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The new PVP help and ship build thread



  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    pjlietz1 wrote: »
    Thanks for the reply.

    Yes I Was thinking of setting this up just for PVP. I was on my way to outfitting it with DHC. Do you think I should stick with anti proton or poloron with the Jem'hadar MK12 set? I have them available already.

    I'm pretty sure I have the doffs you mention for the emergency powers so will switch that around.

    I didn't know about getting a better spike with APO3 and RF2 will definitely change that.

    Thanks again.

    maybe even consider getting the proton pol weapons too, for just extra raw damage. theres another added benefit to the jem set thats frankly even more important then the pol damage buff, the stealth detection % multiplier, its huge. ships using it were detecting my warbird 7 range out, if you set your aux real high, you can blow away lurking warbirds before they can even ambush you!
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I've seen a lot of A2B Excelsiors in this thread and as a profound hater of A2B I shall submit a different Excel build... my A2D one :P

    (Includes build, skill spec, rep spec and some notes, one can swap out APB for APO or APD depending upon preference)
  • stormcrow704stormcrow704 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    -deleted post-
  • stormcrow704stormcrow704 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I started a new thread about this here but I'll post in this thread to since I need all the help I can get

    I'll try and be brief. I want to be dominant in pvp with my tac in the fleet qin heavy raptor. I recently switched to a new build, abandoning anti protons in favor of tetryon cannons and I added a leech console. And while it still is capable of holding its own in pvp, against some builds it just doesn't cut it, like other escorts and some of the nastier sci builds.

    I have several other ships that work alot better in pvp, my cruiser, my carrier, but both of these are basically warp into a middle of a fed ball, A2B + TT1 + APA + FOW2 and watch everything around me explode. Yawn. I want to fly a raptor, grow a mustache and wear a leather jacket. I wanna be an ace, Goose!

    link to the Build

    3x Adv Fleet Tetryon DHC [Dmgx2][Accx2], Adv Quantum Torp [Dmgx3][CrtH]
    Omega Deflector MkXII
    Omega Engines MkXII
    Hyper Injection Warp Core MkX [E->W][SCap]
    KHG Shields
    2x Adv Fleet Tetryon Turrets, Kinetic Cutting Beam MkXII
    Engine Battery, Weapons Batter
    Assimilate Console, Zero Point Energy Conduit, EPS Flow Regulator MkXI, RCS Accelerator MkXI
    Field Generator MkXI, Plasmonic Leech
    4x Tetryon Pulse Generator MkXI

    BOFF Specials (4x Efficient Letheans 1x Liberated Borg

    Cmdr Tac TS1, CRF1, CRF2, APO3
    Lt. Cmdr Tac, TT1, HY2, APO1
    Ensign Tac, TT1
    Lt. Eng, EPtS1, EPtS2
    Lt. Sci, TSS1, HE2

    Skill Tree





    Rep Space Skills

    Enhanced Shield Penetration

    Omega Weapons Training
    Omega Graviton Amplifier

    New Romulus
    Sensor Targeting Assault


    3x Purple Technicians (BOFF Recharge)
    2x Purple Conn Officer (Evasive Maneuvers)

    That should do it. Like I said, build works good in some scenarios, decloak alpha strikes, and I know that this is never going to be anything more than a glass cannon, but I feel like I should be double tapping alot more, especially since I switched to Tetryon.

    Is the gear wrong? Should I switch to Assimilated or Aegis or something?

    Is my skill tree wrong? Am I not optimum in my build, particularly with the plasmonic leech console?

    Doffs? Are the technicians doing me any good since I'm not running A2B? (Cannon or AP Purple DOFFs are probably a pipe dream for me at this point, as is MFD)

    I will take any advice on getting this build dominant. I also welcome trolling and abuse, for example - "The Raptor is stupid and you are stupid you should kill yurself IRL." It's a free bump
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I started a new thread about this here but I'll post in this thread to since I need all the help I can get

    I'll try and be brief. I want to be dominant in pvp with my tac in the fleet qin heavy raptor. I recently switched to a new build, abandoning anti protons in favor of tetryon cannons and I added a leech console. And while it still is capable of holding its own in pvp, against some builds it just doesn't cut it, like other escorts and some of the nastier sci builds.

    I have several other ships that work alot better in pvp, my cruiser, my carrier, but both of these are basically warp into a middle of a fed ball, A2B + TT1 + APA + FOW2 and watch everything around me explode. Yawn. I want to fly a raptor, grow a mustache and wear a leather jacket. I wanna be an ace, Goose!

    link to the Build

    3x Adv Fleet Tetryon DHC [Dmgx2][Accx2], Adv Quantum Torp [Dmgx3][CrtH]
    Omega Deflector MkXII
    Omega Engines MkXII
    Hyper Injection Warp Core MkX [E->W][SCap]
    KHG Shields
    2x Adv Fleet Tetryon Turrets, Kinetic Cutting Beam MkXII
    Engine Battery, Weapons Batter
    Assimilate Console, Zero Point Energy Conduit, EPS Flow Regulator MkXI, RCS Accelerator MkXI
    Field Generator MkXI, Plasmonic Leech
    4x Tetryon Pulse Generator MkXI

    BOFF Specials (4x Efficient Letheans 1x Liberated Borg

    Cmdr Tac TS1, CRF1, CRF2, APO3
    Lt. Cmdr Tac, TT1, HY2, APO1
    Ensign Tac, TT1
    Lt. Eng, EPtS1, EPtS2
    Lt. Sci, TSS1, HE2

    Skill Tree





    Rep Space Skills

    Enhanced Shield Penetration

    Omega Weapons Training
    Omega Graviton Amplifier

    New Romulus
    Sensor Targeting Assault


    3x Purple Technicians (BOFF Recharge)
    2x Purple Conn Officer (Evasive Maneuvers)

    That should do it. Like I said, build works good in some scenarios, decloak alpha strikes, and I know that this is never going to be anything more than a glass cannon, but I feel like I should be double tapping alot more, especially since I switched to Tetryon.

    Is the gear wrong? Should I switch to Assimilated or Aegis or something?

    Is my skill tree wrong? Am I not optimum in my build, particularly with the plasmonic leech console?

    Doffs? Are the technicians doing me any good since I'm not running A2B? (Cannon or AP Purple DOFFs are probably a pipe dream for me at this point, as is MFD)

    I will take any advice on getting this build dominant. I also welcome trolling and abuse, for example - "The Raptor is stupid and you are stupid you should kill yurself IRL." It's a free bump

    Well you are basically a defiant with less tac consoles and a weird pivot. Use the links in the OP for a good defiant build. Your standard cloak doesn't compensate so compared to fed scorts your performance is bound to lack luster but there is still room for improvement.

    the biggest waste is three technicians they don't do anything for you without aux2bat. Depending on your EC go with Shield Distribution for a start, AP conn doffs if you can afford them, or pretty much any other doffs but the technicians...you get the picture.

    Another very common option would be 3xDMG control doffs, and then rotate EPTE1 (or eptw1) with EPtS2. Instead of having 2x epts.

    In PvP....either drop the torp for a DBB, or another DHC. This one is a bit on the personal preference side, but if you stick with torps, 3x projectile doffs would be a nice replacement for the technicians.

    Tets are pretty..... that being said, their proc is weak. Not the best DPS weapon by far, especially without high FlowC. I wouldn't use em on a escort, leave it to shield strippin science ships with 5x embassy FlowC consoles. These would also boost your 2pc omega set bonus.

    Drop the EPS, without Beam Overload its a waste. If you are willing to invest into more fleet gear here is your shopping list, since you asked, it ain't cheap, but its no lockbox gamble either: In order of importance:

    1) Resilient Elite Fleet Shields [Adapt] once with [ResA] and once with [ResB]
    1.1) If you are willing to let go of tets, gl elite fleet disruptors....be prepared for some raging mad pms.
    2) 3x Blue Male Embassy Romulan Tactital BOs (not purple, not female)
    3) 2x Nausican BOs (now better then efficient letheans) (any color with pirate trait will do
    4) Use either Dil MIne RCS [ResALL] or Neutronium [Turn] Armor consoles, and drop the eps console
    5) Consider FlowC embassy consoles
    6) you can switch the romulan rep console for the nukara rep consoles, i think it has a general tetryon boost that would fit better here.
    7) upgrade warp core to elite fleet core from dil mine with [+ some damage for every subsystem over 75 mod whose name escapes me right now]

    that should do for a start....you picked a tricky ship to shine in. Obviously there are all sorts of lockbox / lobi items, but none of these are essential.

  • stormcrow704stormcrow704 Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    cool thanks for the "shopping list".
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,249 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    havam wrote: »
    7) upgrade warp core to elite fleet core from dil mine with [+ some damage for every subsystem over 75 mod whose name escapes me right now]
    You're referring to an Elite Fleet Warp Core with the [AMP] tag.


    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • jhohndojhohndo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    So, after being away from STO for a while I'm still getting up to speed on some changes.

    Currently, I'm trying to build a 1v1 ship for a competition, but due to various changes I could use a little help.

    We'll just assume I have just about every ship at my disposal except for a bug ship, what are some builds you might recommend? Or, just any input you would offer on them. I heard something about a DEM build not too long ago but I'm not sure exactly what was used for that. A2B build seems to be the build to go for but I wasn't sure if thats what should be used for 1v1..

    To be entirely honest, I've never spec'd a ship for 1v1. Just used whatever current build I had.

    Limited to a Tac on this since I can no longer change it.
  • drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm looking for some Wells cc/heal builds... not sure if I should go for MACO 2pc+Elite fleet deflector, or the Adapted MACO set+Positron deflector for heals...
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm looking for some Wells cc/heal builds... not sure if I should go for MACO 2pc+Elite fleet deflector, or the Adapted MACO set+Positron deflector for heals...

    id recommend MACO 2pc+Elite fleet deflector on any sci ship for those cooldown reductions. seems like thats what you would get the most out of no mater what you use the sci ship for
  • drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    id recommend MACO 2pc+Elite fleet deflector on any sci ship for those cooldown reductions. seems like thats what you would get the most out of no mater what you use the sci ship for

    Yes the cd reduction is nice, but I am using Leech and MACO shields and Leech don't exactly like each other. Perhaps a compromise: 2pc Adapted MACO + Elite fleet deflector could work best. Magnetoplasma relays only gives about 3-4 secs on cd anyway...
  • daunknownadmindaunknownadmin Member Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I finally rolled a SCI to level 50. I'm not 100% percent that I play the healer role. So I picked up a Temporal Destroyer to give me some fire power to go along with the Sci abilities. I was wondering what everyone would consider the Uber build for a SCI in a Temporal Destroyer for PVP?

  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited December 2013

    Just one question.
    As you know i don't do PvP. But i do like to optimize my builds and often use your (and other ppl) ideas, especially those listed in this thread.
    I also know you are a big advocator of A2B builds (especially) on fed. cruisers.

    Now heres my question.
    How do you manage to keep your ship alive with a build like that? *
    As i said i only do PvE (all kinds of missions, a "destroyed" counts as lost mission, for me), but i have serious problems to keep my ship alive, since there is almost no aux power left to profit from HE all the time.

    I have accustomized myself to switch to A2SIII as a fallback "defensive mode" on some of my ships, but that does diminish my offensive power very much.

    So i'd like to know how you heal your ships with a pure A2B build.

    Don't get me wrong, i like A2B builds. I would hate to use some other build that would make my cruisers teethless (again). As i said i have serious problems to keep my ships alive. Compared with a speed tanking 2x APO and A2S spamming escort, my cruiser hull feels like paper.

    Bad example, i should have choosen a non APO cruiser like this one.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • erodorlongstafferodorlongstaff Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This a reply to a post form Dontdrunk:

    a leader of my fleet has been informing me about you and the stuff you do on these forums... and has been pushing me to start listening to some of the things you say, which i have no issue with, especially since i'm still experimenting with my ship fit.

    Currently i have a VESTA

    14,000 Hp x4 shields

    27,000 Hull HP.

    i get a combined (approx.) 62% damage resistance on my shields, if i have it figured up right. This with combined 125 Shield power, consoles, plus BOFF skills. Quite frankly my VESTA can put out quite a lot of DPS, but is primarily a shield tanker/healer. I'm more of a get in and start blasting, point and shoot boat. It's a fit i built based on my personality :).

    My question is this... i use 5 Human BOFFS in my fit, those coupled with my Captain auto hull regen skills, and the Borg rep set Mk XII which gives me the Borg Autonomous hull regen. I get a combined max Hull regen of 2,800 hull HP a second. This regen varies based on incoming damage of course... the higher incoming DPS the higher my hull regen up to a max of 2800.

    My Fleet leader states that, according to you, Human BOFFS no longer offer an IN COMBAT hull regen (despite the fact that the tooltip specifically states that Human BOFFS give a +0.03 in combat hull regen, plus a +20 Subsystem repair rate). Without the Boffs i only get a max of 2,300 (approx) Hp regen. So why is it that, if the Human BOFF has been nerfed and no longer works in combat, my hull regen is increased.

    I mean seriously, i don't want to get rid of my BOFFS if i dont' have to... with them i can tank the new Tholian Web rep mine... but my Fleet lead is telling me they are worthless. Maybe you can settle this between us.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    humans boffs still work and stack, and have gone through several ups and downs. i dont recall ever saying they dont work or stack though, at least not recently, since they started to actually work.

    their effect is extreamly tiny these days, but theres not really anything thats better to use.

    your shield res might not be quite as high as you think, take a look at this to give yourself a good idea

  • cliftona91cliftona91 Member Posts: 254
    edited December 2013
    Hey Drunk, long time no talk. I need a bit of help: see I have been gone for close to a year, and I wish to update a ship to get it more suited to the PVP these days. If you remember my Vampire Vesta Build:


    That is what I wish to update. Questions are:

    1) Is my build still relevant?

    2) Whether or not it is, what do I need to do in order to update it?

    As always, thanks for the work you've done to help others with their ships and I hope you can do the same with mine.
  • swordof0mensswordof0mens Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Happy Holidays everyone! Santa was good to me this year, so I'm looking for ideas for a sky is the limit Voth Bulwark Dreadnought Cruiser build. This will be a spare no expense build! I have all 3 Voth ships, so I'd like to incorporate the 3 piece set.

    I'm thinking a Tanky/crowd controller with a few support heals for teammates. Looking for ideas on doffs, Gear, weapons. She'll be captained by an engineer and use for pvp. I really miss pewing with my engineer. Lots of Synergy around particle gens, and remember an expensive build is okay. This is my long term investment for my engineer. Apologizing for several seasons of neglectful Engi pew pew. :P

    Season Greetings
  • drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    clintsat wrote: »
    - Maintenance Engineer (Increase healing skills when using EPTA)
    - 2x Damage Control Engineers (Emergency power recharge reduction)
    - Developmental Lab Scientist (recharge reduced for Sci Team)
    - Gravimetric Scientist (aftershock GW)

    Curious about those Maintenance Engineers for the EPTA bonus - is it worth spending EC on 3 of them for a potential +75 to healing skills?
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    cliftona91 wrote: »
    Hey Drunk, long time no talk. I need a bit of help: see I have been gone for close to a year, and I wish to update a ship to get it more suited to the PVP these days. If you remember my Vampire Vesta Build:


    That is what I wish to update. Questions are:

    1) Is my build still relevant?

    2) Whether or not it is, what do I need to do in order to update it?

    As always, thanks for the work you've done to help others with their ships and I hope you can do the same with mine.

    ya that look pretty solid still, id just ad to it the new 3 part item rep stuff, the gravoton torp is great with spread, combined with GW. theres that omni directional AP beam bank thats great for sci ships that just need something to throw disables. TR actually works these days too, and if you can get someone to stay still, it would go well with the rest of your draining
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Happy Holidays everyone! Santa was good to me this year, so I'm looking for ideas for a sky is the limit Voth Bulwark Dreadnought Cruiser build. This will be a spare no expense build! I have all 3 Voth ships, so I'd like to incorporate the 3 piece set.

    I'm thinking a Tanky/crowd controller with a few support heals for teammates. Looking for ideas on doffs, Gear, weapons. She'll be captained by an engineer and use for pvp. I really miss pewing with my engineer. Lots of Synergy around particle gens, and remember an expensive build is okay. This is my long term investment for my engineer. Apologizing for several seasons of neglectful Engi pew pew. :P

    Season Greetings

    well, with the ody station setup, and being a +1 ody in general, basically making it a +2 ship, its proboly best off as a healer. if you want high partical gens though, you will get a lot of mileage out of EWP3, and TBR2 with the pull doff. both benefit from partial buffing, and they energize well because the pull gets people caught in your cloud. the ISO console is buffed by particles as well, and if you got plasma beams on the ship, you could buff their damage a bit more with embassy partial gen consoles. you could go for a full dyson item and equipment set, and get some dyson + to beam damage consoles that if they are like the + to cannon dyson consoles buff the proton weapon's damage, on top of the built in + to proton damage those tac consoles have. that 4 part set proton barrage should be buffed by that stuff too.

    try something like this

    1 grav torp, 1 proton weapon, 2 plasma beams/4 plasma beams

    TT1, TS2

    EPtE1, RSP1, EPtS3, EWP3
    PH1, TBR1, GW1
    TSS1, HE2

    3 damage control doffs, 1 TBR pull doff, GW aftershock doff, and when you get a 6th maybe an EWP engine disable doff

    thats about as exotically offensive as i can think to make the thing
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    yreodred wrote: »

    Just one question.
    As you know i don't do PvP. But i do like to optimize my builds and often use your (and other ppl) ideas, especially those listed in this thread.
    I also know you are a big advocator of A2B builds (especially) on fed. cruisers.

    Now heres my question.
    How do you manage to keep your ship alive with a build like that? *
    As i said i only do PvE (all kinds of missions, a "destroyed" counts as lost mission, for me), but i have serious problems to keep my ship alive, since there is almost no aux power left to profit from HE all the time.

    I have accustomized myself to switch to A2SIII as a fallback "defensive mode" on some of my ships, but that does diminish my offensive power very much.

    So i'd like to know how you heal your ships with a pure A2B build.

    Don't get me wrong, i like A2B builds. I would hate to use some other build that would make my cruisers teethless (again). As i said i have serious problems to keep my ships alive. Compared with a speed tanking 2x APO and A2S spamming escort, my cruiser hull feels like paper.

    Bad example, i should have choosen a non APO cruiser like this one.

    well, do you use key binds? a find a lot of the problem people have staying alive is that they cant activate things or react quickly enough to whats going on, having things you generally cycle like AtB automated can be helpful for that. i have some links to an explanation on keybinds in my table of contents, they are quite critical to making me look good, and keeping me alive.

    having good gear is important too, like fleet shields or at least a set shield. AtB ships have weaker heals, but they have them more often. and can have quite the up time on RSP.
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    1 grav torp, 1 proton weapon, 2 plasma beams/4 plasma beams

    TT1, TS2

    EPtE1, RSP1, EPtS3, EWP3
    PH1, TBR1, GW1
    TSS1, HE2

    3 damage control doffs, 1 TBR pull doff, GW aftershock doff, and when you get a 6th maybe an EWP engine disable doff

    I run a similar setup on my Odyssey and even my Nebula. I have to say it works really well in PvP and even PvE. It can tank and I usually get some good damage numbers with great CC.

    My Nebula for comparison is:

    TT1, TS2
    TT1, ABD1

    EPtE1, EPtS2, EWP1
    HE1, TSS2, TBR2, GW3

    With 1 Dyson science console I get some good Proton procs also.
  • stobastiatstobastiat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Is anyone running a non-Aux2Bat build in any of the Romulan Warbirds? I've been trying to decide on which ship I want to get, along with perhaps a refit version for the console, but I'm having a hard time picking one + a build.

    A few ideas I've been tossing around (though I haven't done any STO PvP worth mentioning since 2010, so I could be way off in some areas):

    Mogai Retrofit:
    Commander Tactical - TT1 / CRF1 / CRF2 / APO3
    Lt. Tactical - TT1 / APD1
    Lt. Commander Engineering - EPtE1 / Aux2Struct1 / EPtS3
    Ensign Science - PH1
    Lt. Universal(Sci) - TSS1 / HE2

    Notes: Had planned to go all DHCs and turrets, and the extra Rapid Fire seems pretty nice in PvE. Would I be better off switching one cannon out for a Dual Beam Bank and replacing one of the Rapid Fire slots with Beam Overload? Especially if I use the two set console bonus (both in Eng slots? 1 Sci/1 Eng? Not sure...)

    Dhelan Retrofit:
    Commander Tactical - TT1 / APD1 / CRF2 / APO3
    Ensign Tactical - TT1
    Lt. Engineering - EPtE1 / EPtS2
    Lt. Univesal(Eng) - EPtS1 / Aux2Struct1
    Lt. Commander Science - TSS1 / HE2 / VM1

    Notes: I'm not real sure what to do with the Engineers and Ensign Tactical here...An Engineering Team would mess with rotating Tactical Teams, but 3 Emergency Power to X abilities will probably have some pretty funky timing as well, whether or not I have any DOFFs affecting the cooldown.

    Ar'kif Retrofit:
    Pretty much the same as the Mogai listed above, except dropping Polarize Hull for...EPtS1? I'd also gain some turn rate and the hangar bay (Shield Repair Drones? Runabouts? Don't know that I ever really saw any pets in PvP in 2010), but lose a little bit of hull and shields. If everyone has big Plasma resists in PvP, I assume that the cannons and set bonus from the refit would be essentially worthless outside of PvE?

    Since I'm not in a fleet, I haven't really looked at the T'varo that much - a 3/3/3 console setup doesn't seem too hot, and I'm thinking I'd lose both damage output and durability by switching to it from my current Mirror Ha'feh (unless the torpedo console actually isn't as bad as I assume it is in PvP?) Honestly, I'd be fine with being wrong here, since the starter pack is basically the cheapest option, plus it comes with the extra BOFF (relegated to away team duties only, I'd assume), title, and 2 BOFF slots.

    I've also considered the Dreadnaught 3 pack, but that's sort of a steep price. Not sure if I'd do it without going for the pack though, since I'd hate to pass up the turn rate increase from the two piece console bonus.
  • rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited January 2014
    With the new Dyson stuff and its characteristics, it came to my mind to investigate drainboats again. With that, I have worked on a KDF Bastion flightdeck cruiser build for my sci toon, as the best ships to use it for. This build will be the main example of explaining the basics of the drain build. However, I will also give some good alternative ships, but they are less effective as the Bastion.

    Note1: In my opinion sci focussed cruisers are better than cariers or science vessels, since they do more damage and have a good balance between engineering and science abilities.
    Note2: The bullwark can make exactly the same build, has better turn, but is way more expensive (and doesnt have the bastion reflective shield amplifier console).
    Note3: For these builds its required to have max rep on dyson joint command.

    Best min/max: KDF Sci captain in Bastion (or Bulwark) cruiser:

    Weapons of choice are protonic polarons with (acc x2). Front 4x beam array (or with 1x DBB), aft 3x beam array and cutting beam. These weapons have the polaron drain proc and the proton damage proc on crit. It is very important to have very high accuracy. (= must have captin trait).

    Full dyson set of deflector, engine, core, shields. The complete set has a few advantages, such as the 4 part reactive shielding (kind of GDF version of shield resist, casteable every 60 mins) and the 2 part proton barage. Alternatives are using an elite fleet deflector (with FlowC or SubD), to have 10% reduction on your sci abilities.

    Consoles: The tac consoles slots are all filled with the new dyson auto targeting modules [+pol]. These have +20% polaron damage, +15% proton damage, + 2.5% Acc. Using these will increase your accuracy with another 7.5% and boosting also your proton proc and barrage. Because the bastion has horrible turnrate and inertia, I use at least 1 neutronium with turn and 1 turn with hull resist (both from fleet mine). Other "must have" consoles are plasmonic leach, aceton assimilator, Borg assimilated module (for omega amplifier bonus with kinetic cutting beam) and the Nukara particle convertor (10% acc with beams). Only the bastion comes equiped with the reflective shield amplifier console. A great console to tank.

    Pets: 1x elite syphon drones from fleet starbase

    CMDR: EptE1/EptA1, ES1, EptS3, AtoS3
    LTC: TSS1, Syphon1, TR2
    LT: ST1, HE2

    ENS: PH1
    LT: TT1, BFAW2

    Purple Doffs: 2x damage control engineers, 1x gravimetric scientist (aftershock tykens), 1x Warpcore engineer (debuff cleanse), 2x Energy weapons officer (special beam attack reduce to keep up BFAW). Note: Since the deflector officers are still broken (25% chance to reduce syphon and tykens with 50%), they are not used. However, when they will ever be fixed, replace them for 1 energy weapons officer and the warpcore engineer.

    Use aux batteries before hitting energy syphons and tykens to increase duration of drains.

    Strength of this build aside to the drain is that it has good tanking and team heals. And because of high accuracy ratings, you should have more crits with proton bleed, increasing overal DPS.

    Because the Bastion and Bullwark are universal ships, they can be used also on fed side, but they would not have the syphon drones to max it out.

    Prime alternative: KDF Fleet Corsair flightdeck cruiser

    CMDR: EptA1, ES1, EptS3, AtoS3
    ENS: ET1

    LTC: TSS1, Syphon1, TR2
    LT: PH1, HE2

    LT: TT1, BFAW2

    As can be seen, the boff station setup forces you to replace the more preferable ST1 with ET1. However, almost the samebuild can be made as the Bastion. The Corsair has way more turn and better inertia, and is slightly cheaper than a Bastion (needing 5 fleet modules, or 1 when owner of T4 corsair).

    Alternative 2: FED Odyssey cruisers

    These can run the same setup as the Bastion. However, they lack a hanger with pets.

    Alternative 3: KDF advanced obelisk.

    Can run the Bastion setup. Does less damage, is more vurnerable. Loosing 2 beam arrays, but gaining 1 hangar for Syphon drones. Subsystem targeting interfers with BFAW, so a choice has to be made between group drain, or single drain. When choosing to use subsystem targeting, replace BFAW2 with APD1 and replace the energy weapons doffs for 1x normal energy weapon doff and 1x attack pattern doff. Don't bother with any carrier on fed side.

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
  • revhardchicrevhardchic Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I purchased the Scimitar pack and I was wondering does a link exist with Drunk's Build with keybinds.

    I am main looking for a good breakdown. Telling me what DoFF to buy. Money is not an issue.

  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I purchased the Scimitar pack and I was wondering does a link exist with Drunk's Build with keybinds.

    I am main looking for a good breakdown. Telling me what DoFF to buy. Money is not an issue.


    in the first post theres links to all my builds and others, and a few links regarding keybinds. 1 details exactly what i binds i run, the other has a link to a GUI you can use to generate any bind you want

    scimitars have 2 main uses, the strongest beam boats, or the hardest hitting quick in and out alpha striker. the ship can support AtB with tech doff builds pretty easily too, but that favors being in the middle of a battle for an extended period, and for ships that cloak every 12 seconds, uptime enhancers arent something warbirds flown like that need.

    the main thing you want to make sure your romulan character has is good boffs, i suggest having a romulan captain, 4 superior operative romulan boffs, and 1 superior infultrator reman boff assigned to stations at all times. you get great crit and defense score buffs, a 15 second long decloak ambush duration, and you can battle cloak every 12 seconds. its why romulan characters are best bar none.
  • toalfacttoalfact Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    I've been playing space PvP more often lately as I got bored of the PvE. Depending on the matchup at both sides, I had experience which varied from "very enjoyable" to "complete catastrophe". After few initial games I figured out that I can keep up with most players in terms of damage and survival, and even survive full power alpha strike provided I react in time. However, second-last game almost drove me out of the PvP as I was either blasted from space in half second by cloaked alpha strike without any possibility to react, or I was blasted from space in 5-10 seconds though constant 1v3 fights. Nothing I did could change the outcome of even one battle and I almost gave up.

    Thanks to one person (forgot the name, sorry >.<) who reached to me after that battle (one other did the same too, but I politely thanked him and dismissed him as I couldn't focus on 2 private conversations), I managed to improve my setup, switching focus to raising damage resistances, and... after trying Capture and Hold again, I saw that I can tank 2 Escort-type (Escort, Raptor, BoP, Raider etc.) ships without problem. However, that only meant that every Klingon player focused me as soon as I joined the fight, and by pure coincidence everyone was flying Escort-type ship...

    Anyway, complete build is here. Please ignore skill table, I know that I have to respec there, I'm saving dilithium for that :)

    Fleet Reconnaissance Science Vessel, Comet class:


    Power levels:
    Weapons - 109/100
    Shields - 60/25
    Engines - 53/25
    Auxiliary - 80/50

    Duty officers:
    Energy Weapons Officer (Target Subsystem)
    Warp Core Engineer (Subsystem Power)
    Deflector Officer (Polarize Hull)
    Hazard System Officer
    Development Lab Scientist (Feedback Pulse)

    Also, as I have 10 Boff slots, I prepared backup Boff/Doff setup.

    Alternate Tactical stations: T:S1, BFaW2; TT1
    Alternate Science Lt. Cmd. station: TSS1, TR1, PS1
    In that case, Gravimetric Scientist (Cooldown) instead of Deflector Officer

    So, question is: what can be improved here?

    I'm waiting for my fleet to get access to the Vulnerability Locator consoles in Spire - estimate is about 2 weeks. I want to raise my critical chance to be able to get more on-crit procs (like Placate on critical reputation ability).

    When suggesting Boff abilities, I have only one small favor: please, no duplicates of the abilities. Yeah, I know, duplicates help in having the specific ability more often, but still, I prefer to have more utility and flexibility rather than having 6-7 same abilities constantly out on the field. That's also the reason I'm flying science vessels and not escorts or cruisers.

    Also, one important question: how to deal with the ships specced in speed? Whatever I try (Tractor Beam, Target Engines, Gravity Well, SubNuc + TB etc.) I just can't hold them in place long enough to deal considerable damage to them; they zip out from my range faster than I can follow even with Evasive Manuevers, recover to 100% then return to finish me off, usually with 2-3 allies.
    I know how they're doing (speed spec, EPtE, APO, Adapted MACO engines etc.), so... any way to counter that?

    Thank you for your time :)
    [SIGPIC]U.S.S. Reisen[/SIGPIC]
  • ratonhaggedonratonhaggedon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    just wanted to say thanks for the scimitar love, its my favorite ship in the game. ill be trying some of your builds ontop of my own and if u wanna pvp let me know we can go predator to predator :)
  • revhardchicrevhardchic Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hello Drunk,

    I was wondering do you have a build for the Kumari?
    I searched this topic and could not find one.

  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hello Drunk,

    I was wondering do you have a build for the Kumari?
    I searched this topic and could not find one.


    i hadn't had a specific build for it, because its basically a patrol escort with a 5th forward weapon.

    ah horizon just saved me the trouble in that Can you help me with a build? thread. this is exactly what you should do

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