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so what does the dilithium mine do for small fleets?

johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
I keep looking at the info out on it and just can't make the connection to what it will do for small fleets. Any info or explanation on this would be great. Thanks
Post edited by johnnymo1 on


  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It does absolutely nothing to help small fleets in any way. Larger fleets will welcome it because it gives them another fleet holding to pump resources into so they can gain fleet credits as that is often an issue for larger fleets. Larger fleets will have no problems completing this new holding, and it will just further the gap between smaller and larger fleets.

    Most smaller fleets will likely halt progress on their fleet base in lieu of building the new mine, because they'll initially think the "discounts" will make everything else easier. By the time they realize that's not the case they will already be heavily invested in the Dil mine, and because of the halted progress on their fleet base, as I said before the rift between small fleets and larger ones will grow.

    If Cryptic was really serious about helping smaller fleets they would have just slashed the resource costs on the existing fleet base and embassy costs, and most of all the astronomical dilithium costs across all holdings and projects.

    Gameplay wise the new UR gear will expand a rift between those with normal gear and the new UR fleet gear. It will become harder for those of us not in fleet or in a large fleet to compete for 1-3 places in events, even further reducing resources for fleet projects due to the lessened amount of place gear to sell or higher rewards for placing in the top 3.

    So in the end the only ones that will benefit are the larger fleets that will have a new holding to gain fleet credits, new gear, and for those that "sell rank" in their fleet to people looking to buy gear outside of their fleet, it will further large fleet profits.
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think the Miner Doffs will be far, far more important to helping small fleets move forward.

    Example get abunch of Alternates, make sure they all have all the miner doffs they need and have them do mining assignments like crazy, then donate the dilithium, fleet marks, and mine provisions generated by the assignments to what ever projects you wish.

    Everyone focuses on the 3 percent per tier of mine reduction in dil costs, but its the miners that will make the real difference. And possibly a few other things.
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The miner doffs that only contribute to 2 doff missions that at the end only give around 33,000 EC or 500 dilithium on a 20 hour cool down? SO far on Tribble that is all they are good for, unless you know something more.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • eklinaareklinaar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Cryptic seems to be missing the point of fleets entirely. The purpose of the fleet system should first and foremost be social. People form guilds in MMOs for all sorts of reasons, and there are all sorts of guilds, raiding guilds, RP guilds, guilds for people with something in common outside of the game, friends and family guilds. Unfortunately, the starbase advancement system only really works for large fleets and either makes it difficult or completely impractical for smaller fleets to participate. This mechanic shouldn't require people to change their gaming social structures in order to get the best gear. Cryptic needs to find a way to accommodate fleets that are small on purpose.
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    That's 2 missions x Fleet Members, including any alts you have, consumes next to no time to use, and is per day. If you personally have ten alts as members all doing it, that's 5000 dil a day, or more with crits.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    There are various dilithium dailies that are unlocked with each Mining Tier. Not every player gets to the dilithium cap each day. If the rich dilithium daily unlocked at Tier 3 is anywhere near the value of the lockbox mining claims, then this will help small fleets. The only real change needed is to make a dilithium mine not require dilithium for any dilithium mine project. It looks like all, but one upgrade project doesn't require dilithium so that is massive savings for dilithium and that one upgrade project is the Fleet Shuttle project which is not necessary except to save some travel time.

    So based on the costs of upgrading a Fleet Holding similar to the Embassy, the Dilithium Mine save 5.7 million dilithium and costs only 2.5 million dilithium assuming only the XP projects are done. So the dilithium costs of the entire Dilithium Mine amount to just under the dilithium costs of the Tier 3 Recruitment/Diplomacy and Tier 3 Embassy upgrade projects. Get rid of the dilithium costs and the only major concern about the Dilithium Mine Fleet Holdings is the Fleet Marks due to the change to Duty Officer requirements for fleet projects.
  • elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    There are various dilithium dailies that are unlocked with each Mining Tier. Not every player gets to the dilithium cap each day. If the rich dilithium daily unlocked at Tier 3 is anywhere near the value of the lockbox mining claims, then this will help small fleets. The only real change needed is to make a dilithium mine not require dilithium for any dilithium mine project. It looks like all, but one upgrade project doesn't require dilithium so that is massive savings for dilithium and that one upgrade project is the Fleet Shuttle project which is not necessary except to save some travel time.

    So based on the costs of upgrading a Fleet Holding similar to the Embassy, the Dilithium Mine save 5.7 million dilithium and costs only 2.5 million dilithium assuming only the XP projects are done. So the dilithium costs of the entire Dilithium Mine amount to just under the dilithium costs of the Tier 3 Recruitment/Diplomacy and Tier 3 Embassy upgrade projects. Get rid of the dilithium costs and the only major concern about the Dilithium Mine Fleet Holdings is the Fleet Marks due to the change to Duty Officer requirements for fleet projects.

    What I've seen is that the rich dilithium daily is 500/day. That's nothing.

    Your numbers on costs are also inverted. You could *save* potentially as much as 2.6 million dilithium if you haven't done any work on projects at all. The mine itself costs 4.5 million. (The costs in other resources are worse).

    Face it, Cryptic totally failed to produce anything that would help small fleets. In fact, as the OP says, this makes things worse.
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    So based on the costs of upgrading a Fleet Holding similar to the Embassy, the Dilithium Mine save 5.7 million dilithium and costs only 2.5 million dilithium assuming only the XP projects are done. So the dilithium costs of the entire Dilithium Mine amount to just under the dilithium costs of the Tier 3 Recruitment/Diplomacy and Tier 3 Embassy upgrade projects. Get rid of the dilithium costs and the only major concern about the Dilithium Mine Fleet Holdings is the Fleet Marks due to the change to Duty Officer requirements for fleet projects.

    Your math is extremely faulty. A 9% discount on an 8.5 million dilith holding (IE: equivalent to the Embassy) isn't anywhere near 5.7 million in savings. Similarly, a 9% discount on a 20.8 million still doesn't get you remotely close to 5.7 million in savings.

    Additionally, you've completely ignored the branch upgrades to get the various tracks tiered up, which are necessary to get the discounts.
  • urniv821urniv821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just more lousy decisions from cryptic to get more money, leaving the small fleets choking in the dust.


    Yes, they are a business, yes they need money, blah blah. Doesn't mean I have to like their bad decisions.
    Your Javelin deals 125417 (89066) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse. > lol
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Your math is extremely faulty. A 9% discount on an 8.5 million dilith holding (IE: equivalent to the Embassy) isn't anywhere near 5.7 million in savings. Similarly, a 9% discount on a 20.8 million still doesn't get you remotely close to 5.7 million in savings.

    Additionally, you've completely ignored the branch upgrades to get the various tracks tiered up, which are necessary to get the discounts.

    I did not base any of my math on discounts. The 5.7 million is based on the amount the Embassy Upgrades cost and the fact that there is no dilithium cost for Dilithium Mine upgrades. The 2.5 million dilithium is the cost of doing the 1200 XP each day.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not sure what is going on with the dilithium mine project. Last time I checked the costs on stowiki, the upgrades didn't have any dilithium cost associated to them. Now it is only the actual Dilithium Mine projects that don't have a dilithium cost associated to them. Trade and Development do have a cost when I checked just now. So the savings of the Dilithium Mine compared to regular Fleet Holdings is 3.36 million dilithium instead of about 5.7 million dilithium.

    Hopefully, all dilithium costs are removed from the Dilithium Mine projects before it goes to Holodeck.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    I did not base any of my math on discounts. The 5.7 million is based on the amount the Embassy Upgrades cost and the fact that there is no dilithium cost for Dilithium Mine upgrades. The 2.5 million dilithium is the cost of doing the 1200 XP each day.

    In other words, you're throwing out completely irrelevant numbers that have zero bearing on the real issue at hand: the mine's cost in relationship to the amount of resources it saves.
  • wardmattwardmatt Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The best way to fix the fleet for small fleets is to make an upgrade for how many people can be in the fleet.
    the lower the population of a fleet you would get a discount on fleet projects.

    Now to keep fleets from not working on population caps and saving them for last the more you work on a fleet progress the more expensive the upgrade project for the population cap.

    There problem solved.
    "We've Been Looking For The Enemy For Some Time Now. We've Finally Found Him. We're Surrounded. That Simplifies Things"
    - Lewis Burwell "chesty" Puller
    How Romulans Should Choose What Faction They Are In
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In other words, you're throwing out completely irrelevant numbers that have zero bearing on the real issue at hand: the mine's cost in relationship to the amount of resources it saves.

    How is it irrelevant? It is necessary to know the dilithium costs to get to Tier 3 Dilithium Mine in order to figure out where the payoff is. Too break even at 9% it is about 51 million dilithium. That is based off the Dilithium Mine project costing about 4.6 million dilithium and including the effect of discounts, doing just the 1200 XP projects, and including the Trade and Development upgrade projects. At 15% discount for about 4.4 million dilithium, the break even point is about 29.4 million dilithium. Assuming that upgrade projects don't include dilithium it would cost about 2.35 million dilithium at 9% and 2.27 million dilithium at 15%. So at 9%, the break even point is 26.1 million dilithium and at 15%, the break even point is 15.1 million dilithium.

    Of course, the best values are 0 dilithium for at least any upgrade project and XP project and 15% for the final discount and hopefully the devs will see reason. Of course, it is possible that each fleet project will see a price change in the future and the discounts involved with the Dilithium Mine is not what dstahl was alluding to. They can always go back and change the requirements to something more reasonable across the board. Considering that it requires 51 million dilithium to break even with the current system and to reach a cost of 51 million dilithium requires 2 additional Fleet Holdings and starting right now, then it is extremely doubtful that this is the change mentioned by dstahl. This is only a minor part of the change to help small fleets if the devs think dilithium costs and a 9% discount is sufficient for the Dilithium Mine or else they are extremely deluded.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wardmatt wrote: »
    The best way to fix the fleet for small fleets is to make an upgrade for how many people can be in the fleet.
    the lower the population of a fleet you would get a discount on fleet projects.

    Now to keep fleets from not working on population caps and saving them for last the more you work on a fleet progress the more expensive the upgrade project for the population cap.

    There problem solved.

    Too easy to exploit. Mentioned this in another thread.

    "The problem with that is that is too exploitable. Fleets will reduce the size to only a few players and the other fleet members would contribute their resources as necessary. If a fleet member needs something, then they would join and another would leave. So there would be large fleets that are small as far as the game is concerned. Until this issue is dealt with, then it is a bad idea. "

    Here is one response to it.

    "1) Once you join a fleet, you can't join the same fleet for a week if you leave.
    2) After joining a fleet once, if you leave and rejoin again, the next time you leave you are forbidden from joining the fleet a third time.
    3) Scale all costs to the number of members by handle. A fleet with 10 different people gets lower costs than a fleet with 5 different people each with an alt.
    4) Move some of the costs of building up fleet assets into "maintenance costs". Require a weekly project to be completed once the fleet hits more than X number of members. Below this threshold there is no cost, above it and everyone has to chip in or the benefits of the SB and Holdings "shut off"."

    Might be some way for the devs to make it work, but it is not that simple for fleet discounts to work based on fleet size.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My calculations have just been rendered useless. Latest tribble patch has changed it to

    Tier 1 - 4%
    Tier 2 - 9%
    Tier 3 - 15%

    Now if they just remove dilithium from the Dilithium Mine, then it will be better.
  • kpg1usakpg1usa Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I appreciate the concept of a dilithium mine for the fleets. However, while I play a human in the game, i am a Latinum measuring Ferengi in real life. So, I can buy Zen and convert it into dilithium. I would like to convert something other than my precious time into Fleet Marks. I'm not saying I would buy my way to a Tier V Starbase, but I'm not saying i wouldn't either...

    So, as my good friend & mentor, Elim Garak, would say, "Let us HAGGLE!" :)
  • authuriousauthurious Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    My calculations have just been rendered useless. Latest tribble patch has changed it to

    Tier 1 - 4%
    Tier 2 - 9%
    Tier 3 - 15%

    Now if they just remove dilithium from the Dilithium Mine, then it will be better.

    Replace the time currency with a longer duration to complete the project? Now that's an idea!

    I don't have the time to be charged time and gated by time in order to supply my fleet with the resources it needs. Ain't nobody got time fo dat!
  • elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    My calculations have just been rendered useless. Latest tribble patch has changed it to

    Tier 1 - 4%
    Tier 2 - 9%
    Tier 3 - 15%

    Now if they just remove dilithium from the Dilithium Mine, then it will be better.

    Okay, so now it's not a excruciating detriment to small fleets, just a significant detriment to small fleets. This has to be tuned further or it's still not break-even for a new fleet, much less for a fleet that has put some resources into holdings.

    It's not going to have a 'significant impact' on small fleets ability to progress unless the discounts are deeper, or the costs are lessened. Unless all along they really meant 'significant negative impact.'
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • elessymelessym Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    One thing they could do which would *actually* help small fleets is to change the progression of the bonuses. Realizing that small fleets might not muster the resources to go to the top tier of holdings, what it should really look like is more like this:

    Tier 1: 10% discount
    Tier 2: 16% discount
    Tier 3: 20% discount
    "Participation in PVP-related activities is so low on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis that we could in fact just completely take it out of STO and it would not impact the overall number of people [who] log in to the game and play in any significant way." -Gozer, Cryptic PvP Dev
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    My calculations have just been rendered useless. Latest tribble patch has changed it to

    Tier 1 - 4%
    Tier 2 - 9%
    Tier 3 - 15%

    Now if they just remove dilithium from the Dilithium Mine, then it will be better.

    Break even point is 17% at current pricing, and only assuming that the entire starbase and embassy haven't been touched. Still a net loss, and a really stupid move.
  • mccarronxldmccarronxld Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    eklinaar wrote: »
    Cryptic seems to be missing the point of fleets entirely. The purpose of the fleet system should first and foremost be social. People form guilds in MMOs for all sorts of reasons, and there are all sorts of guilds, raiding guilds, RP guilds, guilds for people with something in common outside of the game, friends and family guilds. Unfortunately, the starbase advancement system only really works for large fleets and either makes it difficult or completely impractical for smaller fleets to participate. This mechanic shouldn't require people to change their gaming social structures in order to get the best gear. Cryptic needs to find a way to accommodate fleets that are small on purpose.

    This. So many times, this. Dil mine fails its purpose. I wonder if they decided to change their direction with the Dil mine in order to give large fleets more content to play with rather than go through the trouble of making small fleets viable, and just haven't told us yet.
    "You hurt me long ago; my wounds bled for years. Now you are back, but I am not the same."
  • dkeith2011dkeith2011 Member Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I can't wait to hear the 'logic' behind decisions for the Mine in the next Dev Blog.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I suppose projects that cost half the resources of regular projects, but twice the duration could help. What Cryptic really needs to do is to drop the price of every single project to be more reasonable. 3.6 million dilithium for the Tier 5 Starbase project is a bit much. Also, the fact that running a Dilithium Mine requires dilithium to run. The Dilithium Mine should at least provide the amount of Dilithium to run itself. Obviously the Dilithium Mine is not what the devs promised for small fleets. The discount helps, but anyone that thinks that this is the extent of what the devs promised is mistaken since it is not enough. The devs must have something else planned that will help whether it be new more reasonable projects small fleets could do, a reduction in all fleet project requirements, or something else.
  • johnnymo1johnnymo1 Member Posts: 697 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ok, I'm totally confused now. Is there a guide or walk through to the dil mine or a dev explanation of the dil mine that I have just missed?
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hmm going by your posts u need dilith to make a dilith mine lmao that like saying u need iron to mine iron. i belive they only needed bronze pick axes in the 1st iron mines could be wrong its 15 years since i did history. I belive every ones fav hobgoblin would say some thing about this 1stt person to post right answer wins f all
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    wilbor2 wrote: »
    Hmm going by your posts u need dilith to make a dilith mine lmao that like saying u need iron to mine iron. i believe they only needed bronze pick axes in the 1st iron mines could be wrong its 15 years since i did history. I believe everyone's fav hobgoblin would say something about this 1st person to post right answer wins f all

    I had mentioned that too in the official dil mine feedback thread too. It's been long established that Dilithium is a key component to power systems, so in constructing the mine there should be a "build and Install Power Systems" project that requires some Dilithium, but only that 1 project and once.

    Unfortunately one thing Cryptic seems completely unwilling to do is to design projects are real life. Yes Star Trek and STO are science fiction, but Star Trek has always had that "yup this could be real in xxxx years" Have the projects have a linear progression to them, for example:

    Tier 1 requires 4 projects to complete before reaching Tier 2:

    1) Survey surrounding areas for optimal dilithium concentration

    2) Survey possible construction sites

    3) Break ground on new Dilithium mine and refining installation

    4) Construction of installation superstructure

    Tier 1/Tier 2 Upgrade project

    1) Complete Superstructure construction

    Tier 2 would require 6 projects to be completed:

    1) Prepare for subsystem assembly and installation

    2) Install power systems

    3) Install life support systems

    4) Install Engineering subsystems

    5) Install Medical/Science subsystems

    6) Run diagnostics on Facility habitat and systems

    Tier 2/3 Upgrade project

    1) Transfer all operations to Facility

    Tier 3 would require 12 projects to complete:

    1) Complete interior crew quarters

    2) Complete Medical bay and other facilities

    3) Complete Science labs and other Facilities

    4) Complete Mess hall and Recreation facilities

    5) Complete Engineering Labs

    6) Complete Mining facilities

    7) Complete refining facilities

    8) Complete transfer of Provisions to Facility

    9) Complete transfer of Mining equipment

    10) Complete transfer of refining Equipment

    11) Complete transfer of facility command personnel

    12) Complete transfer of mining personnel

    Tier 3/4 upgrade project

    1) Begin full scale mining and refining operations

    Tier 4 The majority of gear and equipment should be unlocked at tier 4 which would be the highest tier

    1) Begin construction on Advanced R&D facilities

    2) Complete construction of R&D facilities

    3) begin full scale R&D

    4) Test run of R&D prototypes

    5) this would be the various equipment and gear unlock projects.

    Tier 4 upgrade project

    1) Collaborate with Fleet shipyard to design armored dilithium cargo transport vessel

    The Completion of the dilithium mine would unlock the Armored Dilithium Cargo transport in the tier 4 shipyard for construction.

    Unlike the many options that come with the Tuffli, this cargo transport would only have a console for a commodities broker contact which would have reduced costs for commodities, bank, and mail access. It would only have standard transwarp destinations, there would be faction specific designs (Fed,KDF,ROM) more weapons and hull. 3 weapons fore and 3 aft with either an active or passive damage bonus when either all turrets are equipped or turret, torp, turret fore weapons, 3x turrets aft slotted.

    Project cooldowns would also be scaled with tier for example:

    Tier 1: 5 hours

    Upgrade: 8 hours

    Tier 2: 10 hours

    Upgrade 13 hours

    Tier 3: 15 hours

    upgrade 18 hours

    Tier 4: 20 hours

    upgrade 24 hours

    Remember this is all based off a linear project approach so only 1 project would be slottable at a time. The variety of resources needed and lack of Dilithium required to build the mine is where the real help to smaller fleets would come in because it wouldn't cost dilithium to build and would still provide the discounts to other fleet holdings and the base, although those discounts still need to be adjusted to be higher than they currently are.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Assuming a Dilithium Mine needs dilithium to run, then there should be enough dilithium being produced by the Mine to support its operation. It is not a successful Dilithium Mine if it requires other sources of dilithium.
  • leod198leod198 Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2013
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    Assuming a Dilithium Mine needs dilithium to run, then there should be enough dilithium being produced by the Mine to support its operation. It is not a successful Dilithium Mine if it requires other sources of dilithium.

    That is the kind of mind-set I had when I first heard about this dilithium. I could understand needing to have dil at the start, but once it got going, why need more for something that should be making enough to support itself?
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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