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Is Support Seriously Ignoring This Issue Of Mine?

warchief551warchief551 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
Hello, I have submitted a number of tickets and a forum post regarding a deletion of my main character, all unanswered. It happened like his, I was deleting my KDF Science Klingon because science is kinda useless over there, as soon as I hit delete it not only deleted him but my main toon. I am enraged that over this time, I have not been helped when a few days later while waiting I heard that a wing mate had submitted a ticket regarding loss inventory items and was responded to almost instantly and she filed them under same categories as I did.
Post edited by warchief551 on


  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I always felt like they onlx have this one big support farm somewhere in china and 80% just dont speak enough english to be helpfull or just delete what they dont understand
  • warchief551warchief551 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    this is my 3rd forum post, I have numerous tickets as well, that was my main toon and it is in no way my fault it was deleted that was a bug.
  • weedfeverweedfever Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013



  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited June 2013
    Hi there,

    I posted this in another thread this morning:
    It is definitely not typical, no, and I apologize on behalf of the GM team for the increased wait time. There is currently a very high volume of tickets, and the GM team is working as fast as possible to answer them all. They answer tickets in the order received, so if you have not received a response yet, there are tickets ahead of yours.

    While I do not work on tickets, I can ensure they are in the right queue. If you can send me a forum PM with your ticket number, I would be more than happy to do that.

    Also, we are working on getting additional support so we can decrease the response wait time, so do know that we are aware of this and would like to get back to or typical response times as quickly as possible. Thanks for your continued patience and support.

    Check out the yellow text above :) I would be happy to make sure that your ticket is in the right queue.
    I always felt like they onlx have this one big support farm somewhere in china and 80% just dont speak enough english to be helpfull or just delete what they dont understand

    Nope :) The support team is in the Bay Area, California, US. French and German tickets are handled in our EU office in Amsterdam, Netherlands. We do not delete tickets -- however, if you file a bug report, it goes straight to our QA team and they do not get responses. If you submit a GM ticket, you should get a response. If you're concerned, see the yellow text above and I can at least make sure it's in the right queue.


    Brandon =/\=
  • warchief551warchief551 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thank you branflakes, I posted a forum post with your name on it I hoped you'd respond because I've heard you get stuff done. Or help at least
  • weedfeverweedfever Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ok , thanks for coming , in , i was told by a player in game to make a bug report , not submit a gm ticket thing , having not played for very long , i thought that gm ticket would be for in game help from a game moderator ...

    there is no record in my tickets for a bug report however ? i did not get the full number , but know it started 1,7??,??? ....

    i have since made a gm ticket about the missing bug report , and have spoken to friends in game about items they have had disappear , some have items not sell on exchange , and not be returned to them , the item has been lost somewhere between the exchange and the mail , others have lost items from their inventory , none have had any help or think i will get anywhere in telling you about this.

    this is very concerning for me , that long term players are telling me i am wasting my time in trying to get to the bottom of this ......

    players should not be made to feel they have no support , it is very sad to hear people say , 'you may as well forget it its gone' ....

    that is why i linked the above website , so people can become aware of the rights they have as a customer , and also the obligations that cryptic / perfect world have to their customers , even if the U.S.A doesn't have such laws , the EU does , and if you wish to trade in a foreign country , you have to abide by their laws in order to do so ....

    i will wait for a while and see if i get a response to my gm ticket regarding the item and the missing report ,

    also to report a missing item , it asks you to link the item in a box on the top right .... HOW CAN I LINK WHAT I NO LONGER HAVE ?

    i do not mean to sound like an awkward / angry complainer , but right now i am very frustrated at having played the game an worked for hours and hours to be able to run doff missions for prototype consoles etc only to find that when i crit and get a real good one , it disappears from my inventory ?

    i look forward to getting this resolved one way or another , even if it means i give away everything i have on sto and leave , but that is NOT what i want to do , as it would be a waste of the 150+ pounds i have sent on this title in the last 3 months ...
  • pwebranflakespwebranflakes Member Posts: 7,741
    edited June 2013
    @weedfever -- please reach out to our GM team for assistance. They can be reached at http://support.perfectworld.com ('Contact Us' tab, 'Customer Support' for the category drop down). If you are not able to reach the support site, please email directly to customerservice@perfectworld.com and put "GM Assistance" in the subject line and as many details in the message as possible. Filing a ticket is always the preferred method to contact us as you can ensure your ticket is in the right queue via the category dropdown.

    @weedfever, @warchief551, and anyone else: Please send me a forum PM with the ticket number and I would be more than happy to make sure it's in the right queue :) That's the extent of what I am able to help with as I don't work on tickets.


    Brandon =/\=
  • captyoung01captyoung01 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Go figure :rolleyes:. I can't even change my password with Cryptic's game much less get a response to any and all tickets I have sent in the past. Not going to hold my breath any more in hopes that any of us will get an answer to any thing.
  • weedfeverweedfever Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    cheers , brandon

    i'm pretty sure my ticket is in the right queue , the one for lost items , the same one that has a box in the top right corner asking you to link the item you have lost ..... ?

    sounds quite funny now , but when you have had an item you have worked your TRIBBLE offf to get , then have it vanish , being asked to link it to the ticket / report is not amusing ....

    thanks again for coming in brandon , appreciate your time and offering to assisst where you can, i will have to wait a short while for my ticket as it was 1.7million in queue, i dont expect them all to be read overnight , just hard to find motivation to play when things like this happen
  • malwizmalwiz Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    No one expects them to be read overnight. But I think expecting account breaking problems, problems preventing play. Problems that are THEIR fault. To be fixed in less than a month, maybe even less than two.

    But no.
  • danielpenfolddanielpenfold Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You just need to ve them time, they will not get to it right away. Your not the only one that reports stuff are you?
    I'm so happy :D
  • weedfeverweedfever Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i didnt see any of the previous posters come in here and say , I AM THE OPNLY ONE WITH A TICKET SO GET ON IT..... why would you come into the thread to say that ? its obvious , especially when a ticket number is 1.7 million in the queue.

    my main concern is that they are going to take soo long to get around to checking my account , that , i am gonna have done too much since for them to go back an check , and i dont wanna stop playing completely while i wait for it to be checked out , i mean , will i get a refund for the time i cannot use my main ? i dont think so !

    if they need to scan my mains activities , etc , then i dont want to be making the list even longer , but i dont want to lose out on doing my dailies either....

    if like danielle penfold , you have only come in to this thread to be nosey and not helpful , please4 keep your replys to yourself, i dont want an email notification of a thread reply cos someone thinks they are funny ....
  • petar1uth1matarpetar1uth1matar Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    "giving the time to get to your ticket " Is pointless suggestion . I did gave them over a month and some smartass instead of response gave me a copy/paste of 5 most common problems . So im sry community manager it is really nice of you to try to keep people spirits up but when an answer to really specific issue is such a direct slap in the face something is not working out properly in customer-customer support line of convo . Contacting the support is useless - that is a answer every player will tell you right away , i did not believe it right away but i do now . That is STO rep now . If it becomes common knowledge that saving a lot of resources and buying a item is basically a gamble cos you can not be sure that item will do what it says it will no amount of Reputation marks will help you erase that kind of bad image of the game ... I do believe that is really important with FTP where it is all a numbers game ?
  • weedfeverweedfever Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    it would be really nice if we could see some form of progress with our tickets , ie the number it is in the queue ....

    3 days so far with no email from them , each day that passes i am losing out on using my main character because i do not want his activities log to be huge by the time they eventually get around to scanning it to see what happened to my item ......

    will i be re-imbursed for my time lost on my main ? will i get an extra allowance to allow me to refine the DC i havent done ?

    I DO NOT THINK SO !!! !

    whilst we appreciate your tryin to difuse the situation Brandon , there is just too many people in game that have been 'burnt' by customer services .....

    i am waiting to see how it goes , i have spoken with someone i know about this , that has a very good voice in the right circles , and should the issue fail to be resolved , i will be forced to proceed via the BBB....

    for those that have issues and dont know , look up the BBB ( usa ) .... they get stuff sorted !!!!
  • weedfeverweedfever Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    i am new , i tried clicking your name etc to find a link to send you a pm , but i cannot find anything ....

    i have emailed for gm assistance this morning , i will wait another week before i take my money elsewhere ,

    i have not touched my main since the issue occurred , and on a game that is built on the whole farming ideal , it is a LONG time to be trying to 'catch up'.

    NO DC farming , NO REP farming , NO STF's NO NOTHING on my main character , the one i PAY MY SUBSCRIPTION to use .....

    here is the title / number from my email this morning - Question Reference #130617-000151

    i have no idea how to retrieve the in game GM ticket number to add that in here also ,
  • weedfeverweedfever Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i reached out for support via email as you suggested brandon , 151 emails in the que before mine for that day , 151 , that is all , and still nothing , days later , just how many people are in this support team you talked of in california ? and how many are in the eu branch ?

    'cos from feedback from players, the level of support recieved by the majority of people playing this game is NONE !

    i am going to cancel my sub , and MAYBE , re sub if and when my issue is resolved , but i dont hold out much hope , and i feel more people should be made aware of the lack of service provided also ,


  • weedfeverweedfever Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    for those bored of complaining here , try complaining via this website instead,


    thats the NATIONAL CONSUMER AGENCY - a good place to voice your complaints that go unheard here
  • jake477jake477 Member Posts: 527 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thank you branflakes, I posted a forum post with your name on it I hoped you'd respond because I've heard you get stuff done. Or help at least

    I can vouch for that.. I swear guys some of us, including myself at times act like we are in a Klingon court room and Worf is defending Bran and the GM team while the rest of us gamers only want to see the worst happen (I.e all those Klingons with the light sticks are us lol). If those Klingers were STO gamers I bet nothing would get done since Bran and the gang would be at Rura praying that they hit some alien's sweet spot until 1701 arrives in time to save them... Don't be a Klingon....be patient. It's frustrating but worth it.

    I was going to use the Drumhead trial reference but that has been done so many times.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "This planet smells, it must be the Klingons"
  • kitsune424kitsune424 Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    @weedfever -- please reach out to our GM team for assistance. They can be reached at http://support.perfectworld.com ('Contact Us' tab, 'Customer Support' for the category drop down). If you are not able to reach the support site, please email directly to customerservice@perfectworld.com and put "GM Assistance" in the subject line and as many details in the message as possible. Filing a ticket is always the preferred method to contact us as you can ensure your ticket is in the right queue via the category dropdown.

    @weedfever, @warchief551, and anyone else: Please send me a forum PM with the ticket number and I would be more than happy to make sure it's in the right queue :) That's the extent of what I am able to help with as I don't work on tickets.


    Brandon =/\=

    Brandon, the support button does not work 90% of the time, I know this is not your fact as it has happened on EVERY PW game site
    We are the Borg. Existence as you know it is over. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
  • c0sm1cch33s3c0sm1cch33s3 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i call BS. my issue hasnt been answered and it started 35 levels ago.
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    They still haven't helped me with my husbands lack of access to his account. They told me that he'd have to submit a ticket, uh hello he can't login so how exactly is he going to submit a ticket? And I got that stupid response after months of trying now. It's been four months he can't login to his toons he had 3 years ago when he started the game and he can't even login to support.


    Kinda makes me wonder who the heck they hire over there honestly.
  • weedfeverweedfever Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    well BRANDON , it appears despite your best efforts to try an 'paper over the cracks' regarding the distinct LACK OF SERVICE , people will see this and they will also add their own problems, highlighting just how poor the serviceis , as viewed from OUR perspective , not your rosey tinted one.

    One of my main questions now is , if you have 2 CUSTOMER SUPPORT teams as you say , one in California and one in Holland , WHERE THE HELL IS EVERYONE ? or is there an answer machine and a cleaner at both locations and no 'real' staff ?

    i have cancelled my subscription already , i have lost soo much time now on what i was doing / trying to do , i may as well start a new game , and it WONT be a perfectworld one, that much is for sure .

    if i ever get an email from support saying the issue has been resolved , or even looked at , i may come back , but it will be to see THE PEOPLE i play with , NOT to do with the game.

    Wish i had donated the 150 quid i spent on zen to the starving african kids , at least they may have drawn me a crayon picture an posted it to say thanks.

    all you get from CRYPTIC / PW is a huge up yours , we have your money , we dont really give a flying @~ck what your problem is , we aint answering / fixing it.
  • weedfeverweedfever Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    14 days and still no email to even confirm they are looking at the issue ....

    if it was an alt i wouldnt mind soo much , but having 94 rich mining claims and not being able to use them is really starting to make me wonder if it is really worth all the stress and hassle?

    this is supposed to be a GAME, something we play for FUN ......

    does cryptic / pw know what fun is ?

    do they even care that they cause soo many customers this much stress ?

    Do they really have a Customer Support team at all ?

    • NO !!!!!!
  • weedfeverweedfever Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    21 days and no response to my ticket , no use of my main to make resolving the issue as easy as possible and STILL they don't care enough to try and fix things, i know i CAN use my main , but if i do , it is pretty much certain that CS will say too much has happened since ticket was made and they can now do nothing , so WHAT exactly are they going to do when they do get to my ticket , at this rate sometime next year ? are they going to take away my 89 rich claims and swap each of them for 5k dc ? i dont think so , are they going to max out the reputation on that toon? as that could have been achieved now if anyone actually worked in CS and resolved my issue.....


    ( for those with a lack of intelligence , its sarcasm , i know there is nothing funny about a man-made disease killing millions of people )
  • zombiedeadheadedzombiedeadheaded Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Do people actually believe the OP's story? Does it sound at all possible, well no, it doesn't. what does sound possible is that he stupidly deleted the wrong character, and is directing all his rage at the Support team, when he knows it's his own stupid fault.
  • miloflippermiloflipper Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Do people actually believe the OP's story? Does it sound at all possible, well no, it doesn't. what does sound possible is that he stupidly deleted the wrong character, and is directing all his rage at the Support team, when he knows it's his own stupid fault.

    Either way he still deserves a reply.

    I have submitted several tickets in the past and have no real customer service. I had one ticket sitting there un-replied for over a year until I got fed up and deleted it.

    In game when ever I've asked in zone or to my fleet whether I should contact a GM about game issues (like selecting the wrong project) they've said forget it I'll never get a reply, just move on, ignore the issue, work around it, etc. I've never heard a good thing about the customer service. Perhaps Cryptic should do a poll and find out how effective they are?

    The only thing I will say is that the Twitter page is exceptionally good, we get replies within minutes to any problems in the game. Frequently I log in there first to see if there's anything they are working on (like slow patching, lag, post patch issues, etc.)
  • weedfeverweedfever Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    31 days and still nothing , GLAD i didnt pay for this month as it would have been for a character i cant play, and for those that CANT READ PROPERLY, ....

    I AM NOT THE ONE FROM THE OPENING POST WHO DELETED HIS CHARACTER ....... BRANDON MOVED my thread here , which is why i am directing my complaints at HIM... i know he doesnt deal with tickets , evidently , neither does anyone else

    i have a lost item and want to know where it went , losing 40 million ec is not something to be laughed at , now with all the time that the support team has ignored my issue , the item i lost has lost at least 5 million in value .... by the time they get around to answering my ticket , the item will be out of date and replaced by the next stuff from the next patch / update ....

    the game is real good the people playing are mostly real nice an friendly ... then there's the staff issue .... WHERE ARE THEY ALL ?

    31 days without soo much as an email confirming they have recieved my email or my ticket,
  • orianx4006orianx4006 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Bran flakes im having a major issue my account was banned because of the safety security system that bans some one when they think there account was compromised i already changed my pass as instructed and i havent received a reply yet i know its been received cause i got the email but it id like to start playing before the risa event ends so if u plz could u give me a number to the support team these are my ticket numbers
    "Password Change Verification" [Incident: 130710-001606]‏ and Banned Account [Incident: 130710-001697]‏
    there both to my main email account greenmegal4006@hotmail.com
  • weedfeverweedfever Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    @reyan ...

    i have no idea what happened to the item , i logged out with it in my inventory , when i came back later in the day , it was gone ....

    hence why i want to know whats happened to it .... i havent deleetd it or given it away or anything stupid like that ..... (as far as i know ) else i wouldnt make a ticket. i was concerned that maybe my account had been TRIBBLE an maybe someone took it , but asking CUSTOMER SERVICES to investigate anything is a waste of time evidently, is now over a month since the item vanished from my inventory, no response at all from the 'paid help' , a main character that i dare not use in cas ethey say ' we cant track it , you have done too much since it vanished ' ....

    that item was the start of my saving for a new ship off of the exchange , ( KEYS ARE A CON ) , as it is now , that itemhas led to me HATING the team for not responding to people , not just me , there are many others in their own threads as well as the people with issues here.

    It has also led me to pretty much STOP PLAYING STO , i sign in now and again to see if a a couple of friends are about , but that all i do now , use the game as a kind of chat room. which is a real shame and a waste , but why should i put time and effort and MONEY into the game when players are treated in this manner ?

    it is really bad customer service , which sooner or later is going to end up with lots of bad 'press' from either people blogging or complaining via other places, hopefully they will learn how to HELP people before the game dies :(

  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,684 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i can see your point GM is a massive fail in this game its a well known fact that my pet targ could do a better job.
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