I just ran a no win scenario and found things weren't quiet right and wondered what it was. When we hit level 8 we twigged it was the acetons;
Were 5mins duration, now 3mins.
Was 1dmg received from each energy weapon hit, now 200+ (didn't get exactly numbers).
"...and is itself almost immune to energy damage."
"Launches a level 51 Aceton Assimilator for 300 sec."
So according to the description this is a broke item.
Are these changes intentional as part of some nerf (intended now/later and the description is out of date) or unintentional due to some LOR update and needs to be reset?
This is just an observation and query thread nothing else.
I'm wondering if it's a cross faction version of the console which they've pushed out even though they rolled out the plasmonic leech. Indeed all we want is a statement.
Regarding pvp, it doesn't do what it says. I'm not going to drag this thread in to it's OPness. If you want to talk pvp I recommend a pvp thread .
If the changes are intended the description is wrong and if they aren't intended then the item is broken and should be fixed when Cryptic can find the time. When Cryptic has an answer then people can react I don't see why we need to cry and fight over something that could be fixed in a week or 2.
You welcome it because you are playing a federation toon?
How would you react it they would weaken one of your precious and expensive consoles?
i also have klingon toons, and romulan ones on both sides, i always found aceton to be quite honest ridiculous, plus what exactly would they nerf on FED side that isn't already rather weak aside from a few? they're gonna nerf impulse burst? i would welcome such nerf too.
As someone who has used this item extensively and very much enjoyed it, I still have to say it has proven a bit too effective as a constantly spammable point defense that can wipe out targetable torpedoes and fighters. It's just a tad too good at it and needs some slight re-balancing, though I'm not exactly sure how. At least torps should be immune to the passive radiation excluding the bursts.
Hooray!!!! I have an excuse to PvP again!!!! Both as a Fed, cause I don't have to deal with those damn things, and as a KDF because maybe the Feds won't turn tail and run when one of my teammates uses one of those damn things!!!!!!!
Of course the nerf was deliberate, telling anyone about it isn't mandatory. You don't own your game or anything in it according to the user agreement, they can change anything at will, without explanation or recourse on your part.
Like taking away 5th Andorian escort fore weapon slot. I mean that's what makes it special, same with aceton.
Im not discussing that aceton was a bit over the top, sure. But we bought it for that feature.
Cryptic weakened items in past: zen/cstore/lobi whatever, but please make it official via change log and changed description, that or fix it.
Like taking away 5th Andorian escort fore weapon slot. I mean that's what makes it special, same with aceton.
Im not discussing that aceton was a bit over the top, sure. But we bought it for that feature.
Cryptic weakened items in past: zen/cstore/lobi whatever, but please make it official via change log and changed description, that or fix it.
no, what makes it special, is that it will pretty much clear an entire area of fighters, torpedoes, plus damage everyone near it with its shockwaves, and it still takes a while to get destroyed, the closest thing feds have to it is the point defense consoles, which is... pretty useless to say the least.
it takes at most 200 damage from energy attacks, so that means it will stay up for enough time to do its job.
no, what makes it special, is that it will pretty much clear an entire area of fighters, torpedoes, plus damage everyone near it with its shockwaves, and it still takes a while to get destroyed, the closest thing feds have to it is the point defense consoles, which is... pretty useless to say the least.
it takes at most 200 damage from energy attacks, so that means it will stay up for enough time to do its job.
The duration was dramatically reduced, and the damage output was radically increased? Or am I reading that wrong?
Sorry, the damage dealt to it has increased, not inflicted. Hopefully a dev will answer this sooner rather than later. It obviously didn't take much to start a rantfest with such a simple question. Some will like the change some won't but personally I'd like to know if the changes are intentional or not.
I'm indifferent, changes happen and really I'm semi surprised this didn't happen sooner because I could see it being a hot potato in pvp. It makes no significant difference to me as I play fed and kdf equally and can manage just fine on fed side. New stuff will come out, changes will happen and adapting to those changes keeps things interesting but just knowing the answer to the opening question would be helpful.
As someone who has used this item extensively and very much enjoyed it, I still have to say it has proven a bit too effective as a constantly spammable point defense that can wipe out targetable torpedoes and fighters. It's just a tad too good at it and needs some slight re-balancing, though I'm not exactly sure how. At least torps should be immune to the passive radiation excluding the bursts.
eh...while that is true its useful against the D'Ds triple death combo ...or the borg's HY torps/plasma torp from the unimatrix.
The Aceton Assimilator is annoying to NPCs only. To any thinking player it should just be a distracting torpedo target and NOT a cannon or beam target.
You shoot it with beams or cannons and that feeds the device the energy it needs to throw out a damaging pulse. This is NOT how to deal with an Aceton device.
You shoot it with a simple plain torpedo and it goes bye-bye. This is how to deal with the Aceton device.
Sorry, the damage dealt to it has increased, not inflicted. Hopefully a dev will answer this sooner rather than later. It obviously didn't take much to start a rantfest with such a simple question. Some will like the change some won't but personally I'd like to know if the changes are intentional or not.
I'm indifferent, changes happen and really I'm semi surprised this didn't happen sooner because I could see it being a hot potato in pvp. It makes no significant difference to me as I play fed and kdf equally and can manage just fine on fed side. New stuff will come out, changes will happen and adapting to those changes keeps things interesting but just knowing the answer to the opening question would be helpful.
Ahh okay... now that makes more sense. Was flying around with my Aceton (as I usually do) and thought I must be crazy for not noticing any significant damage output increase. But I *did* notice it had a reduced duration and took fewer hits before it popped.
I can live with the new duration, but making it that squishie? Not so much. Given the thing is designed around the principle it will be attacked, it's kinda counter-productive to make it *that* fragile. Also, maybe I'm the unluckiest player in the game, but I've *never* noticed the Aceton having any significant impact on enemy torps... other than occasionally drawing their aggro (instead of me). Shuttles and fighters I'll grant you, it does a pretty decent job mopping up - mostly 'cause they're dumb enough to keep attacking it well within its AoE radius. But torpedos? Meh, not really.
Also, it never seemed to have much impact in PvP. Since it kinda stood out like a sore thumb, even the dumbest opponents would simply avoid it. And the smart ones? One torp volly would vaporize it... or, you know, they just wouldn't shoot it with energy weapons while in-range of its AoE.
Currently I'm debating if it's really worth slotting anymore, given there's sooo many other nice consoles available now (Field Generators, Plasmonic Leech, Shield Absorptive Frequency Gen, resist mods, heck even RCS). Since I mostly use it in PvE just to give the AI something else to shoot at, I'm starting to wonder if a photon mine launcher wouldn't be nearly as effective.
The Aceton Assimilator is annoying to NPCs only. To any thinking player it should just be a distracting torpedo target and NOT a cannon or beam target.
You shoot it with beams or cannons and that feeds the device the energy it needs to throw out a damaging pulse. This is NOT how to deal with an Aceton device.
You shoot it with a simple plain torpedo and it goes bye-bye. This is how to deal with the Aceton device.
I don't understand what the big deal is about it?
This. Fire a Torpedo Spread while the torp is aimed at the thing. Or launch a high-yield torpedo salvo at it. It's very vulnerable to kinetic damage.
I always laugh when I see people trying to kill them with energy weapons, and then whine about the things.
sorry but why you write a gamebug into General discussion ?
in patch notes the is no notice about changes on the Aceton, and ist running alot wrong so ist totally buged.
i have open a a notice in gamebug section!!
It's not a bug if it's intentional, and it's kinda hard to imagine dropping the duration by more than half AND noticeably reducing its health was purely accidental.
I'm not really sure what "running alot wrong" means, but I'd definitely say those changes are pretty significant.
This. Fire a Torpedo Spread while the torp is aimed at the thing. Or launch a high-yield torpedo salvo at it. It's very vulnerable to kinetic damage.
I always laugh when I see people trying to kill them with energy weapons, and then whine about the things.
well it WAS vulnerable to kinetic damage...and takes a hell of alot more damage from DEWs now, as before it used to only take 1 hit from DEWs...... now its goes down in less time than it takes to redeploy one lol....though its still fun to use on fighters and small craft....like bees to flowers XD
It's not a bug if it's intentional, and it's kinda hard to imagine dropping the duration by more than half AND noticeably reducing its health was purely accidental.
I'm not really sure what "running alot wrong" means, but I'd definitely say those changes are pretty significant.
The best I could say is it's a "bug" they didn't update the console's description. One could also argue that since it's a cash-shop item, it's bordering on false advertising.
Either way, bugs are bugs. Stealth nerfs are a whole different species.
The Aceton Assimilator is annoying to NPCs only. To any thinking player it should just be a distracting torpedo target and NOT a cannon or beam target.
You shoot it with beams or cannons and that feeds the device the energy it needs to throw out a damaging pulse. This is NOT how to deal with an Aceton device.
You shoot it with a simple plain torpedo and it goes bye-bye. This is how to deal with the Aceton device.
I don't understand what the big deal is about it?
Only a few of my ships have torps. I'm not changing my loadout to PVP against your pets. Instead, I dont bring those ships into PVP.
"What's the big deal" about people not coming to PVP
its not like it no longer does what its supposed to do anyway.
How would you react it they would weaken one of your precious and expensive consoles?
Regarding pvp, it doesn't do what it says. I'm not going to drag this thread in to it's OPness. If you want to talk pvp I recommend a pvp thread
If the changes are intended the description is wrong and if they aren't intended then the item is broken and should be fixed when Cryptic can find the time. When Cryptic has an answer then people can react I don't see why we need to cry and fight over something that could be fixed in a week or 2.
i also have klingon toons, and romulan ones on both sides, i always found aceton to be quite honest ridiculous, plus what exactly would they nerf on FED side that isn't already rather weak aside from a few? they're gonna nerf impulse burst? i would welcome such nerf too.
In every place,
The deeds of men remain the same..."
There is only one acceptable action now....
I just re-read them this morning.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Im not discussing that aceton was a bit over the top, sure. But we bought it for that feature.
Cryptic weakened items in past: zen/cstore/lobi whatever, but please make it official via change log and changed description, that or fix it.
no, what makes it special, is that it will pretty much clear an entire area of fighters, torpedoes, plus damage everyone near it with its shockwaves, and it still takes a while to get destroyed, the closest thing feds have to it is the point defense consoles, which is... pretty useless to say the least.
it takes at most 200 damage from energy attacks, so that means it will stay up for enough time to do its job.
That was necessary to sell it :]
I'm confused...
The duration was dramatically reduced, and the damage output was radically increased? Or am I reading that wrong?
Sorry, the damage dealt to it has increased, not inflicted. Hopefully a dev will answer this sooner rather than later. It obviously didn't take much to start a rantfest with such a simple question. Some will like the change some won't but personally I'd like to know if the changes are intentional or not.
I'm indifferent, changes happen and really I'm semi surprised this didn't happen sooner because I could see it being a hot potato in pvp. It makes no significant difference to me as I play fed and kdf equally and can manage just fine on fed side. New stuff will come out, changes will happen and adapting to those changes keeps things interesting but just knowing the answer to the opening question would be helpful.
eh...while that is true its useful against the D'Ds triple death combo ...or the borg's HY torps/plasma torp from the unimatrix.
You shoot it with beams or cannons and that feeds the device the energy it needs to throw out a damaging pulse. This is NOT how to deal with an Aceton device.
You shoot it with a simple plain torpedo and it goes bye-bye. This is how to deal with the Aceton device.
I don't understand what the big deal is about it?
Ahh okay... now that makes more sense. Was flying around with my Aceton (as I usually do) and thought I must be crazy for not noticing any significant damage output increase. But I *did* notice it had a reduced duration and took fewer hits before it popped.
I can live with the new duration, but making it that squishie? Not so much. Given the thing is designed around the principle it will be attacked, it's kinda counter-productive to make it *that* fragile. Also, maybe I'm the unluckiest player in the game, but I've *never* noticed the Aceton having any significant impact on enemy torps... other than occasionally drawing their aggro (instead of me). Shuttles and fighters I'll grant you, it does a pretty decent job mopping up - mostly 'cause they're dumb enough to keep attacking it well within its AoE radius. But torpedos? Meh, not really.
Also, it never seemed to have much impact in PvP. Since it kinda stood out like a sore thumb, even the dumbest opponents would simply avoid it. And the smart ones? One torp volly would vaporize it... or, you know, they just wouldn't shoot it with energy weapons while in-range of its AoE.
Currently I'm debating if it's really worth slotting anymore, given there's sooo many other nice consoles available now (Field Generators, Plasmonic Leech, Shield Absorptive Frequency Gen, resist mods, heck even RCS). Since I mostly use it in PvE just to give the AI something else to shoot at, I'm starting to wonder if a photon mine launcher wouldn't be nearly as effective.
However, lately I have noticed other KDF players spamming the aceton like it was skittles - dropping dozens of them in arena and c/h.
It's freaking annoying all the spam - just so much noise.
But like I said i won't use it unless i am being spammed with FAW.
Will probably be in the next lock-box for Feds anyways - and spam will get worse.
my Aceton assimilator is totally buged now, he get now massivly dmg from anythink an is now killed from energy weapon attaks in some secounds.
i remember ge get bevor only 1dmg Point from a energy attak now he get TRIBBLE and is most times dead in 4-7 secounds.
fix this crazy bug thx
in patch notes the is no notice about changes on the Aceton, and ist running alot wrong so ist totally buged.
i have open a a notice in gamebug section!!
This. Fire a Torpedo Spread while the torp is aimed at the thing. Or launch a high-yield torpedo salvo at it. It's very vulnerable to kinetic damage.
I always laugh when I see people trying to kill them with energy weapons, and then whine about the things.
Because knowing Cryptic this could be intended so I'm asking if it is or not
It's not a bug if it's intentional, and it's kinda hard to imagine dropping the duration by more than half AND noticeably reducing its health was purely accidental.
I'm not really sure what "running alot wrong" means, but I'd definitely say those changes are pretty significant.
well it WAS vulnerable to kinetic damage...and takes a hell of alot more damage from DEWs now, as before it used to only take 1 hit from DEWs...... now its goes down in less time than it takes to redeploy one lol....though its still fun to use on fighters and small craft....like bees to flowers XD
The best I could say is it's a "bug" they didn't update the console's description. One could also argue that since it's a cash-shop item, it's bordering on false advertising.
Either way, bugs are bugs. Stealth nerfs are a whole different species.
The spamming of Aceton is one of the reasons I dont enjoy FvK, and stopped playing it... I welcome the change, and will be rejoining the queues.
Not that its worth much, but I'll say it again... there should be no crossover consoles... period. But, that doesnt go far with crytic.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
2nd time - 3 min on the dot - 180 seconds and it explodes.
Only a few of my ships have torps. I'm not changing my loadout to PVP against your pets. Instead, I dont bring those ships into PVP.
"What's the big deal" about people not coming to PVP