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The Disheveled State of Costumes



  • apersont1apersont1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Victoria's Military Surplus lol

    KDF could use way more outfits, perhaps formal wear, i love costuming my unusualy undersized Gorn with classy looking clothes

    e.g. Brown Long winter jacket+Leather sash+Sword

    Now all he needs is a monacle and he will be complete

    But yeah, more Outfits for KDF pls kthxbai
    MTV Cribs eat your heart out
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have to sign +1 to just about everything in this thread (except the one poster who doesn't think Roms should get access to Allied clothes :P). I am a huge costume fan. I've purchased every available costume to-date and many extra costume slots to use them (my main, for instance has 75 slots!).

    Since RoL launched there are some major problems with the Tailor. Here are some specifics that bother me most (likely already posted, but for reiteration sake):

    Bring back the Undo/Redo buttons in the Tailor. This above all else is an absolute must. There's no reason these should be gone, and when "trying on" different clothes, it's always great to immediately undo something you don't like.

    Get rid of the "Premade Faces" icons in the center of the screen. I tend to only use the Advanced pages, and often mouseover and zoom in/out on, or rotate my character, as I make changes. As my mouse floats between my toon and the selection page I have to carefully navigate up/below the selection icons or else my toon flashes to some undesired change, which sometimes sticks. This is especially annoying without the Undo button. If you can't get rid of this column, please move it to the far right next to the "Premade Hair" icons column.

    Romulan costume choice is terribly inconsistent. Costume piece availability between genders, class, ally, and race is mixed-up and unreasonable. Color pallets, even from the same uniform, vary from piece to piece, and some items (like many boots) have what I like to call the Model-T Ford Color Pallet. Every color you want, if all you want is black. Also, there are many items that have extra color selection boxes that don't do anything, or have bits that can't be recolored (as though they are missing boxes).

    Romulan 22nd Century Uniform has bad colorization. While this fits in with the above, because it's especially onerous to me, I'm specifically pointing out this issue. The pants/skirt can't be changed properly and the scarf has it's own pallet (meaning you can't make the "grey and pink" uniform displayed in the C-Store picture). Also, shouldn't those be called 23rd Century uniforms?

    Allow Ally BOs to use Romulan Uniforms. Seriously. I have a Fed Romulan, and her whole crew is wearing the Romulan Republic uniform, with the exception of my Amazon Borg Engineer who can only wear Fed clothes. My character selection "Movie Poster" and Away Team window look awesome except for that one character sticking out like a sore thumb.

    Romulans can't wear all Rep Clothes. My above Fed Romulan, who belongs to a Fed Fleet, can't wear the Odyssey uniform that she purchased at our starbase and the rest of my fleet use for a fleet uniform. Further, KDF Romulans can't wear Romulan Embassy robes. Please unlock these. Or at the very least, if for some reason this is WAI, you should remove the ability for Rom toons to buy these (ie so they don't waste the resources) and give me a refund on my Fleet Credits and Dilithium, please.

    Bortasqu Mannequin has inaccessible parts. There's a new dummy near the First City tailor that shows off the Bort uni, and it's got extra pieces that aren't actually available (like the shoulder pads, baldric, and cape bits, off the top of my head). Please make those available. There's also a color pallet problem with the Bortasqu, in that only half the wrist pieces can be colored.

    And while I'm thinking of the Tailor, here are a few legacy issues that continue to bug me:

    Wrath of Khan Uniform needs love. Pants flair, admiral piping, rank insignia, etc - These things need fixing.

    Jupiter Veteran Belt is Missing Color Options. You can't change the color of the belt loops. As detailed, with picture, here.

    KDF Uniforms still need much love. I think Cryptic now considers a the KDF a "full faction", their uniforms are still terribly lacking. Proper hair, Dahar Master Long Coats, fingerless gloves, etc. More skirt, boot, vest options. More colors (especially for Orions).

    It's time to play Veteran Uniform catchup. Feds get Vet Badge (100d), Vet Jacket (200d), Jupiter Jacket Variant & UFP Belt (500d), Jacket Bling (900d). KDF gets Should Pads & Cape (500d), and Vet Wrist Guards (900d?), but are missing a 100d badge and 200d Jacket. Romulans get none of these. Now for the Roms, there's been talk they are getting Vet Rewards (and the Vet page does show a 500d Rom costume option coming soon), but no mention of the missing KDF (or other Rom) rewards.

    * Edited to add:
    It's time to play Commendation catchup. Similar to Vet rewards above, KDF are missing a uniform from the Commendation rewards. Feds get a full Diplomat Uniform (top, pants, shoes) upon reaching T4 of their Diplomacy. KDF gets no such uniform for T4 Maurading. Roms should get whichever their Ally gets, or preferably, a third, separate outfit.

    As others have said, I'd really love to see a Dev Blog acknowledging these issues and explaining when/how they are getting resolved.

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • cindylawsoncindylawson Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have to sign +1 to just about everything in this thread (except the one poster who doesn't think Roms should get access to Allied clothes :P). I am a huge costume fan. I've purchased every available costume to-date and many extra costume slots to use them (my main, for instance has 75 slots!).

    Since RoL launched there are some major problems with the Tailor. Here are some specifics that bother me most (likely already posted, but for reiteration sake):

    Bring back the Undo/Redo buttons in the Tailor. This above all else is an absolute must. There's no reason these should be gone, and when "trying on" different clothes, it's always great to immediately undo something you don't like.

    Get rid of the "Premade Faces" icons in the center of the screen. I tend to only use the Advanced pages, and often mouseover and zoom in/out on, or rotate my character, as I make changes. As my mouse floats between my toon and the selection page I have to carefully navigate up/below the selection icons or else my toon flashes to some undesired change, which sometimes sticks. This is especially annoying without the Undo button. If you can't get rid of this column, please move it to the far right next to the "Premade Hair" icons column.

    Romulan costume choice is terribly inconsistent. Costume piece availability between genders, class, ally, and race is mixed-up and unreasonable. Color pallets, even from the same uniform, vary from piece to piece, and some items (like many boots) have what I like to call the Model-T Ford Color Pallet. Every color you want, if all you want is black. Also, there are many items that have extra color selection boxes that don't do anything, or have bits that can't be recolored (as though they are missing boxes).

    Romulan 22nd Century Uniform has bad colorization. While this fits in with the above, because it's especially onerous to me, I'm specifically pointing out this issue. The pants/skirt can't be changed properly and the scarf has it's own pallet (meaning you can't make the "grey and pink" uniform displayed in the C-Store picture). Also, shouldn't those be called 23rd Century uniforms?

    Allow Ally BOs to use Romulan Uniforms. Seriously. I have a Fed Romulan, and her whole crew is wearing the Romulan Republic uniform, with the exception of my Amazon Borg Engineer who can only wear Fed clothes. My character selection "Movie Poster" and Away Team window look awesome except for that one character sticking out like a sore thumb.

    Romulans can't wear all Rep Clothes. My above Fed Romulan, who belongs to a Fed Fleet, can't wear the Odyssey uniform that she purchased at our starbase and the rest of my fleet use for a fleet uniform. Further, KDF Romulans can't wear Romulan Embassy robes. Please unlock these. Or at the very least, if for some reason this is WAI, you should remove the ability for Rom toons to buy these (ie so they don't waste the resources) and give me a refund on my Fleet Credits and Dilithium, please.

    Bortasqu Mannequin has inaccessible parts. There's a new dummy near the First City tailor that shows off the Bort uni, and it's got extra pieces that aren't actually available (like the shoulder pads, baldric, and cape bits, off the top of my head). Please make those available. There's also a color pallet problem with the Bortasqu, in that only half the wrist pieces can be colored.

    And while I'm thinking of the Tailor, here are a few legacy issues that continue to bug me:

    Wrath of Khan Uniform needs love. Pants flair, admiral piping, rank insignia, etc - These things need fixing.

    Jupiter Veteran Belt is Missing Color Options. You can't change the color of the belt loops. As detailed, with picture, here.

    KDF Uniforms still need much love. I think Cryptic now considers a the KDF a "full faction", their uniforms are still terribly lacking. Proper hair, Dahar Master Long Coats, fingerless gloves, etc. More skirt, boot, vest options. More colors (especially for Orions).

    It's time to play Veteran Uniform catchup. Feds get Vet Badge (100d), Vet Jacket (200d), Jupiter Jacket Variant & UFP Belt (500d), Jacket Bling (900d). KDF gets Should Pads & Cape (500d), and Vet Wrist Guards (900d?), but are missing a 100d badge and 200d Jacket. Romulans get none of these. Now for the Roms, there's been talk they are getting Vet Rewards (and the Vet page does show a 500d Rom costume option coming soon), but no mention of the missing KDF (or other Rom) rewards.

    As others have said, I'd really love to see a Dev Blog acknowledging these issues and explaining when/how they are getting resolved.

    Heck, at this point, I would really just take 'desegregating the outfits that currently exist'.

    Like they can already bloody well do, and even have an option for that they won't implement.

    Which I kno is true because...well, there's a screen shot in my articles :P
    http://geekparty.com/an-open-letter-to-cryptic-studios/ My latest STO article, about the Summer Event. Where I admit that really...it's mostly about the outfits.
  • vnexusvnexus Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Whoa... hit on allot bug/fit issues I've noticed.

    I do have a Reman, my outfits got reset 2 times so far, I was kurious about what trigged it. I'm thinking some coding got fudged when they added the new Rom/Rem fits + choice ally selection move over

  • crusty8maccrusty8mac Member Posts: 1,381 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Haven't noticed this listed yet: with LOR I've lost the option on my Fed toon to create new formal costumes.
    STO Forum member since before February 2010.
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    I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I updated my post above to add:

    It's time to play Commendation catchup. Similar to Vet rewards above, KDF are missing a uniform from the Commendation rewards. Feds get a full Diplomat Uniform (top, pants, shoes) upon reaching T4 of their Diplomacy. KDF gets no such uniform for T4 Maurading. Roms should get whichever their Ally gets, or preferably, a third, separate outfit.

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited June 2013

    KDF Uniform/costume option could seriously use some major love. Now, I have all to good of an idea of just how much work goes into making uniform/costumes. The uniforms are a skin, over a skin and needs to be checked for clipping with other uniform options.

    It is a 3d model ontop of another 3d model with a skeleton inside requiring each vertice to be weighted to a "bone" on the skeleton. They have to be weighted on each model so when lets say a leg is bent at the knee where both move together and bend at the knee together without clipping. This must be tested with every animation to prevent clipping and adjustments to vertice weight is done. Outfits take about 10 times the work as making a weapon or the ship and about 20 times compared to making parts of a building. Then you have to make an exact copy of this but bigger or smaller so the sliders to change size works as thats another process altogether. Properly done could take well over a week depending on the complexity just for a shirt! And that hasnt even been UVW wrapped and textured yet.


    In the case of MMO games though customization of player charaters is a huge selling point. Everyone wants to look different! Color pallet needs to be completely opened up, faction outfits needs to be completely opened up within the faction so it can be used on every character within the faction regardless of race. You want your Gorn wearing a pink skirt and a vest? Why not! Sure wouldnt look like any KDF officer but if that Gorn is brave enough to wear it i wouldnt mess with him!

    For Romulans I have 2 of them, 1 on KDF side and 1 on Fed. On my KDF I have the 2 Romulan/Klingon faction outfits you get when you choose sides. I love them except for the fact that 1 of my romulan crew members cannot wear them, and on the other 2 the color setup is not exactly the same as my character and the other has. I havnt changed Tovan yet and he just gets retired.

    On my fed I have the tal shiar outfits and the romulan outfits only. The faction outfits that I got for choosing sides does not exhist for my character or any BOFF's.

    On top of that i have 4 alien characters and various alien BOFF's and not 1 of them has the same choices as the other. Some I can do eye color with the same pallete as hair, other i can only use human colors. Some I can do eyebrow seperate from hair color when others i cannot. Some I can make 4 foot tall and 1 can only get as short as a human. The sliders for head shape are not even consistent! On a KDF toon I bought 4 male aliens and wanted to make an incredibly goofy looking trio where they looked exactly the same and it was flat out impossible because every one of them had missing or different choices.

    Customizing characters is one of the fun things to do in an MMO and the lack of consistency and choices in STO depresses me!
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • miramortalemiramortale Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    While I'm certainly in favour of new outfits (especially for Roms, and KDF to balance things out), there's a great deal they could do to fix costuming that wouldn't require the resources that new models would take.

    Much of what needs to be done is simply allowing characters to utilize outfits already in game.

    I get that there's a lot that needs to be fixed with the entire game right now (not just costumes). I get that new outfits (or new models of any kind) are very resource intensive.
    But they could at least take a few hours to peruse this thread, see the glaring and common issues that people have, and flip a few switches.... Thus solving a great many of them.
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The following are ongoing issues that have never been explained, and may be mis-sights or intentional.

    1. KDF have an appallingly small number (one? ...two?) of costumes available in the cash shop compared to FEDs (who have what.. a dozen or more?). KDF can't even use the nondescript, off-duty robes.
    Please, if you're not going to give the KDF more love, at the very least make future cash shop outfits wearable by ALL factions.

    2. There is no complete TOS outfit for KDF, and the few costume pieces offered, aren't quite right. ...Where are the knee high boots? Where are the subtly striped tunics?

    3. KDF dusters (long coats). When?

    4. KDF hair. When did all Klingons become Rastafarians? We need many more hair options for KDF. Also allowing options for TOS style Klingons.

    5. KDF aligned colour palettes.. Why, in the name of Spock's jockey shorts, are Orion courtesan outfits limited to the drab, KDF palette? Where do they buy their lingerie? Victoria's Military Surplus?

    6. Speaking of Orion outfits.. Why can't they wear boots with the bare legs option? (much like the tailor, Lyss, does on Ganalda Station) What possible reason could their be for this limitation? ..It's a madhouse. A madhouse, I tell you!

    Not to mention we don't have fingerless gloves yet Remans have them. The KDF community have asked for years for it, would have been nice to throw us a few on the generic costume pieces also made for the Romulans, like gloves.

    I also find when using the Warrior's skirt I can wear the ankle bits over the boots, but not sandles. I am not worried about the latter personally but I know many that would.

    I didn't spend any money on Zen when LoR went life due to the lack of KDF costumes, I was expecting at least 6 new costumes.

    Come on Cryptic fix all factions costume bugs and give the KDF some costumes for god sake.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • miramortalemiramortale Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not to mention we don't have fingerless gloves yet Remans have them. The KDF community have asked for years for it, would have been nice to throw us a few on the generic costume pieces also made for the Romulans, like gloves.

    I also find when using the Warrior's skirt I can wear the ankle bits over the boots, but not sandles. I am not worried about the latter personally but I know many that would.

    I didn't spend any money on Zen when LoR went life due to the lack of KDF costumes, I was expecting at least 6 new costumes.

    Come on Cryptic fix all factions costume bugs and give the KDF some costumes for god sake.

    I couldn't agree more. Giving Rom/KDFs fingerless gloves, and then denying them to the other KDF races was a slap in the face.
    ...and again, precisely what I'm talking about. Do the hand models differ between Romulans, Kilingons? Between Klingons, and Orions? Orions, and any race that has a human hand model?

    Not in the least.

    There was absolutely no reason not to give the rest of the KDF those gloves. It was pure negligence.
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I couldn't agree more. Giving Rom/KDFs fingerless gloves, and then denying them to the other KDF races was a slap in the face.
    ...and again, precisely what I'm talking about. Do the hand models differ between Romulans, Kilingons? Between Klingons, and Orions? Orions, and any race that has a human hand model?

    Not in the least.

    There was absolutely no reason not to give the rest of the KDF those gloves. It was pure negligence.

    Not to mention many of the new hairstyles (Like the one the Andorians got for example) aren't available on compatible KDF species like Orions. :(
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've only noticed one new hairstyle on my Trill... are there more for other species?
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not sure about with the FEDS and KDF but with the Romulan Boffs from LOR there are a huge amount of errors, not only with color pallets like man have said, but also with color linking as well. I have two Boffs (1 male, 1 female) that when you attempt to change the color on one part of the uniform it also changes it on another parts or even multiple parts.

    There's also been problems where for example 1 tac boff will have access to certain options, but then another tac boff won't, without any logical reason.
  • deceon55deceon55 Member Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Don't know if this has been said but I am to lazy to read every post. My KDF Reman boffs only get federation uniform options. My romulan boffs and my reman Captain get KDF options for uniforms. SO if I want all my boffs to match no dice. Plus I don't think my crew would want to beam down to the Klingon home world in federation uniforms might get messy.
  • chris919ukchris919uk Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I would also like to see Cryptic fix the obvious costume problems.

    Romulan TOS Uniform

    Only male characters can wear the Romulan helmet. Why not females too?

    Lose the over the top reflection map on the top and skirt or at least allow a shiny/matte option please. If you look at the TOS episodes the outfit is slightly metallic not the 60's equivalent of a female go-go dancer.

    Fix the sash and uniform mismatched palettes. Altering the sash colour actually changes one of my Bridge officers make up so clearly its borked.

    The green colour option looks dreadful, very un-Romulan and never matches up correctly on this outfit and many other Romulan ones.

    Romulan Uniforms

    Large amount of obvious clipping problems with belts, sashes, ammo pouches, chest gear. As well as major issues with tunics and skirts. Distinct lack of skirts for Fed/Roms too. Where is the outfit shown in the choose faction screenshot?

    KDF Outfits

    Obviously the main problem with the KDF is a distinct lack of choice. Orions probably suffer most of all and need vibrant colour palette options considering they are a decadent race. Oh and why can't Orion females wear boots since the NPCs clearly can?

    No Klingon female skirts. I'm certain they wear them since I recall Lursa or Betor wearing long split skirts in an episode of TNG.

    More hair options for Klingons beyond dreadlocks please.

    Grind for Reward Armours

    After spending a large amount of time getting 750 Omega marks to get a complete set of Mark X MACO armour for my Fed. Why does it look exactly the same as the rest of the armour sets? Only the weapon has a different appearence. Wasn't impressed. Hey Cryptic couldn't you at least have given us the Enterprise MACO Outfit for Mark X because we all know you have that one.

    Will unlocking any of the KDF Honour Guard sets or Omega/MACO armours actually show up on my allied Romulans? I'm kind of doubtful about that.

    Why can't we customise the colour of armour or kits? I'm kind of sick of my Fed Tac looking like some Mass Effect Wannabee.

    Jem'Hadar armour

    Doesn't show up at all on my Romulan character except the gun. Paid 150 Lobi for the Mk XII upgrade and its still the same. I've heard it looks like normal armour on a Fed character anyway. Is proper Jem'Hadar themed armour too much to ask?

    Further Suggestions

    Heres a thought Cryptic why not sell packs of universal costume items in your C-Store? Pack of 3 tunics 250 Zen or pack of 3 Skirts 150 Zen, 3 pack of universal footwear 100 Zen. If you create items that are unlockable for every faction and allow compatiblity surely people who want to heavily customise characters will buy them. Sure it sounds very Sims 3, but if it works for EA why shouldn't it work for Cryptic/PWE?
    "You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon, taH pagh, taH be"
  • tyranthraxisiityranthraxisii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Large sized KDF characters cannot properly hold batleths either.
    I thought WoW's forums had angry elitist snobs, but I never could have imagined the level STO forums has.:confused:
  • bigblackafricabigblackafrica Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have nothing to add to the discussion, but I'd love to see the numerous costume bugs fixed. I'd settle for that before adding more options. I'd like to be able to use/modify my off duty outfits.:(
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not to mention many of the new hairstyles (Like the one the Andorians got for example) aren't available on compatible KDF species like Orions. :(
    So many problems like this going in all directions. While I appreciated the new hairstyle for my Klingon character, I was rather....dismayed that many of the new Romulan hairstyles (including many pointy-ears friendly) were not available to my Vulcans. particularly irritating because there are already two romulan hairstyles that have been available well before LOR, including ones available for non-Vulcans even!

    I have said it before, and I'll say it again, one of the bigger irritations I have had recently since LoR launched was the customization options (or lack therof) of the Lobi store romulan borg. She can't equip federation or KDF uniforms, and on top of that, she cannot equip any Romulan republic uniforms, either the default 'neutral' republic uniforms nor the ones that come with being aligned with the KDF or FED. Lastly, she cannot wear the Tal Shiar Uniform. None of these limitations are present if you buy her for a Republic character, and there is no way of unlocking the Republic or Tal Shiar uniforms for non-republic characters to use on her (or on the other embassy romulans, who don't even have this meager level of customization available) Really irritating for a bridge officer that cost 300 lobi.
  • azniadeetazniadeet Member Posts: 1,871 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Given the problems we're having with the Risan Event swag, it kind of highlights the importance of revisiting many of these problems. Clipping costumes, color palates, the gating of certain clothing to 'off duty' only vs 'uniform' only...

    The tailor needs serious work, now more than ever.
  • darkmyth77darkmyth77 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Please lift the limitations which stop us from using Uniform, Off-Duty and Formal Wear on the same outfit. This does not make sense and is holding us back, at the same time you show us the very unrestricted customization on the NPC's that is unfair teasing.
    "If it doesn't explode, you simply aren't trying hard enough."
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    I have moved this thread to where the character artists responsible for costumes are more likely to see it and take note.

    A lot of very good, very specific feedback here so I want to make sure it gets noticed.

    (Not trying to bury it, honestly.)
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • olocancom#0595 olocancom Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Bumping this back up to add my Rom in the beachcombers outfit only has boots for shoe options... Do you wear boots to the beach Cryptic? No, didn't think so
  • wraithshadow13wraithshadow13 Member Posts: 1,728 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Perfect time to reiterate that the skins end at the neck, Now that there is actually a Risa Zone worth visiting as well as Risan Clothing, anyone with a non base skin has that awkward end at the neck. It looks terrible and should have really been fixed when they first updated the uniforms two years ago.
  • xelene13xelene13 Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ... 5. KDF aligned colour palettes.. Why, in the name of Spock's jockey shorts, are Orion courtesan outfits limited to the drab, KDF palette? Where do they buy their lingerie? Victoria's Military Surplus? ...

    This was my favorite on so many levels. I 100% agree that the KDF color palette is substandard and we need access to the full palette.

    Also, as a male Orion, if I can have a bare chest under "Uniforms" I believe it's reasonable to expect I'd be able to use it under "Off Duty." Thank you.
  • marksamuelsonmarksamuelson Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I agree. I'm not going to bash Cryptic because I think they have hit a home run with the Romulan faction, but more choices would be great.
  • somebobsomebob Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    trekinvt wrote: »
    Bumping this back up to add my Rom in the beachcombers outfit only has boots for shoe options... Do you wear boots to the beach Cryptic? No, didn't think so

    You have to pick the right pants. On my female Caitian at least, you have to choose the knee-length off-duty 'pants' for the shorts to be an option.

    And then you can have bare feet.

    But only then (and the one hideous Explorer 'pant' thing that uses the tucked-into-boots look and thus ONLY works for tall boots).

    Allow us to use them on Uniform slots too! And ALL Off-Duty choices!
    Owner and Lead Moderator for the Primus Database. Post your Hero today!
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  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    There are issues with the new Risian Flower Accent pack. Everything from non-matching-to-bad color pallets, to extra/unneeded color selection squares.

    (Details here)

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
  • misslithanymisslithany Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    As a KDF player I was amped waiting for the risian event and the hope of wonderful new outfit options it would bring(Loved the jackets from the winter event).

    Was so disappointed with the Risian outfits, from the blandness/strangeness of the each items appearance(Flower accents look like the flowers are growing out of the wearers skin instead of something they are wearing), the massive amount of clippings, the randomness of color palettes choices even within the same outfit set(Flower accent set for the KDF the neck and belt pieces are limited to the basic dull limited KDF color palette, well all the other pieces have full color palettes).

    Then the news the KDF would be getting access to Formal and Off Duty outfits. At first was super happy about that, event bought the Formal and Merc outfits form the C-store. But then theres the whole bug issue with gaining access to them which took some of the wind out of my sails. Trying the formal outfit out, oh look the armbands horroribly clip with my toons arms regardless of what setting I use for bluk, etc. Then the wristbands, oh look full color palatte access? Nope, sorry you stuck with the dull basic palette, so no matching them with your outfit.

    Added to all the problems that are already running rampant in the tailoring system, I agree that its time for it to get a much needed overhaul.
  • tomin8rtomin8r Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Dredging up from the dead.

    This thread may as well be in no man's land.
  • battykoda0battykoda0 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I play Trills. I would love to have their spots on their necks extended to meet the ones on their torsos so they don't look like their tight collars rubbed them off. :-P

    Currently, they run from the head to the middle of the neck, stop, then start again on their upper bodies. This is only noticeable on some outfits (Formal Wear, KDF cutout - yes, Joined Trill KDF - and a couple others with low necklines).

    As it's simply cosmetic, it's just a wish. But I would think just a "filling in" of the texture overlay for the spots would fix it without major work needed.
    Wow. There is a new KDF Science ship. I'll be!
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