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So really no new Klingon ships



  • twelveparsecstwelveparsecs Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I want my KDF Millennium Falcon - Dammit! :mad:

    Great kid, don't get penisy!
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Why would anybody roll a KDF toon? Everything they had is available to the other factions now and in better form. That's what needs to be fixed.

    Dont wait for "flanking" mechanic... You dont need a new mechanic to make BOPs awesome. That is just putting up roadblocks on delivery. Do what antonio laid out with the classes, boost their hull and speed, and they will be awesome. KDF also needs a ship that is competitive with the Fleet Dhelan and the Fleet Advanced Escort for No Win Scenario, something with Ltc Cmdr science and 5 tac consoles, I bet you can do that with one of the existing low-level BOPs in a fleet format. A raptor or another BOP with 5 foreward would also be awesome for drawing in players. In other words, putting the KDF assault craft on par with the other factions solves most of the KDF's problems with no additional effort being required.

    The other thing they need is some kind of unique leg-up, to counteract the Fed's advantage in subsystem disables and the Rom advantage in crits and cloaks. This used to be drain powers, but you've literally given that away to everybody else that wants it now--power is readily available and everybody has draining tools. Disruptors are the most common tech now, that's out. Cloaks? lol romulans. What is the unique thing about KDF? Okay this is where the "flanking" mechanic could work I suppose, maybe, you'll have to explain it more, but as of right now the only differentation between KDF and the other factions is pilot skill because you have to be better pilot to make up for the tech, and most players look at that and say nurp

    Why would anybody roll a KDF?
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited November 2013
    Why would anybody roll a KDF toon? Everything they had is available to the other factions now and in better form. That's what needs to be fixed.

    Dont wait for "flanking" mechanic... You dont need a new mechanic to make BOPs awesome. That is just putting up roadblocks on delivery. Do what antonio laid out with the classes, boost their hull and speed, and they will be awesome. KDF also needs a ship that is competitive with the Fleet Dhelan and the Fleet Advanced Escort for No Win Scenario, something with Ltc Cmdr science and 5 tac consoles, I bet you can do that with one of the existing low-level BOPs in a fleet format. A raptor or another BOP with 5 foreward would also be awesome for drawing in players. In other words, putting the KDF assault craft on par with the other factions solves most of the KDF's problems with no additional effort being required.

    The other thing they need is some kind of unique leg-up, to counteract the Fed's advantage in subsystem disables and the Rom advantage in crits and cloaks. This used to be drain powers, but you've literally given that away to everybody else that wants it now--power is readily available and everybody has draining tools. Disruptors are the most common tech now, that's out. Cloaks? lol romulans. What is the unique thing about KDF? Okay this is where the "flanking" mechanic could work I suppose, maybe, you'll have to explain it more, but as of right now the only differentation between KDF and the other factions is pilot skill because you have to be better pilot to make up for the tech, and most players look at that and say nurp

    Why would anybody roll a KDF?

    And don't forget. . .if 'flanking' turns out to be popular and Feddies start howling about how it's so unfair that they don't get it, the devs will just give it to the Feddies as well. I can definitely see that happening.

    And you raise a good question. Why would anyone bother with the KDF? I can think of about three reasons for it: One, contraband farming toon that the player doesn't really care about. Two, you happen to like the Klingon concept and generally put up with the mistreatment in order to play as KDF (this applies to me). Three, Birds of Prey. They are basically the last truly unique thing the KDF has, by dint of the universal boffstations. They've been sorta impinged upon by the Romulans, of course, especially that bloody T'Varo. We don't even have our 'unique' battlecruisers anymore, now that Cryptic has decided the Feddies needed their OWN battlecruiser. . .one that's arguably BETTER than what the KDF get to pick from in many respects. Especially with that friggin 50 inertia rating.

    It's not a lot of reasons, sadly. In the past, there were clear advantages/disadvantages to the factions. Feddies had good science ships and escorts that were either as good as what the KDF had, or better. The KDF had BoPs filling in for science ships, battlecruisers, and carriers. Ultimately, there was a sense of 'balance'. Especially since the KDF didn't have as much to pick from. Now the battlecruiser and carrier parts are gone, having been peddled off to greedy Feddies, while the Federation retains the same advantages in escorts and science ships. The Fed ship lineup is such that they practically have a ship for any situation and playstyle.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • sjokruhlicasjokruhlica Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    BoPs need updating. The Pivots on raptors still haven't been fixed. The last new ship we got was the bortas'qu, which handles like a city bus with flat tires and no brakes. Still waiting on that rumored 5 tac console escort-type ship and that supposed neghvar variant. Fix these problems, introduce these new ships, an HEC, and a couple dedicated Klingon sci ships, with abilities the feds don't have, and people will come to the dark side.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Why would anybody roll a KDF?

    I roll a KDF because I want to roll a KDF. I like the lore, I like the red misty interiors, I like the narrative and atitude and I genuinely find it fun to play as KDF even moreso than Fed., despite the shortcommings of the faction. I also love the design of the ships, I enjoy flying KDF ships for how they look. And because playing as KDF leaves me feeling epic! :)

    I never played KDF because of this or that, that class of ship or this console or whatever. I played it cause I found it fun, found it more true to ST than the Fed side and because the general attitude of the people I met was better, friendlier and more wellcoming.

    That said, I'm ofcourse adamantly against givig other factions the unique KDF assets. Not because they are the reason I play KDF, but because having everything being exactly the same for everyone is one of the dumbest possible game concepts to me. I would have been adamantaly against giving up Fed unique assets to the KDF & RR as well and I will be adamantly against giving up the Romulan unique assets six months from now (you know it will happen). The sad truth is that so far only KDF assets are open to everyone, so I'm loud against that.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    we have certainly had our "flower" whored out to the fat greasy fed johns over the years........
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • originpioriginpi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    Well that's kind of a chicken and an egg situation. You don't put money into the KDF, no one wants to play it. So then no one plays it, and they feel it's not profitable to put something into it. And they haven't put as much money into the KDF as they did into the Feds since day 1.

    Mind you the KDF has improved, in jumps and spurts, but it's not nearly as smooth as a curve as the Federation doesn.

    And let's remember that the last time we were promised a a bunch of stuff was LoR... and we all saw how that turned out. The devs to this day still insist that what we got from LoR was more then enough.

    Businesses are run off numbers, not off your good feelings. They probably have a very exact total of how many people have played through the swack of new missions they recently (LoR) released for the KDF, and it is probably not a big number.

    Though I agree the KDF could use a new ship, they are kinda busy at the moment with other stuff that appeals to 100% of the player base. Keep in mind, you've got a ship more recently than we got a new STF.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    we have certainly had our "flower" whored out to the fat greasy fed johns over the years........

    Yep but now we are rich with nothing to buy LOL.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    Why would anybody roll a KDF?

    I've long liked the Klingons in Star Trek, but more in particular from their changes ever since the movies came about.

    That said, in Star Trek immersion, the KDF gameplay is closer to what would the TV/Movie Klingons are about than the rest of STO is.

    Most especially when compared to the Federation. The Feds may access the uniforms, the ships, some famed names from the TV shows and movies, but they do not conduct themselves anything like the Federation of Star Trek. Even in the past with the disastrous Dominion War, the Federation never gave up its ideals, held itself to its standards. The Federation campaign in STO is a polar opposite. They have the Fed uniforms, but there is no uniformity. The ideals of the Federation are nonexistent (again, even in the Dominon War, it was never forsaken). It's like a bunch of Pakleds having found themselves in control of Starfleet are intoxicated with power, and the rest of the Federation are reaping the just rewards.

    The KDF campaign? It follows generally the traits of the Klingon Empire from the shows. The idea of "Honor" permeates the campaign. The idea of house rivalry exists in STO, and not even the Federation-Klingon War stops that. The idea of meeting glory in battle exists in STO. The aggressive tendencies of the Klingons are repeated in STO. While the ship lineup is nothing at all like the massive options the Feds get, we do get to toy with famed Klingon warship designs such as the D7, Vor'Cha, Negh'Var, and of course, the Birds of Prey. They may have lost a step or two compared to the newer Fed and Romulan ships, but again... you get to use those famed Star Trek ships.

    Again, the KDF campaign is a more believable Star Trek experience than what you get anywhere else in STO. The Romulans don't behave like traditional Romulans. The Feds are nothing at all like the Federation from the TV shows and movies. But the Klingons? They are who they have always said they are.
  • bunansabunansa Member Posts: 928 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Incase anyone missed Branflakes on ESD the other night, he did state they are trying to get 1 of 2 new kdf ships out before the new year...at which point he stated/hinted on something about a 5 forward weapon placement ship....

    and no I didn't screen shot it ....he was on esd around ...er I forget it was evening...zone 13 if im not mistaken

  • altechachanaltechachan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    bunansa wrote: »
    Incase anyone missed Branflakes on ESD the other night, he did state they are trying to get 1 of 2 new kdf ships out before the new year...at which point he stated/hinted on something about a 5 forward weapon placement ship....

    and no I didn't screen shot it ....he was on esd around ...er I forget it was evening...zone 13 if im not mistaken

    Yeah, Al Rivera (Captain Geko) mentioned it on the GanT interview this week. I transcribed the relevant part of it in an earlier post in this thread. Here's the post: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=13296241#post13296241
    Member since November 2009... I think.
    (UFP) Ragnar
  • caleb143caleb143 Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    right now, there are only 2 KDF C Store ships that keep me on them: Marauder Flight deck, and the Guramba.
    Marauder is good, but i had to do a completely different build than i used for my neghvar, and overall is a little lackluster in it's performance. Only thing that keeps me using it is its hangar bay and good hull. Don't get me wrong, I like the ship, just is lacking in overall greatness.
    Guramba (in my opinion) only has the javelin going for it, and hey! its better than the galaxy X's spinal lance with better charge time. other than that, it's like a mix of the raptor and the BoP's.
    I have the karfi, and it only has two good things with it: the ferjai frigates, and its 4-3 set up.
    The KDF needs new content in general. if they were to come out with new ships or clothing, I would willingly shell out the 300+ bucks i spent on fed since i started.
  • caleb143caleb143 Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'd even buy lifer if they made DECENT kdf items that were better than their fed counterparts
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    caleb143 wrote: »
    I'd even buy lifer if they made DECENT kdf items that were better than their fed counterparts

    We will never see better items than the fed side but the way it goes after awhile we will get copies of what they get but its years after the fed equivalent falls off from sales.
  • alexveccialexvecci Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    bunansa wrote: »
    Incase anyone missed Branflakes on ESD the other night, he did state they are trying to get 1 of 2 new kdf ships out before the new year...at which point he stated/hinted on something about a 5 forward weapon placement ship....

    and no I didn't screen shot it ....he was on esd around ...er I forget it was evening...zone 13 if im not mistaken

    Thanks for the info.

    Would be nice, still, if they gave OFFICIAL news on the dev blogs, and not throught random-ish interviews and appearances.
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    bunansa wrote: »
    Incase anyone missed Branflakes on ESD the other night, he did state they are trying to get 1 of 2 new kdf ships out before the new year...at which point he stated/hinted on something about a 5 forward weapon placement ship....

    and no I didn't screen shot it ....he was on esd around ...er I forget it was evening...zone 13 if im not mistaken

    no better place to get the word out to the kdf than esd :rolleyes:
  • deathkgtdeathkgt Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    bunansa wrote: »
    Incase anyone missed Branflakes on ESD the other night, he did state they are trying to get 1 of 2 new kdf ships out before the new year...at which point he stated/hinted on something about a 5 forward weapon placement ship....

    and no I didn't screen shot it ....he was on esd around ...er I forget it was evening...zone 13 if im not mistaken

    Like many people here have stated, "I'll believe it when I see it". Before the end of year usually means December, which I really doubt because that's the time for the winter event, in which most likely they'll be working on the winter free ship and winter event competition. Chances are it'll be in February.
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited November 2013
    deathkgt wrote: »
    Like many people here have stated, "I'll believe it when I see it". Before the end of year usually means December, which I really doubt because that's the time for the winter event, in which most likely they'll be working on the winter free ship and winter event competition. Chances are it'll be in February.

    Pretty much this. I stopped putting credence into Geko's vague pronouncements a long while back. I'll believe this stuff when we see it on Tribble/Holodeck.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2013
    I could moan about KDF non-love for hours but I promised myself Id take a break and just say what I want and hope to hell someone who can DO something is reading:

    I want more KDF carriers!!!

    Not sure if the Z Store has 4 Fore/4 Aft weapon carriers (I only fly my Mirror Vo'Quv), but picture even a 5 Fore/2 Aft beast . . . maybe something that spits out something amazing like a total of 4 old school D-7s?!! *droooooooool* (hell, I'd take 2!)

    Carriers were supposed to be KDF exclusives and the reason one would start a KDF toon. Feds whined and got the Atrox, but they didnt get any of our sweet pets. Now they have the Obelisk and I will smash everyone I see with Elite BoPs . . . I swear to Ka'less!!!

    Fix up the Hanger AI . . . gimme a couple more carrier toys to compete with all the Rommie/Feds that have Scimitars . . . Im good to go.





    Much Love,

    Solid Shatner
    And I would like to see Elite D-7's
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