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At what point will multiple rep systems stop you from creating new characters?



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    dilbartdilbart Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    You spend an hour on each toon to get your daily marks to feed into the rep system.

    Next thing you know its time to go to bed and you haven't done anything fun. Go play TF2 instead.
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    kryptichkryptich Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The only real aspect that will keep me from grinding other toons is that even after I go and do all of my dailys and get marks for each faction. I have to sit and wait 20 or so hours until I can launch another project and continue on my way. That wait is absolute garbage. I can maybe understand a few hours at most but a whole day until the next project is just TRIBBLE. I know Cryptic is trying to make it last but at what cost. If people get bored they will go play something else that is a little more rewarding. I think they forgot that people love instant gratification.
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    taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I've already mentioned in another thread...

    I havent even touched my Romulan since LoR launched because of the new Nukara rep.

    I paid $129.00 to get the pre order Legacy Pack, quite a shame I have no time atm to build my Rom toon. Too busy with my other 4 characters, trying to catch up with the Nukara rep..

    Was wishing they allowed you to buy Rep Tiers with either Zen or Dilithium
    (but only if you've completed the reps the hard way, with at least one character) You'd get an option at LVL 50 with new characters, to buy "Rep Tiers with Zen or Dil"

    Thinking about starting my brand new Rommy makes me want to.... *Puts gun in mouth*
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    potasssiumpotasssium Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I haven't done much at all with Nukara rep on any of my toons. I got tier 5 Romulan Rep just to unlock Remans on one toon. Other than that, tier 4 for the various Torpedo Launchers and consoles under Omega & Romulan is fine.

    I'll probably slowly progress my toons on Nukara rep, but not with any haste. I would like to get that Tholian Sword.

    Luckily my fleet does a good job of doing the rep grind missions in teams, it makes it much more fun. STFs with fleet mates as well.

    I am really growing to love Defara ground, never get bored with killing Borg, in space or on the ground.
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    oracion666oracion666 Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    kryptich wrote: »
    The only real aspect that will keep me from grinding other toons is that even after I go and do all of my dailys and get marks for each faction. I have to sit and wait 20 or so hours until I can launch another project and continue on my way. That wait is absolute garbage. I can maybe understand a few hours at most but a whole day until the next project is just TRIBBLE. I know Cryptic is trying to make it last but at what cost. If people get bored they will go play something else that is a little more rewarding. I think they forgot that people love instant gratification.


    I can understand it for the fleet holdings, but for character rep? No. A days wait between projects brings everything to a crawl. Why not just start out at an hour or so, then increase it by an hour per tier? That gives you some time to restock on mats and marks, while not just shoving everything in at once and being from A-Z in a few minutes.
    Formerly known as Echo@Rivyn13
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    bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited September 2013
    To answer the OP, I've just about got omega and rom rep sort of somewhere near 4 for most of my characters. Nukara is lagging behind because I just cannot be bothered logging in on 5 different characters to fill in some slide bars every single day just so someone in PWE can turn round and say "We have 30,000 people logging in every single day on STO" and make it sound successful.

    If there's another rep system then that will more or less put the nail in making new characters not least because of all the limited time, single character unlocks that are becoming more apparent.

    Make previous reps (omega, romulan and nukara) have whole tier projects when the new rep system comes out and I might start making new characters, as it is now I feel like logging out and staying logged out when I think of rep.

    As for new factions etc. I'd like to try new factions but really the more stuff you give us the more we look at the new factions and just think I can't be bothered. Couple that with the lack of endgame content except the ego bash of PvP and really what is the point?

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
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    tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    i havent bothered with rep for any toon other than my main. i make a half-assed effort to queue an omega project once in a while, but thats only because i am using them to farm defera and the omega marks are 'free'. but even then i am lucky to bother slotting more than one project a week.
    the result of this is that the toons dont really feel like alts so much as... i dunno. a manually controlled farm-bot? because they have no rep i dont bother spending any dil/ec/cpoints on them at all. i am effectively a single-toon player, and even then i have been feeling like my race and faction have been made less relevant by the whole romulan super space cowboy thingo.
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    macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited September 2013
    I said I would not do more reps ... but I am now doing all 3 on science toon after having gotten 3 toons to all tier V reps and 1 other to Tier V, IV and III for Omega, Nukara and Rom.

    A lot of people, myself included, have begged Cryptic to institute some kind of discount for reps for people who finish them on several toons. All pleas have fallen on deaf ears. It might be doable to have them be toon based as opposed to account if:

    Expertise and mark requirements were scaled back dramatically.

    1) Expertise requirements is insanely high. ~15K expertise for the 2 projects starting around tier II. I always end up having to do boring Mirror invasion to fill up.

    2) Marks required for Rom is too much or Rom missions need to increase yield. I can do Omega Conduit elite in 10 - 15 minutes and it will award 105 marks ... which is enough for 2 days of reps. But the best Romulan mission, sector patrols, awards only 75 (during bonus).

    I proposed halving or more the expertise required and reducing the cost of marks by some % per tier achieved / toon up to some limit like 50%. Don't expect them to fix this anytime soon.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
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    atalossataloss Member Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I used to grind to get my MACO space set and Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier (lockbox keys) :mad:, but after I got them, I stopped. I literally watched 1,020 Omega marks evaporate into that space set. It took me a month of daily grinding to get it, and guess what, the MACO set wasn't as "special" as my Jem'Hadar space set Mark XI

    My only toon is level 3 in each (Omega, Nukara and Romulan). I understand they need "end game" things to do, but it becomes a full time job with no pay. After a while you don't care about the mission you're doing, you just want it done as soon as possible so you'll move onto the next one. The game is no longer fun when it gets to that point.
    One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
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    theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 5,990 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Just got omega tier 5 myself on my main, my other 4 characters are nothing more than dilithium farmers now.

    On my main, i'm on tier 3 romulan and tier 2 tholian.

    it's getting beyond a joke.
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
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      mccarronxldmccarronxld Member Posts: 68 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      Been awhile since I last played. Miss it a lot. Check back every day to see if Cryptic has done something about the ridiculous Rep/Fleet grind so I can return. but silence. Sigh.
      "You hurt me long ago; my wounds bled for years. Now you are back, but I am not the same."
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      bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
      edited October 2013
      To add to it.

      I want to make a KDF science Captain but here are the things holding me back:
      Rep grind.
      Lack of costumes.
      Everything comes covered in dirt.
      KDF fleet has maybe 3 members on a day.
      Single character unlocks.
      All their best toys cost Zen while you can get them for very little ec Fed side.

      If I could once a year change my character class and species for 1000z then it wouldn't be so bad. I could reassign an unused character. As it is now, well I'd rather walk from the game if love isn't shown to both science vessels and the KDF.

      It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
      A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

      Has damage got out of control?
      This is the last thing I will post.
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      bones1970bones1970 Member Posts: 953 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      Yes i need to make 2 pvp rommies, thats the only part of the game i still need to perfect.
      Did the rep. grind on 14 charaters but can't do it anymore.
      At least it saves me money (don't need the ships for pvp).
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      zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      Never. I never got a singly point of reputation stuff and I do not intend to get one. I never grinded ANYTHING in this game. Not EC, not Dilithium (my sum of dilithium is most likely sub 100 000 for all my toons together since dil. appeared), not Fleet Marks, nor reputation.

      Someone on the beginning of this thread was right. You are all moaning and complaining about dil, reputation, fleet marks, lockboxes, lobi and whatever else there is. Yet you all ARE grinding it. Hidden masochism or what?

      Stop it and if players go aways from the game and reputation/fleet system en masse Cryptic will have do give us alternative. Now - they have no reason too. After all - you ARE playing what they are providing. So they HAD to be right and ARE providing the content YOU WANT!

      Right? Of course right.
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      milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      Never. I never got a singly point of reputation stuff and I do not intend to get one. I never grinded ANYTHING in this game. Not EC, not Dilithium (my sum of dilithium is most likely sub 100 000 for all my toons together since dil. appeared), not Fleet Marks, nor reputation.

      Someone on the beginning of this thread was right. You are all moaning and complaining about dil, reputation, fleet marks, lockboxes, lobi and whatever else there is. Yet you all ARE grinding it. Hidden masochism or what?

      Stop it and if players go aways from the game and reputation/fleet system en masse Cryptic will have do give us alternative. Now - they have no reason too. After all - you ARE playing what they are providing. So they HAD to be right and ARE providing the content YOU WANT!

      Right? Of course right.

      You are either being cheeky or just a simpleton.

      To be competitive and not let my pvp team down I grind, yes, because i am dedicated to the team. However it is a bad component and needs to be fixed. I am not masoshistic, just motivated to have the best. If you don't have a motivation to grind then that is fine, but check the attitude. This is not the content I want, but it is the gear I want. They could have engaged their brain to the on position and devised a manner more appropriate for grownups just wanting to play a game. That is the reason for the frustration, they gate necessary materials behind an unnecessary suck fest.
      PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
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      deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      hasn't stopped me from making alts...though, once the grind starts wearing on me i quit. cancel sub and leave. LoR brought me back, entity event is so far keeping me here, but 10 characters, only one has reached tier 5 in one rep path...and the rest? i try...but falling asleep running missions you've done 1k+ times, and know that you haven't even begun because there's still other characters to do just makes me give up.

      games are supposed to be fun, sto's end game rep grind is not fun. i have played a lot of mmo's, 'asian' grinders as some are called even....this is by far the worst. it was, is, and always will be a bad design having that much grind and few choices on how to acquire needed resources, the same maps over and over and over.

      the game does not have the end game variety to support a grind of that magnitude.

      a possible solution at least for the same old same old.

      random gen missions of exploration/headhunting (depending on faction) how far you get, what you kill, what you discover all generates rewards payable at the end, you die, no respawn, mission ends. solo or group. you finish a sector, choose to continue or get the payout. continuing generates more difficult scenerios, but rewards increase.

      destroy ships, board and data mine ships, infiltrate installations, destroy listening posts, etc...all random gen so no same old patterns. popping a spy station could get an entire fleet called in on you...or not. scouting borg/tholian/elachi space, avoiding sensor nets...or charging into them just to rack up the kill count.

      i can dream
      Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
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      maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      chookin wrote: »
      Have 15 characters, kind of stopped playing different alts as time went on/more stuff was introduced. When I think about the reputations/having to go to ground to collect hypos etc it generally turns me off and stop playing for the rest of the day.

      Can't really feel motivated about making new or keeping them all up to date anymore, so I just TRIBBLE about on one or two characters a day on what I feel like doing. It's not the most efficient use in game but much more enjoyable than grinding.

      this pluss 1
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      g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      Never will really, when new species are introduced with OP abilities and boffs, I will have to re roll again and go through all the episodes and grind alllllll again.

      I don't like to do it, but I must to stay competitive. If only they have it account wide that would be great, or at least reduce the amount we need to do.

      But in all honesty they do this so they can tell their board that we have x number of players online= game is popular and statisically they will spend more money e.t.c. When really their just the old players grinding their toons rather than new players.

      Bonnie Kiii Bonnie kiiiin I grind you
      Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
      - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
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      milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      g0h4n4 wrote: »
      Never will really, when new species are introduced with OP abilities and boffs, I will have to re roll again and go through all the episodes and grind alllllll again.

      I don't like to do it, but I must to stay competitive. If only they have it account wide that would be great, or at least reduce the amount we need to do.

      But in all honesty they do this so they can tell their board that we have x number of players online= game is popular and statisically they will spend more money e.t.c. When really their just the old players grinding their toons rather than new players.

      Bonnie Kiii Bonnie kiiiin I grind you

      I wonder how much better LOR could have done if people weren't afraid of the grind monster. Thanks to the CE event I have lots of Nukara marks, but not a drop in omega or romulan. I guess if they through out 50K dilithium/500FM events in each rep system I will work on them for alts too, but all my alts from now on are just story based, no PVP, no high end gear, at least they can all get doffs from the academies so that is a boon for me while I work on other captains.
      PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
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      kiriseekirisee Member Posts: 446 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      Having had more ambition than my actual motivation has been able to carry, I originally set out to create 4 new Romulan characters.

      I'm nearing (within the next 2 weeks) completion of all 3 Rep systems on my initial Romulan Character.

      However, at this point...

      >The amount of different events you need to grind for different rep currencies.

      > The generally tedious nature of buying an inputting small commodities (especially ground device consumables like hypos)

      > The massive cost of expertise required (about 500,000 expertise PER Rep system, so about 1.5 million expertise for 3 systems - easy for old characters but yet another grind for new ones).

      ...have me uncertain I will even bother with a second new character, much less the 3rd and 4th.

      Generally I log on, and there are things I have to do to earn rep that generally prevent me from playing the content that I actually want to play.

      There are also other indirect advantages to not having multiple characters, as this game has pushed so far and hard into expensive, single character unlocks (DOFF Roster, Inventory slots, Bank Slots, Lockbox ships, fleet ships, dilithium store gear, Rep gear, fleet store gear, etc.)

      So how about you? How are you taking the grind in stride?

      How many characters will you maintain if they add another 1, 2, 3 or even 4 new Rep systems?

      If in 1 year from now, there are a total of 6 Rep systems - would you even dare create a new character?

      Keep in mind we have gotten 3 full Rep systems in the past 6/7 months.

      What happens when a new faction is launched and you have to start all of it over again?

      Well with the 16 toons that i have..i've hit that wall...most are done with Omega and Rommie rep...but Nukura..it's hard to bring myself to do it...but at least we have CE event atm...and will prob get about T3 in it before its over...not sure if i'll try to finish all 16 on it though...the grind is just too much..sad
      "If everyone used Macs, we'd be working on how to get to Alpha Centauri rather than how to get to Mars."
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      unangbangkayunangbangkay Member Posts: 10 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      Lifetimer here. I've got a total of three characters I use regularly (one for each faction), and my Fed-aligned Romulan just reached 50. I've nearly maxed Nukara rep, and am at Tier 5 in New Romulus and Omega on my Fed main. I'm about at Tier 2 for my Romulan and Klingon characters for Nukara and Omega (New Romulus is a slower grind, I've found, if you don't make much of eppoh tagging).

      I'm beginning to feel a little bit of that pressure as I try to bring a KDF Romulan up, but the key difference here is that I'm simply not very competitive. The Rep systems were only ever an option to me, and since I'm not hardcore into PVP and am happily mediocre, much of what the Rep grind offers is little more than icing on the cake.

      I can sympathize with folks who feel the rep system as it stands discourages the use of alts, but there's always a choice, and I guess I'm just lucky that the evolution of STO has fit my play habits quite well so far.
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      valetharvalethar Member Posts: 174 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      Not a chance I'm even going to attempt to level it on more than one character in it's current state.

      Leveling it once was a ridiculous amount of boring grind. If the rep system were account based instead of character based, it wouldn't be that much of an issue. People would still need to grind resources for individual gear needs, which is more than enough grinding.

      The passives really aren't all that spectacular, so grinding the ridiculous amount of resources necessary for multiple characters isn't worth the effort, especially given the idiotic way the system punishes you for participating in the rep grind by not only requiring time and resources for each tier, but then they extort you for even more by making you buy the right to grind the next tier.

      If they made you do this each time your character leveled, people would leave en masse. Double dipping people for rep tiers is just stupid.

      The whole system needs a revamp, especially now that they're adding a new rep 'faction' with Season 8, which means a new currency as well. Someone needs to remind PWE/Cryptic that we don't live in the People's Republic of Grind and most definitely do not enjoy endlessly monotonous farm games.
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      nithanathnithanath Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      I have been sitting here with the z-store window open contemplating if I should make a caitian character. I wanted to do this for quite some time and the xp event would be a good opportunity for leveling the character.

      To get started it would cost me 600 zen for the playble species, 2000 for 4 bridge officers, 2500 for the kitty carrier and an additional 500 when the fleet version comes out. That should not be a problem.

      Then I thought about the 3 reputations with a 4th coming soon. Even with the reputation revamp and the rep sponsoring it would take me a month of grinding and waiting. I dont think thats worth it.

      Anyway, thanks, Cryptic, for trying. The rep sponsoring is a step in the right direction even if it is a (too) small one.
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      twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      bluegeek wrote: »
      Since this statement has been called into question, I will merely say that back when the Reputation system was first announced the Devs discussed this point and stated that they didn't expect people to grind up to T-5 in every Reputation on every toon. They said they envisioned the Rep system as a way for characters to distinguish themselves. By implication, some toons will specialize in some Reps and some in others. People who "gotta get 'em all" will advance far more slowly than those who specialize.

      I felt this intent was obvious and I still have trouble taking anyone seriously who complains about "needing to do" every single rep on all fifty of their toons. The whole thing is meaningless unless you PvP anyway.
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      g0h4n4g0h4n4 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      twg042370 wrote: »
      I felt this intent was obvious and I still have trouble taking anyone seriously who complains about "needing to do" every single rep on all fifty of their toons. The whole thing is meaningless unless you PvP anyway.

      Yup I PVP and I have 6 toons fully repped with 1 more in the more process.

      The worst thing I hate doing the rep, I say absolutely rubbish to the guy who said it made each toon distinct.

      I do the Rep because i have to not because I want to. In order to stay competitive and get the best gear, there is no choice in that.

      It's like going for a street race, you can save up for a Subaru or you can use your Skoda. So you if you don't want to grind then your going to get owned big time and die alot in PVE too.
      Now found frequenting MWO short term and then Star Citizen long term. Raged Quit PVP long ago
      - Gohan (House of Beautiful /Sad Pandas)
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      markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      twg042370 wrote: »
      I felt this intent was obvious and I still have trouble taking anyone seriously who complains about "needing to do" every single rep on all fifty of their toons. The whole thing is meaningless unless you PvP anyway.
      Yeah, I really don't care about it myself.

      As for PvP, I've beaten VAs with a L39 char.... Sure that was luck/outflanking them, but still.

      Most of the rep passives are less significant than the difference between MK11 and MK12. Sure, the other guy has an edge, but does it make him unbeatable? no.
      My character Tsin'xing
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      aftulusaftulus Member Posts: 668 Arc User
      edited October 2013
      I think it would help if they added a add max button on the interface without having to bring up the popup for the item you want to enter. That is one of the biggest things that amke it tedious. If you streamlined the interface a bit it would not be so bad! Make it a little plus sign box next to the contribute button next to all turn in items in the rep system and the Fleet system or any other item that has that turn in function! Then you select the slider option if you only want to much. That would solve 90% of the issue! But it must be a small button you click and only have to click once. No extra buttons with an ok button! 8)
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      milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
      edited November 2013
      Yeah, I really don't care about it myself.

      As for PvP, I've beaten VAs with a L39 char.... Sure that was luck/outflanking them, but still.

      Most of the rep passives are less significant than the difference between MK11 and MK12. Sure, the other guy has an edge, but does it make him unbeatable? no.

      I agree 3 or 4 reps are not more than a narrow edge, but in a few years where we have 10-12 reps they will stack up to a more substantial edge. At some point they will be a major difference, which is why it is a big deal to get account bound rep or have rep traits not count for pvp.

      The worst part about it for alts of pvp players is the pve grind nature of it (no pvp means to earn rep) AND doubly annoying is that being a pve grind it has less impact on pve play as a whole since we can space bar ourselves to victory in any AI match.

      Reps are not going to stop, and as they pile up they will impede new pvp players. Our numbers will take a further hit. Its bad enough not to get more pvp missions or maps, but to have systems added to the game that discourages alt pvp is unacceptable.
      PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
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      wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
      edited November 2013
      I have to admit that i was looking forward to seeing how they were running the new rep, especially with the double XP tokens and the way better pricing, but then they managed to jump the prices way over the value of the rep items, making it the most expensive rep yet. Last i checked, the prices were still higher than they'd been advertising, but they were at least adjusting them and the items.

      Still though, if it's not as low as we were getting told, i really can't see the point in grinding for it. Especially with so many other areas to grind, that have better equipment for the same or possibly lower grind cost.
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