Alright... This is getting ridiculous. What started as being unable to wear, or edit two of my costume slots, has now degraded into ONLY being able to use two of my seven costume slots.
This is unacceptable. I can deal with arbitrary colour palettes. I can deal with the "who's on first, what's on second" senselessness of which outfit pieces are available to which faction..
But this is getting out of hand.
I know costumes aren't a big part of the game to everyone, but for some (such as myself), it is. What started as a merely irksome bug, has become a rather large one.
I confess, I'm really enjoying the expansion. ..But the vast array of problems that have popped up, diminish that enjoyment. Content-wise, sure... you took a big step forward. Though, regarding stability, you've taken two steps back.
Ugh, so I'm not the only one? Yesterday my uniform defaulted to the first slot, and I can't change it to anything else. I can't even edit the names. Very annoying, and needs to be fixed ASAP.
I put in a ticket, but it's been almost 24 hours and I haven't heard a dang thing.
I sent a ticket too and it got ignored. I have a few friends with this bug as well but they're all KDF. Has anyone fedside (if fedsiders even have this bug) sent a ticket so we can actually get cryptic to acknowledge it exists?
This worst has been happening to me since last night. But it started when I was half way through levelling up my Romulan.
I increased a grade and for some reason it went back to the default costume slot. I couldn't change it back, so I just modified it. But now, I can't do anything.
I only have two slots, and I can't even change which slot I'm using.
Stuck on default and can't modify.
The joys of my life right now.
Alright... This is getting ridiculous. What started as being unable to wear, or edit two of my costume slots, has now degraded into ONLY being able to use two of my seven costume .
Seven seems like alot, how many customer slots are you supposed to have?
I thought the bug was that it disabled an existing slot, while giving you the option to fill / create a new slot.
I've never bought extra slots and have 5 characters created at different points in time (P2P, F2P, Gold, LTS). I checked last night, and I think all my toons have the same number of work + unused slots. But my new KDF Reman has a crazy number of unwearable slots.
The bug I have is a pain and I hope it stabilises when they hit L50. The rename slot feature has always been hit or miss.
The option to delete a costume would be nice, as it would allow us to manage the problem. I know the potential abuse in this case would be to get all your costume changes for free,but the EC cost is pretty minimal anyway.
I sent a ticket too and it got ignored. I have a few friends with this bug as well but they're all KDF. Has anyone fedside (if fedsiders even have this bug) sent a ticket so we can actually get cryptic to acknowledge it exists?
KDF Romulan, same bug, can only use my first 3 slots so locked out of my fleet uniform, etc.
I too have this bug. I made a thread about it about a month ago, but it hasn't been resolved yet. I can confirm that if I use more than two costume slots, it happens unfortunately. It only seems to be a problem with the Romulans. My Fed and Klink toons are fine.
Alright... This is getting ridiculous. What started as being unable to wear, or edit two of my costume slots, has now degraded into ONLY being able to use two of my seven costume slots.
This is unacceptable. I can deal with arbitrary colour palettes. I can deal with the "who's on first, what's on second" senselessness of which outfit pieces are available to which faction..
But this is getting out of hand.
I know costumes aren't a big part of the game to everyone, but for some (such as myself), it is. What started as a merely irksome bug, has become a rather large one.
I confess, I'm really enjoying the expansion. ..But the vast array of problems that have popped up, diminish that enjoyment. Content-wise, sure... you took a big step forward. Though, regarding stability, you've taken two steps back.
it's happening with my Ferasan and Klingon character... Yet my other characters seem fine...
Seems to be all my KDFs. Klingon, Orion and KDF Rommie. Nausicaan and Gorn are fine...for now.
I think you should have 5 costume slots if you are lifetime and have joined a fleet. I know that I have a lot more that are unusable on the above characters. With the exception of the first costume I can't edit or rename them.
It seems this bug is getting out of control.
Inner Circle / Special Circumstances Gardiner, Suval, Thran Korvak, Raketh, Xedar, Zidow Decis, Vesok
Same here, i am sick of this, on my romulan toon i can only use 1 single costume slot out of a total of 5, the other 4 remain unusable (1 i got for lvling, 1 for joining a fleet and 2 other bought), i cant select them at all.
And on 3 other toons, 1 kdf and 2 fed, i cant use the last 2 bought costume slots
Aswell i sent ticket wich was ignored.
So this weird bug is happening only with toons which have Klingon Uniform elements, right? KDF, KDF Romulans and the like?
No, this is not just KDF related, but Federation too.
My romulan toon is federation allied and has no KDF costume elements. Only manage to give her a tal shiar uniform on 1 single costume slot, the initial one you start with. The rest of the costume slots, either aquired from leveling, joining a fleet or bought are unselectable.
And the other 2 federation characters, human and vulcan, are afected aswell. Last 2 bought costume slots i cant even select them let alone change them
With this Risa event this bug is really getting annoying.
And the "funny" thing about this is that is also a 20% off sale promotion on costume slots:rolleyes:
My original Romulan was quickly made, so I started a new costume slot to see if I could do better. Now I can not delete my original costume slot! Why can't we just delete or load another. Load another outfit in on the old one one does not work either.
I even tried the trick of deleting the jpgs in my screenshots folder and restarting. This need to be fixed. Come on PW this is a noob bug.
The Costume slot bug ws here before the Romulan Expansion(LoR) But PWE/Cryptic said they had fixed this issue in a path but never did. I did post in reply to this this bug PWE/Cryptic say they fixed but never did on this Thread:
If this is a 'known issue'... is there any workaround?
And yes, my issue fits the description in the thread you mentioned, Stulloyd, just multiple times over.
I have 4 extra slots that were copies of my previous slots.. and only can use the regular 2 (+1 fleet slot).
So despite the annoyance of occasionally having to recreate the costumes in slots 1-3, the sums are correct. But I wanted to purchase more slots while there was this offer... but didn't dare to, not knowing what would happen...
Only workaround I know is to get ur Charater to 50 b4 u use ur 2 new slots. Or just re-design ur uniform in slot 1 until u reach 50. but even then this bug can still happen if u aint got all the stupid missions out of the way 1st. Thats why my KDF Klingon has the issue but only with 2 slots.
As I Described in the thread I posted link for. My Romulan KDF has the issue 3-4 times which means 6-8 unusable costume slots.
Really is irritating & whats even more Irritating is that PWE/Cryptic denies that this issue exists anymore. Their offical response, "That bug was fixed many months ago in a patch. So no one should be suffering from that bug anymore." I mean do PWE/Cryptic even read the Forums about bugs cause if they did they'd see lots are complaining about the costume slot issue on KDF, within Multiple Threads on this forum.
My kdf rommy has this problem, one of the slots could not be worn or modified. Submitted two tickets weeks ago, no response from pwe or cryptic so far.
Unusable costume slots should be fixed on Tribble. Transfer your character over and give it a try.
Whatever you did, it didn't work for me. Lapor@overlapo in tribble still has 4 costumes that cannot be used or changed.
On a somewhat related note, the new reman hood clips with the reman eyewear 2.
Everyone with the bug... let's copy it to Tribble and see.
Post back here with name@handle if it doesn't work so the folks doing the troubleshooting can take a look to see what was missed.
On Holo, Hera@Asphe (KDF Liberated Borg Rom) has 4 slots, the last is unusable. Going to Tribble, the last and the 3rd slot is also unusable (probably due to fleets/etc not transferable to Tribble). Created another 4 costumes, the first 5 slots are usable, last 3 are not.
On Holo, Gaea@Asphe (KDF Romulan) has 4 slots, all usable. Going to Tribble, she can no longer use the last slot (similar to the above captain). Created another costume, only the first 2 are now usable.
Hope this helps. I'll leave these two chars on Tribble in hopes it helps.
If there is a fix on Tribble for this issue. It didn't work for these two characters (and in the case of the non-Borg Romulan, it created a problem where it hadn't existed before).
Just transferred my 2 characters (both KDF) with the costume slot bug to the Tribble server and they still have slots which are unmodifiable or are unable to be worn.
For Kavrot, 2 costume slots are no longer able to be used while for K'Vowga, there are 2 extra slots which weren't there before.
The bug manifested itself for K'Vowga back on the 19th of April 2013 after I played through the episode 'Temporal Ambassador' and I submitted Ticket number: 1,551,666.
For Kavrot the bug manifested on the 22nd of May 2013, again, after playing through 'Temporal Ambassador' but I reported it 2 days later with Ticket number: 1,696,144
It's not what is done or said but why.
Words and actions may be judged, but motives?
Alright... This is getting ridiculous. What started as being unable to wear, or edit two of my costume slots, has now degraded into ONLY being able to use two of my seven costume slots.
This is unacceptable. I can deal with arbitrary colour palettes. I can deal with the "who's on first, what's on second" senselessness of which outfit pieces are available to which faction..
But this is getting out of hand.
I know costumes aren't a big part of the game to everyone, but for some (such as myself), it is. What started as a merely irksome bug, has become a rather large one.
I confess, I'm really enjoying the expansion. ..But the vast array of problems that have popped up, diminish that enjoyment. Content-wise, sure... you took a big step forward. Though, regarding stability, you've taken two steps back.
I put in a ticket, but it's been almost 24 hours and I haven't heard a dang thing.
I increased a grade and for some reason it went back to the default costume slot. I couldn't change it back, so I just modified it. But now, I can't do anything.
I only have two slots, and I can't even change which slot I'm using.
Stuck on default and can't modify.
The joys of my life right now.
I thought the bug was that it disabled an existing slot, while giving you the option to fill / create a new slot.
I've never bought extra slots and have 5 characters created at different points in time (P2P, F2P, Gold, LTS). I checked last night, and I think all my toons have the same number of work + unused slots. But my new KDF Reman has a crazy number of unwearable slots.
The bug I have is a pain and I hope it stabilises when they hit L50. The rename slot feature has always been hit or miss.
The option to delete a costume would be nice, as it would allow us to manage the problem. I know the potential abuse in this case would be to get all your costume changes for free,but the EC cost is pretty minimal anyway.
KDF Romulan, same bug, can only use my first 3 slots so locked out of my fleet uniform, etc.
Tried raising a ticket but got an error message!
I believe it said "Invalid Item" when trying to rename it.
Have not put a ticket in but I will when I get home.
it's happening with my Ferasan and Klingon character...
Seems to be all my KDFs. Klingon, Orion and KDF Rommie. Nausicaan and Gorn are fine...for now.
I think you should have 5 costume slots if you are lifetime and have joined a fleet. I know that I have a lot more that are unusable on the above characters. With the exception of the first costume I can't edit or rename them.
It seems this bug is getting out of control.
Gardiner, Suval, Thran
Korvak, Raketh, Xedar, Zidow
Decis, Vesok
Funny thing, KDF Romulan can wear that particular costume #4, KDF Liberated Borg Romulan... no. Oh well, it was about time we hit a bug like this.
C'mon guys, I know that this is a KDF issue (and therefore unimportant to PWE), but could we at least get an acknowledgement?
Tickets get ignored.
And on 3 other toons, 1 kdf and 2 fed, i cant use the last 2 bought costume slots
Aswell i sent ticket wich was ignored.
Come on, Cryptic, do we have to do your work here?
No, this is not just KDF related, but Federation too.
My romulan toon is federation allied and has no KDF costume elements. Only manage to give her a tal shiar uniform on 1 single costume slot, the initial one you start with. The rest of the costume slots, either aquired from leveling, joining a fleet or bought are unselectable.
And the other 2 federation characters, human and vulcan, are afected aswell. Last 2 bought costume slots i cant even select them let alone change them
With this Risa event this bug is really getting annoying.
And the "funny" thing about this is that is also a 20% off sale promotion on costume slots:rolleyes:
I even tried the trick of deleting the jpgs in my screenshots folder and restarting. This need to be fixed. Come on PW this is a noob bug.
But I too have 2 maybe 3 KDF toons that have suffered from this bug & KDF Romulans suffer even worse from this costume slot bug.
And yes, my issue fits the description in the thread you mentioned, Stulloyd, just multiple times over.
I have 4 extra slots that were copies of my previous slots.. and only can use the regular 2 (+1 fleet slot).
So despite the annoyance of occasionally having to recreate the costumes in slots 1-3, the sums are correct. But I wanted to purchase more slots while there was this offer... but didn't dare to, not knowing what would happen...
As I Described in the thread I posted link for. My Romulan KDF has the issue 3-4 times which means 6-8 unusable costume slots.
Really is irritating & whats even more Irritating is that PWE/Cryptic denies that this issue exists anymore. Their offical response, "That bug was fixed many months ago in a patch. So no one should be suffering from that bug anymore." I mean do PWE/Cryptic even read the Forums about bugs cause if they did they'd see lots are complaining about the costume slot issue on KDF, within Multiple Threads on this forum.
so we could delete outfits that are bugged.
just a tip: dont do the episode "Mind Games".
that mission is the one that screws up the tailor outfits
if your on the romulan faction.
Whatever you did, it didn't work for me. Lapor@overlapo in tribble still has 4 costumes that cannot be used or changed.
On a somewhat related note, the new reman hood clips with the reman eyewear 2.
Post back here with name@handle if it doesn't work so the folks doing the troubleshooting can take a look to see what was missed.
On Holo, Hera@Asphe (KDF Liberated Borg Rom) has 4 slots, the last is unusable. Going to Tribble, the last and the 3rd slot is also unusable (probably due to fleets/etc not transferable to Tribble). Created another 4 costumes, the first 5 slots are usable, last 3 are not.
On Holo, Gaea@Asphe (KDF Romulan) has 4 slots, all usable. Going to Tribble, she can no longer use the last slot (similar to the above captain). Created another costume, only the first 2 are now usable.
Hope this helps. I'll leave these two chars on Tribble in hopes it helps.
If there is a fix on Tribble for this issue. It didn't work for these two characters (and in the case of the non-Borg Romulan, it created a problem where it hadn't existed before).
For Kavrot, 2 costume slots are no longer able to be used while for K'Vowga, there are 2 extra slots which weren't there before.
The bug manifested itself for K'Vowga back on the 19th of April 2013 after I played through the episode 'Temporal Ambassador' and I submitted Ticket number: 1,551,666.
For Kavrot the bug manifested on the 22nd of May 2013, again, after playing through 'Temporal Ambassador' but I reported it 2 days later with Ticket number: 1,696,144
It's not what is done or said but why.
Words and actions may be judged, but motives?
Motives are truth to a believer
See my thread on a possible solution to this and other problems...
If your post is anything like, "I have a sandwich so you can't be starving" it's time to rethink posting. ~thlaylierah