We already brought down the Tribble server for maintenance to apply a new update.
Feature: Updated Carrier Command Interface
Hangar Pet Interface
All ships that possess at least one Hangar Bay will see a new UI element on their screen, as long as they have an item equipped in their Hangar Bay slot.
This UI element will display all hangar craft currently active from that bay.
The following stats are displayed on this UI:
Number of Active Pets, Hitpoints, Shields and Rank (details further below)
Each hangar bay may be activated using a button that has been placed on this UI, to summon a wing of pets.
This does not remove the option of hotkeying your Hangar Bay summons in your power tray.
Wing-specific Carrier Commands can also be accessed from this UI, allowing you send separate Carrier Commands to each hangar, if you have more than one Hangar Bay.
Duty Officers that required a specific Carrier Command to be active in order to function have been updated. They will now activate if either Hangar Bay is issuing the necessary command.
NOTE: This may allow Carriers to benefit from two different Duty Officer active roster abilities simultaneously. However, the max number of Flight Deck Officers which may be equipped has not been altered, still 3 max.
Players may still utilize the buttons on their Weapon Tray to send Carrier Commands to both wings of pets at the same time.
For starships with only a single hangar, there is no functional difference between the new Carrier Command buttons and the existing ones.
Hangar Pet Ranks
All Hangar Craft are now capable of gaining up to 5 Ranks which will improve their performance over time.
These Ranks are slowly gained based upon the time they spend in combat without dying.
Reaching Rank 5 requires a total of 5 minutes of active Combat time.
Each time a Hangar Craft ranks up, it receives a 25% Hull HP heal, as well as gaining additional stat buffs:
+5/10/15/20/25% Maximum Hull HP
Tachyon Drones, Siphon Drones and Shield Repair Drones will instead gain +10/20/30/40/50% Max HP, due to their limited combat utility.
Runabouts, Delta Flyers and all Frigate Hangar Craft will instead only gain +2/4/6/8/10% Max HP, due to their higher starting base value.
+2/4/6/8/10% Damage Bonus
Non-Damaging Hangar Pets gain unique bonuses:
Tachyon Drones will drain -10 more shields per tick, per Rank.
Shield Repair Drones will repair 10% more shields per tick, per Rank.
Siphon Drones do not currently gain in effectiveness as they Rank Up, other than Max HP.
Additional Features
In order to balance Hangar Pets? new ability to Rank Up, all combat pets have received a slight reduction in outgoing damage.
The damage penalty is 4.0%, and is completely offset by reaching Rank 2.
All Hangar Craft launch timers have been standardized.
For example, some ships used to wait 1 second between each pet summon, and others would wait up to 4 seconds.
These have all been standardized to a 2 second interval between each pet summon.
Activating your Hangar Bay while pets are already summoned will no longer replace active pets, but will only fill in missing pets.
All Carrier Commands have had their descriptions updated to reflect their functionality.
Carrier Command : Recall has been improved:
Hangar Craft will still disengage from combat and return to their Carrier when put into Recall Mode.
After 15 seconds in Recall Mode, all active Hangar Craft will now attempt to dock with their Carrier.
When a Hangar Craft successfully docks, it will disappear from view but all of its applicable stats will remain (Shields, HPs, Ranks)
Docked Hangar Craft regenerate Hull HP at a highly accelerated rate.
Docked Hangar Craft cannot be affected by AOE abilities, or gain Ranks, as long as they remain Docked.
Docked Hangar Craft will immediately and automatically re-deploy upon receiving any Carrier Command other than Recall.
All Hangar Craft will now be far more likely to avoid the explosions caused by any Warp Core Breach.
This AI improvement also applies to other ship pets, such as MVAM and Saucer Separation.
Some Veteran Rewards for Romulan players will be visible in this build.
Head to New Romulus Command to claim the 1,000 day reward Daeinos Heavy Destroyer.
More veteran rewards coming soon!
Summer Event
Added mail services to the consoles in the resort.
The dance party now includes VO callouts for start, end, and various dance moves.
All instances of the word corvette that refer to the Risian corvette have had the capitalization of the letter C removed.
Fixed an issue where a ship's current shield values would not display properly on the character sheet while the player is in sector space.
Added a dropdown to the Character Tailor, to allow players to choose different lighting configurations that mimic those of key locations within the game.
Available options at this time: Default Tailor, Earth Spacedock, Qo'noS, New RomulusThe drop down can be found in the lower right corner, below the Character Turn buttons.
Added the following NPC Contacts to the Foundry:
Jem'Hadar Battleship
Armored Hatham
Cast of Klingon Hamlet
Changed display names of comets in the Foundry to Comet. (They no longer think they are asteroids.)
The Transwarp window no longer shows transwarp destinations marked as Elite or Vice Admiral.
Bridge Officers that are in the overflow bag may now be retrieved.
The windowed mode, windowed full screen mode, and full screen mode have been optimized.
Updated bar music/crowd noise for rom area of drozana station
Updated the animations on the Romulan Embassy guards so they no longer equip and unequip their weapons.
Chin strike will no more reliably play it?s hit audio.
The backend of the Gateway has been optimized.
Chat room features will now work properly with characters like '&' in the name .
War Games
When the U.S.S. Athens is disabled in the Draylon system, it now properly becomes a neutral target.
Test of Mettle
Enemy groups now scale to player level
Khellian System Patrol
Added waypoints for the enemy groups, and the satellites that the player needs to repair.
Romulan Tutorial
Added a tip to teach players how to sprint
Colony Rescue
Players can no longer simultaneously rescue the same NPC for credit.
KDF allied Romulans now have access to the missions associated with the nebula fighting areas surrounding Omega Leonis.
KDF allied Romulans can now accept the PVP scenarios missions.
Klingon Academy lore missions are now available to KDF characters starting at level 10, instead of level 21.
Multiple copies of this power no longer replace each others' buffs, allowing players to benefit from both their own copy of Leadership as well as from Bridge Officers' copies of Leadership.
Mind Drain can no longer be used from cloak without breaking cloak.
The Elachi group no longer drops rewards less often than intended on ground.
The Damage Resistance debuff proc on Disruptor weapons no longer is increased by damage bonuses or decreased by damage penalties. It is still affected by the target's resistance buffs and debuffs.
Resolved an issue that caused the Destablized Plasma Torpedo to fly much slower than intended.
Resolved an issue with the Explosives Expert Duty Officer power which enhances Chroniton Mine Barrier.
It can no longer cause the user's weapons to go offline when activating Mine Barrier.
Directed Energy Modulation will now correctly damage targets, instead of the user, when used with Phaser/Disruptor Point Defense System.
Metreon Gas Canisters can now be equipped on the Mirror Star Cruiser
Smoke grenades can now be used on friendly targets in RPG mode.
Separated saucers and starship components, and launched small craft, will now attempt to avoid core breaches if they are near a ship when it is defeated and a core breach starts.
Orbital Strike (All Ranks) for Romulan Republic officers now deals plasma damage, has an appropriate plasma visual and has secondary plasma effects. The power's tool tips have been updated to reflect these changes.
Updated the description of [SST] enhancements on Warp Cores.
Clarified the text of the [SSR] enhancement on singularity cores,
removing a duplicate tooltip
corrected the text displayed number of the Slipstream Recharge bonus to be more accurate. This is a text change only.
The [Res] enhancement on singularity cores now works properly with Quantum Absorption.
Players may now purchase up to 100 Small or Large Auxiliary Batteries, Shield Batteries, Weapons Batteries, Engine Batteries, Power Cells, Shield Charges, Major or Minor Components, Major or Minor Regenerators in a single transaction.
Updated the tooltip for Go Down Fighting to indicate that it cannot be used unless the user's Hull is below 50%.
Clarified the tooltips for the two piece T'varo console set.
Orbital Strike: Fixed a bug that would prevent this power's reticule effect from playing for Federation and Federation allied Romulan characters.
The Scimitar's secondary shielding should now function as designed and display correctly in the HUD
The Reman Headgear has been adjusted to prevent clipping.
Update the color palate on the Reman variants of the Romulan Republic uniforms.
The flyin message regarding a full duty officer reserve roster will now reference duty officers instead of bridge officers.
Added red alert mode to the Federation Classic, Klingon Classic and Romulan Classic color palettes.
If you do not wish to have your UI change colors during red alert mode, it can be disabled through a new checkbox on the "Basic" tab of the options menu this works for any color scheme.
the camera has been backed away from their face of department head portraits.
The correct ship name will now be displayed in the ship health status in Temporal Ambassador while flying the U.S.S. Enterprise.
Nonequippable items in the inventory are now dimmed when the status window is open.
Pressing L will now properly open your log
Fleet website URLs can no longer contain profanity.
The ?Put on Active Duty? and ?Remove from Active Duty? buttons will now swap the selected duty officers when there are no free duty officer slots available in the active or reserve rosters.
Known Issues:
The Risa Dance Party event mission cannot be selected when pressing ?I Wanna Dance?.
Hangar Bay fighters do not re-launch once docked.
When Hangar Bay fighters are destroyed in combat, reinforcements cannot be launched until the reinforcements have been completely cleaned up.
Klingon captains occasionally will not be able to promote or spend points on their bridge officers.
And I'm curious if the new Pet UI will help or make it even more complicated to manage pets (but it's not taking anything away, just adding stuff, so I guess 'Yay!').
- And could you let KDF-ROMs replicate 'Emergency...' photonic doffs (rewards for Military, Engineering and Medical Doff tracks)?
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
This is awesome. I will hop on Tribble, wait out the 5 minute load screen, hope the Foundry doesn't CTD or tell me "login failed for unknown reason" in order to check out the squirrels.
I will throw them some peanuts.
Seriously, though, I know whoever took the time to add this stuff can't make the Foundry less broken and non-functional as it currently is, so thanks to whoever you are that did this.
Are these ranks permanent, reset each mission, or reset each time you exit and re-enter red alert?
Ranks will be reset under any of the following circumstances:
- A pet is destroyed.
- You change maps.
- A content trigger forces a remove/refresh of all active effects on your character (this very rarely, if ever, actually happens. But it theoretically could, so best to mention.)
Jeremy Randall
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
Does each pet gain rank separately, or do they gain rank as a group? If the latter, then I assume that when one pet in a group is destroyed, the remaining pets in the group retain their rank.
If the carrier commands work, and the AI actually advoids warp core breaches, I think this might turn out for the better. I would think that it woule be better to ahve a sort of sliding scale, so that pets get to the current level fairly quick, but then it takes longer to get to five. Also, are pets going to have some version of full impulse, or if I'm going to sprint across the map I should just recall them?
And you added squirrels? Like Earth Squirrels? Pics?
ferjai's bop ..any pet that uses cannons instead of beams has ..pardon my language a "****ty" AI.,
they almost never shoot the front cannon but use turrets..and just circle the target in angles not allowing an effective fire solution on their part .
the ferjai is especially handicapped like that as unlike drones. mesh weavers and bug pets , it takes them forever to use their tricobalts even though they are not on CD .
Sorry, but I'm reading this as yet another indirect nerf to the Atrox. Look, I've accepted that the Atrox's role is healing and support, and I've embraced that role. But with no frigates and every new carrier having more bells and whistles, giving bonuses to pets that live longer (when our fighters are already made of tissue paper) and nerfing powercycling just seems a slap in the face.
How about a Fleet Atrox with some sort of Caitian frigate pet?
Multiple copies of this power no longer replace each others' buffs, allowing players to benefit from both their own copy of Leadership as well as from Bridge Officers' copies of Leadership.
I assume this means that leadership can stack up to 6 times (5 bridge officers and 1 captain). There was also a separate issue of leadership not granting any subsystem repair bonus.
Not being able to replace existing fighters is a significant DPS nerf for carriers that can't use unique frigates.
Anyone that has parsed hitting the launch fighter button everytime it lights up vs. hitting it only when your pets are destroyed understands the ramifications of this.
This is awesome. I will hop on Tribble, wait out the 5 minute load screen, hope the Foundry doesn't CTD or tell me "login failed for unknown reason" in order to check out the squirrels.
I will throw them some peanuts.
Seriously, though, I know whoever took the time to add this stuff can't make the Foundry less broken and non-functional as it currently is, so thanks to whoever you are that did this.
These are nice, but in my opinion what we need are some (read: all) of the twenty missing Mirror Universe ships. And the new Romulan ships like the T'Liss and Dhelan.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
These are nice, but in my opinion what we need are some (read: all) of the twenty missing Mirror Universe ships. And the new Romulan ships like the T'Liss and Dhelan.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
Does each pet gain rank separately, or do they gain rank as a group? If the latter, then I assume that when one pet in a group is destroyed, the remaining pets in the group retain their rank.
It sounds like it a standard passive power given to all appropriate pets. It procs every 60 seconds that gives the buff to the pet and the buff will stack to a maximum of 5. Or it may be an hidden ability given to the hanger class ships. That way it they don't have to touch each pet definition.
can we get a fix for Playable Romulan and Remans not being able to use Minor and Major Regenerators...as I cant use it on my playable characters...just the boffs
One visual problem I noticed with launching fighters on the Vesta. With the spawn cooldown changed the fighters spawn on top of each other and push each other through the bottom of the ship, before each fighter can finish taking off the pad.
Also with the new UI having the commands on them can there be an option to remove the commands off the weapons HUD? having both is kinda annoying, and I never liked how tall the Carrier/Subsystem HUD element is so tall and invasive.
when you going to fix the bug that says I cant buy elite jem fighter for my jem heavy escort carrer because the game thinks I don't own the jem heavy escort carrer? I cant buy them from the fleet store or the dilithium store
I'm having this same issue with the Elite Jem Attack ships. I own both the Dread and the bug and yet the game says I don't own one or the other. So I can't buy the Elite ship pets. PLEASE Cryptic... FIX THIS.
Do the pet changes apply to Saucers, Chevrons, or the support craft like the Aquarius?
Zinc: The universe of Star Trek Online is shaped and changed by the actions of the players...expect to see new planets and races discovered that were unknown the last time you logged in."
Do the pet changes apply to Saucers, Chevrons, or the support craft like the Aquarius?
Nothing other than the AI update to avoid Warp Core Breaches will apply to these types of craft. The changes detailed in this patch are specifically for Hangar Pets.
Jeremy Randall
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
excellent, can't wait to see it go live - hopefully next week
Light Speed! - No, light speed is too slow. We need LUDICROUS SPEED!
Ajma420 - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Federation Catherine The Great - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Empire Vladimir - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Rihannsu Empire
I hope you realise that you just destroyed the hopes and dreams of countless millions of Comets in the galaxy...
Machinima Person
Did some things back in the day
Now a Games Developer and Researcher
And I'm curious if the new Pet UI will help or make it even more complicated to manage pets (but it's not taking anything away, just adding stuff, so I guess 'Yay!').
- Still, what about the Tufted risian parrots, assuming the tufted seniors and fledglings aren't looking as intended, will you fix them before the event ends (so I can make an informed decision of what parrot to trade in for marks or keep)?
(EDIT: Here more info: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=11225571#post11225571,
- And could you let KDF-ROMs replicate 'Emergency...' photonic doffs (rewards for Military, Engineering and Medical Doff tracks)?
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
This is awesome. I will hop on Tribble, wait out the 5 minute load screen, hope the Foundry doesn't CTD or tell me "login failed for unknown reason" in order to check out the squirrels.
I will throw them some peanuts.
Seriously, though, I know whoever took the time to add this stuff can't make the Foundry less broken and non-functional as it currently is, so thanks to whoever you are that did this.
Are these ranks permanent, reset each mission, or reset each time you exit and re-enter red alert?
Also glad to see that the dumb consumables can be bought in mass.
Would like to see larger stacks to match.
I'd assume the ranks reset if the craft are destroyed.
They reset when destroyed or on map transfer.
Can you be more specific about what has changed?
Ranks will be reset under any of the following circumstances:
- A pet is destroyed.
- You change maps.
- A content trigger forces a remove/refresh of all active effects on your character (this very rarely, if ever, actually happens. But it theoretically could, so best to mention.)
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
Does each pet gain rank separately, or do they gain rank as a group? If the latter, then I assume that when one pet in a group is destroyed, the remaining pets in the group retain their rank.
And you added squirrels? Like Earth Squirrels? Pics?
Nouveau riche LTS member
ferjai's bop ..any pet that uses cannons instead of beams has ..pardon my language a "****ty" AI.,
they almost never shoot the front cannon but use turrets..and just circle the target in angles not allowing an effective fire solution on their part .
the ferjai is especially handicapped like that as unlike drones. mesh weavers and bug pets , it takes them forever to use their tricobalts even though they are not on CD .
How about a Fleet Atrox with some sort of Caitian frigate pet?
I assume this means that leadership can stack up to 6 times (5 bridge officers and 1 captain). There was also a separate issue of leadership not granting any subsystem repair bonus.
Anyone that has parsed hitting the launch fighter button everytime it lights up vs. hitting it only when your pets are destroyed understands the ramifications of this.
You're welcome.
These are nice, but in my opinion what we need are some (read: all) of the twenty missing Mirror Universe ships. And the new Romulan ships like the T'Liss and Dhelan.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
As NPC Contacts?
Yes. But now that you mention it, the customizable Costumes would be nice too.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
It sounds like it a standard passive power given to all appropriate pets. It procs every 60 seconds that gives the buff to the pet and the buff will stack to a maximum of 5. Or it may be an hidden ability given to the hanger class ships. That way it they don't have to touch each pet definition.
Screenshot of the new pet UI:
Also with the new UI having the commands on them can there be an option to remove the commands off the weapons HUD? having both is kinda annoying, and I never liked how tall the Carrier/Subsystem HUD element is so tall and invasive.
One of many reminders that i'm not a REAL Romulan. >_<
I'm having this same issue with the Elite Jem Attack ships. I own both the Dread and the bug and yet the game says I don't own one or the other. So I can't buy the Elite ship pets. PLEASE Cryptic... FIX THIS.
Nothing other than the AI update to avoid Warp Core Breaches will apply to these types of craft. The changes detailed in this patch are specifically for Hangar Pets.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
Ajma420 - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Federation
Catherine The Great - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Empire
Vladimir - Lv 50 Tac - Pride of the Rihannsu Empire