridiculous.

    As long as I'm linking to TV Tropes, look at the page image for Stripperiffic. Left side is most Feds, almost any KDF char except half the Orions, and the Romulans. Right side is the aforementioned half of the Orions, with the odd Fed who wears Mirror Universe for seasoning. And the latter should get -20 damage resistance, too.

    @Guy below me: Didn't say "all", guessed "half".
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
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    alan171717alan171717 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    starswordc wrote: »
    As a troper, I can say yes to that. Doesn't mean I don't think it's ridiculous.

    As long as I'm linking to TV Tropes, look at the page image for Stripperiffic. Left side is most Feds, almost any KDF char except half the Orions, and the Romulans. Right side is the aforementioned half of the Orions, with the odd Fed who wears Mirror Universe for seasoning. And the latter should get -20 damage resistance, too.

    I don't know, my Female Orion has thick metal armour plating covering her entire body, plus gauntlets, and spine armour, so not all of them are like that
    "I am a travelor of both time and space to be where I have been"
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    starswordc wrote: »
    As a troper, I can say yes to that. Doesn't mean I don't think it's ridiculous.

    As long as I'm linking to TV Tropes, look at the page image for Stripperiffic. Left side is most Feds, almost any KDF char except half the Orions, and the Romulans. Right side is the aforementioned half of the Orions, with the odd Fed who wears Mirror Universe for seasoning. And the latter should get -20 damage resistance, too.

    @Guy below me: Didn't say "all", guessed "half".
    I've seen more than a few Fed and Romulan characters who did the right side. :P
    My character Tsin'xing
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    stofskstofsk Member Posts: 1,744 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    alan171717 wrote: »
    I don't know, my Female Orion has thick metal armour plating covering her entire body, plus gauntlets, and spine armour, so not all of them are like that
    Same, and on my Fed characters the females wear pants. Because while I love TOS the miniskirts are just silly.
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    vashfan17vashfan17 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I only started STO (and MMOs) in November last. I've made 5 toons though to try out different stories and such. I don't feel any particular leaning towards KDF or Fed though. I felt the tutorials taught you different things. The KDF starting missions were more difficult and were the only ones that said anything about melee combos... and then never mentioned them ever again. I enjoy the KDF ship's better turn rates.

    As far as Doff missions go, I think the KDF one seem to have more dilithium but also seem to often have a higher injury and casualty rate. KDF has mission where you execute crew members. (I've only done that once to a crew member who had just dishonored me by failing his task gratuitously and it seemed appropriate.) It seems easier to advance diplomacy than marauding.

    The Fed characters have a much easier time getting around without getting permission from someone with enough marauding rank. My KDF toons keep having to go the really long way around to get to DS9 from Klingon space because they can't cut through Fed space. My Feds don't seem to have the same mission created need to go through Klingon space.

    The KDF clothing options suck compared to the Feds and the Roms. Much fewer outfit choices and then your color choices are usually black, gray, black, or black, maybe with a dash of red. The costume options for Letheans seem particularly sparce - unlike Orions and Nausicans you have pretty much only Klingon "fashion" to choose from.

    (On a side note. Yes, my Orion lady Boffs are in "dance wear", but that seems to line up with the Orions from TOS. If they had the option to have alternate outfits the way a toon does, they would also have a "battle outfit". Likewise, my Klingon lady Boffs have corsets - as they did in TNG. If I ever make a female Orion toon, I don't know what she will wear. I don't agree that miniskirts "are just silly" except in the context that fashion is often just silly. TIGHT miniskirts are impractical because they inhibit movement. Pants allow movement and have pockets. However, a short, loose miniskirt does allow movement as does a spandex like material. I don't think we can definitively predict fabrics, fashion, or functionality in the future well enough to say that something would or would not be done. Just IMO.)
    t/p/o T'Valix (Male Rom-Fed Science in Federation Assassins)
    t/p/o Kontovar (Male Lethean Engineer in Imperial Assassins)
    t/p/o Mira (Female Rom-KDF Tactical)
    t/p/o Kreela (Female Ferengi Science in United Solar Legion)
    t/p/o Star-Astra (Female Alien-Fed Tactical)
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I made my first KDF char. back in the era when we needed to have a lvl 25 Federation char. in order to unlock KDF. I was such a noob back then. :P I thought unlocking the Klingons is unlocking some elite STO content, because it was locked behind 25 levels. lol :D
    Anyway, as a Star Trek fan I couldn't resist making a Klingon character once I got that ol' pop-up on the top of my screen that said "Qapla'! You have unlocked the Klingon faction.", or something like that, I don't remember clearly.

    Anyway I started STO as a Star Trek fanfirst and foremost , but more of a Federation fan. I still adore tha classic design of Federation starships. However, as soon as I made my first KDF char, I immediately fell in love with it. The KDF players and the way the faction was set itself made my experience so enjoyable that I never regreted trying out the KDF.
    And as others have said, I just had and still have so much fun playing KDF. I can't really pin-point what it is, but there is something charming and addictive in the KDF for me that the blue faction simply lacks. It's just so darned fun to play KDF for me. My most played chars are my KDF ones, and nowdays they're in the majority. And with the efforts Cryptic has made to improve the KDF this last year it's only getting better. I mean, Michael Dorn!? How cool is it to have Worf talk you through the starting Klingon missions? :)

    So OP, I'm glad you discovered the fun part of the KDF.
    There are many people that don't notice it and many people that simply ignore it due to restricting their minds in the "everything Fed is good, everything else is evil" stereotype.
    But the simple fact of the matter is that KFD is fun. Immensely.
    You can be a honorable Klingon warrior. Or an Orion slavemaster. Or a telephatic Lethean thay slays advesaries with raptures. Or an awesome looking Ferasan warrior. Or even a scurvy Nausicaan pirate in a unique looking Nausicaan ship!
    Not to mention that almost every KDF ship is awesome in preformance as well as in looks/design.

    Wellcome to the KDF, this is where the real fun starts. ;)
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    shpoks wrote: »
    Or a telephatic Lethean thay slays advesaries with raptures.

    Shh, people aren't supposed to know about that!
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    mimey2 wrote: »
    Shh, people aren't supposed to know about that!

    Damnit Shpoks now they are on to us!
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    branmakmorrnbranmakmorrn Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Nothing says "I quit" like saying it in Klingon.

    Ripped from the headlines:

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    solidshatnersolidshatner Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I would have thought saying "I Quit!" in Klingon would involve a bomb or some kind of explosion. Somehow, posting an "I Quit" msg on Facebook in Klingon . . . doesnt really come to mind when I think "What would Worf do?".
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    mimey2 wrote: »
    Shh, people aren't supposed to know about that!
    zipagat wrote: »
    Damnit Shpoks now they are on to us!

    *Flies his ship behind the debris of Praxis and cloaks it.*

    *Hides behind the bat'leth trophy and whistles a tune* :P
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    rickdias5500rickdias5500 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    alan171717 wrote: »
    Seriously, I am mainly a Federation player, but a free C-store ship can lure the best of us, and I recently started a Orian Alt. The KDF is amazingly cool, awesome duty officer missions, enough contraband to drown an unprepared player, and the moments when your non Klingon acts like a Klingon.

    I am serious when I say that I am glad to have started a KDF alt, though I never liked them in the shows, their faction is fun, the missions are fun, and the duty officer system pays out so much more than the Fed one.

    Try and spread the good word long time KDF players, I see no reason why anyone wouldn't want to play this side as well

    Because they are too busy whining about content.
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    bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Because they are too busy whining about content.

    Who is complaining about content? The KDF players? Where? Since the new PvE content was introduced, the Mogh battle cruiser and the upcoming attention to Raiders Ive seen no whines about much of anything from the KDF.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Who is complaining about content? The KDF players? Where? Since the new PvE content was introduced, the Mogh battle cruiser and the upcoming attention to Raiders Ive seen no whines about much of anything from the KDF.

    Take it easy on him biteme... He probably got decloak alpha'd by somebody in Kerrat. In all likeliness it was a Warbird, but damn, it just simply HAD to be an evil Klingon in a Bird of Prey :cool:
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,381 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Take it easy on him biteme... He probably got decloak alpha'd by somebody in Kerrat. In all likeliness it was a Warbird, but damn, it just simply HAD to be an evil Klingon in a Bird of Prey :cool:

    Had my share of decloak alpha. Don't like em, they tickle.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Who is complaining about content? The KDF players? Where? Since the new PvE content was introduced, the Mogh battle cruiser and the upcoming attention to Raiders Ive seen no whines about much of anything from the KDF.

    I am pretty much convinced at this point that the people that say "teh klinguns are whining again" don't actually read the KDF forums. Instead they just assume that they mirror the Fed ones which has hundred + page long whines about things.
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    solidshatnersolidshatner Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I've been pretty happy with the KDF content so far. I used to be a die hard Fed, but once I rolled my Klingon it was just . . . more fun. Fleets seemed less . . . anal is probably a bad word . . . but I was involved in a couple Federation 'issues' fleets. You know the type . . . lets all have a meeting every week and talk about who is in charge of what, or who is running the fleet bank, but hey - lets NEVER team up together and PLAY the actual friggin game kind-of-fleets. Sure we could use a few more ships, but it seems thats in the works. Love the raider flanking, love all of the Dilithium I get off my klinks for killer gear, love most of the ships in general . . . they just seem to have more 'teeth' to them.

    Ya man - welcome to the fun!
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    macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited January 2014
    Some more reasons to play KDF

    BoP for vapor builds ... Decloak ... Fire ... Run ... Cloak ... Cackle maniacally
    Best battle cruisers
    Best free carrier ... Voquv
    Best series ... Fek'lhr
    Hotest toons ... Female Orion
    Best Tutorial ... You kill your dishonorable Captain and take his place
    Best voice overs ... Michael Dorn
    Biggest rewards ... Dilithium dailies and PvP dailies ... Gorn minefield ... Etc
    No ESD child spam ... Enjoy the civility of the First City

    Lots more ... Which I will leave to others.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    macronius wrote: »
    Some more reasons to play KDF

    BoP for vapor builds ... Decloak ... Fire ... Run ... Cloak ... Cackle maniacally
    Best battle cruisers
    Best free carrier ... Voquv
    Best series ... Fek'lhr
    Hotest toons ... Female Orion
    Best Tutorial ... You kill your dishonorable Captain and take his place
    Best voice overs ... Michael Dorn
    Biggest rewards ... Dilithium dailies and PvP dailies ... Gorn minefield ... Etc
    No ESD child spam ... Enjoy the civility of the First City

    Lots more ... Which I will leave to others.

    Lol, I think on the last, it's more "Let's not talk at Qo'nos at all. I've seen hours of silence while at the Academy, First City/Shipyard, and the system zone. Not that that's a BAD thing, I think most people just either save their "communicativeness/arguments/etc" for ESD, or their so worn out by ESD, when the hop on to their Klin character, all they want is some peace & quiet.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
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    cpc2011acpc2011a Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Not to be too rude but, considering the lack of sense and general low caliber of the standard Fed player...is it any wonder why the fact that KDF are so much fun isn't widely advertised? We don't want our 'side of the pond' polluted.
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    bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    As a long time player of DnD and ES, I absolutely love the whole Honourable Warrior Barbarian Rp'ing of the KDF ... They are by far the coolest to play, and the ships are by far the sexiest ...

    Butchering that worthless, PetaQ, of a captain in the intro ... Having to fight a duel to prove your worthiness to captain that ship ... Fighting beside (the re-incarnated) Kahless at the very gates of Stovokor ... It doesn't get much better or cooler ...

    I only wish there was a little more "background" on your character in the beginning, who your father was, and what family you are from, as this is important stuff to a Klingon ... And i also really need more armour options, like wearing "trophies" (read: body parts) from vanquished foes on my armor, Oh ... and my Warrior-ess needs "boob window" armour like the Duras sisters wore ...

    But really the best part is that Klingon is the only language that my ship name looks right and sounds right in = The I.K.S Fus'Ro'Dah ...
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
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    misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    bendalek wrote: »
    I only wish there was a little more "background" on your character in the beginning, who your father was, and what family you are from, as this is important stuff to a Klingon ...

    You're the hero of your own story, so write your own and introduce yourself to others in a proper fashion in RP.:)
    Tha character description box isn't there for nothing, use it if you feel like it.
    The lack of background is also a concession to the fact that your character can come from many different species and a Gorn that comes from the House Of <insert name> doesn't really work for him for example.;)
    So while the backstory it a bit lacking, at the same time it does not limit you and your imagination.
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    thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,540 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    cpc2011a wrote: »
    Not to be too rude but, considering the lack of sense and general low caliber of the standard Fed player...is it any wonder why the fact that KDF are so much fun isn't widely advertised? We don't want our 'side of the pond' polluted.
    lol'd at this. Sad, but true. :D
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
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    sirboulevardsirboulevard Member Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    KDF is awesome. I enjoy the Federation only because I like flying those ships. But the Klingons get to have the best story and players I have ever known.
    angrytarg wrote: »
    The fact that Cryptic made the KDF into a red federation to match the WoW-two-faction-gameplay still upsets me. It makes no sense having all those different factions unite under the KDF banner the way they do and especially have all non-klingons act like Klingons as well. The story tries to explain the situation, though it's neither plausible nor does it look or feel in any way like Cryptic intented it.

    Both sides are fun if you can overlook the humongous lore TRIBBLE-up :D *squeals*
    The Klingon Empire is experiencing a massive renaissance, having conquered the Gorn, the Orions and the Nausicaans, and integrating their species into the Empire. Now, this mainly has the benefit of allowing KDF players more variety in available races. But it also has the side-effect of giving the Klingon Empire a massive cultural shift. Where once the Empire was chauvinistic against all non-Klingons, only admitting ethnic Klingons into the military and government, STO's Empire now accepts Gorn, Nausicaans and Orions to captain ships, and even integrates the ships of those "subject" races into the KDF fleet. And when playing as one of those non-Klingon KDF characters, you will occasionally get the same dialogue options as a "true" Klingon would get. While this could be an example of Gameplay and Story Segregation, it might also be that the Klingon Empire is slowly integrating those cultures into it's own, to the point that now Klingons see Gorn, Nausicaans, Orions and the other various species within the Empire as complete equals. This means the Klingon Empire have learned something from the Federation: from diversity comes strength.

    Basically, us KDF-types learned that the Federation had the Empire by the balls simply by having more diversity and man power. Beware Feds, we've learned your strength and now we have it. And for the record, my Ferasan will sharpen his claws and in the words of one of your great men: "Its Eye Kabab time!"

    TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
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    tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    what a glorious thread. thanks for creating it, and thanks to all that posted in it.
    i love the kdf. i love everything about it :cool:
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