ATB = Auxiliary to Battery. It drains your auxiliary power and increases your other power levels. Some players like it on escorts because they never use auxiliary power for anything.
Thats not intirely true. Most escort use TB, TSS, HE on thier builds. It just takes timing to use them before your AtB comes around.
I actually like the AtB designs more on my Cruisers/Battle Cruisers becuase it finally makes the vessels more competitive.
Used with 3 Technician DOff (Purple is best) the use of AtB has a chance to proc an very good reduction in cool downs on all your BOff abilities.
Incorrect; there is no chance, it happens every time.
I tried Aux2Batt'ing but I didn't really care for it. You have to give up a pretty significant amount to make it work, between the BOFF and DOFF slots and not relying on your aux power for anything.
Personally I would have gone a completely different route in this game. I would have given ships an actual battery, and every time you use things like Emergency Power the battery gets depleted. It recharges by itself, but slowly, so Aux2Batt then becomes relevant as a way to juice up your ship's battery more quickly (thus allowing more frequent use of Emergency Power). Technicians would not reduce officer cooldown, they would instead impose a floor on the amount of Aux power you can have while using Aux2Batt, to prevent this ability consuming every ounce of Aux.
Incorrect; there is no chance, it happens every time.
I tried Aux2Batt'ing but I didn't really care for it. You have to give up a pretty significant amount to make it work, between the BOFF and DOFF slots and not relying on your aux power for anything.
Not really I've had the Technicians miss thier proc chance before. It just doesn't happen that often as usually 1 of the 3 will proc.
The Aux depletion is manageble with timing. Which seems like a fair downside for using it.
Personally I would have gone a completely different route in this game. I would have given ships an actual battery, and every time you use things like Emergency Power the battery gets depleted. It recharges by itself, but slowly, so Aux2Batt then becomes relevant as a way to juice up your ship's battery more quickly (thus allowing more frequent use of Emergency Power). Technicians would not reduce officer cooldown, they would instead impose a floor on the amount of Aux power you can have while using Aux2Batt, to prevent this ability consuming every ounce of Aux.
Chimera certainly does not have superior stats across the board.
The Chimera is suited well to anyone inept at using a real Escort. A Cruiser player who wants to have a taste of Escort play, its a nice first step; but compared to any of the other 9 console escorts, even the 'Hermes', it is inferior for series Escort use.
Lets look at those "superior stats across the board"
Console layout is the same. Chimera loses one for the Tactical Mode console.
Shields are the same.
Weapons same.
Boff layout is essentially the same however the Chimera offers some flexibility thanks to Universal slots. Boff layout would be generally identical if you play the Chimera as an Escort anyway.
'Hermes' has a superior turn rate of 16 compared to 14.
Chimera has one more Device slot, which most players don't use anyway.
Chimera has a higher crew count, useful but still not a high amount. 750 vs 200. Blah blah, 275% increase, same as alot of Sci vessels, still low compared to Cruisers.
Chimera has 3,500 more hull hit points. Approx 11% increase, a nominal value which makes no difference to a decent Escort player who should already be able to compensate for their low hull hp compared to other vessels.
That is the comparison to an RA rank free vessel. There are VA store vessels which are considerably better suited to an Escort roll than the Chimera.
You claim the Chimera far eclipses any ship I mentioned. That is terribly untrue. Seeing as you are so dependent on written stats for your facts, I suggest you actually take a look at the stats of the other ships mentioned. The Steamrunner Blockade escort and the Fleet 'Defiant' are both vastly superior to the Chimera in stats and in use.
Now, before accusing your betters of poor reading comprehension, work on yours; because that was all already stated in the post you ing misread, you fucking moron.
Now, regardless of differing opinion about useful stats to an Escort, your attitude is truly appalling. And you are certainly not in any way "better" than me.
"quiscustodiet" hinting towards "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" are we? Loosely translated as "Who will watch the watch?" Well I shall have to say "Who will Troll the Trolls?" because you sir are certainly a troll, here to pick a fight on a forum. How sad.
The Chimera is a Destroyer class vessel, which in STO puts its somewhere between an Escort and Cruiser. Speedy, with good damage capabilities and moderate defenses.
Why do people keep calling it an escort?
If you are not flying this thing as a cruiser hybrid, your doing it wrong.
The Chimera is a Destroyer class vessel, which in STO puts its somewhere between an Escort and Cruiser. Speedy, with good damage capabilities and moderate defenses.
Why do people keep calling it an escort?
If you are not flying this thing as a cruiser hybrid, your doing it wrong.
I must agree the chimera is a hybrid and in naval terms could be a light cruiser.
She is a nice ship, can handle herself well, I feel she gets bashed a bit to much at times as people don't always get the role the ship fills.
Make it available with a Tier 2 shipyard. Give it +3400 hull, a 0.99 shield modifier and 1 extra engineering console.
The Patrol Escort is available at a Tier 1 shipyard, and the Chimera would be very similar, the only major difference being that it can use the Dynamic Tactical System. Keeping that in mind, I think needing a Tier 2 shipyard would be just fine.
Chimera certainly does not have superior stats across the board.
You claimed it was inferior to the Hermes; it has more Hull, Tactical & Regenerative modes, 10% better Impulse speed (only the JHAS is as fast), more Crew (not a huge factor indeed), more Devices (not huge, but quite nice), a strictly superior BOFF layout (can mimic the same, can also use various other - including one with LC Sci without being stuck with a useless 3rd Tac Ensign - that is huge!) and for all that all it gives up is 1 Turn rate (ok, 2 now); that's hardly inferior.
But you knew all that and are just trolling.
A shame that the mods on these boards don't understand trolls and ban the trollee instead.
(hint to any mod reading: the troll is the one that makes a ridiculous statement with a straight face in order to provoke a conflictual response, not the one issuing said response - lern2internet guys)
Branflakes: you obviously have a problem with me.
How about resolving your issues like an adult: by talking instead of blindly banhammering for no reason?
I know, you can hide behind some rule like "we don't allow alt accounts", and you can ban anyone you want for any reason, but that doesn't mean you should.
I always thought they had a procc chance to activate.
This was changed a very long time ago. Now you can use EptA to undo the 5 aux limit since it no longer buts heads w/emergancy powers. There was a thread in PvP section debating the OPness of Aux2batt for more details.
To the OP, imo the KDF varient is the best overall ship option the KDF has. There are some other niche ships, but this has a Battle Cloak, nice flexible Boff layout, 7 weapon mounts, 4 Tac consoles.
It's lacking in the sci console layout and also has basically 2 less overall console slots available since you need the console to go in and out of Tactical mode.
The KDF version also takes a hit on shield regen and buffer compared to the Fed version.
Still, it also has the +30 targeting option which can let you get away w/less +ACC mods and more CritH or CritD mods.
The shield vamp can be nice to refill if there's more than 1 ship in your forward 90 espcially. The Lotus is nasty w/GDF and Tac buffs, and even for Sci Captain it's another nice AoE damage option.
Compared to Raiders even w/shield issues, is much better at sticking around a fight to apply more damage. Also, it has 7 weapon mount points compared to 6.
Again, the battle cloak fits the hit & run style better than the other KDF destroyer options.
Unlike the Fed Escorts, the KDF have no 5 Tac console options. So, from a KDF perspective nothing is lost there.
As far as the Fed version goes, the question isn't "is it better suited than an escort for spike damage (it's not)". But, is it better suited as a light cruiser that won't cross support much, but instead be somewhat self sustaining while doing near Fed Escort spike damage. I could see where this would fit in nicely w/Vestas (iirc that's the Fed multimission sci boat) and perhaps a Tholian Sci support ship to support the Vestas/Chimeras for a squad of massive debuffs and solid damage output.
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
This was changed a very long time ago. Now you can use EptA to undo the 5 aux limit since it no longer buts heads w/emergancy powers. There was a thread in PvP section debating the OPness of Aux2batt for more details.
Thanks. I have been using AtB well before it was popular and before the changes.
I must have adapted builds without thinking and moved on with my mind in the past.
Thanks to you and Ultimatum for the clarification.
Yes i would like to see a better version too. Maybe even just upgrade the current one or make a fleet version. The vet ship or lifetime ship is for the most loyal players and should be the best and should have the best support. I know people who dont wanna spend the money are going to rage on it but at least it is something everyone can get so it will be fail rage so yes this a good idea. It would make me buy the lifetime sub if i knew the chimera has good support over time
Yes i would like to see a better version too. Maybe even just upgrade the current one or make a fleet version. The vet ship or lifetime ship is for the most loyal players and should be the best and should have the best support. I know people who dont wanna spend the money are going to rage on it but at least it is something everyone can get so it will be fail rage so yes this a good idea. It would make me buy the lifetime sub if i knew the chimera has good support over time
Agreed! I would like to see a fleet, or upgraded version too.
Anyway while a fleet chimera is what we all would like so it's on the same level as the fleet ships I think the better answer would be to just boost it to fleet level as is. You get 10% more hull and shields and an extra console slot, given the off layout I would say science.
This gives you a very much middle of the ground fleet level ship which can perform at a lot of things well but others will still outclass it.
It counts only the days subscribed. So say you buy 30 days subscription, play for 30 days then stop your subscription for 40 days then after those 40 days start again for 30 days. In total you would have 60 days on the clock for vet rewards. Vet rewards only count the days you have subscribed for which is why lifetime sub is better than subbing for the whole time now.
Back when it was released you were taking a big risk buying lifetime as there was no guarentee the game would still be running a year later.
Also I do not think you should be able to just buy the Chimera for 20 pounds (weird how it doesn't recognise the pound sign) as a silver player it might be nice to do it but look at it from the other side. If you had bought a lifetime sub and had parts (mostly good parts) of it sold away and the combined price was far cheaper than the sub you'd be pretty peeved.
Also I do not think you should be able to just buy the Chimera for 20 pounds (weird how it doesn't recognise the pound sign) as a silver player it might be nice to do it but look at it from the other side. If you had bought a lifetime sub and had parts (mostly good parts) of it sold away and the combined price was far cheaper than the sub you'd be pretty peeved.
Yeah, I wouldn't mind a fleet level of the 1,000 day ships, but you're asking for a LOT. They're meant to be good, but unique ships, not some uber-level end-all ships.
A fleet version would be nice, but would only really put em on par with other fleet level ships, and that is all.
Yes, im with him. All i want is 10 consoles and the 10% shields/hull.
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
10th slot and 10% more shields is all this has been about. Why not also allow it to carry a pet? Lts also get captains yacht...allow that to play along with...since it can be outfitted with a very nice setup to do battle with its own boff. It would also be nice to have the tac console in its own separate slot...freeing up one of the others.
Regarding strength...try stacking mk12 maco shield with my 12 field array and the regen shield mode...then add in a w>s transfer in warp core...a 100 shields ship with 125 weapon power...throw in your advanced or elite weapons...or omega or romulan set weapons...this ship is designed to be a jack of all trades...not the best at any 1 thing...will it be out dps'd yes..but not by much...and it's shields and hull and crew allow it to survive just enough longer to take out another player with more dps.
Make it a torp boat with the new romulan and omega plasmas...throw tetryon turrets to kill shields...make it a beam boat with all phasers...max out acc on everything or not cuz of having the tac setting adds +30 targeting...use A2B...or CRF...or CSV...or TS...or THY...all depends on player type and skill...more skill more fun...
Sounds like the Vet ships are already fine the way they exist now and have no need of improvement.
Why not let the Devs create new and different 1500 day ships?
sure - you get your fleet chimera, I get my fleet odyssey - I'm good with that to see a fleet connie people talk about non-canon, but just imagine - an entire branch of starfleet, using all advanced technology and the sheer power of nostalgia, building themselves a state-of-the-art starship contained inside the visual frame of a 100 year old icon of the Federation
I don't see why that's so hard to believe - Star Trek has already established that nostalgic Admirals can often hold onto a ship well past it's shelf date out of sheer nostalgia - and upgrade them with extra warp nacelles and phaser cannons...
but, I think I've probably wandered off the point - I was just thinking, since you want a fleet chimera, and almost everyone would like a nice slight bump-up with their favorite hull rendered into a fleet design, it just got me thinking
Sounds like the Vet ships are already fine the way they exist now and have no need of improvement.
Why not let the Devs create new and different 1500 day ships?
sure - you get your fleet chimera, I get my fleet odyssey - I'm good with that
That does not even make sense since the Zen Store Odyssey and Bortasqu ships already have stats equivalent to a fleet ship.
The 1000 day heavy destroyers on the other hand only have stats comparable to a Zen store ship.
That 10th console that fleet ships get can make a huge difference.
Thats not intirely true. Most escort use TB, TSS, HE on thier builds. It just takes timing to use them before your AtB comes around.
I actually like the AtB designs more on my Cruisers/Battle Cruisers becuase it finally makes the vessels more competitive.
for example;
Fleet Assualt Cruiser
TT1 * APO1
* Desired weapon ability.
Incorrect; there is no chance, it happens every time.
I tried Aux2Batt'ing but I didn't really care for it. You have to give up a pretty significant amount to make it work, between the BOFF and DOFF slots and not relying on your aux power for anything.
Personally I would have gone a completely different route in this game. I would have given ships an actual battery, and every time you use things like Emergency Power the battery gets depleted. It recharges by itself, but slowly, so Aux2Batt then becomes relevant as a way to juice up your ship's battery more quickly (thus allowing more frequent use of Emergency Power). Technicians would not reduce officer cooldown, they would instead impose a floor on the amount of Aux power you can have while using Aux2Batt, to prevent this ability consuming every ounce of Aux.
The Chimera is suited well to anyone inept at using a real Escort. A Cruiser player who wants to have a taste of Escort play, its a nice first step; but compared to any of the other 9 console escorts, even the 'Hermes', it is inferior for series Escort use.
Lets look at those "superior stats across the board"
That is the comparison to an RA rank free vessel. There are VA store vessels which are considerably better suited to an Escort roll than the Chimera.
You claim the Chimera far eclipses any ship I mentioned. That is terribly untrue. Seeing as you are so dependent on written stats for your facts, I suggest you actually take a look at the stats of the other ships mentioned. The Steamrunner Blockade escort and the Fleet 'Defiant' are both vastly superior to the Chimera in stats and in use.
Now, regardless of differing opinion about useful stats to an Escort, your attitude is truly appalling. And you are certainly not in any way "better" than me.
"quiscustodiet" hinting towards "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" are we? Loosely translated as "Who will watch the watch?" Well I shall have to say "Who will Troll the Trolls?" because you sir are certainly a troll, here to pick a fight on a forum. How sad.
Why do people keep calling it an escort?
If you are not flying this thing as a cruiser hybrid, your doing it wrong.
I must agree the chimera is a hybrid and in naval terms could be a light cruiser.
She is a nice ship, can handle herself well, I feel she gets bashed a bit to much at times as people don't always get the role the ship fills.
There is no chance to proc.
It's automatic and never fails.
Stacking multiple technicians means you shave that added percentage off of the CD.
1 x VR Tech = -10% off CD.
3 x VR Techs = -30% off CD.
Make it available with a Tier 2 shipyard. Give it +3400 hull, a 0.99 shield modifier and 1 extra engineering console.
The Patrol Escort is available at a Tier 1 shipyard, and the Chimera would be very similar, the only major difference being that it can use the Dynamic Tactical System. Keeping that in mind, I think needing a Tier 2 shipyard would be just fine.
I always thought they had a procc chance to activate.
But you knew all that and are just trolling.
A shame that the mods on these boards don't understand trolls and ban the trollee instead.
(hint to any mod reading: the troll is the one that makes a ridiculous statement with a straight face in order to provoke a conflictual response, not the one issuing said response - lern2internet guys)
How about resolving your issues like an adult: by talking instead of blindly banhammering for no reason?
I know, you can hide behind some rule like "we don't allow alt accounts", and you can ban anyone you want for any reason, but that doesn't mean you should.
This was changed a very long time ago. Now you can use EptA to undo the 5 aux limit since it no longer buts heads w/emergancy powers. There was a thread in PvP section debating the OPness of Aux2batt for more details.
To the OP, imo the KDF varient is the best overall ship option the KDF has. There are some other niche ships, but this has a Battle Cloak, nice flexible Boff layout, 7 weapon mounts, 4 Tac consoles.
It's lacking in the sci console layout and also has basically 2 less overall console slots available since you need the console to go in and out of Tactical mode.
The KDF version also takes a hit on shield regen and buffer compared to the Fed version.
Still, it also has the +30 targeting option which can let you get away w/less +ACC mods and more CritH or CritD mods.
The shield vamp can be nice to refill if there's more than 1 ship in your forward 90 espcially. The Lotus is nasty w/GDF and Tac buffs, and even for Sci Captain it's another nice AoE damage option.
Compared to Raiders even w/shield issues, is much better at sticking around a fight to apply more damage. Also, it has 7 weapon mount points compared to 6.
Again, the battle cloak fits the hit & run style better than the other KDF destroyer options.
Unlike the Fed Escorts, the KDF have no 5 Tac console options. So, from a KDF perspective nothing is lost there.
As far as the Fed version goes, the question isn't "is it better suited than an escort for spike damage (it's not)". But, is it better suited as a light cruiser that won't cross support much, but instead be somewhat self sustaining while doing near Fed Escort spike damage. I could see where this would fit in nicely w/Vestas (iirc that's the Fed multimission sci boat) and perhaps a Tholian Sci support ship to support the Vestas/Chimeras for a squad of massive debuffs and solid damage output.
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
Well of course you CAN.
You CAN get a version with +1000% shields.
But may you? No. No you may not.
Agreed! I would like to see a fleet, or upgraded version too.
Anyway while a fleet chimera is what we all would like so it's on the same level as the fleet ships I think the better answer would be to just boost it to fleet level as is. You get 10% more hull and shields and an extra console slot, given the off layout I would say science.
This gives you a very much middle of the ground fleet level ship which can perform at a lot of things well but others will still outclass it.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
(Questions) if you subscribe do the days start from the day you subscribe or does it take into account all the Free play time ?
Back when it was released you were taking a big risk buying lifetime as there was no guarentee the game would still be running a year later.
Also I do not think you should be able to just buy the Chimera for 20 pounds (weird how it doesn't recognise the pound sign) as a silver player it might be nice to do it but look at it from the other side. If you had bought a lifetime sub and had parts (mostly good parts) of it sold away and the combined price was far cheaper than the sub you'd be pretty peeved.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
That's a fair point ..
Yes, im with him. All i want is 10 consoles and the 10% shields/hull.
Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
Regarding strength...try stacking mk12 maco shield with my 12 field array and the regen shield mode...then add in a w>s transfer in warp core...a 100 shields ship with 125 weapon power...throw in your advanced or elite weapons...or omega or romulan set weapons...this ship is designed to be a jack of all trades...not the best at any 1 thing...will it be out dps'd yes..but not by much...and it's shields and hull and crew allow it to survive just enough longer to take out another player with more dps.
Make it a torp boat with the new romulan and omega plasmas...throw tetryon turrets to kill shields...make it a beam boat with all phasers...max out acc on everything or not cuz of having the tac setting adds +30 targeting...use A2B...or CRF...or CSV...or TS...or THY...all depends on player type and skill...more skill more fun...
Why not let the Devs create new and different 1500 day ships?
R.I.P to see a fleet connie
I don't see why that's so hard to believe - Star Trek has already established that nostalgic Admirals can often hold onto a ship well past it's shelf date out of sheer nostalgia - and upgrade them with extra warp nacelles and phaser cannons...
but, I think I've probably wandered off the point - I was just thinking, since you want a fleet chimera, and almost everyone would like a nice slight bump-up with their favorite hull rendered into a fleet design, it just got me thinking
so yes! Fleet Chimera!! yes Fleet Odyssey! Yes Fleet Connie!! why not...
James T. Kirk
This is the best Idea, I 've seen yet.
THIS!!!^^^^^ make it so
It shouldn't be a cheap way for non-1000 day vets/non-LTSers to get OUR ship.
cloaking shields, shields up, ship cloaked at 50k stealth rating
57 disruptors split between 17 dual cannonbanks, 20 dual beam arrays and 20 beam arrays
30 torpedo tubes
24 scorpion hangers
thaloron lotus (instantly kills any living thing in a cone in front of the scimitar for 100 km ahead)
see anyone can ask for something, doesnt mean theyll ever get it lol
It's the Tal'shiars doing, Sela lied.
Vengeance is born, with eternal scorn.
New Romulus rises.
That does not even make sense since the Zen Store Odyssey and Bortasqu ships already have stats equivalent to a fleet ship.
The 1000 day heavy destroyers on the other hand only have stats comparable to a Zen store ship.
That 10th console that fleet ships get can make a huge difference.