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Ask Cryptic: May 2013



  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's like that every month.

    "We might add that later." "Soon."

    Repeat as needed.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "we Did Plan For All The New People, But Sometimes Bad Things Just Happen For No Good Reason."

    Causality Does Not Work That Way
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    IDIC Tribble?... there are plenty vanity items the Romulans didn't get yet.

    how about GREEN Lightsaber Bat'Leths + Lirpas!?
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The link between reputation and dilithium is there, but buried, at least IMHO. Basically, the slower something takes, the more time you will spend in game (so cryptic thinks). And the more time you spend in game, the more likely you are to spend dilithium, or zen. Also, every time you finish a rep project for leveling, you get dilithium, which you could then spend, but its not much, so the hope is you would buy more dilithium because you only need a bit more, and you don't want to wait.

    IMHO, in Cryptic's view, it is better to have one person log in once every day for 15 minutes to do rep projects than it is for that one person to log in for an hour every four days doing something else. Because each time you log in, you might stay longer than the 15 minutes you absolutely need to. And if reputation was account bound, that means you only need to do that once a day log in for what was it, 2 months? After that, Cryptic feels that you will feel there is no point in logging in.

    And being totally honest, they might have a point, since there is nothing much to do at end game. Yes, you might spend more dilithium, but for how long? How many more characters would you get gear for to run STFs and whatnot that you have already run to death on every other character before that. As it is now, there coudl be an illusion of progress with each character, the idea that this is another character that you have dug your way to the top, that would make you want to keep going. Or so Cryptic seems to think. Personally I don't subscribe to that idea.

    Honestly, with the game as it is (not counting bugs) the only thing reputation messes up is PvP, since each reputation gives bonuses that are equally vaulable so to be compettive, you have to have them all. You don't need any of it for PvE (except for STF ground, kinda). I think that reputation would have been much better off in the long run if each reputation path was for a specific play style. So Omega might have been for escorts and tacs only, Romulan would have been for science ships and sci only, etc. Of course, with the way they all came out, this would have been a problem, but in the long run, it would have meant that each toon would only get something out of one rep, and therefore would only have to do one rep, unless they wanted to respec into something else, like a tac flying cruisers.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zerobang wrote: »
    IDIC Tribble?... there are plenty vanity items the Romulans didn't get yet.

    how about GREEN Lightsaber Bat'Leths + Lirpas!?

    Sorry for double post, but I type slow.

    Lirpas are Fed, Bat'Leths are KDF.

    Give us the Sword of the Raptor Star.
    Joined September 2011
    Nouveau riche LTS member
  • elcapitannx01elcapitannx01 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The new expansion is well done, but it doesn`t feel like much new to me. It`s just another species, some other costumes, a new way to sell us things like singularity cores etc, some new missions, another adventure zone.

    STO still lacks some Star Trek specific things, like exploration. An expansion shouldn`t be just more of old stuff but new stuff. New or improved game mechanics.

    There are many players out there doing STO because of the tiny bit of crafting, exploring and trading in there. Why not make some big expansion for them?

    Introduce trade, it doesn`t need to be as big as in Eve, but why not something like privateer...introduce ferengi with this new game feature.

    Why not a persistent, but undiscovered quadrant, which needs to be revealed to discover some rare ressources or species?

    Why not some form of round-based pvp territory control game...

    Anything! But please, not more ships, species, customes, adventure zones etc...

    And btw: neverwinters (ground) combat system is fun. Please adjust STOs ground combat skills, so it would work the same way.
  • mccarronxldmccarronxld Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That is well said. Personally I am more likely to leave a game if there is too much to achieve/grind for, rather than too little(See WoW). I am nearing that point of frustration when it comes to the Rep grind in STO across more than 2 characters. At this point I'd take any method as long as it made grinding rep across multiple characters less stressful. Account bound rep, stacking rep bonuses per character, anything!
    "You hurt me long ago; my wounds bled for years. Now you are back, but I am not the same."
  • atatassaultatatassault Member Posts: 1,008 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    malkarris wrote: »
    Sorry for double post, but I type slow.

    Lirpas are Fed, Bat'Leths are KDF.

    Give us the Sword of the Raptor Star.
    For the December Winter 2011 event, both factions got A lightsaber Bat'leth and Lirpa; Feds got blue blades, and KDF got red blades.
  • nierionnierion Member Posts: 326 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well that didn't answer much, aside from that your going work hard on the bugs & server issues, which is very good. A couple of things that I am concerned about is that if you decide to add in another faction, is that you'll try to keep it a 2 faction game still (like you've stated before) and make for example the Cardassians or someone like that have to alliance with FED or KDF, which would be utterly insane in my opinion. I do hope you adjust the game to include more than 2 factions.

    And when I say factions, I mean factions. So when you go into PVP you can choose to do 1 vs 1 against another faction or a 3 way PVP and the factions don't become dependent on making an ally.

    I still want you to guys to address the issues that have been involved in this game since launch. Lack of customisation in character creation, lack of control in the fleet interface (namely the lack of ranks) and being able to monitor and have more control over permissions. It is insane that I cannot even assign how many store items can be bought using our provisions daily.

    Please address the problems sooner than later and give us some solid answers.

    P.S. Despite my concern for aspects of this game that have needed addressing since release, I really love LoR. You've done a fantastic job and the game looks better than ever before.
  • otowiotowi Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Some good answers, and some that were the usual "comming soon" types.

    The only let down for me personally, were the 1000 day vet ship for romulans.

    2 months away?? Really?? I thought you guys said soon after release, but 2 months is not soon after LoR release in any way shape or form.

    For me, shortly after release is 2-4 weeks, not 2 months... :(
  • rainynrainyn Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just rerolled my Trill to a Joined Trill because I was told there weren't going to BE race change tokens!! MY LOCKBOX KEY MONNNNEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!

    Oh well. At least I can go back to my original main now. That's a plus! Thanks for putting this in (someday), Devs! I'll look forward to becoming a Joined Trill! :-)
  • galr25galr25 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "Q: (karmapoint) Alright? KDF and Romulans are here. And now what? What is the next big step for STO? Cardassians? Bajorans? DS9 Expansion? Voyager?"

    The Bajorans are part of the FED's.

    I would think an intro of the Cardassian Faction would have a Ds9 and maybe a Gamma sector expansion, as part of the killing the True way story line and the Dominion would pop up somehow.

    Also I think the talk of the Suliban in a comment and a new species being introduced with the

    "although it would make sense if it was for the Romulans"

    quote , speaks for its self. Especially with the link to them in the early RRF story and calling the cell ship for exchange etc.
  • koihimenakamurakoihimenakamura Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I doubt, and for good reason, they'll ever put a true third faction in. Three-faction games tend to run.. oddly.
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    galr25 wrote: »
    "Q: (karmapoint) Alright? KDF and Romulans are here. And now what? What is the next big step for STO? Cardassians? Bajorans? DS9 Expansion? Voyager?"

    The Bajorans are part of the FED's.

    I would think an intro of the Cardassian Faction would have a Ds9 and maybe a Gamma sector expansion, as part of the killing the True way story line and the Dominion would pop up somehow.

    Also I think the talk of the Suliban in a comment and a new species being introduced with the

    "although it would make sense if it was for the Romulans"

    quote , speaks for its self. Especially with the link to them in the early RRF story and calling the cell ship for exchange etc.

    Cardassians are pretty much fed lackeys as the federation is helping them rebuild, so sulaban for roms and then what for klingons.
  • galr25galr25 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    voicesdark wrote: »
    Cardassians are pretty much fed lackeys as the federation is helping them rebuild

    Just how they where helping the Romulans rebuild before LOR and still are now.

    It would be another demi-faction for sure though. I've said this already on a couple of other threads so I will just quote myself....
    galr25 wrote: »
    The Cardassian's will be added exactly like the Romulan's , even with a similar story , Home world disaster , rebuilding and the True way (or obsidion order) Replacing the Tal Shiar (SPOILER: whom are in contact with the True way in the Romulan story line).

    I would still fly a 'New Cardassian Union' ship however.
  • captainkeatzcaptainkeatz Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd prefer a Constellation-Class before we move on to non-canon and soft-canon ships like Achilles...
  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I hope this also means the possibility of Suliban Playable Captain Species. That would be great.

    On the Suliban Bridge Officers, I hope it would be as part of an "Evaluate <Species> Bridge Officer Candidate" Doff assignment, like how the Romulan and Reman Species are confirmed to be eventually added for Republic characters. Not against C-store options pe rsay, but would rather have the option of more then one Suliban Boff.

    I also want to add my Support to a playable Cardassian Union Faction. But no hurry on that one, I think the Dev team needs a break before they work on another expansion. Still would be awesome to have on the Long term radar.

    First of all YES YES YES

    He answered my question...and it was positive.

    Second. I would find that more than acceptable. The doff missions have become my preferred method of acquiring BOFFs.

    I'm curious about this fleet holding related to small fleets. I wonder what they're thinking.

    And hell yes, a replica of the Sword of the Raptor Star, or any of S'Harien's swords really.

    On the subject of Hirogen, I don't believe their general Chaotic selfish alignment should be an issue.

    If necessary you could say that there is a second group of Hirogen that have ventured to the Beta and Alpha quadrants.

    If you consider the meetings Voyager's crew had with the Hirogen, there were plenty of Hirogen who were looking to settle down. There is a contingent of Hirogen who have expressed that the nomadic endless hunting lifestyle and culture was the slow death of their race and they were interested in averting it. Along with some Hirogen like that, you could add Hirogen Photonic Tactical Officers.

    It's been shown that there are Klingons that don't support the war against the Federation and the schism between the Romulans is well documented. There's no reason for us to behave as if the Hirogen are monolithic as well. And Hirogen could be a huge asset for the Romulan Republic, Federation, or the Klingon Empire, wherever they want to settle down.

    I think any Cardassian Union faction should be at least two seasons down the line and second, should hinge on them being able to grab Andrew Robinson to do some voice work as Elim M***a F****n Garak as your contact on the Detapa Council. Third story wise, considering how similar the Cardassian and Romulan situations are, there should be something extremely key to differentiate the story arcs between a Romulan and Cardassian character. Both were fascistic people with secret police who after they returned to Democracy have allied with the Federation to rebuild their prosperity while the old secret police refuse to let the imperial ways and the oppression die. The difference is that Cardassian while rebuilding from ruins is still intact, so there's no search for a new homeworld. So storywise a Cardassian faction needs something big to set it apart.

    Most of all I'm extremely happy that they're going to bring the Federation story arc up to snuff, including continuing to remaster episodes. And I assume that applies to the Klingon stories that weren't in this expansion. And three cheers for reinventing Starfleet ship interiors. :D
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • galr25galr25 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    captaind3 wrote: »
    I think any Cardassian Union faction should be at least two seasons down the line and second, should hinge on them being able to grab Andrew Robinson to do some voice work as Elim M***a F****n Garak as your contact on the Detapa Council.

    Agree it should be a Cardassian faction should be about 18 months away very minimum a year. If its happens , can expand then on a four faction system which is more stable than a 3. though we know 2 would be Demi-factions.

    As for the Grabbing Andrew Robinson , yes yes and more yes !!! for a start he (as Garak)is meant to be something high up in the current Cardassian government so there for could be the guy we report to. But mainly because ye is a total ****ing LEGEND!!! and Garak is one of the best none main characters ever , and the best DS9 character !!!
  • kerberos#9304 kerberos Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Me and some of my Fleet friends have requested that you change the Gorn. What I mean by this is that you change the Current Gorns appearance to something different. The problem we have is that they look like miniature Godzilla's, and that really does feels as if the Gorn were supposed to be represented in the Star Trek Universe.

    Me and my friends propose that the current Gorn be changed back to the old looking (Before the Season 4 update).

    I spoke to Star Trek Online via the Twitter page and I recommend that f you did not have the Template for the old Gorn. There is a NPC that still uses the Old Gorn Templat. The NPC is located In the Shipyard above Quo-nos, He repairs the Ships for when they are damaged in combat.

    I recommended using that Gorns' Template to figure something out.

    The Second option that we came up with was that you could base your design or use the New Gorn Appearance from the Star Trek 2013 video game. The Gorn depicted there are more grittier and seem more believable to be Gorn.

    I was sent here by the Star Trek Online Twitter to speak to someone or to post about this because I think this is a great new option and that it will hopefully lead to many more updates of other things.

    Such as more grittier and unique looking ships, may be based on like a similar design to the New JJ Abrams movies, or at least an option to play as these new intake of Ships and Characters.

    I hope that you take this as an request and will looking into this as much as you can. It would be really gratifying that you would take such a request such as this.

    Thanks for your Help.

    From Olbricht.

    Have A Good One.
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Eh I hope they fix the KDF uniforms before they start trying to add to the already existing broken costumes lol. Here you go new content that still doesn't work lol.

    Really though the game needs more features over new reps and factions. The reasons I say this is for the kdf went for the longest time with never needing more than one instance because thats how dead it was. People are just going to end up getting bored of doing the same old same old stuff. The game really needs some think out side of the box stuff I know if they did a poll right now more than likely territorial control would be on top of the list.

    In all seriousness there needs to be some gameplay that doesn't involve kill X of TRIBBLE amount of npcs or repeatably spamming f key. Also no more stuff of heres 10 marks for a 10-15 minute mission with gear ppl are wanting to get nearing 750 to 1000 marks. Theres a line at a decent grind and then just overboard of having to do something a god awful amount of times.

    To some degree I'm welcoming the cross faction ques even more being that the kdf population is always going to be low :P
  • aexraelaexrael Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The Tal Shiar does not divulge information so easily, as evident by this months Ask Cryptic. ;)
  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited June 2013
    A couple of things:

    Q: (cidstorm) Will the ways to get Romulan and Reman species duty officers ever be expanded?
    Dstahl: Yes. This is in the works.

    will we be able to get romulan/reman bridge officers other than the few you get leveling up? I thought higher quality Boffs could be obtained from the command center requisition officer but she sells only commons and since rare traits like Aux-SIF 3/Beam overload-3, etc can only be obtained from uncommon quality or better Boffs it is putting a dampener on making some builds. Ideally the requisition officer would carry common, uncommon, rare and very rare boffs for dilithium and that our allied faction Boffs could be used to train our crew.

    Q: (superherofan) Will Romulans be getting their own costume variants of the STF ground gear and environmental suits?
    Dstahl: At least some of this work is underway. I?ve seen the Romulan environmental suits, but not the STF gear yet.

    I finally broke down and bought one of the kdf combat eva suits for my new reman tac the suit looks awesome, the problem is that Rare/VR eva suits on the exchange can have more combat effective stats, for example I have a purple eva suit with [HP][CrtD][Radtox] modifiers vs the c-store version seems to have a [PHYS][radtox]+an energy harness 5% energy dmg bonus. so is it possible it can be checked and maybe get it upgraded? I was thinking maybe like the stats on the "Chromodynamic Armor" http://sto.gamepedia.com/Chromodynamic_Armor .... so +5% energy damage, +5% crit chance, +40% crit severity.

    Just wondering if we will ever see the old pre-order items available as a c-store bundle?

    I had an idea for a special pre-order bundle package items included to be:

    ground - make these level-less but with a hard cap of Mk X grade
    http://sto.gamepedia.com/TR-116A_Rifle_-_Sniper_Rifle the problem child lol

    space - make these level-less but with a hard cap of Mk X grade

    keep these with current stats

    Sell this as special bundle for 2500-3000 zen as an account unlock and I imagine it would sell quite well.
  • lazarus51166lazarus51166 Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    "we Did Plan For All The New People, But Sometimes Bad Things Just Happen For No Good Reason."

    'Just happen' and 'no good reason'? Really?

    You knew the server was already having stability issues WEEKS before you released the update - knowing that doing so would cause the server to be flooded well beyond its capacity and cause even more issues. Everyone knows this.

    Nothing 'just happened' There was very much a reason for all these network problems. It should have been very clear and very obvious what was going to happen stability wise. If you have someone telling you otherwise FIRE THAT PERSON, because such claims go well beyond incompetence.

    As for the flood of bugs....again.....no good reason? REALLY? Are you seriously trying to say you didn't know the release would be this buggy? Either thats a lie or it was nowhere near tested properly, and its not like it wasn't on tribble.

    You screwed the pooch on this one and don't want to admit it. We aren't stupid
  • superherofansuperherofan Member Posts: 342 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Glad to hear about my question about ground costumes. I hope that as part of the big bug cleanup that people take a pass at the story dialogue for Romulans, since the non-Romulan missions keep calling me a Fed. Really immersion breaking.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Rather disappointed that there was no official comment or clarification of the mail system changes. Specifically, the 100 attachment limit commented on by BranFlakes on Twitter, as well as what exactly they did to the mail system in general. Oddly, I still haven't seen any "official" comment, even on a thread that is apparently being read... and this doesn't appear to have happened.

    "We also have a big bug fix update in the works to address many of the issues that you?ve been reporting such as in game mail, Romulan mission bugs, and much more." is not much of a clarification on the mail subject or the attachment limit changes. Come on, a bit more transparency in what's going on... please?
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Since any future additions will probably be much like the Rommies, then the Cardassians are a good addition. They both are divided societies trying to recover from a major disaster (the Dominion War for the Cardassians). The two sides of the Cardassians would seek allies to improves their chances against the other. True Way can join up with Tal Shiar (they are willing to help if it gives a second front against FEDs and KDF. While the Free Cardassians (nice name, right) will seek help from Romulans (and through them get help from FED and KDF).

    The addition would allow Cardy toons to use Rom ship (they need ships), as well as the associated faction ships (1-4), and in exchange the Rommies can use Cardy ships (e.g. Hideki escort/fighter, Galor, Keldon, and some larger additions like a Dreadnought able to deploy multiple orbital weapon platforms) Of course, the whole Galor lockbox issue will need to be resolved. Either a weaker Galor for issue (not favorable), or a beefed up and more special Galor from Lockbox (retroactive to current users).

    Cardy would be a nice addition and a good playable captain. :cool:
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Glad to hear about my question about ground costumes. I hope that as part of the big bug cleanup that people take a pass at the story dialogue for Romulans, since the non-Romulan missions keep calling me a Fed. Really immersion breaking.

    That and there should be for our romulans since they are allying with either faction we should get a romulan specific costume as well as the ally race one tbh of my opinion on that. Yeah I mostly play KDF tho but there were very few instances I saw something like that I just think because of history with KDF they wanted to make sure the KDF was addressed in the content aspect to put that past behind them to press on to better things.
  • neos472neos472 Member Posts: 580 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i am kinda hopeful with the hope for the Achilles class ship that was a fun ship to use and a lot of answers and hints for the future =) looking forward to the scimmy specs.
    manipulator of time and long time space traveler
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    neos472 wrote: »
    i am kinda hopeful with the hope for the Achilles class ship that was a fun ship to use and a lot of answers and hints for the future =) looking forward to the scimmy specs.

    I am looking for them to release content so I can basically balance out my account when it comes to different factions/semi factions.
  • mattsarrmattsarr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why do people want to dismiss Tovan?is it just because they can't ATM? He's a free purple boff with good traits and voice work...

    Also why did no-one ask about recruiting more Romulan/Reman Boffs? You get quest reward ones as you rank up and that's it?! I want an all Reman (perhaps that's why they want to drop Tovan?) and all Romulan bridge crew!
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