Its about time tactical captains got a big nerf bat to their tactical focused ships and science got a boost!!
So 8 Tactical toons of mine are sad:( (they will still survive - I will console them with a new c-store ship!!)
but 20 Sci and Eng toons are very happy:):eek::D
edit: my latest post on the topic to give a little more feedback about what my feelings are about this "nerf" and "boost" which is just really a catchy title to say that I am happy they are finally "starting" to do something about the sad state of science:
I to am scared a little about this, that is why in one of my posts I said to Cryptic that this is just a "START" of the buffing they need to do to science abilities.
However, there is a problem - and that is damage.
Damage - or the most damage you can do the fastest is all that matters in this game.
Most High end science abilities were designed not as super duper damage dealing abilities, but as Command and Control abilities - which I would be totally fine with if there was not this mass need to deal high damage to be effective.
Science was never a class that was designed to stand on it's own really in a fight. it was designed to work in the trinity - it brought the heal and the command and control - so the tactical could come by and do the damage. But the game has totally moved away from that to a tactical captain and ship can do everything- especially with the rep passives and new gear.
let me say that I am not "running around laughing at tac captains or tac ships - I have 8 tacticals and most of my ships are tactical(Defiant retrofit, MVAM retrofit, Chet Ghet, B'rel retrofit, Most KDF Battle Crusiers, Mogai, T'Varo retrofit, Dhelan retrofit - just to name a few of my tac ships) I am just bored with the constant power creep in the game geared toward tactical - it's friggin getting OLD!!
So damage seems to be the way of the game and the trinity is long gone. So now Cryptic needs to give Science the power to be more than Command and control, it needs to give them the damage dealing to.
Some of that was Aux based weapons - they should sell them for science ships in the fleet stores or the dilithium stores - and not for just the Vesta - all science ships. They also need to make Beam aux weapons.
This is where Cryptic needs to go with science - fixing some basic issues with how the skills work is just the beginning!!
to go live with tomorrows patch:
Resolved some issues with some Tactical Bridge Officer powers.
All weapon modifying Tactical Bridge Officer powers are now unable to activate while the category of buff they give is already active.
For example, while Beam Overload 1 buff is active, Beam Overload 2 cannot be fired.
All weapon modifying Tactical Bridge Officers powers are now unable to activate for 5 seconds after using the ability.
For example, for 5 seconds after firing Beam Overload, Beam Overload 1, 2, and 3 cannot be activated.
These changes affect all of the following categories of powers at all ranks:
Beam Overload
Beam Fire At Will
Beam Subsystem Targeting
Mine Dispersal Pattern Alpha
Mine Dispersal Pattern Beta
Cannon Rapid Fire
Cannon Scatter Volley
High Yield Torpedo
Torpedo Spread
Gravity Well
Ranks 2 and 3 now properly benefit from the captain's AuxPower and Graviton Generators skill.
The base damage of the power has been increased at all ranks.
The Repel values of all ranks can now be improved slightly with Graviton Generators skill.
The Radius bonus gained by Graviton Generators has been increased.
The amount of bonus damage that Aux Power and Partical Generators give to this power have been decreased.
Tyken's Rift
All ranks of Tyken's Rift now apply the proper bonuses of the user's AuxPower, Flow Capacitors and Particle Generators.
The base value of the periodic power drain has been increased by approximately 50%.
The bonus from Aux Power has been decreased to less than half of its prior potential.
The base kinetic damage dealt by this power has been increased by about 35%
Graviton Pulse Generator
Innate Resistances to Slow (like those provided by the skill Inertial Dampers) now reduce the Duration of this debuff, instead of the Magnitude.
The benefit this ability gains from the Graviton Generators skill has been reduced by half.
Tac captain's will honestly barely miss the doubletap except for ganking in pvp. If anything, Engineers and cruisers got nerfed by this more then anyone else.
Even then it depends on how you set up your cruisers. Mine isn't set up with double powers so it doesn't affect me much.
My sci toons though, yes, nice shot in the arm.
This is true - but it won't hurt science or Crusier - non tactical boff heavy ships that bad because they can't load many:
Beam Overload
Beam Fire At Will
Beam Subsystem Targeting
Mine Dispersal Pattern Alpha
Mine Dispersal Pattern Beta
Cannon Rapid Fire
Cannon Scatter Volley
High Yield Torpedo
Torpedo Spread
One of my Favorite Crusiers is and Aux to Battery Fleet Excel - it has only 1 Tactical boff seat - Lt cmdr - you have 3 powers - that it!
There are bats (not the flying mammal) in STO? Does that mean we can start a game of Cricket, say, between the humans and the Klingons? Cool!
I changed that to: big nerf bat "to" their tactical focused ships
of course it could have been viewed another way - that when you transferred to your ship interior - all your crew were running around hitting each other with foam nerf bats:P
Cry me a River.
Shush you!! My main KDF toon(one of my favorites from a fun perspective) Is a Join-trill Science Captain who uses a Fleet B'rel.
Of course my only gripe with the Fleet B'rel is that they gave it a extra Engineering console slot!! Engineering slot on a B'rel?? Really Crypric - it should have been a Tac slot and at worst a Sci console slot.
KDF Bops need a real balance pass - but I still love my science - so She is a happy KDF Captain in her Fleet B'rel tomorrow!!:P
EX: BO1->BO2
or does it affect EVERYTHING attached tot he weapons?
Besides Science has long needed some love. Tykens rift is especially proving to be more effective under its changes. (no surprise on why the new CE doff is tykens based...)
Only like powers. BO>Bo is no longer possible back to back.
From what Ive learned Crf>Crf is still possible, as is Bfaw>Bfaw.
Mainly it just nerfed double tapping Bo.
Of course that was on the test server and it may be slightly different on Holodeck.
Maybe they will nerf the high healing in game next.
You are right though, KDF BoPs need a balance pass as they are quickly becoming pointless in PvP, unlike the Rom BoPs.
Still we KDF players used to kill without double tapping before, so new means will have to be discovered now.
Put those Uslots to use. Science works on a BoP as well as any science vessel.
My character Tsin'xing
I made some formatting changes in an attempt to keep your eyes from bleeding, since apparently I don't have permission to Quote the original Patch Notes...
Anyway... this is a great patch and addresses a ton of issues. I'm not sure about the enemy EP2E change (it seems like it's just dumbing down PvE), but I love the changes otherwise. Beyond the Subterfuge stacking nerf here, though, I'd like to see an even greater reduction in stacking Traits, applied to all space Traits equally. While a blended crew is a bit more Federation than say KDF or Romulan, I think removing the benefit from a pure Human, Saurian, Lethean, Romulan, or Reman crew might be a good thing. Well, that and availability of Basic and Superior versions of all Traits, not just the Romulan/Reman ones. This would mitigate outliers across the board, in turn making gameplay a bit more balanced.
...But I digress. Keep up the good work guys, this looks like an excellent patch. Seriously, thank you for re-enabling the Emote and Minigame filters!
Is that like a tribute band of Spinal Tap?
Actually this fix won't modify cannon rapid/scatter fire or Beam Fire at Will at all. /shrug. Those are time based powers - and the five second 'nerf' before activating a second power will be up by the time/before the power is ready to cycle again. The same with Mine Dispersal/Torp High/Spread. You almost always had to wait for a torp to cycle it's firing anyway, so you couldn't double tap it.
The only thing these changes honestly matter to is Beam Overload. Everything else is pretty much 'working as intended/before'.
Well we Sci captains have been nerfed into oblivion for too long!! From now on they need to super buff all the Cmdr lvl 3 Sci boff powers!!
A TR 3 or a GW 3 need even more buffing!! They should rip apart everything in the map with 130 aux and max skills in Sci.
Make it so Cryptic!!! Keep up the good sci work!! Buff those Cmdr lvl sci abilities to the moon!!
This is a good START - but only just a start - keep buffing those Cmdr and Lt Cmdr Sci powers!!
A single attack run from a buffed Escort with 1 cycle of CRF is still hitting as hard as before.
That said attack run can still slam you with a Beam Overload after the CRF, then still follow up with a Quantum HYT or whatever.
The 5 second delay, which was squarely aimed at Beam Overload users, does not prevent me from slamming you with another Beam Overload 5 seconds after my first one. It only ensures Weapons Power is fully recovered. And it doesn't prevent me from using a dissimilar TAC ability in between Beam Overload.
Basically, if you were an effective TAC / Escort user and relied in varied TAC abilities, this "nerf" doesn't hurt you at all.
It DOES affect you if you relied on spamming similar TAC abilities. Most especially the CRF / CSV spam. This impacts PVP & PVE users of that style far more than what the Beam Overload target was.
If you guys are thinking this "nerf" is the end of high powered Alpha Strikes, you are terribly wrong. An effective Alpha Strike does not rely on TAC spam of the same ability, because a proper Alpha Strike will take you down or cripple you in several seconds. Which is enough time for ONE cycle of TAC abilities to occur. The best players will kill you or nearly kill you before that first cycle of TAC finishes.
To me, it's still business as usual. The competent players will still be competent, and there's more than 1 way to skin a cat.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Cannon abilities already run 10 seconds long with a 15 second global. Its not like people were activating CRF then saving it.
I guess my main complaint is the same as always, I'd rather have them fix something that is not working rather than downgrading what is working.
And, prioritize features that effect many instead of a few.
This is the only thing I see on first reading that I strongly dislike. The BIG RED BALL OF DEATH is already nerfed by virtue of the fact that it can be targeted and destroyed close enough to me that I lose over half my hull strength (Evasive Maneuvers skill doesn't always succeed, nor is it always appropriate to use), while still far enough from my target to do no damage to it, and then I have to wait for the recharge. I have two purple Torp DOffs to reduce the CD on the thing, and it's almost useful that way.
Actually, it does have an effect on High Yield Torp and Torp Spread. If you press Torp Spread now, you get a 30 second CD on it, and a 15 second CD on High Yield, meaning, of course, that you could wait 15 seconds and hit High Yield while Spread was still active and had not been used yet. I'm not sure it really did anything, though, as I only used it a few times and only by accident. Having not detected any noticeable difference with this accident, I never did it purposely.
This was posted after I started writing my post, and I would like to voice my approval:
Actually, the update to powers won't effect High Yield/Spread being used in combo at all. What this update means is when you fire Torp High Yield 3 - even at one second remaining of the firing time, all other Torp High Yield powers get a 5 second lockout. If you fire a torpedo spread at one second remaining of it's firing time, the same prospect. It won't stop you from firing a high yield, then activating spread immediately.
The Entire point of the nerf is people crying about getting ganked by cruisers running aux2bat/Escorts with competent Captains who could keep power levels high - and with the right doffs, weapons, and consolse could slam you with two Beam Overload hits from 50-150k damage each depend on crits within a second of each other. Unless you were a very tanky Cruiser/Carrier - it was nearly impossible to survive it. Add in the fact that most people used BoP's, Warbirds, or Defiants to do it for the decloak bonus, it was even meaner.
The Doubletap was very powerful, but it was also difficult to time and expensive to gear properly. So it had it's own drawbacks, though those on the receiving end only cared that they couldn't survive it.
The only thing this nerf does is puts a five second 'lockout' on a tac power when you fire it. So Fire at Will, Scatter Volley, and Rapid Fire will use up their five second lockout during their firing time. Torp Spread and High Yield will use up their five second lockout while you're waiting for your torpedo launcher to recharge - unless you're in a torpedo boat, then it'll hurt you a bit.
For the most part, all this nerf means is a couple pvp crybabies won't be popped so often, and the rest of us have to wait a few seconds to hit the borg cube with another beam overload.
Its that Tac abilities and ships have been getting more and more powerful in the game while sci and eng have been nerfed or left in the dust.
Most of the rep passives also helped out tac abilities - that is one reason the game was getting the un-official name of escort online or tacscorts online.
I really hate that almost all of the games PvE content has become DPS online.
High level sci skills and sci ships still need more buffing in my opinion - in fact if you were to go by real life standards the move is away from conventional weapons to high tech sci powers.
Problem with video games is to many have this point and shoot the most bullets mentality because it is the easiest.