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Romulan exclusion from Cruiser Commands



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    earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    To those thinking that the Rihan ships need (or deserve) cruiser commands, no, just now. Otherwise, Fed and more KDF ships should ALL be allowed battle cloaks.
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
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    crypt1c1crypt1c1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sorceror01 wrote: »
    If you're having simple turning problems while playing in your D'deridex, you are not playing it properly.

    And don't say that you're not. I see too many people in Romulan ships who completely ignore the one thing they all have in common: their cloaking devices.

    The cloak of a Romulan Warbird helps with your turning. And it's a Battle Cloak, too. You are meant to enter a fight, de-cloak, unload as much firepower on your enemy as you can, then cloak again, get into a new position, and repeat the process.

    I see so many Romulan players just zipping around, completely visible, and then whining about being underpowered and outmatched by their Starfleet and KDF counterparts.

    And don't discount your Singularity powers, either. They're all useful, not just Singularity Jump and Quantum Absorption.
    Need a distraction? Warp Shadows.
    Wanna tear into an enemy's exposed hull? Overcharge.
    Need to clear a cloud of fighters or incoming destructible torpedoes? Plasma Wave.
    So on and so forth.

    Learn how your ship works.
    ^^^^^^^^ This.
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    rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    seannewboy wrote: »
    You mean the reason that Rommies get -10 power on each system already, and are not considered overpowered?

    I'm sorry, but are you kidding?

    The -10 power per system is so easy to work around.

    There are countless threads on managing and enhancing power levels.

    So, essentially, those five singularity powers come very cheap.

    Then add in the romulan battle cloak and the synergy you get from romulan boffs on it.

    And you're trying to argue that because you didn't get a few cruiser commands you're missing out or somehow disadvantaged?

    Nothing happens without a context...and, in context, Romulan ships are either almost OP or pretty much OP.

    Cruiser commands as well? Nope, nope, nope.
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    aegon1iceaegon1ice Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Romulan ships don't get cruiser commands because they already have unique singularity abilities. Giving them commands would simply make them too powerful compared to other faction's ships.
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    johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    Here's another reason why:

    It keeps the factions DIFFERENT, and UNIQUE. Admittedly, not much of that left anymore, but it does do that.

    Best reason in the thread.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
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    jaguarman1234jaguarman1234 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Here's the thing, If you want the benefits from the Comm Arrays, fly with some Fed or KDF Cruisers. I think the Rommies need a choice at science ship rather than one ship getting cruiser commands because "I don't want to make a different character" which is what it sounds like you are saying here OP. I have 4 50s, 2 I've made since LoR. It isn't that hard to level up a character and give the commands a shot to know they are pretty OP. The ONLY command I would say the DD would get is the Threat Generation. anything else is pointless.
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    orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Romulans were'nt excluded from anything. It's warbirds that were excluded. Romulans can still fly tons of cruiser-type ships!
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    sorceror01 wrote: »
    The cloak of a Romulan Warbird helps with your turning. And it's a Battle Cloak, too. You are meant to enter a fight, de-cloak, unload as much firepower on your enemy as you can, then cloak again, get into a new position, and repeat the process.
    That's the thing with Romulans...they're ludicrously powerful in PvP because this is a good way to fight in PvP...but they tend to be underpowered in PvE because this is a bad way to fight in PvE, where cloaking out and ceasing to fire costs you so much in downtime: PvE boils down to unloading continuous fire into a nigh-endless horde of enemies, something Romulans are not actually good at, with the exception of the Scimitar.
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    kevlintallfellowkevlintallfellow Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Romulan engineering ships, that are designed to be able to tank, should at least get the threat increase command aura, just so they can hold agro effectively.
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    theonetruetomtheonetruetom Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I think the D'Derpidex, and the Haakona should have access to at least 2 carrier commands, to offset their brickishness. Those two should be the turn rate buff, and the shield hardness one. The d'd is clearly a BATTLE CRUISER, and the Haakona is a cruiser, whether you call it an "advanced warbird" or not.

    Edit: Also, the Tulwar should get subsystem targeting and sensor analysis, since it's a science vessel.
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    erhardgrunderhardgrund Member Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Wait a minute please. Who consideres the Dederidex to be underpowerde???
    That thing can carry up to 8 beams, use A2b quite well, has 3 tac consoles + ambush bonus + all those romulan crith and critd benefits and can use holds to weaken enemy defenses even further.
    Coupled with the singularity powers that thing can tank and escape very well if neccesary. Then add some of the better romulan consoles like the tvaro console and the singularity inverter and the usual leech, assimilated module , zero point etc stuff and maybe a fleet rcs.
    And there you have it , a cruiser with battlecloack that is on par with even the top of the line federation cruisers and klingon cruisers.
    The only ships it looks weak compared too are maybe the fleet dhelan and the scimitar.
    The dhelan isnt realy comparable as it is an escorty warbird and the scimitar is twice as good as most ships in pve and pvp. So what do you compare it too to be soo weak.

    I like flying my romulans sometimes and i have some good ships as well including the 3set scimitar, the fleet tvaro and the fleet dhelan. I still want the DD to become a part of my collection.
    Maybe it seems week to the newest op ships but from its specs alone it can easily compete on a top tier level even in pvp.

    And when it comes to cruiser commands im against it for the romulans. The singularity powers are prety powerfull compensation for the powerloss especialy with all those extrapower available through cores, consoles and alike.
    They offer you extra attack, or extra speed or defense or extra tank.
    Then on top of it it can carry dhc wich is nice for an ambush build if you care to play pvp.
    Other than that all those shiney rep gear synergized best with romulan birds anyway.
    And on top of that rommies get alot of extra crth and crtd.
    And if that wasnt enough there is battlecloack.

    Honestly.Even more romulan overkill.

    And Cruiser commands. I find it a nice boost for cruisers but i wished it would be either fed or klingon only. I think it fits the feds best but klingons needed a bit of a boost more then the federation ships.
    But in all honestly i think different commands for the klingons would have been more fitting.
    Maybe with somewhat similar funktion but somewhat different and klingony, like warcry or a battlesong that acts like inpired crew or something like that.
    Cruisers ftw!
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    raptor63549raptor63549 Member Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    That's the thing with Romulans...they're ludicrously powerful in PvP because this is a good way to fight in PvP...but they tend to be underpowered in PvE because this is a bad way to fight in PvE, where cloaking out and ceasing to fire costs you so much in downtime: PvE boils down to unloading continuous fire into a nigh-endless horde of enemies, something Romulans are not actually good at, with the exception of the Scimitar.

    That's more a problem with PvE design than anything. Science vessels get the same short end of the stick in that science powers work great in PvP but don't much affect the battle in PvE where the limited number of weapons is a tremendous liability.
    So people keep mentioning singularity powers and battle cloak, good points, but don't forget all of their ships have consoles with set bonuses and plasma damage, a feature on romulan ships, have been buffed big time.
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    trhrangerxmltrhrangerxml Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The singularity powers are great, but Overcharge is a little underwhelming, especially since it locks you out of using your other powers and the singularity core buff to warp shadows is also lame, only works on Heavy Torps, I would of wanted an additional confuse effect to players and NPCs to keep players from locking onto you faster afterwards (someone already came up with a key bind in PvP that will lock onto you right after you use it). I'm not for Roms getting Cruiser Commands, but Singularity Powers do not produce 2 minute flat ISE, they are just weaker version of existing abilities (sometimes with WTF effects).
    Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor

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    farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    To me the Romulan really don't need it. Since they have the Warp shadow, shield, weapon power up, and the shockwave moves. Finally the battle cloak. Before the Federation or Klingon didn't have any power ups to counter this. So I'm glad they got it to help them out.

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    corpsageddoncorpsageddon Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The singularity powers are great, but Overcharge is a little underwhelming, especially since it locks you out of using your other powers and the singularity core buff to warp shadows is also lame, only works on Heavy Torps, I would of wanted an additional confuse effect to players and NPCs to keep players from locking onto you faster afterwards (someone already came up with a key bind in PvP that will lock onto you right after you use it).

    Warp shadows is there to provide an extra buffer for mission critical "scanning" If you're doing azure nebula rescue and it looks hairy/close to the wire. Don't engage. Just warp shadow and do the tractor beam stuff. With enough people attracting aggro, you can free 2-3 beams without challenge.

    Rapid Cannons and a followup with Overload is useful against big targets.

    Jump, you get an accuracy debuff and out of bad situations. (think charge, rapid cannon, jump, mine, cloak, turn about)

    Absorption you get protected heal over time- at least enough time to cloak- for almost no cost.

    The warbird cruiser has a (paid for/dil mined/Z Store) separation console- give that cruiser commands and you have something very scary. As it stands now Beam build that with an assault pet and you become a one man army before getting any new perks. (or use the mirror version)- that, battle cloak, choice between sci/escort separations and another button to negate weaknesses on the fly.

    Give the cruisers the extra powers, they were the least fun ships in the first place. Which is obvious when you see how everyone responded to suddenly being forced into the D'D.
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    crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    All together now:

    Singularity powers. Battle Cloak.
    Yep, methinks the OP wants to see his Romulan characters be REALLY OP. :eek::D;)
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    arcjetarcjet Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    1. Singularity powers
    2. Battle Cloak
    3. Superior operative boffs / operative captain trait

    And someone seriously feels like whining over the cruiser commands?
    Holy TRIBBLE.
    That's astonishingly ignorant and narrow minded.
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    caldannachcaldannach Member Posts: 485 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Ok now, lets not get carried away. The DDex is an average ship, it does not run A2B very well.

    However, even as a loyal Reman player, i say that the Romulan warbirds should not get cruiser commands. They have enough advantages over other factions as it is.

    Please use your brain before saying its not fair.
    " Experience is a hard mistress, she gives the tests first, and the lessons after... "
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    greendragon527greendragon527 Member Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    gstamo01 wrote: »
    Yeah, I've never really agreed with the low starting power of the Singularity Cores. I agree with the charge up of Singularity Powers, but not the reduced power plant.

    If they changed that, I would agree that they should not get Cruiser Commands.

    Also worth noting that the Romulan sub faction is just that, a sub faction. So they would be supplicant to the KDF or FED factions in battle and why they wouldn't have their own Cruiser Commands.

    That and they're Warbirds, not Cruisers.. Only DD would get it if they allowed it anyway. How many people fly that giant POS? Like six..

    So you want singularity powers no drawbacks?

    Anyway, I vote for Ha'apax and D'Dex to get cruiser commands. At least a modified set that doesn't include the power drain buff.
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    carasucia83carasucia83 Member Posts: 568 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Another one of these 'Plz give Roms everything their ally has' threads?

    Sigh... Is it really that difficult to grasp?

    I know, let's give the Feds Battlecloaking 63k hull Escorts with Singularity Powers, Cruiser Commands and SubSystem Targeting. Throw in a 1.4 shield mod too. Oh and hangar bays just for good measure.

    I hope that makes the point of just how unreasonable this type of request thread is.
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