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Ask Cryptic: May 2013



  • feyllfeyll Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Q: (lean18181818) Will the developers and game creators take a pause on creating new content to resolve the actual problems and bugs in the game? Like a few weeks, then return to making new seasons?

    Dstahl: Almost the entire team is doing exactly this right now and we?ll have a big bug bash update going live in the upcoming month.

    So does that include the rampant amount of KDF bugs like the tailor that's been broken and neglected for how long? It's been screwy for ages and it's hitting the point of critical mass at the moment. My KDF fleet, for the most part, can't even use their non-primary uniforms at the moment. Can't alter, can't swap. Just static icons in the tailor.
    Critics breed growth, apologists (fanboys) breed stagnation.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    More Fleet Holdings huh? I got a bad feeling about this. :(

    Small fleets are still working on completing the Embassy, so more holdings means more grinding and people are just plain exhausted with Fleet Events. And Stahl mentioning Dilithum............not fun.

    Just too much grinding.
  • khanstruewrathkhanstruewrath Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Question: Whats with the multiple maintanence per day, every day? Are we ever going to see a stable server with more uptime then downtime?
    Romulus burned, untold billions died.
    It's the Tal'shiars doing, Sela lied.
    Vengeance is born, with eternal scorn.
    New Romulus rises.
  • eklinaareklinaar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You've done a great job with LoR. I think overall, STO is better than it ever has been before. I've been playing since launch and LoR has me more enthusiastic about playing than anything since the DOff system release. Great work, Cryptic.

    That said, I really urge you to take your time fixing bugs before focusing on new development. There are some significant long-standing bugs that are a detriment to the game. The most prominent to me is the Borg Red Alert bug. This is a great piece of content that is basically ruined by the empty instance bug.

    There are also a number of things that just need slight tweaks to be hugely improved. For example, the Exchange doesn't always function intuitively. Sometimes a search doesn't return the lowest priced items, and it's too easy to buy DOffs from the opposite faction. Carriers have no way to keep track of their pets, so a UI element here would vastly improve Carrier play. The Mine Trap event can start with only 15 people queued for it, but only 15 people in that event almost always results in a huge fail with maybe half of the Romulans surviving. Making it so that event can only start with 20 people queued would be really helpful.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    "we'll have a big bug bash update going live in the upcoming month.", in other words we wont have any updates for 4 weeks and a few days? or was this written the back end of last month? in which case its right on top of us. some elaboration is required.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Not even a bone to the Foundry community during the week that you guys broke many of our missions. Do you expect us to just blindly keep doing what we do, despite the difficulties, bugs, and sheer lack of respect?

    Daniel Stahl needs to make a Foundry mission and then reassess the strengths and weaknesses of this game's EP.

    Go ahead. Please. I dare you. Then, read this Ask Cryptic for more information.
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So Cryptic intends to POSSIBLY do some rework on the Federation interior(s).


    However, does this mean ONLY the interior once you get off the bridge, or will you be doing the needed work on the bridges as well, including the C-Store bridge packs?

    Also, will the ability to control the interior NPC's uniforms be included in this much needed work?

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • dixiemonroedixiemonroe Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Will there be a set,MACO or OMEGA, made for the Romulans?
  • ototo999ototo999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This is not an ask, but a 1st sincerely "Welcome back to Good Work":

    Im pretty sure ur last weeks have been a mess, and the treatment u gave us since LoR came alive was not exactly "polite", u treated us like childs, BUT

    since these past 3 days ur general treatment have improved TONS, and i think im not the only that moved from "enraged" to "cautiously patient about".

    If all works as is supposed to from now, i mean, u arent lieing to us, as i said:


    PS: Posted here cause is nearly sure u will read it, and i want all ur team to
  • captainjgeecaptainjgee Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Sorry the Network problems should be on the front page and there until it is fixed. Some thing like "We are experiencing Network problems and are working to fix them as soon as possible. We apologize for your inconvenience." If you are going to put it in Ask Cryptic you should a least announce you are giving a "We are sorry"/"Thank you" gift.

    BTW of course you're seeing record numbers creating Romulan characters, it's the first time they have been in the game. If just one person created a character that would be a record number! Just for the record I'm not one, I'm not interested in playing the Romulan Micro faction, but the free character slot will be handy later.
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The Second option that we came up with was that you could base your design or use the New Gorn Appearance from the Star Trek 2013 video game. The Gorn depicted there are more grittier and seem more believable to be Gorn.

    No...No...No...9...9...9... Never!
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    We'll be making an announcement about the Scimitar class later in June, so I don?t want to spoil anything just yet.

    There are a few ships that have been talked about. The Scimitar, a Romulan Temporal Ship, a Romulan Veteran Reward Ship, and possibly even the Romulan science vessel from TNG. Nothing has been formally announced yet, though, so stay tuned!.

    Yes! Also, would this mean a Romulan Temporal ship would be added to the Temporal Science Vessel requisition box, or would we have to open an entirely new lockbox to get it?
    At least some of this work is underway. I've seen the Romulan environmental suits, but not the STF gear yet.

    Good god, yes!
    Q: (captaind3) Suliban bridge officers? Or at least Suliban parts in alien gen. I?ve been waiting for them forever. Pretty Please? Is it gonna happen?

    Dstahl: Highly likely.

    Could you be any more vague?

    Okay, so i'm relatively impressed with what I hear. New ship announcement in June, new stuff on the way periodically, bug fixes incoming, Romulan STF gear and Enviromental suits. All very good - however.

    Could you be a little less cryptic about all this?

    And by that I mean, for stuff that will be added to the C-Store at least, could you just come and say outright what is planned and when?

    I get that some things aren't confirmed yet - fine. But the Scimitar and the ENT Maco uniforms - unless the june announcement is "we're not bringing the Scimitar to the game", which is highly unlikely, as why wait until June to tell us you're not doing it - they must be ready or nearly ready by now, so I don't really see why you're holding out on us. And some of us could do with knowing in advance if the Scimitar is a 3-pack so we can sort our finances accordingly.

    Seems only fair if you do want our money.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • gong1fu1pandagong1fu1panda Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have been saying this for years: "We need more voice overs." Somehow the other posts never agreed with me.

    Alas, Cryptic does agree! Legacy of Romulus has certainly delivered a lot. And the latest Q&A has certainly raised hope for more. Thanks Crypitc!

    Hope one day all episode dialogues have audio.
  • lean18181818lean18181818 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I wanna say thanks for ALL STO TEAM for answering my questions and the questions of the community.

    This is by far the best game that i have played, since we see you guys working everyday and resolving all the problems as soon as possible.

    Good luck with all the problems and thanks again, see ya.

    It's a pity that we can't pay you guys a round of some food or drink that you guys like to celebrate all this work done, but at least we can express the willing :).
  • linyivelinyive Member Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Q: (cidstorm) Will the ways to get Romulan and Reman species duty officers ever be expanded?

    Dstahl: Yes. This is in the works.
    Q: (superherofan) Will Romulans be getting their own costume variants of the STF ground gear and environmental suits?

    Dstahl: At least some of this work is underway. I've seen the Romulan environmental suits, but not the STF gear yet.
    I hope these will become priorities.
    Q: (sterlingwarbird) When will Fleet projects be reduced for smaller Fleets?

    Dstahl: This is tied to the new Fleet Holding that is releasing soon which will have a significant impact on a small Fleet?s ability to complete other Fleet Projects.
    I hope you are not shifting resource requirements from one holding to another, so that it creates the illusion that they are lower. Similar to the original dilithium rewards restructuring? Remember how everything blew up?
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have to agree with that.

    Account bound rep levels would actually make it easier to spend more Dilithium, since I'd have to waste less time just leveling up bars, and more time actually buying things.

    Yes account bound rep has been requested so many times, in fact the rep system is driving me away from STO more than bringing me in. I got two characters maxed in T5 Omega and Romulan and no more. Not doing Nukara and not doing Omega and Romulan again.

    Instead I spend my time trying to get Fleet Marks and stuff, but since Nukara was nerfed and no more Fleet Marks there it's very very hard to get Marks for a KDF. Defera is a joke, needing at least a 3-4 man team to do the Hards means I stand around for like 30 mins then just log out.
    Absolute rubbish. Why even bother doing "Ask Cryptic"? So you can answer the questions you want to while making it seem as if it's to appease us?

    Isn't every Ask Cryptic? They don't really advertise it much either so I missed another one. Wasn't expecting one till next month.
    The new expansion is well done, but it doesn`t feel like much new to me. It`s just another species, some other costumes, a new way to sell us things like singularity cores etc, some new missions, another adventure zone.

    STO still lacks some Star Trek specific things, like exploration. An expansion shouldn`t be just more of old stuff but new stuff. New or improved game mechanics.

    There are many players out there doing STO because of the tiny bit of crafting, exploring and trading in there. Why not make some big expansion for them?

    Introduce trade, it doesn`t need to be as big as in Eve, but why not something like privateer...introduce ferengi with this new game feature.

    Why not a persistent, but undiscovered quadrant, which needs to be revealed to discover some rare ressources or species?

    Why not some form of round-based pvp territory control game...

    Anything! But please, not more ships, species, customes, adventure zones etc...

    And btw: neverwinters (ground) combat system is fun. Please adjust STOs ground combat skills, so it would work the same way.

    Actually costumes are desperately needed on the KDF side, even the Romulans have more options than the KDF now. I had all this Zen saved for KDF costumes and we got nothing. The Federation doesn't really need any more costumes but the other factions could do with them, especially the KDF.

    Apart from the costumes I do agree, we need more things that are new and different. The KDF only needs some decent science ship and a Fleet Defiant like Raptor and the Romulans maybe another ship or two then I think the ships for all factions should be good.

    I'd like to see all factions have unique missions and get rid of this cross faction rubbish (expect the end-game zones and reputation which should be able to be cross faction teaming). I'd like to see a decent crafting system, something good like able to select any career powers you want for a kit etc
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • kriss257kriss257 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Great job on LoR!! Downtime is a problme but i do have a life and they are scheudle so for me not a big problem.

    Q: (karmapoint) Alright? KDF and Romulans are here. And now what? What is the next big step for STO? Cardassians? Bajorans? DS9 Expansion? Voyager?

    Dstahl: While it is too early to discuss, this sounds like a great question for an upcoming poll. What do YOU think should be next for STO? More factions? More Sectors? More Features? We?ll definitely have to put a poll for this one.

    More Sectors and Features. 3 Factions is enough for now:)

    Most enoying is mail bug, i would like to see that fix ASAP.

    Keep up the great work!!
    10Chars and I play them ALL.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    captaind3 wrote: »
    First of all YES YES YES

    He answered my question...and it was positive.

    Second. I would find that more than acceptable. The doff missions have become my preferred method of acquiring BOFFs.

    I'm curious about this fleet holding related to small fleets. I wonder what they're thinking.

    And hell yes, a replica of the Sword of the Raptor Star, or any of S'Harien's swords really.
    On the subject of Hirogen, I don't believe their general Chaotic selfish alignment should be an issue.

    If necessary you could say that there is a second group of Hirogen that have ventured to the Beta and Alpha quadrants.

    If you consider the meetings Voyager's crew had with the Hirogen, there were plenty of Hirogen who were looking to settle down. There is a contingent of Hirogen who have expressed that the nomadic endless hunting lifestyle and culture was the slow death of their race and they were interested in averting it. Along with some Hirogen like that, you could add Hirogen Photonic Tactical Officers.

    It's been shown that there are Klingons that don't support the war against the Federation and the schism between the Romulans is well documented. There's no reason for us to behave as if the Hirogen are monolithic as well. And Hirogen could be a huge asset for the Romulan Republic, Federation, or the Klingon Empire, wherever they want to settle down.
    Agreed. That was a REALLY big aspect of the Hirogen's story in Voyager, that their race was slowly scattering itself to extinction. It'd be really cool to get a closer look at the culture of the subset of the race that wanted to settle down and build a new power base.
    I think any Cardassian Union faction should be at least two seasons down the line and second, should hinge on them being able to grab Andrew Robinson to do some voice work as Elim M***a F****n Garak as your contact on the Detapa Council. Third story wise, considering how similar the Cardassian and Romulan situations are, there should be something extremely key to differentiate the story arcs between a Romulan and Cardassian character. Both were fascistic people with secret police who after they returned to Democracy have allied with the Federation to rebuild their prosperity while the old secret police refuse to let the imperial ways and the oppression die. The difference is that Cardassian while rebuilding from ruins is still intact, so there's no search for a new homeworld. So storywise a Cardassian faction needs something big to set it apart.

    Most of all I'm extremely happy that they're going to bring the Federation story arc up to snuff, including continuing to remaster episodes. And I assume that applies to the Klingon stories that weren't in this expansion. And three cheers for reinventing Starfleet ship interiors. :D
    Garak was awesome!
    My character Tsin'xing
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kriss257 wrote: »
    Great job on LoR!! Downtime is a problme but i do have a life and they are scheudle so for me not a big problem.

    Q: (karmapoint) Alright? KDF and Romulans are here. And now what? What is the next big step for STO? Cardassians? Bajorans? DS9 Expansion? Voyager?

    Dstahl: While it is too early to discuss, this sounds like a great question for an upcoming poll. What do YOU think should be next for STO? More factions? More Sectors? More Features? We?ll definitely have to put a poll for this one.

    More Sectors and Features. 3 Factions is enough for now:)

    Most enoying is mail bug, i would like to see that fix ASAP.

    Keep up the great work!!
    Only 3? I was hoping for 8. :D

    Seriously though..... MMOs don't really do large numbers of factions often. It would be nice to see more factions in STO though.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • ewtasticewtastic Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I am new to STO and i see a big potential that is not being used. However just after some week i feel so limited already. In space combat there is not very many different kind of setups. Is it possible we will se more different kind of space weaponry, not just ten different kind of bonuses for same weapon.
  • spacewitchspacewitch Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I for one would love to see an Ipad app like the one CBS made for the Ipad, but with STO content...maps...race content,ship specs...the works...I love the Padd app and this could go far beyond the present Gateway they use today..think about it an App u use to find everything u might want to know about whats in the Game.
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Q: (karmapoint) Alright? KDF and Romulans are here. And now what? What is the next big step for STO? Cardassians? Bajorans? DS9 Expansion? Voyager?

    Dstahl: While it is too early to discuss, this sounds like a great question for an upcoming poll. What do YOU think should be next for STO? More factions? More Sectors? More Features? We?ll definitely have to put a poll for this one.

    Start the poll.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • pmaddenpmadden Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Great feedback. i love the roms.

    i dont know if theres a poll up already for future cont ideas, but heres my sugestion ---
    start hints for the temporal cold war. make it a feture episode series depicted from each factions point of veiw.
    it would probably be started by (and will be the end of) the Tal Shiar, its a tactic they would consider, its too subtle for the klingons, and the feds play too nice.

    it would start as somthing with good intetions like trying to prevent the hobus incidentandf restore Romulus, thus preventing the splitering of the race that made way for the Rom republic, but some bright spark will say "lets just erase this person from history and we'll all be better off"
    one thing will lead to another then all of a suden a temporal war.

    obviosly our captain will be testing some new sheilding at the time that has a temporal defection quality that leaves them protected from the temporal incursion that changes history. meaning were the only one left to correct it.

    just an idea.
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    What I'd like to see next is some kind of use for my ships like my dacoit which I currently have no use for. Even Duff missions to start off and then something deeper.
  • capspectacularcapspectacular Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have a suggestion that I would find useful while playing both Star Trek Online and Champions Online. Between the two games, I am running quite a few characters and am in multiple fleets and teams, and when I get a message from my fleet/team, I often am not sure which fleet/team I should be responding to, and I would greatly appreciate it if messages were directly addressed to the character being messaged; so, I don't get confused as to which fleet/team the message is regarding.

  • raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hi. Love the questions asked and I got a response to one of the answers.

    Q: (cookiecrook) When will other species like Hirogen become available?

    Dstahl: The new Romulans and Remans are the first new species we?ve added to the game in a while and we?re taking a good look at all of the possibilities that still exist. You should expect a new species sometime later this year, but we haven?t announced which faction it will be for yet (although it would make sense if it was for the Romulans). Hirogen are a possibility, but since they are so deeply tied to the Tal Shiar, we aren?t convinced they?re a good fit for the Romulan Republic. As always, we will watch out for player feedback on this matter.

    I actually disagree as I could see some Hirogen not wanting to work with the Tal Shiar and RSE Military and willing to work with the Romulan Republic for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is one can bet Hakeev has gone abducting them as well (seriously, the guy has a serious self-sealing stem bolt loose! He's a Warp Core short of a ship!).

    Another good reason? Some Hirogen might have a more noble ideal of what their race is like or should act like and would be willing to side with the D'tan. Others might be outcasts seeking a purpose and finding it aboard Republic ships or on New Romulus.
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    raventomoe wrote: »
    Another good reason? Some Hirogen might have a more noble ideal of what their race is like or should act like and would be willing to side with the D'tan. Others might be outcasts seeking a purpose and finding it aboard Republic ships or on New Romulus.

    That is a good point, although one could argue that it would make more sense for them to join the KDF. Their philosophies of finding honor in battle are very similar.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Dstahl: What do YOU think should be next for STO? More factions? More Sectors? More Features? We?ll definitely have to put a poll for this one.

    Spoken like a true Ferengi! No, seriously; all in the spirit of Rule of Acquisition 45:

    "Expand, or die."

    All MMO's suffer from this basic Rule, whether it be STO or EVE Online: management is always scared to death people will stop playing the game (or think the game is dying) when you don't come up with at least 1 major expansion every half year or so. So, don't think I don't understand.

    Still, from the perspective of the customer, can YOU understand, in turn, that it is highly frustrating to see you even think about new stuff already, whilst you still have to fix the mail; or the broken respec functionality; or that none of my boffs are showing up on my actual bridge, etc.

    So, if you gonna create a poll, I kindly ask that you please add the following option:

    "- None of the above. Fix old stuff first."

    P.S. This suggestion will probably be ignored; but let it not be said I never officially asked.
  • starsvoidstarsvoid Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It's great to see so many people excited about STO.

    I don't think I'm ever gonna forget the first couple days of logging in (when I could) and seeing nothing but tier 1 and 2 Romulan Warbirds, everywhere!
  • cookiecrookcookiecrook Member Posts: 4,536 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    raventomoe wrote: »
    Hi. Love the questions asked and I got a response to one of the answers.

    I actually disagree as I could see some Hirogen not wanting to work with the Tal Shiar and RSE Military and willing to work with the Romulan Republic for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is one can bet Hakeev has gone abducting them as well (seriously, the guy has a serious self-sealing stem bolt loose! He's a Warp Core short of a ship!).

    Another good reason? Some Hirogen might have a more noble ideal of what their race is like or should act like and would be willing to side with the D'tan. Others might be outcasts seeking a purpose and finding it aboard Republic ships or on New Romulus.

    Thank you! I was very disappointed to read that answer to my question. With any intelligent species, there are always different lifestyles to be explored. Janeway introduced the Hirogen to Holo style hunting as an alternative. I hope we will have the option in the future to play as the Tal Shiar in a sub plot of the main storyline that could also introduce the Hirogen.
    > <
    > <
    Looking for a new fleet? Drop by the in-game chat channel, "tenforwardforum", and say hi to the members of A Fleet Called Ten Forward (Fed) and The Orion Pirates (KDF). If you already have a fleet you are happy with, please feel free to drop by our chat channel if you are looking for a friendly bunch of helpful people to socialize with.
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