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Cure Found Elite is BROKEN - leaver penalty! *Resolved!*

galaxyrider0galaxyrider0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports

I was playing earlier today when I joined a Cure Found Elite Space and the mission has already failed, now I know why. It is BROKEN!

The Raptors and Neg'Var are doing insane amounts of damage, seriously, my team was doing everything right, but the second wave melted down two players and damaged the IKS Kang beyond the normal.

Even with three ships healing the Kang, the wave from the second Cube was overwhelming! I never saw that amount of damage in the Kang, even with two ships guarding it. Me with a Scimitar and Elite Drones and a Defiant.

1 - The Bord-Klingon Ships are dealing some bigg above the normal DPS.
2 - They are dealing too much damage to the Kang, one Raptor wiped out 50% of its Hull.
3 - Seems that healing the Kaag had no effect at all. Hazard Emitters, Eng. Team and Tranfer Shield from three ships.

Anyone else saw the same?

EDIT: Please, stop assuming that I'm a Newbie, we are talking about bugs in this mission, not how to play it. I know how to play it, aside of this, feel free to tell us your experience with the mission today, when it seems that the bugs started.
"If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are." - Jean-Luc Picard
Post edited by galaxyrider0 on


  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    This mission has been working fine. The higher ships always do big damage. You're not suppose to let them near the Kang. Healing abilities have always worked on the Kang in my teams.
    It also sounds like you joined a public match. If that's the case then don't be surprised if you lose. You are more than likely going to get ships that are not built for these types of missions. Which means you'll be overrun easily by enemies.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Remember the Cubes do throw out heavy torpedoes, they are easy to forget when you are taking care of nodes and Neghvars.

    Me and fleetmates completed a Cure Elite run with a group of 5 Galaxies and we had a lot of time left. Contrary to what people say, you do not need super DPS. Just experience. Once you play through a few times you will realize that you do not even need a Kang healer or guard. Stay attentive and be careful when blowing Cubes.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Oh, it's broken alright, Jim, but not as you know it. :) CSE sometimes (lately far more than other times, has you join a Failed mission). Other than that, it's 'Working as intended.'

    Simple rule: if your group has only so-so DPS, wait before popping the Cubes; if not, it doesn't matter: a high-DPS ground can kill the oncoming Raptors fast enough.
  • galaxyrider0galaxyrider0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Had anyone that posted here, played the mission today?

    I know everything you said.

    The mission was ok yesterday, a challenge, not a buggeg High DPS enemy overkill.

    Two time I've played this mission today:
    1 - Joined it and BOOM, my ships was cought in the middle of the fray, close to where the Kang should be, but no... the mission was already failed.

    2 - Started the mission as normal, first wave was a little more hard to kill than the normal, but when we killed the first cube the trouble began... the second wave... only one Raptor got close to the Kang and more than 50% of it's hull melted down in 5-7 seconds. Then we tried to heal the Kang, as I said, nothing, It was like the heals was not working at all. Second cube, third wave... the Kang exploded with one Raptor again...

    Yesterday this mission was ok, but today is insane.
    "If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are." - Jean-Luc Picard
  • nyasayanyasaya Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Just got done doing cure; i thought they fixed it. You can blow up a cube outright without taking out the nanite probes. :confused:
  • galaxyrider0galaxyrider0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    nyasaya wrote: »
    Just got done doing cure; i thought they fixed it. You can blow up a cube outright without taking out the nanite probes. :confused:

    God! I experienced a overkill enemy mission and you could kill the cubes before destroy the Nanites?
    "If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are." - Jean-Luc Picard
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The mission has been definitely broken in several ways for a few days:

    Sometimes, you take down enemy ships easily and sometimes they take forever to destroy... in the same run... for the same ships... from the same angle of attack.

    But the worst part is when you fail the mission, if you leave, even after destroying all the enemies around, you'll automatically get the 1-hour ban penalty. Yes, that's so cool to be unable to play the rest of the PvE queues because you fail one ESTF and had no choice but to leave or be trapped there forever.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Had anyone that posted here, played the mission today?

    I know everything you said.

    The mission was ok yesterday, a challenge, not a buggeg High DPS enemy overkill.

    Two time I've played this mission today:
    1 - Joined it and BOOM, my ships was cought in the middle of the fray, close to where the Kang should be, but no... the mission was already failed.

    2 - Started the mission as normal, first wave was a little more hard to kill than the normal, but when we killed the first cube the trouble began... the second wave... only one Raptor got close to the Kang and more than 50% of it's hull melted down in 5-7 seconds. Then we tried to heal the Kang, as I said, nothing, It was like the heals was not working at all. Second cube, third wave... the Kang exploded with one Raptor again...

    Yesterday this mission was ok, but today is insane.
    I played it today. But I didn't PUG it. I played a private queue match.

    anyways though, people on my team only got KOed a few times. and that was with me playing an experimental torp'Varo build that didn't work as well as I was hoping it would.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • khayuungkhayuung Member Posts: 1,876 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I once had a round where I was getting one-shotted by raptor HYTs that somehow made in through my BFAW cloud, apart from that I'm not sure I've seen any new weirdness yet.

    "Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.

    Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!

    Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
  • auriciusauricius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Solution: Don't do PUGs. Join PublicEliteSTF or some other channel, where you can group up with people, who know how to do these missions. If you join a PUG, chances are even an ISE run will be screwed up by someone... Also, if the team lacks in DPS, just appoint a highly mobile person [preferably with higher DPS] to guard the kang, while the rest of you apply the MRRML tactic. Bring down nanites below the middle cube and outgoing BoPs, while the guardian secures the left and right flanks. Then go right, destroy nanites, destroy right cube, destroy the raptors in the middle, destroy middle cube. Fly left, destroy neghvars, destroy nanites and neghvar/raptor spawns, destroy cube. Finally, destroy the carrier. Profit.

    I ran over 30 CSEs in the past week, about 50% of it being an RML run; only failed once, because someone used fleet support, and the spawned warbird popped the middle cube, while we were working on the right cube.
  • galaxyrider0galaxyrider0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    People come here, read my Post, ignore that it is about bugs and assume that I'm a Newbie player...

    AGAIN: The mission is bugged! Not me! ok?

    I know everything about grouping, how to do the mission, build and etc... the issue was with the mission.

    I've played this mission more than 30 times, this is the first time I face such bugs, perhaps the mission went broken after this week update.
    "If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are." - Jean-Luc Picard
  • tequilla56tequilla56 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Lots of posts appearing about this.


    Yep, seen the strange behaviour of NPC's vs Kang. (Not actually a new issue, happening at random since before rep system)

    Yep, Copped the locked in failed mission and subsequent 1hr ban from all other games when forced to leave manually.

    - Have even copped 1hr ban when the server booted me as the mission was loading (I didn't even get into a listed game... kicked at loading screen... log straight back in.. no notice, no server ban indicator just no go until I logged out and reclogged back in trying to figure it out then the server ban notice appeared).

    Best thing to do. Keep posting and talking bout it peeps.

    Keep making NEW posts... (sorry forum admins, I know not your fault BUT its the only way anything ever seems to get fixed).

    Don't play missions that CAN fail unless you are 500% sure the team you are with wont fail the mission. -- best of all (which wont happen) - don't play the missions at all...

    Finally - Don't count on anyone fixing this anytime soon. Like many other things (CE Encounter) things like this just don't seem to be fixed in any kind of hurry....
    Oh the important things like... Tweaking the audio effects on the quad cannons... or look Colony Invasion is bugged allowing players extra marks... Those get fixed really fast. Issues that TRIBBLE players over or make the game pointless... Nahh leave them for a while... Too hard.
  • dsarisdsaris Member Posts: 375 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Have played CSE numerous times over the past few days. The mission is NOT broken. If you are having problems, try creating or joining a Private Group instead of pugging.
  • galaxyrider0galaxyrider0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    dsaris wrote: »
    Have played CSE numerous times over the past few days. The mission is NOT broken. If you are having problems, try creating or joining a Private Group instead of pugging.

    Perhaps you had luck, but take a look on the forum or even in this thread, there are some experienced players that experienced the same problems.
    "If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are." - Jean-Luc Picard
  • tequilla56tequilla56 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    People come here, read my Post, ignore that it is about bugs and assume that I'm a Newbie player...

    AGAIN: The mission is bugged! Not me! ok?

    I know everything about grouping, how to do the mission, build and etc... the issue was with the mission.

    I've played this mission more than 30 times, this is the first time I face such bugs, perhaps the mission went broken after this week update.

    Added whilst typing - so response.

    Yes it is def mission problem... not you.

    I am very experienced with these missions. Currently Tier 5 on two characters and third (romulan) on tier 4. -- This is not to mention the completely specced PRE rep ships I have including most Maco & Omega Gear (multiple times).

    Stress less. If people are lucky they wont have a problem. If they are not and start getting screwed... they will come here.
  • tequilla56tequilla56 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    dsaris wrote: »
    Have played CSE numerous times over the past few days. The mission is NOT broken. If you are having problems, try creating or joining a Private Group instead of pugging.

    Ok mate.. Mission not bugged eh....

    Kewl... I got nothing better to do today. Whats say you and me meet in game. We will create our own mission (instead of pugging it like 99% of people do) and deliberately fail the mission...

    THEN you will see it IS bugged... It is bugged (broken) to hell.

    No not having a go at you... BUT perhaps.. instead of emphatically making a statement... perhaps re-word it to be a little less hostile. Just an idea.
  • galaxyrider0galaxyrider0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    tequilla56 wrote: »
    Added whilst typing - so response.

    Yes it is def mission problem... not you.

    I am very experienced with these missions. Currently Tier 5 on two characters and third (romulan) on tier 4. -- This is not to mention the completely specced PRE rep ships I have including most Maco & Omega Gear (multiple times).

    Stress less. If people are lucky they wont have a problem. If they are not and start getting screwed... they will come here.

    As Riker once said: "What a perfect vicious little circle"
    "If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are." - Jean-Luc Picard
  • auriciusauricius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    People come here, read my Post, ignore that it is about bugs and assume that I'm a Newbie player...

    I know everything about grouping, how to do the mission, build and etc... the issue was with the mission.

    I've played this mission more than 30 times, this is the first time I face such bugs, perhaps the mission went broken after this week update.

    You must be extremely unlucky in that case I guess. :/ Maybe somehow you always managed to queue up to runs where someone eventually screwed up. I'm not sure, but I think you have not said whether these were Public Queue runs (which I assume were, because you stated 'the mission was already failed when you got into it'), because if this is the case I am not surprised. If you PUG, you have to expect things to go wrong, because even if You yourself know everything about these missions, that doesn't mean others do or even if they do - will listen to instructions... Another example I can think of is someone has left the match as soon as the optional failed and the game immediately offered you to take that player's place and by the time the game loaded, the match was already failed. If it was a private event, well... as I said in my earlier post, sometimes even those can go awry.

    Unfortunately, the game doesn't remove 'failed' missions from the Queue immediately, so you might have ended up getting into the instance, when the objective was already failed, but the game did not remove it from the queue yet. I think this could be a leftover of an old loophole, when sometimes you could make another run of CSE, right after you finished it, because the game didn't give you a cooldown on it for some reason.

    Also, I have to repeat. I did over 30 CSE runs this week and have had absolutely no problems whatsoever.
  • edited September 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    People come here, read my Post, ignore that it is about bugs and assume that I'm a Newbie player...

    AGAIN: The mission is bugged! Not me! ok?

    I know everything about grouping, how to do the mission, build and etc... the issue was with the mission.

    I've played this mission more than 30 times, this is the first time I face such bugs, perhaps the mission went broken after this week update.

    Not ignoring anything. :) Even made a thread about the 'Failed' issue myself, the other day. But you wouldn't be the first one popping a Cube too early (when the team can't handle the DPS), and then post about getting totally overwhelmed by the Raptors, and cry foul.

    Got into a Failed mission only once today; after that, when I got in okay, the missions played out as usual, with no apparent abnormalities (though, I must admit, I did not try to shoot the Cube immediately).
  • tequilla56tequilla56 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Irrespective of if someone is going public or private for their games. (I am 98% public to meet new and interesting players - hmm perhaps that is one reason why its referred to as mmorpg?) or if they are a noob or the most experienced player ever.

    The question is in the statement. The STF mission referred to as Cure, to obtain Omega Marks is Broken.

    Specifically, when the mission is failed, you are unable to leave the mission anymore without doing so manually and incurring an automatic 1hr ban from playing any other game, public OR private.

    So yes. People have played. People haven't had issue. Good for them. BUT there are probably (from the general sounds of things atm at least 5-1) who HAVE been caught by this new nasty little bug.

    In reality, for those who have come here and specified most decisively that this mission
    IS NOT BROKEN.... Um well, ahh yeah it has NEVER worked correctly and has had to be fixed on numerous occasions, stemming from its initial launch and appearance as part of the STF end game sequence. Where it was all about finding random drops of Rare Prototype stuff to buy the matching gear.

    It has ALWAYS been broken in some way shape or form. Just NOW it is a fresh problem. and is actually having a serious impact on the games playability in general.

    SO for the topic at hand. Yes... Yes it is broken. Many have encountered this problem. Many are complaining about it. It does seem to have arisen following the update to tweak the audio on the quad cannons... and add a forgotten about hanger to the new Romluan warbird (must not have been selling enough of em to the kiddies :-s)

    Prior to this time, I had not personally encountered a problem with it. Hopefully it will be looked at and fixed soon, so then everyone can go back to accusing each other of not knowing how to play or of stuffing it up, whilst the rest of us real people enjoy playing once again rather than being stuck here talking bout it, because we CANT risk playing these missions ATM in case we get caught out. That happens from time to time, usually no big.. but now. People are getting screwed and punished for actually playing the game.

    That is what needs to be fixed. (and yes hopefully they will re-address the one kill super invisi torps and hyper rapters etc etc etc along the way.... BWUH HAHAHAHAHA Yeah right).
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Oh, it's broken alright, Jim, but not as you know it. :) CSE sometimes (lately far more than other times, has you join a Failed mission). Other than that, it's 'Working as intended.'

    Failed Mission? or Failed Optional? Big Difference... If it is a failed optional, the mission can still be completed, and most likely someone warped out... and the queue (as it is intended to do) filled the open spot with another player.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • tequilla56tequilla56 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Failed Mission? or Failed Optional? Big Difference... If it is a failed optional, the mission can still be completed, and most likely someone warped out... and the queue (as it is intended to do) filled the open spot with another player.

    Definitely Failed Mission - NOT failed optional(agreed BIG difference).

    Nope. - This is about you not being giving the option to leave the map without incurring a penalty at the completion of the mission.

    I specific, when the mission has been failed, and there is nothing more to do... (Kang went kablewy)....

    Am unsure if it affects if the mission is completed successfully or not. Have not heard any specific feedback on that point, but from the huffing and puffing of those screaming no its not broken at all, am guessing its fine in that regard.

    The being dragged into a game, with a blown optional. Yeah it does happen, sometimes its annoying. But hey, u go public u get what u deserve and suck it up.

    Nope this is all about being sucked into a dead game, like the Tholian or Borg Sector Encounters where u hit the red alert button, jump in to find the game is all done and dusted and u get booted out straight away again. Only this case is not booting you out OR letting you leave without punishing you.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Gotcha... in those instance... absolutely broken.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited September 2013
    Just got pulled into this mission for 2nd time and it is already fail. I leave and I get the penalty. How incompetent can this dev group be to keep introducing issues like this?

    I mean I have done this mission countless times over so many months and this has never happened until recently. It is not like there is an embarrassing amount of content for us to do. They delayed their silly little FE ... making it more than 4 months since LoR. Shame is all I have to say. Test your code before you put it on live.

    Sorry for the negativity but the "cup runneth over" with Cryptic.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited September 2013
    tequilla56 wrote: »
    Definitely Failed Mission - NOT failed optional(agreed BIG difference).

    Nope. - This is about you not being giving the option to leave the map without incurring a penalty at the completion of the mission.

    I specific, when the mission has been failed, and there is nothing more to do... (Kang went kablewy)....

    Am unsure if it affects if the mission is completed successfully or not. Have not heard any specific feedback on that point, but from the huffing and puffing of those screaming no its not broken at all, am guessing its fine in that regard.

    The being dragged into a game, with a blown optional. Yeah it does happen, sometimes its annoying. But hey, u go public u get what u deserve and suck it up.

    Nope this is all about being sucked into a dead game, like the Tholian or Borg Sector Encounters where u hit the red alert button, jump in to find the game is all done and dusted and u get booted out straight away again. Only this case is not booting you out OR letting you leave without punishing you.

    This!!! Before trolls and fanbois come in here telling us things are all okay read this person's post!

    This is 2nd ESTF that is now broken. Hive Onslaught is completely foobar even on normal despite the so called hot fix.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited September 2013
    I can't even join Azurre which has nothing to do with STF. Beyond stupid Cryptic ... beyond stupid is all I have to say.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    macronius wrote: »
    This!!! Before trolls and fanbois come in here telling us things are all okay read this person's post!

    This is 2nd ESTF that is now broken. Hive Onslaught is completely foobar even on normal desptie the so called hot fix.

    I pretty much have not pugged it for days now, since pugging it basically risking a 1hr penalty now if the mission is a fail. It's one thing to fail a mission and not be able to play that mission for an hour.. it's a completely different thing to fail that mission and not be able to join ANY queue for an hour.
  • macroniusmacronius Member Posts: 2,526
    edited September 2013
    tekehd wrote: »
    I pretty much have not pugged it for days now, since pugging it basically risking a 1hr penalty now if the mission is a fail. It's one thing to fail a mission and not be able to play that mission for an hour.. it's a completely different thing to fail that mission and not be able to join ANY queue for an hour.

    I guess lesson learned. If these kinds of bug don't qualify for hot fixes ... I mean real hot fixes that actually resolve the problem I don't know what will. This literally prevents someone from playing the game for 1 hour.
    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

    - Judge Aaron Satie
  • saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,409 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    macronius wrote: »
    Hive Onslaught is completely foobar even on normal despite the so called hot fix.
    Actually, it got fixed and I noticed it. It was very welcome. Then, the next week, it was broken again. Now, the Unimatrixes can "lance" you again even if you hug the Queen's Diamond. If you're targetted, you're doomed even if you hide behind the Queen before they fire.

    And I don't know if it's intended as I've never noticed this before on Elite, but their Torpedo Spread can OHK you, even if you use "Brace for Impact" or even enough shield or even "Reverse shield polarity" engaged or even all at once.
    And I'm not talking about "you took all the spread for yourself so the damage piled up", No, I'm talking about dying after the first or second "pulse" of the attack. 20 000 kinetic damage each seems over the top, even on Elite, especially for an AoE you can't avoid.
This discussion has been closed.