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Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #39



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    tilarium1979tilarium1979 Member Posts: 567 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    thorodal wrote: »
    Because up to now most small fleets were somehow able to cover those 200k needed... but with, as I said earlier, now up to 10 regular projects those small fleets now run into the same problems even smaller fleets run into earlier. And once the next holding is out I guess there will be even MORE "whine".

    Hey, Cryptic, us smaller fleets want a nice looking home as well <.<

    Plus the fleet and embassy projects gave us a month to complete before the next one, not 2-3 weeks between them. They are coming to fast to keep up with.
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    thorodalthorodal Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Plus the fleet and embassy projects gave us a month to complete before the next one, not 2-3 weeks between them. They are coming to fast to keep up with.

    No, they always came in two week intervals. After the embassy launched though they came weekly, switching between starbase and embassy before they switched it to bi-weekly again.
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    hylanvahrhylanvahr Member Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    (I voluntarily deleted this post)
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    o1derfull1o1derfull1 Member Posts: 294
    edited August 2013
    I do not understand how or why anyone would ever let their vanity outweigh their practicality.

    What on earth would motivate anyone into spending time money or energy to acquire this, or any other mere cosmetic enhancement, in stead of nearly anything else obtainable in the game.

    Such projects must be solely intended for those with far too much experience and money with a concomitant lack of sense.

    I'm certainly glad though that the resources of Cryptic appear to be so vast as to allow them to spend their efforts generating such content. That bodes well for the plethora of bugs, glitches, and content dearth currently plaguing the game. Surely that must mean that they intend to address those outstanding issues shortly given that they must now have an overabundance of talent and personnel such that they must find meaningless busy-work to occupy them, such as creating this assault on logic.

    ::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
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    buddha1369buddha1369 Member Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Y u so mad?

    Seriously, its OPTIONAL, its COSMETIC, either do it or ignore it. These projects are something pretty to look at and dirt cheap to boot.

    One days cap for 25 players is 200k dil. So even a fleet of only 25 players could complete this in just a few hours. Or they could ignore it and lose nothing at all.
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    ceekayzeroceekayzero Member Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    o1derfull1 wrote: »
    I do not understand how or why anyone would ever let their vanity outweigh their practicality.

    What on earth would motivate anyone into spending time money or energy to acquire this, or any other mere cosmetic enhancement, in stead of nearly anything else obtainable in the game.

    Well, two reasons:

    1. Completism. My fleet wants to have EVERYTHING, and so far we've had everything. I mean, if we didn't stop after the Embassy Ivy or the KDF Targ/Fed Tribble Infestations, we're not going to stop now. It's the same logic behind accolade hunting.

    2. It's pretty. I've yet to see anyone challenge Cryptic on this point with the project.

    If you don't want it, fine! Its your resources, and nothing is being gated behind this project. We run our fleet holdings differently, and there's room enough for both ways in STO.
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    o1derfull1o1derfull1 Member Posts: 294
    edited August 2013
    1. Completism.

    Actually a fair point. Dramatically wasteful in terms of resources given the costs and benefits of it, but a perfectly human and understandable habit. That explains why certain players would chose to do the project.

    As to why Cryptic would chose to devote the time and resources to create such projects, well I suppose that's explained by the dilithium cost: a handy dilithium sink - which is likely also why they time gate the projects. Oh can't finish it in time to start the next one, just buy more zen.

    Ah well. I don't like it, or personally agree with it, but now, at least, I understand how it happened.

    ::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
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    ceekayzeroceekayzero Member Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    o1derfull1 wrote: »

    As to why Cryptic would chose to devote the time and resources to create such projects, well I suppose that's explained by the dilithium cost: a handy dilithium sink - which is likely also why they time gate the projects. Oh can't finish it in time to start the next one, just buy more zen.

    Hence why we don't have a huge number of choices in bridges', per Taco's recent comments.

    I think, though, that if Cryptic has chosen to monetize the fleet holdings in this way, they should give us a real bang for our buck. So stuff like huge tubes of dilithium is pretty cool. A bunch of random animals on the base is not cool.
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    shaposhnikshaposhnik Member, Cryptic Developers Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    that is cool!
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    cyckathcyckath Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I'm just glad its something internal for those of us who haven't hit T2 yet.
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Around 10:00 am this morning, Cryptic resposted the 'Dilithium 101' blog. I have noticed a frequency increase in the number of times the blog gets reposted. Whenever a new holdings project appears, the 'Dilithium 101' blog follows in its wake. Prior to the "Legacy of Romulus" upgrade, the blog would appear at sporadic intervals.

    When you think about these special 'dilithium' projects, the following quotes and link comes to mind:

    Link: Season 7 Dev Blog #17 (Updated)
    Pre-Season 7 Dilithium Concerns

    As we approached Season 7, we spent a lot of time reviewing the Dilithium economy and evaluating changes that needed to be made based on the following concerns:

    Concern 1 ? Active level 50 players are refining far less Dilithium than we expect them to. Prior to Season 7, the average amount of Dilithium refined by an active level 50 player was 3100 per session or 13,250 per week. That is far less than the cap of 8000 per day when you consider that most level 50 players play multiple days per week and slightly more than the average hours per session.

    Concern 2 ? Several missions were rewarding far more Dilithium than they should have.
    We have a guideline for how much Dilithium should be earned based on effort and time spent, and there were several missions that were clearly outside of our guidelines and players were using these missions to earn more Dilithium than we intended.

    Concern 3 ? New gear being created was not in line with other pricing
    With all the new gear in the game, gear pricing needed a balance pass to ensure that the amount of Dilithium required for similar gear was consistent across the game. ~ Daniel Stahl
    Even though the dilithium rewards changes were [URL="Link: [URL="http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=447051"]reversed[/URL], the reality is that Cryptic wants everyone to grind excessively.

    200,000 dilithium x 3 projects (fleetbase, embassy, and mine) = 600,000 dilithium on aesthetics per month.

    Remember the following quote, for Cryptic's mentality has not gone away.
    Concern 1 ? Active level 50 players are refining far less Dilithium than we expect them to. Prior to Season 7, the average amount of Dilithium refined by an active level 50 player was 3100 per session or 13,250 per week. That is far less than the cap of 8000 per day when you consider that most level 50 players play multiple days per week and slightly more than the average hours per session.
    Cryptic wants to make money, for they have to keep the doors open. I wish it didn't have to come from turning endgame content into a job. Endless grinding is not fun. Since the season seven changes went into place, Cryptic has not adjusted the dilithium rewards to compensate for the new holdings, reputations, and faction. As the new holdings, reputations, and faction went into place, the reward system was never tweaked to accommodate players. Example: In order to purchase Romulan and Tholian reputation gear, players will spend twice the dilithium cost of fleet gear. I guess they really do not care about casual players.

    Cryptic got what they wanted.

    Players spend more time grinding than enjoying the game.

    "Star Trek: Online" has become an actual job.

    Cryptic has plans to continuously add reputation holdings, and their actions will cause the dilithium rewards flow to become thinner and thinner. Players are putting more effort into "Star Trek: Online" than they are getting rewarded.

    I love allot of what Cryptic has done, but their reward system (and holdings timers) are a game stopper.

    ...and, that is why I lost faith in "Star Trek: Online' and the developers.

    *notices she hasn't signed into "STO" for two weeks*

    Only time will tell if Cryptic fixes the system.

    *crosses fingers*
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    theultimatextheultimatex Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Lead Content Designer Charles Gray shares details about the fifth Dilithium Mine Featured Project in this entry of the Legacy of Romulus News Dev Blog series.

    Link to the blog.

    You guys are STILL leaving money on the table. I've stated this before that I am more than willing to pay for a $20 Dilithium pack that contains 200,000 refined dilithium to help us small fleet leaders just 'complete' a project when our in-game but not RL money funds are low.

    Why don't you want my money Cryptic?

    Btw, I actually was able to do something similar in the past when purchasing $20+ worth of zen, and get 200K+ refinded dilithium back from players on the market. But those days are long gone it seems.
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    ceekayzeroceekayzero Member Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    You guys are STILL leaving money on the table. I've stated this before that I am more than willing to pay for a $20 Dilithium pack that contains 200,000 refined dilithium to help us small fleet leaders just 'complete' a project when our in-game but not RL money funds are low.

    Why don't you want my money Cryptic?

    Btw, I actually was able to do something similar in the past when purchasing $20+ worth of zen, and get 200K+ refinded dilithium back from players on the market. But those days are long gone it seems.

    Because that would basically eliminate the dilithium market as currently implemented by Cryptic the past year and a half.

    Under your system, Cryptic would get the zen, not players. And since Cryptic would be offering a 1:100 zen/dil ratio, it would be fixed and then players could not trade their excess zen for dilithium. So in essence, while Cryptic wants your money, Cryptic wants you to sell the money to other players.

    Some people like the arbitrage element of the current market. I know I've benefited from it (back when the ratio was 1:87).
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    vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,520 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Like any of the other optional holding projects, if it doesn't interest you, you don't have to slot it. These cosmetic options exist for fleets who wish to enhance the look of their holdings.


    Brandon =/\=

    I really am not fond of projects like these and I PRAY no one in my fleet sets this project up.

    Projects like these do NOTHING to enhance my personal game play or experience. Normally, I would not spend either the time, or money on something like this. While I really appreciate Starbase, Embassy, and dilithium bling, for art's sake, I simply don't spend enough time in any of these places to put in the effort required to make them so flashy.

    BUT, as it is a "fleet holding", the possibility exists that someone in my fleet may disagree and slot this anyway. So I end up not contributing to this project leaving my fleetmates to burden this all by themselves?

    This is not a good way to encourage team play, or to get players to work together.

    It's a great way to shake the money tree, I realize this as well as the need for revenue sources for the game to survive.


    There ARE so many more personal game enhancing projects that require my time, effort and earned dilithium for, (fleet starbase progression, fleet stores, rep system ect.), so projects like this dilithium mine project actualy conflict with things that DO enhance my game experience.

    Just my personal opinion, if anyone is interested at all.

    @ linyive,
    I completely agree with your post.

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    maicake716maicake716 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ceekayzero wrote: »
    Because that would basically eliminate the dilithium market as currently implemented by Cryptic the past year and a half.

    Under your system, Cryptic would get the zen, not players. And since Cryptic would be offering a 1:100 zen/dil ratio, it would be fixed and then players could not trade their excess zen for dilithium. So in essence, while Cryptic wants your money, Cryptic wants you to sell the money to other players.

    Some people like the arbitrage element of the current market. I know I've benefited from it (back when the ratio was 1:87).

    simple solution, make it a "premium" price to just fill the project. something like $40 usd.

    that way the market is safe and people with more money then time/will can just pay the 40$ and get it out of the way.

    i bet people would still do it that way.
    mancom wrote: »
    Frankly, I think the only sound advice that one can give new players at this time is to stay away from PVP in STO.
    Science pvp at its best-http://www.youtube.com/user/matteo716
    Do you even Science Bro?
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    foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This one is really cool! The crystals "float" up/ side-ways through the light beams, almost like piping. They are in various places around the mine's interior.

    In due time, as we get closer to Season 8's release, which is scheduled to occur before the end of the year :)


    Brandon =/\=

    The whole while you can stand there and watch while saying "Hey I donated that piece. And that one, And that one, And that one, And that one. 200,000 times.

    Imagine the fun!

    Cryptic said ppl were refining less than 8k and missions were rewarding more dil than intended. O.0 Yeah, makes perfect sense then to reduce dil in said missions AND create even more sinks.


    Then they're full of it.

    Personally I refine my full 8k daily and my Ore reserve is STILL climbing. I broke 310k last night.

    Everyone I've spoken to in game says the same, heck one player claims to have 900k unrefined ore.

    Counting the glut of casual players as the norm for refining/earning dilithium is foolish.

    Just raise the ****ing cap already.
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    linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Link; Conversation's Starting Point
    Cryptic said ppl were refining less than 8k and missions were rewarding more dil than intended. O.0 Yeah, makes perfect sense then to reduce dil in said missions AND create even more sinks.


    Upon the release of the reputation system, Cryptic reduced and reorganized the reward system. Players quickly got upset, and they protested in the forums. Cryptic reorganized the dilithium rewards for a second time, for they tried to recover from a public relations nightmare.

    Since the introduction of the last rewards system, Cryptic has: (1) increased the diithium cost to upgrade duty officers, (2) added the Tholian holdings, (3) added a new faction, (4) added warp/singularity cores, and (5) added the dilithium mine. It all adds to the dilithium grind. Even though the dilithium mine gives 'fleets' a reduction in dilithium requirement costs, the holdings does not do anything for 'each player's reputation systems'. Casual-single players are also having a problem, for they will never receive a discount on the cost to buy reputation items. Tholian and Romulan space gear costs twice the dilithium than that of fleet gear.

    As the next season comes into play, Cryptic will be adding a fourth reputation system holdings. If Cryptic has not adjusted the reward system, after applying "Legacy of Romulus" and the Tholian holdings, they will have ultimately and quietly got what they originally wanted.

    Low rewards for the amount of time and effort that goes into grinding.

    Cryptic won at the end.

    If you follow Cryptic's upgrades closely, the dilithium costs to buy items has doubled or tripled. As a result of adding more high priced dilithium requirements and items, Cryptic has thinned out the impact of the game's reward system. Players are not getting adequately rewarded for the time, effort, and (within some cases) money, which they invest into "Star Trek: Online". Everyone has become a grinding/spending drone.

    "Star Trek: Online" has become a slot machine, which seeks to keep everyone on a low rewarding treadmill.

    Cryptic needs to fix the reward system, so they can compensate for the new additions.
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    graemorhomegraemorhome Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This one is really cool! The crystals "float" up/ side-ways through the light beams, almost like piping. They are in various places around the mine's interior.

    In due time, as we get closer to Season 8's release, which is scheduled to occur before the end of the year :)


    Brandon =/\=

    Cool or not, these "Special Projects" are out-of-reach of the smaller fleets, and thus are ridiculous. It's hard enough for them to get their starbase up and running. None of the "Cool Stuff" is realistically available because the dilithium costs are ludicrous. 200k per feature? No fun at all, Branflakes. Try convincing STO to realistically price those features for the gamer, then maybe we'll be more excited.
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