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  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • rlaffarguerlaffargue Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • tontokowalski22tontokowalski22 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
    I don't always feel like endlessly grinding for hours with little to gain from it. But when I do, I choose Star Trek Online
  • notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    you guys are like fresh breeze when things tend to become boring.
    keep up the good work :)
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
    Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

  • ankokunekoankokuneko Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So does dental also have a recruiting kdf fleet or just fed ?
  • stags3648stags3648 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am a VADM and I am looking for a fleet with a tier 5 shipyard and which will allow me to use the shipyard and reqs asap. No I am not trying to play you, I am just tired of waiting to get access to these things. I have the materials ready and I want my pimped fleet assault cruiser!

    I am sure there are ways I can contribute as well, let me know
  • frostyjonesfrostyjones Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    To anyone looking to apply to Starfleet Dental at this time, please send a mail to Glutes@FrostyJones with your timezone and an average time range of when you will be on and I will get to you as soon as I can. Please be sure to include "Starfleet Dental Application Request" in your title.

    Thank you for your interest in joining Starfleet Dental!

    Just quoting myself to get through some of the mess and also to confirm that I also handle applications for Nerds of Prey on Fros'ti@FrostyJones. So once again:

    Starfleet Dental Application Request: Glutes@FrostyJones
    Nerds of Prey Application Request: Fros'ti@FrostyJones

    My timezone is PDT (GMT-7) and I will try to find you in game some time after Noon.
  • zorblackzorblack Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This toast has been edited to conform to the Terms of Breakfast.

    -pre-edited by Zorblack before posting
  • xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    Lest you forget, I feel you should be left with a memento of your recent behavior. Enjoy!

    This is what you said:

    nabreeki wrote: »
    My posts have not been on the topic of the thread per se, no, and yes they have added to the unfortunate derailment, but I did not cause it...

    This is what you meant:
    nabreeki wrote: »
    I don't see any reason to act on anything posted here knowing full well it wasn't to be taken seriously...

    Members of my fleet are well aware of what they're doing, and unless there are any clear serious TOS violations, then don't call on me to do anything about it, because I won't. If you find something in poor taste? Fantastic. I could care less.

    If the GMs decide that posts from fleetmates constitutes flaming... That's perfectly fine.

    There will be no apology from me, nor any of my fleet members. I came here for a specific purpose, and I will see it through.

    This is what you did:
    nabreeki wrote: »
    Taking comments out of context to prove some nonexistant point of yours based on some unsubstantiated rumors you yourself probably created after reading posts that were obviously written to further provoke you. In that regard, they were incredibly successful.

    I'm going to go ahead and submit this as naming/shaming (yes, it is naming and shaming because you launched into false accusations against an entire fleet based on one post) and thread derailment and let the GMs decide how to handle it.

    And this is how open I left my last post:
    xtern1ty wrote: »
    Rather than some fancy excuse post to come...

    With that in mind, despite everything they've said on this thread, I extend my hand to Dental's fleet in peace.

    Unlike newromulan, I am well acquainted in the flame tactics you've used on him and tried to use on me. Those tricks are old news to me, you serve merely to keep my teeth sharp. And their sharp enough already to chew trollers and bullies to pieces anytime and anywhere I choose.

    Notwithstanding prior behavior I gave you equal chance to lay rancor aside or continue to demise according to your nature. As expected, you chose the latter course, proving your fine words were genuine fake leather.

    No matter how you try to negate from today on, the comments made in that thread provided clear display of you and your friend's provocative and trolling ways. It doesn't matter what fleet you belong to. It's not the fleet that makes the man and you're a poor excuse for one. You have yourselves proven what you do and how for all that read the thread to see. Regardless of how many double-meaning excuses you will undoubtedly come up with, no amount of lick-up can mop the drivel spilled from the corners of your mouths.

    You got so butthurt by a few minor comments by newromulan about a post that is decidedly far more offensive, that you felt the need to psychologically manipulate the fellow until he has been stripped of his public dignity. I'm well within my rights doing the same to you anytime you cross my path. Yes, under the excuse of fun and flaming, you can pretend everything you say should be taken with a grain of salt, but that wasn't your intention really and I'm not going to give you the benefit of the doubt.

    nabreeki wrote: »
    Had this been any other "my bank was robbed" thread, I doubt there would have been any commentary by Dentals

    I didn't ask you on my thread, you came of your own free will, now we're even. My message to you: There is always someone who can hold you accountable.

    I really am neutral to your fleet, couldn't care either way about it if left alone. But that don't mean if your fleeties or you start following me across instances like last time I won't provide GM's with enough evidence to neuter you and dear leader too.

    If you find this in poor taste? Fantastic. I could care less. If the GMs decide that this post constitutes flaming and removes it? That's perfectly fine. Till then, suck it up!
  • devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited August 2013
    You are clearly here for recruiting purposes, otherwise you would be breaching the rules of this subforum. You actually need to post why you think you would be a suitable candidate for Starfleet Dental.

    In addition we would like to know why your current fleet is kicking you out.
  • preechrsapreechrsa Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Keep slamming your head into that wall, champ. It's been working out great for you so far.
    Shutup Wesley: First In Everything
  • grimrak1grimrak1 Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    xtern1ty wrote: »
    I didn't ask you on my thread, you came of your own free will, now we're even. My message to you: There is always someone who can hold you accountable.

    Please point out where there was discussion of you or your fleet that you had to come in to defend, like Dental was doing, otherwise you're just spreading drama across the forum.

    xtern1ty wrote: »

    If you find this in poor taste? Fantastic. I could care less. If the GMs decide that this post constitutes flaming and removes it? That's perfectly fine. Till then, suck it up!

    I get that English is probably your second language, but what you just typed means that you do care about what Dental thinks.
    But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
  • twiggytwiggcabaltwiggytwiggcabal Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    nabreeki wrote: »

    Attention, Captains! For all those wishing to join the ranks of the first and finest fleet in STO, Starfleet Dental, look NO further!

    The Starfleet Dental Academy still has room for more people in the FINAL fall recruitment drive of the summer! In a few days, enrollment will close until the next major drive, possibly in the late-Fall, so don't delay!

    What is the Starfleet Dental Academy?

    The SFDA is a fleet operating under the SFD umbrella meant specifically for new recruits. Before joining Dental proper, you'll need to do your time in the Academy where we'll build you up to SFD standards. This means that EVERYONE and ANYONE qualifies for the Academy. We accept all players into the Academy, though not all players will necessarily graduate to SFD. Dental only accepts the best, but we're willing to help you improve so you can join us.

    Benefits of joining SFDA:
    1. Fast-track to SFD membership
    2. We operate under the SFD umbrella, so you still get the same network and support of the Dental family
    3. PvE/ESTF build advice, training, and more!

    Benefits of joining SFD:
    1. Being in the FIRST non-Dev STO fleet
    2. A free lockbox ship and 25 million ec upon joining OR A free lockbox ship and 4 fleet ship modules
    3. A tight-knit support network of some of the finest players in the game.

    The SFDA summer class of 2013 currently has FIVE vacancies left. First come, first serve.

    Contact the Dean of Admissions, Nbreeki@nabreeki, for more info!

    Thank you very much for the information provided Mr. Nabreeki.

    I feel that the Academy of STO's first and finest fleet could teach me a lot about STO and ESTF in particular if I would be admitted. The fact that you are willing to give STF build advice as well as training is awesome for new players. There must be only about a hundred other fleets around who would do such a thing.

    Friends of mine had the fortune to do an Infected Manus Elite pug with you once where you relied on Q's party popper as weapons build to fight the Borg and your training allowed you to ignore all trigger lines leading to a failed optional. I suspect that with "more" you mean some kind of superior strategies you implement to benefit team performance as well as the STO community as such when playing then.

    Would you care to elaborate a bit more on this topic to give me and any other possible recruits a better idea what SFD Academy is all about and what character traits are needed to fit in your "family"?
  • twiggytwiggcabaltwiggytwiggcabal Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    nabreeki wrote: »
    Thank you for your interest in Starfleet Dental --

    You really must have done some searching to find this particular thread, as it has been inactive for quite some time! What you say is only partially correct -- While it's true that our strategies are superior, and perhaps slightly unorthodox, I cannot divulge any more than that, as it would be a pretty hefty violation of OPSEC to reveal insider strategies to someone who...well....stands absolutely zero chance of being hired for a janitorial position on our starbase, let alone an actual recruit for the fleet.

    Since all of these stories are second-hand, I'm going to have to question their validity unless some hard evidence is provided. It's true, and I think it happens to everyone, that a foot slips over the trigger line now and then in IGE, but those other claims are unsubstantiated. Since it compelled you to go searching through pages of threads to find our humble fleet recruitment listing, I'm sure you can put the same energy into finding a screenshot or log or something to back up those claims, which are mired in doubt.

    Happy Hunting!


    Thank you for the quick response Mr. Nbreeki.

    Credit should only be given to one who has earned it and if one uses search machines like Google one will find this recruitment forum rather quickly. Reading through it was... how shall I put it... fast and uninformative because multiple postings from you and others have been deleted by moderators. Surely I can overlook a couple of misunderstandings in STO about your fleet but the fact that you are adverting support in ESTF just raised the question I asked. The way you responded to me in this very case was all the answer I needed after ten minutes of web research about your community.

    It may be that EVERYONE and ANYONE qualifies for the SDF Academy but I feel that any recruit shall have at least a basic understanding of what he is getting into by joining and your opening post feels somewhat empty in that department now.

    Thanks for your time Nbreeki :)
  • devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited September 2013
    The way you responded to me in this very case was all the answer I needed after ten minutes of web research about your community.

    It may be that EVERYONE and ANYONE qualifies for the SDF Academy but I feel that any recruit shall have at least a basic understanding of what he is getting into by joining and your opening post feels somewhat empty in that department now.

    We're really not pushing recruitment at the moment but creating alt account to whine is a dead giveaway of a long term player who is bitter about a game.

    That said the part quoted above demonstrates an inability to research and a failure of reading comprehension. No one will trust you with oral surgery if you can't read and follow instructions. So if this isn't clear Dental Academy is not here to teach literacy and numeracy skills.
  • picard777picard777 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    picard777 wrote: »
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek

    i think that is more a wish you should direct to the tooth fairy (see what i did there ;))
    Go pro or go home
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Captains, this is a fleet recruiting thread, not a "come and bash my fleet" thread.

    As such, please limit your remarks to things that don't count as harassment or trolling or flaming.

    And if you don't want the Mods defending this particular fleet, then it would certainly help if YOU followed the Forum rules so we don't have to issue YOU the warnings. Which are forthcoming...

    EDIT: Oh, one more thing... I don't see the point in sending out warnings for month old posts that were never reported, so I'm not going to do that this time around.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • z3ndor99z3ndor99 Member Posts: 1,391 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I Love it, a fleet people love to hate! I say just do what you do dental ( Starfleet dental is canon ), if i have a fire or need any dental work i know who to call ( do you combat ghosts, as this would cut down the amount of phone numbers i need ).
  • rcainxrcainx Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I wish to join the NoP but... Why is Starfleet Dental criticized soo badly?
    I've heard that you guys grief the exchange and stuff :O
    Saving the universe, one game at a time ;)
  • preechrsapreechrsa Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Bluegeek proving once again why he is the best and most beloved community moderator by those who don't have to wear helmets indoors. Thank you for your tireless and even-handed efforts, good sir.
    Shutup Wesley: First In Everything
  • torlacitorlaci Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    rcainx wrote: »
    I wish to join the NoP

    An excellent fleet, I'm a member myself.
    rcainx wrote: »
    but... Why is Starfleet Dental criticized soo badly?
    I've heard that you guys grief the exchange and stuff :O

    Jealousy and slanderous lies. The fleets enjoy some amount of financial success and now there's these wild tales of market manipulation. I wouldn't worry about it.
  • pieeatterpieeatter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    look down one oops:)
    Punish the feds!!!
  • pieeatterpieeatter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    nabreeki wrote: »

    Please note there is a mandatory nonrefundable 1 million EC application fee.
    Additional fees may be required to join Starfleet Dental

    What are the additional fines? how much monthly?
    Punish the feds!!!
  • pieeatterpieeatter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    nabreeki wrote: »
    SFD does not have monthly charges; we do NOT believe in charging others for "access" to the fleet. That being said, SFD does help contribute to giveaway events sponsored by NOP, so we toss ec in now and then to help. Once you are in SFD, ec won't really be much of an issue, so it shouldn't affect your wallet too mucg.

    I thought SFD was a member of the goon squad and goon squad requires monthly payments, not to troll just need clarification. your offer seems great but i dont want to leave my current fleet for SFD then find out i have to pay to stay in SFD. I dont mind giving to the fleet but being required to contribute money to stay seems excessive. how much e.c. would i be required to "toss" in?
    Punish the feds!!!
  • pieeatterpieeatter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    you are correct i have stood up for my fleet in the past. however, after digging a little deeper dental's view was correct thats why im asking questions. :D last question does SFD use ts3? I would love to come talk to you all and see if i fit in plus its a must have to pvp.
    Punish the feds!!!
  • pieeatterpieeatter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    oops :eek: :eek: :eek:
    Punish the feds!!!
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